tv News RT March 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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compare a policy, in fact, it is an indication of panic. meanwhile, remember, russia does not love. it asks the question. intelligence claims of funds is preparing to send 2000 shapes to ukraine . law school says defense contingency will be considered legitimate targets. to be a box the 10 years since they toes intelligence invention phones for one of the most prosperous african printers at the time and said, decades of the 10 world we discussed the west and let incursions legacy the former conduct, government spokesman for me, i became haven for international f, i'm the mindset of the federalism, which later on, spread through the saw has a reason of africa. all of them where funded on on, directly by nato. the international olympic committee speaks out against the
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politicization of sports. or while claiming athletes pulled themselves at best buy competing, it's russian events. the interest on 5 am, hey, must go. this is all to international. i be discuss. busy with the latest world news, thank you for joining this. france is preparing to send a military contingency fights in ukraine. well, that's according to the russian foreign intelligence service, the head of the s v. awesome. the purpose is set to send around 2000 troops to the conflicts of according to data received by the foreign intelligent service of russia. the contingent to be sent to ukraine is already being prepared. at the initial stage, it will be about 2000 people. the french military fee is that such a significant military unit will not be able to be deployed and quoted in ukraine
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unnoticed. it will become a priority, legitimate targets for attacks by the russian armed forces. the russian for an intelligence service is basically sending a very clear message to france and logic to the in time they to blog cuz they're saying we know what you're up to and we will do with your troops on the ground. accordingly, they will be russians. primary targets on the battlefield as they have already become. and essentially, this message is a warning to both nato and friends. and the fact is this idea of deploying french troops in ukraine directly. well, it is not very popular with fonts is very own allies within nato. so according to russia's intelligence, this ambiguity in the crumbs rhetoric will eventually has to go. parents not only has carefully hidden the number of losses, but also the very fact a french troop involvement in ukraine. crohn will eventually have to reveal the
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ugly truth, but he will try to delay that confession as long as possible. i, for the release of such sensitive data could provoke citizens to protest, especially against the backdrop of massive anti government protests by firm is across the country. now, russia has repeatedly talking to the front, says, must scenarios in ukraine. its loss is estimated to be at least in the dozens, if not hundreds, and that is, well, that's a lot of uh that people and that's a lot of, uh, disgruntled, well, just relatives and friends who want to know the fates of the loved ones. and if 2000 proves are to be deployed in ukraine, that means even more heavy losses. so indeed, a nationwide protest is arguably the least that the mccall and government might face if uh, if they decide to go through with this plan. because up through the crohn was the one who started this room is google. when he was 1st to announce that he did not
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rule out this very idea of deploying french troops and ukraine that did not find support neither inside fronds, not new within the e u. or nato. so the chrome, the he had to back track on his own was a, but he's, well, he went into semantics. he tried to pin all the blame on that, that he was just badly misunderstood. but the way that it was interpreted by his very own allies in both his people was just as more mixed signals, maybe at some point, it will be necessary to carry out operations locally in order to counter russian forces. frances might is in our ability to do so, we are ready to prepare for any scenario. it would be a mistake not to do so. so he does try to sound very whole cation at the same time, very cautious. and this may be, we will, maybe we won't have to do it. see this in decisiveness is not something you want from a lead to who might drive a country and,
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and the world's largest military book into a very bloody or you don't want that. if you're in infancy mind, you don't want, if you're a strategic ally, like any of the nato member. so i'm a chrome really isn't helping his cause here. and essentially this message behind the, the, behind the announcement from rushes for an intelligent service is, well, we see you, we see what you're doing. you won't have the element of surprise. so whatever you do think and think hard lead to all the french patriot spots a fly in philly pump sold. i'd see that mr. mack on is using the one ukraine to distract from issues back a the climate. why doesn't a chrome continue to persist despite the fact that there are dead? and yes, he just throws himself into the pool with his head and runs away from domestic political problems. he has a very weak position before the european parliament elections, and he wants ukraine to be the only topic on the agenda. this is the 1st moment.
