tv News RT March 16, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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what we want, we believe in the person we vote for. this is a huge holiday, the choosing alita, who will help old people throughout the country. then what is festive? disable goes down in the history of all of russia. i believe that for us, the election of the president of the country is the primary task. the main thing is to choose the right and necessary person. therefore, i urge everyone to vote will be involved in the crime in a city of some stuff, all of which of course, were united with russia off to a referendum a decade ago, locals. there are also costing that votes. in fact, it's the 2nd time russians there. and that strategic stuff in the city of voting for the countries, the president and the form, uh, excuse me, the current for and administer of russian. mr. so get off or off. he's actually hailed the election the saying that the crime in peninsula is not just a part of russia. it will always be a part of russia. we'll see if we will remember that disturbing a terrible spring when they are not c. c. how in key of as a result of
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a bloody included tom. we also remember the notorious friendship trains, which way equipped with the ideological follow is of band dare to suppress the inhabitants of the peninsula who did not want to give up the values that culture, that history and the centuries old traditions of the ancestors. the subsequent mc crime in sanctions, the undermining of power lines, transport, energy and water blockades, only convince crime means they've made the right choice. the issue of ownership of crime, the answer basketball is closed. the peninsula is an integral part of the russian federation issue a well, i mean time, the french president to emanuel macro and who, by the way. yeah, he's pretty traditionally russo, for the past few days. he's being like on a jew, stop balance of one thing about putin and run. think about russia and a mid microns on getting runs. he says a crimea should be seized to bring peace and stability to the region. but i can tell you, according to our, these don't know, quote that is not the sun, some of people who are living down that have
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a listen to this. it's been 10 years since crimea took its fate into its own hands, voting to become part of russia, independence, or has undergone a dramatic transformation all despite the western. nay sayers who did everything in their power to see where unification fail. once he grabbed crimea, pretended deployed new a new russian forces in the peninsula, turning the territory into an armed camp from which to threaten the rest of you credit. we will continue to hold russia accountable until it returns full control of premier to ukraine and completely withdraws its forces. it is also important to acknowledge that the situation indeed alternative as republic of crayton year and the city of service the pope has further the terrier agents. a new crime is most grandiose project was likely the crime in bridge. russia's vital artery of transports through the curt, straight,
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a similar accomplishment was the construction of the to read the federal highway which sides grand opening in 2020. these are just 2 of many new pieces of infrastructure across the peninsula. and that's done wonders for people. standard of living is the possibility of good news. a lot has changed over the years. first of all, we feel supported by q crane has 10 sylvester poll into the backwoods. and now that the city is blooming, you will do take a look at what the odds we have. now. we have an excellent will to supply you and us them. here is i have received the russian citizenship. i have my own business. i bought an apartment and my daughter grew up here as a rush and thought to us, we can see for ourselves what has happened in these 10 years. pardon me, are officially left ukraine and joined to the russian federation in march of 2014. after over a whopping 96 percent of the population voted to do so in a historic referendum. it's
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a come as little surprise since both ukrainian and russian statistics show that russians have long made up the main demographic group on the peninsula as lot of airport and mentioned in his 2014 cry me a speech. many of the seeds of chaos were sewn decades before. like when former soviet general secretary, nikita khrushchev arbitrarily transferred crimea from russia to ukraine. it became clear the russian presidents, but in action would be a betrayal of his own people. simple somebody. those who resisted the push were immediately threatened with reprisals and punitive measures. and the 1st in line was of course, crimea, russian speaking crimea. that's when the residents of crime you and say we're still flu, appealed to russia to protect their rights and their lives. of course we could not fail to respond to this request. we could not leave premier and its people in trouble. otherwise, it was simply be a betrayal. it was necessary to help create conditions for a peaceful, free expression of will, so that the crime eons could determine their own fate for the 1st time in history.
