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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 18, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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the maybe you can be the election observer in this, you can select the uh, steve hills or a radio hose and political commentator. it's a great pleasure having here. thank you very much for joining goodness, have you thinking? well, we're in an actual reaction to both the election process and the results coming in as cost 5 to our cooper corresponded. now marina cost reva, to get more on this marina, bring us up to speed on what people been saying the hi, rachel, i'm not sure if you were coming to me. the connection is quite bad. but what i do have to say is that congratulations are poor and then from various parts of the world, except for the west, there are salting. i'll get to them in the 2nd. but so far we have leaders from various countries congratulate them. vladimir fruits and countries like, uh, bolivia to just on those back us on north korea, nicaragua hung doris and the comments were getting is that this is a convincing victory. also we have the coupon for administer. who said that the re
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election of letterman futon is a reliable example of the recognition of the russian people all for his management . and these are sentiments echoed as well by the one as well. and presidents p c, a different c, and we've moved in 87 percent of the votes, boots and has completely won the war against the collective west. i believe it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir clinton's victory america. it also marks a long road of vindication and recognition for a new russia, a great russia for a multi polar weld and for a world of balance. so our elder brother, vladimir putin has triumphed. these are good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. a. congratulations from windham, but it suits in russia and financing on old battlefront. as for the west, all we hear and of course, of most of their headlines today, i read that these were sam elections and they were calling. i'm sure i'm elections of them before they began so we had no surprise as to what we would see in western
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media today. we haven't heard from other german 4 administrator who said that these were not fair and free elections. and they had an issue with the facts of lot of my boots and was elected for the 5th term. and these are of course, double standards. that movie is a horrible the foreign ministry spokes was put, sparse person called out saying that this is strange. coming from germany, who elected angela merkel. there are times flo 4 times. so these are double standards that we've been talking about all the time, all over the place in the west. now of course we know that in his speech, his victory speech, let him at present. it emphasized that the voter turnout has shown and proven that russians do believe in the electoral process in the country. they trust the system and they also trust latter movements. and you said that the fact that there was such an overall, well, me majority shows that the russian people trust his decisions and his actions. and now he has this renewed confidence to continue on developing russia and accomplish and his dream, which as he said last slide is for russia to be
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a strong independence and software and country correspondent marine a culture of a thank you by sherman of the shanghai center for impact and international studies, nelson long believes the west is losing its dominance as the world moves to a multi polar system. best of all, i have to congratulate a friends in russia, people of russia like choice. and so it actually shows that the closest of the people of russia about who they both for and what kind of, uh the, the, the expect tickets. so putting has proven himself to be a strong and a good lead. uh, uh, for the country of russia without which is, i think it is quite in milton because the ability to even look at it is so critical
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that i needed to the country's economic and political development. i'm particularly under the circumstances that you know, was the ongoing restructuring of like jail, political reality is about the world and we're talking about because of the moving into the new multi paula will grow or slowly centric world, whatever you call it, in the days of one casual installment 18. the wells is off deposits. the emergence of organizations like the brakes and the shanghai cooperation organizations are indicators enough to suggest that the rest of the world is not happy. we're talking about the possible decline all the decline of the u. s . m. 5, but it doesn't mean that the united states of america is gone. no, it is. do the most powerful country on this is?
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and so what multi point of world is not just misha. i am leaving the well, you are not know, this is not in a multi paula, this will become a computation fighting for supremacy. so i think what we are expecting is call the, you know, the western world and some of the emerging powers of the world can eventually come together to reach a consensus of how we can move forward. and only that only buys that. we can talk about real small say paula was today. yeah, i know so long. he really knows as j. a politics. very, very clever mind. very, very switched on. what appreciate you joining us here for our continued a special election coverage for the restroom. presidential election 2024, a senior correspondent motor that goes do you have now joining us here with this jude? yeah. 87 percent. my friend, 87 percent of lot improved and you know,
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a lot of people describe them as a strong lead. uh, some people say that the russians and maya a strong leader, then you're looking at the turnout as well. meantime, the western press says the kremlin is cooking the books. go to that. can you deny the numbers, but 1st of all, you don't fake 87 percent rough. that what was a few 1000 instances of some attracted ruin. the ballots will disobedience of ballot stations. tens of millions of people voted and you have a few dozen incidents. i mean, the vast alone speaks for itself. for the move to your blood, you may have food is a brad, glad to may of people is a brand name. carefully cultivated, carefully cultivated, something that screwed over the is. but why you shouldn't a russian food for me, let me look outside the cities. the safety of the country is growing. the g d p is growing. wages of growing good europe. recession
