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tv   Documentary  RT  March 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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see, the find that's they have one piece that you'll need more that guy, scott, who type to these daily, you mean for my show and for the popular song? so that is the reason why i'm here. yeah. and how did you find it that you were in moscow primarily, i mean, most cool and most cool. uh i am surprised. the 1st time i seen in the was that the index on is 3 these it, 3 days and the for the 3 days i go to visit the, at around the 7 points special on every day. and a scene in the 1st the, the 1st day i see them all of that on for peter. so i'm coming fast. yeah. and the so going days become up and the today on people coming to vote that fast. and so only, i'm surprised about the, the more bite is points dition. in the 1st time,
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i've seen them all by the post special, and that's especially for the people cannot forts, kind of go to the post station or someone to see cause time on have a problem. and if they uh, come at a spec, the or quantity shown the look at the quantity shown being the 4 special and full i palm y and they'll be sold in the hosp, the and the bring you the staff to the pull special and into 40 in the, the port special we've on condition. yeah, they have a condition uh to, to save the sale post to show them. so that's kind of a system is very new for me and the i seen as well. that's the most of the population as well. what for electronic 14. yeah. and so
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the technology. so the new technology, i see see huge. yeah. well my advice and it was the 1st time that it's ever being done on a presidential level. so that's, it is a big step. i think for russian elections will be interesting to see if we see it taking off some internationally as well. i wanted to ask you, um, did you see any uh, incidents with people misbehaving? uh, if someone i don't know created a scandal or fight to the pointing station or if they, if somehow the face that ballots nothing, i thought you didn't see any problems. it's not possible. it's not possible because, you know, as soon you are coming, all is in the process that you, you follow the process. yeah. when you are come in, uh they check your passport. he few out of, he's in the listing. you kind of go inside, you know,
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the security piece very high. yeah. so he, it's not possible to, to make us call him that. because when you come for the port special, you know that you are going to fort that if you are going to vote, you know that to bring your bus boss. yeah. and the we knew good there. all the, all the anecdotal looked on cool me shown the they have, they have very professional not but the where the, where instances of people trying to go and, and destroy the polling booth trying to put in pain to another minute. i'm a real trying to non disrupt the electrical problem and i don't know uh, in the 7 in the 3 days i am here. uh, i don't $2121.00 for the special night visit. and the any pull
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station. i don't see that the have problem like that's and that a, all the 21 points the show and he's not a one. yeah. they have. they have the present tense of the candidates. they have the present dental of uh, the cvt cd. the they have the, the police will for the security ever since. okay. even even the, even the engineer for the i think use them every but these and all of the ports they shown they have a cctv that as well. that when you tried to, to find the in front of this is the, the, the behavior of the, the post isn't they had to have a caller id, please you, you need to need some more beat because a, you hired the,
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the cdc quite identified. that's very high security, so it's not possible to, to destroy some feed in the to, to it's all possible. is this not proceed because it's very, uh, quaid very normal. all in process. yeah. yeah. all sorts of people. yeah. it would because you kind of going to say the few out of notes uh the very secure. yeah. yeah. you cannot even go in site before i have not that idea and look, but at least been you kind of insight. yeah, thank you for coming. not on sharing. yeah. well, you come yeah. they check. yeah. the, it's very clear. it's very concise home. how i bring my passports and the check. and lisa, if you think that know you called but you know, brought us this case is so it's very street. so vindicate what we appreciate you
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coming, not just to speak to us, but also coming to russia and being one of those 1000 plus absolve is and see for yourselves how obviously how does the price associated appraise? that's the level, open the door for the intent. that's what i look server i from that's you are like kid, the country will close the door. so i don't think frame as what i am so, but as you away when, when i'm here and this recently for the most school, i'm just have a place to see that see says he, the, when i am outside because i was in my shop before 2 times i was in san francisco, i was in it should have been sky like 10 years before. yeah. so no, and back here, the 1st step in most school, the 1st day most quite city is a big step by the way, the yes or no, no, and no,
