tv Inland Visions RT March 22, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT
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the summer executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new show it seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted all opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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the we are in north a city, a in the caucus is mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. i'm sean thomas. this is in mind visions. and today we're discovering of the world of a such and culture the
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we are heading to the city of the dead. a mysterious medieval village called the guns that escaped in miss and legends in years gone by. it was claimed. those who visited would never emerge on life. but we'll take our chances the this place is fascinating. there's an incredible energy here. it kind of feels like we're going back into the ancient times, if you will. where are we exactly? what is this place? as a matter of fact, this is an ancient or medieval symmetry. but the way it is arranged is absolutely unusual. what we have here, uh, the so called vols. the was supposed to be it too and the houses for the
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deceased. and the i believe the all the things that have fall were open to and it to uh who impressing every person that gets into the under the influence. now in terms of cities of the dead, this guard is one of the biggest in a set you up in terms of the crypt themselves inside some of the people a to the rest are in the boat like structures even. i can't help but think about the river styx and greek. mythology. are they related to how does something from greek mythology end up all the way here in a said to greek, this all or do is also both in the european root and the assertions belong to the uranium branch. all that is still recall, the cultural community and in this is of course we have relations. but
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to my mind, lose the coal fields with the kettle, fetus. and the s cancel fee, those they have the idea of it to an o wife. and the, to me could pick 2 more convincing, i should say that when the woman was giving this to a new born child, she would also lead down into this feed to. and then this feed the, because the place where the past and future to meet each other. now strategically located is this place symbolic, even in its placement uh in our conversation before you're talking about,
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we're really at the center of the universe. exactly. and the, that sensory is a, just to the right side of my hand, this is to beau full, full for us, issuing means mountain to bow is the piercing only. and it is connected with lead. rose was the riots which are very important in a session ethnic, cultural tradition. what about these towers that we see everywhere or family towers? um, what do they mean? i mean, they're everywhere in terms of when you're going through the mountains of family tell was with so it's all the cost. so they were erected to be uh for to see cation, the construction for the family. this on the why to one hand, all the other hand,
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they will also secrets as they was a, symbolizing mon 2 and the some toys they were used for worship. those in ethics tradition that we read that he most wrote follow with big 3 paws go up to the toe and free to the gold because she was closer to having. so i've heard this phrase when doing research for, for this program that you can't build a tower from a ruined village, but you can build a village from a ruined tower. what does that mean? that's males. that's a key rule should be attributed to the human beings to people. if there are no people, there is no use of any so, and you tell me how to react to it. i guess the general idea
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is that with all the people, there is no life. there is no community. there is no. so what about some of these towers date all the way back to the 15th century. they're very old. so some families are trying to restore their towers. some are building new towers. what does it mean for a family to actually have a tower? and that's was the symbol of the high social status. it wasn't that easy. we use to model the buildings and we ever didn't clear look down at the, at this. so i came to, i was made over the simple stones, yet it needed the several years to erect such is and
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so and it, uh, i need it very much to have to build this because the technique itself requires the slipping cool. it says that uh, today we do not even realize now i know that here in a city they worship christianity. there's also islam, and there's also their own a certain religion as well. is it true that a orthodox christian and an a muslim considered at the same table after worshipping and not have any problems? so let's absolutely through the audio underlying the this fact is that a session to addition, adults both christianity and the east loan within the frame of the so called into european culture hero. and the, the, an idea of underlying boost calls is the readiness of the hero to sacrifice one's
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old, one's own life. you favor of the community in favor of the human times. from this point of view, the soul to the, to jesus christ as to why it was the hero who was ready to go to save the others. and the riots over to sacrifice shall animal is also in practical manifestation of this idea. in this alarm, literally screwed up on both of them, which also the many says the same audio and the families were one browser would go to the tools and the other would go to move to the mosque and the going back home in the evening. they would the
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assemble, their own traditional, the 3 pause and pray to go to my to do it was absolutely no problem. the synergy of religion and culture. could you say that that's the basis of what it means to be a setting to my mind. it sees the basic idea beings that, that the road, the difference ways that the, the to one and the same go that is the good old molly to me and for you personally, someone who has lived here you're from here, you've studied the history here. what does it mean for you? when i say i said to you, it is a mazda one, it is the place where i belong, and the it is the place where the wheels volunteer,
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and that is the center of the universe. is the city. right? thank you very much, appreciate it. you're. busy welcome, the when you drive through the mountains of north of cities, you come across these giant installations every now and again. they are almost like easter eggs that serve people with a little reminder of where they are. we're off to meet our towards music off the man behind this project. thank you for a meeting us out here. this is really a beautiful piece. so i have to ask, is this just a piece of art, or is there more meaning behind it? besides, you look at the, we created the sculptures and installations to capture the various aspects of