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then he tends to be guided by personal motives and in an effort to be the most diligent student of nato wants to rule the hawk ball with his new friends. the baltic states, poland, the czech republic, and others. finland has also been added today, shakes, perhaps in pursuit of personal fame. he wants to become the leader of this small coalition. we don't know for sure. there are a lot of questions. one thing is obvious. this does not contribute to the establishment of peace. the beginning of negotiations. so this is extremely risky for francis, it is extremely dangerous for the french military, so may die there. and world peace is also under threat. as this could lead to an aggravation of the situation. i know that the french are mostly against it, looks clean meal. now everyone should express their opinion. with all firmness, the french people should say no, and the french military should find a suitable way to do this. an open out to the latest developments on the phone line
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in ukraine, where russian troops are making advances in the done yet. regent. that's not the pushing ukrainian forces outs of a gift on the village of last, last thoughts gonna for the it shows you clean your soul just hastily retreating from the positions on the russian fire. on nazi corresponded reporting from the front lines says that russian troops advanced over to columbia to pass the cleaning defense lines. so must go get a foothold in the village of a loft in the town he has reached us. if we can set its up, lindsey graham has urged ukrainian politicians to pass a mobilization bill that would lower the age of conscription from $2725.00. i would hope that those eligible to serve in the ukrainian military would join. i can't believe it's a 27. you were in a fight for your life, so you should be serving not at 25 or 27. we need more people in the line. we're looking at here is just says yet another of us piece of evidence as to who is actually pulling the strings and key of what so may appear as
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a shocking to many is a completely normal and ukraine and is even appraised by their western puppet theater is if you will, american senator lindsey graham is calling on ukrainians to go into battle, making vague promises that the united states was some point, provide the country with loans. now the washington post stephen gives us his direct quote. no matter what we do, you should be fighting. he said, no matter what we do your fighting for you. now that's the same article says that the republican senator holds. so ukraine will soon get attacking the ballistic missiles so that they can quote, knock them bridge down and they can cry me, it's a rush. i'm so it's hard to say whether lindsey graham is performing a political, b. r stands or speaking on behalf of the american governments just recently. he joins the so called a n t, a director, a bite starting against
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a $60000000000.00 us dollar a package for ukraine. and now he's going down key of authorities to pass legislation to send more ukrainian citizens into the meat grinder. by the way, that's the same washington post also recently wrote an article titled invest ukrainian village. almost no men are left, but lindsey graham brushes those sentiments off with ease by consistently nudging regularly, craniums to fight against evil until the end. think of this and as long as the way up you crane with the weapons they need and the economic support, they will fight to the last person who about the ukrainians themselves. has anyone ask them what they want? well, a picture is worth a 1000 words in this case. it's a video footage of ukrainians showing the world how their military recruits people into the army this man and just on their wanted. none of its end when he was given a summons on the street. he basically just flapped around the man and uniform and
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walked away. however, not everyone is powerful enough to stand up to this so called forced mobilization draft officers across ukraine. have been literally pulling people off the streets and public transportation as well. in article, for example, a man was grabbed from a boss and taken into custody his whereabouts unknown. similar scenes from the gulf as well. a man is a running away from men in military uniforms and then forced by them to get into a minivan in the town of the mortgage, show volume ukraine. a guy was just walking down the street and he was bolt for the lack of a better word. just kidnapped and forced into the army. now this kind of footage from ukraine has been emergent on a regular basis. recently, obvious, lack of desire to serve for the key of regime. the officials are relentless in their attempts to keep their people in line and take a lesson in the day for the country. for people, personal dictatorship is always
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a disadvantage. but for victory in war, this is may be a means which can help to defeat the enemy. since the start of the special minister reparation the ukraine has lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers, now that or bones. and however, the former chief of the polish armies, the general staff claims that the number is actually much higher. take a lesson, despite huge help from the west, there was a recognized problem of too little equipment. more than 10000000 people are missing . i think the losses should be in the millions, not the 100 to thousands. in this country, there are no resources. there is no one to fight. the senator lindsey graham has already made this several visits to key of each time he calls for more aggression against the russian army and violence against the russian people. but the question i guess remains is his rhetoric falling on deaf ears in washington or his war