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but even after crimea returns to its motherland, struggles continued to persist. light keeps blockade of nearly 90. percent of the provincial is clean water supply. presidents lensky, who thinks crime, he actually wants to come back to ukraine, was making jokes about the water situation back in 2015. but i was just going to pick out what was the teachers, the notes of what then there were the blackouts that would run for months on end caused by
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t of backed extreme is to sabotage to power lines running to crimea. it was only have to rush it was able to commission to new power plants, but the energy problem was solved in 2019. the whole country helped us in the shortest possible time and energy bridge and new power plants were built, as well as an upgrade to the existing power generation facilities today. for the 1st time in history, cry me not only has ceased to be a region experiencing power shortages, but can also supply surfaces of electricity outside its territory if necessary. there were new sanctions as well that the west targeted specifically a crimea, but that didn't stop countries like italy, greece and france from continuing to cooperate with the peninsula. on top of that, the republic is heading towards its 2nd presidential election in russia with a new generation of young people heading to the polls. so the since 2014 political activities in crimea has appeared because before 2014,
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there was no use political agenda on the peninsula, only up to becoming a part of the russian federation. did young people in crimea actively begin to be interested in politics or mentors began to appear, assist, and in garden young people? i think it is the duty of every citizen to vote and every vote. as in paul tensor, the crime in us hold the same opinion. i see only a positive direction for the development of by me and i use as i am representative of use. i think the tour is mode develop very actively and try me as well as the republic is. there was a miniature, you can find every thing here. despite pressure from the west war violence, sanctions, democracy today is alive and well in crimea, just as it was in 2014 i was discussing the resilience of the russian people, particularly in russia's new regions, obviously doing so just a bit of an in program with amongst the boat international affairs strategist to
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have a listen to this and i think the real story of this selection is taking place in the new regions of russia in done yeah, it's a little gone in here. stone. and zap erosion where the people there, at least some of them closest to the contact lines are literally going to vote, risking life and limb. now it's, it's you should exaggerate perhaps that but there have been attacks on voting stations. the cambridge team has been seeking to punish its former citizens for choosing role. is that, is that what you think it is? is that why keep it showing? saw friend russian charge you where innocent civilians are going to the polls to vote and use think savanski is trying to teach them a lesson. absolutely. it's, it's spike it's. they chose wrong and they have to be punished for, in this case, leave away in the attacks in these attacks by these um,
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give regimes sponsored neo nazis of the russia volunteer core people job use who have been captured of them and their whole purpose for these suicide raids is to disrupt the election. they're quite clear about that. and that is particularly ironic. and perhaps even more pointed because the coverage him itself has banned the elections for her ukraine for the foreseeable future. look, you mean we've been living in russia for quite a long time already. we've been on the be seeing end of this week. so for a big rhetoric coming out of the west and political and media landscape, but russia is not just surviving its thriving. we are currently living under more than 15000 sanctions as no country in the world in this position. tell me something, how's the economy doing? because he's nice cause outside, how is russia today to be honest, when it appeared that russia was going to intervene?
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and i think i predicted a few months ahead of time that it was going to happen. i sat down with my wife from, from the crate me, i actually, and we discussed the measures we would take to tighten our own belts because we were figuring that economic hard times would come with the inevitable sanctions where they never came. they didn't today, those plans never had to be put into effect. it's very much the relationship between the, the us electorate, the economy during the iraq war and the united. yeah. they do. yeah. you don't even know that it's happening. it's, it's something that's happening over there. and it doesn't really fact, in fact, i think there are plenty of arguments to be makes it actually, the sanctions have had a lot of good effects on the russian economy. it's just such an interesting conversation with mr. marks. the vote that he's already switched on. guy, he's been living in russia for years as i buy that when you're living on the onto
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the reading and all of this west and the sanctions and propaganda. i'll tell you your eyes as an ex fact become very wide and you see really what the western hemisphere was standing by for these days. it's really why reading, but you know, i do believe that russia is on the right side of history and history is being made right now with the russian presidential election and our special coverage continuing very soon the to, and we thank you for staying with us with all the coverage of happenings in russia, especially the presidential election ongoing and with more news from around the world. we're going ahead now we're giving you the best. i am michael question now. i met all the election fever in russia, india preparing to go to the polls as well. it's now online the schedule for the
