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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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nice as we'd like to continue. genocide, genocide is official watson calling the breaking news this our on obviously presidents involves to retaliate, ukrainian forces, show polling stations and they get it from region 3 people wounded and i a michael for to live here. this to do are the red square voting as close to all righty across regions for the 1st day of voting and presidential election and turnouts. have to box 35 percent and we are bringing you up to speed with all of the developments right here. so bob, lucky me, a few 10 is the only candidates you test to spell, it's doing it remotely from his office. i do know that you use these very prime minister benjamin netanyahu, green lights that are due on the ground operation,
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sort of on the southern gods. the city of rocky, the most of the world, you're watching a moxie and some national most been a very busy news day. my name is peter scott. these great to have you with us to people have been wounded after ukrainian forces to shield pulling stations in the caps on beach. and according to the regions governor, he has said that you probably knew strikes will not stop the voting process as a boots in his father, the strikes will not go unpunished. this is what i'm actually civilian, as we know today in our country, in accordance with the russian constitution. presidential elections have begun in an attempt to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people, at least in the border areas with ukraine. the key of neo nazi regime is trying to carry out a series of criminal and demonstrative armed acts. this primarily involves targeting peaceful settlements on russian territory. approximately 95 percent of the enemies
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missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense forces. nevertheless, unfortunately, there are casualties among civilians, all of them and their families will of course receive all necessary assistance and support these attacks by the enemy will not go on punished several following stations think of some region and were shielded by ukrainian army in the seals. they are fresh presidential elections, leaving to surveillance wounded this day, the city of bills or was she'll stand ariel targets according to the local authorities who are interrupted by russian and defense systems. but unfortunately, one system is dead and 2 wounded. as a result of the attack effects on the region, every simply intensified significantly. you create a new meal for an intelligence units have tried to seize. i've tried to capture few really just one of the territory refresher. here in boulder creek and russian minister of defense can don't says all of the attacks were without an estimate. the
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number of moses at 15 hundred's, one of these attacks happened as russia rules in the free days of presidential elections. we are in built our 10 builder, which is one of the board, his own regents, the city of build routes is going to the full and station people here are willing to express their, their, their feelings and their concerns about the future. really, these, the, the nance you created and the rest focus has huge residential building. 3 children died and they attacked responsible, special coverage of the presidential elections. we can now go to our studio in the very heart of the russian capital to be all the latest updates as a nation makes his choice. that would have them in the future of the country. on the right, i have michael courts. it welcome to our specials to do where we are covering the
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presidential election, 2024. and it's history had been made in this election that we have told you before, that this is the 1st time of presidential election in russia is causing across few days. in fact, 3 days, day 12 and 3. where russians have the opportunity to catch the ballot. and the big question that has been thrown out to them here is who do you want as your president for the next 6 years and 90000 upholding stations have been thrown out for them to be able to express and answer that question with the ballot. stating who they want to be the president for the next 6 years. and that is what is going on. people have turned out in las is expressing the font size and telling people who they want as it is right now. what bringing you up to speed with all of that development live here?
