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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  March 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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was the shape very important to us from itself on costs h. keith, we're going to bring in. now, steve sweeney. i mean limits, slootsky? oh, the poxy polling around 3 full percents. i mean, what's the vibe that do they think the by going to get a foot 10 generally, what, what's the atmosphere? have you heard anything? well yes, that's why we're here in the headquarters of a new unit slootsky having the russian capital most go in the 3rd and final day of polling. now we've seen a slootsky, he's address the median. he's addressed is activist and he's spoken about whose campaign he's. he said he's very happy with how he's comp time went, and the support that he's getting along the way in the mood him is, is very points and i'll be he's will post us here and given away even a smile to the all to a crew. now of course, this is a 1st election, the liberal democrat party. you have run without that former covers my team leader
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. did you ever know ski who died in 2020 the 2 slips. he took up the leadership not wrong off to that, but he himself was a very experienced politician. let's not forget, he was elected to the state duma in 1999. he's been a appalled him entirely. and ever since then, he was part of the russian negotiating team in 2022, at the outset of the special ministry operation. now he's spoken again about the, the publications having russia throughout the election campaign, of course, the attempts in belgrade. but he said that despite those, it was due to the russian people from exercising at that democratic rights to vote to set a times like this, russia becomes very united and you see that unity across the hold of this, a vast come see now, but his part he said in an interview with 3 and the most the that he doesn't dream of beating, allowed him a page. and he said that he,
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he's the probably the most influential politician in the world. his main focus is again on russian unity. that's the very much the message has spoken about victory in the special minutes. your peroration, but also the spoken about russians taking part in that democratic process. now coatings with polls we expect to be somewhere between 3 and 4 percent slootsky himself in any minute. now he's heading out to the central electoral commission where we're expecting those preliminary results, the exit polls i guess within the next uh, within sometime within the next few hours. yeah, that is the thing. it's a big pointy mix. the there that these candidates are going up against, perhaps the heat, the world's most influential politician, the scale of what they're up against. don't don't course. or is there another correspondence ortiz's of the communist party headquarters that keeping abreast of
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developments they're done. we mentioned earlier that it's pretty much of size make collection for the communists here because they're up against a competition that perhaps they haven't had that level of before. what's the sense of it, of expectation there? i'm sorry, we're having some technical difficulties right now, but i'm here at the election headquarters of the central committee of russia's communist party where we're waiting a press conference right now after the results come out of the elections, the officials from the communist party are going to give their comment on what they think about the results and everything. but i wanted to talk a little bit about the candidate that the communist party is running nichol. i already thought of. he's a state do my member. and it's interesting because he's, this isn't the actual 1st time that he's run in the presidential elections specifically against vladimir putting the last time he did so on. the communist
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party ticket was in 2004 where he gains 13 percent of the vote. and also came in 2nd place, which is pretty much just historically the case for the communist party. and in modern russia, it's usually widely considered to be the 2nd most popular uh, political party in the country. obviously there's a lot of people who lived in the soviet union and having installed her for that time period and a lot, a lot of those people and young people as well in that's a group of people that support the communist party here. but let's talk a little bit about the political program that kind of tone of is putting forward under the communist party ticket. because of course, we've got some pretty leftist economic suggestions as so ask you mentioned earlier in the program approved a progressive tax on the richer people in russia, which is something that doesn't exist right now. there's a flat tax for everyone in the country. there's also part,
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as part of the communist party platform, they want to significantly invest in the rapid development of heavy industry in the country as well as agriculture. they want to reduce the retirement age for both men and women, as well as raised the minimum wage for workers across the country as well. but i also wanted to say that to it's, it's interesting to note that the communist party and russia is a bit different from communist parties in the west. it's important to understand it's quite a socially conservative party. actually it was the party that actually supported the bill against b l g b t, movements in russia. this was, this was actually on the initiative of the russian communist party as well. so it's a bit different from the left as parties that we know in the west. but as i said, we're waiting for this press conference to take place for the communist parties. comment on the results. uh, polls are saying different things right now, but most of them are saying that the communist party is likely to take 2nd place
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here. i don't think so much giving us a sense of the situation there of the communist at party headquarters donald quarter. and before that shape of who's and steve sweeney just, what over 20 minutes ago now, until the pools actually close it's, it's getting interesting tied. you can get a sense there from our correspondence of each of those parties. it's more important for them to get 2nd place, then it's more important to get a good place done. disappointment and force is crucial about the gift that 2nd place in any other position for them. there's going to be a lot of soul searching in their parties tomorrow. i think the communist party definitely feels that this is probably a bit of a pivotal moments and especially to the new people parties, stotts rise, and they might have to have a re think about how to appeal, especially to the younger people. again, i'm watching audio with various guests of pools about how does being criticism
