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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the, the question intelligence reveals that the friends is preparing to send 2000 troops to ukraine to says that the french contingent will be considered legitimate saugus the bmw of 13. yes. in states. so submitted to intervention, which comes to one of the most prosperous african countries at the time. it's a decade of turmoil. we discussed the west and let incursions legacy the former definitely government spokesman. maybe i became a, even for international part of the month of august and federalism, which later on spread through this i have a reason of africa. all of them we're funded on, on, directly by nato. and the cuban foreign ministry. someone's the us and boston da as
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preventative slumbers. washington allegedly view link on st. tillman protests, and middling in the island nations domestic. the facts, those who headlines at 2 am must go time money speak to scott and i'll be back with another local interest under the the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered? i'm peter live out. big talk empty words. how else to interpret the contradictory pronouncements coming out of europe in capitals on the subject of ukraine,
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bluster and threats are not a coherent policy. in fact, it is an indication of panic. meanwhile, remember, russia does not loved it acts. the cross talking you crane. i'm joined by my guess, anthony webber in words, and he is an independent political commentator in belgrade. we go to stephen gaiety . he is a research associate at build rates, institute of european studies and elizabeth we cross alexander guerrero. he is an international legal analyst. right. gentleman prospect rolls in effect, that means you can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciate a, steven, let me go to you. first thing in belgrade as an outside observer, like i am of all of this going on in europe a who's speaking for whom and what is the message when it comes to ukraine? steven? that is a very good question because we see a lot of move walkers here who are sending different messages. and i think that is
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because they are in between the natal agenda, which is us collect story and if the situation of ukraine and with their military industries, we're going better. they would probably even be more aggressive. and on the other side, they have their own people who have no idea why the, how are their armies already involved when it comes to sending aid and perhaps people. and they are especially not happy about the possibility of direct a war between these respective countries. in the rush, so that is why the politicians are jumping on on this hot rocks and trying to somehow navigate between between the agenda that they all have and, and their own population. so that is why we hear shots say one thing or on the other as well. look around, this name is been mentioned already and say let me go to the only thing with chrome
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and, and napoleon have in common is they were both small man, other than that, there is no similarity here. why is the chrome mousing off the way he does? remember at the beginning of all this, he was the dog now he's turning around and calling anyone that disagrees with them, a coward. what's the evolution of a crowd near as well he's, he's bullied back to the topics on multi site because he's downsizing from something that i see key piece. this is the role with the piece yet. encouraging. uh, the escalation is somehow encouraging piece, which is absolutely ridiculous. but some things that's right, but not for themselves, shouldn't be job in the past and started to publish. not super clear. um, i will try to do the 5, but the me i that's a um are you got people like nights i saturday general us. i know what you probably needs is. i mean edition, i'm not swear the quotes of dates, hunter,
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i should because they, the reality is throughout europe there's actually no unification. that's all that we're speaking with. different voices. you're going to be you, cause i'm trying to cite the united states when they are actually not. and we've got a situation here where the guys have to face the fact that the client is actually been losing this conflict for some considerable time and how they actually going to deal with that. but the added problem is there's a loss of elections in the countries to see it. yeah. and the key points about what this is not one trunk trait, perhaps a pop. i've been also opinion. so i don't know if these policies are gates, russia, i'm supporting the current governments in the price of any mine very well set that
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up and that's very key. and they talk about democracy. there's no democracy, there's always more money. oh, this huge expenditure public money without any overall chief analysis and then so the bodies stomach is or not light in particular ball or in the united kingdom is spent 12000000000, sorry, fall, cho, built in, which is solely needed to develop i is. i'm at the same time. assumptions are getting frustrated, rebounded and the cases are the so type, huge rises and the costs of energy and the costs of living. and it's a disaster situation. i bought the pump. they can also allow me to have an opinion on this as of a big uh, guys, a lot said about the fact that people in russia doesn't have an opinion which are allowed to go forward in the u. k. e. uh the, the media's some controlled,
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but you call another well you, you could have an opinion, it'll just be censored. okay. that is, that is, that's their method that alexandra, you know, we had the lot being president in the i refer to the ball to republic says the baltic chihuahuas on this program. he said he was quartered in saying, russia must be destroyed. well, isn't that nice coming from a little country like lafayette and also we have other baltic republic saying that the u. k. should return conscription. so how do you react to that? it's nice in another country, thinks another country should have conscription. what is a lot, be a good to throw into the, into the mix here. i mean, how many you halls, full of weapons do they have alexander? it's easier for them to say this, the i kind of catching the wave and the reminded me that plastic case of the younger brother who trusted deezen bully, everyone because he knows that he has an older brother that can go to his rescue in case of trouble so he seems to me that the 3 residents from the baltic states are