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mongering actually starting up support? well, you'd be the judge. we've been on to other news now. libya as mocking 13 years since the invasion by nato forces, which resulted in the toppling of the countries lead to more market duffy. and then also african states was one of the confidence most prosperous nations at the time. but then he descended into chaos under prolonged miniature conflicts which is still ongoing. today, this is all unfolded for margaret, i think his last legitimacy to lead and he must leave the. 0 the we came, we saw he died. sure, the world you would get rid of it and i do a twos freedom. these
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are the we heard from the then international spokesperson for the good. definitely government was the abraham and he says that the libyan leader wants to unify africa . but the west only saw him is an obstacle. as a matter of fact, by the 19th of march 2011, there was a clear tipping of the balance of power and balance of conflict towards a peaceful negotiation and ending of the limited 7 conflict that took place in the country. they've been tribes being religious needed as political leaders with holding major folks and negotiations that would have ended the conflict within a few days or weeks at the most. the west understood this very well understood that libya was a solving country that had been army, was very strong and the political leadership was very willing to make sure
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definitely be a remains peaceful, strong software. and that's why they rushed the 1970 decree by the security council, and then the 197, c, which allowed a nato as to attack of the country. this was a direct result of libya's get get duffy's libya plan to kick france out of africa. france had a major military presence in the west of the continental for us to control the economy. is of more of the 19 a free can countries all of a freak as well goes through the french banks. the old africans know this. i'm getting dusky, wanted a free can union to come together, establish the organization for the natural resources of africa, and establish the african unified army to replace the french army. and of course,
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this wouldn't, has been a major blow to the prophets making machine of the french financial sector. libby, i became high even for international from the month of the total. it isn't which later on, spread through the side of the reasons of africa, all of them were funded on, on, directly by nato, admitted to den by the lead is a funeral and they, they said just was a mistake and this was my hand drive. but of course, we know that they always likes to have to, um, on funds that are as the world's, they did this in libya. they did this in syria, they did this in iraq. i mean, how many times, how many times do you have to make the same mistake? before you realize you making a mistake, it's up in the states is by intention. isolates from both russia. another boost have been bought from participating in the big games is opening ceremony, which will take place this some in paris. that's according to statements by the
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international olympic committee. aliens will not participate in the parent parade of delegations teams during the opening ceremony. since the individual athletes, but the now paternity will be provided to them to experience the event. this will be this, this is the same scenario that was used for independent olympic participants at the olympic games in boston, learn and 1992 for athletes from the former yugoslavia. secondly, a decision regarding the participation of a i n and the closing ceremony in paris will be taken not to late to stage, taking into consideration, but not toll teams that enter the closing ceremony. but as more lastly, it's joining together. sadly, during the victory ceremonies, the an a and flag will be flown and the a i and anthem will be played sit in a i n. s. fleet. when a mental
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a lady in special in pick committee slots missing a bit of a semester leads with a number of restrictions ahead of the powers games only about 40 russian athletes may be allowed to compete under a neutral flight and must go. some input committee says that it will not fully cover similar events enough despite all the restrictions, but it is as the olympic commit to issued a declaration against the politicization of sports votes in the very same statements. organization discourage us these from participating in the russian hosted world friendship games, which is set for september this year the seats. so the updates could be put in themselves the risk by competing and not russian event. there is reference to what is very clear position relating to these games. we says that is a non sanctioned event. so for us, we would believe that a nicely that would take parts and that is actually putting him or herself at risk mother and you from a doping point of view, but also from a propaganda point of view. so we would have to look at that very carefully. they
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are creating a huge mass because they're basically saying ok, if you want to go and take part in these games, you might popular to take part in wimbledon or in the word of that assumptive. and so on, so forth. this could cause a huge fracture within sports altogether. this could be, i believe that we could be seen the energy all you'll see as we know us. it could be very, very dangerous. it could be very dangerous for sports in general because the friendship games which beheld so of course, as you mentioned, to me here in russia, in september for a couple of weeks to basis. moscow, a new category in burke. the plan is then to have the winter games and then to take the next games somewhere else. of the all you'll see knows the gigs of they know there's going to be a huge problem. and if they don't cash, you know, i'm scared to live in daylight. so these people, it'll be all over for them. you know, this is all coming against russia, but there's a number of conflicts happening across the world. including of course, very who high profile, what's happening in gaza with israel's an invasion there right now,
