tv News RT March 14, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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the the way i am sure that you recognize just help powerless this time is for our country and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction its core meaning is that you and only you, the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland on the eve of all the election, the russian president calls on the nations people to unite and costs bad. but on here and i'll tell you, we'd be no tracking the timeline of that and it puts me an office. and basically, how is perception of the hawking to ship with the west is changed over the russia east part of the european culture. and i cannot imagine my own country united nation from europe, so it is hard for me to visualize nato as an enemy. we are open to equitable
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cooperation to partnership trying to alaska is out of this race and the asia pacific by brian and get a cold bull mentality for the orchestra security type. start to see australia by 3 nuclear pallet, something ratings from america. in the next step, the car, i just moments off the 2 pm here and most ago with a full program of your top stories are ready to roll here on out to you international. so taking off this hour now with a breaking news, reaching us here at moscow as the ukranian forces of attack to the russian boarder, regence of belgrade and coast. according to the russian defense ministry, key of lost nearly 200 troops and 5 tanks in the attempt to the salts. meanwhile, the bel girl of the regions governor saying that a civilian vehicle had been hit in a ukrainian ms. sile a task on the regions capital killing one person and wounding 6 more ukrainian army
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continues to shell. those border areas also unconcerned reports from the city that allowed explosion was heard in the center. of course here, and i'll tell you we are across these developments the moment we get, the more details you get them to, to so it is election eve in russia with the country during up to go to the polls on friday. and for the 1st time after the vote will be held over multiple days. of course we will be there every step of the way with us special cover the and so ahead of the election of automate fruits and has addressed the nation, of course, calling on every russian citizen to take part because as he says, every vote counts the luxury and make it has been new. i see this will be the 8th time russians vote in the presidential election,
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which proves our country's commitment to one of the fundamental principles of democratic society and the regularity of elections. the outcome of this election will shape russia's evolution and growth for years to come. it is a historic event and a moment of great responsibility. the only source of power in our country is its people. a fundamental principle that's enshrined in russia's constitution, it's core, meaning is that you and only you, the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland. you are about to cast your vote, and in doing that, declare firmly and resolutely your will, your aspirations and your personal commitment to the continued development of our shared home. i am sure that you recognize just how perilous this time is for our country. and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction to continue to meet them with dignity and overcome these hardships, we need to remain united and remember our inner strength. we must show our unity and determination to march on together. every vote is valuable in every vote
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matters. so i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the coming days. our country is massive, but polling stations will be open on every corner in every city, town, and village. when you may take up with me. so aside from food and who are the other contenders in the race? this man right here, let us love the phone call for from the up and coming new people policy 39 years old. a former businessman, he's claiming to be the young, fresh face that russia needs. he's told a lot about the need to look eastwood's and the global south when it comes to building partnerships. the most up when you have the i have no fascination with the west, but it is important to proceed in relations with the west and europe, from pragmatism and common sense. this pragmatism is that if you can't reach an agreement now, then you need to work with other countries. there are many countries that express their concern about any problem between russia and ukraine, but continue to earn money and worked with both countries. there are many such
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examples such as india enter key a, in my opinion, it is necessary to develop relations with other countries. the world is big. now we have great success in cooperation with latin america and the african countries. this cooperation should be continued. this is the key to the future. next step is nikolai kind of pulling off from the communist party, a parliamentary veteran, he's speaking the familiar face and well the politics, but what more than 3 decades? in fact, the was even a runner up when he lost it for president in 2004, a burning elect torrell issue that if you crane where he says that that can be noble, goodwill, justice jim, a colored somebody. and you officially given the current public regime in ukraine, which was planted by western europe. i perfectly understand the population of ukraine. they are ready to agree by and large to do anything to stop the fighting film. which recently both for administer lever off and the president of our country
