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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  March 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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to a regional district center down of graver and they had to raise a flag just for the elections to show everyone the one that russ presidential elections on north water looks like but will be failed. and now they are just actually they are just flaming the region. these day these, these, this morning local governor is announced. the 9th solve in children will be moved. and we from that region to the, to safety. when will it and is the main question. people often, but the 2nd question, all of them are confused when the punishment will come. right. thanks to the company here and i'll see international with that with more of the top of the hope center, the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how us tied to vision with no real opinions. pictures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wills. and is it just because it shows you practice shared images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can in so many countries which i'm misunderstood, india and i show somebody this because actually our point of view is simply not sort of i don't think it's excellent engine for what i got in front of them and find it to this is probably one of the best thing ever be born is in
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hello and welcome. i'm on no problem, kid in the ever evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus no more than ever is on india audit. each week i sit down with remarkable indians to bring you the unique views on our great country. and this week is no exception. my guess this week is the fastest selling author and in does publishing history with books have been translated into 20 indian and into natural languages. is it the host of producer on a diplomat? please welcome mr. bucky, sent a bundle and almost a month. it's a lot, but be wonderful to see you when we get them to, to speak to mr. domain in the uh, the thank you so much for your auto and english to so many as to the idea of 1st, but not the right. the publisher 1st, i started writing my 1st book with on 20042005. and i wrote my 1st 2 books along
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with my job. i was a bank and had to feedback my job because i come from bedroom. one has to be practical very well here to is is i was born in monday, my father's family is from by to see the holy city of cross in those. i mean, and my mother's families from earlier earlier is waiting or additional visto, notice you know, closer to all the color, the next to the infected area, right in those days. and then boarding school and domino. and then high school i school and college back in mobile. and then m b a from mine because i've been on the and that was a bank called for 14 years. and i wrote my 1st 2 books along with my job. the 1st of all purpose, i'm full 5 years to day. so those of 80, but i think it on 2008. and then we started sending it for publishers every single publish or at the book 8. and it is a, one of them actually told me there's a dead indeed failure. look the reason for that, the, some of them give detailed feedback. they say, you know,
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do vision books on those religious subjects and almost 2800 and then that there and a better and clean the tooth, which are the main method of bad entry. they are interested in them. it was also for the 2 books. it's a phosphate story, but it's too long. best to watch philosophy. among other one, do you not believe it's someone i treat them if you want to make a book of best and or you have to dump it down. i do not. i'm just like you told me that the don't know, but you're kind of so much for lots of you know, maybe one digit good for yours. no one was going to publish it. but i said publish my 1st book. it actually was blessings. it just took off from the 1st weekend and what prompted you to write the book? i started writing the book for my says, i began as a bill philosophy bases. what are the philosophy and answer to this question, what does he but what does he mean? what does he mean? somebody to do that you speak? well, you should write it, are you part of it will in my family, an idea of watching tv and we discovered something very interesting. you know, for the ancient versions, those were registered for the most important. for them,
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gods will call it a who dies. and demons will call the day of us. ok, which is the exact opposite of the noun, dental clinic, because photos, gods are called daylight, daylight, and quote, unquote, demons, according to us, in the, in turn of us then, so becomes whole. and they go to debate that if intern indians and conversions, i admit, they may have been calling each other even me because my board is already mon, your world is, might, even, you must be. so then who's right. i mean, good faith or the persians right? me office on so is neither and then just 2 different points of view to evil is beyond the human revenue. right? so and on. so good to me that what is the story with some of those philosophies withdrawn from the shirts and show up in a short cut open. it showed that i did some my own post and i discussed it with my family. they said that is a nice that i did. don't talk to it, i think and don't as a build philosophy pieces, and then god can border into an adventure idea being gave an ident adventure totally to can convey this last for did you give the 1st manuscript to read to my sister to my brother, to my then life and will do this. i see it,
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they loved it. i told the family obviously they want to no, no, no, no, no, i'm your family, us and they have enough love the other. then i talked to the police let's, let's try it. and that's fine and go to the doctor by everyone. and i said for me, and i wouldn't even use it. i says, published it didn't means, what did you do? i actually myself invested in the afternoon and how many of those copies went to 1st 5000 companies. and how did you log into it? i made the 3 nelson for the book a deck. i'm the one used to make the fence for books. right. and i didn't have too much money. i was a mr. loans, at least right adult, frequent issue g made the music for it. yes. and we shot a model against a cool my screen. and then put in the next month to little bit and they go to music and we lost it on youtube and it just took off. no one used to do the newest photo, but we also made the assembly of the 1st chapter with the same color as a book. and even to many of these, a change at all crossword landmarks. and i've gone in a sort that was
