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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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of the russian intelligence reveals that from the says, preparing this in 2000 trips to your great lost no space of rent to be considered the different target libya and marks 13 years since nature's military intervention, which blends one of those prosperous african countries up at the time into a decade of trump, one to discuss the western lead incursions legacy, where the former goods of governments came haven for international from the month of federalism. which later on, spread through this, i had a reason of our free guest, all of them where funded, armed directly by nato and the cuban foreign ministry. so means the us,
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i'm positive or else have found the slums, washington for allegedly fueling to governments, protest medlink island, nation's domestic affairs. the . this is our team to nashville. my name's, you know, neil of 30 minutes of use and use starts not friends is preparing to send the military contingent to fight in ukraine. that has been revealed by the russian for an intelligent service. the head of the s b r said part of this is set to send 2000 military personnel to the conflict. so, according to data received by the foreign intelligent service of russia, the contingent to be sent to ukraine is already being prepared. at the initial stage, it will be about 2000 people. the french military fee is that such
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a significant military unit will not be able to be deployed and quoted in ukraine unnoticed. it will become a priority, legitimate targets for attacks by the russian armed forces. the russians for an intelligent service is basically sending a very clear message to france and logic to the in time they to blow, cuz they're saying we know what you're up to and we will do with your troops on the ground. accordingly, they will be russians. primary targets on the battlefield as they have already become. and essentially, this message is a warning to both nato and france. and the fact is this idea of deploying french troops in ukraine directly. well, it is not very popular with fonts is very own allies within nato. so according to russia's intelligence, this i'm big you in the, in the crunch. rhetoric will eventually has to go. parents not only has carefully hidden the number of losses, but also the very fact. a french troop involvement in ukraine. crohn will
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eventually have to reveal the ugly truth, but he will try to delay that confession as long as possible. i, for the release of such sensitive data could provoke citizens to protest, especially against the backdrop of massive anti government protests by firm is across the country. now, russia has repeatedly talking to the front, says, must scenarios in ukraine. its loss is estimated to be at least in the dozens, if not hundreds and that is, well, that's a lot of uh that people and that's a lot of, uh, disgruntled, well, just relatives and friends who want to know the face of the loved ones. and if 2000 proves are to be deployed in ukraine, that means even more heavy loss is. so indeed, a nationwide protest is arguably the lease that same account government might face if uh, if they decide to go through with this plan because up through macro and was the
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one who started this room is google when he was 1st to announce that he did not rule out this very idea of deploying french troops and ukraine that did not find support neither inside fronds, not new within the e u or nato. so the chrome, the he had to back track on his own was a but he's, well, he went into semantics. he tried to pin all the blame on that, that he was just badly misunderstood. but the way that it was interpreted by his very own allies in both his people was just as more mixed signals, maybe at some point it will be necessary to carry out operations locally in order to counter russian forces. frances might isn't our ability to do so, we are ready to prepare for any scenario. it would be a mistake not to do so. so he does try to sound very whole cation at the same time, very cautious. and this may be, we will, maybe we won't have to do it. see this in decisiveness is not something you want
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from a leader who might drive a country and, and the world's largest military book into a very bloody or you don't want that. if you're in infancy mind, you don't want, if you're a strategic ally, like any of the nato members who i'm a chrome really isn't helping his cause here. and essentially this message behind the, the behind the announcement from rushes for an intelligent service is, well, we see you, we see what you're doing. you won't have the element of surprise. so whatever you do think and think hard will. the french defense ministry was quick to blame moscow for a spedding quotes mass. this information in its reply to russian intelligence, revelations, but leader all french political party. the patriots expressed shock over the potential of the opponent. if you don't hear any other type of being this forward with that in advance. and the notion of introducing trips as,
