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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the the lead will have different approaches to achieving our national goals, but we have one motherland slot and rip it and it says the chairs up for national face. this is not a constant contenders that's out for. he wins and a landslide, as over 87 percent of voters in the russian presidential election back him leading the nation for 6 more years. and congratulations for in, from around the world for a lot of our buttons, election, victory with india and china among the latest to send best wishes comes in stark contrast to the criticism and condemnation lawn. by the way, the live in moscow. you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble,
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our top story this, our vladimir putin is re elected for a 5th term winning over 87 percent of the vote. as russians over whelming lead back him to lead the nation for 6 more years. the day of his victory coincided with the 10th anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia and president boot and attended a celebration on red square to mark the occasion. a good idea that was yeah, dear friends, the from all my heart. i agree to all and congratulate you on the celebration for the unification of claim you and semester for with russia. exactly. 10 years ago here on red square. and the same stage that i remember the crimea is often called and unsinkable aircraft carrier. this is what led me to the idea of saying that premier has returned to its native harbor, but crimea is not only a strategically important territory. this is not only our history, our traditions and the pride of russia. premier is 1st and foremost, the people, the residents of us, the phone is going to come in when they are our pride. they carried faith in the
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fatherland through the decades. they have never separated themselves from russia. and this is what allowed crimea to return to our common family was still thousands of people flocked to the red square to celebrate and they're celebrating. here's a hand for you. what exactly is the form of reason? it's not just the elections that took place just yesterday. i bought them a put in the one the to buy land slide, but also if you pay attention on the stage behind me and the right thing on top of it says craig may have russia 7th scope old because basically it's the 10 year anniversary. since craig may have been under, became part of the russian federation. again, a lot of my food was not alone on the stage when it comes to my profile gets all the candidates and his political rivals joined him and they didn't have a chance to address the crowd as well. so it goes to, yeah, i have just met with my colleagues who travel their own path in the presidential
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campaign. they are all here. i have invited them much to their surprise to join you here for the celebration. we have different approaches to achieving our national goals, but we have one motherland and they are here. we have separate all of us. remember how actively vladimir putin has done every thing to support the aspirations of climbing and people and help them to return home. and yes, russia and crimea is one home language. clearly those times were turbulent, but there was no other option, but to return home or the we remember those happy faces in all these 10 years. and ever since we remember the sparking eyes and smiles of those who returned home, those will return to the great russia. i will never forget the sense of pride i had for my country and for my president exactly 10 years ago is this way? congratulations. no, of course it wasn't just a lot of support and then everybody moved were just celebrating the occasion. oh so a lot of opponents, the company dons under is the trustees. many of them were here mingling with the
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crowd as well. we had a chance to talk to some of them the other today. i most definitely celebrate 2 things. that was the 1st is the flawless and undisputed victory of vladimir putin. and the 2nd one, which is especially dear to me, is i'm a crime in is a 10 year anniversary of crimea. and so i suppose reunion with russia. this has been a most important event for both crime eons and russia as a whole. and the most important thing here is that our people have rejoined our one big family and those from crimea feel like a part of it. and you brought up a computer that rushes regions demonstrate great unity. now somewhere vladimir putin. one more of those scales where he won less, but everywhere he's in 1st place. so society is now consolidated people from all new regions voted like that because they understand now after years of being bombed by their own country, that russia was the only force that can and will protect them. and in general, i have to tell you basically getting here was
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a challenge in itself because central most to as being completely blocked entirely by massive crowds of people floating under the sun, has already set, uh, you're in most co bug via all the red sprites has right, as they have to tell you, because well, so many people have decided to show up. yeah, one thing, but i noticed since you left the supplementing young face, the trouble to make one but maybe 25 years old. so i'm very, very crowded for the president, the generation i just got this crowd, it says it. oh really? i'm here. we're seeing those the far so people don't think you can find the live thing on the thing and very, very, very choose to. so a very 1st the house of most cold congratulations on vladimir put in his re