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but we're not hearing so much about and slides and under a neutral flag or otherwise there's not much debated, but i will see chips about israel. they will be going to par as they will be competing. i think by keeping is really in there trying to play a one with that all were very good boys is right, aren't so bad. if you're going to have one room in forces, but then we would know the for example, the us and u. k would not have been allowed into subsequent games after the invasion. well, just even a rock alone, 2003. so politics, those come in to us, israel has a much bigger lobby with a deal you'll see an even though thomas box, the person 0 see is a friend. of course, the heat, those little calling the on russia. at this time, he is fighting for his life and for his job. and i again, like, come back to this could be the last days of, you know, see if they don't guess russia and the,
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all your nation's world to back down of course, much global sales. but countries around the world, if they don't back down go see just finished. one point i didn't mention there is that the athletes can't even walk in the opening and closing ceremonies on during neutral at fly, which i can't remember ever happening before. overall is this. it's been called by the i will see a for and just the 5 decision is it you're going to be honest with you is simply throwing the baby up with the bathwater. it's wrong, it's silly, but i think that they, they have no, no, just a complete, you know, mess so that they will not be able to pay no. because if there's a lot of countries who are already on the speak with people um today in different countries from different olympic committees, they are very unhappy with this because they feel that it's, it's not just on fair, but it's also against olympics. there's washington's top general state of jo biden's order to evacuate troops. some i've done is done in august of 2021 came to
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lights. the admissions came generations having for the house phone affairs committee of the celtic withdrawal. the left 13 service members dead. the committee, chad republic and michael mccaul. so the watch house was off to touch our investigation and covered the white house, refuse to listen to warnings about the situation on the ground. disturbingly, we haven't covered that state department leadership prohibited, prohibited at its employees from even uttering the word neo shorthand for emergency evacuation. until as late as august of 2021. to go to wait. when the us pulled his troops from afghanistan after more than 2 decades of military presence in the country, not just peak washington hot over a 100000 troops, enough gun. it's done. according to the department of defense. us obviously joe resulted in they tell about to be gaining control of the country sparking and refugee process as ask of civilians flights on mos. let's take
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a quick look at how the situation and photo button it remembers the celtic us withdrawal from afghanistan, scans phoning to the desk from the pots and claims the deadly stampede. cobble apples. the suicide bombings killed fetching us service members at a $170.00 civilians. full things to poor planning. leak notes from the white house situation room reveals that the us wasn't reading for evacuation. just hours before cobble fell to the taliban job. i did, did not just fail it withdrawing from ask on a stone. he did not have a plan and lied to the american people about it. but policies and veteran members of congress began demanding all skiing, practically begging the administration to begin the evacuation. as soon as probably didn't make the withdrawal announcements in april 2021, we was done bold and ignored while they did it in fury,
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180 accountability. kalsich planning led to a classic withdrawal. and many lines last. the wealth policeman should have known that well has our dean who's a geopolitical unless it says that the congressional hearings, i suppose that the joe barton, i'm going to station is responsible for i've done his done withdrawal failings at the bottom. administration certainly decided to blame its failure to execute a timely and efficient evacuation on previous policies by the trump administration there. but as the recent hearing has shown, it was actually entirely due to the faults of the decisions made by the by did administration and the state department. it's more or less what i expected. it's another example of the incredible incompetence of the global american empire. so to speak, which while simultaneously projecting a great sense of power, and even so,
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going so far as to attempt to present itself as a world, police can't even get its own house in order. let alone manages for and affairs properly. the inability to evacuate countries, its occupying, actually has a long history in the united states. we know that the evacuation of vietnam after it was defeated, there was similarly a, an embarrassment. but the extent of the embarrassment caused by the us is evacuation from i've gotta stand, i don't think is reversible. meanwhile, resistance forces in iraq expects a similar scenario to take place in the country with the head of the iraq iraqi hezbollah secuity bureau. seeing that any legitimize ation of the us presence the would open the gates of how that comes up. the rocky resistance forces suspended their attacks on us bases in iraq and syria, back in january. now the decision was made to ease tensions as part of washington
