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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  March 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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could any other source of information for them, like even if they are getting the brains why start? so they are enduring. williams, the only thing because the way you hatred towards their friends store is there a relative storage? very close lines you, you put those things into them. so just not see what the 2 of the now the, just the 3 you. we have totally opposite everything here. and then you can look at the paper when it goes into the frame time. it sounds good and frustrated and our son region is part of raj and now we can feel the spring up here. we can smell the spring here and the farmer did it was it started working on the land so they decide cherry trees are blossoming. it's a little bit too and he's got a visit with him in the civil society and yet is really just the insurance he is waking up. so it says that we are people are also waking up from the 0 school. just leave it there and feed, albert comes with the answer and this and i enjoy and i of life and that we feel
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it's core as it helps people to make these decision to participate thoughts. so in the election, something happens to the pain. you do not praying, but someone i was supposed to make this choice for them. know they are making this choice by themselves. and you can see they've seen the face of selfish people. and could i just finally ask you a hassle along with and yet look on separate osha, september 2022. they voted light. they say returned home to russian. they got russian posts, bolts, and the last 3 days a bit. audio voting that they were choosing the russian president for the 1st time . how crucial has the last year and a half been to the full meaning and consolidating of the identity of the people in that part of the world. the
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good news is that it is stored in the category suggesting on the street. i'm not so bad or should it be created in front of you just go rise gravity as we are leading, bring in storing time in your life time. when the key is pressure changes are happening to stop as many as, as changes like that. you didn't have to see often how big the planet and you could then they just added, you know, workspace. and just remember standing the key factors that these 2 political changes for this little arbitrarily happening again, we are fortunate to leave class in these times. so yes, your phone game tours or exploration. yeah. is that it means you an additional amplitude is no problem. yeah, it'd be sufficient or weak or that it feels the hardest. and so, so the people that if you look at these, or you may even talk to that for 2 people you, we had that the server is not a lot of them, but they were really overwhelmed by these not could you pick up the mood of the
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people who were open for not hiding them from the sound one venture in the least fruits down the person phrase would have traits them. instead of asking them questions in a more language, you know, so what could i ask is what and then our region is molding asked me to understand the people of various of amazing versus the leaders in friend sizes. and these holy days basically is just for true holiday in there. do you have chairs happening today? people are talking to each other and they are showing a charter the why do they can, what is my is our skills. so really is that they kind of saying that they cannot speak and are made of language. and we have free all native languages in our original russian ukraine in on to training and totter language english. so, and you know, i didn't know a lot of this made it is, but there is only one nation, one russian nation.
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well, we have very much appreciate your time. and we thank you very much. that was the governor of the house on reaching florida met selda. joining us the meantime. what we, while was the cool thing about the attacks and the showings, not just in the house on reach and not just in the other box, but also in belgrade, which was of course, a russian town bordering ukraine. and what we do know is that it was hit twice just today, some day alone, resulting into casualties and 12 move people wound as you can see on your screens. right. the image is, it's pretty clear that was a residential block that was being hit stop 5 that or wrapped it in, in the building. a teenage girl was one of the 2 who was killed. we ought to have been all to produce um like a mad tribe. he was on the ground that he folds up this report aside
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from the city for the day, the thing is a goal, 16 year old girl and her father was hit by you queen animal of a stroke of gold was brought to life in her house while her father was concussion was delivered to the hospital. i'm actually getting the very middle of billed for the city. he around me are just residential buildings houses right behind me. you can see flaming building. just 2 walks away. the keep getting the garden is little feet and this is a component for the city or civilian era mil military targets can be located here. the russian minutes for the defense published an amount of losses you create inside has suffered. it's $6565.00 that soldiers and few, a tourist systems. it is the so they are for us for the initial election. some people see it and those are even now on the show. and we think that the only the, the main thing they can do is to fulfill the civic, the civic duty to bill. and to vote on that. that was god that will choose prospect
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through loss of emotions. considering the 10 situation, the feeling of fear was still present. today i gathered all my civic responsibility, courage, perseverance, and pride in russia into a fist and came to the pose. i have fulfilled my civic duty. it was scary to go because of the situation. i listened, there were no sirens and went to luna. i always go to the polls. i haven't missed a single vote. i decided to go because the future depends on me. i had to vote for the presidential candidate. i'm glad i didn't. this is the so they are for us with presidential elections like final. they are for us print presidential elections the last day when people can vote. but despite the freight they are willing to. so if they are willing to decide future as yeah, the very human cost of having at to have your say and people wanting to go out in