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a bank of the one who store tests coming in a suit with a pop point presentation. think this is my marketing plan, but my book, so i told them to i have this idea. and this is a book and i'm giving you a free sample. what's your problem is displayed at the store. okay, so we started distributing this 1st chapter and this sampler one week before the launch of the book and what these guys did cross woodland market that's i've been displayed it at the cash counter. okay, no, no, this was the 1st month for good i guess going to in those days was this magical place. i only see those customers get me because you'll be single by right. and you have to be to 60 seconds and then the guy is making the bill and then you have nothing to do. and you see this chapter over the very nice cover of this infinity on top. so you just pick it up and the people picked it up. uh, maybe like the 1st chapter. so much did they start coming back to disclose group development? mm. so cross border land ma got so much positive feedback this out of the sample me
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that it is the order even before the launch of the book. i mean, i tried to begin with best selling the 1st week of service. this is some innovative acadia and it is, this was and i'll do think i'm for sure. well, i'm upset signal to you. yes. so i'm on naturally, you know that off i'm new that she lives in the middle of the state, the one of the gods and goddesses know that what i don't feel that the clinic one were doing the strongly the difficulty though, for me i do a lot of my younger dieters, i'd say not, she was the daughter of the gods, a sense of going good. so i was always obsessed by him and they should think about it. if i'm writing a story to convey a philosophy on what does he with me the best you know of the story, is it destroyed or he lives at low to and you would and it is been doing 9293. i was yes. so i grew up in a meeting with his family. my grandfather was a bundle. yes, i don't as it used to be 10 manadis into university. so i was a believe of and i was young. we grew up in a very good going to just send me my college. it is my to and brother actually
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shanae redone into it. it's me the providers. and it happened that that them and that, that probably it seemed like you're doing that you're so why did make you not believe in god when somebody becomes in a test after being a believer, i think he is, or she is angry with god. another good thing would be a lot i agree with because the dispute that i need to speak with now or the other upset and we would tend to, i station has like 1516 younger ones. if you remember that phone number of bus 2 a. yeah, actually i was, i was there if there was any difficult. i remember this now lindsey village college, i remember the 1st bomb plus what happened because i can see this more from not in dialogue dang, and fact our group had people from on the 0 to me everyone. shakespeare vision is what is causing these folks like been swamped, happy about it. and in fact, my father spoke to us. he said he left audio lazed in people when people not a misunderstanding and visual image. and that is a time for religious liberals to speak even more loudly. so that will give that message, right. we went to the vin,
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understand and redone into eighty's for how long we've been play. those movies really have so long peanuts to my work to life. and i started uh when i was thinking of these philosophies, actually i came back to 5th. and if you think about it, maybe that jeremy was meant to be because when i came back to 5th, i actually understood much more deeply, many of the philosophies that i learned as a, as i my father used to tell us that look into traditional automatically in newburgh this didn't speak, you said there's nothing wrong with being an atheist. okay. that is allowed some of those how physically schools are at the san cal. my mom says, chatterbox is they don't believe in or pay the good my dad and he said, but the key thing is that in india, ism doesn't mean or heated for it. and again, i hate it for god, you said, because when you are infusing hated in yourself, it actually comes, you even more me. he says, if you calmly make a decision to be anything special, but if it's
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a form of rebellion that establishes and i understood it might have deeper as well if my father was right, of course isn't it? would you go to that? don't you understand beyond so much more deeply when i was looking for welcome to the city. there was some tough days there were days. i remember that i was sleeping on a platform and i was angry. i said to god, i said, what does this i'm a gorman this from the national school of drama. you making me sleep on it a little bit that from making me go to an undignified life. i don't want to pay bill, but then i said, i don't want to pay due. i didn't pay, but i was thinking more of it for her. and when we were bayport, my mother was door. but as i do, don't think of something black on the saturday, i knew a problem to be, or my mother used to only see bad things. so, but this fascinating and then you'd old one books and 2nd, go into the villages. your latest book is qualified is and is the order to i didn't worship and spirituality tell me a little bit more about that. i don't do that lose. died in history or the last