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this is the 1st time, like i said, sometime before that this is the 1st time they've yeah, the voting process. and the, as it is, let's get on with what's going on now over 35 percent of the votes have been in the past. so 5 ton to now it's rather has been expressed sofa and a still going ahead. so there are 4 candidates in this election and let's bring them to you right here. of course, the russian president, incumbent president, is a candidate here. he's even come in the head of state who is running as an independent candidate along with office 3. could contend those who are currently a national lawmakers representing 3 different political parties. and so 5 lot of a put in is the only candidate to have cast his ballot tacit now, he opted not to go to the pulling station at but voted remotely via the online service from his office. he did that from the convenience offers,
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offers. now we spoke with a political correspondent earlier her a year ago, a piece is going off and he money to the top of the elections and he had some observations to make a, bring us the facts of what is going on. and speaking to some passings who were on the ground at the pulling units that listed that despite any attempts to obstruct the, to the voting process, like you just saw in russia's new regions or some of the incidents that have taken place at some of the polling stations in, you know, the regions of russia and millions of people have already cast their ballots. and this is only the 1st day of the election. like you said, this is the 1st time that russia is holding a presidential election, which will last for 3 days. and that's, of course, done in order to provide everyone with an opportunity to be able to cast their ballots. as this system was tested earlier during other elections of officials on the lower levels and has proven to be quite effective in boosting and
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the voter turnout. numbers, this is also the 1st presidential election in which the russians are able to vote for the next president online. so to go, school are physically able to come to bowling stations, are also able to place their values. also, this is good news for whole those into verse out there to take a listen to what some of those who didn't may have managed to come to the polls, had to say we expect some more development, the same prosperity in the country, and that everything will turn out better for all people. fate of our country is being decided for 6 years. the president is elected for 6 years. our entire system . the structures of governing bodies in our life, in general, is being decided. everyone should come and vote over to collections our lights, the president and the people are united. our victory depends on the president and
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the people, though i believe that elections are mandatory, that it was the i think that this is one of the most important events for every person, for the citizens of our country. we must take part because the future of russia depends on our voice. we all love us, citizens of russia. i think that the clergy is the advanced or of our society, so we must actively take part in these events. for some young russians, this is the 1st time that they have to take part in the presidential election and for others, of course, it's not seen, some veterans of the great, but i try to corps casting their ballast where you unseen the russian numbers of the crew of the international space station cast their ballots in the 0 gravity though there was also this interesting incident in one of the following stations where a robot team to uh, try to take part in the election. but obviously some machine was denied to do so.
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the representative self deal with the whole community said that it didn't have a human id have. but if the some point in the future robots would have the same rights as humans and as russian citizens, then they wouldn't have a problem with them taking place and taking part in the election as well. but i think that's just a humorous no way another a humorous and creative way to persuade more people to take part in the election because we are talking about the next 6 years of russia's political life. unfortunately, several troubling incidents have been reported in the different parts of the country authorities already in our already investigating them and several criminal investigations are being conducted. uh, a few people actually for the ink into the bad boxes. one of them and tried setting up boiling station on fire by throwing a mazda of cocktail in it, but thankfully, no one was injured in that incident and about the boxes weren't damaged as well.
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but we have heard now from the head of the aisle girl committee, all up on zillow, who said that this is quite a serious offense. still from those who are the same from the, from their explanations, it follows that this is coming from abroad. this means some kind of scheme, a connection. these are elements of federalism. they admit that they do this for money, but they said they will be less all this is just bedding hooliganism. this is section 141 of the criminal code up to 5 years in prison. this is not ordinary simple hooliganism. presidents incumbent president vladimir putin has also cast his ballots and apparently voted online. possibly again, setting an example for others to choose that type of voting system if they don't have an opportunity to physically go to college station. now talking about international attention to be this presidential election, then
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a $106.00 countries sent their observers to russia to monitor the vote. i think all in all about 200000 people, including russian citizens and foreigners, are monitoring this election. let's listen to what some of the for an observer is that what they had to say to very friendly people and very, very happy for most of them to read. i expected you to be a beads, to be, to all of these process. you selection that you'd like to watch and discover these, but it was very peaceful peacefully and then no interruption. my anecdotal, you know, a perception is that people feel excited to vote. i guess the voter turnout so far as but very good with early voting. something over 50 percent. well,
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that says something, you know, people are lined up here at 7 am to vote even though it didn't open till 8. so that says something again, i don't want to draw to bigger lucian's because that wouldn't be fair and i try to bear. so, but i certainly did. things are not as the west. now in contrast to these comments, so made by some of the international monitors, i'd like to share with you some of the comments now coming out from some western officials, many of whom have been saying earlier that they won't be paying attention to the presidential election in russia calling it a sham for illegitimate. but now it seems some are taking to sarcasm as the last resort. for instance, the european council president who said that quote, i'd like to congratulate vladimir put it on his landslide victory in the election starting today. no opposition?
