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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 15, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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steve required assistance is not reaching guns or especially to the north. just a few weeks earlier, we'd discover the threat of famine and fade that a new phase of suffering might begin when people would die on mass from hunger. not just shelly. already 27 people have died as a result of food shortages, including 25 children. israel does not want to open crossing, such as the common bu sullivan, affordable about 600 trucks and a poster it the gaza. will trucks could be received through 3 other locations, but israel does not want humanitarian a to arrive regularly. it's fear that the situation with aid is being used by israel as an instrument to pull that up just for now. if you're on a t international course, catch up with all of us stories on our website onto the comments. the meantime, we are on the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, the hi, i'm receptive and i'm here to played with you. whatever you do,
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do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the wayne state the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered 9 peter level as the guest told mounts and starvation occurs the by didn't. administration is made it clear repeatedly that there are no red lines for israel. no red lines means a green light to continue genocide, genocide is official washington policy. the cross hockey in palestine. i'm joined by my guess. lionel in new york is a legal and media analyst and had told we have jo loria is the editor in chief of consortium news dot com and you know, soccer we crossed to so talk a hockey. he is a former deputy head of the office of the un human rights agency in occupied palace by. all right, gentlemen, cross talk roles. in fact, that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate. let me go to jo 1st here you're, i'm one of our premier media guys. i see that there is a real it version to the g word in american media. now granted, ever since october 7th,
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we've seen more footage on mainstream american media. nothing like other alternative media. it's very sanitized with big they said really uncomfortable, bernie sanders. i'm really uncomfortable with that work. why should they be uncomfortable with it? that's what it is. i mean, if, if it isn't genocide, what is it joe love to be if they're being honest with themselves, of course, that's what they would call it, but they aren't even after the international court of justice rule that it is plausible. that is just committing genocide. i mean, they have to report that, but in a way that a lift, a lot of doubt, that it's really genocide. i mean, you know, it, when you see it, this is clear. we had 1st, the shorter way of control to move is the editor from using that word for a couple of weeks. and then it became so obvious that we we were using it because that is what it is. and of course, it's protecting its cover for us politicians, which as you said in the opening, peter are green lighting this genocide and why are they doing that?
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is the big question. i'm really not sure, except that there's huge amounts of money that go to american politicians. and there's very little israel actually does for the united states. and it's interest. aside from the aside from the actual driver, if we can call it that, of the american officials to continue their support bite and said the use that is you cannot attack or offer because 1500000 refugees they living out in the open. but that's my red line, but whatever, if they do it, no matter what, i'm with israel, i mean, it's just, it's absurd. what's going on. and i have to say his idea of a peer, which they're starting to build is $1800.00 foot. i'm sorry about mile long cars way is a e will send a gold spent to get them elected because he knows that his own party is opposing his policy on gods, or they want a ceasefire. 70 percent of democrats and the reaching po, want us to strike is losing this election. so he wants to be able to get, continue to support agenda. so making it look like he's doing something to help the
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people of causative. and no one should believe that at all for a moment. yeah. dropping maybe made food and bomb simultaneously and get your head around that. so let me go to you and i want to go to towards your expertise, you know occupied palestine. what's the purpose of human rights and international law now? i mean it's the west, the what likes to take credit for inventing it and, and, and shaming other countries into and forcing it with the west now is completely turned its back on it. so what's worth? yeah, well i'm asking myself the same thing every day. unfortunately, i kinda wonder what i've committed my entire career to but look, i mean, i think what's happening now is like you just said, i mean the double standards and photography of the west. when it comes to human rights and international law in general, this has just been exposed. it is so blatantly so clearly that it's just got unacceptable for the populace of not only not only for the populace of pretty much