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election and his landslide victory have poured in from around the world. one of the latest came from india's prime minister and a red ramadi who expressed hope for forging ties between moscow and new delhi one congratulations to mister vladimir, putting on his re election as the president of the russian federation. i look forward to working together to fill the strength and the time tested, special and privilege to strategic partnership between india and russia in the years to come a whole lot of country, the congratulated dog johnson airport. then you can just go on and on. really, we just heard from the indian, so i'm going to send that engine would be a who congratulated donovan that then so they were a lot of congratulations messages on twitter, but also several phone calls off. we've also seen all focused on, in fact, i'll reach out and, and basically congratulating bother me within there also saying that the whole, the best haley corporation between the 2 countries on the 1st in fact us to reach
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a lot them, it was the president when it's been on the few people to see if we've moved in 87 percent of the vote. putin has completely won the war against the collective west of toiling. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir clinton's victory. it also marks a long road of vindication and recognition for new russia, a great russia for a multi polar weld and for a world of balance. so our elder brother, vladimir putin has triumphed. these are good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. congratulations from winter clinton and russia are triumphing on old battlefront. no one who is your own of these warm messages from across the board for well developed within a score of this vest. and there's no surprise that which is sort of starting right now, and you can really make that out from the kind of reactions that you're getting some
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calling get evil the election, some calling it's repression. some also calling get, he knew some calling you illegal. so i'm calling it's far with the point to means that one of the congratulatory one messages i bet on, according in, from across the, was for a got the message of sort of taking all of these messages from the west social states. now the indian to us for as a prime minister that is entering through more of the he congratulated the ultimate put the, the relationship between india and russia has been very, very strong in the last few years as well. with india was under pressure, had had several threats coming from a, from the west. in con, fees to distance itself from was just cause a discontinued if, by natural relationship if partnership with friendship with moscow now. very interesting. but the roof also in election year for india and the movie is seeking
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a code on the election starts some waiting, april 19th to be addressed. and the results would be announced on june, possibly in the few months. so we could see that mister fulton, my, to congratulate on this moody and well vladimir putin has been congratulated by much of the world. the west remains study with its rhetoric and spin only just sing out words that condemn the election process. earlier i spoke with our teams donald quarter for more on the story. well, the funny thing about the reactions we've seen from western liter so far is that they've been just as predictable as those same. leaders have claimed the results of russia's presidential elections were, but before the results even came out, we already saw the president of the european council on twitter saying that the elections were entirely demo on democratic. and then of course, once the results did come out, we saw the same predictable rhetoric from officials across the western world. this was an incredibly on democratic process. and certainly him being president of
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russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see the valuable slender russian collections in russia were in the election without the choice. the election process now totally shows hooton's necessary, as actions against his own paper, home and forth, also against the united nations. johnson under shows presidential election was clearly neither free nor fair. 3, i would use the president poking is the president of russia. we've had to deal with that reality. and we will continue to deal with that reality. but that reality doesn't denied the fact that this selection was not something that met any kind of benchmark a being for your for now, despite these politicians having to come to terms with the fact that they're going to have to be working with pollutants for the next 6 years, at least, there's been no shortage of childlike reactions, like a manual macro. and then all i've solved saying that they're just not going to congratulate the russian president on his recent election victory. that's not to mention the reaction we've seen from the main stream media, which is essentially followed in lock step with what we've seen from these western
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leaders. article headlines saying that the elections are, were stage managed riggs without any serious opposition. and we'd seen basically the same message sent out on the television as well. the outcome was never in doubt . this may have been an election, but it certainly wasn't a contest. it was stage manage the kremlin controls absolutely everything including the elections. so what's the point of them are optically enough? moscow says it's the way past that actually was trying to reg russ's election, spending over $20000000000.00 to achieve that goal. on the other hand, we also got a reaction from vladimir zalinski, who, despite actually having bands elections or postpone them indefinitely in his own country, has said that vladimir putin now is sick with power in russia. so with this level of hypocrisy in the west, i mean, it's safe to say that it's a good thing that it's not these people, but the russian people that are calling the shots in this country. the city of,