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no freedom, no choice rotates on x, formerly known as twitter of force, or a policy analyst with the european parliament. who said that recent changes through us is a total, was make it virtually impossible to conduct any meaningful monitoring and have significantly restricted the role of the media with. well, frankly, i think these $106.00 countries, which did defend their observers, to monitor the selection in russia. i think they would disagree so far. we haven't seen the any other candidates cast their ballots, but i do think they have a lot on their hands. and plus there's still lots of time to do so for us there's still saturday and sunday, so i'm sure we'll be seeing them taking part in the vote as well. but we have seen many senior russian officials, including the ford minnes, elaborate defense minister showing who cast their ballots the, the heads of the russians regions, including the new regions. so basically, all of them are setting an example for all the other russian citizens. also to take
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part in this election earlier, i had the opportunity to speak with a member of the guns in parliament edson the rubel mile. and he said that there's a lot to learn from the russian voting system. i'm not doing what i have themselves all day. i've been visiting the appalling stations i, i go to appreciate what is tremendously unique. yeah. the integration of high level i t, we be election with democracy and the find the process very much efficient effective and presented the integrity of the democracy of the country. so to those who reject these forces, just before it starts, i say, you know, you'll be sticking. think crusher is doing something great. i think we have so many things that we need to pick from here, especially the integration of the voting into the democracy. simple month to month when you reach at the polling station today, you'll see the mechanisms that the government has. the central election committee
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has put in place to guarantee each individuals for the surveillance 24 hour surveillance of cctv. you look at the ability to go out and help everyone in the class on the disabled of the very elderly person to make sure they can seize the average of what. and you've said this is very unique. this is going out of the way to ensure every pass on counts in a democracy. it's very important. but other than since they've got be the issue that's, that's a growth in the relationship between russia and especially the african countries. not just didn't want to specify you straight to african countries as a group in relationship. can you share with us from your perspective, what is responsible for this cooperation group that is going on in the relations between russia and africa? i think all of a sudden pressure has opened the hearts and minds for africa on the, on the other end we up for shit that we had at this unique moment rush i chose to
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open that has, for us will commerce on share with us the good resources they have the technology of them knowledge and that everything the product that expose this uh exposure. so it see it also is more just with the willingness that the company does have to take the data. they look at a very dependable but tonight in russia, on the accounts as uh for, for the corporation that you're seeing today. and i think more we'll come when we continue in the same project or our area we've heard from a member of the russian parliament to me kind of like in the he said that whoever wins the selection, the passing should not only protect russia from the western powers, but should also go on the offensive when he comes to economic standoff. let's listen to him too. but up to the election process is going well. everything is going organize. and we mean, of course we have attempts by fascist,
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supported by the west to spoil these elections for us. but these attempts have been stopped and they will not succeed during these elections. russia expects that as usual, the candidate who enjoys the support of the majority of the people and who can realize their hopes and aspirations will win, which will be able to ensure the implementation of the national interest of our mother, land, and assure economic prosperity was, is when talking about economic challenges, it is usually customary to talk about western sanctions. western sanctions really scared us a little in 2014. when this started. now western sanctions created inconvenience as we quickly learned to overcome them. we have created tools that provide us with financial stability. the main problem today for us is to part with our erroneous prejudices. the west has declared a war of extermination on us. we understand this. we have learned to defend ourselves, but we have not yet begun to inflict unacceptable damage on the west. we're not using weapons of economic warfare against the west,
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and this is certainly what the new president will do. so let me just put it in the pony and all right, at this point, we will wrap up with the presidential election studio right here at the red square . but essentially we're not done with the elections yet. out for the day, one, all the pulling stations of clothes, but just in few hours, reasons in the far east will spot again and their lead usually in day 2 of the elections as it goes on by the way, through out the 11 time zones of the biggest country in the world, so i'm going to hand of about 2 of my colleagues. p described in the studio. i will be right back here tomorrow to continue with all of you in dallas is bringing you point by point of what is going on. have a great day the