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associates history through contemporary on. so it is just very simple. this unless it was nice and this particular work about the depth on it can raise a lot of symbolic significance for us on the switch. and so will each. so if the meaning is to promote a setting and culture. uh, how does a letter or a wheel or a giant cornucopia achieve that task, posted civil customer for services. we built these pieces with a lot of tourist. so being coming to take pictures, you some old poppy dozen others as the wheel, for example, is so massive and it just draws people to it. besides what see, it also represents the wheel of some sort of a symbol of a ton of the sake of life. and lots of visitors like taking pictures around is he's good news. let's just as for the corner copious or the phone, we have plenty. we created it because uh, grandfathers and grandmothers, because back when we were small, had these phones hanging on the walls said meant that every house,
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so have the own abundance of something or to give this to and now the more decades laser, you mean most people by the throne, the swans away on most of the blue last this valuable piece of history and username and so was the abundance is symbolized. every family has moved on somewhere, sewage crossed over into motor, and it's a, it's of a mind that john hall and we installed on the side of the rug is to honor the memory of our grandparents. still one time we saw older people heading up that find them when they sold a hole. and they pointed that in and said, we used to have a home like that or boy at home. we was so happy to hear that you use. it meant that we basically achieve the goal. we set out for this off piece, the sale to quote, you know, workshops, but yeah, we follow a sort of strategy or approach to make pieces of odds which while modern fits and still have a certain sense of history to them, a sense of the old or man, but we tried to combine these 2 forms. i could describe the same goes for all
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sculptures and installation. there's intercourse with these pieces of molding not yes, ma'am, you know, but all that is, we also have a national significance for us national and historical significance, and that's in the same is true the kissing fund is. it's an ancient musical instrument, as well as the, towards the bodies made in a kind of a modern style for border. so to me and i'm still now you have said that you have agreement to create a symbol that would unite all of a set you. what would that symbol look like? mazda is, we've got quite a few workshops here in the set. yes, i'm with. so we can pull resources for joint projects, filler. one place makes a leg over the other hand cetera for to and then you just bring these workshops together and completes it. now what exactly could we choose for the piece with more with it could be a knowledge acquainted with my hero of assess the young folks or was it we could choose a specific county to from the not. and then we have out schools of all levels to participate in the project school to bring people together and organized
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a competition to the best design and working with them. so like one stops on the project at the time. you are an artist, obviously you have pride in a set you up because you've created this project. what does it mean for you to have something like this as a representation, as an artist? here in a set you personally most beautiful. we want you to know what's the most important thing we get out of this as quickly. maybe when your kid, your parents often feel anxious about what you're going to be when you grow up. what i did to this is that i had a team of about 8 people with them and off to the objects were installed. and the project got a lot of attention was of. so i found out that the parents of my team members were really happy to mind. you, boy approach me personally as the creator of these objects for through and told me that there was so proud to see what the children are doing. i'm no good, but you're not hearing those parents woods. he's meant more to my heart than anything more than having my name on that saying why to
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the music is an important part of a such and culture and making musical instruments is a secret act. for many years, the, from the factory has been making and renovating musical instruments, according to engine rules, techniques and traditions the, the, the time alone. um, i know that you follow the most ancient rules and techniques in tradition for making your instruments. what are some of the most important ones? when we started the work, we knew that these instruments were authentic because of safety and have a very few of them left to. many of the instruments that existed did not survive the mongol invasion to moments to move. people had forgotten this sound language.
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given that we knew that the kitchen fund did, and the deluxe, and it would be coming from solid wood to make these 2 instruments resonate. craftsman originally used to live up because they couldn't make other materials work at the time. we also started with math originators, but we realized that the exact sound had been lost over time. so we couldn't make them sound like they showed in the end, we started making the deck out of would be something that i found it incredibly interesting is that a luther has to have an incredible reputation. meaning that you can't be solely by crime or have your name hurts in any way. so in terms of being an instrument maker doesn't, being an incredible craftsman, is simply being enough or do you, i mean, why do you have to have such a good reputation? do this, that's an interesting source. and i think it was people with highly developed musical sensors who had the requisite qualities and the 1st place they have to be pillar of soul in mind,
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as it said in the not so i guess the sagas speak of at some us a creator of instruments produced sounds so noble that the musician seemed incapable of any wrong doing either. the oldest instruments we have today is set to being created by a not named still don't to return from a long do i need to find his children killed. and by now he didn't know why and was beside himself. he took the hand of his eldest son to make the neck of an instrument and use some of the other bones to make the resonate to us and says, that's how he use the remains of his children to create the instruments known as the doing. dustin on this and the depth of it sound and its ability to express sorrow was so great that it became the most popular instrument among the settings for centuries. and the idea of the lucy, i must have a pure heart and mind is always present enough tales. is this also? what about the type of wood that you use? is there any special specific would or is it just any generic would, might work? the sooner traditionally of course we continue what's being done for centuries. we
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have maple, i mean sick, i'm all maple. so the dick the body body is made out of that. the so that we use the spruce, the residence of these. so we haven't moved away from some of the canons of instruments making its way with the used to be popular. and it was necessary for residents, wild parents military because of the composition of the water and we held sound. well, today we've come to the point where the body is made of maple in the resume to res spruce. what about the preparation for the would you have to do anything special to it? i heard that sometimes you might even have to boil it. is that true? a visa, certain angle, the odd woods must be boiled to extract the excess sample recently. so it becomes more porous, which means it reflects sound. well, very exclusive models. we drive the would naturally for 5 or 6 years. but the would we boil is beach and maple and when we pull in it because it gives a clearer, a sound reflection struck the various likes to use spruce from georgia for the body . and what would you use? the word exposure to mentally was mostly from the northern slopes of south of
