tv News RT March 22, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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on the inside yes. on going offensive kills at least 90 of gases. i'll see for hospital since monday. images image capacity to show don't design to unless between designed and blindfolded by these right. they all mean proteins. president says rushes, preparing for direct conflict with nato, saying it could happen within the next 3 years. we look at what's behind the claims and itself, ukrainian official insults us. the chinese kid for months live on television, deliberately using an upset, etc. mispronouncing his day. the assist from 7 am, henry must scope. this is to international and pete to scope with the latest we'll use. it's great to have you with some of the nice people being killed and around
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a 160 or rested in the else chief. a hospital in northern garza, according to the idea of which his writings complex, your magic human vice motor to which has an office in gaza city says the displace palestinians inside are being targeted about 4 times during that period. i saw soldiers lead groups of detainees, always at least 3 people, and never more than 10 into the hospital buildings, particularly the mold building, where bodies had previously been kept. gunshots were heard with the soldiers, then leaving the area to bring another group there. so this idea of footage shows is rarely so just conducting what they call anti terrorist operations. the facilitate is just as this operation has killed schools, apollo, sidney, and cyrus and the senior i'm us. officials have been detained, but local officials, claimants, civilians who being killed. and so my lead to the idea of mistreated them with an verified images, showing medical personnel on general is being abused. the
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video was taken by a french national surfing and the idea of showing how palestinians, when segregates of of to be kidnapped from gaza, more footage posted by the same. so jeff shows a group of palestinians blindfolded with their hands tied to the we spoke to the washington bureau chief of the palestinian outputs daily and he says it's these really offensive. i'll see if i could constitute a walk on a shift, particularly as also i refuge. a lot of people go there to take shelter to take their kids to as we've seen him know what, what that would be with the person that you a spoke with as part of my colleagues. same thing as family and it was with them. we don't know what happened to him or his family. you know, he was taken away strip down and so, and so it is a word crime that goes on time after time with no other aim except to continue the
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human and the 1000 in to continue. then the exact correct that correct revenge. i don't know sort of like but the obviously with no political or meditate and because obviously medicare laser is out of keeping as well, so it takes it out on such facilities. meanwhile, support for israel is a sold discontinued to be voiced by us. lawmakers is a recent comments made by us democratic congressman daniel goldman who incidentally recipients of his ready lobby funding in the area surround trust us is upon the consent over the safety of gen list. that was the us state department's response. when inside our accounts again, us why the us is keeping silence about these wells treatments of impulses. my point is when will they that say,
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i say that this cannot keep on going with joy list that are credential that have worked at 4 year after year, decade after decade when onto those ratings. went on to this way. why did i keep taking them, targeting them, giving them and presenting them with impunity? why is that not a threat just to your site when we talk about continuing to press israel to enhance its mechanisms to better protect civilians? we of course, are also talking about extending that to journalists as well. we are always concerned for the safety of journalist, especially in conflict globe sounds, especially in somewhere like gaza. well, i've kind of told dotsie that he believes israel is directly targeting journalist to hide what's really going on in gaza. and then i say it says not really showing any measurable effort to save guys, journalists and guys. i mean they, they say they do, they say that journal should be allowed to do their job. they should be allowed to
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function on work. but in fact, we have not seen them. the sanction is written by any measure or say, or say that you know is read should not do this, but if they continue to do it, we are going to punish them in this fashion a summer saying that it's doing it lists a being targets in an attempt to silence what was going on at the obviously for medical complex hunting dogs. so in general, do you think that's an accurate assessment? what i presume it has always done this to your listing of people say go from the say. when we say a journalist, they think i'm sure in a box or they think of the $150.00 that had been killed since it is midway. this war, the ongoing war on gaza really slot that it's not a war. and but the slower on gaza. but actually waiting for that, i mean the joy list palestinian journalist from my newspaper from other newspapers on television stations as on,
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had been down yet until then. it's as needed in prison. they annandale, to actually basically stuff out the truth. i mean, you might lose paper publish is a and you know, and there's a lot because we are under occupation and june 7th, and for years and years and years when we went over to them in the print edition was great swats of empty space because the sensor wasn't taken out completely so they have as well as all we've done that is it printing not yet. and our field study cannot handle the truth. and therefore it is just not that out. now more revelations from seymour hersh, the pulitzer prize winning journalist claims that washington swept peace negotiations between russia and ukraine. of the table. just months ago, the american official who's kept abreast of the ongoing talks between leaders of the 2 armies at war, said that officials of the bite and administration working with zalinski continued
