tv The Cost of Everything RT March 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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thoroughly beaten, they left me and conscious and dragged me deep inside the pineapple field. later in the evening they cared me outside the plantation and left me to die at the roadside . and by that time i was seriously bleeding. i spent a whole night bleeding beside the road and early in the morning the man carried me to the hospital. these guards beat us. they chased us with dogs, and some people have died while in the hands of these guards. we are to, to accomplish where you can get for the details of all the stories of following these. our thanks for watching, i'll see you to get the what the constantly rising cost of health care. many americans are making difficult
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decisions about their health, including sometimes for boeing, routine, preventative care, as a way to save money. this includes routine, dental care which can oftentimes result in patients for crying, even more expensive and complicated emergency care down the road to save their pearly whites. i'm christy, and you're watching the cost of everything more today. we're going to be looking at the cost of maintaining your lifelong dental health and why the us dental care is so much more expensive compared to other countries. now we've all heard of medical tourism where people go for a cosmetic facelift or maybe an infamous brazilian. but lift, but lately, dental tourism has also been on the rise to the top 10 destinations for dental tourism for us patients. our mexico thailand hungry spain,
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poland costa rica, the philippines, malaysia and turkey. us patients can expect to save between 40 to 65 percent in mexico and up to 50 to 75 percent in thailand. and this is because in countries like mexico, the cost of living is significantly less compared with the us, making it more feasible for dentists to own and operate a practice. in addition, dentists and mexico are not required to pay for malpractice insurance. many patients now combined dental care with a vacation and the most common procedures for dental tourism include crowns, veneers, implants whitening root, canals, dentures and fillings. and just on the other side of the colorado river, the small mexican town of lost out of the donors bills itself as molar city. the city only has around $5000.00 permanent residence,
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but thousands of tours flocked to the city every year to take advantage of the $350.00 dentists in the downtown area. some clinics even offer transportation to and from airports or other metropolitan areas. most of the donors was built around dental tourism. this means dental work is fast, and cheap. prices on average are of 3rd of the cost of their us equivalent. but unfortunately, not all the work is quality. none of the procedures are guaranteed, and sometimes patients get taken advantage of. insurance companies are now even on board with dental tourism, with companies like geo blue which is affiliated with blue cross blue shield and aetna offering specific medical and dental coverage for people who are traveling outside of the us. a doing so say is insurance company's money because they're paying out much less than they would for these procedures in the us. some employers
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have even gone a step further and we'll even cover entire medical tourism trips for employees. so now joining us today is dr. joseph kelly, ill, dentist from arlington, dentistry. now joseph, can you provide an overview of the current landscape of dental care costs and how have they evolved over the years? well, it really depends on the type of treatment the patients are having. um, and it depends on the locations where you're located. if, if we're talking them to us, it's gonna vary. if you're in a major city or if you're in the suburbs. so overall, it is known that dental cost in the u. s. is more expensive than, for example, places uh overseas. um, now the the, the what some of the factors that play influence in the dental cost is uh the
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complexity of the treatment. and when you were talking about treatment that involves more advanced procedures, like surgeries or dental implants, uh so you, you're going to find that that is going to be a little bit more costly and also using technology with capt cam or 3 d printing. that's also gonna add the costs. so i guess the answer is it depends on locations. it depends on the complexity of treatment and what factors contributed to the overall expenses associated with dental care today? well, uh i can tell you from my, my experience um we are located in uh, arlington virginia. so uh the real estate is expensive. rents are expensive. um staff salaries are expensive, so one of the factors is location. so if you're in, in
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a small town where you're rent might not be as, as expensive, your overhead is going to be less. so you have a fixed overhead into practice, meaning just to fix overhead the cost of operating to use the moment you walk into your office and you turn the lights on. you have some expensive expenses, whether it's a mortgage on the property or the rent. and you've got your staff salaries, these are all fixed electricity, etc. so cost of operating a dental office in us. it's not. so it's not cheap. uh so if you move a little bit towards a smaller areas, it might be a little bit less expensive, but then you've got also malpractice insurance and other business overhead. insurances, and the workman's comp insurance is, i mean there's a lot of a lot of hidden expenses. patients typically think that they're buying our next