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single digit, less than single digit growth in your a point, not point 6 percent, d, e in fraud sold recession, recession in germany. and then they ask why people posting for food and in this environment, russia sang should help you. that is what they call them. sections from hill rice and they wonder why people are voting for people because you will sending me solves to be funded by some cities. there is of course, a national spirit. people want a strong leader and this is in every single country in the world. you know, a presidential election is always a popularity contest in it who will be a stronger leader. i must say, here. vladimir putin has a huge advantage over the other cabinet. it's absolute huge advantage. that is his track record. when he says something he, he believe was, gaped about ah,
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over russia, couldn't feed itself. russia depended on you when she met at the area and aid in 2000 feet. it's population now. 20. uh oh gee, is of that may present, came to power washer is the biggest exports of food products food stuffs, the will not everyone voted for put in though i do want to talk about the other candidates. nikolai hard ton of was the runner up, representing the communist party gains more than 3700000 volts, 3700000. that's good. that's quite a lot of people who voted for him. we've seen throughout russian selection history, the candidates from the communist party do tend to come in 2nd. can you talk a little bit about carts and off and, and why people voted for him? well, of course it, uh, it would be a very strange will to if everyone agreed, of course, the russians there. i remember the members of my family were against poor to
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believe and, you know, voted for the other cabinets, believing that ideas of the new people. parties well, who are for business for a return to the old, the caught me in this, whoever ton for, for the, for the other old you want to try again who, who look at this capitalism that has these prospect didn't buy shop in the, in recent years, and i feel disgust, they feel that it is in fact that there are the one percent to us. so rich and new to us so prosperous. and then there's everyone else, the 99 percent, who, who we have to wake up every morning work and, and you know, they, they didn't see that way. just go with the same pace. there are uh, the liberal democrats who, who uh, who have their own ideas about the future of russia who have a much more populace to, to them. but ultimately subsets, can you talk about lane and split ski live? well, what about the bunk of what it,
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what about the bank of cuz he also got what 3000000 votes of of the blood as well defined cove? i mean i think 3200000 for him. 3.7000000 for nichol. i had a ton of read what like rachel was saying these are not small numbers. you know, 3 been into this, got this party tribute into this party. it does say something, right? it doesn't say a lot. there are, as i mentioned, i said they sell millions tens of millions, for example, pension is to a lot during the so the period who remember the pride that they felt when you regarded month the space of the, of the soviet union's space program over the equality that, that was, of course they, they, they, they, they have no style just about the soviet period. they want that with tons with they remember the price and you know, the brides about the, the pots that stood out. you have the younger generations, the younger generations who believe the younger tied to the large me approved least off the rule of the 70 years old. they see this, this, the value of this child that this was 40 years old, who, who promises
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a much more prosperous, a business oriented, a future in which every russian could be in the end trip. and he wants to, in this conflict as quickly as possible. and they see him as the best the candidates, and they cost the vote for him. but ultimately, ultimately it was old, old promises the people. so there is no track with when any of these cabinets that they haven't seen about which is a huge disadvantage for them. in this selection, and ultimately the russian people of the russian people made their choice. yes, 87. the said with a book to turn out of 73 percent. and to just, just to remind everyone in the united states and the election 2020, the voted to that was 66 percent, which actually was pretty good for an american. which was which was very good. but for the needs left in the dust compared to the select, at least about the mandate vladimir putin that has been given. is it disputable,
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and then deniable right moran? i'm quite predictable. a we've seen condemnation from the west of russia's election even before the election began calling the vote a pseudo election. it is quite obvious that they're not going to accepted the results of this election. but why i asked her previous guess that, that, i mean, we had russians standing in lines 2 votes all across the country, not just in russia, but, you know, x pads in, in, in turkey, in malaysia all around the world's waiting in line to vote in the selection, why would russians vote in an election that is a sham waiting in line and seeing good to ship even in, in washington, dc. uh, been a boy you, you told me, but looking at this. well, i think if weston tax pays you truly, how much the government spent on the russian opposition, the same opposite opposition to the holding conferences in e, in europe, for them is about breaking up bruship. i think it's less than taxed as you how much
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money they had spent to lose. but usually you get a useful idiots as, as the quote we have no supports, you know, supported motion. they would be horrified and they would be horrified. they will be, they would be bullied. horrified if they do to how much. yeah. the arms that they sped said to you, great. had cost the western politicians have dug themselves. not, not a whole, a cause of the castle from which they are unable to pull out their pretty by themselves into a corner here. i mean, they really have with all the rhetoric as well. they, you know, they say, well, this stuff, but it always peters out in the end. let me, let me, let me ask you this, but obviously you spend an awful lot of time along the front lines in the conflict in ukraine. food in here getting a massive landslide victory. what, what do you think is going to be rushes next? move in ukraine. would you expect a renewal of offensive? would you expect some more aggressive tactics being played out now?