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to rebuff any chances of significant progress and peace talks. we were on the verge of a reasonable negotiation several months ago before putin's re election. and zalinski is military degradation. the us leaders got wind of the possibility and gave zalinski the ultimatum. no negotiations or settlement, or we won't support your government with the $45000000000.00 and non military funds . meanwhile, the european council is looking to use the profits from russia's frozen assets to provide gift with more military equipments. the council president says the move we'll see approximately 3000000000 euros be sent to you claim this year. we had a good set it up. once again. i was to both for you created and we made very important decisions, especially vitamins, it's possible to, to, to reach for profit. there's a proposal to the date of, of the commission that don't need to activate. we creaking so that it can take a bulk of to somebody to support to create intrusion, or there's
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a possibility we submitted to ridiculous that that comes as the polish precedence andre, due to has claimed the rushes, the fine to launch a war against may. so within the next 2 or 3 years, a lot in some way of a bunch different from my point of view, it's a question of common sense of the item you reports are coming in. and i recently saw one by tillman next, but we said that soon pops as early as 2026 or 2027, mostly gluten by putting his economy on a wolf with thing. we'll have such a military. might that he'll be able to attack nato. okay, then the alarm bells ringing. suddenly we have 2 or 3 years in which we can increase our efforts, that people stop pulling munitions and produce weapons to maximize european security. get ready and make sure the invasion doesn't happen. the former virginia senate, which is a blank, says that without to use simple ukraine's war, if it would not be sustainable. i think that he correct way of services that a,
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unless the united states is behind the ukraine more it's, it's, it's going to and it's going to and may have waiting for ukraine because they just, it's, it's, it's tragic. it's one of the great tragedies of our time that the nato has pushed new crane due to fighting and it's just the white. i think the plan all along has been to have you, craig, quite as long as i possibly can. i've. i'm very worried that the overall plan now is i think there's a realization that ukraine has more or less lost or more now their lines are holding. i haven't talked india, but they're structural. same way. and honestly it's, i think it's just
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a matter of time before the line collapses at some point, and there are to break through and they're just are not in north few crania and men left to man the, the rooms. so there is a, there's a realization that the situation is desperate for ukraine. they're only really 2 countries on earth today that truly understand how to find one, the modern ballot. it's not the united states. so to, i'm sure that you crank your brain, see, the pretty effective job of finding and attacking or deciding. and russia has done it. just it monumental job of, of a stablish and differential range. very effective defense lines. and,
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and right now you have, you have washer mobilized, where you have the industry very, very effective and producing the additions and so forth. there was a tremendous amount in, in russia's favor right now. and i'm not sure how easy it will be for the united states to to get people in thursday. i'll stick about another more will do to audit the russia must be stopped in ukraine to prevent a war with nato. that's a polish general also echoed this saying the most goes preparing for a sunroof with nato and poland, to intern respond the same way with see with full collaborative changes taking place in russia. and we're drawing conclusions from this to put it simply a rush. he's preparing for a conflict with nature, with full awareness of the fact that the alliance is a defensive structure. for the us marine corps office of scott bits. the claims of
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the polish will start to statements. i meant to provoke russia. i don't believe that russia was involved in negotiations. the rest is winning this war. the only negotiation will be unconditional surrender. nobody in nato believes that russia is going to launch a unprovoked attack, index, nato. that's insanity. anybody who studies the russian military right studies, russian doctrine in studies, rushes, you know, national security posture knows that russia is not configured to launch a, a on provoked attack. but as russian president vladimir putin has said that if a nato attacks russia all bets are off, so the polls know they're getting ready to provoke the russians. they also know that the russian military, under the orders of, of wherever putting is expanding, increasing the size and capabilities of its military up because russia is not going to sit back knowing what nato is getting ready to do and do nothing and respond. so,
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you know that, that's, that's what's happening right now. the polls know that they're getting ready to provoke the russians. and so they have to create the political conditions inside poland, inside nato, to come up with a military capacity capable of standing up to, you know, any potential russian counter action. so that's what's going on. this is a deliberate promotion provocation by made. ready against russia, and now they're realizing that there's going to be a price they have to pay. meanwhile, the polish foreign minister has said that ukraine's military success does hinge on the us, fulfilling his promises. you said that you are going to continue to push the washington . it's keeps fine, a t, f. the success of your grade is now a matter of the us credibility, and in the us support. so ukraine was a stop. i think us allies around the world would notice and would start heading. actually, as the comments came during an interview with an american broadcast on the board