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i'm surprised. that's if i go to the taxi, i type of go to the taxi. i use the music, that's the music from usc listen the romans 0 and place. you can notice that i should have seen alone the 1st uh that just development time without the hear your thoughts as well. first time direct thoughts at fernado at let us at cross to someone we've been going at quite a bit over the last few hours that is to the central electoral commission headquarters. charlotte dubin ski is following developments for us, and there's being quite a few developments in the past hour or so. yes, that's why he's been a huge scrum here. the media all desperately trying to get the positions of those results are coming in. i've got screen runs by the side me and i just want to tell you that at the moment we get there or just send a 50 percent of the so being counted. and i'm reading that. that means that let me
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put in is still on 87.35 percent of the vote. a huge come on the need. so we all seeing slight variations in what the voting is as move up to coming in. but really nothing is ever going to get close to about 87.35 percent that we're happy with just the 50 percent of the vote counted. now in the selection, i just want to be through some of the facts and figures out over the last 3 days of voting. that'd be some 94000 polling stations. the mountain power alone, just to, to get those moving. these 40 incredible. they've also be nice electronics voting, some, 5000000 people who are registered to do that. and we also knew that over $50000.00 of opposing stations were also set up we c c t, v, which meant that we here at the electoral commission, h q, that she watch people going in and unfolding that vote,
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taking cost in the process here in russia so $18000000.00 people voted and we all going to get a sense, hopefully in the next few hours of exactly what the final tally is. but you know it's, it's pretty clear from what we've seen so far. 50 percent of the vote counted that of luck. my putting has now one a face to him in office. i think it's fair and safe to pretty much be cooling that . but of course, there are so 50 percent of the folks because then things could to change in terms of at least twos, a 2nd and food on that. now, i also want to tell you what we've heard from the chair of the electoral commission here in russia, saying that this is about people who are going out and made their voices had the shoes hills with russia has made its choice. i should have boats are being counted all over the country is to share with respect to all necessary standards. is it under cameras? in the presence of observers, from parties and candidates, as international observers and an expert, this will see,
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this is the most crucial moment. most of the results of all our work, all of it will allow palm, philip, who is the chair with the electoral commission also has been talking about some of the attacks that have taken place. only online voting saying that those attacks have come from the west and who attempts to hinder the pro se, se in russia, the electoral process from taking place. i also want to say this is an election of many, so it's not only is it the 1st time that the election is being held over 3 days. it's the 1st time that we've seen the new, the incorporated regions, votes in the presidential election. i'm. this is the 1st presidential election. it's taking place since russian updated its constitution back in 2020. and it's fast updating the constitution that is allowed, the incumbent slots may of preaching to run for a fixed time where you mentioned lots to
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that, that this is an election of process and all the 1st element to it, which is the fact that for the 1st time, a presidential election level, people to help you able to cost that the online. this is something that we were talking about with the franchise of, from augusta, who was an absolve. uh, how about in any way, shape the counting or the speed of the counting the speed with which the results are coming out in any way? will the official answer to that is yes, it knows us good. the reason yes is because 5000000 people voted at electronic a, which meant that the boots were counted automatically very quickly and not allowed at least 120th of the vote. to be immediately disposable of the other elements that have really help the process is, let's not forget the russians got these 11 different time zones. so those people who voted open floods left stuck with voting. and they post clothes bought some stuff in 8 hours ago. so all of this has allowed the process to be sped up this
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year. there's also this process that was described to me by one of the members of the electoral commission board that said that basically there was a protocol that they print off all of the details of the file. a paper that she will code that's been scanned and then not comes directly into the system here at h q, which means that they can very, very speak to the count the folks. we also know that most of the region, 5000000 folks are so being cast stuff that has a big impact too. so very quickly, we saw a lot of the votes coming in, and we just seeing that tale costs that we update it. it's now just as a 50 percent of the votes have been counted and i can still tell you of luck. my preaching is on 87.33 percent of the vote. but of course, i still more counting to go unless process is coming very, very quickly. yeah. incredibly fast. that's a knowing 50 percent off of how the country has voted at so far. i