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boat or our airplane, or our cause. and it's, it's far, far from reality. as a matter of fact, that a lot of dental offices and dentists that go go under go out of business. i just sort of one today that the close shot because the rent was so expensive. she, she couldn't keep up, keep the office. so she have to move it to a different location. so uh, so these are some of the what drives the cost. the other thing is a technology as you advanced and technology labs need to buy sophisticated equipments, especially when it comes to 3 d printing machines or using uh, uh, you know, digital like um, a beautiful scanners, etc. and so that is expensive. and so therefore, the light bill is going to be
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a little bit more expensive and so this adds to the, to the cost. so to these od in a nutshell, you have the fixed overhead and that, and then you have the, uh, other type of expenses where you've got your lot bills and miscellaneous expenses that that sometimes happens when you, you can't control. many individuals find dental care costs challenging to manage. could you elaborate on the specific challenges people face and affording these treatments? it really depends on the treatment. and it depends on the level of the treatment and expectations the patients have. you know, i'll give you a simple example. let's say someone comes in and they don't have to. okay, they want to have something, they can go with something that's remove it. they can go with something that's doable to implants, and they can go with something that's removable,
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but little bit more fixed with for implants. and that can go with something that is fixed, like having their own teeth with, you know, 4 or more implants. and the more fixed you go, the more the costs. now you do, you know, they might need a simple, simple restorative like fillings. and that's not going to be as much expensive as a, if they need it, for example, uh, root canal. and there may be some crowns on top. so the best way to save on dental treatment is prevention because that is the way with patients can go throughout their life with not leaving other than simple cleanings, you know, but it takes the effort to, uh, uh, you know, do the work at home. i always tell patients when they come in for the 6 months of the visits for the cleaning and i tell them this and you're seeking me 2 days out
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of $300.00 and it's the fights. what really matters, what's more important is what you do in the 363 days at home. so prevention is the best of the best solution and how do preventative care measures such as regular checkups and cleanings contribute to the overall cost of dental maintenance when it comes to dentistry? for the most part, um a prevention is just keep. okay. uh and i always felt based on my job is to help you uh, need less that the 3 would be failing as a dentist if my patients keep coming to me and they keep needing work. um, so we spend a lot of time on, on spending time and talking to them about prevention. the number one cause of problems, the major, you know, 60 percent plus of things that we,
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we do in the office are the result of cavities. the k right carries and the last prevention is limiting, sugar, sugar consumption and its sugar. it has an everywhere and it doesn't impact only their overall health from you know, diabetes, to heart disease, etc. but also it impacts the teeth and then the teeth when they, um they get cavities. so that's where expenses start rising up. now, that is a way to fix something before it gets bigger, with simple filling. so that's where you can control the costs. and then of course, as it gets bigger, if you go into more expenses when you get into more advance whether it's root canals, and if you let it go completely, then you lose a tooth. then you were talking about surgeries and extractions and implants if you
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want to replace the so controlling sugar. oh, okay. brushing. flossing, you know, but the main thing is sugar. lemme thing sugar occasions and of course fluoride plays a big role as well. uh and its controversial, some people are against fluoride, some are with we have studies that show that it does present to speak a but in my opinion, the number one thing is sugar sugar boys and for the teeth and for the body. thank you so much dr. but please stick around. dr. joseph kelly ill will stay with us right here after the break. so stay tuned as we delve into the world of cosmetic dentistry. exploring is rising popularity. fueled by the influence of social media . we'll have more after the break the
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as the desk to melts and starvation occurs the by didn't ministration is made in clear repeatedly that there are no red lines for, you know, red lines need a green light to continue. genocide, genocide is a visual watson so look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such shorter to conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to trace a truck rather than to the job with artificial intelligence. we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the
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our world is full of different cultures. with various beauty standards and traditions where one country values, bronze tan, skin, others pies, fair porcelain glass skin, but across the board, every country values healthy white teeth. so when it comes to the best overall dental health, denmark takes the 1st spot with a d. m f t index, which stands for decayed, missing, or filled teeth score of 0.4. dana citizens have pretty perfect teeth, followed by germany, finland, sweden, and the u. k. now, diet plays important factor and dental health. cultures that consume large amounts of sugar are more prone to dental problems, which lowers are d, m, f. t score. the philippines had the worst d,
