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tv   Documentary  RT  March 24, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

11:30 am
the only solution because if you choose to cause federal, what else do you think within those the mist village is to put the global pretty cross than the good person it says gets it is a it's and this is literally the floor that i was doing that i need you to the, to the what, the spit i do, and i suppose by us then probably on the west side of things, but little, simple stories to chipped vehicles because didn't, you couldn't move in. you are see the so that good you should see it. yeah. but you studies just give me, i'll come with a new stores. no muller has to be a little bit that could be a couple of stall. could i use it and see because i think we 3 shows on teach, they put me on mean a cream me still see the quick. are you still been able to go on you? is it possible you can use it? yeah. so what you will but not so we for
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the rest of the boat, did you get a lot easier? so let me just see. so that's the most popular. we have a case you were thinking of something we said we'll be able to put both those on. let's show vehicle that. that stuff. yeah. if it's on the bottom of the yeah, i will chat with you. yes. little was try with it. got the origin voted for cream, will not part of the fiesta, the ceiling fans the mac cuz you went to them but a sub just to a full but of degree with the seats this long issue, the local for so that's the issue of a 60 page whole, the way it will give you the best selection of the somewhere, but suddenly i'm with what's the zip code as cost it of silverfish as low as mine at the moment. sheets saved elizabeth, as though as dumb to do
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a practical approach, the general se preferred to mention a little note. just let me see what i mean. what shall, because philly, folks, i just thought i'll wait just to put it in the south coast, but it's always as low as the cut off. no, no. oh, the, the problem the you, what was the most of more than you looked tough to major reconstruction, bought a club will have a more than the altering center that they will be cleansed and deepened on the merino will accommodate up to $600.00 vessels. all buildings will be restored on
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the waterfront, the area will give a face lift, a public beach, new restaurants and shops will open the the little bit more. second, on the phone a monday. mm hm. the balaclava underground, new se, during the cold war, it was a top secret facility. in the 1990s, the former military base was broken off a scrap metal. what was left was turned into a museum. today its thing to the featuring interactive areas and multi media zones . lots good on google. it, but the food comfortable thing was yeah. one of those colors was somebody in the show, shoot me put in your child's on the the many years the museum design to main exhibits
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as a sub laurise. after all, this facility was built a service in house submarines. the give you the look for something new for you so much for the most come floor to toy, which one would show us that you do this update overboard of the pictures? not some go additional blue or did you 3 months universe you put those cover me the next. my next question was in them. come fix it so much as well. now let's go in your garden, the tim stall. i'm asked. bear with me and i'll wait for the fiddle weighs $3.00, including the $0.50, but it gets the conflict. so that shows the portable advantage of it is just sorta can yet though with z o v as a start most get the divide. so because of the way to moist vehicle the so that's the daughter portion of scott and i'm going to flip sides of it with you. me a 2nd. i'm going if i've got, if i was so do you like uh, girl me for them the conflicts got the only little scott already you show margaret when you see it. so i hope i told them a lot to get currently is code non thinkable aircraft carrier due to at strategic
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location. there's no alternative. this of us still post deep water base. the blank c fleet base is always being rushes southern stronghold. but under ukraine, it's future remained a matter of political speculation. i'm black mile the even which was spoken, leaving human weave. let unity so we'll store, looks the news. custodianship leaves almost a little bit and you from we can complete the place they stay and it will still have some plans for the voice of just sort of the subject unit, the store sheila students to go to supervisor. sure. do you know who's doing it when you go in the store, this is for those are going to watch. i just don't see me on with the news or was
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it then you said, you know, the yeah, the soon as you book it into the machine you the mac symbol, i'm assuming suspended is there to someone who can do for, for the 1st opportunity for some one is presented to the boys, get sticky, they're perfectly still computer because they need somebody to do the procedure or they'll go so one is 0 or 2, we want, what is the system which there's the for the fish to the go. so on and the, the procedure to go to the new server. so you have to, yes, a weekly. all right, and this computer to where to go. the ticket to me to the most ridiculous but then we'll just put it back and we'll do it. but the sort of course is actually one of course, thank you. you know, the computer because it's not the messages for us. what do i need? you know, the pretty good performed the them very slip to complete all commands collecting seriously. it means nothing to lose knowing them full as
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a new you know what the case that we typically do for those. many of them are new for us if invalid fidelity, assuming the piece of fuel and it was going back sooner. so when you mothers to it, the just keep up with just a 2nd off the one us of an approval for what with this it is that so what was it was on the surface, the shipping that pretty much even the message is for lucas loose it up as being associated with the school, what is the law, who doesn't really know what it is taking you that it was just you can think of those over the usually originally is it was will do the pre existing condition the so what was i thought just so that i'm on the cornerstone for flu season. we can just close the class and he will this was the session with sort of the of each of them symbol of the punch in the school. we was kind of associated here because i have to fill them up or i guess they go for full, you know, i think and somebody of course are satisfying and bring it to the next available. and probably what, what do you think this could be inconvenient for me? but then we have also both ways and all afraid. yeah. well good afternoon. thank you boss. to present that personally in some new or less to for the nation pollution full of settlement, a good training,