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as mccaul is even the holes have backed off from their threats. and certainly other members of the alliance national alliance will, will not stay with this and that this could actually represent the 1st crack in the, in the cohesion of nato itself. this could be the beginning of, of serious seizure was in nato itself. if this is allowed to go forward, let's see much further. and, and i, i think the europeans will not be we're not supported in, as it is, they have their own very serious economic issues. now that they've got a contin with and, and they, they have to, they have to their own standards of living, have each period. it's gonna take them a generation. they've got to find alternative fuel sources. they, they're all ex, 40 countries, and their factories are down. yet, if you're going to go on
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a wartime production, that means you've got to ship your, your, your, your economies from piece time to wartime production. i don't think the europeans have to stomach for it and they certainly don't have the resources for it. and it will take a quite a long time to do that on the one hand. but russia is far ahead in terms of its own production and would be able to do cuz sizable damage in the process in the meantime until and uh they, they were able to get up and get a get going. if it came to that point, i doubt that it will. i doubt that it will. the ex pentagon list inmate security at services of the us there. michael lewis, well french political consultant on human rights activist, our know, do the late saves mr. mccomb. this thing a dangerous game trick game, public trust and project, the image of
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a war time leader. i love to be sure its very concerning. we are assuming the dealing with someone who thinks that he can, you know, somehow blow cold and blow hawks and being very inconsistent, but somehow into obtain the idea of deploying troops in an area where by doing so in an operational capacity, it essentially creates a, a faceoff between 2 nuclear bowers. and so the fuel found himself, uh, uh, chevy is a concerns on the french media. uh, recently, uh, speaking about, i quote, the grammar of, uh, strategy, uh, weaponry. and dealing with the fact that, again, uh, micro seems to be thinking that uh, owing to the negative falls that each party is facing ending into the european elections. uh, you might be able to reinvent himself as a, uh, a warranty to or so to speak. but this is no joke, this is uh, this is uh,
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an issue of warranties. and to the extent of it being slowly, but surely it might be flitted by the americans who themself would not see of it. but i, you know, the french troops showing us some kind of trip wire, which would double down the crisis in ukraine, and somehow, or allow maybe the colon and ministration to delay the election. this is a situation of which we cannot completely ignore. so in any way, shape or form, this is a very concerning situation. so i had this, our veteran us senator urges you frame to lower its construction age. coming as t, as military officials continue to senior citizens, straight up the street and send them to the front lines. we've got that story a little later in the day to another over a headline stories. libya is marking 13 years since the invasion by nasal forces,
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which resulted in the toppling of the country's liter, newmarket duffy, the north african states was one of the continents most prosperous nations of the time. but this end as indicates the prolonged military conflict which is still ongoing today, this is how it all unfolded from our as last legitimacy to lead. and we must leave the. 0 the we came, we saw died. sure the was you would get rid of a, a new, a two's freedom. so we heard earlier from the then international a spokesperson for the cutoff and government moves that it breaking. he said he's
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the libyan leader wanted to unify africa and believes the west only saw him as an obstacle in their efforts to make profits off the concept. as a matter of fact, by the 19th of march 2011, there was a clear tipping of the balance of power and balance of conflict towards a peaceful negotiation and ending of the limited 7 conflicts that took place in the country. they've been tribes being religious needed as political leaders, withholding major folks and negotiations that would have ended the conflicts within a few days or weeks the most. the west understood this very well understood that libya was a so big country that have been army was very strong. and the political leadership was very willing to make sure that libya remains peaceful,
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strong and software. and that's why they rush the 1970, a decree by the security council. and then the 197, c, which allowed the nato, as i said, the country. this was a direct result of libya's get get duffy's libby at plan 250 from out of africa. frost had amazed a military presence in the west of the continental fries controls the economies of more than 19 a free can countries all of a freak. as wells goes to the french banks. all africans know this. i'm getting dusky, wanted the african union to come together, establish the organization for the natural resources of africa, and establish the african unified army to replace the french army. and of course, this would, has been
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a major blow to the prophets making machine of the french financial sector. libby i became even. busy international from the month of the federalism, which slate the wrong thread. through the sy, reasons of africa, all of them were funded on on, directly by nato, as admitted to a den by the lead. it was a funeral and they base it just was a mistake. and this was not hand dry, but of course we know that they always liked to have to on fund terrorist roads. they did this in libya, they did this in syria, they did this in iraq. i mean, how many times, how many times do you have to make the same mistake? before you realize you making a mistake yourself and the state is by intention to the car being we go on to the where the country's foreign ministry has something to us about sort. it follows the cuban presidents accusations that washington is meddling in its internal affairs
