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tv   News  RT  March 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the law, the russian people have spoken as loving it to, to any gains a sweet thing victory in the russian presidential election. securing another 6 years to me while the opposing tons, this secured less than 5 percent and the total vote. and so it's hot out, those come in at 73 percent with the polls closed on the vote. some ballots loose
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counted. meanwhile, the russian city of belgrade has come under severe attacks. multiple attacks with ukraine. however, 2 people have been killed. all those. this hasn't stopped people from coming out to that. considering the tense situation, the feeling of fear was still present. today i gathered all my civic responsibility, courage, perseverance, and pride in russia into a fist and came to the post, the to hello and a very warm welcome to all continuing a special coverage of the russian presidential election. as always, we've got the best view of the city for you, nicky, aaron, and i,
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more of them are me and way ahead of school. i am most go time keeping you fully updated on this historic election as it happens, lots of opinions inside of a landslide victory with 87.24 percent of the votes. that's according to preliminary results. but this points more than 90 percent of the votes have been counted. this looking pretty clear as a man, i mean, it's clear what the people of russia want. they have the mind and they want to go forward. exactly. and there's many reasons why this election has been historic and not trustworthy because it includes those full new russian territories. but the votes that turned out has been absolutely astronomical. as a 73 percent of people, it turned out to cost that bothers lot and it puts, it has a very strong lead. in the preliminary count, as you can see, the communist party candidate came in. the 2nd place for them is 4.3 percent. it was followed by the new people policy candidate, divine called, with slightly under 4 percent,
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and then the slootsky of the liberal democratic policy with its 3 percent. now as the count down processing is conclusions ought to be approved and did hold a press conference that is election had courses and he spoke about these attacks that you spoke on on the posting stations. he said that these attacks by ukrainian forces had no impacts on those people who were determined to cost the balance. you did at least just get the despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this. well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it. no one as i thought, assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them. and it was impossible to intimidate out people there. i'll turn out to you both in the new territories and in the border areas. the turn out is even higher than in the rest of the country. it's simply a response from the people to the actions, trying to intimidate them because they're supposed to do it. don't understand who
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they're dealing with, but in part, maybe it's a good thing that they don't understand. because in this case, of course, they will be defeated. now they are trying, again, trying to get somewhere they have to enter. they were destroyed. almost 100 percent of them were destroyed. they moved forward by 100 meters. $25.00 tanks were destroyed because the enemy has concentrated a group of around $5000.00 in the border area. not directly on the state borderline but somewhere in their immediate rear. but the overall loss is about 40 percent of these about 35 percent r, irrevocable, $25.00 tanks, dozens of armored vehicles and so on. if they like it that way, then in principle issue, it's suits us families because they mindlessly attack. it's such a meat grinder for them, it's even beneficial for us, let them try. no, he did focus heavily on the military operation and ukraine because of the rule. even though he has schooled a landslide victory here in russia, in the so called new regions, is that have just recently become part of the country that he's figures in the 90
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percent territory. like in the den that's can look guns. republics, for example, and allowed them to put in the russian liter has well made it very explicit. that he realizes what it means that he realizes that people are happy, that they are approving of the fact that flatter my booty, decided to take this step and defend them and send the russian army to defend them against the key of regime. and so he real is, is the version that it towards, on his shoulders at the same time, the voting in the russian border regions. and i'm talking about the border with human brain. very happened to the tune of terrorist attacks that have, well, they range from terrace trying to reach and to, to and then to russian, tad for you to just real emphasis shillings, terry showings of strict disability in areas in towns like the town of bell. good. i'm glad i'm approved and he did not say explicitly, but he did do kind of hinted at the fact that the, if these showings continue,
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if you can continues in this with its terrorist ways than well, a time will come when russia will have to create a buffer zone, he, again, he abstain from saying that russia would have to grab any more land, for example, in the heart of region which borders the russian bell. good region. but he did say that the need for this buffer zone, the well, it is growing by as in minutes he also talked about into an old russian affairs. he talked about his political opponents and his vision full rush at the same time, let him approved. he was confronted by western journalists by an american journalist with the question about the death of alexi, nevada, a political figure, an opposition figure, who in the west, many viewed as of latimer pollutants, key political opponents except to go. it was a few days before mister and i've only passed away. some colleagues told me not administration officials, some people said there was an idea to exchange mister invalid me for some people