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well, expectations know, honestly i am not the commander in chief uh, obviously the, the, the, the tactic and the strategy and future plans. uh, type key kept seat button, but a big offensive. and i will be playing a big offensive means big losses. even given this conflict and there hasn't been a conflict like this since the 2nd world war. and that will be huge. that would be huge losses if that was a big, you know, offensive with, with tens, hundreds of thousands of troops of both. and every single mom, the does you, someone father is someone's brother, is someone son, vladimir putin has come to power with a promise to grow russia and to take care of russians. i do not expect a big offensive. i believe that the conflict for now will go along the same vein that it has gone on since last year. and that is relatively spasm, frontline,
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and a very difficult, very difficult time for you. quite new troops, the painting and military, the foreign mass and resort that has that mae approved and said, even representatives of nation wide forces, who he said also died and drugs. it will be a war of attrition. it will continue on terms that are favorable for russia. it now out produces the cards. you have nature of the knobs. shelly many's, all the cells right in rockets in, cooper will press that's advantage to with doubt that you play the and ministry. the results that we have seen over the past 5 months, the degradation, and i have spoken to many you paid present as i've spent the past 2 years a year and 5 months on the front slides. i can tell you the, the, the latest person, as we've talked to a completed demoralized. they say no one wants to fight everyone who wanted to
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fight on the credit inside is now gone. mad. going forwards, relations between russia and the west, obviously are not good at this point, particularly with the united states at a very low point. but of course, the west is going to have to work with rest because russia exists. what guarantees would be enough for putting from the west? i mean, he says he doesn't really trust anyone at this point what, what, what would need from the west in order to improve relations? i don't think there is. but 1st of all, as flooding improvements that from, from the onset, eventually that will be an agreement. eventually they will come to tubs, eventually, that will be peace. eventually they will restore relations with after being 5 years or 20 years. this is anyone's guess, but i don't believe it's less than guarantees. will do include even honestly, i think rush up once a piece that is in for symbol. you can look up here and for some of it,
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it couldn't guarantee itself that you know, the means could agreements and what we heard from west the lead the laser. but it was what rose to give you credit and time to prepare a not needed for a to, to, to get the tags rolling. i think russia has learned it's less than russia will remember this lesson for many, many years to come. and that is not to trust the west in anything. yeah. you see how it looks and he said, laugh at, off putting they've said this number of times. now he's like, you know, guys, we've tried to trust you so many times over the past, but every time you re, neg, so putting in the lab, rotate process, forget it. we can't trust you anymore. this and just quickly go back to you kind of quickly on some people say in the game of football, one team essentially dictates how the other team is allowed to play. so when you look at how it is with this, essentially a conventional battle taking place and ukraine and people sort of say the western
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pundits say, so it's a, it's a stalemate. nobody's winning the okay. we know the roches whitney. we know that ukraine is going push back now to his 2nd on foot defensive lines. they keep retreating and retreating. but if, cuz people say, oh, put in, he wants to take key. if he wants to take all of these other european capitals, he could have done a hypersonic congenital in the key of 2 years ago. he could have taken out the regime with one swift himself, but that has not happened. because i think as some pundits have said, a war of attrition over time. one side is going to be moving torres over the other and you see how the european countries are going bankrupt, not just physically, but i guess you know more of the as well, frankly, they are failing. that proxy war against russia is failing in ukraine. the very unfortunate staging ground for this proxy war. what do you think? i mean, to me about the patience of boots in here because, you know, there must be all sorts of ink of nico attacks that have taken place,
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that we didn't even know about, you know, but talk to me about the patience of this man. looking at this way, vladimir putin, and in part time that his legacy, she, uh, she has knowledge and confidence that the plan she sets in motion. now we keep on going 2030 years into the future. and for the now, the juxtaposed that we've the cycle, the election cycle in the united states, well, europe, where the next government that comes to power flashes, everything the previous government did trashes, it writes a new blad, which is that trashed into by the next government that comes in, and this is one of the advantages that the poor findings to the confidence and to the police, to the face in the him, from the russian people amongst the russian people. he is able to plan decades a head, decades at. and when europe comes out but macro and comes out and says,
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but it would be a disaster disaster for europe, for the united states of west. and again, if russia button she is being very frank and he's in the exaggerated the for actually with the re you nice with you prayed, which is considered as the majority of which it considers its historic territory. russia would have, for example, just just wait alone would control the production both of 30 percent of the world's weak. so you can understand what does it stay here and european wave ease ease, not a competitor for the price is a completely, completely different. what would that mean you, you to europe is it builds one of the foundations of europe, is the advert coastal sector. it is what unites europe. it is what bought about the european union. and certainly if, if the,