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the entire world, but also for a lot of the governments outside of the west. you know, what it's, i mean is just the, we just think of the ukraine for example. i mean, if you just read the western mainstream corporate media, you know, you get the sense that, uh, the entire world is together. you know, they're lined up together with us against the russians, etc, etc. but when you look at a, your just look at a map of the world of the countries that are really, you know, imposing sanctions on russia. and it's very few. it really is only the west and a couple of others. so, you know, it's, it's the, it's, it's the same kind of thing. you know, the, the hypocrisy and double standards are just so blatant and so obvious that the, you know, the people of the world are just sick of it. they've had enough. and you know, the social media and the other kind of the video clips and the pictures that we've seen coming from palestine. visions expose everything even more. you know, it's impossible now for a, for the united states,
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for the west to hide what's been going on. it really is just, it really is, it's a sensual, it's, it's a, it's a, i mean, it's a terrible situation. a situation where really the whole, the whole idea of international law, the whole idea of international and the ones that everybody must provide, but are really being put into question. and it's, you know, it's nobody's fault except the us is and the west. absolutely right. you know, line on the, you know, we're more or less on this program the same age and, but it's always been kind of intuitive, but particularly in the west than united states. but israel is an exception. and, you know, there is a lot of great explanation for that. just, you know, they are different, okay. but they can be when the stakes are so high here, like, you know, i was thinking of gentlemen, if i were to use a new term, for example, instead of saying or, well, even just stop in double speak. we, we, we have this new speak which i'm trying to come up with the word. and as you know,
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peter on live from the 1st ball, which is here and in the west. but let me explain to you the, the intellectual kata, if you will. that's done, especially on an supposedly contributive news platforms and works like this and the guest your somebody with a conscience or somebody who dares to say the g word. and i said he was follows. number one, do you recognize from us as a terrorist organization? here we go to, do you recognize october? the 7th, as adair was that there were 3 does is we don't have the right to defend itself now, and that's it. and with that, no, i mean all i have a break fluid, but you respond with this, excuse me. do you recognize this or do you believe this particular activity in the part of israel is generous? i wait a minute and then you say, hold it. you just cited the most people, most western folks will cite international organizations to see how boss is terrorism. this is tara zach you once or there's other, the fine. you said however,
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the i c j said this, the word say there's no that doesn't count. yeah. so you pay the particular terms and i will tell you, genocide is the word that many people here in the west. if not all, do not understand. we're not asking you to, to use your own version of what it is, cattle, cars, holocausts, where we're to, it is a definitional operative word in a convention that is be use as, as apartheid as is that next i mean that as, but with lines with line or you can see you're absolutely spot on, right. but in the word i, the idea of genocide is well known and i, i don't think we can dismiss that, but putting israel and genocide in the same sentence. that's what bothers people. joe, you react about. okay. yeah, of course of course get aside is wrong. but go ahead joe, as well the language the, the language is very clear in the genocide convention i live. i'll just refer to
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that is about just going in a home or in part that's an important part of this that, oh, you don't have to kill everyone there. even a majority, a part of an actual ethical, racial, religious group and or to make deliberately and so the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction the whole apart. it's anybody to see that that's what's happening cause and now they're not watching. why is it carved out? because because israel has since its founding in 1948, not only practice slow motion genocide, certainly ethnic cleansing in order to establish the state. but it is had based on the guilt of the holocaust because the west has nothing to stop the whole cause to turn the way ships of jewish refugees. there was a moment's amount of guilt there. number one, there was an interest in perhaps having of european colony and an arab land on the united states and looking after you already set down with king solid on the
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shipping. like in the sure west canal. i made the deal that im us and sadie room is still live under, which is oil for the us. security guarantees, just saudi arabia, so they really need israel as a aircraft carrier there. as so many people say it is a you as a gift card, that's questionable, but certainly israel has gotten away with murder. and now we're genocide without really try and that's exactly what the american leaders ship, particularly in congress, but also by our doing. and it's really still a mystery to me why, why they couldn't not see a speak out and tell israel to stop this bug needs to pick up the phone. stop this, it would guarantee his election. most likely the democratic party in voters are going against him. they can't stand what they're seeing, andrew said peter, before we started, there, show that you, our humanity is being destroyed here by watching this. it is degrading everyone's humanity and democrats to are seeing this. now. they are seen. young people are out