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but give her those ever seeing this that is clearly enough. you know? yes, i need somebody to display the book and those are the cause. i'm not supposed to move just the stuff. what is the amount of, or the for the food it doesn't, it doesn't like was that the florida major go because they have for going in for our community to see if the, if the, the pleasure of knowing what the phone a politician can benefit from the boy, yes most to show it in the book the some gus in the plans and let's just sort of see what. so what are some of the truths the most federal work? the road soon appeared a no just any road, a large scale transport infrastructure connecting crimea with mainland russia. the
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crimean bridge, a unique piece of engineering, connected the main line with the peninsula. but it turns out to be something more than that. it's become a symbol of the re unifications for many years, millions of people had been wasting full concurrently construction of the modern temp rita highway was progressing the drums through the inside and into that today . here's a to tiring 5 to 6 hour trips can be completed in half the time. the new road connect service still put with cash and producing federal bypassing settlements. independence, who has large cities during construction assigned to vic discovery with my under the new road here. the village of the uh, the longest caving find me is sub mounting range was discovered at 6 full of passages alone. extend 2000 meters. what are those who were, you know, of course you're gonna know what to do, why it's color didn't put a new proposal. why stolen 96 for it feels thought it's real
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specific is really difficult. going to be on the horses. it's difficult to when you kind of the issue, especially in your little history, because in a bit of a longer be sure to what we're gonna do is go to the exclusive program point, is doing that introduce essentially just a 2nd. you have a shuttle, people's life, a slight delay, and it's not in the course almost existed. this is the newest, the best way for efficiency estimate that they've done. if i'm not coming up on time, if you want us to send the truck to them or somebody have to fly him over to not to the bottom of that particular solution is yours for us to put them into somebody to, to put close up front of us to come to visit the systems. we found that we did a flyer for the rest of the regional and the soviet era crummy was considered a energy deficient has to be on the account with about 30 percent of the peninsula is power russians aligned with in 2014, everything changed, completed in reco,
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breaking time since a robust reach has got a t p p and save us still post by the kolowski i t p p. a key to crime is new energy system. and now the peninsula is energy independence. eric crime is perennial problem supplies of fresh water that was aggravated in 2014 when ukraine blocked the north crime in canal under warranty. up located in see is strategic the important facilities of being built in the us in federal and service built in the future. you won't have sources will be source dissemination, plans will be built in water supply system. this will be more than nice from this down to the crime in spring incorporation with russia to focus this being on the destroyed health care system benefit from mountain surgery. people used to have to go to the capital. today there's a comprehensive patient support system for more than room medical posts to multi purpose health center. the think was in the midst of villages to put
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the book, teach us because of the last bullying they go, the list of the 3 cross like a person says get set the unless one of the computers come over for the wrong. if that is and also some obo, for some of pacific, they were ordering that the possible it which will boost the pseudo is simple because of its own which, but it needs so strongly. so just plenty of it for probably didn't come through my own research as proposal and you know, i'm not sure if i have a formal for the most of them. but that's the category. it was a conditional, i guess thing is a false conformation. you have control over both of the assessment results goals for, for an official if the position is as the filter. so sort of we want to schedule some courses. i'm interested. sure. sure. sort of shows on
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the list is the procedure for the collision leaving. it'll go through the distance students to go to do a beautiful daughters to participate, precludes over in was also starting to see what the way to a residence a go a. so i don't, as we need to get to use this was for the deputy boot camp of center and we see it shows up on the i see a was mostly what i would use it, but i so you can keep all going on with my jewelry for some of you that i'm mulling was usually just how long it takes to take that, so it gives it as it is a for. so it is from that. but certainly if i were just was making sure. can you just uh, what do you mean you posted it? that said he was what right now. uh, supposedly most likely, when did you the,
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the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community invest in most all sense and up in the system to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question,
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did you say a request for check? the, the real progress is impossible without developing science and higher education. 2020, to rush to announce the decade of science and technology and crime, it hasn't been sidelined about change of the peninsula is reading. universities have already received development grounds from the ministry of education of science . students from the mainland, being attracted to local educational centers. using those lines as signs have gone from is developing not only through major federal projects, talented people that are reviving education science and supports the young chest. blair said,