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that region. they have vote in the russian press, the bench collection for the 1st time. okay, let's said welcome into our studio here. every beautiful studio ortiz, senior, corresponding rock, goes dmv at rock. you're most welcome to treasure and figures coming in a little by little we're hearing turn out, we're hearing at big support for the let him or put and expect it, but perhaps that number even an surprising many as well. can i just touch on the termite 1st of 7374 percent that the last time i checked on it seems to be rising. if, if we get more on that there's no compulsory at voting here. like many other countries, australia, brazil, etc. at where they find you, if you don't come out and they don't even get those numbers. so people wanted to have their say on the did so today. but obviously this is, this is a historic election. not only for russia, not only for russia, for the whole world,
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because what the west has tried to do for so long for 2 years now, is this uh to this quote among russians. that is what they have tried to do. they impose the goal, these forums and conferences, full of pockets opposition members who they can call the vault finance as they they set the discussion how they going to break up russia. people here saw them, they saw the people here. we left the attacks on the bill to get a senseless absolute, these senseless attacks on uh, a residential buildings, residential neighborhoods with no military point to the vast breeds and much unless the people feel this is personal, develop. obviously they had going to support the cabinet that the problem is, is that at least on tubs, saybrook a favorable for russia. you mentioned, of course the turned out now so high seventies, read a just
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a boot was 5. with the turn, as we saw in the united states during the 2020 election, 66 percent, 66 percent. as you know, i was a trusted representative during the, during the campaign sort of suits of charts we but you know, given what you could say inside the information he's so far the exit polls give you more than the polls before the election. because every thing you crane and everything, the worst of dogs has played rice into pollutants, had he needs it explained to the russian people why they should vote for him the ukrainians in the west. with the side sions. in the end, the bands and the restrictions that full polluted and the high ton out what this means is, is an incredible amount of legitimacy. legitimacy. obviously we, we still do the, the, the, the exact numbers who button but,
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but by how much. but i can tell you that the turnout itself lends credible incredible credibility to the vix. what took them out? quite a bit of 10 legitimacy. i mean, what do you think a suitable him to let and chose the parole, the shawls? michelle's, what tweet. so they preparing at this moment because i thought is something the, the what has come up with dismissing you, we don't believe that the russian elections or the just metal i, the because i reg told the territories on actually, russian, i mean, is it going to be condemnation, is it going to be functions? is it going to be something more i'm doesn't match up aloud so that we've either particularly care or honestly, i don't particularly care that ve the european union. it is a bundle, a bundle. the key, it depends on basha for its results. russians understand now compete and well that this is the biggest country about the richest country on
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uh, nobody wishes russia. well i me, i mean, uh, neighbors many of our neighbors. they look at these, they look at basha and they want those resources. they want the human capital here intelligent well educated, they bought has access to the they want these results as cheap. they don't want this from russia. they bought a week fragment, the broken up russian. now the, you know, got stuck with me off the well, during the munich conference they had, uh, they had a drink against 2 drinks against poor little get together off to the conference. i mean, that is what was the policy as being web relegated to that is bought off the parents of perhaps hundreds of billions spent the new grade they've been relegated. these are serious politicians, the drinking against you talked about m s c and how the attacks on belle grove has
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actually broke cohesion to people. i mean, it's often i'm, i'm struck by what i think many would describe as the colonialist rhetoric of the west. not just to a lot of the global south nations, but also about russians. they say, we know what russians want russians want to turn up and spoil that pilots. russians want that say whether it's no viable news about whoever it is, but approval ratings, solution, even independent posters. so what russians want 86 percent approval rating, university of chicago even some showed but $63.00 supported the will for the reason that it was a stand against data and was so surprised. my question is, is i just thought to disconnect in the west between their own political ponds for russia and the reality on the ground or do they understand exactly what it is, but they just need to keep sewing this 9, whether is could complete denial. there is complete the now they have spent how
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much money on the project that is, you credit they have spent, i don't know most amount of money that out talking in germany and frauds about cutting social welfare, social welfare, domestic spending in order to buy more shelves in order to open up on factories, and this is, this is all off to the they've emptied their own hospitals. and the situation on the ground in ukraine is looking to they, we got for you great in the west. then at any point over the past 2 years is looking bleak. they have running out of men, they're running out of options. and most importantly, they're running out of space among the crating and people that that could be a victory among western populations, west and citizens. they don't believe for a lot thing. ukraine with more shelves, with more money with more loans is going to lead to anything yet they they dug themselves. i wouldn't corner the whole i would cause