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on the street. they blocked the road on the way to the capital for that state of the union address. and i'm quite broad, actually to see american people protesting this. they are likely aware of what's going on. there's some heard that israel has on the american political leadership. it could only come down to the money that they give it it's, it's a, it's called the, it's called corruption. it says peer out now, corruption. so, i mean, another thing that has been revealed and all of this with the assault on god's, the genocide that's being committed is western racism because palestinians just don't rate you know, they're not worth any victims. and when you put that into the context of the whole woke nonsense in the western world, now everything starts to short circuit. so or yeah, i mean look, uh it says there's obviously no question about that. i mean policy is just don't count palestinian lives, don't count and, you know, palestinians have been dis humanized into less through the corporate media and through statements of the political lead, you know,
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over and over and over for decades. now that you know people just, well, you know, you have a lot of people, thousands of people going out on the streets demonstrating, and that's a really hardening sign. but certainly within the pull the core doors of power in most of the western countries. it's just, you know, sugars and just people just shrugged their shoulders and again, you know, it's the double standards. i mean, even if we go back to the whole cost. um, you know, look, the european powers had been committing genocide in the colonies, you know? yeah. for, for your donkeys years up till that, i mean the only reason this was like a really big deal was because it took place in your end because the victims sort of looked like us. i mean, at the time, you know, in many countries, jews, jewish people were not looked upon, we thought treated as white people, but so they looked like us and there was a sort of sense of affinity or then being close to us, at least they were closer to us then, you know, black africans or, or other people. so, you know, that's, that's again,
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it just goes to show the double standards, you know, again i'm, i'm a, i'm an international lawyer. i've spent my entire career in international law, but you know, we have to remember that international law has. it's not racist origin, but it's always been applied in the races. all. so i have to jump in here gentlemen . i have to go to a hard, straight care, and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion of ours. let's stay with our case the a, the same wrong. just don't
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have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will to parts we choose to look so common ground the, the russian states never as one of the most sense community best english i'll send, send up the speed . the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say
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from stephen twist, which is the welcome back across software, all things are considered on peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing palestine the okay, let's go back to so the soccer right. before we go into the break, we were talking about how the west is really revealed. it's a racism towards the world with by not reading palestinians is where the victims continue please. yes, but well, yes. well, definitely, um and you know, i think some of the, you know, some of the other guests were talking about how is real is treated as treated special treated with kid gloves. and it really is amazing to me. not only how in dc, but also an international for like the when, you know,
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israel is treated special is it's somehow there's this idea that we have to be really careful when we're talking about israel. because the only way we're going to get them to do the right thing is if we show them that we're not, you know, biased again some that were not inherently against them into the, the, the end of the tubing who is the national development of goals for the future, you put all of our mazda one and the suffice. if the only action, no matter what our enemy is, do will ensure our interest of them. i would like to pass the defense minister
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to report on the current situation. please. you have the floor. the water is part of the election process to intimidate people, at least the in the border areas in the areas border and ukraine, kia, neo nazi regime, tennessee, with this trying to get out a number of the criminal arms and attacks of this as primarily due to the strikes and against the for i get this letter to the villain sites in the russia and communities we have been intercepting i'll air defenses. intercept is about 95 percent of these products, but the there were a civilian victims and this he has, i will say as a give me a moment. sure they all and their families will receive
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a vessel for it. and yet they need make no mistake about that, and these attacks will not go on the financing issue, but even starting march 12 and through those they exposed to the enemy. it has been relying on the special forces port in medicine there is. and that you can armed forces to carry out a number of attempts to gain a foothold of our territory by carrying out sabotage and terrorist attacks for in the bel growth regions. and was in the course of the region in order to gain a foothold over the russian territory. they have use over 202500 and we troops. so about 4 is the infantry carriers and $35.00 things, but not in a single instance. does anybody have any success they were rich held, especially everywhere?