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and fueling the government protests which really blew up on somebody in several settings. the infamous truth wanted to go all yesterday to dance, showing the pain of the cubans, mediocre politicians, and networked terrorist lined up from south florida to heat up the streets of cuba with intervention east messages and calls for kaos. they will left one thing. so as we just heard nikki cubans is undergoing mass of protest, hundreds of people have taken to the streets in santiago, the cuba, it's one of cuba is major cities and people have been processing food shortages. the supply shortages and of course are also undergoing a worsening food prices. now protestors had chanted that without electricity or food, the people get hot, which is understandable. the cuban government itself has some in the us and basset, or however, blaming the us, saying that they are the ones that are still doing this protest. attention was also
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drawn to the us government's direct responsibility for the difficult economic situation. cuba is going through at this time, and specifically for the shortages and difficulties faced by the population on a daily basis. with the suppression and in sufficiency of supplies and the central services under the weight and impact of the economic block of the design it to destroy the economic capacity of the country. now this is just as the u. s embassy actually tweeted on acts that they urge the cuban government to listen to the people's concerns. so it's no surprise nikki, that the cuban government reacted this way. and so what has the us reaction been to these accusations while the us it comes as no surprise, has said that they have absolutely nothing to do with cubans. protest, let's have to listen to that. the united states is not behind these protests in cuba, and the actually accusation of that is absurd. i will note those and do asked we
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are closely following these reports protests across several cities in cuba yesterday called for electricity, food, and fundamentals, freedoms. i think that's what we're seeing is reflection of the dire situation on the island. well, and this isn't the 1st time that there have been protests in cuba in 2021. the cuban government also accused the united states of meddling and actually went as far to say as they the united states was funding these protests. and now, here we are again, but as a cuban foreign minister did say, if the united states is so concerned about the well being of the cuban people, why aren't they removing the fuel supplies? that makes it impossible for them to get to need an oil. it is extremely expensive to get oil in cuba to get gasoline. you'll see lines of gas. that's also a huge issue. they also are persecuting anybody that wants to do business with cuba . and of course the obvious thing the us uh 60 plus here blockade in same sense of cuba. when we looked at venezuela, for example,
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a country that is also undergoing on massive sanctions. we're talking about scaling that as well as bull. we're talking about food shortages as well, the attempts to destabilize, but as well as to over throw both is chavez and major redeems, were also evidence as well. you could even point to central america and on doris. and what happened there that led to a to that, but to gain violence and civil war essentially in the country. and even now in nicaragua, where the government is accused of not having fair and democratic elections. where have we heard this before? so the ultimate question is, why does the us get to decide which country is democratic and why are they using these sanctions? an active siege war to continuously be stabilize the economy of these countries turn the populations against the government. and then of course, be able to interfere and metal in their way of giving into this sort of humanitarian aid. and democracy's presence along america
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secured a 5th term in office. this past weekend's congratulations are still putting in from around the world. the newly installed leader of new sheriff was among those sending his best wishes. he made note of naomi's desire to continue cooperating with moscow as nature fights to defend itself and a new share which is waging a historic struggle for the rake on quest of its solver. incentives development knows how to count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the russian federation to succeed and it's petri arctic fight comes as a pen took on struggles to restore relations with nature. the u. s. is concerned about the countries potentially whitening ties with russia and the rum on the military agreement news. your recently tore up with washington just the only about point is how the large american military personnel to be deployed to the african state. the united states came just days after high level talks in the capital in
