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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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so you understood that, didn't you? when you wrote those words, when you decided to include those words, when you decided to go beyond specific references, the documents you understood her redesigned from the us department of justice. on monday, his investigation decided the evidence that by didn't will fully held onto highly classified information. and she added with a ghost writer, president by didn't, has denied all the allegations against him. i do not share classified information. i did not share with my goal, so i did not guarantee you did not did not say that mr. president. one of the questions i know we spoke with talk show host steve miles, but he said that he. busy brought up biden's health issues in order to justify his decision to not press charges. it is a 2 tier system of justice. donald trump is the only one prosecuted since
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2016. you know, many people have been the nominee use of their parties running for president toys, assuming for 51 his nomination tonight. trump? well, when at later tonight. so you had 16 trump, a trump, hillary. then you had trump binding, and now you could have trump, but free people buy with is classified documents and, and one key points here. he was taking documents for 40 years, 40 years as a senator, as a vice president. i mean, crazy stop. hillary had a whole bunch of emails that was subpoenaed, she destroyed them, chippy hamburgers, cellphone, did everything, only donald trump, the republican, has charges brought against the only truck. and this is going to help donald trump in the eyes of the public, because now they see all the evidence against joe biden, and nothing, nothing. trump, who did little by comparison, and he could go to jail, to and the sale. davis asked, thanks for watching. i'll see you again the
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the power body armor sanchez and now you can see the show every single day. we're proud to say, i am here to tell you that after being a journalist and a news presenter for the biggest networks in the united states for so many years, i know what they do and it isn't right. i believe it's time for context and truth telling and in that vein, here's what we're going to talk about today. choose palm number one. the royal family is lying once again, this time it's about kate middleton's photo shopped family picture. why? why lie about such a thing? we're going to tell you why truth bob, number 2, did you know that your car,
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your car is secretly recall. busy seeing what you do and then turning it over to insurance companies. think about that one. trust bob. number 3 is the us really spending $7000000000.00 to buy island nations in the pacific. and why are we doing that? i'm going to tell you why, but the most important, perhaps interesting story of the day has to do with the haiti crisis. the haiti crisis produced by the us state department and coming to a live cable news broadcast near you very soon. get ready. this is direct impact the right i gotta say at the royal family is in a bit of a sticky wicket these days. because of all why this one is weird and you have
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telling me it has to do with kate middleton otherwise known as catherine princess of wales. so it appears that middleton has been missing for several months. and the media then started obviously asking questions after just paid billions of dollars just to be there. but she wasn't there. the princess says that she had abdominal surgery. and that is a reason that she was no longer around, i guess in hiding oral surgery. so the media continued to ask questions, does she have some kind of plastic surgery? maybe she didn't want to say, is there something really wrong with her that we need to know? where is she? now some of you would ask, who cares? right? and i get it and normally you're right now nobody would give a crap about the story. busy until suddenly, this photo up here, take
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a look at this. there she is. that's kate. and those are beautiful children. see, she's fine. there's nothing to talk about. move along, everybody. but wait. after the royals put out that pick people on the internet took a look. a little more carefully and they said that photo you just saw, right there, it's fake. it's a face photo. i say all those circles that are obvious examples of the photo shopping and the distortions and the mistakes. and look at this, see that right there. look at that as her daughter's wrist is he of a sweater sleeve is completely distorted when readers zoomed in, they noticed that the sweater sleep just kind of disappears. busy and then it just kind of reappears, see that little ring at the very end there. but only that one portion at the very end is still part of the bigger one. so it, obviously they messed with it, right? the image is filled with obvious photoshop distortions which the princess is now
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admitting and she's apologizing for it. she said, oh, it's all my fault, but fine, but here's the, here's the problem with stories like this, but many are asking, and i know it's just a little thing. maybe not a huge deal, but it makes us wonder, right? and we have a right to do this because we're talking about one of the most powerful countries in the world, right? if they're willing to lie, the royals are willing to lie about something relatively as unimportant as this. and by golly, what else are they lying about right here? we have kind of a lot of data points right there in the grassy area behind the house. we do our own on slide $39.00 total jury. what does calculations represent? so this is going to represent the drive from most out of alameda during that drive, the suburban reaching max speed of 74.4 miles per hour during that drive. in
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average, 51.94 miles per hour or right. so you're probably wondering what that is right here, that testimony, that's testimony in the court case. what you just heard right there or watched is a testimony from a very famous murder trial here in the united states that was televised and became really famous. millions of people watch this thing every day. this guy killed his wife and his son just blow them away. horrible. and he was found guilty in part because of that testimony that you just saw, right there, were prosecutors looked at the computer in his car, the car that he was driving. and they were able to pinpoint exactly where he was at the time of the border. how fast he was going before and after the murder, where he parked, when he got out of the car, you name it. he and his lies were lost by the computer in his car in that amazing. until i saw that trout i frankly, i didn't even know that my car could do something like that. not to lie. watch the