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don't think we're going to be waiting for a week to know the result. of this, if that's the speech. thanks so much for at for now. charlotte, do been down there at the central election? hate to giving us a sense of the situation. um. okay, we spoke a little bit earlier with uh, alexander, step puddle. if he's from the academy of political sciences now, he spoke about an issue at surrounding the election, not of people going to the followup offices in one region, the belgrade region on the border at there with ukraine and at being killed. 2 people were killed today at, in the process of doing that, he said the attack spike he has on people going to have their say, their democratic se with terrorism. we can see that people understand that these very important event electrical uh,
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products as you are in free days. they have to understand that now that decide in the future of our country and surely they are visiting. and we can see the cities of the balls. and surely we can see that everyone understands the importance of this moment. but surely for talking and analyze the situation, all those effects. it's a terrorism, terrorism on the state level and terrorism backed by the nato countries. it's all very well having at 4 areas with the population. but then you, you have to integrate them into the russian federation. so you've got people around the country. thinking is this, is this what we want? is this what the volt today is partly at by people across russia saying you're, you're accepted as one of us now that's why we're seeing such a high turn. i perhaps know, surely we can say that those, the 1st time elections that or country within your region is organizing right now
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that very important to understand that this region are integrated in the russian territory. but frankly speaking, uh, as far as i understand, it was russian territory. it was russian, people living there and of those attacks and to there's no difference right now because of this new toyota terrace cab, all the social guarantees, all the economic go influence all our political center. and they are unable to know the process is a russian for duration. i'll just put you pains about doubling costs on the new people policy because he's an interesting character, isn't he? he came out and he comes from a party to initially a post the referendum in the, in the september 2022 of those new regions. do you think we're going to see if perhaps younger electra, who don't necessarily agree with the military operation? do you think we're going to see them driving up the new people's numbers?
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what do you think? i'm not a political ex parte about the sure lack of my opinion. and i think that to rec, candidate habits on electro rate habits on auditory, but may be a yes. so there can be some changes between the age of the people who participate on the who all want to ward for one of the candidates. but i think what unites all the candidates that they actually want to live in russia without the control of for other countries in the independent state with the sovereignty and with its own roots of the development and of that's why our president clinton comes trulia, the most okay, implants, because we are now but dissipating in the contract and you will order and you multiple or multiple world. and that's what he is saying. and that's what unites i
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. so with our allies in breaks, which will lead this year. and it's very important to you, and we have to understand that this selection used bought over all these very important a world wide pro. it says, well, we all have ring room is that we might potentially hear from the incumbent president vladimir putin not confirmed. we don't have a time, we don't even know if it's a fact that he will come out and speak to the press. but of course, this is not just a, an election of one person that was full candidates. and what i want to do is kind of get a sense of how those 3 must be feeling today. i don't think any of the thought that given the approval rating of not him at 210, given obviously, but he, ron at come pick in. that is a lot easier because his actions speak for themselves that does most of the come painting for him. and i think the russians bolton to a lot of the need of stability of changing the world older. and they wanted a sense of continuity. but i still think there are things to be discussed,
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and i do think that the russian political landscape has changed somewhat with the selection. so with that said, i'm joined now by donald quote. so who, if i'm not mistaken, is an h q of the communist party. i mean, i don't know what's the mood like down the, is it down beats where they on the price by the results in fact has the communist party presidential candidate, nicole, i heard ton of has he commented as to as well. uh, saskia. most people have actually filed out of the headquarters already. uh there was a press conference that was held about half an hour ago, where not much was said about the results that we have so far. we mainly mainly went over the program that the communist party candidate, nickaligha toner, has been putting forward, including things like nationalization of the countries mineral resources, lowering the retirement age and raising the minimum wage,