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the army, during which the us delegation expressed concern over in his years relationship with most going to go down, as well as the status of washington's forces in the country, the nigerian government spokesperson said that as a prove the u. s. does not respect the independence of the sovereignty of the nation. to law for lady vid identico shall inform the arrival of the american delegation did not respect diplomatic practices. in fact, it was unilateral by note verbale that the american government informed the new jerry and government of the date of arrival of the composition of its delegation, as well as the new jersey and authorities to be met without any clarification as to the purpose of its visit it is therefore out of courtesy and following on age old tradition of welcome and hospitality that the government received the american delegation. i mean, the new jerry and government regrets, the desire of the american government to deny the silver in new jerry and people
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the right to choose that partners and the types of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. i believe where we heard from an international relations specialist based in africa who sees the us expectations that major could reversed. it's the session to ex military cooperation with washington. well that's just empty hopes. as it goes on, i do not think it is possible for the sienna speed to reverse the decision to denounce the corp agreement on which links new share with the american authorities in connie's, in between the united states of america and france is obvious. it's true that the united states even seriously and intelligently tried to preserve their interest by playing a bit of diplomacy so as not to give that see in a speech the opportunity to chase away the american military. united states was behind all the decisions that more take him to africans understood that, well, i love that this is why people to it's a treat to united states as well as promised, and others in the same way as you know,
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the insult them. they burn the flag when it's a fact, it's obvious and it demonstrates the deterioration, the degradation of relations between african peoples. and i was going to say western leaders because deep down people understand the consequences between the 3 countries. first, between the chair and the united states is the suspension of military corporation. and just as this was the case for foreigners and it is extremely important that disagreement which has been denounced is an illegal agreement. it did not follow any normal procedure. the national assembly was not consulted at the time. people ended on the jerry and so it was if they weren't in confident territory. okay, this is interesting, people today hawkish us republican senator lindsey graham, he is strongly urging that you premium politicians, pass a new mobilization bill as quickly as possible that would lower the issue. printing in men can be called into the army from 27 to 25 years,
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or possibly even younger. and i would hope that those eligible to serve in the ukrainian military would join. i can't believe it's a 27. you were in a fight for your life, so you should be serving not at 25 or 27. we need more people in the line. we're looking at here is just so yet another of us piece of evidence as to who is actually pulling the strings and key of what so may appear as a shocking to many is a completely normal and ukraine and is even appraised by their western puppet theater is if you will, american senator lindsey graham is calling on ukrainians to go into battle, making vague promises that the united states was some point, provide the country with loans. now the washington post even gives us his direct quote, no matter what we do, you should be fighting. he said, no matter what we do, you are fighting for you. now, that same article says that the republican senator holds. so ukraine will soon get
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attacking the ballistic missiles so that they can quote, knock the dam bridge down and they can cry me, it's a rush of so it's hard to say whether a lindsey graham is performing a political b. r stands or speaking will be on behalf of the american government just recently . he joins the so called a n t, a director, a bite starting against a $60000000000.00 us $1.08 package for ukraine. and now he's going down key of authorities to pass legislation to send more ukrainian citizens into the meat grinder. by the way, that's the same washington post also recently wrote an article titled invest ukrainian village. almost no men are left, but lindsey graham brushes those sentiments off with ease by consistently nudging regularly, craniums to fight against evil until the end. think of this and as long as the way up you crane with the weapons,
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they need an economic support. they will fight to the last person. what about the ukrainians themselves? has anyone ask them what they want? well, a picture is worth a 1000 words. in this case. it's a video footage of ukrainians showing the world how their military recruits people into the army. this man and just on their wanted, none of its end when he was given a summons on the street, he basically just flapped around the man in uniform and walked away. however, not everyone is a powerful enough to stands up to this so called forced mobilization draft officers across ukraine have been literally pulling people off the streets and public transportation as well. in article, for example, a man was grabbed from a boss and taken into custody. his whereabouts unknown similar scenes from the gulf as well. a man is a running away from men in military uniforms and then forced by them to get into