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2024 general election. what will be the weld largest democratic exercise? the math on 7 phase 6 week vote will kick off in april, although the result will only be declared in june. all the details here is harry's artes room during sharma. so the dice of democracy will just begin. it's a huge task for india to conduct the polls. in fact, this is going to be the largest election in the world in the largest democracy in the world. they don't around you any, in fact, 970000000 eligible goals. and they are, in fact, going to be watching from the 19th of april. that's the, that's the 1st day of the forwarding. the boys are divided into 7 phases. the last few forwarding is going to be, 1st of june, the result will be going to be announced or full of june. now it's a mammoth tasks that are going to be 1000000 wording stations that would be
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a put in place across the country, which would be monitored by joins, especially in the border. and as they're going to be around 15000000 official, all in fact, also security stuff that are going to be deployed to make sure that the elections are conducted in a small nono in a free and say no. now, in sustain because this election is going to be 4 or 543 constituency seats, and the magic number for a party to win the election is going to be 272. the 2 big national policies, the competition really is between 5 minutes. so knowing the will be his violin markers on the policy and giving competition to him would be the opposition leader ra, who's gone from the indian national congress. but there are also probably regional policies that could be a concern in case alliance is off to be formed. and that is something that is
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already happening, both b, u b and the indian national congress. the are seeking golf alliances with a regional father. he's in is one body is not able to reach that to 72 number. then they can form into the lions and form of the government. but who is going to lead india for the next 5 years? the only know that to the very last full discount it on the 4th of june. but this is going to be crucial, especially for the mar fusion, the party, because that means a movie is seeking a thought, and this is going to be with the faithful assign that a government is going to stay in 5 or 415 long. yes, that's of course, if the parties are on the policy when the selection be enjoy a lot of confidence at this point. but of course, to the very last will just counted. one will never know what's going to really happened. i mean, of all the indian government has simplified the process for religious minorities to
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get citizenship. washington has stepped in with a leg to water is about the acts of demand taishan. while the indian foreign ministry has won the united states against meddling in the countries affairs. as regards the us state department statement on the implementation of c. and that have been comments made by several others via the view that it is misplaced, misinformed and unwarranted lectures by those who have a limited understanding of india's pluralistic traditions and the regions post partition history of best not attempted. we are concerned about the notification of decision shipping them and act on march 11th. we're closely monitoring this act, how this act will be implemented. respect for religious freedom in equal treatment under the law for all communities are fundamental democratic principles. but citizenship amendment act was passed by paula mentioned 2019, but it's only now set to be implemented. the bill expedites indian says citizenship
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for members of the hindus sake buddhist policy and christian religious groups. the flag persecution is surrounding muslim majority states and they will now be eligible for a passport after 5 years of residence, rather than 11 years. opposition parties and human rights group say that the bill discriminates against the muslims on undermine the secular constitution as protest . people called the new measure is the my 4 big and several arrests when made a ruling indian party claims that the opposition is trying to associate. that we've heard from an international affairs experts from new delhi who explained how washington, tasha is other nations. i think visuals are lecture in the without understanding the beauty of this legislation. and i think they should not look to the india uh, on the shoes of religious people, because india has a history of neighborhood attacking any other country. india has
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a history of our lives being a champion and invested. it will cease and light just as well as some of the western countries when we know what they have done in boston, in the name of freedom of speech and expression and democracy. we all know how many countries being voted on what kind of war and do our solutions, as i said so into. so i think united states the united started just faded out of a book friend of india. gotta start a new partner. but on many issues, we have seen some of the western powers act like post. i'm friends, the u. s. commission for the international religious veto has always used really just religion as a 5th x group in dollars, countries for bits 15. i'm not going to that money comes i. we are not going to accept that. now let's turn to all the news now and the latest from central guys. we're at least 36 civilians have been killed overnight in there. i'll block a local health ministry to confirm that eas,