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trial. imagine that. now imagine this, your car constantly records. everything about where you are, right? you're driving patterns, your habits, your speeds all the time. and guess what? the people with access to that information are doing with it. we are now learning. talk about the truth problem. you need to know about. they're selling it to insurance companies so that when you go, when you apply for insurance, you don't know there's but they do. they haven't secretly gathering all of your driving dirt. and that is why your insurance sometimes is going to go up and you have no way to even contest it. does that seem fair? i don't think so. big brother is watching you, and he's a computer in your car that my friends is the future. now let's take a trip back to the past. what do you say? in 76 countries around the world? we have some type of military presence or some type of engage and
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it's out here and they, i'm going to show it to you. so you can see it for yourself. it's even more dramatic when you actually look at it on a map. now, here's a map of the world. and what i'm going to do is, 1st i want to light up the countries where we have military bases. there are 444 of them and all everything you see there in red. those are the countries where the united states now has military bases. and we've been adding a lot off a lot in the last, uh, 10 or 15 years. so that is me in case you couldn't tell a younger rick sanchez, a few years ago doing a story about how many military base since our government has established all over the world. it's kind of crazy, really. we now have at this point when i last checked, got a ground. busy or 750 bases and 18 different countries all over the world. no country ever in the history of the planet has ever a mass such a military expansion like the one that we have right now. the good old us say,
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well, guess what? we're about to add 3 more. that's right. let's take a look at the map here. here they are on the map. these are the 3 islands. we're kind of buying or re purchasing the property of for $7000000000.00. so we can have military bases on the they are the marshall islands, the federated states of micronesia. and finally, pull out, let me say that again because it's fun. pull out. 2 takes year, at least as far as i see it. maybe you think the same one. if you're wondering these days why china is spending billions to build up, it's maybe our expansion, our military expansion might have something to do with it as they see it. we're putting military bases in wrong ways near them. so they feel like they have to do the same. here's number 2. and this one almost makes me laugh
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inside there. and there is, as we know, big money in these deals, right? these military expansion, this moves make a lot of money for a lot of military contractors out there for the super rich. and those same people donate a ton of money to congress, right? we know this right? think about this, our congress, which cannot pass a board or bill, which cannot agree on who should leave the, which generally just can't get anything done in any reasonable amount of time. but look at here, this $7000000.00 deal to expand our military presence around the world. they've got that done overnight. speaking of the us military. let's take a look at what's happening now in haiti. the
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. yeah, this is crazy. look at these videos right. once again, i mean we've seen them in the past. the us military has been evacuating staff members of the embassy after a massive jail break. they are in haiti, the tiny caribbean nation. once again, is the stabilized as the so called army gangs of mount taken to the streets of were reading in the pages and places like a new york times. they're creating havoc in the city of for the prince. i know haiti, i know for the prince. i've been there, i've covered it as a correspondent for much of my life. i also know that we tend to use that country for our own political needs from time to time. speaking of that, here a secretary state entity blanket, who is ukraine and guys, the policies are turning into political disasters. now looking for a when in haiti, steven this is increasingly urgent need. i'm announcing today that the united
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states department of defense is doubling its approve support for the mission from a $100000000.00 to $200000000.00. and that brings the total us support to $300000000.00 for this effort. i'm also announcing additionally monitoring assistance for the people of $8033000000.00 to further support their health and food security. while we $33000000.00, ukraine, a $1258033000000.00. but he gets to give a news conference on it. why is haiti getting so much attention? all of a sudden with all that is going on in the world, why would the by the administration suddenly screams no. right, sorry, i couldn't help myself. but this does look and feel like a distraction, doesn't it? come on. somebody needs a good story out there. and every good story, by the way, it needs a villain, a bad guy, right? well, here's the bad guy,
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meet jimmy sherry j. the western media calls him barbecue. i thought, making this up. they also call him the most powerful gang leader in haiti. really does sound made up, doesn't it? well, just you doubt me. here he is. are able to solve, but i believe a base off. we've got the body to up, lead up when you fact. so let me know more about it so so so, so do me about that? no problem. i'm going to quote it the about i get up for you. so with that song, lucy pembroke, that the more got it done for us to get body. so the idea, so we got some simple, you'll check then with you or not, but we'll get, we'll assume that busted may not fast. it will areas in. but while there is mr. barbecue himself, who is at least according to reports, appearing in western media, a savage killer. let's see. what else are they calling them? and they say, he's the king of chaos. they call him the gang stair man. he's an ex cop,
