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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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did it for, she's getting the best do what i mean. there's a camera was accomplished half the the, the headlines on the international o ukrainian attempts to cross the border into the battle. good old on the quarter regions over the past 3 days have failed, resulting and big losses. that is, according to the russian ministry of defense, public opinion, health officials accusing israel of killing at least 20 people and wounding more than a 100, as they queued for food and gaza city. meantime, the id, yes. good eyes any involve going to the polls. so the russian presidential election into full swing, holding stations open approach speaking. hi, a country press people cost that balance and ruptures new regions. the us as cost dispersion is on the election. put it back to a time when the self proclaimed champion of democracy didn't restrict it's meddling
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and russia's affairs. so media leap was such story up and become the 5 uh, the worldwide dropbox. go with the front of your top storage. ready to roll here on, on the international book before we kick it all off. we do start this all with some news just reaching us. now, as we understand, one person has been killed in 2 more wounded in a new round of ukraine. you know tanks on the belgrade region that is according to local officials. and this comes as russia is defense, ministry size, the old times by you creating and forces to enter the bell. gordon coast regions over the past 3 days have been watered. officials, se ukrainian losses are estimated up more than 1000. 500 troops. is off. who is donald cortez now investigating? and they all start with a report that the russian defense ministry recently released shutting some new lights on the attack that the ukrainian troops unused to attempt to breach into
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russia's belgrade border region. yesterday it said that the ukrainian groups that a launch these attacks were partly made up of 4 and mercenaries actually, and that they entered several buildings on the outskirts of a russian border town in an attempt to further penetrate into russian territory. this, however, was stopped by russian troops and border guards with the help of aerial strikes and artillery strikes and rushes. administrative defense also says that they suffer just yesterday over 50 casualties and were forced to retreat. but again, that's just yesterday, over the past several days, there had been several different attempts by ukrainian troops to breach both into russia as belgrade region and course region, which has resulted according to the russian ministry of defense in over $1500.00 casualties for ukrainian troops now, it's also interesting to understand that this is all happening. this increase in a tax on russia's border regions, right in the run up to the russian presidential election ship. and so you have to
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wonder what would be the point of that? it looks likely that they're trying to create some sort of chaos or scare people in the border regions out of voting in the upcoming presidential elections. but as we've seen, these attacks themselves have been quite unsuccessful. meanwhile, in its own yes, 3 children, 2 girls and a boy being killed of an item ukrainian shelling a residential building was sent in the attack. according to local officials, a total of 11 shells were fired into the city in the early hours of the morning. well, this is all to international. so good that good company as a boating in the presidential election is officially under way across all of russia holding stations now open in every city. we understand 2600000 citizens have already voted. that's according to the central election commission. and of course, here at all today, we are following every step of the presidential election with all special covering the,
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the chair of the russian. the central electric commission has given the 1st update about john out, accommodate yourself 11 percent of russian citizens of cost of votes so far of a vast expense. so the world's largest country covers 11 time zones. so those in the far east and come check up and, and sell it with the very 1st the cost of dollars and building is actually close that for the day before re opening from all right. voting is also wrapped up in the port city of light of all storm, as well as the island of cycling. a local authorities report a relatively high turn off the 1st day, roughly a 35 percent across the whole of the far east. bidwell, some of russia itself, officials have be not seen taking 5 areas. right. that makes sense. okay. now, for all the countries for administer, stopping by a local coating station in moscow,
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while the defense minnesota case showing good was seen voting in the southern ministry district, smelt the supervisor's entire election. russia has invited most of the vowels and observe us from international organizations for more than 95 countries. we spoke to one who shared his experience so far. primaries, objectivity is just observation and up to up the sense that i love. so things we can, we can replicate in my country, good lessons that we can bring with us. and then we can buy a plane, my country that can be the end of the 60, noting this, it look, sometimes we have experience like we are in a very busy and in back home we might run by very busy schedule, but many more things to the minute, so here we, i can see most of the things are mine is so nicely that that is the most prior and