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a minivan in the town of mocha chava and ukraine. a guy was just walking down the street and he was a bolt for the lack of a better word, just kidnapped and forced into the army. now this kind of footage from ukraine has been emerging on a regular basis. recently, obvious, lack of desire to serve for the key of regime. the officials are relentless in their attempts to keep their people in line and take a lesson in the day for the country, for people which though dictatorship is always a disadvantage for him. but for victory in war, what this is may be a means which can help to defeat the enemy. since the start of the special minister reparation the ukraine has lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers, now dead or bones. and however, the former chief of the polish armies, the general staff claims that the number is actually much higher. take a lesson, despite huge help from the west, there was a recognized problem of too little equipment. more than 10000000 people are missing
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. i think the losses should be in the millions, not the 100 to thousands. in this country, there are no resources. there is no one to fight. the senator lindsey graham has already made this several visits to key of each time he calls for more aggression against the russian army and violence against the russian people. but the question i guess remains is his rhetoric falling on deaf ears in washington or his war mongering actually starting up supporting well, you'd be the judge and exploration of the city of, of df kept in the done yet script public house be most seen as many buffaloes during the ukrainian conflict. there's a more, a family who have a 4 year old child were among those who decided to stay in their homeland despite the dangers. but recently they had to be evacuated by russian troops following an up storage in a tax ortiz, marina cost rather heard their story, the moist go to the of do so,
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we're from of difficult unless the special military operation started on the 24th of february on the eve of the demon cars birthday when the special military operation started. i didn't know as i haven't been much of a news watcher since 2014. so we noticed that one journalist from ukrainian side arrived or ukrainian, or forty's officials, some other kind of people we were sure to have shooting start in the city. either the day before or during their visit. there were always shots fired. we would be bombed again. when my kid would ask what it was, i said, well, it's fireworks for your birthday. how else could i answer? sleep and why we were in the basement? because again, closer to the evenings they started to fly over the city. and sometimes we even had to wake him up at night to go down to the basement to wait it out. towards the end of march of 2022, we made the decision to move to
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a place where it was safe so that my child would not have to be yanked out of bed at night to sleep in the basement. it was quiet during the day. we were in the house. in 2022. it was still safe for my baby to run outside. he was running around outside, breathing, fresh air. we were doing our adult things. how did we survive to us in different ways? we had savings. then my grand parents gave us their pensions. my husband's ok worked, she helped us to. we work together and so we survived together. my mom received humanitarian aid. his grandparents received humanitarian aid. some people helped us because we did not want to go to the ukrainian humanitarian aid stations so that nobody knew where we were. and we didn't want to receive aid from ukrainian authorities at all. why. why didn't you leave when you could have?
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it was possible to leave at any time, even before the russian military arrived. it was a choice, each person made for themselves. some people's nerves just gave out and they left for some had somewhere else to go. most families with children left because the children needed an education. we, for example, did not leave because we did not want to leave our home. this is our home, our native soil. our ancestors are buried here. why should we leave our home and go somewhere unknown? well, nobody needs us. and the 2nd reason well is our child. because since we are russian speaking, he would have been brainwashed in kindergarten very quickly and made into a nazi. i was told that you somehow managed to plant potatoes that was not in the basement or was that just what the media said? it was last spring. well, even though we were in the basement, we were in a private house. as they say, you have to eat something,
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it's good that there were shops there, but everything there was 3 times more expensive to call it coming out. so you all come here already. come here, come here. so does come on dma right here just here. i just, i just clicked on the spring came, but there was no improvement in the situation and it was not clear when at all would and we had to prepare for the next winter. we planted potatoes and we heard an incoming strike. it flew over. we didn't think it was heading in our direction. all right, we kept digging, he planting again, the next one. it didn't seem like it was coming towards us. well, the 3rd one, my husband saw this rocket diving and coming down and it was 3 houses away from us . and before eyes it came down and everything was like in slow motion. dust flew
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up rocks, all of it.


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