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but he really works for the government secretly. they say, they say he's messed up massacred. hundreds and hundreds of people and that he uh, packs a pistol in his waist bed and is guarded by scheme of henchmen with high powered rifles. wow. like super mad or super evil villain. now if like me, you're hearing all this or reading all this and your b. s. antennas are shooting up. when you, when you hear somebody being described like is bad, bad leroy brown with a razor, an issue. you're not, i'll look at what daniel mcadams from the ron paul institute posted on twitter. they've got our attention here. let me, let me read you. what he writes. he writes dudes, patients eating other haitians. it sounds like c, i a cy. off to justify whitening u. s. military operation. by them is a full tard who lived with desperately needs of military when anything. so he's
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going with this barbecue b. s. come on, man. don't let them fall to you again. that's daniel mcadams. and guess what? or can i tell you something that's daniel mike adams. various, by golly, he's lived and he's have been explained to us what he meant. in that tweet that his mother will soon be washing his mouth out with soap for we're going to be told go with the a
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russian state. never as tight as one of the most sense community best to him, then i'll send send up the in the 65 with this new speed. the one else calls question about this. even though we will fan in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the said this is steven twist, which is the
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hey, i'm rick sanchez. welcome back. not to be confused with bad bad leeway brown. we're joined now by daniel mcadams, executive director of the ron paul institute. it's always a pleasure to be able to talk to somebody who brings that perspective to the table that is unlike what you hear all the time everywhere else. and as we look at there's a story. i can just field a drum be coming on. i know anderson cooper already has his bags packed and he will soon be reporting live from 4 to print, some showing you these horrible pictures of these poor people who we now through the, by the ministration need to save. what did i miss as well? you missed the cannibalism. that's the thing that everyone excited. let's see. i mean that's what i noticed yesterday. i mean, i have to apologize for my language sometimes on twitter, that's where i put my id. go out and take a little walk and that's what i was doing right?
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but you know, you're, i'm looking through news and all of a sudden i see over and over references to, to cannibalism. and i'm thinking this, this smells very, very funny. and i don't mean the barbecue something is going on here. there's some reason this is breaking out in the fog of the, of the, of the new cycle. and that's, that's what might be a detector. went way high. let's talk about this for a minute. so let's break it down because the average person there are people out there and you know, we've got millions of people are watching this conversation between you and i right now all over the world. and they're probably wondering, well, what exactly does he mean what, what exactly would be the game plan here? and why does the united states need to suddenly go into a city or a. busy or, or a country that's about this big and go in there with news conferences from the president and the state department. and now we're going to send them whopping $33000000.00 for humanitarian aid. what am i really up to down as well as us has a long history, as you know, much better than i reckon of interference interfering and intervening and 80,
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we occupied the country for home and a couple of decades or so. mm hm. um the unrest in 1994 and then you had the overs world they received in 2004. that was to go, the res baby hillary was in charge of that. so the u. s. has been involved in destabilizing havi, under the guise of stabilizing havi for decades. no. and so we have, we had a non elected prime minister, put in with the support of the united states, who now has fled. and apparently he's now in puerto rico, but in consultation with the us government. and so us why you have the rise of mr. barbecue, who we are told is running around cooking people and eating them. so therefore we have to intervene. it just, rick, it just strikes me as a kind of absurd propaganda that we get every time the war regime wants to interfere and intervene somewhere else. but why would they want to interfere in a place like this? which is unfortunately, and with all due respect to my dear asian friends being from miami,
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i have tons of them we corrupt together. but you know, there are really important giant countries in the world where we are actually not doing so well. we are being part of the phrase or the use of the word we're being barbecued for the screw up in gaza thus far. and the unmitigated support that we're giving to israel around the world. ukraine is a disaster, as have been many countries that i could name before that. so why not fix those situations rather than pay all this attention and all this very upfront publicity seeking attention in haiti. den, i want to ask you this to answer it brick because they're doing so badly everywhere else. this is a, my guess is this is looked at as a nice easy operation that we can get through and put a w in by, in this column, desperately needs to be in that column. or as you say, his foreign policy has been botched. you know, when you 1st mentioned that 30000000 and 8, i'm hoping that they don't profit some planes because probably kill more haitians
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than they then they helped as they did in gaza. so they need to be in the call them . and this is probably being sold to them as here's an easy when we got victoria out of their victoria new london. now we're going to, we're going to claim a when. is there a possibility that they're going to actually make this situation worse than it is? in other words, they're going to port gasoline on those haitian fire, just so they can be seen going in there and putting it out. it sounds like a horribly malcolm valley and thing to do, but when we do that, i said no, come on, rick. so we just fix this. no, of course. and that's exactly what they'll do because intervention, you wasn't dimensions number up. and so when i started hearing the cannibalism stores, i immediately thought of what they did to get off the when they wanted to get rid of him. they spread the same kind of salacious stories and all about it at that time. it was about viagra, fuels, troops running through the country. doing what people do. i guess you take that and it was salacious. and i think that's the reason it makes you cringe and all of