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who are in prison in western countries. you can believe me or not. the person who spoke to me had barely finished his sentence, but i said, i agree. yeah, i mean, yeah, but unfortunately what happened and then you happen to get the only on one conditions that we exchange him so that he doesn't come back, let him sit there, that's all. but it happens. there's nothing one to do about it. that's how life is . i was one user, which if you want to know my opinion on whether our elections are democratic or not, i think they are democratic. or conversely, in some countries, for example, in your countries, can it be considered democratic to use an administrative resource? in order to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states. including using traditional authorities truth, we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states of america. we will work with whoever the voters truck allergies, but the use of administrative resources, the judicial system. it's just me become an addictions, under disgrace to the whole world for the united states. you man for your democratic or on a so called in quotient system. as you're more than interested, i have every reason to believe that we do not see any democracy for at least during
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the electro processes and some western countries, including the united states today, therefore accept the return part please visit the on 12 foreign relations came into focus as well, and especially russia's ties with china, vladimir put the stress the cordial nature of relations. and he made it very, very apparent that he is intending to stay on this course and to, to continue to strengthen the ties between the most cool and vague ging at the same time a lot of my food and also acknowledge the fact that the western partners they have been doing their best to right. so the internal political situation in russia, in fact this was something that russian politicians of various colors had been cooling at the western partners out about and likely the russian foreign minister surg, elaborate accusing, openly accusing wesley diplomats over taking steps towards meddling in russia's internal affairs this was something that i asked latimer talking about because of
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who, after all these athletes, he gets this mass of land slide when even bigger than during the previous elections . so i asked him if he believes weston powers would draw any conclusions out of the situation that the old, the f, it's terribly terribly backfired for them to take care of them. is that simple? after all, these are not completely stupid people sitting in all the institutions that have been working against our country for decades. you know, when their problem is, in my opinion, it lies in the fact that after the collapse of the soviet union, there were a very large number of specialists on the soviet union who could not do anything else, but fight the soviet union. and then with the russian that arose in part of a territory. so they began to convince their political leadership, them, and public of their countries that they need to continue finishing russia off. and in such a way that they themselves will not be left without a job. they are still new generations of specialists are coming. they realistically assess the events taking place. i think they will be more sophisticated,
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but they will not change their goals with regard to russia. paula, the media conference was rather expensive and lengthy, but after you wrapped up with john, let's how to john. so to fix the brain of the trip, this call for who is the, the spokesman for the russian president. and he reveals that the flat of my body does not intend to celebrate simply because he has no time to do so. his schedule is passed and he already has several meetings planned, including the meeting with russia's military leadership. at the same time, he reveals that they are working on a for, and the visit on a, for in trip for a russian president. he hasn't had too many of those in the past. in the past few years, he even went as far as saying that the know what country vladimir poor do is set to travel to but he's still just short of revealing the name of the country. we will. of course, we'll have her to see, but vladimir prudent,
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of course he has 6 years as ahead of him as president. so he has a new tab and with the new figures of support, with the growing support he's bound to keep the country on the course, he has received confirmation that the nation is very approving of what he's doing. so he will carry on doing so. but maybe with renewed vigor, has that, in my opinion, the speaking at the election had quotas. the person has a strong vision for the future of russia, and he's always been very clear about that. and it seems the russian people are both very clearly on boards. they trust in this vision, especially at this time when russia is in such a protera. yes, position with the sanctions which russia apparently seems to have overcome and sleep rolling with these punches that like no one ever expect. 85, you're absolutely right. making, you know, of economists have come out and say that,
