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tv   Documentary  RT  March 20, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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the, the
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history textbooks printed in cave claim ukrainian national identity goes back to the middle ages, the ukrainians of the true to send to this of the slaves. even the ancient city of the once lived in these items were also eventually ukrainians. the books of a pair that proved origin from the inhabitants of atlantis, the a trust comes to the amazons and so on. but in mind that we just send it from the a trust gonzales. omarian's by like all peoples, including the boat in the in the picture next. not to mention the ams, the solemnly charlotte, so she's so on. you can easily be someone will call you and you're like putting teacher's k youth up in the middle of dressing balcony. i'll play g, my. so is there any inconvenience? i live in queens going spanish, just going me for me for this. have to do use by slow creams, collision go. american scientists consider ukrainians to be the most ancient nation in the world. the ancient indian language cents, which is close. steve, great,
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geographical names of western and southern countries and peoples also probably indicate that the ancestors of fucking french, spanish culture gaze, jews, antics could have gone to those lands from ukrainian greece. yeah, let me close that. even you should be dealing with studio great skill level solutions, stuff that i've got these are see to shifted in each each time she couldn't keep it the sort of good position the 0 increase the withdrawal. so chris, you've done for us up to some of the few start. i mean you're speaking stories, disposable, cleaning, some typical storm gillian guy. i'm thinking i'm going to charge you to clean some facility that i need someone to put me on a senior citizens kimball. i'll do it great if they need to come all the way almost any more that those village me for the
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a more than one generation of ukrainians grew up with these limits. they will raise the hate russia and be confident in their own national identity. the 2014, it was a who crush mary, you pose residents with things and show them. but disagreeing with the crews outcome the policy joseph page is training. young, muddy bull resident was blinded by propaganda. went to serve in the national list as all the autonomy of using other locals as human shields. they destroyed the home town without compunction, no sound like leaving their store. if c as last, say at the same way to buy chinese, did he take, i believe shipping, most of them will, doesn't need a lunch for them to continue me through story. the fox,
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the couple, the assumption of sorts, the sustain understand group of dealers, and i thought you would need to get them in front of month. faith unlimited up as well. so you can watch the bundle of the ukrainian miss. it originated 300 years ago imposed on to assimilate the west and russian lands 2 roads, the most well known ukrainian gentlest roost. son cuts up, but witnessed only ukrainian protests. you're to
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be sure to alter my done. the journalist realized what his country was headed towards good to see of the european dream fence size developed by the 2014 independence school f protesters and key the dead to criticize the new new notes. the policies of ukraine was like, and we were present to you. uh, were you worried? most call you were going to go to going to the school, the methadone for the patient thought they'd be struggling me should program in the body shop or the dish. the problem of addition to diploma patients for this dogs to which tongue twisted the few like click on the so but now lives in new york. after being forced to flee from the new ukrainian authorities from abroad. he went,
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which is the pressure put on everyone in his homeland. it doesn't share the idea of a mono national ukrainian state. the a lot of interviews go through the sexual reactive, weird because we don't think is very well, what are the women over to me? so the vehicle is simple, the system is doing what is causing it. she'll be able to give you the cisco, which is the formal. so you have a new level of care to, is it all pretty much all done and get all the a bunch of love up, hopefully doesn't forcibly. hopefully we'll just just to you, room temperature flow is used. disappointed is useful model. so the lowest prohibiting the teaching and the usage of the russian language were introduced in ukraine. soon after the 2014 to the special ed teacher with
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the low grade is going to use the can you provide f models coming, gazing, the lady at the auto scale? no problem. i'm done this deal or evening when i had a mustache. nature believe the fisher needs already. oh, that's what i was and what are you so nice and we're just single part of you was like if money in case you lose a couple of assessments. what a little more to the published, historian, young cowski, leads us through the center of warsaw, which controlled west in ukraine until near the end of the 18th century. from here, the body shop to always use began the they reconcile the war against orthodoxy in
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the russian language to provide me with the jesus to us the best product of a home because of the complete the follow up it out can i can for you or you for the refresh, the whole carrying it to the all me on the 1st almost she said 0 for my fios, it's ok to go. cuz then when i say i'm a cousin, a stop it being channel net. is that good to go from there? okay, so if you don't feel at home. yeah. elizabeth oliver, i will not get a lot of the stuff in the terms of any for for room, but that's different from me. ok. yeah. for the temperature, for the, for them to separate ukraine from russia could have been completed 200 years ago. by the end of the 18th century, poland to cease to exist as an independent states of things here would take me to deliver in the upper west flow. and when the shooting you of, or what's going up,