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of the, of kind of, in the don't ask or public has been the scene of battles during the ukrainian conflict. there's a more, a family who have a 4 year old child, was one of the very few who decided to stay in their hometown despite the dangers. the family was recently evacuated by russian forces. ortiz marina customer ever discussed with them was they went through the moist go to the of different we're from of days cause i show the special military operation started on the 24th of february on the eve of the demon. his birthday, when the special military operation started, i didn't know as i haven't been much of a news watcher since 2014. so we noticed that one journalist from the ukrainian side arrived or ukrainian, or authorities officials, some other kind of people. we were sure to have shooting start in the city either the day before or during their visit. there were always shots fired. we would be bombed again. when my kid would ask what it was, i said, well,
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it's fireworks for your birthday. how else could i answer, leave and why we were in the basement? because again, closer to the evenings, they started to fly over the city. and sometimes we even had to wake him up at night to go down to the basement to wait it out. towards the end of march of 2022, we made the decision to move to a place where it was safe so that my child would not have to be yanked out of bed at night to sleep in the basement. it was quiet during the day. we were in the house. no 2 in 2022. it was still safe for my baby to run outside. he was running around outside, breathing, fresh air. we were doing our adult things. how did we survive to us in different ways? we had savings. then my grand parents gave us their pensions. my husband's art worked, she helped us to to know that we work together. and so we survived together. my mom
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receive to monetary and aid. his grandparents received humanitarian aid. some people helped us because we did not want to go to the ukrainian humanitarian aid stations so that nobody knew where we were. and we didn't want to receive aid from ukrainian authorities at all. why. why didn't you leave when you could have? it was possible to leave at any time, even before the russian military arrived. it was a choice, each person made for themselves. some people's nerves just gave out and they left for some had somewhere else to go. the most families with children left because the children needed an education. we, for example, did not leave because we did not want to leave our home. this is our home, our native soil. our ancestors are buried here. why should we leave our home and go somewhere unknown where nobody needs us? and the 2nd reason well is our child. because since we are russian speaking,
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he would have been brain washed and kindergarten very quickly and made into a nazi. and now d, my said, do you my, you just said, what does waiting for me the, the, all me right is that while you just said you, when you're talking about now, what do you mean? well, my place that is, your place is waiting there. let me or he's talking about the white angels were kidnapping, but as forcibly taking children away from their parents. for charlotte, tell us the story. we have written a lot about it. what was happening enough to ask uh, why the so many stories of children that were taken away? how did this happen? what did you see or hear me solution? we've heard more because, well, it's well known people were talking about it at the shops, dennis's dad,
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he was in the shops once he met someone, he knew that guy was lucky. they agreed to take the children away with their mother . but they were taken to an unknown location. he didn't know where they were, what happened to them? the 2nd case, my mother told me about it, about a 40 year old woman who had given birth to a long way to child when the child died along with his grandmother, she was about 6 months old. are you printing a news kept reporting differently, some study was a year old. some said 6 months. mom said he was about 6 months old, but she said that they were persuaded to leave the family for a very long time. but they would not agree to it, and i don't know if it was to scare them or if it was on purpose. but from what i understand, ms. tyler hits their home since the child was killed, his grandmother to his parents were badly hurt. ukrainian knew said that they were taken to the appropriate troughs for treatment. but what is most shocking is that
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they were also prostituted for, for, to the, for putting a child at risk. the fact that they stayed until the last minute that supposedly the russian army hit their house. and that's why their child died with the grandmother. and that's not really what happened out of stays yet. what was it like for you that you are young? go, you want to go out, have fun, and then the world around you just collapses. you must have had that little people left some of the roads, some to russia. have you ever had to decide to go somewhere and not to stay that? you know, of course, but i tried to suppress these thoughts because where am i going to go? but then listen, if we leave them, we'll leave soon. mm hm. yeah. so i thought i'd say you had left that for almost 2 years. how did a change of to, i mean, from what i understand the military showed up and you did know what was right. how