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have repeatedly stated that we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table. but on russia's terms, there is no other option. and finally, leaving it slootsky who leads the liberal democratic party comedy, upholding at around 3 percent. is also actually a member of the russian delegation of the assembled piece. thoughts with ukraine that was back in the spring of 2022. if you remember, his campaign has been driven by a social issues, like, for example, tax cuts and inflation. yes, the address if we described the russia of the future as we see it, it will be a comfortable country where you can not worry about safety driving normal roads without traffic jams and not freeze at home in winter because the management companies work well. it is a fair country where all citizens rights are respected and all social guarantees are realized where there are no poor people. this is a great country that is respected by everyone in the world. it has formed a new global majority in the world, replacing the anglo saxon regimes centered in washington and putting an end to the
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dispute over what the world order should be. it will be multi polar. now as you might imagine, the conflict and ukraine is a pivotal factor for many russians and likely to weigh in on the outcome of the elections of the kaufman because also impacted the incumbent president stones towards southern western powers. so one thing is we're in a culture of a has been looking at houses, not improvements attitude towards them has changed throughout his timing church. a lot of air pollution became ross as president for the 1st time. it was a breath of fresh air and not only for russians, it look good and promise thing of the beginning with the west appearance, a welcome rushes and you. later i have come to moscow important time. russia, after all, has a new president, a new government, and the duma. its economy is showing encouraging signs of growth. this gives russia a pivotal opportunity to build on the strong record of engagement between our 2 countries. it is also an opportunity for the united states. i welcome president
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clinton's interest in building a russian that enjoys the enduring strength of a stable democracy. they evidently like what he had been said, and they were eager to engage for some boots and went on to define his vision is only the west had listened. instead they went on to prove that they only support those who follow them blindly. yeah, yes. the social of democratic principles in international relations, the ability to find the correct decision and readiness will compromise on a difficult thing. but then it was a european who was the 1st to understand how important it is to look for consensus over and above national egoism. we agree with that. all these are good ideas. it seemed just recently that a truly common home would shortly rise on the continent. a home in which the europeans would not be divided into east and west and northern or southern. today we must say one thing for all the cold war is done with we have entered
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a new stage of development. we understand that without a modern sound and sustainable security architecture, we will never be able to create an atmosphere of trust on the continent. and without that atmosphere of trust, there can be no united, greater europe, a lot of our puts in the most optimistic about russia's relationship with the wes. we'll see what he had to say about this assessments in hindsight. but for now, let's say in the early 2, thousands, that's when the russian lead or even consider joining forces with nato. what i see here, russia is part of the european culture. and i cannot imagine my own country and nice solutions from europe and what we often call the civilized world. so it is hard for me to visualize nato as an enemy. i think even posing the question, this way will not do any good to russia or the world. the very question is capable of causing damage. we are open to equitable cooperation to partnership some. even
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joe biden, as senator at the time was singing his praises saying that no russian leader since peter the great has passed as long as lots with the was as boots and it has well, it was all good. as long as russians leader did it in severe and international affairs, it seems, well the warsaw pact long dissolves and soviet era basis close. mass go will seemingly play into long and was expecting this partners to do the same. washington, however, continued to expand, nato, withdrew from the and so ballistic missile pretty well innovating. i've gotten this done before it moved on to iraq. well, experts say that was the turning point. russell's adamant that these developments require the let's have a look here. they're required a political settlement and they emphasize that the situation could only be resolved for international cooperation through the security council and in compliance with the un charter. if we stand for resolving the problem exclusively through peaceful
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means, any other option would be a mistake. it wouldn't be fraud with the grievous consequences. it will result in casualties and the stabilize the international situation in general. well, we all know what happened there, a total and utter disaster. the wes continued to ignore a lot of my pollutants. warnings was withdrawn from yet another treaty. this time on nuclear arms reduction. the big picture was looking very suspicious. let's not forget that one of the boots is main issues from the get go. what's for the west to stop expanding nato or a sports bra? so naturally saw it as a threats, but it says the shooting in nato expansion does not have any relation with the more than i zation of the alliance itself. or with ensuring security in europe. on the contrary, it represents a serious publication that reduces the level of mutual trust. and we have the right to ask against whom is this expansion intended?