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primary optimism for me and been we have visited some floating statements and boarding is being very peacefully. well meanwhile, high above our head. so the russian, i assess crew is also a cost pilots in the presidential elections a to vote. the customer knows chose that trusted person on the head of the russian . currently have city district eager to play form of the contact of the customer also via a secure channel to carry out the task in the people, the people in read the rest as a new regions, i should say very close to the front lines. they were able to the costs of votes ahead of time to force you to security reasons as well, molding stations and i'll open across all of the devices i phonology and focus on regions of the local electoral commissions. the saying that i have a 1200 was voting notifications. have been com with so much that is with them to do for the supplies. the pictures of people came to vote in the election of the us
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state departments post post and apparently not really sharing any of such enthusiasm in the united states condemns. russia has continued efforts to undermine ukraine, sovereignty territorial integrity and political independence through sham elections . held in occupied ukrainian territories, the united states does not. and will never recognize the legitimacy or outcome of the sam elections held in sovereign ukraine as part of russia's presidential elections. to be clear, lou, hans, don't yet separate rita. her song and crimea, are you crank? the results of these potemkin sell exercises will be dictated by moscow and cannot reflect the free will, the citizens of ukraine were being compelled to vote in them. however, you know, washington wasn't always so down beat about the people's right to choose, and russia ought to use the english down off. was me looking back to a time when washington was more than happy about who democracy was putting in the
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criminal in the have a listen to this. i had if it's presidential election rush, i had one message to the west. don't metal look up lou, we have sent accumulating a lot of materials about how the european union embassies and mosque out or preparing for our presidential elections. what intervention mechanisms and supporting projects for our non systematic composition is, are being prepared in general. things that embassies have no right to do. having collected such information, we invited all the ambassadors of the european union to a meeting with meetings at which i wanted to tell them we simply advise them in good faith. not to do this 2 days before the scheduled meeting, they sent us a note saying they had decided not to come in. can you imagine relations with state and zip on medical level, whose in passengers are afraid to come to a meeting which administer of a country to which they are accredited? where has that been seen hill footsteps, the manners of the swarm partners, e. c. this might sound out of place to some given the 2016 russia collusion
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hysteria in the us when the roles were reversed. but it makes perfect sense to those who pay attention to america's intelligence routine overseas. we've been doing this kind of thing since the c i a was created in 1947. we've used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners, you name it. we planted false information in for newspapers. we've used what the british call king george's cavalry, suitcases of cache, and the russian battlefield in this war for the hearts and minds actually saw one of the biggest victories of the c. i a, it all started like this. it doesn't take collusion from the trump campaign. right, for russian active measures to mess with our elections. was we messed with the ledger? the funny thing, the thing is i was sent in 1994 to russia by the clinton administration to get involved in their elections seeking what outcome and from the other re election of boris yeltsin versus hilton inherited the shambles of the soviet union,
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which smarter in russia used to be in the early ninety's. he didn't do much for the country during his 1st tenure, the country. so a bloody qu, attempt suffered from monstrous terrorist attacks organized, crying flourished. the economy was in ruins and the population was stricken with the round pond poverty. but all that didn't matter to washington for them, yelton's keep straight and achievement was, he's absolute, a dollar fee and salvage you to the us. so when the poles showed he was likely to lose to his communist rifle in the 1996 election, it was time to take action for none other than the american president himself. no one will be able to succeed except to myself and 0 gone off. all others will get no more than 10 percent, but they can add the votes to his or subtract them from mine. so now i have to work with full candidates and make them favorable to me, especially if we go to a 2nd round. i have set firmly the task of winning in the 1st round,
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so i would ask you not to embrace, you've gone off in advance. you don't have to worry about that. we spend 50 years working for the other result. soon off to 3 americans landed in russian 3 and for per now as in the business of the most cutting edge, most market innovation of the time, flat screen tvs or so was the legend. in reality, they were political science, heavy weights on emission to tip the scales in yelton's favor the communist had to lose. first is done to prove that the job yeltsin is doing 17 things will get any better. i prefer the communist approach. there exist any one very simple strategy, but winning 1st become the o'neill alternative to the communist and 2nd, make the people say that the communist must be stopped on costs. the us administration displayed a very little understanding of this at all costs or the the agents what teach paid