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as well as putting significantly more investment into heavy industry and agriculture. in the country, but um, obviously this is, uh, i mean there's not, there's not much surprise here that i've seen actually at the headquarters, the electoral headquarters of the central committee of russia's communist party. because according to most statistics right now with the votes that we've seen counted, the communist party is still coming in 2nd place as it usually does in previous years. but it's also important to understand that it's not exactly the same as previous years either because the communist party has received a significantly less of votes at least uh as well as we can look at the statistics right now. the communist party for the running just right under 5 percent of the actual votes. whereas last time that this specific candidate for the con, his party, a nickaligha on a brand against why them are putting in 2004. he actually received 13 percent of
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the vote, which is more and can bruins with the level of votes that the communist party usually receives in election, sol around at all, around the country since the establishment of the russian federation. so obviously just under 5 percent as a lot less than 13 percent. but i think based on what i've seen here, that people are content with their party still coming in seconds, at least from what we're seeing now. obviously the new people's party is coming right behind, getting very close. 3rd and all the votes are not counted yet. so we're gonna have to see how that pans out. it may be that in the last moment obviously that the communist party may come in. in 3rd, which i can guarantee would come as a shock to and a disappointment, of course, to the members of the communist party. yeah, don't, thanks very much. you lead us on really well there to the next point you mention about the new people's party. that is where that shape
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a bose headquarters. there is standing by at shape. it's been said in many, many elections. it's all about the economy, stupid. this is watts mr. devonne cough at had been rallying on a particularly i so one of the slogan, things to tax revenue and give it to provincial cities that he said that weren't getting the same kind of supplies. so just most school in saint petersburg that appears to have hits a chime with with many people indeed unit. and this gentleman has definitely hit a note found regarding the numbers. and the last time i checked, it just costs crossed. 50 percent of the vote of these 80000000 voters counted and interest me, the people's party here had crossed the 4 percent mark for point to one, a 001 percent. so they've cost this they've also advantage to
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keep the communist party within their sites as they both act chase this very, very important 2nd place. remember uh this uh, this uh, uh, candidate is 40 years old where he is a competitors. if you're like an older man, so he has a future in politics. and for me, the feeling here tonight is that this is the amount that we're going to see more of in and russian society and russian politics. he's a member of various committees and business and he also speaks for a burgeoning growing sions, middle class, that which was an open economy, which wants to build economic and cultural ties outside of russia as well. so everything moves forward, everything is to be chased down, as don said, is probably likely by feeling from looking at the numbers. the calmness will again secure that 2nd place. what is the amount of votes they get? as don said to us, that's crucially important. then it seems that the people's party here tonight have taken a significant chunk of the communist practice launch. and that tells us something
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about modern russia unit scotland. so as a bonus, it definitely does. i'm speaking of most in russia. i do want to bring in steve sweeney shoes at the headquarters of atlanta suitcase pods, delta liberal democratic party. i mean the, the, the, the old policy has been a familiar one to many buttons, mainly because of pools of it's very larger than life. the death of those? yes, i'm talking close about sure enough sky. but here it is in martin twins, 24. russia and it's just not performing. has the policy lost, its bulk lost its own, the with the pulsing of sure enough sky. see what it costs. ask you about certainly one of the issues that's being discussed tablets,
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most of these policy headquarters in the russian capital most go now the moody of this evening. it was a boy into a point mood optimistically. even of course, they were hoping really to secure that 2nd place in the presidential running. but since the uh, the result, the central electro commission announced the exit polls. the mood has really changed. have it's a little bit down be there's a little bit of the dejection people checking their mobile phones. i think there's a lot of number crunching happening, but they'll be looking. i'm pulling over the reasons for the as you pointed out, this is the 1st, the presidential election since the death of the car, as magic sums a controversial, certainly lot larger than life leader as juvenile scheme, of course, has been the squeezed with this height, so not this height pay for the incumbent president vladimir putin, and then there's a performance again of the new people's policy which appears so far to have