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and what happened to the assurances are western partners made after the dissolution of the warsaw pact? i would like to quote the speech of nato general secretary, mister werner in brussels on 17th may 1990. he said at the time that the fact that we are ready not to place a needle army outside of german territory gives the soviet union a firm security guarantee. where are these guarantees? as that fell on deaf ears once again, because they had all continued expanded, have a look at this map right here. this is what it looked like before nato didn't just swallow up. new members, both countries that used to be part of the warsaw pact with the soviet union, and they kept moving closer and closer to russia's bores. the spies vladimir boots insane stop. we didn't get unless you're going to need to moisten that. russia cannot but react to actions that undermine and security. further expansion of the military block is a problem for us. so let's live amicably and have
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a fair dialogue, guys, the way we are treated, we will react the same way. but today i felt that i was heard by my partners, but they didn't listen well the towards the end, ukraine next on the list, the plans that are in georgia and so and, and so i rush and stay veteran work out us before i bought america was undeterred and essentially took it upon itself to make sure that the plan for kids was put into action as we all saw with the my down to in 2014. well, despite the fact that kids military had killed thousands of civilians in the pro russian don't boss for years, lot of our fruits and remain calm and collected, urging all sides to negotiate. that a miracle happened with both parties sign and the men's agreements. so and all hostilities you have to fill in p c junior's cuz then we probably would generally join what has been said here. today's negotiators have adopted a final joins document the 3 of firms,
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the risk ability of strict and consistent implementation of the minutes agreements of 12 of february 2015, and stresses the importance of establishing direct dialogue between the parties to the conflict. it was all a scam, just like washington's promise not to expand nato, leaving russell with no other option but to use military force to protect the civilians in former parts of eastern new crane, the west side with launch and their interventions all around the world for decades in the name of suppose a democracy, which never actually comes to countries, they invade, but we're russia simply stood up to say civilians from campus the military, natal pride file. yes, that was definitely my even i can tell you with absolute sincerity, despite the fact that i worked in the security services for 20 years, i still had an idea that the whole world and the so called, civilized world understands that russia has become a different country that there is no ideological confrontation anymore,
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and i usually thought that it was the inertia of thinking and actions. that was a nice belief. and the realities are that after the collapse of the ussr, it was believed that russia would also collapse. then they wouldn't be able to pick apart the pieces and use our resources. it was only later that this realization came to me. but when it comes to most a comprehensive coverage of the election, this is the place to be because all the correspondence expos, an analyst, all waiting to give that take over the next couple of days. if you can stick around or special coverage kicks off. i received the quote, a typical cold woman tell it he, that's the latest condemnation from china is foreign ministry of the august security pack between the u. s. u. k. and australia. they have tried that for alliance with a camera buying at least 3 nuclear powered supplements from washington. and the
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early part of the next decade, a beijing says this will only exacerbate an arms race in the region of the age of us to you by setting up the so called august the us, the u. k. and australia are in reality, inciting military confrontation through military cooperation. this is typical cold war mentality and will increase the risk of nuclear proliferation, exacerbate arms races in the asia pacific and harm peace and stability in the region. china and many other countries in the region are gravely concerned and oppose this. china has voice. it's serious concern, extra opposition to d. u. s. u k l is fairly a pushing forward nuclear powered summary and cooperation is 368000000000. australian dollar plan is for australia to buy at least 3 nuclear power for junior class summaries from the us in the early 2030. another please will be followed with australia and return to build their own class submarine noting australia or
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receiving it's for submarines in the early 20 forty's. the meal reflects the 3 countries syndrome wanted practices that despite the international rules, one of the countries in the region by china is talking about is indonesia, the closest neighbor off australia. indonesia has also raised concern on the heat up of the arms race, which clearly disrupts regional security and stability. the nation state at several times before that it does not want it's territory to become part of the theater of conflict. of these countries against china, indonesia standpoint is clear. our arca, pelagic ceilings cannot be used for activities related to war, the preparation of war or non peaceful activities. now about august, it is not a form for training. it is like a defense packed, just like nato, but on a smaller scale created to face chinese activities in the pacific. it means the