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$250000.00, and basically had a blank check to cover any additional expenses. but given yelton's public support, the task at hand was truly ga, again joined. in the us, you would advise a pull with those kinds of numbers to get another occupation to get america's favorite sons rating out of the got to event, president clinton was ready to spare no expense. i'll check on this with the ins and with some of our friends and see what can be done. i think this is the only way it can be done. but let me clarify this. i had understood that you would get about $1000000000.00 from the i m. s before the election. no, no, only $300000000.00. i'll check. okay, apparently it was president clinton to convinced his russian counterpart to appear in a campaign video. and when the selection results came in, the 3 american political scientists actually sat in the election commission
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building the kid. they did it, it worked, at least for a while. now russia is in a fight against a u as dominated world order. and this time, washington doesn't have the yeltsin way out. well, one name notably absent from this year's presidential ballot. his of lot of manager to know ski is following his death. of course i was 2 years ago. he had to stood accurate in every presidential election for the liberal democratic party since the creation of the russian federation. he was a rather well known, perhaps a bit notorious for making outlander statements. although occasionally his predictions turned out to be very prophetic. to use the radio is the was going to the, you know, the super duty soon does new
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civic keep. those are the both coming down to my, the very at the general's in most cars. no need to rattle your weapons. you have to say, let's do it. you refused to, then we can adopt another problem and you'll know what that entails at for you. on the 22nd of february, i would like 2022 to be peaceful. but i loved the truth. i've been telling the truth for 75 years. it will not be peaceful year. it will be a year when russia will finally become a great country against the age of deals. i see you see the
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data because they don't lose those nations. i don't see crime. he has already returned for song. make a live zip or are you little guns petrov park of an adult. so must return the population. there is russian. it's never had anything to do with ukraine. the number the, the other thing is we would usually start so with numbers, you must do. we need to take into account the situation in the middle east by 2024 events will unfold that will make everyone forget about ukraine. that's where the
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most terrible events will happen. is it was this deal for this? do not spend me. it has been a little bit the i'm getting some new figures just in right here, the oil change, and after the mothership in moscow. of course, this is the 1st day of election voting. the russian central election commission has given another update about turn out, and conversely, as we understand just over 13 and a half percent of russian citizens have so far cost that but of course it is de $1.00, as i mentioned now,
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when it comes to the most comprehensive coverage of this selection, did you want to be watching this channel right here? a correspondence our experts are unless they all want to jump into the front row seat here and get involved a lot to be discussed over the next few days. so if you can stick around for us special cover the company with this program on our t. so it was earlier this month, the french president have annual macro and appear to be putting his country on a war footing by suggesting european troops might be sent to ukraine. but he said, is claimed in another interview. the piracy is, in fact only a forced for peace. of course, you don't like to reach the president of the republic is responsible for national defense. he makes decisions for the safety of the french. people can only make the decision because after 2 years of war and i want to remind you of this, we systematically did what we said we weren't going to do because there's a puzzling of the very strong statements that some people across europe sometimes
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make could 2 years ago we said we would never send medium range missiles because that's what we did. we said we would never send the planes now some of doing it. we set too many boundaries, so to speak. you know of a temporary, but we don't aggravating things. we not, well with russia, we just have to clearly understand that we must not allow russian to with his own is simply if we want peace and ukraine today, we must not be weak. therefore, we must look at the situation clearly and say decisively with will encourage you. we're ready to do whatever is necessary to achieve or goal, which is the rush. it does not with the ready is because we're preparing the moment . this means we're training phone. well, despite those a piece making claims during the same interview, my phone actually doubled down on his view of the sending western troops to ukraine . you should not be ruled out. those are reminded people, the from has nuclear weapons adding a good if key of loses a conflict of the credibility of the european union will be shot. will come in such