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and ukraine, the foreign minister also said that the you should lead by example if washington falters and it's 8 shipments that says the republican let the house of representatives refuses to approve. another round of funding for ukraine is many little make us calling for spending to focus on domestic issues. instead, the we spoke with a journalist also daniela's office as a public is spreading in europe as ukraine sustained small offices. the credit isn't i really get a tough spot and the fact that the us may very well and ends up not pat, not approving military aid, will have very dramatic consequences on the battlefields and uh and, and the ukraine. we're entering into the most dangerous part of the war. russia is winning the frame is losing and panic is reading in your polish presidents that the rush is preparing for war. in fact, it's going to seek for with nature. within 2 or 3 years. russia has repeatedly said it's not going to attack any nato
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a country. poland leader appears that was something we don't just your view on this . if you with this is a class, a case, a psychological projection, where other words, where, where poland projects its own aggressive tendencies onto russia and somehow therefore blaine's rusher for what is intent on doing that? there's been, no doubt, no doubt whatsoever that the main aggressive thrust of the last 10 years has come from need. russia has been primarily defensive. this is no doubt about that. the, the historical record is quite clear. the by the, the washington made this war 5 that the, the obama administration 5 backing this the. busy nazi lead, who dates high n a n t, as in february, 2014, essentially set the scene for this is disaster. so i never knew it, but it's, and this, this way he was sure the us and the at the end,
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it's ukrainian proxies would when, but now they're, they're losing, they're in a panic and they have no idea what to do. that's all you put in the official has insulted a senior chinese diplomats doing a live interview. they made a play on words with the months and i'm sending it into an upsetting the schools in the nothing was the was the most and musical was the promotion is as easy as a boy simple was done. so when he might, as well as camp continues to face mounting defense on the battlefield, it's clear that ukraine's the secretary of the national security and defense council, i would say to neil of this, resorting to some low brow tactics. name, calling essentially the chinese representatives. last name way resembles a very nasty crude word in russian and ukrainian, which essentially means penis in english. and so after leeway came to crane looking
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to bring the conflict closer to peace, mister than you thought it would be appropriate to make fun of the special representative from china. his last name. there's no room for misinterpretation here either because you can see clearly on the video that the humor was not lost on the anchors that were conducting this interview. but it's also no secret that the new of has taken issue in the past with chinese, with china's position on a potential peaceful resolution of the conflict and ukraine. specifically that beijing says they will not participate in any sort of peace negotiations that do not include moscow at the negotiating table. nevertheless, china's foreign ministry has said that it's still going to continue to try to work towards a peaceful solution. mm hm. the have been some of the cases that he created and politicians up throwing out in souls like these 2 people who they disagree with. is it just sort of kids diplomacy tactics? well, that's definitely true. i mean, ukrainian officials have a very long track record of this, of throwing insults that politicians for whether it be all love salts,
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calling him liver worst store, saying that indians and chinese people are weak minded. joe, probably my easy guy. what is the problem with india? china and so on. and the problem of these countries is that they do not analyze the consequences of their own steps because the intellectual potential of these countries is unfortunately weak. acting like an offended dilemma was, doesn't sound very statesman like we are not ready to give our freedom to this generous bulletin. that's it. now, in the past, not much has been done about this nasty rhetoric from t of, so it's not likely that it's going to erupt into a political scandal, but it sure does represent some sort of desperation and key of when nasty words and insults are used to basically replace what is lacking on the battlefield because of my colleagues, nicky are and, and don't call to the to contribute to tells us it is clear that ukraine isn't serious about improving dialogue with patient. what are they even doing at this
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point? how does this even help you frame it? does it? and china is call me or process on is pro good. china has a pro se is willing to take on the role of a broker for peace between ukraine and russia. and present 20 set fees. receptive to is a chinese proposal smell. we know, let's not going to pretend ukraine is a sovereign nation at this point because we know there could have been peace back in march 2022, except for it's johnson concept. and how the printing office shows to call it off because europe will have ukraine's back. so just a ridiculous statement and, and it was highly on professional. i don't think the chinese will even pay any mind to this because they're, they understand these uh these, these ukrainian clause. they're just puppies are their puppies of the west of washington. and now to have a real cheese,
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a commitment to cheese. it's not up to the liskey and his l. c is really, you know, he has to wait for the whole a, from ne, to and from watching that in the last the questions, what do these ukraine or official do i mean, i mean, like really, if you look at the resume of the ukraine president zalinski and his former career is a committee and maybe that's what they know, bass, you know, making a clause show of himself. but again, that does not help you. great. it does not help you crave people. a does not create peace as an i'll just ever let investigation into the events of october, the 7th place multiple rape allegations and the scrutiny also. and he's very proud to send you and conflicts specialist profess, and no more finkelstein officers take on those events. and that's the latest episode of going to the ground, which as throughout the day till nazi made a quick cheese of the familial packed in report