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well maybe know now from us special election coverage here in russian by to our regular news program. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu guys approved the idea of splunk, a ground operation in the southern gauze and city of rough, or is autism at least, bureau chief, me, if a notion that with more details, the prime minister's office announced a, gave its approval for a ground defensive and rough fun and does the southware up to 1500000 palestinians currently find refuge? most of them internally displaced from the facilities in the north. it is not clear exactly when the operation might kick off, but we hear from the idea that preparations are in full swing, is ro pushes for the invasion, and it says to finish with the militants, the adf already killed around 13000 miles 5 years. but at least 5000 others. according to ero, i still reported late in the gaza strip and most of them probably hiding somewhere
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in the south. israel also claims the right dozens of tunnels and gather the south. but the length of the street with sewing nice for which has room the ladies have mass smuggles militants, money and weapons. so israel says it needs to be destroyed. there are 2 major problems with a rough fall offensive. the 1st is where exactly to evacuate all those poor gaskins from the junction. bode well here is what i was planning to establish. so cold humanitarian islands in the center of the street, packed with food, walter, medications, and tense, but a 1500000 people. will there be enough space and supplies for that? be fine thing. so continues, there is so unclear how could these really provide security for all these palestinians? another issue is the lack of international support. pedro's biggest ally, the u. s. has repeatedly said it would not back such and i'm slaughter, especially if it's real, doesn't present a solid plan on where to replicate people from the junction border. and guys,
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i'm clearly bowman and firing in such a densely populated area poses many risks earlier. president biden made it clear another $30000.00 dash would be a red line even for washington. all their allies like germany, for example, voice similar concerns. the german chancellor is arriving in israel on sunday and is expected to try to persuade prime minister netanyahu to refrain from rough i invasion if it's not yet too late by that time on friday. and is really to dig ation and is set to leave for go home to continue talks with him, ask for guitar remediation. another reason for announcing the approval of the large scale, how peroration and rough uh could be an attempt to put 2 more pressure on him as to agree to the deal. you know, can use nature states us set to scout with the world and create well they call a coalition to help supply ukraine with more weapons. let's go into the gym and
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chancellor. you spoke of to try lots of meetings with the french president and poems. prime minister the, i'm a sort of, i think it should be a problem. we've agreed on a number of key points. among other things, we will immediately procure even more weapons for ukraine on the global market. secondly, the production of military equipment will be expanded also through cooperation with partners in ukraine. 3rd, as part of that, or i'm starting format, we will establish a new coalition of capable people for a wide range of missile artillery. it's more or less as close a lot now to all, to contribute to rachel mazda and rachel suddenly big funds the from the gym and sons. the what else did those western leaders agree on a shelf? sounds there like that guy at the nightclub who can't make a trip to the washroom on his own. he has to drag his whole posse along. they all need to hold each other's hands. so no 16 i was being particularly escal atory in this conflict because as michael said, they're quote, continuing, as they have done since day one,
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to never take the initiative of any escalation. we're talking here about the same guy who acted like french opposition parties were a bunch of was says, if they didn't agree with his idea of sending frank soldiers to crate using the conflict to indulges and for not for the old book. that talks fantasies against russia. yeah. germany sending long range weapons to be used in ukraine talking about sending torres is over there, the 500 kilometer rage against russia. and my goal is to staying on sending french troops to oh, we are any kind of a splits where it is at all right. of course, they can always just conveniently say at some point of their choosing that it was russia, the escalated the conflict. so they just didn't have a voice right now, like they haven't already done a bunch of things that they said they absolutely never do in this conflict. so at this meeting in berlin with michael adults and publish prime minister donald task,
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schultz underscored that the 3 countries are not at work with russia themselves. oh, but excuse us. why we just use this whole conflict as a pre text to ramp up our military industrial complex is as though we actually were at work. and it's cool with russia ourselves. jeremy's, going to increase production of artillery in ukraine. it's weapons of what make or ryan metal really is never had it so good at making hardware that can get blown up pretty much right on the battlefield, coming straight off the assembly line. so no need to even spend any money in shipping it to where it can actually get blown up. it's already there. it's a wonder that there are weapons production facilities and ukraine are you can still operational and haven't been blown up themselves homes altogether. because discussion format with pulling france and germany, the, they mar triangle, but it's more like it's on the verge of turning into or from you to triangle for native weapons. and so the post prime minister this made up in for lynne was also