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did things change then? how did you end up here? shall we say? last, we were liberated by the russian army on the 17th of february. it was a bit of a shock for us because we were in the house at that moment. and we saw soldiers walking down the street. naturally, i was afraid that it was ukrainian troops retreating, that they were searching, running around the houses, looking for someone to shoot or something like that. have you seen anything like that before? did you even witness that? we heard of it. so you state for once, you're afraid that some of the neighbors would say that you had a baby who we had practically no neighbors around us. where we were, there was one, maybe just a neighbor across the street this. otherwise there was nobody there and they didn't know us. well, even if my father in law talk to them, it was just hello and good by that sort of thing. nobody knew anything. nobody knew that we were hiding a child. the single, so wait a 2nd,
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that was no one around you and that one know shop side the you have all of those reports that there were shops. one shop is opened until the russian army came and he went to the shop. my father in law, he was our bread winner, the head of the family. so it was just him going out to the show coming back. and so basically no one saw you. yeah. as i see on the day, suddenly you see the military coming and you see them from the windows and you don't understand if it's the ukrainian so the russians tell me about how that felt . so you see this crowd coming to me when they 1st came up to us, it was several people. i couldn't tell what their patches meant. then we saw the red ribbons, and when they approached us, we saw the rushing flag. they were like, hello, we're the russian army. what's going on here? and we were like, well, finally, the joy was indescribable. such a relief. we were finally going to have a peaceful life. yes,
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there's still some activity there now, but it's probably more from the ukrainian army trying to regain their positions. but at least like they're saying on the news, things are beginning to settle down. and us go tell us, please about how you felt when the russian army finally came to the house. and you will already convinced that it was the russian army. what did you think next? what were your plans or did you think about said we're leaving right away, or are we staying here for the time being? what were the thoughts in your head working with them? well, we were thinking of living not to ukraine, but the direction territory. the most important feeling is really, it seemed like the end of this horror, which we had been stuck in for almost 2 years working. ok, you know, and then what happened? you immediately less thought a. you may just be backed up. what was that like? as soon as the russians arrived, we said we were going to evacuate, we set at least 4 people will evacuate. since there's a small child,
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you have to leave your hometown for a while. as they say, they said stick close to the military, don't go anywhere without us. the ukrainians are still attacking. we agreed. then in the evening, we went to the russian 35th brigade. we approached them asking about his actuation plans. we were told to wait for 2 or 3 days as we waited for 2 days. and then we came up to them and asked how these actuation was going. they told us, hold on the route was still being d mind. and after that, they would take us straight to the next. well, the next day they said that there was still no information yet before it was the same up until dean. because birthday to sure. then dennis, his aunt and my father in law went out in search of answers to find out where the administration was in case anything happened to find out where to go. and they, as it turns out, received humanitarian aid and sign the 4 of us up for his actuation. we thought it
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would be another 2 days or so. and then in the evening the volunteers came and said, are you ready for evacuation? we've been waiting practically a week, but it all happened so quickly. somehow, unexpectedly. they said, well get ready, we'll pick you up in an hour. it was an unexpected birthday present to you. now what are your plans for the future? what snacks are you living here in moscow for the time being or are you going back to the temporary accommodation center? oh, how does a walk in general for you when you were told it won't be long. we'll go back home. and from there they promised that they would help us get a place to we will get to use to an almost peaceful life there. so you still want to go back to where you came from. so we say discussion talk? yeah, anastasia, telling me a little bit about the difference. you fellows living there and now having moved fast to the temporary accommodation center then to moscow,
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was it easy for you to get used to it or was it hard to adapt to find myself? i'm the kind of a person who can handle a change of environment. it's unusual of course, but you're so demon. what do you want to do? you want to go home? the dentist, all your grandmother grandfather still waiting for you that. why didn't they come with the? didn't you tell them grandma grandpa come with us? they stayed in the same house. a grandfather and grandmother stayed enough day of school. stayed at home. one last topic i'd like to touch on before i let you go and enjoy moscow and an officer knew not. i was told that you somehow managed to plant potatoes that was not in the basement or was that just what the media said? it was last spring. well, even though we were in the basement, we were in a private house. as they say,