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negotiated a us withdrawal from the country, the starting via the rocky prime minister mohammed. she also done a photo. washington's presence destabilizing stressing. iraq desire for a quick and orderly exits. as all the in again cas doubts on that possibility. as i think that the united states, as that ample time to contemplate the question of withdrawing, especially since 2021, the iraqi parliament voted to expel us troops effectively. the us went out of its way to transform its role as a combat operation. interact to one of an advisory role at the expense of the express will of the iraqi people. so if they didn't get the hand to then i struggled to see how they're going to get to hand. now, besides, if of course, it be a math, makes some serious moves to escalate it's, it's attempts to expel us troops by force no evidence of biological abnormalities. that's the funding. some us national medical research
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agency, the an h i on the mysterious have on a syndrome that comes up to a 5 yesterday in the apartments. the parents elements that allegedly terrorized american overseas personnel is all show that the effects of us government personnel did not exhibit any physical symptoms. different to healthy volunteers. using advanced imaging techniques and in depth clinical assessments, a research team at the national institutes of health found no significant evidence of an mri detectable brain injury nor differences in most clinical measures compared to controls among a group of federal employees who experienced anomalous health incidence. a tries, the researchers were unable to identify a consistent set of imaging abnormalities that might differentiate participants with age eyes from controls or about us. the drum was a set of symptoms periodically reported by us government officials, many serving in the ministry or the diplomats got some serious political implications, like the delay of the, of, of the. how is this trip to vietnam?
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back in 2021, with special inquiries, launched into its origins. this, by the luck of play, findings has been bought in signed the last 2 years ago regarding some victims, with just under 200000 dollars. a piece in compensation is a closer look at how about us and job became a thing. and just as serious illnesses has been targeting us officials abroad since 2017 causing, searing, unexplained sounds, headache and nausea. attacks of an invisible enemy. secret microwave weapons of honest syndrome flooded by russians. apparently not ca, rules out for and attacks after probing for years. we assessed it is unlikely that a for an actor, including russia, is conducting a sustain worldwide campaign, harming us personnel with a weapon or a mechanism finds a closed the case. i think again, with 2000 unexplained cases,
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there's still room for conspiracy. theories of despondency is claims no hard evidence to support the theory it was ever provided. some american officials were convinced that russia was to blame for the mysterious events and the mainstream media outlets cover the story. they have bolstered the long standing hypothesis by the intelligence community. that this is likely the russians, because the russians have a history of studying this technology. politicians have pointed their finger at russia as possibly being behind the attacks, a directed energy weapon and potentially some involvement by russia, perhaps for a series just by on us embassies. but now being used as a weapon by one or more hostile countries, current and former us officials believe russia is to blame. as we discussed, the findings of the study with us talk video veteran line or is that it was pretty remarkable that the vast slew of accusations ultimately when know, you know, you think we get to, you know, blame ratio or by and trying to whoever it is there you,
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you would say there will be a certain degree of mental fatigue after a while. were there was it, oh no, please. not a good. give us something different. give it we, we've heard this, but the also interesting that what we're doing that then not only in the in, in the same breast can i tell you, i don't know what it is. there is no evidence of it. it doesn't exist, but i'm blaming argentina for what for the thing that you have no evidence of. precisely. it's kind of an interesting watching you're blaming rusher for what exactly for this what you said, there's no evidence of it. yes. perhaps i did, but if there was, you know where we'd go, but you said nothing. is there? yes. which crap, let's try that. blame trying in for that. there's no evidence of that either. this is if you really look at this, i don't mean to, to mock it, but i guess i am read any of the findings. it is the most interesting way to say that there's no evidence of something they providing so much evidence of
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nothing. it's interesting. it, it, it, they eliminate what it is not, but still we don't know what it is, and i don't believe all of these people from various parts of the cartridge or the world read it are making this up. and finally, the indian may be his rescued. a bulgarian freights from smalley, pirates ending a 3 months siege. that was the 1st time jacking of a cargo ship by african funded since 2017. and following the operation, the india prime minister, new vendor modi, re offend and utilize commitments to ensuring maritime safety. we appreciate your message, mister president. we are happy that 7 bulgarian nationals are safe and will be returning home soon. in india is committed to protecting the freedom of navigation and combat in piracy and terrorism in the indian ocean region. where we can say now is a filtrate released by the indian armed forces showing the rescue operation. a group
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