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a great virtue signaling opportunity spelling in the settings of this meeting. the atmosphere of it showed very clearly that some malicious rumors about the fact that you were being capitals are different from each other in a few matters were widely exaggerated. today we spoke in one voice about without any unnecessary waste or hesitation. i without any which is sometimes typical for markets policy. we have decided that a for the green must be immediate, the same as intensive as possible. we want to spend our money. we want to help in all possible ways extra of all, you know, talk, let me show you the publish farmers and truckers protesting against the unfair advantage that there ukrainian counterparts are getting into european market right now please. it's really, really, it's, it's not absolutely thrilled to learn that their own government as time says, quote, wants to spend their money on you crate task. seems awfully concerned about the perception of divisions between these 3 countries. well, they all do actually,
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maybe they should be more concerned about the very real and deep divisions between the people of their countries and the junkers, making these decisions with poles in germany and france in particular showing that the actual citizens of these countries really are not in sake, overwhelmingly with their leaders, when it comes to this idea of either ramping up long range weapons or sending their own troops to prince, michael said that the 3 nations are quote, united, determined and resolute to never let russia with sounds like you. how does the poli onyx you call them that hat on a bit too tight when practicing for this performance in the mirror? and that's pretty much what it is. it's a show for the folks at home. while the reality is on the ground are much more complicated, and these guys conveniently refuse to define for the folks at home. what russia waiting would even look like, hey, if you don't put up a goal post, then you never really have to worry about moving them. rachel, thanks very much for your take on that. try not to meet thing between the german,
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french and the polish leaders. thank us, delegation that's arrived in egypt on tuesday has left the west african states empty handed to us on the secretary of state africa company by representatives from depends again as well as african, while they expected to meet the country's military leader. but it refused to give them no audience. agirri based journalist, somebody will be a so big just to be sense of us under secretary of state for author, going to fast molly fee and come on the us off the command micro landry, where a monk a piece also we've got the west often based on this week they arrived on tuesday, but it's going to be a stay on the 1st day in hopes of meeting general c, jani, besides military leader. but the us officials left without an audience with c n. e . though they met with the needs, are we in prime minister in the capital? the meeting was to renew contact with me sir of the last year as military tool and to review the us security and development. partnerships with the nation is as moved
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to lead. i did not get any explanation for not being present and domestic government is yet to each rental fees all statements. this is the 2nd us delegation visit to missouri seems the major quote. in summer of last year, the united states condemned the cool and demanded return to constitutional order with the restoration of the post. president's meanwhile, seems to cool the military leaders have been very vocal about moving away from former colonial powers and for west force in front to withdraw its troops from the country. when the jump, we jumped, the french didn't want to listen to us. we issued several warnings. we had to re define new principles for our cooperation before it was too late. the time of colonization is over. everything must be done by the will of the people. we are convinced that the future of new share will be bright, because we will work to guarantee the rights of citizens and that the next year and people will benefit from the country's wealth. crohn's heart,
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about 1500. so just space around in the country. a spot of a wider fight against do you have, besides military, it has not to demand that the withdrawal of us forces. washington, however, has never made a secret of the incentives to remain militarily present in me, sir. the united states still has about a 1000 images, although they are price on top of the limit that seems to pay a lot small miss air was neighboring. malia and put in a false. we decided to leave a course and advance the corp block that for us had imposed sanctions on the author of the military pole and of the latest move this week. my julia decided to leave samsung on sir timothy. you'll be a r t a bu john materia. well, that's all for now. do be sure to check out our kind of gum tunnel for the latest break can use on updates with presidential elections? we'll see if i can't. the
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the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm theater. lavelle, as the death toll mounts and starvation occurs, the binding administration has made it clear repeatedly that there are no red lines for israel. no red lines means a green light to continue genocide, genocide is official washington policy. the .


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