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m. f. 2 score with 90 percent of their citizens suffering from tooth decay. india and australia rank 2nd and 3rd to last on the list. countries with universal health care often see better oral health outcomes due to more accessible and affordable dental services. now americans have some of the best dental care in the world, but more than 90 percent of american adults has has some form of tooth decay. and again, diets fill with sugary carbonated acidic drinks are largely to blame. and while the case can be fixed with dental fillings, repetitive decay can wear down the tooth structure enough that extraction may be the only option. on average, preventative dental care services like x rays and cleanings costs between $275.00 to $400.00. but if you have a cavity and require filling, it can range from a $154.00 tooth to $250.00. the crowns are more expensive and depending on the
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material from a $1000.00 for a metal filling to $2000.00 for ceramic filling. and for many people who laps and dental care whether for cost reasons, or for cobit reasons, they often return in worse shape. dentists who reported declines and patient volume during the height of the pen democrat, saw nearly 40 percent increases in oral health problems, including more cavities and subsequent years. this is referred to now as covert cavities. dentists also reported seeing a sharp rise in ship and cracked teeth as well as more americans stressed by coven or clenching their jaws and grinding their molars. this can be attributed to children and teens consuming more sugary snacks and not falling strict dental hygiene practices. while spending an extended time amount of time at home during warranty, adults also develop snacking habits, having
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a refrigerator stashed 20 feet away from them. that all types. and so for this and more, let's bring in again, doctor joseph camille, dentist at arlington, dentistry. now joseph, we often hear about people in the ortho work and people routinely get braces or invisalign in their adult. here's how have these new technologies contributed to the cost of dental care? i would still say that over all you can, you can still get a clear a liners full. ready or a reasonable affordable cost. uh maybe a little bit less than what was traditionally uh necessary to get like the conventional braces. but it's gonna depend once again depends on the region. depends on the area. um, depending on the provider i for example, we do a lot of invisalign them because we just because we do a lot of ins as a line a we get into a different tier. meaning my costs are from invisalign would be less than someone
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that doesn't do a lot of invisalign so i can afford to pass on those savings to my patients. okay, so, and that's the decision that i make business decision that i make to say, you know what, i wanna lower the cost for the patients. and i this way i get more patients interested. and i also believe that when you've got the patients wearing invisalign and they're like, oh and bass. so there's through a practice because the friends and family last summer was doing your invisalign and then it can be more of a marketing tool. are there technologies that have significantly improved dental treatments and lower the cost such as these online or subscription services, and do they actually work? i'm a believer. okay. that straight thirty's are clean or teeth. so of it, i don't look at straightening the teeth strictly as
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a cosmetic benefit to the patients. okay. that a lot of benefits. as a matter of fact, i don't, i don't discuss my patients invisalign or straightening the teeth strictly on the basis of cosmetics unless this is a concern to them. and we can address that. but sometimes that bite the way that to you thought fitting together the direction of the force. it can be detrimental. they can be cracking their teeth that can be tripping that these and simply because the teeth i was wrong place also, we have, we see a lot of patients that are well into the eighty's and ninety's. and lot of patients physiologically. you know, as we all get older, lower teeth get more crowded, and then when manual dexterity diminishes, so people as they get older, some of them are in, in uh, assisted living. you know, they have other people brushing their teeth. it's always easier to clean straight
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or teeth than crowded teeth. i do sometimes lot of restorations and fixing cavities on patients with, with cricket teeth or crowded teeth. so there is a lot of health benefits to having traits ortiz. and so we, we discuss that with patients when there are well and you know it to that you know, before they get older and we say, hey, we're living long. and it's that are some advantages to that. so. ready um yes, so that technology is, is helping patients have healthy your mouth. and by the way, that a lot of studies that were done that saw that the type of bacteria around crowd teeth is different than the bacteria around straight to t. and we all know that that's correlation between the heart disease and gum disease. so again, so, um i, i look at things where, you know what,
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this is definitely a health benefit. the other thing that is important is that when you have threats of teeth and studies have been done, you have that a self confidence, you have better self esteem. so that is, uh, your whole emotional psyche is better than it has been linked to having better jobs . i'm talking in general, being able to a, if you don't feel better about yourself. so these are also a benefits. so again, it's gonna, it's gonna differ where you are in the world in america, it's a lot more. there's a lot more emphasis on that. versus some other parts of the world. cosmetic dentistry has seen a rise in popularity. what has contributed to this? if this cultural uh, but uh if, if you want to talk about the western world, it has been on the rise. and it went even more on the rise after coping when