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get kind of yakking to think that his skills right here today in his hometown since the robot to celebrate the grand mazda is passing the baton to future champions. you know, just let you know, think about shopping with it and then go to the new step as i'm, you know, stuff going to be official a, you know, since the book disagree with them, it's just supposed to my dismissal names here. so i want to include phone probation or forcing you to it's a member of also thought go through us a book of real simple city. monta looks good, which is next to suggest or did you the board should was morning, steve. tim will only the step of the things, the flu and the teeth. i'm just both hands on, you know, to get some other cool weeks. i can finish someone, go set us up and just put somebody. well, that's what we did with any minus. it's use them, i'm going to read it to him, obviously to the pushing thought that we did to him was a dealing with him. but those with you, i think it was a way to go to the school that they should do as i'm going to let me know that the books with me. i still don't have them. you know,
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most likely i do music could and you told them the main thing that you have to do is you please make a little slip. it is, i was wondering if it was completed in claim a start of the pre, i think, conformation up there that made it easy to go. so anyway, if it ends, i mean, we'll see you then last i see me, which isn't really that are showing up as in goodness and what's interesting to, you know, technically that's what you said good enough. well, yeah, but lots of lots from soon though. oh must be a suited was a me is $21.00. those are part of it and you do it if you do them the when we get new listing, could you please use of some of the car below the function and if it isn't the way to do it pretty well, just have to put us around to another credit, you know, and when did you live up with what you called, the ducking you can insure, you know, nobody's there and yet, but i'm a good solid was this you to divide? you know, the last of all you senior, some of the list of all is the say genius that i see the others. but the ones that the book, the well, those are the stupid in yes of the most the you think it's the most, do you think the look through most of the government for them or the various ethnic
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groups of loop a centuries on the peninsula, including the largest, the great russians, the russian empires tell, read up robbins the crime in or telling them assertion is republic and the ussr. and finally, the crimean region, after the great patrick building was traditional site has concern of which office, which way anyway, i think i'm going to quickly. so i don't profess gift central or show progress implants are own interest, the insurance, and the remaining percent over preventive, even where anyone who you talking to them, what was movies, do you remember what kind of what google motional showing was guess what them able to duplicate so then you're going to go to any brochures or for example, if anything super, she suddenly lose your shirts, the until 1954. crimea wasn't considered part of ukraine and civil stobel, a symbol of russian story was an independent unit subordinate to moscow. so it
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didn't prevent casteel from hunting the peninsula over to the ukraine and saw you can find this royal gift on the 300 anniversary of the periods, love, randa. it was celebrated on over the us as a and brotherly love between the 2. so having peoples was proclaimed for active youth, it's that easy meal to to as well. so those bundled me stuck with the little belittle him to let you know that the issue the whole sure we're going to do with them. the post clip cooks and just pull out of the windows computer. so what do you mean level? because i slowed ownership to the point are to you. so can we finish a scheme? what on this most of the don't come. but think of something when y'all's opinion by
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chance, motion, then you can, when you piece the shifts, and splunk of the rollers can squeak of what's the billing address showing like full instructional response was kind of devices sort of the same way here. i don't know if it doesn't allow any post the postcolonial for dinner, for the general. go over those off for us any field and you know, it's the kind of media listening. i'm going to postpone all those things. that was something you couldn't scare fulfilled or got from your professional interest in concerning the social, even though it's the perfect opportunity to polish, we can post them they would have seen with, you know, some of the links that we just have to position in which was less the model of the internet, just increasing the decision to close up the we wouldn't use the deal with the registration. well,
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i see you seem to be list have been using the vin number. she's like the addition with arms here. still, the show that the proof not on the dentist fundamental pond to the soviet hero was without doubt the tech stomach him again, the 2nd life with rushes with to the face. and basically it is a floor if that will, it has been totally just did the searching she did, and that's the good college for the ticket. the i think you move into the citric systems. so that is good. the paper for me was that the sort of the picture that i did. so let's go to watching the video. i think as much of the receipt the wish. don't you see a slight, easy to say it's a decent deal with that? i'm see, they don't go out much for joke with you'll collab beck and i'm glad i'm not glad
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the way this is being used in the cause of them with that dealing with him. but usually he asked me, try to get the length of the formulas unable to, to select from where's retail? i'm what that's what this thing from what i see. so you see the, i did have 3 photos this to me. you might have. so i don't have the vehicle from, you know, if i was on your wireless axis pain, pity, so you have to continue with the you. what i see in the photo was could have been full and i was, i suggest was, could pick it off. but if i was it for it, that's and you good i have, i guess that's when you kindly sense of you know, what, the reason why i'm cut daughter. what's the last for you, you know, go from somebody reflects what i'm having do. so somewhere in cities, right? yeah. but, but of course it puts me to rest is clothes and i feel is this is the child. and that's what i that's, that's the way you some idea of what you feel is to be slapped. i'm going to do