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you have to eat something. it's good that there were shops there, but everything there was 3 times more expensive to call it coming out. so you all come here already. come here, come here that come on dma right here just here. so i just clicked on a spring came, but there was no improvement in the situation and it was not clear when at all would and we had to prepare for the next winter replanting potatoes and we heard an incoming strike. it flew over, we didn't think it was heading in our direction. all right, and we kept digging, planting again. the next one. it didn't seem like it was coming towards us. well, the 3rd one, my husband saw this rocket diving and coming down and it was 3 houses away from us . and before eyes it came down and everything was like in slow motion. dust flew
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up rocks, all of it. we were standing roughly speaking out in the open. we didn't have time to run, they said we would be out in the open. so we just fell on the spot. god helped us. nobody was seriously injured only a couple of stones fell on my leg. so everyone was mostly in harm 20. my kid was inside. oh, i'm surprised. he wasn't even scared. he's probably used to it by now. so probably at 1st he would lay down next to us and covers ears and now. well if it flies, it flies by. i learned that he doesn't care the, the german foreign minister has continued her call for increased military and financial support to kids saying, otherwise the war could spill over. however, officials in berlin have once again voted down a proposal to send a tourist missiles to ukraine. this follows the opposition party leaders uniting on the issue of berlin's involvement in the ukraine in complex saying the long range
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missile deliveries and puts the germans at risk. so been deb tops done when the pope speaks out against the smugness, saying the key of should negotiate rather than drive the country to suicide. even a school they proved control. whoever is following this debate can only offer themselves one question. have you really lost your minds the homeless. 1 outside the german political bubble nose, the ukraine is not in a position to win this war. the ukraine has not been winning for a long time, but only dying brutally. and luckily, every day and that the delivery of tourist missiles will not change the situation in any way. the only thing they will change is that gemini will definitely become a policy to this was in the eyes of russia. the question of security is what you're playing with, say frivolously, and the worst case, even with the lives of millions of people in germany, it's to come to your senses. so before it's too late, last week, all actual,
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it's once again ruled out sending the long range towards the associated frame. their potential delivery has been the subject of heated debates and recent months in berlin. some german m p 's as well as officials from the u. k. have been pressuring berlin to improve the plan with the german chancellor so far resisting. earlier this month, the russian released intercepted audio that exposed the german defense officials putting which targets in russia to strike in ways to cover up germany's involvement . the commission also came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the originally east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the emulation depos can also be here. so we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us top of the conflicts. might i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from
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poland and all so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that on monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. earlier we spoke with a german politician and a member of the alternative for germany parties to find quite to her. he noted it's not in the german national interest to escalate with russia and the people don't want to be a part of the ukrainian conflict. we are playing with a life all for a people all the country. the existence of the country. well, restaurant has nuclear weapons. we have to, we have to be aware of the situation they are. and i don't, you don't understand the situation and way i'll put additions to the chancellor and the government is so stupid to risk of all these restaurant. you know, we want to be friends with russia and then not to be more with them. and i think is
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the right decision not to deliberate towers um to the trade. it's not a game changer. i'm so actually, to be honest, this is not all we should say on of this. and far in the field. politics is about the interest of the own country and of the old people. and so i'm not stepping in for the interest and of always ukraine. i don't. what was russia is not the german interest at all. germany doesn't want to be a conflict. pass on this for as a drummer population doesn't want to do some $0.22 in the government. we're interested in locking the wall and then not realize because they don't want to realize that you cream last tomorrow. they supported to ukraine in this conflict. and so it's hard for them to realize that it was not in a way they want to the twins. and so well, we did live on the weapons, you'd be live on a lot of money to ukraine. and so, well,
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it was something like over right now, do say with us up next on our, to the documentary called to see a is a secret weapon. looks at how ukraine became a center for neo nazi quotes and who is responsible by the the, [000:00:00;00] the


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