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vessels are the inseparable parts of august. it definitely is related to had to head rivalry with the chinese maritime powers. it means it is not a peaceful means, so the indonesia will reject them sailing through its waters. jakarta is yet to decide whether supper we would be permitted to travel inside its maritime territory . but the opening of the gate could also lead to a threat to endure shot, as many experts from indonesia stayed at before. for example, focus will definitely ask to post through the east west route that has been closed . the java c is open for them to pass through, and that will be a threat to indonesia. it's as if they're entering while splitting up the house with its free and after foreign policy and initial sense for him in contributing to the world peace and security. therefore, its trust us the importance of australia's commitment to continue meeting all of
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its nuclear non proliferation obligations. even with the conflicted solutions that go along the nuclear powered submarine not to forget that even naisha has also warned against an arms race back in 2021. when the plan was 1st announced, indonesia cautiously takes note of the australian government's decision to acquire nuclear powered submarines. indonesia is deeply concerned over the continuing arms race and power projection in the region. another problem is already waiting at the door. the past with the ocean is no stranger to nuclear waste. countries have historically treated the past with big as a dumping ground for their nuclear. we just like what the u. s. that between 19461957. after conducting $67.00 nuclear tests in the marshall islands and disposing the waste and run it, go these these,
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there's concerned up the do miss lee king and the structural stability of it could be impacted quite increasing sea levels. however, the all cars might slip this out of the conversation and stick with their plan to strengthen their own regional highway. as nigeria has a reopened land and ad borders with a neighboring need, yeah, it's all part of a reason for and raw the frosty relations. a ties did hit the rock soft for a coup in egypt last year that resulted in the country suddenly being sanctioned look report. and now timothy, i'll be, as we're picking up this latest part of the story of the season to reopen nigeria of land and air borders. with me, sir, is in compliance with the air force resolution. my to and presidency said all the sections including suspension of commercial transactions with me sir. assets freeze and travel bound on government officials also will be lifted with immediate effect . desantos wherever imposed on these are by
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a course. following the last 2 lies austin, of president mohammed presume military officers over 2 bedroom in a pool. air force was hoping to press on behalf of the military using the sanctions to restore a constitutional order and reinstate presume. but the airport functions considered the most trained and the regional block has imposed on any air member states. we're also criticized the west end economy prices when these are re enter prompting. these are molly and put in a fossil to quits the regional body in january to force and alliance. no one else. the alliance of the house states malia and for jennifer also are also governed by their respective laboratories. now it comes of the security situation in the house . they have the 2 are rated streams, the military over, through their respective civilian governments. last week the 3 military lead countries of the sheriff identifies so and molly said they are forming a joint challenge, a television for us without relying on the regional body of for us as an allied. c
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o. p. 's archie, approved by julia with the death holding goddess of pausing. 13000 you ends relief and woke searchers. the chief a sound of the alarm over the dial humanitarian crisis. you also have won the number of dead is going to rise as well. it made is rails refusal, by the way, to allow much needed medical aid and to the enclave including ventilate, is enrolled in the tennessee supplies even is railey doctors of a met at the lack of clean water food and medicine. a single rise in diseases and threatened to spread to be on the borders. we have it from one of those doctors and not the of it. she believes that health prizes and goals are, is not just the humanitarian issue, but actually it's a strategic threats to is, while of, from the beginning of the world. actually we were wanting that the issue was like water, electricity, sewage treatment a are crucial, a of cost is to fulfill the pollution in gas out. but also for ways,
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randy's is we know that the switch flowing to the media to renew them. uh, according to set the lights uh, but also to sampling is really walter. there is a spread of the exterior and another contamination. we're talking also of um, an email said that um, moving into each row, we're talking about the entering the spring. and we have a different, a back those like, let's keep those that can, it transferred different the diseases, issues of public have well, the electricity, these are, if you money thought am issues, but also again, strategic things that if you're very poor, the phrase redlands, these can serve as a bridge because finally we all in the same neighborhood, we are leaving side by side. and as the world will continue, will there be more more um contact between these rallies and the people from guy's