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ready by a such in west of nations and officials, a tools these elections. and that's about legitimacy. what about spot? whether that's true, a position or something we all can adult into with all senior correspond. he's going to join us in just a moment. but we now quickly want to look back the time when the west was very happy to offer it's of opinion and was very proud of the democratic processes that were taking place right here in the russian federation. that's less than and i had if it's presidential election rush, i had one message to the west. don't metal look up, lou, we have sent accumulating a lot of materials about how the european union embassies and mosque out or preparing for our presidential elections. what intervention mechanisms and supporting projects for our non systematic font position is our be prepared in general. seems that the embassies have no right to do. having collected such information, we invited all the ambassadors of the european union to
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a meeting with meetings at which i wanted to tell them we simply advise them in good faith. not to do this 2 days before the scheduled meeting. they sent us a note saying they had decided not to come. can you imagine relations with state and zip on medical level, whose in passengers are afraid to come to a meeting with the minister of a country to which they are accredited? where has that been seen new steps, the manners of the swarm partners, e. c. this might sound out of place to some given the 2016 russia collusion hysteria in the us when the roles were reversed. but it makes perfect sense to those who pay attention to america's intelligence routine overseas. we've been doing this kind of thing since the c i a was created in 1947. we've used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners, you name it. we planted false information and for newspapers, we've used what the british call king george's cavalry, suitcases of cash. and the russian battle field in this war for the hearts and
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minds actually saw one of the biggest victories of the c. i a, it all started like this. it doesn't take collusion from the trump campaign, right? for russian active measures to mess with our elections. was we messed with the election? the funny thing, the thing is i was sent in 1994 to russia by the clinton administration to get involved in their elections. seeking what outcome of the re election of boris yeltsin versus hilton inherited the shambles of the soviet union, which smarter in russia used to be in the early ninety's. he didn't do much for the country during his 1st tenure, the country. so a bloody coup attempt suffered from monstrous terrorist attacks organized, crying, flourished, the economy was in ruins, and the population was stricken with round pound poverty. but all that didn't matter to washington for them, yelton's keep straight and achievement was his absolute dollar fee and servitude to the us. so when the poles showed he was likely to lose to his,
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call me in his frightful, in the 1996 election, it was time to take action for none other than the american president himself. no one will be able to succeed except to myself, ends. you gone off, all others will get no more than 10 percent, but they can add the votes to his or subtract them from mine. so now i have to work with full candidates and make them favorable to me, especially if we go to a 2nd round. i have set firmly the task of winning in the 1st round, so i would ask you not to embrace, you've gone off in advance. you don't have to worry about that. we spend 50 years working for the other result. soon off to 3 americans landed in russian, 3 and footprint does in the business of the most cutting edge, most markets innovation of the time, flat screen tvs or so was the legend. in reality, they were political science heavy weights on admission to tip the scales in
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yelton's favor the communists had to lose faces. don't approve of the job. yeltsin is doing 17 things will get any better. i prefer the communist approach. there exist any one very simple strategy, but winning 1st become the only old son attempt to the communist and 2nd, make the people say that the communist must be stopped. old costs, the us administration display the very little understanding of this at all costs or the, the agents what teach paid $250000.00. and basically had a blank check to cover any additional expenses. but given yelton's public support, the task at hand was truly gargantuan. in the us, you would advise a pull with those kinds of numbers to get another occupation to get america's favorite sons rating out of the got to event president clinton was ready to spare no expense. i'll check on this with the i m s and with some of our friends and see
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what can be done. i think this is the only way it can be done. but let me clarify this. i had understood that you would get about $1000000000.00 from the i m. s before the election. no, no, only $300000000.00. i'll check. okay, apparently it was president clinton to convinced his russian counterpart to appear in a campaign video. and when the 1st election results came in, the 3 american political scientists actually sat in the election commission building the kid. they did it. it worked, at least for a while. now russia is in a fight against a us dominated world order. and this time, washington doesn't have the yeltsin way out. or it's always a good day with ortiz, senior correspondent, broadcast the of comes in to say hello. and it is a big day. indeed, murat, at the last few minutes of the russian presidential election. 2014. indeed,