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on the heads of the argument. they behaving this way because they know that they have someone on their back that will try and please not only to follow what they are saying, but at the same time to protect them and to, to confirm these words. however, lucky and not only has nothing but we have only a also see weeks ago that for example, denmark promised to send all the material artillery they had to support the brain and then you realize it's only 14 how beach this so it's not much, but the police to the finally called yes. what they're trying to say is that we are giving whatever we have a speaking of prescription, for example, i speak for them knowing the situation. i mean menu opinion and countries easier to say for the grading is to keep fighting until the last 2 brain. but when it comes up to the, to the situation where our own citizens should be deployed to the battle ground to the battlefield, then that's a whole different story. that's kind of solution. usually most the majority of the
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people did not support we've unplugged to send our signs our grandchildren to the war. but we want the other steve white for us. because if you see, even from frances, press, the press for the french president's words. what he says usually is we are going to be boy as some of the lead gary, in some way, are you great? and she wasn't. she was too vague. but at the same time, she's not saying that she's going to confront the russian because she knows how unpopular sets were to be understood by the french or from what i understand alexander's a, it's 6768 percent of french people. paul, do not want french soldiers going to ukraine. again, this is an elite agenda, you know, stephen, one of the things, you know, when i look at these european leaders, and i don't know me, i guess i'm a chrome, this has an inferior already complex, or he's competing with sergeant schultz or something like that. and we, we don't need political science, we need psychologists, i suppose, to understand these people. but you know,
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the moral ization rusher must not be allowed to wait. and what does that mean stephen? that means that they have a problem with the numbers and reading what is going on on the ground, but it is also a very dangerous spot because these words can eventually turn into into moves which will cause escalation. the scenario, the possible scenario that i see is that the beginning, you would have nato forces, the enter wesley, and practically police a occupied to be quite blunt. they would probably be occupation forces in ukraine in central advice and you're trained perhaps you have to. but they're the point of them being there, a would be to release old, the police man, all the national guard and honor security forces of ukraine to go to the me drive or in the east. and that is how i call
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a slow escalation and slow. i think involvement that can actually become a lot of i was even steve and usually you bring up an interesting point here. so if you are ukrainian soldier being sent to the meat grinder and there's some french guy sitting in a cafe and care, but what do you think he's gonna think my life is worth less than the french guys. steven? exactly. i think they are, they, i mean, this was done from the beginning, but i think now they're starting to realize that on the front you see that people are doing everything to try to not end up in the mead rides or people are bribing the local uh, maybe 3 authorities, they're trying to rescue themselves by running away on the border and they're being cost and then sense to the mean grinder. i mean, this is the dire situation of man in ukraine is really something that should be uh, called a humanitarian catastrophe. but it is not, i mean, this is against, uh, uh,
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the, the, the war war is against any kind of up unless the ethics of the, of war. but that is exactly what we are seeing. well, i'm glad i'm glad you brought up the word ethics here. let me go to anthony. now, i mean lindsey graham oh, pines. again. you know he's complaining of the conscripting age is too high. they need to lower. we need to get these younger guys here. i mean, it's just amazing to see how western politicians are willing to, to use and ukrainians as cannon fodder. and they always said and no american troops . i mean, what a ghoulish way to approach things. anthony is terrible. i will also be psycho breast and lead is not are actually has the military experience themselves. sites are quite happy for other people to take up to the races, but not them and know that right and uh, somethings endorses and the a to, as i said, to try to find the situation because of the printing casualties. so you call
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a 1400000 loops guide, wait, indeed, michigan, not shit and shit. and on to suddenly the rushing casualties about $288000.00 equivalent. so the situation is understandable from the crime points of view. and it's very much slight, but the guy and grace of not see joe, the right people, the stall taking to surrender at so the, the old mass. but there were a few die all people around. but it's concerning a bit of as some people, particularly in the united states, and indeed in the country who will be happy for a de ukrainian bio population that states will be wipes out just to satisfy that. right. so the car away is a blood glass. last is what it is here. gentlemen. we're here, we're approaching a hard break. and after that hard break,
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we'll continue our discussion on you can stay with our team, the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else with plans or do they have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think . the eclipse, the daily news cpd. what's the story?