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a sudden video started appearing on twitter of people eating other people. and it's supposed to make, you know, like i'm also known as a veteran, but by god they're eating each other that we've got to do something that's what they want. that's the reaction they want. some people like you and i, we know they can't do anything right. so i think this is the sort of a pattern that we see. well, we saw with noriega is red underwear. all of a sudden there was every headline all over the world talking about the fact that he wore a red brakes that were very tight. why were they reporting that? why were they releasing that kind of information, but perhaps the greatest misinformation campaign, at least in my lifetime. cuz i wasn't around during the thinking of the main had to do with what happened in uh, in uh when we were building up the war in iraq. when solve a sudden we learned that in wage iraqi soldiers were ordered by saddam hussein to go in there and take children out of incubators,
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and then throw them on the floor and step on their heads was actually real testimony that made americans want to go fight in the war in iraq, it was a lie, wasn't it? or it was salacious. and that's what they want. and then as it turns out, as you say, it was the actually the daughter of aquarium bastards, united states who was prepped by the p. r, firm hill and knowlton to give that testimony before congress, which was a 100 percent manufactured. that's what they do. what's the norm trumps? you would say manufacturing consent for foreign military action overseas. and that's exactly what we see. and that's what we're seeing here. the same pattern, i mean that it's, i guess it just keeps working. they just keep rewriting the script. why don't, i mean, you know, you and i want to create a better country here we live here, our families are here and we think the united states, our country, has an enormous constitutional basis. enormous potential. and yet we keep hearing that our leaders are doing these kinds of things in our name. i just can't help and shake my head and wonder what it is that we could possibly do to call them on it.
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and here's maybe the more important question. they obviously are doing it because they're gaining something from it and the thing they're gaining must be money. how do we take that, that, that, that conveyor belt and shut it down? is there a way to as well the one thing that we always started do on our program and we've always tried to do working with dr. paul, on the hill is to convince the middle class that this is not a patriarch use of their government of their money that goes to the government. this inserting the middle class, the most, our massive, massive military budget is hurting the middle class. and now we just jump from the pentagon. well, gave all our weapons, waive any 10000000000 more. we just gave you half a trillion dollars for extra so called defense. and now you need 10000000000 more. so it's a, it's a money pit in until americans can connect the fact that they're going to be paying $10.00 for some bacon with the fact that they have spent trillions of dollars overseas in wars. that is the point i think when we're going to have some real
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success with a non interventionist one policy. but we won't hear that from the basic garge cable networks that to many americans watch or the newspapers they read, correct. well, that's correct and that's why shows like yours and ours, and all of us now who are doing alternative shows they're not even alternative anymore because the majority of people are watching us are not watching anderson cooper, a color, coordinating his outfit for 80. you know, that's not happening, they're watching us. so really the challenge is for us to do everything we can to, to reach more people and improve our message. yeah, i can't help but wonder after reading that report, i don't know if you heard me report that suddenly there's 3 more islands in the pacific where we're basically buying property so that we can put up military basis and look for all i know that might be a wonderful, important strategic decision and it might be beneficial for our military and we need that. i don't know, but my gut says we probably don't need it. we just have to keep expanding cause i've never seen this go in the other direction. and the washington is like the
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drunk in the bar. he keeps picking fights getting his butt kicked, and then he picks a fight with the stronger guy. so we got our butts kicked in ukraine by russia. so now let's take on china. that sounds like a great idea. oh, it's daniel back, adams. i'll tell you why. it's always wonderful having a conversation with you and talking about some of these truth farms as we like to say, which are important for all americans to here. dan, thanks so much for being with us. my friend here we go. i want to remind you of our mission here. it's simple really. we try to live in boxes, or at least try get away from that philosophy that everything lives in a box. we need to get away with the truth. it doesn't live in boxes to start with anywhere. they're all the places that you can see everywhere. and that's what we try and focus on. i'm rick sanchez. i'll be looking for you again right here, where i hope to provide the
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the, what is part of the, the, is it a portable post that isn't a deep su of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex, might the present good let's stop without cases. let's go products. as the
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the x just open the door and the possibility of products and must have flashing across the us will probably that's something i've been in the school just to read in the polls and it's a full of them in my own way. there's 3 of them by 6 football, slim shy, right? i'm like, i'm assuming, yes, you were looking for the most where this is this the
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but they must realize that the van fireball is ending a very clear the message. there is a lot of important ones. westland that leads about the shipping balance of power the well during is live raging, interviewed ahead of this week, presidential election prominent human rights group. i'm that the international rejects, the us plan for creating a maritime card. air popped off the coast. the guy that the watch doc says sending 8 by ships to not just lazy, calling land also on the ground, the top commander of the runs navy ships his views about his country as future military cooperation with russia and china.


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