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a passion can meet your pest golf, says background, the stipends, simply prove from says, growing involvement. in the con deposition we read macro on statements. the fact that russia is an enemy of france is obvious, because paris is already drawn into the war and ukraine, and is taking an indirect part in this war. and judging by the president statements, frances not averse to increasing the degree of its involvement with the leader of the french patriots policy. if you don't have people, he believes macro and only use a such a hawkish language to conceal get. this is lack of actual power, and we use it to the dog as good. when the crown says france is a power of bees. that's the only time he says the would be. what struck me in him. i know i'm a grown speech, was precisely the absence of the would be the absence of the word negotiations which does not appear at all. but on the contrary, a continuation of a kind of dramatize zation. he used to exist as a fright,
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defronzo in relation to the you creating conflict. there is no is essential thread in this case. so he uses dangers woods, explosive woods, and he doesn't tell the truth if we are under an exist angel for it. we have the right to use nuclear weapons. mccomb wants to show off his small muscles as he doesn't have many uses words that he can handle the de la cronus talking a lot because he wants to try to compensate for. he's like a fellow at another time. he lied a lot was when he said he did everything, he could to prevent it and keep the peace. he mentioned the means agreements. you said the bronze in germany had done everything to ensure that these agreements with respect to it is not true on the country. but as the front salon wasn't valid, time german chancellor angela medicaid said last year that they did not implemented demands agreements when they should have as the french military have seen 40 percent of friendship,
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tillery already goes to ukraine. what they think they think is crazy for our own safety. so in fact, we have already done a lot. and ma, chrome wants to do even more using weapons and money, which we don't have any way because we are, he's in debt and out on the has already been reduced to 0. i've seen that in french public opinion. they will not forget about macro and said, because the french of fed up a former us treasury secretary appears to be around the golden opportunity. he's trying to gather up a group of big time. investors look at a swoop and on the possible breakup of tick tock off of the chinese social media company was deemed a security threat by washington. the app needs to be rebuilt in the us, if it needs to be u. s. technology. there's no way that the chinese would ever let a us company on something like this in china. but it comes off of the house of representatives of vote at the possibility that could lead to the buying of tick
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tock, state side if an accident that legislation would give the american home of the company about 5 months to separate from its chinese parent and find a new owner, us senators, have been trying to convince the public that any band would not infringe on the 1st amendment. i want to emphasize thought about 1st amendment, right, because what we're doing is changing ownership and removing a provision that concerns us as the chinese communist party could potentially request this. and so the tech tech talk user should understand that there be a missing form by the very platform that they're advocating for. this isn't about shutting down a tech tock. this is about making sure that, that very information that many of them are using to interact ought to be shared with the chinese communist part. do we really want, in the age of a i 6, that kind of power given to an adversarial nation. we've already seen power, frankly, chip talks over the top lobbying tactics well for it's part of aging claims at
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washington to move with trump full. although the international fed trade a comic well done. this bill dropped by the us house of representatives, street puts the us on the opposite side of the principles of fair competition. and we also have international trade, if a so called national security can be cited in that will to bring down other countries, competitors of companies, there would be no fairness or justice dislike of how the u. s. has had been able to talk, chase enables the world to see clearly whether the u. s. is so cold, it was in order to serve the entire world only the us itself will you meet? what's the shadow for my house and speak of nancy pelosi, she claims the move would actually improve tick tock. so it seems that wasn't the central mind shed by too many online. this is not an attempt to ban tip top. it's
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attempt to make to talk better, tic tac toe a winter, a winter. these are the people that make major decisions for us as a country. when your grandma drank a little too much wind before the city council meeting. we also serious country. yeah, we were talking about this with a political analyst alex reported by he said this move actually equates to modern day nationalization novice and and this, this ends shock ways throughout the you know, the i t and the tech sector. a warning once again, do business become successful? the americans are coming after your company. they've done this. it's like modern d. uh, you know, nationalizing of companies. they used to do it with the other nations where they would go in there. they would strip the assets of the nation if it was the oil and gas sector. now they're moving on to daylight robbery here, where they're saying, yeah, we're gonna, hey, china, you, we've had success, you know,