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those congress invested, youngest manipulated when you put in a little more store of consequential for which. and that's the view to what the pros of consciously a belief is that if one looks like that idea of a for sure you want you to to duplex interest issue or you let them know there's lots of stuff she's going to the best way to ship up with care, but she just didn't know, so she didn't extend, it says on regression, most of ukraine came under the russian and pause control and legally c trans got pay. the book aveena, inhabited by russians was they would then called ru scenes when to austria, hungary, dustin, people oppose the few. those are for the a pause. ready history, it said capsule. so as being some stuff, you know, we're going to get to some was sort of the scene of 2 kinds of projects and stuff between the structures. so you also get, we get at the beginning of the 19th century. the have spoken by decided to create a book, the zone between
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a russia are rapidly gaining political and military power and the european states, the ukraine project launched in poland, turned down to be ideal, escalates invisible, clearly store the totes and yes, ma design. yeah. and so on the 3rd floor middle school. hey, i think just because when you close the place of circle with what the rest of the mature was spinning somebody never thought of daniel's up. nobody is going to have nobody's streets. so the new frontier. yes, that's all but yes, tony, odds for the concepts inquiry and stuff that sort of so being able to is that if i look at the streets of the concepts to study ational so you know, it's pretty steep and give her like someone could even squeeze. you in 1848, the governor of galilee see account funds want to study on set conditions for russians. in garcia you can only count on government support if you decide to become an independent people and give up national unity with the people outside the state. namely, and russia, that is,
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if you want to become with and he ends and not russians. atlanta, if you adopt a new name to be different from russians who live outside australia, the, i, me at the guy, liam. uh, queen easier when i academy of uh yes, male and 5 you are the exactly. so for these 2 of these factors from a gully, intelligibility spoken yellow. he from a guy ok plots and then what they give to the 30th. the russian language also came under attack in the mid 19th century, vienna's imperial ministry of education, suggested russians rise in roman letters instead of cyrillic. here's an abstract from an 1859 brush up by the check, right? to rent a politician use if you have a chair. one of the reasons of good, easy. all right, and for instance, the really cuz they will show a tendency to watch most if occasion this level in a judge and russian influence is also great that they threatened to completely displace the local language and literature. as soon as didn't hurry to switch to
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the roman alphabet. so the all straightened authorities decided to create a new language and spinning system based on the so called cornish alphabet, created in the mid 19th century. but the russian direct google university teaches when creating the new language complained about how hard it was to conceive the each of the few and above university professors heading departments to teach the ukranian language of their own unique separate scientific terminology. their own special, independent and native ukrainian language. not even the language, in fact, just a notification, mixture of russian polish public gravity invented by each of them ukrainian words and expressions the release of russian states. never as one of the most sense community best
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most i'll send send up the same assistance, must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising s r t spoke neck keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say you requested the
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hi. i'm acceptable and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the police chief, what's your forces going to sing of us to have him? can you provide the least my system that's let us know and that's electrically pretty simple left on the beach. if this doesn't, the pro squeezing teach this,
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yellowstone hung area and maximum program was designed to assimilate ru, since it's above us, was doing still and to russian sentiment. and these people that of a city deal with single throw a deal was provide them the interest of, of which in yet let, the things are, provides, english resolution presides and they put a good i would say that the left of the but you can use like stone and simple label as a nation in my post, the ways that that it doesn't mean. so for me i also have to book the shipment easy or difficult. i couldn't with those me. we, steve, what we're seeing is getting a sending, if possible, if i was and then go school in the probably let me just go smoothly. the floor feels didn't know thursdays begin to finance ukrainian organizations. one of them, the prostate as a size, a covered west, the new crane with a network, what education was conducted exclusively in ukrainian from us or for us here from zillow scripts, it's, it goes to the other one. there's going to some of those just give open to delta