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riley's tom into the residential house with many children. victims of that attack of the area has been under heavy bombardment recently. and this footage on friday shows the off the mass of those attacks locals along with the rescue as desperately such be the rumble for victims. while the total impala seen in death stalls in october has now reached the $1490.00. and i'm moving to the south of the enclave now where several casualties have been reported. the following strikes on friday on the most densely populated city of rafa. houses as well as pens located nearby had been completely destroyed. local say that they have reached breaking point with nowhere else to shelter while disease, hunger, and ongoing bombardments of claiming the lives of their loved ones every single day . and this, the people were sitting at home during ramadan and southern the,
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there was a strike in the neighborhood when we went out to see, we found that the building has completely collapsed. there's no safety notes in the rough or, or any way we used to consider rough ought to be the safest place in the gaza strip . but israel is not sparing us then. i mean, it's more than a, we don't have weapons, resistance flight is waiting for you. what can, what israel has done to us. so this is what new them. yeah. the new they see the impact of their actions on civilians and the scale of destruction. i have some of them are a little while these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu has given the green life for a full scale ground. the sold on rafa a town border in egypt. but that's drawing as he is criticism from cairo, which one against any invasion of the kind of we're talking on the hope of reaching a cease fire or truce and to reach a deal to get the maximum amount of 8 supplies in to help the palestinians. and to put an end to the family and its impact on the people,
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as well as allowing people in the center and south to move towards the north. then we have also warrant of the expansion of the war as we have seen, the safety of navigation in the red sea and the sweats cannel, need significant impact on the international trade. always we have warrant against, as well as the one that could extend to the north side and all these are risk square warning off. i'd say that we hope that we've been a few days. we will reach a ceasefire and not continued to have a negative development that could affect the situation. talk all the rafa operation and the risk through the lives of 115000000 by listing is there even appears to be reviewed in cracks in the previously steadfast support of these roles. closest ally, the united states, our position has not changed. we do not want to see large scale operations and rather than that don't, unless there is incredible,
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legitimate executed will plan to uh, to provide for the safety and security of the civilians that are there are days, middle east barrow, a chief matter of the notion that has been looking into a web as 6 months in israel, can claim it as a patient has been a success of israel calls it's offensive, and does on a success, i'm on it's arguments, and relatively low. dest told them on the idea of less than $600.00 following soldiers. what's about tens of thousands of palestinian lodge lost, his real keeps ignoring them as well. this is the biggest concern for the rest of the world. idea if was too violent, even towards the civilians. when you have ministers in the isn't the government saying, oh the people of guys are nazis. if i'm a soldier, if i shoot everybody because the mattress. right. so this what our leadership told, the army, no innocent people who doesn't. israel believes gaskins should share responsibility
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as they elected him, us back in 2006 and it's roderick and then says israel ironically i coach the militant group. it is fighting against this. the government is terrible because they think that all guys are even children. they said children, altura is not on children. another one. okay. they say they will go up to be terrorist. this is exactly what some us is telling about is really babies. they say he's nothing, maybe he wouldn't be a soldier and we'd kill us so well, black to, to go in and kill him. so now we need to become like, come us even when is really rest cuz it's kills. this is what happened and went to his really captives were saved last month from guys on the mission. however, it claimed around 100 palestine in lives as reported by the guys and health ministry in december. and now there hostage was killed during
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a failed id of rescue attempt. a week later, the army killed 3 more hostages after they were ms identified as a threat. differentiating between civilians and fighters requires determination and intelligence going in a form is really secret service agent. almost 30 years ago was the key handler of messiah abusive. the song of a mouse co founder and the groups prominent spiritual leader massage, served as an as really intelligent stores for 10 years. it helps prevent numerous potentially deadly attacks. finance. as in india, who limited the practice of recruiting palestinians as collaborators, call in a a say to a mistake. even if we had one a good asset source and doesn't want someone to to say something bad is happening, not 10, not 100, and also thousands,
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one. then you can stuff if the southern semester within to have even this one because the head of the states and still nothing, you know, convince everybody, don't worry. we give the money, we pay them and everything would be okay. as a result, the 7th of october happened, and now israel is waging war almost blindly when you see that the as well as bombing wives bombing in, in the populated area. now i'm asking myself as a former intelligence officer, i am i, i'm capable of giving the exact intelligence saying in this apartment though, it's earliest in this apartment, the civilians. i can't kid one of the leaders in colorado and don't kill one another. 10000 people in garza which our civilians is ro, is of to have mass leaders. nothing. doha, the which also raises some questions in january, solid, irate, 2nd in command of how much is political wing and the founder of its military