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that russia's growth is unexpected. they wouldn't expect seen that russians going to do so well. the over 16 files and the sanctions or no other country in the world has ever had that in fact, the little global south country is dislike. i've been as way to in a 2nd. i'm gonna tell you about that, but they're coming out and congratulating, put in already because they know the ties a shifting and things are changing. and that actually brings me to my next point because while the boat sitting on the counting, it hasn't quite finished. we've already heard from then is why didn't president, he's come out and congratulate it puts him this here. well, he had to say a minor trim, c, c, a c. and we've moved in 87 percent of the votes, boots and has completely won the war against the collective west of toiling. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir clinton victory to come out of cognitive us. i'm on a long road, a vindication. yeah. like ignition for anyone that russia, a great russian or with the multiple world and for world apartments. so our elder brother vladimir putin is trying not to take any of these
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a good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024 mind. don't mind your congratulations from windham, but it's not in russia about financing on old battlefront send you over even because well, well, veneers were in a long ways. many of the global south countries have come full woods and also that congratulations to you guys in a peach. and the response from the west hasn't been quite so warm. the us has said that the russian election is neither free, no fat, and germany even went as far as to quoted us through the election. you know, uh, they call it a pseudo election. but what does that mean actually? i mean, at the end of the day, all these countries that seem to think that russia is the same is that they seem to think that russia has to have just because it has these pull buildings and these beautiful scenery, they think that russia has to be like a western country, i mean, i don't, i don't understand the,
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our goods behind them. but since i've been here just over a year and a half, now i've seen that the culture of the russian people is completely different. it's more about family values. it's more about integrating a family issue that i'm working together and helping you so that in the west it's all about to climbing on top of these other to get to the top and, you know, not caring about other people. and when you see that criticize criticism coming from the west, you think, well, i kind of brought the like living here, united because here is about equal open tendencies. it's about growth and why they're complaining and why, you know, it's a pseudo this, this is also the election. this is, in my opinion. i don't know what you think, but it's about the people supporting 5 inputs in for the next 6 years of mix future . what do you think, i think, because a lot of people are here today, still remember the solve you at times when people waited sofa and what size you may
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have to do represents is the journey they've taken from those times when they didn't have enough to eat when they didn't have the freedom that they have now to this surviving metropolitan that we see right now. i mean, it's an absolutely beautiful country. i is the biggest country in the world as well, which means it has so much culture and so much diversity. but some of the countries, smaller western countries put the don't. and the congress, that concept is a similar situation in china, i find time is it is a vast country. and people fail to growth. the cultural significance under the impression that people have all that own countries in the building. so go ahead. so i bring it are lovely, get good. i mean we have a lovely guess. so it is. diane said, he's gonna get talk to us about, um, she's gonna talk to us about what show thoughts are about these elections. have you been following in diane?
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no. yes, i have been following it. do we have you, diana? have you seen things that have been pining out? do you agree with the west saying that it's not fair and free? i know i don't agree. i'm not sure the west is really qualified to speak on this. having myself, been a candidate in a number of western elections and a voter and many other western elections. and given that we, i saw an article in the new york times to denouncing russia for extending the election to 3 days. which i found quite hypocritical, because here in the united states, now we have an election season. it's not 3 days, it's weeks on end. and the counting is weeks on end. and i found it somewhat
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humorous that they said having an election period over 3 days made it easier to commit to rod when our election season now extends over many days or even weeks and months. it does. it's nikki, here in the studio. lovely to see you this evening, i'm earlier during president putin's press conference at the election had quoted he received quite a pointed question from a western journalist. he also do you called as a democracy? he said he pointed to the situation of alexi, no valley who recently died in prison and fruits and came out and said, well do you do co, your country? the democracy also said that he was actually, you know, surprising. he said he was on board with a prisoner as well when it came to nevada, shortly before the found each sadly passed away. um, how do you think these comments will be received by the west and main stream media?