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squeezed them into 3rd place, but the uh, the liberal democrat party down to a full place. now of course, slootsky is an experienced politician, i think with a sense of realism here as well. and he spoke about a, a very positive campaign. he was very happy with, with that and, and the folks that were pledged for him. now he also said that he didn't dream of beating president vladimir printing. he described him as one of the world's most influential politicians for him. really, the, the message that the overriding message has been about uniting, are the people of russia in the face of some difficult times, particularly related to the special. but it's, we opperation now, he said victory in the is very important for the russian people without these main priorities alone was participating in the democratic process of the country. now
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he's expected to return to the headquarters suit and he's been at the central electoral commission waiting for those extra hours. those results to come in. so we can expect some more analysis. but i think, you know, that disappointment is, uh, is still very a problem amongst the, the campaign is here. and of course that's not surprising given that they work so very, very hard over the policy months to get the best result possible. uh for that candidate . yeah indeed steve, thanks pretty much giving us a sense of a slight disappointment there l d p r a h q at it has to be said from what you're saying, steve sweeney at before. that shape bows and also at dawn quarter talking about the opposition candidates in this at election. come pain. all rights. i do notice that to have become 3. mr. iraq. because the of our to senior correspondent
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has 10 here. good to see you yet more of a picture emerging here am. seems to be, i'm going to use the l word. it seems to be a lot in the slide victory for blending report and 50 percent at card did. so we're going to know, at generally more in the next few hours, but can i put that to you? can i put a point to that? i've said to a guest earlier, is this more a plebiscite? is this more than that the actual a russian presidential election? is this, the russian populace wasting 6 years to combine it? after being told, your culture is rubbish at your society. we're going to cancel at we don't want anything to do with you. we. this is the, is this the there there, scorpion kick after this thing. you know what we're patient, we're waiting on. we know that we, we, we know who we are a now we're going to show it we, we might know support climber putting the majority clearly to. but we wanted to
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hover say, this is a kicking the teeth for you. the west. i will tell you honestly, it is my opinion that the west, the more for people victory to the get this number, 87 percent the believe vote this he's as the boot counting now then book this campaign manager space. it is, it is macro and it is by then it is schultz who gave put the list number. they said, please do not on the stand, russia and the russian. so russia thrives on adversity, cannot get a russian is a cruise, me so will, uh, a one the weapon from the west saying that, you know, but we're going to beat you. we're going to destroy rush or break it apart. it doesn't look, it doesn't look, look, look at bill, good russian city. he's the hardest. by the small, you know, there are,
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there are concrete barriers around every bus stop every few hours a show labs in a marketplace or residential building. and in build good, at least one of the largest shootings for that is the russian sold you. campbell, break a russia they, they don't understand. if you don't see it and tara, it breeds and russians the opposite reaction. these election is russians coming up and fly, then they find that the off to 30 years of wondering who the hell they are and what the destiny is. finally, the siding that they are a civilization that they have the own path forward that to the future of that who values their own culture and that tradition. and they believe the bloody me a poor is the mind that can guarantee for the future. the russia once and does
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a know it's interesting because listening to more i'd speak, i think there are many people outside of russia who might actually cause their sentiments about flooding met boots. and so he's always become a gate keeper of traditional values. so very much a very much so he talks about the family unit and he talks about the lease and gold . and it's not necessarily about excluding people upsets and sexual orientation or religious beliefs. but it is just about a recognition that look these bodies of south just very well, but hundreds of years for those who still want to abide by them. just just keep them still kind of in play. and i just wanted to see the global south just, you know, we talked a lot about the west and how the west is going to react to this because the west is a minority. we talk about it as if it is the king, make a but it's a minority. i want to how the global.


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