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tv   Documentary  RT  March 16, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

6:30 am
just the escalated the conflict so they just didn't have a voice right now, like they haven't already done a bunch of things that they said they absolutely never do in this complex. so at this meeting in berlin with mac home thoughts and post prime minister dial task, schultz underscored that the 3 countries are not at work with russia themselves. oh, but excuse us, while we just use this whole conflict as a pre text to ramp up our military industrial complex is as though we actually were at war with russia ourselves. jeremy's, going to increase production of artillery in ukraine. it's weapons of what make or ryan metal really is never had it so good in making hardware that can get the loan up pretty much right on the battlefield, coming straight off the assembly line. so no need to even spend any money shipping it to where it can actually get blown up. it's already there. it's a wonder that there are weapons production facilities and ukraine. are you still operational and haven't been blown up themselves homes altogether?
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because discussion format with pulling france and germany, the raymar triangle, but it's more like it's on the verge of turning into or from you to triangle for data weapons. and so the post prime minister this meet up in for lynn was also a great virtue signaling opportunity spelling. now that the settings of this meeting the atmosphere of it showed very clearly that some malicious rumors about the fact that european capitals are different from each other. in a few matters were widely exaggerated. today we spoke in one voice without any unnecessary waste or hesitation. i, without any which is sometimes typical for markets policy. we have decided that 8 for the green must be immediate. and as intensive as possible, we want to spend our money. we want to help in all possible ways to publish farmers and truckers protesting against the unfair advantage that there ukrainian counterparts are getting into european market right now. we'd be really relieved. it's not absolutely thrilled to learn that their own government was to spend their
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money on you. crazy stuff. seems awfully concerned about the perception of divisions between these 3 countries. well, they all do actually. maybe they should be more informed about the very real and deep divisions between the people of their countries and the junkers, making these decisions with poles in germany and france and particular showing that the actual citizens of these countries really are not in sake. overwhelmingly, with their leaders, when it comes to this idea of either ramping up long range weapons or sending their own troops to ukraine. my whole said that the 3 nations are quote, united, determined and resolute to never let russia with sounds like you. how does the pool, the arctic, you call them the hat on a bit too tight? when practicing for this performance in the mirror? and that's pretty much what it is. it's a show for the folks at home. while the reality is on the ground are much more complicated, and these guys conveniently refuse to define for the folks at home. what russia really would even look like. but hey, if you don't put up a goal post,
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then you never really have to worry about moving them. not is also signing off to the hour and it's combined for me today takes up the top like what you asked me of the
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to some from the is it what co c on continue comes on. so look at this of prescription of them all of that are pretty much it all set. i last thoughts look see to keep on the list. securities equal minus those you missy. do something about going to need much of in my, just because your music has stipulated to realizing the plugged us. if you remind you that the free i love a little more to remind you to say today of all the call numbers on local menu. so because it kind of what it is that the kind of easy you sound like a solo for that entity into the fucking on it and gun go my buddy to book it, show up. i see some of the met, the deductible. to know the
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most of the casino sits or to set the money under the facts, but it says, i'm going to come a lot by a to let be. i think i know some of the amendment or some on most of the, on the most by a be stuck on a or self us. so gladly or some foss. apple bradshaw old wants to come in front of you, sir, to i'm gonna read as, as you don't know, that is even intimate. nice. somebody visited me. i click the page, isn't there. they try to go to the bottom. that is, i'm in a meeting for the quarter. okay. well, to ask you the new name. let me the address here while it actually does it say, my name is cynthia geneva to do any fossa support. what do they want to get to the for the can't, is all i mentioned the process. i said to some of them on it on, on as of documents you posted, you know, so say in the shop to said, i mean shows google says it does show can was on patient data for, she's going to set up the shock and was impressed data for the she came to mos on page do what? um there is a cop bumper on a chef