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a chasm because if they touched about now they're all going to be questions. what the hell was this will full. yeah. what did you spend the money on? what did hundreds of thousands of ukrainians die for, and that is what they're trying to avoid and delay because that is going to shake their legitimacy, the european union, and the local governments in europe. very interesting indeed, our senior correspondent marat's gusty of at delving into the the domestic gun in turn off still aspect of this at presidential vote. thank you so much pleasure as well. we haven't managed yet. we all guessing up by with us to talk through all the different candidates. we know that they were full candidates who are still in the running uh, but the top job plumbing results like the say, just to confirm. uh, all suggesting a platinum and putin has taken the job, but usually it goes beyond that as well though, like at the bottom of written with,
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with write that stuff. it's clear now it's coming. but those, those come that it's, that you're saying they put a very direct, i'm a very direct amount of information. what they want fit, defined cost business. yeah l d p are they want closer ties with the, the ace they want, the communist. busy it's a kind of half a capital communist and kind of organization coming in like i like china. all those ideas now are, are put for the to the front, right? so they are now are there, they can be debated. it's not just but a lot of are put in winning. it's about those other ideas getting traction and i'm on pushing that. that's what it's about. i think i agree. and i think also one element is that, that it shows that this is a moment in time. the russians care about stepping to see when you talk to russians about the ninety's of the collapse of the circuit union. it's always been very
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important when they compare what came oft woods versus what happened before. and i think the best thing, these ideas route that we understand that gaining traction. but for now, we just want things to settled down best still business. i think that's also an aspect of that we're doing now by our correspondence a bose who is at b h q of dublin costler south doesn't cost that was the presidential comes from the new people policy and say, i mean, you know, doesn't cost, didn't take the crown, i doubt doesn't cost expected to take the crowd, but um, what's the sense that do they still see this as a victory? well, it's interesting. good. let us of devon coff has just given a press briefing that to a very big press pack here it has to be said. these are essentially conceded that's not improvement. will be re elected with a, with
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a large majority. but what's really interesting and it feeds into the conversation at you and you don't have been having is who is going to take this very much coveted a 2nd place if you like that interestingly, we've about, oh, just of attorney, 35 percent of the vote counted from what we're hearing here and the communist of just crossed the 4 percent mark. we believe doug hancock is coming to a part on their heels as well. so it's turning into a real to horse race for this really influential and port spot as union mentioned earlier. it's hard to overstate how important that is defined. cost is essentially a political outside, or he's a young man for 2 years of age. he represents business interest, a whitening of rushes interest to the world. he had some uh, different views on russia's foreign policy earlier in the special military operation and the complex and you print, assess, you also mentioned. so this was like something different happening. the communist
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a usual 2nd place horse in the race, if you like, under some pressure know from the vine. cough so it's really, really fascinating stuff here. sure, thanks very much giving us a sense of what was happening there. yeah. good results at for the new people come to do their it looks like of course we can help the keep saying they are not verified at. but those are the results that are coming in preliminary for not pretty much the opposite picture for the communist parts. the historically, of course, during the soviet union, the, the only party and then after that the, they generally were a 2nd place. sometimes a close 2nd place to, at the president of russia during the quarter is following developments for a stone. not such a rosy picture today is either union. well yeah, i'm at the electoral headquarters of the central committee of rushes communist party. there's going to be
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a press conference soon when the absolute final results of the election ultimately come out. and the communist party, of course, obviously has not done as good as it's done in the past, but they're still looking to take 2nd place according to the obviously the statistics that we have right now with their candidate, nikolai, i got a ton of who was a state duma, a member of the communist party. he's also, it's not also not the 1st time actually he's running the presidential elections against vladimir putting the last time was in 2004 in which he won the 13 percent of the vote. and one, like i said, the 2nd place which the communist party is trying to get this time as well. and has typically gotten pretty much every presidential election that happened after the fall of the soviet union and the establishment of the russian federation. but obviously we're looking at a very smaller margin now because of this,
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the fact that this new people's party has become more popular in recent years. so that's obviously created a bit more competition for the communist party that wasn't there before in terms of the kind of policies that the communist parties putting forwards like you were talking about the softer union. obviously, these are a set of policies that the communist party wants rushing to get into the mainstream discourse. and that includes stuff like nationalization of the nations mineral resources, lowering the retirement age, raising the uh, the minimum wage as well as putting significantly more capital investment into industry, heavy industry and agriculture. so, you know, those are the sort of parts main parts of their platform that they're trying to get forward into the mainstream discourse. and we're going to have to see with the continued counting of the votes. how this is going to play out ultimately will the communist party come in 2nd, as it often does or will the new people's party end up making history of