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dental to those levels. oh, it's a good, it's simple. so not always you whistle fluids. the dispute see where it says the summers their school could in school this with this business and the children to proceed to be educated, someone to learn ukrainian themselves. austin and bang. so need alone to those just by the new language and called themselves ukrainian. it was hard for persons to switch instantly from being russian to ukrainian. it was hard for them to tremble of what was sacred in deal to them. it was even harder to understand why ukrainian professors vaguely cunningly and chronically changed russian to ukrainian confusing one day with the other. people could see that what was happening was untrue full sense treasonous. the discount started with lots of the vehicle up for substituting, but it's only assume that's still going to the largest you'd have to enable us. uh could i don't install electric? does it show us? but why i'm not before this. i've seen you. oh,
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it has to come to play with in the middle of christopher. on july, the 28th, 1914, the 1st level broke out, the whole street authorities declared over the adults the russians living. and again, let's see in rose accessories of the russian empire. now a wall with germany and austria hungry and destroyed. it was from the prison just now that was the army is in your logic. it's the youtube of don't we lived in the black, 2 weeks could last one of the last we had so much we so which is we have something that's, you know, so the brilliant se, dental, so some nice, the face level face to face the chest and naturally, the most of the pieces to when you stuff like game just don't want to send you and your principal, you split premium is a vice ago korean. some people in the, i think, i think it took us to peacefulness total. notice he's going to see that another issue, let us going to get the thousands of russians up here in austria and prisons, searching for and destroying austria, hungary as enemies felt the ukrainians,
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3 full method by press 3 to and the greek catholic church. they arrested any one who spoke russian, or even just read russian newspapers the most 3 and soldiers carry ready make notes in the satchels and wherever they can on trees, in hops and shuts, they hang a little pessimist, denounced by ukraine of files, but considering themselves russian galaxy and roost has become a gigantic, terrifying, go golfing. tens of thousands of russians of it in the 1st concentration comes in europe is history to a whole bunch of days. and when more than 60000 people died from georgia and still invasion, the one group of coffee and russian people, limited severe suffering carried their lives to the altar of the common homeland native russia. while the of was doing a shameful and able data came to canes, conscious fratricide, the role of those national traders circled ukrainians in world war one is well
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known functions mean c, d, c. so it's tough to exclude you. spent was works here for the loading on cream, so me easily smooth me see folks to when you steer for someone cleans queen. if when to combine you are when you have a large so some of the thoughts i blew it. isn't that some of those off these go and get us to the almost a 100 years later history repeated itself in the don't the civil war age of the busiest award. yeah. because either way or port yeah, i got that. it was a shared his goal with me, so let's do all it negatively. wasn't sure to save glory, login for the deals as to what it was. don't worry about those large. i'm little of them are giving it a go down here. see the tool for the bottom with a subject thought it was a little bit don't matter. you. below copay deals that each given was arrested in 2014 for working at a company brewing costing russian tv programs. these spend almost 3 years in
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a secret ukrainian special services prism the party by stay on the state of media most no more. so from what you're doing, you got the mattress. got to be score with me and see what this voltage saved his life. it shows one of ukraine's deputies rudely interrogating, backdate and stood victims accused of separatism. the interrogation was shown on ukrainian tv and his participants, unlike hundreds of other prisoners, one killed. but they were tortured badly, but they're not able to hear someone there. but okay, this is another key producer. gimme a return from captivity with a disability. the ukrainian military didn't him to confess the crimes he hadn't committed, but they seriously maimed him. worship parks almost uh but uh many
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o low mileage stuff. yeah. there we go. digs this into the room was not as if there's really a for me. it is all so we're we're gonna have them on the good old dad was the senior last night today. while helping ukraine with weapons and money, jim, and he didn't hide, it's fast will, will goes, game to get west and territories from russia. push most go from the black sea and create a buffer rest of, of the states west of the need for the fall. main goal in this war is the long term weakening of russia. and therefore, if we, when we will initiate the creation of ukrainian state independent of russia, to make it happen, a new history had to be written for the as of yet non existent states. it's also me, kyle, go shift, skate an associated professor at keep universe state and immigrated together this year the essence of his 10 volume work and title. the history of ukraine was the simplistic, the inhabitants of keven roost turned out to be ukrainians. a nation separate from
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russia and only it had connections to european civilization. ukrainian people belong to wisdom. you are a piano board in short simply to the european circle. not only because of the historical ties that connect to create new life with western life over the centuries, but also by the very nature of the national character or sees you so to the austro hungarian, the authorities who pay the historian well. and they're still prevalent today in modern ukraine challenge. english ask is ideas is a legal so i just said what i mean, i'm not sure many people. so i'm assuming that's the one that i need as far as the studio. okay. they're mostly about going to be in a way biographer, throw each one of our new car, and able to pull most people still. i read it with the concept. so go shift go shift gears. portrait is even featured on ukrainian bank notes during the russian revolution in february 1917 who she has a head is