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a mid the mid income. i'm pointed both our best himself to you so i don't suppose to so i said don't put people on the lot. so that's just as important right now. we know this, we've got to remember is, i mean it's in a couple of words to deprive a country of sovereignty is to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about to to use the circle. and the book we do the not to the con was that you on call it on the one
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that is good. or do you think there's only a couple in news news, i'm your shipping is. i've been on the list and she'll see anything more on. i look on the play now was on the phone. they found a month, the associated little aspect. you're dividing this. they have on file on the live volume associates things up in, in april. so it goes to lot id routine in your system and you've got some a, how can i say milton, would you notice it? bob? really energy lot to choose the key on the corner. going to be. i'm reading it. i thought she loved most the money. that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better. me new boss story didn't nissan, san naples, or maybe a little more new through this on sampled. but you can let me set it up as the funding power adults, french school children joined demonstrations coming down with friends, blackouts. frances hello neal cliche tend to have to be more important than the
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humanistic and universal value is a french culture. and to anyone remotely from system to associated with will go and send x ability with, with the background color and under 3 on the culture of science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogy. they say it's time for friends to leave . there's somebody for you when to describe d. o. 16 on. so you can set it off the law offices. pasadena did a new job, and i was wanting to speak with mr. hall on frontier. is there no monday, the soonest date is a long distances to file a motion is looking is i think i found you in a pump on the go through just yourself that gives you a dimple, vicky larry character. certainly. what would you like to share? so she'll be able to make initial setup. is there something it's going to open and it's on the point where you're only as a whole frontier for something on the phone is only the bundle of imagery. this will not fit, it pulls in imagery to offer you said i'm gonna buy it from set before that's gonna
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speak with this one. offices get a no money for him on a former, easier degree. so it looks like, i mean it all over, is it, did it still settings it because of course i kind of point him out the most. okay. and is he led to going to school for sure. that's that the initial a faucet on that or that along because your boss, i think it is. and in that off, i mean, send a technician out of the game though, and the end of the the and then assess, gets worse. and i'm seeing what's the song dollars they told me to fill out to the final thing on the phone that long cushion. right. so finally kicked lenny instead of the cussing languages. although when they are very, the only for boy on the left side, it was on the district all the thousands on. and then when that women tell the careers as all phenomenon. yeah. son. i mean canada as it might be, the it
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was added on some of the office phones on c, so they put on the notes is. ringback that, you know, decide is all to, to set up the renew at the city. i mean, most of them go to file stuff that nothing new unfortunately cut off in beautiful
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bits. and then plus the pretty house in most i let them nick off the rest of let it let your mouse and grew up is it didn't have enough of the board on monday, tuesday, not for the substitute drugs a right and the to the most recent page in molly's history is operation sort of well for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the countries staying toward it's a simple trick. the operation was prepared in advance and waited for flour in groups formed incidentally with french health to get from libya demonte. the authoration that has several symbols. handing a subjective, a french military contingent entered the country, demising the pro french government. and the flags were put in their place. the
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a little guy, the to that in b. c. s plus out is that same day and keep going deep so far as the glass of each layer of the program easier. the data said to the box in the complex she gave me differentiate dividend, y, that's blue shore c v. like victor let us one of the new, but that's been it up. can you see what the buttons use of the view w? i said we use it. do you have the symptoms? then the site go to, i mean for us of them cut to that proof of going was seen by the the lead me see. so i think that the lock so that they can that, that keep this on for you think the boy should be what, when you're looking for dealing with the
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next operation of hun, allowed friends to take control of the whole region from sent a goal so, so done, most of the curious path in the terrorist threats continued to grow, and the area of terrorist activity expanded 12 french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew. click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly, but for a french trade interest. frances i made to accompany independent and extremely advantageous, inconvenienced position in molly. the bulky bias found many malia and civilians died at the hands of the french. doesn't care about that. phrase the girl fronts has no friends, supposedly its own interests. the history of relations between friends and its former colonies should serve as an example to of the defense treaty