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side of the situation. there is power, but right now, by the way, also for hostages in the that's we thinking that it's not just the public health records, the strategic threats in we so let is through the prime minister and his way a to the copying that the floor and we're working with the international community to see how we can dissipate these effects. over in europe, a group of humanitarian organizations, a place to take legal action against denmark to get it to stop sending weapons to as well of action aid, amnesty international ox, fam, and l. hawk a now assuming the danish state to stump danish arms exports to israel. denmark should not send weapons if there is a reasonable suspicion that israel is committing genocide and gaza. now that's safe, i know it comes to me and mounting coals in europe to stop arms expos, too. with royal benevolence. equally. spain and belgium has already taken steps to
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restrict those supplies. however, the main providers of weapons to israel, namely the united states in germany, apparently not in any hurry to follow suit. the director of the i'll have human rights organizations says international legal authorities have got to address this matter. i found the key of that toyota standing up for the intermission, a low and for the roof. and here we see that the european countries, the preaching vacation under the you and the tray, 3 things. and also the come on. uh, also uh you know, um, so the, uh, the explore that's the case when there is a substitution event regarding the commission that crimes only thing can specific area. so you have enough to sell or send or explore. we point is
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used in these across so i'm just going to joining garza, if the continues to genocide to it goes, then smoke just reward sofa of her. this is what the i c j o. so rule on the appropriate, you know, major was the submitted. this case, somebody to buy, so perfect, which they came, you know, with the conclusion that it's possible a copy of a general. so that's, that's the case id. and then him, of course, so they have unexplored items exposed with his r and b. and we, us the, uh, the quote uh to give a legal answer regarding this is uh, relations and how much you know, uh, the most is be sure that it's, uh, we funds will look views and the company things, crimes. and does a lot of times, crimes against humanity or genocide. meanwhile,
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a group of us senators, so send a letter to joe biden, urging him to pressure israel into allowing critical issue about an entire and 8 into gaza. or the 8 congress members. i said the bite and should get the id after stopped blocking the supplies or else the us would ended support israel have on this. the netanyahu's government interference with humanitarian operations has prevented us financed aid from reaching its intended recipients in a safe and timely manner. given this reality, we urge you to make it clear to the netanyahu government, but failure to immediately and dramatically expand humanitarian access and facilitate safe. a deliveries throughout gaza will lead to serious consequences as specified under existing us law. by doing the recent, they said israel ground operation into the southern gas and city over the rough. i knew the egyptian border would be a red line. washington has been sending mixed signals as a doubles down when it stalls that it will not stop sending weapons to israel. the
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us is reportedly approved for more than $100.00 arms sales to israel since the wolf again, 4 months ago. and the director of, i'll have for the human rights organization again says the by the administration could immediately stop the war if you want to, to the temporary peer us. the understanding can condition many behind those of i am the blindly do for us once so. so the, the war and these people are the good civilians they're going on and does a if they want to stop the genocide, they send us purpose in 5 minutes. rather than 5 days, if they stop, for instance exporting the we pose the as long as they want to just say that we are not supposed to exist on the was will be the un security council for them to face to face go to video should against the that the task is going to
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stop or they can, they can't, but the us from one side, you know, they protect those or before the un security council on the side, they are sending their, we for zillow took the stance we towards was towards accept. if he wants to say that america is weak or the as a lot of americans, they are working, you know, just for the, as late as best it gets, which is not the case. this is a lot of the u. s. i guess the media, it's really a as well. so i think i'm a new reports of jordan. i'm each of the ad dropping age to the people of gossip, but also on confirm reports of israel almost immediately, bombing those to monetary and jump sites. now, as i said, unconfirmed, but at this point, you wouldn't be surprised what you question well with us here. this is the,
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