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a new ukranian parliament. the also announced the creation of the ukrainian states, the as they were behind this process. it was in germany and austria hungary, his interest to make peace with the new states. so it was not the flight on 2 friends from an interview with the gym and chief of stuff of the eastern front general max huffman, to the daily mail in 1918. in reality, ukraine is my handiwork. i created ukraine to be able to make peace with at least one pallets of russia. the the, this is unique archive footage. jim and imperial allow me troops marching through the streets of cape next to the german generals of the so called builders of
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ukrainian independence. we signed a very peculiar peace treaty with austria and germany in return for the recognition of its independence ukraine. pledged to buy a huge reparations disease and pause. the government had to supply the invaders with 1000000 tons of grain full 1000000 eggs and up 250000 tons of meat, as well as lot sugar him manganese, or on tens of thousands of tons of ukrainian black soil. the most of the sites. and what's the most of the them to you got me go to, but the top i was which will mean usually the soonest. but the most of the fact the minutes, what can i see for you? this means anything to me of something like that either. but which you of last is a little me i'm so if i don't answer when you go to the rest of the list of parts come the election of independent ukraine's new headman pablo scott. pud sky took place on april 29th. 1918 in the hippo palace circus. everything went smoothly
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in the morning, a green grow as congress opened. its got a pi scale arrived around noon. the speaker advocated the needs of strong governments. a so headman age, and proposed former general of the russian imperial army. let us go to a pod skate. total vote us it's. i realized there's always a bit less pool. fortunately for sure, for the front of your mind, your choice to stop us, keep your show missed if the car was still. pardon me, mr. jim off, can we get him off to me? showing me a list. the state which does an agrarian appendage of germany and austria hungary last it only 7 months until german troops split the tower tree of independent ukraine. the another odious politician. briefly seized palette and cave simone. petri uh, is national battalions infamous. the unprecedented looting of civilians and jewish
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paul grounds, the largest of which occurred on february the 15th. 1919 in the city of press, cooler of a female high school student had a band. it stuck between her legs and they shot people like this. they fire and look not aiming to kill, but the fire a volley and race to still breathing targets. then grabbed from the clouds. whatever each had mocked themselves on their victim before the volley. in the blood, during streets, but serious immediately began to cover the russian language. the order for this f, a rose, you had called sack brigade of ukrainian republican army named up to the head of them on a do it to release the day off to the program record. the terrified inhabitants to rewrite oldtown signs and ukrainian i wanted to say, you know, must divide signs. sticking new letters on top is strictly prohibited. those responsible for this will be tried by minute record. the is lisa lira hood,
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for the powers were shot dead by a jewish youth whose family was killed during the pogroms. an event called acquitted the youth, but justly disposing of a mass murderer. the, the web, the in modern ukraine streets would be named out to do it up into smaller wizard. also organize ethnic cleansing in the cities and villages of dumbass. the how didn't know it to me to use the pollution of skin project ukraine and how much territory did the soviets get to ukraine?
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the the big talk is empty words. how else to interpret the contradictory pronouncements coming out of here being capital on the subject of ukraine, bluster and threats are not a copay or a policy. in fact, it is an indication of panic. meanwhile, remember russia that's not good at the crime is for almost 3 centuries, it's been a strong code of russian culture 10 years ago of the events that divided dependence
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is history into before and of the it became part of russia for good the progress of the boys to do so to the so would you like to me, love to see the fitness, the superficial. if avoid the fact just here, it was more or less to but that will just listed you as i'm with you. the, with the station committee trista can with federal orders. pretty good in the midst of which is the listing of what the quote was pretty crossed and the good person it says gets, it was a, it's a decent letter, but it is a floor federal investigative? certainly just the in the spirit i didn't i suppose by us and probably because i don't thing and just put a little simple story to ship the vehicle because then you have to be moving. you
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receive the moscow. warren's hair is that it's for this will be legitimate targets and ukraine as russians. foreign intelligence chief says 2000 and french soldiers are gearing up to deploy their parents reported lead joins warsaw and calling to limit imports. of you printing grain amid escalating protest by farmers across the you, the, the international olympic committee claims to oppose the politicization of for 12 warning that athlete might put themselves at risk by competing at the upcoming world friendship games in russia. plus we hear from of the center of a slave from nigeria who says london still owes reparations to the victims of the british empire.


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