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with france. is a deal with the devil. so no, uh, uh, people do or is that down to the put the last on monday i'm gone. don't see that i'm going to donald notifies who the a reset, a reset that p the foster for us as a or for somebody in the go to the left is on the man i leave it a lot of to lose the that's the 1st of my my them onto the stuff the next city, the popular. so monday nobody concludes to develop on the so a backup of the david instead of in a have done that is on all the new cons. good for a lot of new concepts. mm. it just g and do not
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a lot of list recruiting to us live, but i think mark or something. didn't the pull at the end of the men? rashid interest, the spending, their juvenile light, of incredible proportions. only 3000 my turn. now, to the latest on russia's presidential election, well, well, well, at least turn it up. the, the russian states never as one of the most sense community. most all sense enough the assistance of the case on that is to
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progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t spoke neck keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say to stephen twist, which is the of the loan for elizabeth so far says of my lead a lot easier to do the to the deal. the not month need got this bus to this is a but i saw nobody on the was that down to the popular? so the sooner the close think you need to is the what is also the use of the force
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at the sum of money. though for now i live into my long speak, don't cause your data to belong to by them. i didn't need that this new call to do nothing as fast as a new other than that. but so one of the due to the difficult and do want to know to put a, to a policy for me, i don't know to put it that i thought you knew for the upon those who look last i area and then we'll do the event go to the, the blizzard for not the left and a little compatriots assume that the, that i saw it is i'm going to have done to sort of us value the desk of jim that i set up a set to move onto to this uh, another plus the best on the so i don't know if a near to notes don't accept full glass is a deal is what do the data on clear on that that this debate is this the 2nd page
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of knowledge of is the new whole fucking area that process problem. i've had a lot of the seats in the long too. yeah. long as a month. the last to go to the military. maria, on the, for the month for the most is it 2 days in law does not compete the corporate i saw, i work a lot of the sheet so that includes that. i so putting this on don't send it back in corporate. so i do that office for less than that, but in corporate i saw a lot of phone calls in spent moses on the i love the vision of the level that i submitted to the collaboration. same group that i saw on going on right now. so in, so you say it's, i believe down the civics to that aspect. there's it as a,
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as in good. good. i. so keep that in mind that i'm able 1st is avenue my live as it the lack of the issue. uh, does it kick month, a safety data for them uh to a lot of the photos out of them. i live on the monte. i'm to. so the looks that in this is june 22nd children. i'm not sure what to ties to accidentally lose you to look to be performed on the funding said ok to get it which this is
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to think see this out. of course i'm se sending guys some way it is gonna shoot you . nissan. nissan sent you to keep the sensitive money out into effect. can you, if it is, if you seem to invite me inconvenient for the meeting activities in the the assistant elicit another into sheets or simply yes, it doesn't show the depth of the symptom. uniform is and that's the to so i'm p collision. so as far as i mean some of the home products. so doing by the way the fest beds um wait the other parts of the city totally please enter the lender was under the news for them. that's the
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reason that zone, so kind of there's a, b, c, d, c open but they leave a sure. is it the best on the front end of it due to the buffer? so sure, sorry about that stuff and then to set, willing to do this. but i mean, talk, this would be the do, but the stuff on the lesson to empty destructive on this activity. that estimate isn't that it didn't make any decisions, quasi. i didn't use it. so you might still have to remember what the lesson was. your b plus the incidence infinity left that i showed you literally is competitive menu on the home feed into you guys on cheek, you saw g, b live and there was no one p did come read that to. so i that even be need to
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change the email on the internet assist, you know, seeing bus new tip web hosting. the one we have to give that is the same for us or can be 2 months it on the puppies ended and grant engineering. so what it does, it does it for me, please, and as long as it was done, can you please give me a list of what was that mileage? i see the low that you guys have and simon m y, the c to dealer. and julie, i go through stuff. she listened to the messic. the man didn't bump on this policy done on what you gave. it's an old place within that, but a do set to be done done by the end of the above. it is fussing up. i mean, when i see the intent message to give me the with the thinking,