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santia, the spruce trees that grew, that had a good sound reflection from one of them. so he loved that type of would spend a lot of money to get it from here. so so, so we're also taking advantage of this proposal sitting momentum. i know that there are a lot of different superstitions and traditions about these instruments. for example, being able to tell the weather from how the instrument looks. can you talk to me about then the it's an interesting question. the practice, the only involves this instrument and mitigation fund did you find the most skin is tied to the stretch to produce the right temperament, to, to prevent it from shrinking. they used to heat it up from time to time. from the however, when the weather changed, the instrument would shrink and little the same. it would then be this happened due to increased moisture in the end condensation. so the settings could tell the instrument had shrunk by the sound produced, which also meant the weather was changing. what the people might not seeing that in the bones and those that the instrument would always respond to changing with them . another important aspect is that the sound pit show the frequency of the string was used to rescue people from under land slide door avalanches,
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which in bad weather can cause smooth drift here. because if someone went hunting or to fetch, hey, they couldn't under one to do this instrument is the one to use to find them was a rescue which would play it over the snow testing. it's deb, it's more than you think of with when there was a cavity beneath the strings started to sound different, so they dig in that spot and for a couple of people. and when you, with this method is described in many sources, many people know about it. so again, it was only the kitchen fund that was used for that limit, a change, and it stream patch indicated that the people trapped under the snow. you mean, we haven't done this with our instruments, but the fact is it's part of a history. it's an alpha tales. you know, sound as, as me is who played play one note like this. again and the game has and a slight change and the pitch would tell him there was a person under the snow. that's what they used to do. so that's something i sounds fascinating is i heard that to get the right kind of would you have to pick would
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that is on the southern facing slope of the mountain? is this true and why is the, is that that was to yes, that's true. the distance between the growth rings of a song tree is important. why? the japanese were the 1st to prove that equal spacing between tree ring. so when 10 general cuts and made to provide soup of sound reflection. sure, the correct what you said. it's a very important detail. this needs to be taken into consideration when the what is count, votes him in the spaces between the tree and rings should be perfectly equal as well. then the sound is echoed properly. but it's all because this moves the vibrational properties of the wood on how long does it take to make an example? for example, this one right here. how long does it take you to make from beginning to end? move dunham? so this instrument, it was made from a hollow, dallas block of wood. the cutting, the body from blood is a traditional techniques that we use. it took us 2 months to make it. you have to be very careful when removing wood from the sound bucks to insure universal
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sickness, vital for even improper sound reflection and dylan. so it took us around 2 months to cross this instrument. i understand that this is not your specific instrument, but you do play. do you mind is demonstrating what you can do? i'm not, that's good with the bonuses, but i can show you something on a pluck string instruments this the fun deal here. and do. ready the . ready ready the
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oh, to explore the page here in the the 1937 militaristic, japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. of the dies, the city of nazi leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead . on december 13th,
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the japanese occupied 9 z and states real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out. mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. so c r. e and my guy and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us. or this monstrous competition was widely reported in the japanese press to the non being massacre slaves the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world. history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the address of the phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation, freezes, yasu e to
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a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the treatment, the daily news cpd with the story on page go level the use of solutions, stuff which i see to shifted in each because each time she couldn't. miller well collected, ftp 2 photocopy slip to discuss the dizzy on this before they have to do is to make sure that you create excuse that are needing as much as 40 co explorer social disposable green. some doors not say i thought i would have done conflicting the thoughts about pushing of centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier
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because your steps blink, europe, and asia, but ukrainians that become frontiersman of another. so the people who will be able to send these will be some of those, whichever i measure them is always, you know, going to use because i jumped with most goals. they would have been that much. a lot of the heavily negligence coleman 0.9. your post bouquets gift to suck you the will have to okay, and the under the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is
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a conflict with the 1st law show you live in to the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to makes a trust rather than to the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with human of the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the divide. ministration is allowed israel's genocidal assault on god's sakes to become a her wrist. expect to go for the entire world to watch. the wasn't administration knows exactly what is real is doing and what it wants to achieve. biting is a willing participant to this unforgiving crime. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the one civilian is killed and the latest ukrainian strikes on the russian borders to the the rod hitting a heavy populated residential area. the, as the run up most is really offensive kills at least $140.00. and god says, i'll keep on hospital this week, this place the civilians are forced to flee the medical complex, where they saw shelter, taxi and them house party, and let them in our 1st meeting without any clothes. and then they left the women house and i'm making us hold our hands up. the 1st is to go to the south. it has been a no dead zone since october, 1 of 40 threes, really communities along the border with lab and on in the north. the turns into
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