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1500 to 2000 years read id where shipping was did i didn't, frankly, even worse than the fact many idol worshippers were most echoed meetings of them and then they cause a light that went to the engine board was actually i do or should be. yeah, the good omens egyptians basically gaming central americans didn't. and didn't just dialed quite a most of them a violent too. i found the kids by whom, by widows. lastly, the 2 groups that have been christians and particular scripts because they believe that they were shipping. is it all, it's not at all christians did it because that's the condition symbols indonesian was changed into those. essentially, these 2 groups enforced, they did it for them. satisfactory because a lot of them pagans also want to know me, but the reverse never happened. i do wish to think of those been going around the world saying no other way of shipping. i just really didn't say that. i'm not saying i do. they think i was, uh, uh they don't, i don't long inside. they have a lot of students. they don't have many or being don't need divisions that i knew were shipping. fagan controls have like, frankly, and as the cost system. mm hm. you know,
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it's causes internal divisions. i don't the different cultures don't have what i didn't worship ink cartridges have a lot of intuitive strengths as well. in creative lives in this me, this book is actually to be the case for either worship and why my such a go. daddy worship me in the last surviving id worship inc. i chose, but even in the country like cause a song like but some people kind of a hardy man. i know it does. what shipping us drawing in your losing such a song was it in such a song was produced, but the song was made into a hit by the loss of leaving the among the loss of leaving. i knew it should been cause us because we are says, do not understand what i do worshipping me. so this book has to actually explain the concept. the lady was the a little further. it is of improvement. what celebrate the students, which is inclusive liberalism, inclusive environmental as an intuitive respect for the, the family and that comes with the english have been with nobody will credit person about india, about bye to you. i just think that natalie centered in here,
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and we had been in london. what did you do to promote being an indian over there? so that's kind of what i do, obviously, to be that i think it's a wonderful who's dying, minimal trinity to speak of indian culture because after many, st. trudy's, of decline, india is that i using once again, i don't want to your, i truly influence a narrative, but it can only emerge when you actually have hot by me. otherwise, you're 20, as in day mode is more and more as a powerful economy a little over 2 years ago. 31991 phoebe's nomic liberalization. india is due to be, was smaller than a few, then the grocery store know of a few card companies in the us. we would that for me, there's 2 or 3 card companies made more money than all of and go, well, every of you look back for, and we didn't just put this in our lifetimes, there's not a fit for this economy on a base one with a total i just, you know,
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it's been a fantastic book because of that there's much more interest in the if you go over the annual phone wall, essentially you see us from every entity to canada illustrated. we have an outside influence on global culture of play in new york. you know, can change how the entire world thinks about the american revolution. and we've been here. i mean, it's a model of new york, this apply to the bottom real. as a city, you can have them begin playing monday, but frankly is one thing. there was no one way doesn't have the college football that new york says we are out of in drama and head on television. people used to pick up the jump was in draw in the thing, but it didn't change the society, but there was a thing in the country. yes. night in the 1st millennium, more than a 1000 years ago. absolutely. so much of southeast asia in chicago actually. yes. you'd like for the people in america knows them. since we will have an indian, we walk by the u. s embassy, and suddenly he'll get an american next and then we'll call the main street academy . mike, why? because america is considered bar. there was a diamond people,
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mostly united themselves, avoidance to going into names due to us by 2 very important part of historical processes as well because they've been to boston for the last wanted us to having a culture. and in fact, old bit has and outsized cards. for them back on that extra the one which was where this london so it was even more beautiful in naples and it will be under an auditorium, montgomery, the live able to in fact much of the go to the congregations out there. i used to go and make speeches at all for temporary use, even spaces present the indian point of view because actually many of them don't understand the industrial, many countries which are misunderstood. india, and i show so many basic because actually all point of view is simply not put up. you know, all this and who sent me a perfect of course. i mean, it is an improvement, but oftentimes you should be put up, you know, then otherwise they have their own bias. it's. that's right. so why do they have biases towards india? i think it's a new little history because the ceo says people who used to lose the do think it was because also our leader did not sort of spoke about the greatness of our
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country. and now we have a leader who talks about the goodness. i don't wanna do that, makes a difference. i will not deny me, but the biggest difference is made by our own success. mm. business economist call routine. shut them off. who had shown towards data that the lowest point in human history and does economy relative to the extra the what was actually another big difference between has of course, disastrous, weak, odd, declined continued, forced 1947, our lowest point in human history, compared to that extra the world was actually the lead 19. it is in the 1st millennium and there was by father. it's just going to be on a niche as landlord. good. 35 percent of the was you the lowest point? the was the late 19. if these were not in the sixty's view, you didn't ask them and because the us was sending us edited the film ship to mouth . yes, yes. that he's the same. read on ships. it all means what have that you didn't. and then 5 minutes. if you're in this situation with the 4th phase to talk of your