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and you've played a part of stuart's uh because i knew you're a trusted representative of at the mirror putin's election campaign. is that correct? tell me what that actually mean by boards. i was up until the 15th of march, which is when it ended. so i trusted representative is basically someone who was to a certain extent, speaks in the name of vladimir putin so i had to take paid leave by little unpaid. so leave from work. uh, as i the bible i'm not allowed to, you know, carry out my functions wherever these, even if i worked in a, in a factory. and i went to live with the country and get to bottom debates and argue lives that can be a put in is the best choice foot for russians, obviously because of russia know now during the elections we aren't allowed to to talk too much about, you know, what i said, my arguments that everything else, but i'll tell you if it was much easier than expected. because many russians of
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what do you made, the choice t t, the west made the choice for russians. this is something with the west will never understand what was very determined not what this, that the russian sold the fact the russians all over the country always come together to how does your display cities come together in times of adverse? if it is, it is a fact, i hit start fax, you know, anybody who looks a bunch in history will be able to tell us that. so, so, so in this except the, the arguments that i use and it is in ease, of course, a tremendous on a being a trusted representative. and it is a tremendous honor for the representatives of other candidates as well. not just black. may i put, you know, these men of getting millions of votes and, and they picked you to argue in favor of them on television or on radio. so that is what i did for, for about a month. smotts. that is what we have to leave at this time husband this bit, we want to get that in because it is a part that people maybe don't hear a lot about that aspect having to debates and, and do
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a lot more. not because the of our senior correspondent. thank you very much. well maybe we actually just came to show up with you. yeah, it's not the. i'm in the meantime. let me tick tock, tick tock. the preliminary results of this 2024 russian presidential election. they will stop trickling in within the next 15 minutes will so which means that we will be back in around 15 minutes or so because we are not going to let you go without giving you the very latest. more i was just to tease. he will be comfortable and that will be plenty more people talk, you provide best analysis like the rob, besides all the basel around the presidential election in russia. let's take you around the world now with other updates that a shaping the blow right now in the west. of the african nation of these. yeah,
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of course we are hearing that the us military assets that including its $100000000.00 drilling base, need to pack up and ship out right now. and these, yeah, has a now is it's immediately and the goal, military cooperation with united states. and it comes just 2 days after, on american delegation, visit the west african nation for a high level talks. the governments of these, you have address the well of the american delegation to do not the silver and the chevy and people's advice to choose the partners and the type of partnership that can help them truly fight terrorism. even though the united states of america has, you know, lots fairly decided to suspend all corporation between our 2 countries. therefore, the governments of these yeah, strongly denounces the condescending attitude, accompanied by the tribes of reprisals on the part of the household. the american delegation, the base of the government and the new jersey and people, the american presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and
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violates all the constitutional um type of credit rules that would like the silver people in particular through select as representatives to be consulted for the installation of the forwarding all made on the national territory. the declaration of course, comes off in for 2 years and dig ation in boxes under visits to see a few days ago. and the delegation mission was that she needs discussions by for the session and building on teams to us with the gym. indeed is was in the statement. the agents have goals as far as saying that the use of pictures i'm buying. and so the just the metric protocol and did not notify anatomy about them being the shift off did any decent stage before arrival, even the agenda, adding that's what besides discuss the issue of regina changed to the say and minucci cooperation between the 2 countries. the, according to the venue reports that i've had to reset the think the american delegation made by assistant secretary of state for american african baseball de
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monte feet was unable to meet the head of the minutes she g digits. i also rejects the watch, it says what are the cases of the secret deal made between museum 0 said this is rebecca and robs is low on the po box. so this is why the governments of these, you rejects the false allegations from the house of the americans negations which maintains the sides a secret agreements on uranium with these law make republic overall. this cynical approach usually used to discredits demon ice and justify the thrust. so again, states fails to recall the examples from the 2nd iraq war. indeed new jerry and send the entire international community to still remember the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state before the security council to justify the american aggression against the rock. and that's, in this case, the governments of present town, john had been falsely accused of having supplies uranium to move forward to send
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back that, even though the exportation of new sherry and uranium is public knowledge of states . so a space is about a 1000 something to choose the machine and it is adjourned based. we also know that the move is they have been types of limited since the change of clothes can be you, it's really go to that process the to, from the she was a get to them. i think i just called those tables that said right now, and the total of these is also the batch of the who is present in the g as has a negative impact on the countries that you receive. we know that the tests have gone up to magic the to the you is began to operate and the vision. and if he's a 5 for off and you said he does receive training from the minute you suggesting that the american influence has done mitchell color to speak to for democracy and then immediately chevy. and that was that, in fact, the has been reacting from the state to popular spokesperson of the united states.