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well, the western main streaming media has become simply a propaganda machine for war. and let me also express my the concern of that, i understand that russia had to stop or successfully intercepted 35 different drone attacks coming from the direction of ukraine. i believe even a couple of civilians may have died in belgrade. so the kind of harassment of the electoral process there i, i think is just out of reach us. and so i do know the western media also by the way, has lost many of its listeners that may know until they manage to stop people from being able to access
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r t very well in the west cnn these mainstream organs. hardly any, wouldn't even listen to them anymore because they have found them to be so remote on people themselves experience or believe using their own judgment. what must be occurring in the world at church, in their own life, with discipline essentially. what's a good for you is interesting what you say that, you know, a lot of people in solo about democracy, they told about free elections. they told him about the, you know, the people having the voice, we know for a fight with the you creating and present the leslie. he canceled the, the, his elections. he said, you know, not now, i need to be empowered. i need to have that stronghold here. we have availability, the thing that i need the support of my people. i need to know that on my side, how does the west or, or should i say, you know, i don't like to use the word, mainstream media the of the day. we're all in the media game,
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but how does the west justify that ukraine doesn't hold it. selections. when russia does hold, is a direct elections. it's not a void. well, i think the last 2 of people like chuck schumer, whom i ran against in 2022. busy now trying to get lee and $61000000000.00 more dollars and military a to ukraine was saying that were defending democracy. uh, even the one you claimed not only canceled the election to that earlier, of course, the band. i think at least the 13 opposition political parties and i thought maybe she is calling that democratic because we have seen a similar process occurring in the united states. i mean, where, unless you were with the democrats or republicans, hardy, even getting on the ballot is extremely difficult. you get excluded from the
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debates. in fact, there is a situation now where many of the incumbent politicians like schumer will not even debate. candidates who are opposing him, so when they speak of ukraine as a democracy, perhaps, that is the model that they would like to see the united states following and when it comes to the conflicts in ukraine or what is going on for 2 years now, there's still no end in sight as the west indeed is like new crohn's hopes about putting boots on the ground. meanwhile, we have document piercing at every opportunity saying let's negotiate. let's bring an end to this. it seems like the whole situation is just so exhausting. no, it just speak ukrainian or russian photo of also for the us, the us people on the see europe as well. do you think and a lot to me to say and we will see an end to the ukraine conflicts. well,
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i certainly would hope that would be the case. i actually think the end is not that mere, at least ukraine seems to have used up most of the best soldiers in idaho in the state that have fully. i think it's very tragic that people like joe biden forest jobs then with receipts through nak, my cronan. others would want to continue with this. busy or for so long and encourage you praying to make such incredible sacrifices or you had ours. and senator lindsey graham saying was the fantastic word because it's very cheap for us to kill russians. not cheap for the ukrainians. they have suffered incredibly and i think would have the interest tranquilly come up with a negotiation on your way back in march, april of 202022. we're not stopped. i think the election with this. busy over whelming show of trust and support for pretend indicates the situation in russia. i
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believe you, but it was the state you bolt. so i think that's good because it does is it creates the conditions you for this, you would see christ of this situation to be finally ended in a calm and irrational manner. unfortunately, it doesn't appear right now that there are many people in the west who are prepared to do that. is that it does seem to be like that. sadly, you know, you will the elections coming up soon and on your side of the plunder in november. but seems to be somewhat of a divide between the parties. the republicans seem to be slightly divided. no, it will seems to be behind bite. and when it comes to the democrats, but when we look at its, i mean a, this a but keeps going to you claim, as you said, it's is it's, it's just killing ukrainians. not, not,
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not known in america. is that special? but so do you think that will soon come to an end? because at the end of the day, the people of america need to acosta. number one doesn't a well they seem to think so, or at least they're wondering why the government seems to not be that concerned about matters like inflation and so on. and i think, i don't know, probably millions of americans watched tucker carlton's interview with president who attend. and then later an interview he did about that interview where he was rather forthright about his experience in russia. how beautiful and moscow was as compared to any of the major cities in the united states, which are very dirty and run down with wraps and garbage in the street in huge