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the lot was donald quote to joining us from the communist pod, c h q definitely feels like a bit of a critical moment for that part to i think that'll be definitely conversations have about what to move from that. so that will shape bose and don't quote. so i've no doubt that was coming back to you in the coming hours. well, what we do have is, again, i said we've been spoiled. we spoke earlier to the governor of the house on regions, autumn at south go. now, if i'm not mistaken on if the connection is the with joining to fly the head of the done yet republic dentist push it in a while come to the program. thank you for taking the time. i can imagine that you have a lot going on, especially at this moment. so the 1st thing i suppose is the human question. for the 1st time, you cost your pallets and you help choose the president of the russian
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federation. just from a personal perspective, how does it feel, i guess, looked up all of it and then you know, what's it i felt very positive emotions for only positive and these sorts comes up with feeling calls. the being we bought are connected to this story convent because the elections out the president of our account, 3 or underway, nearby church, it was, and a emphasizes the device or disability. and so we are choosing what is going to happen until the customer in the next decade, not only over the next presidential, and that'll turn, but over the next 10 years. and how the donors and their staples republic will develop the role within our country. so it was, was sort of pretty emotional for us. you know, it's such a great result both for if it's turned out also and for the person to vote that
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were given. the issue in favor of president could be the both these things will say that for us, on the one hand it was quite expected to on the other hand, it emphasizes gives regionally the law. so self awareness of the people of don bashing the way that we understand that a lot depends on our choices and we have learned to understand this. so starting from clarity for team to you, we are the master's of our own future. and i'm an old as a and a lot depends on our choice. the numbers tell a story as well in your at risk public and done yet, in fact, as a whole, 90 percent was the preliminary turn like mr. proceeded. what does that tell us? how do you translate that it
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started with so to see for um, uh, the heat on this we bought a fake or is the selection. so they said that which and was like, what's in your way so highly. appreciate it. the chan south weeds inc connected to this story because then switched my, my friend also officer to the websites about the personal attitude of all of us. so i'm with people have gone down to a lot in their code and done bust me. it was more because just the fact that don bad the last name was against to exceeds the fact that done that started and developed them out. and the way we do so, even before they still, it is in a row for the spots us under the fact that the people of john badges could remain true to themselves with their language, which are held sure by consuming wizard, traditional values. look at the doctor could assume, and that is shame. we owe all of these to the decision made by blondie meredith who
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attended to see for us we'll go to e mail and these numbers they speak about these 1st of all ad across much of russia, upholding stations opened at 8 am on close at 8 pm at where you are, that's at was only until 3 pm in the afternoon because of safety reasons. can you just tell us where people are aware of that? and they know that perhaps people missed the opportunity to cast their ballots. despite the high turn, not of the youngsters, it was still no such and such a name that i was going to say that our citizens was more than less. but to go as soon as they had a chance to vote they, it's difficult for voting to move across, sold these 3 days. so i believe for those who wanted, they had a chance to vote and we launched the information contains. so we,
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in for and everyone. we had representatives of the election, some nation we handled a representative. so the public organizations, we have volunteers who did everything to make sure that everyone knew about the time when the polling stations would be open about the chance to have some additional opportunity to vote. so i think we was more of the head here till the necessary symposium and also where the foundation so all those who wanted to vote when they voted and we can see it from the high numbers that we all saw. well thank you so much shed, dennis, but she'll in the head of the next rep, public talking to r t international live and giving us
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a sense of at high turn i'd what people were doing, going to the polls, what they want to those. well sir, we thank you very much and just for a couple of 5 minutes, stay away, we will be back out the top as those results stop stopping up as you've got a stronger impression of what the political landscape is great fee for the next 6 years we all know what he thinks he's very comfortable to us, so that associated will teach us to join us, at least from the the
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the, the magenta itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, phoenix who say, borne, you ruled the country for 33 years,
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ensuring the interest to from the dead, the gun on deed isn't in the trunk. then there is also including his foster. larry's chestnut goods was dumb so strong and the more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back, bull came to power and i'm ready to double for example. yeah. curious to know if we're feed lacrosse or they're gonna use it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one that buses into the bronze to meet, usually deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of war from 130 to the other 2 voters of mortgage. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is boy okay, recovering from years of bloody conflict?
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watch on. see the so well polling stations are shocked. boat counting is underway and is alongside victory for platinum and fix them on the costs. preliminary results seem to suggest that 87.4 percent of the numbers with the side of the bonus accounted outside the in the russian city of belgrade. a tax there through the day, including little ones to people killed by the local say the danger will not deter them from having their say.


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