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with your issue with some of the more we still going to be a week simself simself that sort of project thought of the new couple. if it could be almost putting you on a sort of card e motivated or particular view, we thought of that, but there was some way i'd be to go more to your voice, longer fonts for the others to find you. so they really didn't, couldn't get the professionally now, but i lost the automatically just keep enough the assumption that people may 30 on so which kind of feel that you must be able to, i suppose i will not be able to find them, look at you unless the from us pretty nice and you left with the mark of the stress period. the anatomy could been less so than you on the reality of what if i connect to your domain. so it's a lot of the allow that we just keep my background check. the one you might have for the course of elizabeth sonya, the thought propose a bodies to mislead you out, the school simple. but the think about me is this lesson for somebody in the field . yeah, good. i am female. nickel flashed. i don't know where you had any book yet. so i'm
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wondering, you must come by strip. where for the question of date the matter sit, jealousy across me, an email, the only purpose to mention is lashelle. i'm gonna have to order 4 slots to find the receipt earlier. i sure can you see if i'm planning? keep for a simulated assisted logic of bush letter sent to the luxury who is typical cellphone type of the fire. so if you want me to look into the excel on your way up a little less than you're not going to proceed with at all. but on last thing you might start up on a package. did you see that we did most of the progress through about a senior course, your immediate cash to be fulfilled already the plan? of course you brought it to me. mine yet missionary from up in their products with beauty for believes that the best way to do it for trish label appraisal and the price of this particular customer that's newport news. we moved in the spit, ideally since by us, and i will probably an ethical, but i've heard of this 320 probation for forwarding, you on a family style which and then he wished to filling the problem. the other side,
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human pretty is one cream, live of short from one to 5. it's your car. just don't, i don't know why the percent of those fucking me. it's like somebody give me a call back on my cellphone. i had some, i'm looking at the united use, i finished my g o n by show at same time. yes. based on the fact that you got who i job got. i kinda know the synthetic between of tiffany stuff. got the 4 digits, almost 5, with the show of the cabinet. the crew are this chris, can you me the printer works for me to uh, ease of use to, uh, to a stop and see what's with us. get through. i looked at it said to you, so would you put the i to you but it should just feel i didn't look it up to most of your lives. that's of think this was pretty good for us to put in the remember i think of being able to say a vehicle to to get them uh to spend on the money into this thing. and so i'm just like them with the 50000 that would open and they've got say that will be on the trips the books, not sure if it was quite enough to make a deal out of things that would seem to put your trust to it for the night, but i think i'm going to get them. so let's start with the
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another iconic journey is one through crime is on palaces. these with this is the history of kept the secrets for centuries. you can't imagine opinions so without understood or something like that. it will, positional the task, as i said, either revise the theater. the deal with the idea is to use photos. kirkwood towed in the thick of the sky. what is, what's your order for? can you just send me an to yes. what's the zip code to take to to the discontinued ticket? the sure, of course, junior cisco, for this discussion, you're on sale for the teams to present pierce movie and she could have bought for it goes through the same for the sort of florida parents group of who is the zip codes that are into the toner for the conflict filtering and what i'm supposed to do it for me use of sorry go there wasn't she because i couldn't do is not on board
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. she was still professionally. the keep them have to figure it out and they could, i have to know which was on this is put across that would be just the park at the cost of i missed your call starting to feel a little different. but i don't know if you just gave me a local dentist and then was a, somebody, me a me via the goes through. i spoke with them with the local, i typically the class that are by some of the middle school park. it was middle class, a gift that i put in for the summer with some pictures right now. so it was still pretty simple to figure out what was lecturing you at the facility to place the companion moves up with so many of the, by the station that's to finish the. so what's popular is i can most of them my picture moving to this movie, probably the thing in the way it has to be just it is about letting you use it. do you happen to boast that it was deal and the just reason the ocean ocean loved to deal with this and everything goes clearly. i'll put us in the city suicide. and i see for those who the slightest c upset stomach, i do what i'm showing you, if you will notice before i lose you able to. so you're not moving. so he does up. so you have to store some gloves and augusta leslie,
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or if she's still on the the, by the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position. the income inequality ramp and illiteracy. this respect by
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the portuguese for the local traditions led to a mass unrest. getting 1964, the liberation front of mozambie for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but the guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders, the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however, pre limos 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the over throw the fascist regime in portugal in 1974, the new authorities surrendered a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie, but the victory had been gained at a high price during the war mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and
12:00 pm
daughters the aerial foot revealing the sheer scale of devastation following the friday night terror attack. and most both have left 137 people that work for you doing progress foods in watts shooting. yes. who people, what for for money, for how much money about us, how familiar, but for hire. as one of the terrorists, as he was paid to kill innocent civilians. meanwhile, authority discovered to assault rifles. i'm more than a 500 boat. it.


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