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or should they said that the enemy of fled encouraging drape law, so some losing about 60 percent of the personal and 50 percent of their machine, their readings while you in the u. z is, excuse me, and yet you may attack list of public that for me, does not make any sense from a military perspective. but they were designed to undermine that. i send up 10 to the presidential election, but time confident that the people afresh will unite when looking at somebody in the face of this. but i do, they want to view intimidates, as a multi ethnic people afresh. of this has nothing never happened before, and they will never succeed in this endeavor. and the one that you, what they also want to do by these attacks is diverse. that kind of shows you all for each of their own people and to the international public opinion. and who are sponsors them? because maybe from the actual situation viewed and along the line of contacts over there, you should, the russian forces have maintained the initiative. you know,
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have been demonstrating courage, invalid and heroism in performing your veteran home, but the commissions and delivering on them where he's putting in place they foundation before and ensuring garage as conditions ability and usually of see where to go to. and then what does the movie show sound and this so that's what and this is a prerequisite for building a prosperous future for our country. despite some new our enemies and anything they do for role in sure. our national interest, but other but i would like to us because defense minister to report on this is a current situation as well that what does that sound like? it's coming from the russian president vladimir poach. and of course, it's a day, one of the presidential election across all of the vast expanse of russia. but it comes that a trumpeting time as the western regions of russia, belle grove,
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road and the heart of san and quarter. so for example, they have been basically the front line of many attacks from ukrainian forces, ukrainian forces, not just in the past few days, but also in the past few weeks and months they've been trying to, to breach. so for in russian territory along the border line with the bill. good. all the encoders can now today, and this is very important. we, they being day one to the presidential election. we understand that at least 2 towns in the heart of san a region, whether a polling stations with people costing their votes, have been shelled by ukrainian forces right now. we have no reports of any fatalities, potentially, they're all wounded. we'll keep you posted on this here. when are you in to national read more about putting comments on our website, odyssey dot com. all right, we'll be back in just a few minutes or one off the international. appreciate your patience please. if you
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can stick around of the, by the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis, particularly late 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to a mass unrest. getting 1964, the liberation front of mozambie re limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but the guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the sliders, against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders, the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency
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. however, 3 limos, 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist regime in portugal in 1974, the new what the already surrendered. a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. lots of victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters
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the the the, to attempt at the extra a month, i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job bluff because of a dish. excuse us. for the defense, actually the supplement is such a button and that the printer doesn't want to lose. it has to be like that. if i say the media, i love to focus on you to reason could you say, would you say the new country can be so generally presented? it was forwarded to my the work, the don stimulus the industry on. is it or what's money will process the left? so should william farmer shops might give us who we have cost or to go and what decision did my name and what was that man? it was what was that ridiculous problems?
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i put it in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm showing total set pretty show can was i'm patient did it for she's getting those are the best do what i mean? there's a, there's a problem, i shot the, the russian states never as tight as on one of the most on screen and the best english i'll send, send up the speed
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. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the magenta itself? the gaining independence and from the law form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan. pro french president, felix,
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who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on dean isn't in the trunk. then there's, i'll send you his foster larry share. so that was done was who saw him and the more appropriate officer, the death of, of a one year, a new lead to bill. i'll go back the ball came to power separate from rated double people. yeah. q is your why do you know if we're picking up from the was, it isn't good enough for tiffany to one of the problems. demetrius redeemed. good luck. boeing enemy a deep political crisis. and seemed to walk at the country 2nd largest, as he turned into a theatre of law. thank you for more than you can be the only to only be resolved about this. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is black a recovering from?
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he is a bloody conflict. watch on odd. see the is breaking news. that's all i hear. what all the international as president putin is vowing retaliation. ukrainian forces are showing, polling stations are the hardest one. the region with 2 people were all across russia. people are heading to the polling stations to catch the balance in the presidential election, which turn office the past about 25 percent on the 1st day of voting. the green lighting, the idea planned for a ground in culture and into the southern gods and the city of rough buttons at the


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