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negative. mm. welcome to, because this is up on a weekly data and how much i did on it did said it's so beautiful to her. so we're not that much here. that was simple. i'm out of the net, essentially the hard on everything is are, if you don't have a way that you don't have box and you cannot move them on, you cannot build up and us, you cannot believe culture. i'm because i think it's a biggest mistake was that the door socialism as an economic policy for 1947 been most of us with the liberalization of 1991, our economy side blooming, and therefore is no surprise now, as we auto vend, be much of in the country, we have a long way to go. we have started investing wi fi totally as with yoga so big. but this whole big people, i don't know so much because they're interested because in desktop, what are your views on this? and general me now um i would uh it took us many is to fight fight. finally, supreme court had to give the word it's
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a solicitation moment for us. i don't bundle and you know what we're talking about . what happened to fabian i knew were shipping uh uh, furniture has it is on most never happened. it appears in either were shipping cost or is it arrived this way once the templates of luck so it will gone for the federally conditions each month. next, whatever the news that it happened, oh, how give sophia just gonna go to and go most recently and it's done with me. and even the for me to statement was built as a church and therefore knowledgeable about doing the mosque. is that right? but what people after working, but the ford, how give sophia was a choice 1600 years ago. actually it was a big and painful brand and then go to so this, but then i don't see them though that and does he anymore. so there's no one there to remember that this is a revival that goes on most never been see the last i was in 5090. it is, it's a laser. spend a moment. the 2nd thing i'm making a documentary on the, on this and a bunch of yeah, model for you know, 2 legs missing tooth clause. maybe it's called ogden only had it done or for
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splendid son. among the people, the interviewer was this legendary. i totally disagree came on what's up and i'm paraphrasing him. he said this is not documenting you were suddenly using i'm an indian was bob who was a photo. no, he wasn't from india who was from center nation. and so was made a bulky. they're the ones who destroyed the weekend. it came on the top said, what do i have to do with the i'm an internal issue in that sense. i don't think the temple is a hindu. most of them issue. it's actually live in indian photo noti. so there's a fluttering in rita who in fact us me and destroyed that them. and that the infant is being very booth. and the way i see it and i meet this point in the document, they will be it wrong to say that, of course. and it's for him to them, but then do good but. but we should be included about that if i got it was usually by the gentleman who as far as like a gas of he's coming. okay. yeah, just to me shows and yeah, you know, the one who finds the kids from the most of them that have been said yes, he is coming to that. i'm generally the input absolutely bid loaded on. yeah. because he was think it because he saw the evidence before the me in the,
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in the case because law john youngster. wonderful. that's right. to me it's a civilization in a moment. then if we use it with this can be i take off on your team and we will also send the message to the world about religious tolerance. i think we with the chief justice board meeting to be with him at this document as well. and he inside of mentioned out there, so here is you said that the read this case was done read. it wasn't that my daughter fee, or minority kind of getting into was, it was actually proven in a court of law to evidence. right. so actually they would automatically evidence hutus beacon to prove that in fact they was around and when we think below the, so he says, well this is a much longer, but actually it's much more stable because, and the example of the advance of actually makes it clear you says that if you do it this way, then there is no be not illusion because even the people who uh who the case may have run against,
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can see the evidence. and the acceptance that they're not being forced to be seeing the evidence, which is the only way advantage of, i guess is those is coming to the dentist because you seen the evidence. yes, i saw his interview and it was fascinating to see him being part of this was celebration. and i think because of the way it was done me because it was done to a process of the day me to court process to evidence presentation is not that anyone went in for them to better agreed with this other lady was the was a court this me that it and he as a litigant, what i've seen all the evidence. so i think there's a much better way to it's longer, but it's so much more. it's hard to make re absolute you because what is, what am i getting everyone to look and find the truth? and what are you working on these days? i have a book coming out on the embroider. i didn't to allow. it was a been sold in an indian embryo from the south, the summerland and bro, microsoft, india, east india, and much associations with one of the great this and, and then for us. yes. so, so it,
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which would come out hopefully by the end of this year and i had the 5th book of that, i'm 10 of the series these read connected to this electricity. oh, so actually both those cds that actually link to each other. uh, one of the ways to see that i'm to see it easy. so 15 under the are pretty quick. so the events of this electron isn't right. and this festival of that on tennessee . these can be, that is a minus one, both of those should vitality and the title itself makes it of this, the type lives that i use of menu. oh, that's amazing links at all. and then i'm going to seed films made on this, on this books minimal nazi love, is it 100? we'll get the one that i would love to. i would love to be a part of a know you're including on to i see if i have to show that you did as an anchor now and how much time to dig through. like the fun book this. now your house has been told in your since my 1st book because it is live in books and also i'm a look on what are your thoughts on how to today india. and today's time, where do you see india in 2047 and