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this is the human capital in you create the visa, either vacuum, it would have set themselves the same rush of the same russian staff smotts, the educated, many of them want to return to russia and remember that buses the space program and said you were a garden even you were desired the space that the ukrainians at the head of it does that, do they are afraid of was russia and you prayed together to achieve? they've spent many centuries trying to drag them apart, and they will fight to the last to prevent them from coming back together. as you want to go back to the vote or turn out because we saw voters in russia's new regions, voting and their 1st russian presidential election and quite a huge turn out there as well. people literally risking their lives to cast a ballot in the presidential election, talk to us about the resolve of the people there and why this was so important for them to take part in this process. i can almost see on the street tell you that
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when you have shelves and buckets flying that your house, that your apartment way your kids. uh you will view changes very quickly. you know very quick. and these, these are people who still remember who was brad pads, told them about the 2nd world war, about the horrors visited on them by the axis of the, the, the, the gym and the tally of the rumanian. but i'm going to break or even bend, because a ukraine is now shooting at them with, with american class the shelves that they are going to dig in deep. and they are going to vote. and this is what we've seen. a lot of the periphery rush, the rushes west in the western provinces, western regions, move it out and move votes for vladimir putin because they believe that he is the only one that is going to stop this on terms favorable for russia. and the,
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i just, just, just also to let you know i was you, i was among for us to unless you have something for example, that the region, if you have so i can tell you that has been a remarkable shift in people's views of both russia and fruits and when we came in and when motion forces ended with jim this came in. there were many, many more people who are pro ukrainian i g, everything russian. what could be completely bray motion, expecting washer troops to raping village when they sold the russian military for, for, for one of these, russian administration came, it ended the bribes, the corruption, the mess that was the saw, the repairing the roads, saw the repair to gas pipeline for example, both the names, things changed very rapidly in this year since fairly rapidly. and i can tell you, you can, you can see that now with the election results, they are happy. they are almost
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a happy the busha has come in and lots of them has changed and will continue to change for the best. yeah, certainly. well, i mean, and it's always, you know, just in ukraine, i think the ukraine is, um, it symbols a lot of the changes happening worldwide as well. today with this, this multi posted world. and essentially, what is, what is his bachelor guns to hedge them on a that has been engaged in so many proxy was around the world. that's why there's such a bolstering of support behind the russian federation. and of course, the russian president vladimir putin who's to score a landslide victory, 87 percent of the phone. i'll senior correspondent that goes to you if it's so good to get you away from the front line to get you back into moscow sitting tie, great to have you have a nice, easy look forward to your continued work. all right, thank you so much. and we'll continue on special coverage on oxy international with us special studio and our election coverage for the russian presidential election. 2024. what it's turned out it's fee and will continue with us special coverage. you're signing in just a few minutes roll research, a rachel ruble, hoping to see you in just a moment. the
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piece which if you please, can you, do you need cpd? what's the story? ok. square level. the yes, this is the best way to ship that. i need to book with each time she couldn't remember what collected ftp 2 for could be susceptible to discard the easy on this . the 1st have to do is to make sure that the new crate excuse that are needing as much as 40 stories with disposable cleaning. some the doors not say that the once it's done, it's conflicting the thoughts about pushing of centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier
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because your steps blink, europe, and asia ukrainians that become frontiersman of another. so these people will be able to send these to you. some of these which i like most of them is always, you know, going to try to jump to the most goals. they would have been that much a lot of the heavily negligence common 0 point on your post, co pays gift to suck you the will have to okay. and the step under the the what is part of the visit that the employee would post good
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isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without pages. that's spelled out of the as the the, the is the truth new place to do the renew cpd. what's the story page called
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level, the use of solutions, stuff that you see to she's going to look for a ditch. she couldn't. miller, or collected stupid to for a good position to difficult because you have to do is make sure that even you create, excuse cut ideas with historical stories of disposable cleaning some the doors and not 2nd thought. i'm going to the dots. conflicting the website by pushing of centuries ago, your for bears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia, the ukrainians that become frontiersman of another. so these people will be able to send you some of those which i like
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most of them is always, you know, going to try to jump to the most goals. they would have been that much a lot of the heavily negligence coleman 0 point on your post co case gift a 2nd to look at that. and i'm currently under the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't want marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the 87 percent of all the photos that is the big probably number going to the russian president vladimir food and he's basically winning it by a land 5 foot and destined to be at the helm for another 6 years, or the biggest country in the world. he's already come out, sign things a nation for its support. and particularly those who are dead to go out to the posing stations under the threat of you crazy and showing in rushes for new and baffled reach his mother. and that despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it to no one as i thought this.


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