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numbers of homeless people or the price of groceries. many, many americans have, i have seen this. so i do think they're having a difficult time with the $6.00 to $1000000000.00. they may finally prevail because unfortunately, to get elected in the united states seems to require unlimited amounts of money. and probably people in the congress are getting but often support this, but it's clearly very unpopular. and we also saw signs of that with the vote in michigan administrator where people are very unhappy about the genocide occurring in the gaza. and they wish to express their discontent by voting in large numbers for uncommitted in the democratic primary, as opposed to voting for joe biden. so i think there is quite a shift. there is a potential for a shift here. i'll put it that way. and it's very interesting the wouldn't have to leave with the diane,
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so thank you so much indesign us politician as a was a pleasure. so calling to thank you so much for joining our site today. well, all i still remain on the electoral commission as a vote set up in counseling, some regions, but in other areas are still being counted as full or coming up to full 30 am in the morning i'll correspondence all they do. buskie was at the electoral commission headquarters elliot, today's keeping on things i of what we've been seeing here at the headquarters of the central electrician commission just behind me use this rule. we have seen as the voting was close in each of the regions of the screens go gray and then they've been replaced by polluting elsewhere. not because these all surveillance cameras inside the places where people are booting some 50000 to move. these have been an operation over the last 3 days to allow people to have a butare view of what's going on all across russia's regions where people are
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voting not just posting, of course, in the 11 time zones that russia has as expansive country, but also people have been voting in embassies around the world. russian citizens making their voices heard in this election is also uh, being uh, people voting electronically. they've been able to register for that since january of this year. and that apparently is the system that has been the hate. we've actually heard from the child person owns with central election commission. she is jules with russia, has made its choice. the votes are being counted all over the country just with respect to all necessary standards is under cameras. in the presence of observers, from parties and candidates, international observers and experts to see this as the most crucial moment of the results of all our work. to my 150000000 russians almost were registered to vote. and we know that the 2 in that is around 73 percent. that means,
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or an 18000000 people have been casting that vote for the last 3 days. and that is just incredible. and it gives you a sense of re how big this operation is. this is an election that is built many 1st as well, and these opposed to will go down in history. not only is it the 1st election is taking place and but 3 days in the presidential election is the 1st presidential election since the russian constitution was amended back in 2020 and not as a lot of the coming. the president left me a present to run for a safe time. in addition to that, this is the 1st presidential election that is including the full, nearly incorporated regions, interruption or of course, voting has been taking place over the last 3 days. that really is quite important because it shows the gauge when the russian citizens in this presidential election and who potentially they want to see, run the country for the next 6 years. now although he's supposed to learn to be a cell,
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but he's of the go to the has on region course age, learned russia in 2022. and he said basically that this of the, this presidential election was a long awaited of it. why the, someone you thinking across the river, across the river, with the furniture and maybe it could mean something to someone else but to watch. i mean, so now i think the most important thing is bad. people in good conscience a good and we are the glad minister they came into the following stations and do that. the thing they carry down here, but there's a few days that are passed for yachting to the realization that makes process necessary for yachting sentiments. so please add the teachers over to the elections up to you and they elected the candidate. they put their hopes in law and to add you to the main candidate. and so we have 4 candidates to be on our old course, the people, but the main candidates or the people from her son is the one who made the decision . and as a result of this decision and also to meet,
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we made our long home dream true, which was a long way to live and for us. but it's one thing people going to the polls to have their vote, but people do so because they, they want something. can you give us a sense of what's the priority, perhaps with people in her song? is it, is it infrastructure? is it to getting, getting people back there to, to rebuild? what do you want to see? you know, as part of the russian federation, after people there of voted for the 1st time as part of this nation, people still now know what this of our communities are. now the know the dates are not just empty promises, not just some kind of a child or anything or just trying to lower them into something. know the things are real. that everything that has happened over this year and


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