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division in the west bank was assassinated in a drone attack in the root days ago. nathan, yeah. who claims responsibility for the 1st time since the killing? he refers to the man as number for. that's what it is. we're on the way to absolute victory on the way to this victory. we have already eliminated a mazda is number 432, and one is on the way everyone is mortal. we will reach everyone. and what's the, or is all the to many will die on the way when nothing else talks about the assessment. i think uh, interesting, well, there's nothing to be a genius to understand that this has been why has the safety built around him? of is where the hostages, how are you going to assess the night scene walk without being back the hostages? oh, maybe you say, i don't care about the hostages. 134 people remain in captivity in gaza. the faith is a known as
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a israel prepares for an incursion into the southern guys and city of rough or where those hostages could be kept. the chances of survival of saving the lives of about 1500000 internally displaced thousands in the area are also on the threat. his role doesn't seem to care about more casualties and gathering evidence biggest supporter. i sat with them and i sent with a work and i said, look, don't make the mistake. american. american made a mistake. we went after ben lot to we got off, but we shouldn't have gone into the training. i mean, we should be, we should have got into the whole thing in a rack and afghanistan. it wasn't necessary, wasn't necessary. is this cause more problems in the race for the cure and it them? yeah. busy thinks about things, politics about his political survival is not the very eager to finish the war. man, if you will finish the war, we would stop. we are citizens of state prison. new style stopped asking questions about what happened. it seems that the war and gaza is indeed an act of self
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defense, but it is not the country that is defending itself. despite the rising criticism, both domestically and abroad, including from israel's biggest ally across the ocean, as well as many others throughout the world. these really military campaign in gaza is going on and on flaming thousands of innocent flights. how mazda is still there? hostages remaining capacity on israel keeps trying to convince the world that the victories just around the corner was 5 months on the question is becoming louder and louder. what exactly would that victory be? and most importantly, how many more desk will be inflicted? raven option a r t reporting from israel nato's beta said to create the so called correlation to help supply ukraine with more weapons. and that's according to the german chancellor who spoke counselor,
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a child control meeting with a french president and polish prime minister, a stem a sort of, i think it should be a problem. we've agreed on a number of key points. among other things, we will immediately procure even more weapons for ukraine on the global market. secondly, the production of military equipment will be expanded also through cooperation with partners in ukraine. 3rd, as part of that, or i'm starting format, we will establish a new coalition of capable people for a wide range of missile artillery. shops out there like that guy, the nightclub who can't make a trip to the washroom on his own, he has to drag his whole posse along. they all need to hold each other's hands. so no one sticks out as being particularly escal atory in this conflict. because as michael said, there quote, continuing, as them done since day one, to never take the initiative of any escalation, we're talking here about the same guy who acted like french opposition parties were a bunch of voices if they didn't agree with his idea of sending frank soldiers to
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crate using the coffee to indulges and for not for the on board that passed. fantasies against russia. yeah. germany sending long range weapons to be used in ukraine talking about sending torres is over there. the 500 kilometer range against russia. and my goal is to staying on sending french troops till holy or any kind of a splits where it is at all right. of course, they can always just conveniently say at some point of their choosing that it was russia, the escalated the conflict. so they just didn't have a voice right now, like they haven't already done a bunch of things that they said they absolutely never do in this complex. so at this meeting in berlin with michael adults and publish prime minister donald task, schultz underscored that the 3 countries are not at work with russia themselves. oh, but excuse us, why we just use this whole conflict as a pre text to ramp up our military industrial complex is as though we actually were
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at war with russia ourselves. germany's going to increase production artillery in ukraine. it's weapons of what make or ryan metal really is never had it. so i'm good at making hardware that can get the loan up pretty much right on the battlefield, coming straight off the assembly line. so no need to even spend any money shipping it to where it can actually get blown up sorted there. it's a wonder that their weapons production facilities and ukraine are you can still operational and haven't been blown up themselves homes altogether. they call this discussion format with pulling france and germany, the raymar triangle, but it's more like it's on the verge of turning into a bermuda triangle for native weapons. and so the pole is prime minister this made up in her lane was also a great virtue signaling opportunity spelling out the settings of this meeting. the atmosphere of it showed very clearly that some malicious rumors about the fact that you're being kept.
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