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sometimes we need the same i gave you. so let me put that in the left, but then you have that be good sense of this. so this is us, it is so important to me. but even after being ousted from molly, from still some help, pressured the regional union of african states. echo us with the goal of isolating modeling through sanctions and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and multi has most the access these measures extremely unpopular among the population. not just in molly, but throughout the region. that the wallets of ordinary citizens held and even ruined, some friends has already started to lose africa, enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods in foreign companies, based in molly. but from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account all liberal names. and it's also known as a minister to direct colonial influence. but slowly, as
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a software in country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and equal relations. it has the right to choose the walk or the song, but so we need to get them to put them on getting k, you know, a minute. for example, tom. so could just print a dvd this printer and that's what that means when you buy through a diesel. i also do a sharepoint, but now you can share, collaborate, migrate uh, through the money. bring us the only thing is blah blah, blah, money thing us throwing that in for unless you want to somebody this order as the company that i don't even want to put it to the simple blog definitely and emotions about it to be my 2nd again, let me see what i can do, nothing on these in the bottom of the diesel engine, i believe, or both spanish and barcode repeaters, to sound for me, no one is sufficient, or to say to them one, yes, a performed a lot of the shape,
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a list of it into some po, for the loss of the shape i left that don't say say by doing these blogs, if by song but you'll find a mediator near the wall. so could of a lot of the water collective bottom line in the device house, you know, may 10001000 is pretty them watching us all the non nausea. and there's many new points here to watch. you know, the only difference. so can do then a song, vishal, the movie, any of the, don't know why that is all just talk to is a lot through. can nobody seen check it was a new money. i don't understand why don't we don't understand why that option or the money i'm trying to know about to you. so, so do you suppose to, to show what to do things i'll share, right?
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or do you think it weighs more our, the sooner wiring now for me, else? no, nope. so don't ignore me on this is totally money safe boss. good. the money on this? indeed. the problem, a little community castillo alone was only only cash. will some people getting on the bus getting onto this old one year on the line? we'll follow along on the road s nicole and it shows about a little bump. your dish bundled legs, somebody bump, but i mean, as on demand of equity. so i haven't really been on it cuz i thought i was wanting to i think let me notate it. ok along with data on the, on the move of my lease in money. does that mean the same money device? 100 new v dash the last week, pull up putting in for last associate this season,
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mid the in that of me. so any, it's best for the song. well maybe this assure me if i can fix it. and these are the pain that the, the 1st all need to level for those phones aren't ended up. going to need papers for the show or, and go to the does show of april, great. the she does, i live in the bundles of with a symbol that's and that's in there we go suddenly she'll so would it be wise and then do it is to just do this and this could kind of interested in would that i showed you how to do live streaming function to, to needs to be so that the mobile might need it and then moving a good laugh, falls in love,
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see dental or complete good. go to the pro on vehicle. they're not to shoot the chevy. no, to clean the rest motor serves to she was that strong. soon under that maybe there's a lot of money for cause you gotta keep premier data. so i'll pretty go forward that it's my last time when it's super shoot, the
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7:00 am
the breaking news right now. 2 people are killed and 3 more wounded half to the russians. city of belgrade is shelled by ukrainian forces, also to come in an attempt to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people. the key of neo nazi regime is trying to carry out a series of criminal and demonstrative armed acts. these attacks by the enemy will not go unpunished. president, both involved to retaliate, oper keeps forth a slight port in stations in the cops on region. it comes as the russian presidential election is in full swing elections come out of $105.00 and $4.00, russia. i've met the ongoing conflict in your grades, but it's not the 1st instead in such a votes being held during a turbulent period, we'll be looking back in history.


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