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ended up being the most compelling evidence that there was widespread rate and sexual violence on october 7th. so you might be wondering how can that be all the media were saying, here's the post. we have to prove, we have a smoking gun, the premier of a 1000 report, the print bill attack and the board show this enough carefully. number one, they were supplied. overwhelmingly with the evidence sunday, as well. the government may examine fluid from every conceivable and go by every secret consumable type of logical device. and you'll have to remember that the area was about to go. so which means it must have been among the most heavily surveilled areas and go over this through. and here's the, here's the upshot, the character they said in the report they couldn't find one single image
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or frame of sexual violence, no one. and this is israel's best case number to has yet sunk in because it was a complete shock to me when i was ready to get because this is supposed to be the smoking, gun, clothing searching violence. number to they said they couldn't find a single scrap of what they call medical legal evidence, meaning forensic evidence on sexual violence, not a single strep. and then number 3, they said none of the victims went struck for now the usual argument is because most of them are killed the victims. that's the how the argument goes. that's not what the to happen. the board said,
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go look at it. why have you written this piece about the rate fantasies of criminal about them and why every other day you'll hear on mainstream, the public and the media in nato countries, sexual violence as the excuse. so i haven't looked at it myself, but other people have cited this us of this repair that was done by frank long since a very influential analyzer of public opinion in the us be in the us. and what this study shows was, were pertaining to the events of october 7. when he, when there was asked to list which kinds of evidence of most influenced you in your support of israel. they said number one was right. so it was from the point of view of public relations and
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galvanizing public support. it was known by them of the propagate, or is of this claim that it was we can use the words, it was the most potent weapon in their propaganda arsenal. the finally, you and agencies are sounding the alarm is 5 times more tech waste finds it's way too long fields rather than recycling stations. are we sort of followed by the body estimates of 62000000 tons of the waste were produced in 2022 alone. and just to put that into perspective for you, that volume would fill one and a half 1000000 trucks. and that's enough to hold the line around the equate to you and says it's a waste generation is rising by 2600000 songs annually. metals including
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compet gold and i in make a profit of the wells, the waste, the rest of which are plastics, composite materials on glass. while the waste poses a threat to public health and the environment across the world, most the you countries have chosen africa as the dumping ground. are to be said that the confidence receives and almost continuous stream of containments, filled with discarded items from electronic waste to clothing kayla incense around $12000000.00 pieces of used clothing for disposal, impacting african soil and water and see best understand the scope of the issue. we spoke with the found off, you know, kenya, who's an advocacy organization for public sanitation or that it was, that is coming from your boss is coming into the country. because of course, you know, when they send that with, they don't declare that it's west. uh, for example, we did that in such a clean up. okay. now that would change them up at foundation where we found out
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that's up to 40 percent off. that is coming from the united kingdom is essential, not be a by the clock, is to damage to be the one to sign. it's to sign it's an appropriate so kind of should i need an appropriate. so in this kind of thing, the company i'm not about to be used, they find their way into the environment as well. and i don't need any of that for me if it's something major we but we'll be taking over to take you through all of the top stories in about half an hour's time. thank you very much for your call. the
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the we are in north a city, a in the congress has mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. armstrong thomas, this is in mind visions. and today we're discovering of the world of a subject culture. the. the 1935 passes easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over ethiopia. by that time,
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ethiopia was the only fully independent states on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to feed the italian colonies and defend their independence. since then. rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. d. d. o. b, an armed forces bogged courageously, but the roots allergy of the tell you and knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia by the fascist 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval.
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britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fastest expansion in the world and paving the way for the outbreak of world war to the line. scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer and he served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del bailey. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and gather the facts to take back to the american people. for the course or
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the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding. so i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the wounds in the street, the level of the building was being collapse. i wanted to see the soldiers that were fighting and hear from them why they were fighting, fighting started in their opinion, and.
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