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from desperate times call for desperate measures. here in the us government, we're going to just take your company. yes, we will. uh, you know, maybe have a menu chon, who, you know, this is the same guy that refused to disclose taxpayer money that went out during the bailouts. now don't forget that. and he's going to get his cronies together and don't worry, take talk users, america, your information will be safe with the us government. yeah, yeah, i the c i a and the national security association. so nothing to worry about. the political parties in haiti have rejected an american backed plan to establish a transitional compliment in the country, becomes as the carrier be a nation struggles with violence that is basically pushing it to the point of collapse. in recent weeks, the local guys have taken control of a large portions of the capital for the prince. last week, matthews even was office and 4000 convicts escaped in a jail break. on tuesday, the prime minister announced his resignation, recommending a presidential committee, so that his replacement,
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one recommendation was for an american funded international police force for a number of regional parties, refused to agree to that. well, the un, how that alice, it's withdrawing some of his personnel from hazy, comes with a food crisis. there was rapidly was wanting a site to be reported among people chewing for aid. and according to the world food program of most one and a half 1000000 haitians that just to step away from funding as well. i guess the backdrop of all these developments are reports on line and claiming that there is an emotions of cannibal games on such a myspace. that of that of jimmy barbecue, a former police officer who has apparently united a group of flesh eating bandits a founder of the on cap chewed media, investigative journalism outlet don co, and it says it's nothing more than a campaign of this information. and what i learned is that there is an armed revolutionary movement brewing in the streets,
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an alliance of anti crime armed groups led by jimmy barbecue chevy ca, who was now the man of the hour, who has basically been fighting against criminal armed groups that kidnapped that murder that steal that rape and terrorized the population on behalf of the ruling class. but at the same time that he's fought against them, he's his message has been, well, why don't we actually stop fighting? because we're all from the same slums and turn our weapons against the people who gave them to us to fight each other. and so that is basically what she reads. the a has finally succeeded in doing is uniting these different armed groups under the banner of the von san, which means living together. the viral video is not of jimmy chevy, ga, it has nothing to do with jimmy sherry ca, that is being promoted by a series of basically this information operatives on social media. and in mainstream media here in the united states, it was filmed in 2021 in
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a part of the country that he is not from not in puerto prints in the capital. and so this video is basically just being used to smear him, an attempt to the stabilize the company and the fame, the new delhi government. and that's the response from the india based global business giant. the, a donnie group following reported by a us an investment research from the claim. the indian company was involved in fraud and market manipulate. last year. that's 24, january. you had some debt to a matthew at that by us. shots of the objective was not just to describe like us, but also to politically the fame induction governments practices. despite the efforts
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a shake of her foundations vs the fall to commons by boston with danny, the man himself gum, or what are your off the usb shots said no, he didn't bug publish that dining report on the dining room watches after boston basically did was just to give you a sense back then before the report was published, quote, the vonnie was the 3rd richest man in the world that's renting each fan to about top 20 in the water. so that was the damage. but also in terms of the investor as well gotten with donnie last or a 100 really and dollars. and i'm really for what the hindenberg to bought alleging that going from a donnie, his group was involved in stock manipulation or to accounting for and for decades. they want a lot of tools that are published in that report,
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but the dining room back then, we still have reacted. seeing that the timing of the report was suspect. projected the report on the eve of our republic day, the us based short seller published a report just as we were planning to launch the largest fall on public offering and india's history. the report was a combination of targeted misinformation and outdated, discredited allegations aimed at damaging our reputation and generating profits through a deliberate drive down to our stock prices. any point out here that the dining room or golfing with bonnie himself, he is known to be a choose ally or huntington would be the indian prime minister. there was a long don't friends knowing them all these economic drove down. some of them also are known to be linked to the allowing, you know, as far as the dining tube has been feeling, they are in at least expert in the country. you name it thoughts efforts, edible simmons realist.


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