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ok. school level. the use of solutions stuff that you see to shifting if she could have been collected stupid to photocopy slip to describe the video and introduce i'd have to do is make sure that you create excuse tardiness, which is sort of story. so disposable cleaning. some doors not say that the dots conflicting the website by pushing of centuries ago, your 4 bears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia, the ukrainians that become frontiersman of another. so these people will be able to send these will be some of these which i like
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most of them, there's always, you know, going to need to try to jump to the most goals. they would have been that much a lot of the heavily negligence coleman 0 point on your post, co pays gift to suck you the previous step under the welcome back across. ok, we're all things are considered. i'm peter was about to remind you were discussing ukraine. the ok, let's go to alexander in lizard. let's keep with this, this theme of a true, a nato troops being sent to central ukraine, western ukraine as an exemplary force or something like that. latrene. well, i don't know um, but you know, is there, is there a built in assumption on the part of nato think or is if that's not
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a contradiction in terms of that the russians wouldn't dare to touch those troops. that's a pretty big assumption to have. alexander, yes, decent the next step, of course, the russians. i can see the russians having to wait and logging dashing through, hits nato's troops wherever they are, regardless if they are in need. so terry, 3 stories they are in your brain, west or east, or west and central, whatever. but at the same time, we have just before present to the to see what's, what will be the mission of these nathan troops are, where are they going to be deployed as are only the french spots are obese, posted by the french? or are they going to be gray sponsored by natal? this will be decided to see factor in order to decide. and one of the stand talking, the russians dealing with these forces at the same time. because we have seen so far that there are a lot of military stocks from the countries in you. great. not only gathering ford
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meetings, not only for the technical purposes, but they have been there and many of them have been dying in the battlefield. the problem is to see if they are going to at tech, do bring in troops in certain areas or if they are going to start any kind of look at the action in order to force restaurants, what there and then use rest yet all objections for in for sports, but i don't see any kind of infection from nato countries or even by france alone to start any kind of conflict of community type product, or course cameras. but i would render if they're in the battle field, they're in the battle space. what differences of make, i don't think, you know, if these forces, whatever they're doing with their aiding and abetting a military to kill russian soldiers. so they are the enemy as well. how could it be different? yes, the problem is if they fall weekly, it means that they are on the ground while at least to the present time to have
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never admitted. but they weren't in the battle rock. they weren't the battlefield, they were not only friends, they're not only german of police, but also from the united states. they have be due during confrontations. the problem is that people look closely now that they are assuming it being bullied, then they want to start to use it as being some kind of trigger in order to cold or both to create any kind of facing a possibility to be russia. ok, talking about triggers. well then stephen, let's, let's think about it. logically, i know western leaders don't do this. okay. but, you know, then, you know, we have the article 5 come into into play here. okay. i mean, if, if they're going to go into the battle space, okay, and there is a exchange, there are casualties, then they're in a stage of war. but then nato cannot invoke the article 5 because they've already violated article one, that they would not go into a military conflict here. so i mean they're, they're shredding their own logic and their own last go ahead stephen. we're going
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into a philosophical discussion now because what nato has been doing for the last 2 years, if not much longer, is to get involved as much as possible into the war. but for the rest of the world, the thing that nato is not into work. so phrases, truck, group, policy, has made its coalition for and munitions. and so they are gathering the gather them, deployed 800150 5 millimeters south from they, they claim they bought it in, in the south korea and other countries and other nato countries are involved in this. however, they are pretending this is up to date the, this is a, some kind of coalition of the willing, remember that phrase from 2003 when bush a back to iraq. so it wasn't made. so it was called ition of the willing. so what they're doing now is it exactly that needs was. all right, well let's see what i can up the anti here. adelene a better bach. uh. what? 1? 80 degrees. better boxy wants to have somehow german missiles are sold to the
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british. so the british can send them to ukraine. i don't know what kind of food was the, by the way, but it would see for some reason not the defense minister would be able to control coordinates. i'd be, i'd, this is getting insane. anthony react to that. well the it is inside the recalls are pretty of the same. the on the defense i prefer i ground start sues, likely to, to get along with that. but there are consequences for the current rate, which um, i'll get started, hopefully involved in helping uh, pricing eco, russian soldiers and in the u. k. do you guys just lost some major fishing agreement with brochure um, which is today with the state blue dots and might be available in the united kingdom, official objects and go back out to see the sky and roasting increase in the price
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of fish in the united kingdom because that's the thing we're talking about. i think russia is actually paying for motorists and it's a reaction to various european trunk trace of the anthony, let me did this on this fishery issue here. so the british public will be denied fish, but the russian public will be able to eat fish. yeah. how is that a sanction? well, the good, i'm sorry, go ahead. well, well, they've already found it again. see if i can get them the looks of it comes to green. so having such a policy because the, the due date. so i can sure exactly work. but if we go back to the subject, said people killed is only the b, 5900. the 62 on soldiers killed in, in the ukraine, a good proportion advisor in the united kingdom. and uh, it's been