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that we are aware of the statement from the cnsp in this year. which follows frank discussions of senior levels in the may this week about our concerns with the cnsp is trajectory. we are in touch with the cnsp and we'll provide further updates as warranted. so i'm now saying that the high deduct that they use will be willing to vacated space, even though the news, every investment could officially end after this the, the months. that's the what are the kinds of thing that's in the u. s. a whole need without any to us to. but while to put it lively, some locals have celebrated the decision to end military cooperation with the united states. a button up at his own submitted the middleton. none of the butler's america. i bought, i put it on america known to you last week. i bought a live video, at least i'm it again, i'll follow it, but it's up to them. i bought
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a new done i bought the 1st through model can do to the ones that video, secondary thing online show people burning the american flag basically say yankees go home the well that's the update for this hour will be bringing you with the latest on the russian presidential election as well as latest strengths from across the globe. if you, again, in just few minutes, get a one to possess your country. they want to possess your view around noon. they want to possess your gas. they want to at least share why else it was good for them
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because he was just opening all the doors. but the problem with them is they do not understand that the characteristics of people who they are dealing with as much as you press to bear, bear with come out. the problem is going to be how to put the better back to his face. the, the, the types just open the door and the possibility of products and must have flashing across the us will probably that's up to my been in the school just to read it in the
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polls and it's a full of them in my own way. this the them by football shy, right? i'm like, i'm assuming because the issue of the, the, the pretty much telling you this is this, the end of the, of the scenes, the beginning of its history. the united states of america has officially declared this driving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality,
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having won independence, american colonists headed for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the content that american indians were deprived of their land. local residents were driven into reservation, given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of bison. native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. colonists slaughtered the bison, and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan expressed the evidence of this policy in the infamous words. the only good india is a dead indian. the genocide of native americans of north america lead to
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a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been a majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today. the news, every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals a band and machinery, the millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move shortly. a customer on the tip of someone from your doors at the post the beach on is an issue. calling to ask for a clean optic travel to heis island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land archipelago. sierra, who they asked me for. i was my was or more. yeah,
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because they should. so it means it's, yeah. would it be a way and we see that's one way and i'm familiar with this, so i'm gonna stay on the old stuff. awesome. i feel like very embarrassed, almost a little more zoom in membership when you to i've got the, i'm seeing a little boy as a premium on that. please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and then could see, could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so it's pretty at because your system is a multiple in your company to inquire about the deal to issue the, the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the
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strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on deed isn't in the new house, including his foster. larry says that goods was done, those who saw him and the more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power. reset the drum right double for example. that curious why that, who knows? repeat the process or they're going to use it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one that the bronze immediately deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis ensued and walk a. the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of war from 130 to the
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other to fight the rotors on. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is walk a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on see the for the business, and you clean the 3 of the daily shows on you. how many cons green you go through it is just touching up crudely for those here. let me provide you a list of functions for russel dumas now of the different incident in full, which of course, and you usually throw in the wisdom of the problem. you're still the shorter issue through your deos that i sent to you yesterday. isaac, at the top 3, yours, man. i'm looking of the studies of leaning towards
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a place to come into on their theater, which origin load it was just pushed. it just won't because a least new way to parcel do full color. was there any don't know which these are i know for the don't or that you suggested to given me at the nearest of the sort of these disappearing and pronounced has come over the to possess your country. they want to possess your view around noon. they want to possess your gas, they want to at least share why you know, to and was good for them because he was just opening all the doors. but the problem with them is they do not understand that the characteristics of people who they are dealing with as much as you press the bear bear will come out. the problem will be how to put the bear back to his face.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the new are very welcome to the latest episode of unit. and so if you talk about the presidential election, 2024, but it is an important one. not because polls have closed in the world's largest countries that we are waiting to hear it in the coming at minutes outside preliminary results, and then through the night as well. but you're very welcome to this a live edition from the most picturesque area of the capitals right behind this
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red square. it welcome on the latest is off the tongue out of the to is around


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