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everybody was on zillow. and i had a lot of patients come in to me and say like a sense show me the screenshots of the, like, look up my teeth. we the, we go in life, people go in life, no one looks from the outside and right, unless you're looking in the mirror, right? and then when, when people are on the screen that on on zoo they notice a lot, a lot of that notice that the penalty, the color that noticed the arrangements. so yes it, it became more on the rise. the other thing is our ability to use better communication skills using digital media photography. computers is 3 d scanners. you are able to show patients on the screen and then patient acceptance and patients awareness increase. so that's, that's a 2 is 3. so there is a lot of different treatment modalities that one can do that don't have to be very
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expensive, meaning in the past, if you need to do cosmetic procedure at that to be either crowns or porcelain veneer. well right now you can do, you can straighten the d and we'll do little bit the whitening and maybe that does the trick. or you can do some bonding which are tooth color filling, special tooth color, filling material that is highly polish. revolt and you can place on your front teeth and you don't do that conservative, you don't have to cut on your deep. and then you know, that's typically less costly than ceramic than boss than it is. so i mean, so that's also contribution to people accepting more and wanting more. so again, it's gonna vary on the where you are, what country you are in. but um, since i live in the u. s, this has been the experience over here. are there a specific cosmetic treatments that have become more affordable or expensive over
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time, cosmetic procedures that became affordable? well, one whitening the simplest one. so people that just want to white then and we'll be happy with the appearance of that. do you think that it used to be going through the dentist now? you can get them over the counter. you have the, the crests whitening strips and other brands that are available over the counter or even at the dentist office it became affordable to do with the whitening. that's one to you have the tooth colored composite present. you know, the bomb being referred to as layman's terms in bonding, and that's also more affordable than the porcelain. and sometimes in the past, the people wanted to have as traits or to use. uh they have, there is nothing wrong with that either just a little bit crowded and they, you know, they, they would get veneers, which in my opinion i think would be way over treatment. now you can simply do
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something like an invisalign, right? use some clear liners and you can straightening your teeth and then white and then, and you'll have an amazing smile. that's natural, that's yours and conservative. so that's also less cost. now, good straight teeth are often the result of good genes. so what countries are known for requiring very little ortho work versus what countries have a higher proportion needing ortho work? i things do you as i can tell you real quick probably around the late nineties or early 2000, there was a show called smile make over this and they realized that and that would show what it's like to reality. tv on, on television also attends and the day people would do plastic surgery, people will do all kinds of stuff to pick for about 10 minutes. they change that to you. if you see that, in fact we do all and then that's when the rise in popularity of cosmetic dentistry became a, you know, evident into us. so i would say the u. s. probably does the most,
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you can just look on tv. i think it's also people, unfortunately, i hate to say this, but people judge you in the u. s. based on your teeth, you know, uh but, and, and places and other places like in some, some countries in europe or, you know, places in the middle east. i mean, i'm originally from loving on because it's different when i go there, i don't know, but i'm looking to see that it's not the same. so it's cultural. i know some places uh where culturally it's acceptable to have spaces. as a matter of fact, i have patient a few patients when they were to say, i want to straighten, but i want to leave a space in between my front teeth. i want to keep that space and that's culturally acceptable to them. so the, the other thing is it depends on the regions, the social economic status of the person. these also play play
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a role. but i think the us do aspects the prize for a more the straightening. so maybe some other places like brazil, how or heavy on cosmetic dentistry? uh, i know maybe a south korea, maybe japan. thank you so much dr. joseph kelly ill for all your time today. cosmetic dentistry like veneers are growing in popularity. things to social media veneers have revolutionized smile makeovers and have allowed people to bypass orthodontist altogether. but dentistry experts believe that people are being marketed crowns as veneers. in this instance, about 60 percent of the tooth is drilled away, leading to major risks and infections, and root canals down the road. a crown last for 12 to 15 years. and after that, you won't have much of a tooth left to work with after that. there's also the possibility of overbuilding,
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veneers, making them appear bulky, and this can really result in gum disease, not to mention difficult to eating or speaking. but the sad part is that perfectly good, healthy teeth. i drilled away, making veneers, and irreversible decision. unfortunately, many people are left with less than perfect smiles as a result of seeking an unqualified professional to save on cost. i'm christy, i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything. the the, the, the
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