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a bit of a tougher off how much longer of the percentage public goods be denied the information because they're supposed to be you guys have delta dental of intelligence to help with the training to make sure the 5 ohms is all i try but in reality, that how things are right offensive operations. again, instruction forces. i'm not so now i'm not saying go on this, they know empowerment. show pharmacy in the united kingdom and she can talk to more like actions against russia. and already the united kingdom and government, so maybe i'll take out the events all trucking a very fine line with volt battery. well i, i suppose this is one of the applications of the rules based order that we keep hearing about. ok. you break all the rules because we want to control that determine what is order. this is ridiculous here. alexander, you,
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we have. speaker johnson in the united states is talking about a stand alone bill for more a ukraine. i thought he'd come to his senses, but he hasn't, of course. and interestingly enough, for republican house control, there's going to give bite in the political, wind, and election years. explain that to me here, but it's not going to make any difference any one the knows. i've listen to a lot of military experts, and this is just way, okay, of course companies in the united states, they will of a benefit, but this is not going to benefit ukraine. to be honest, i think that even speaker johnson doesn't know what kind of a stand alone they tech is. will this be because he's proposal still presents very vague, char, we both know yet how is it even going to be submitted on the formal way. but at least abuse that she will such a boost for some kind of single and autonomous proposal disconnected from a barrel of concessions that the 2 other political managers thought by democrats
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and republicans. alexandro, it's been mentioned here. um, a new land lease. i don't even think the majority of congressmen even know what that term historical term is. how would that work? i mean, ukraine is, could it paid the united states back after all of this? i mean that the either they, they don't know anything about history or they're just finding a new way to live the people. alexander, it was kind of that that's for example, president former president trump this weekend just call or to kind of alone lowering least the this is simply just does not exist. eat breakfast, for example. even in your unit we have exactly the same aspect. we keep funding, we are going to find your brain and your granary, lowly start to pay back up to 10 years within 10 years. so i did, but no one knows. and everyone at the same time knows how will the brain going is going to pay for? well, i think there, there's a, there's a way that no one's thought about as they should tax ukraine's oligarchy. because
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they are the ones that are making so much money off of this work. i mean, the, they should sign a personal, you know, loan, you know, that you're, they're going to pay it back. of course, it's nonsense, that's not going to happen here. we're rapidly running on a time, steven. i think this is a, we're the kind of a turning point here. i think there's so much panic and desperation in the air that we've discussed on this program. um, where's and what's the next step? where are we going? the one thing that the west is the only vanishing in being the desperate because of both, instead of just to drink his victory speech that russia does, it does not want a fake piece which will last for a year and a half or 2 years. so that the, uh, you know, uh, military industrial complex uh, in the western countries uh, gets uh ahead of the game so that they can send enough weapons to the front line. so russia was a political solution,
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and i think the political solution with the parents leads in the west and with the current a government in ukraine or even ukraine as such, is possible. that is why i expect, uh, russia to secure as borders. i'm putting, again said that there should be a buffered so that the cities in, in russia are safe and secure. yeah, i mean there's, you know, do we have on this program? we have talked about this quite a bit. and my only concern is, is that i want an end to this conflict immediately. ok. however, in russia does not want to be put into a position where ukraine re arms for 5 years, and they start all over again. that is the problem. that's the problem. keep go, go ahead. that is why west wanted the career scenario. they all right. yates, north carolina, north south korea situation in the middle of europe. and russia doesn't want that. it doesn't want to have a constant threat on its borders, but it wants to have a,
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a sustainable security architecture in european continent. and that is, this is exactly what it was proposing some 1015 years ago, and what it was continuously proposing. during the meetings, may i ask agreements and even until today, but they are not going to be willing to go for another fake agreement, which will only buy time for a for a 2nd. let's say punch that, the russia i should uh, should guess from the west. uh so that is why i think it will inflict as much damage as it can. and it will probably, uh, solve this uh, in military. yes, when it must in worth the security is guaranteed for all i don't know how we do that, but that's how it must and or, oh this will happen again gentlemen. that's all the time we have a one to think, my guessing weird thing belgrade and in lisbon. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time, remember across cycles, the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law shows. alignment of the patient, we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to breaks a trust rather than fits of the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence is alexis the
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same. just don't safe house because the engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground. the. the release of russian states never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community. not getting hold of all sun set up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the you of.


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