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a complete 100 years of independence founding for the last many centuries? i mean this from the bottom of the hi. this is probably one of the best things it will be born is in, in the wow, you know, and we are going to be the lucky to envision between see this transformation a 1000 years ago. and there was, by far the largest economy on 150 percent of the world's i chose to get influenced by a central issue of china, japan, southeast asia, right up to the middle east. we were the centered off you to read. you're the center of the engine sciences. navigation lot of ancestors have left games and military and off to 4000000 sanskrit. the henderson manuscripts that's more than that is to be, engine was combined. we had the largest universities we had and all of it was slowly decline the with the maintenance and that began from the 11th century on works just a 100 years ago. prime minister sitting in the u. k. could just boss orders on just
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me ordering. a man made a fan and i don't know which katie, what new form 1000000 of off fellow in gets there in 1942 destroyed it 2 years ago and people do nothing about that. there's a 150 years ago on these fluttering and reading on these good much right into the hospital folks and to do hundreds of thousands of people, believe them and children s lives. this was the speak. we live in look where we are now going to be on the day to come in throwing every day and security economy culture it's, it's a great time to be born in. and then the only thing i would say, this is one of i'm an indelible me, you know, i'm very optimistic about in there. but yes, things which i, what criticising i look to design. and i think one of the biggest for sydney and them said, is that we get complacent very quickly. be one of the fields is i didn't many out assuming keep it in enough for you to be heavy, will automatically become awful. i said nothing. is it? we won't get a better opportunity than this, but if you mess up the next decade,
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if we do a typically, you know, indians, our biggest problem losing during this unity, starting to fight the, i'm gonna show you as i was going to v as we have been defeated because of that, i don't one day and widows the new to defeat as usual. does. he does. it's absolute, you know, because there was always the 1000000 building this unity. we must have them in united. we must remain focused. we must work hard. but this one, the best faster we bought it and then we get it like every, every back relative to the rest of the world. when you want to know something to be in and what is it that you want to achieve or making my own small contribution to go to that. i love so much i'm, i'm not just a proud ending because i was born. i genuinely seen that into model and was naturally as a rock when we can genuinely make the world a better place. and i want to make my own small contribution to that's what makes me at this the, at this to see if, if i see any, uh, uh, indian telling me that they think i've added something. uh,
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that makes me feel that basically the only problem. thank you so much and thank you for watching you join me again next week for another increment conversation and a unique view of india. as we will talk about audit, i'm on a phone kit numbers across the the truth new place to deal with the cpd with the story. ok. square level, the use of solutions stuff. you see the shifting. it's because each time she couldn't miller or collected stupid to for could be susceptible to discredit. the dizzy on this before they have to do is to make sure that you create excuse that, arguing as much a story to go places as possible. cleaning some the doors, not 2nd thought, i'm going to the dots. conflicting the website by pushing of centuries
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ago. your for bears name, this country ukraine or frontier because you're steps blank, europe and asia, the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another story. the people will be able to sing useful. this one is which i like most of them, there's always, you know, going to try to jump through most goals and would have been data that some of the heavily negligence coleman joe, probably the post pro case gift to secure the, we'll have to. okay. and the under the sense for war 2, united states,
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as foster extremist and to russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian de asked for in at least in canada, united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere. and it doesn't matter what these groups say or do it will support them if it is the groups are causing patriot n k us within the target country, joe again might done choose the gun scale or do you sort of do well, i suppose one of the middle, i know myself is these are the was interested people. my name is linda christy. i'm familiar. familiar reach me get to the ca, uses anyone at any time if there's a religion the,
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the russian president who's and what was that attempts to provoke on the west and rushed to it by kid on the west. the doomed to fail. that's also ukrainian forces have a tank sweep go google the range of the us senate to just the plain to round public globalization. the wall military official with robbing citizens off the street by forcing and spending them to the front line. the west scrambles to restore relations with news uh, dispatch, and a delegation to the west. sounds like a nation off the it will vote the military pots with the washington telling american forces that that presence is now illegal. the.


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