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tv   Documentary  RT  March 24, 2024 4:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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ation on casualties. a may of all the us has said it's a, has a stop underground storage facilities controlled by who the fighters in yemen are the us as a, it's in response to be who the group are firing for and to ship ballistic missiles towards the right seat. they who these have been targeting ships and links to each roll, which they say is an expression of solidarity with palestinians that are on the, on boardman. now we've heard from the representative all the young lady dice bar i in syria. adel had dad who said, who laid out clearly that you haven't is not validating international law. but the way it's showing support for palestine. as the majority of that lead, human is decided to join the fight called the alex, off flood, and it was welcomed by the entire year. many society including various political forces. this position is the position of a human each who considers it his duty to speak out on the side of those oppressed
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in palestine. therefore, this decision was made to fully support and join the fight regardless of the policies of arab countries, which unfortunately have largely discredited the image of the errands and who are only able to express condemnation and sadness without showing their strength in any way. therefore, human decision to directly join the fight does not go beyond its legitimate rights . on the contrary, it only use it, it's right. it does not violate international law. it's only banned the passage of ships of those countries that carry out genocide against the palestinian people. if we approach this issue from the other side, why did the, i'm in decide the band is really ships from passing through the strait. let's look at the situation that american ship sometimes interfere with the move. most ships of countries that, according to their laws, the united states considers road countries and the americans interfere with their movements in international waters. despite this, the american administration and the armed forces detain,
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confiscate ships and post sanctions on them. why does america consider itself entitled to do this? but at the same time, the error of state is deprived of its right to support the error brothers by taking a position demanded to go beyond statements of condemnation and exert real pressure . i believe that human has the right to act in this manner and make such a decision exhibiting real pressure on the international community. most of israel's commercial cargo arrive spicy. israel has no open land borders. if the bob l, my dead straight is closed, it means the rupture of one of its economic arteries. this is what human seeks to achieve in order to form the will of the international community, which would participate in exerting pressure to end the more bloodshed in aggression and leased against the palestinians and gaza. this is what human is striving for. yeah, and that's the all big now i'll see you again in less than 30 minutes.
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wrong the to the in 1990 the same location in today's confrontation between ukraine and russia. so back to us between petros troops and the red army, the country was divided again. that year as a nation is controlled key even right. thank you. crane white on the naples that the bank bolsheviks proclaimed the creation of the soviet ukraine. and the so called independent done it scribble a wrong republican. like today, nationalist receive financial support, weapons, and troops from close on my own, who just a little confused those paper filled out. the diabetes show it to you over the phone a little bit. the papers, the stuff on the other boys have to use that as a new additional photos and visual people stimulus some of the largest dealer paid up hold on for the aid with 2 regions of west and ukraine was sold to gain control of all the link alysia, which it recently belonged to austria, hungary,
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victoria inquiry, and when you come through yet, or what i said, as of started the switching deal of a solid about the video wrist and the pose code in the home key. the capital of the self proclaimed state drive by cute crane soon, also became service the liberated from the pit uterus key gain control of the nature of russian territories in the southeast ideas . nikolai of s o in and motor you who became part of the new ukranian soviet republic. the done is critical, a roguery of public was abolished easily to the same boat as became the line of confrontation between supporters of the 2014 coo and ukraine, added storage components the chest because all the cards, the little fish,
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should the resort be assessing mobile. the thought of would, it's funny up in the store, the photos on the aggressive boards, if we could have you on a full cry, you know, i might have to is up dog to the sewage 6 of which he is sure the killing me. right . and then right after the 20th the so you just get that boy will start threatening . you said that your but all the way a lot less to do obviously now could i e. and you said that the wrong audits and forgot both cards to put our teeth visiting it. sushi lay in the district, look a little more than the bull, but i periods in the see i study, ukraine was divided into 12 zones, depending on that degree of loyalty. to the us west and ukraine was seen as the most promising the south of crimea, and on this even then what characterized as promising with the local supporting most got doors. and i need to consider, oh, was it you said?
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since you won't grab those shit that is stalled, but yeah, it's coupled with a low grade. it is, but it is in. yeah. so, but everybody's ideas to say your tom you was more. yeah. with what is the part as and secured. i've even supposed to just even look by it, i'm going through your body, but as a little sky near the blows up on the grades to pop up the new ukranian soviet republic. lynn is hated by caves today announced the forcible of ukraine. eyes ation of the recently acceded pause of russia. the provost ogrinas though, fortunately forced, i probably find you, isabel h. total squeezing together. say it a fellow in just a row, like our no trouble, you know, are you pretty dusky? but you've seen that people swinging your shoes at inch, the others relationship with shaders in 30 minutes and then give up
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a general list of what you've link. upgrading is a bullet that will say this cumulative bug should that be small, weekly, so thing, and that gives you blink accessories. if not at the official list. look up guys. he slips normal grading at that time force do quite nice. ation was met with sharp rejection by little russians. the broad ukrainian method is treated you crane with contempt, not just the workers, but also the peasants. ukrainian peasants at the time didn't tolerate the o craniums. we received the protocol is from peasants. meetings and p. f. in those protocols, the peasants wrote to us, we feel like old russians painting germans and ukrainians. adults to the r s f. as i would let us join blood refusal to comply with bolshevik decrees was followed by the impressions induced by bought. it goes from that time report how those who resisted ukraine eyes ation was punished. laser soviet most goes efforts to create a model of the sake ukrainian republic would even be appreciated by the 2nd ukrainian president's lee on the coach ma. whatever attitude we hold to the events
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of the 1920s, we must admit that at had it not being for the green eyes. ation of schools. at that time, current independence might not have existed the best of ukrainian schools through which tens of millions of people have 1st turned out to be as time has revealed. the most important and indestructible element of the ukrainian principle in ukraine . unlike the bolsheviks also, which gained control of kalissa and valley didn't fall into criminalization on the locals. rather, the authorities studied calling these lands east and crusty in the publish way and systematically destroyed the ukrainian identity. so recently implanted by the austrians on that, but there's still some poor poor people have little things over there. we just those are based on the municipalities to phoebe putney. that's the people that come on. you've got to pick the rest of the things you've missed. eco, both of you was it give you some of the perspective where you hold and use this piece of device to exploit and then cover it. and so that 2 things i'm totally full
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that i don't share or, you know, if i'm near by. so 1st thing of them, so put together my buddies, each of the west, simple grace can i run? it could be the polls who played a key role in the invention of ukrainian identity. now began to find the ukranian language, implies down ukrainian schools. in 1929, the policy resulted in the formation of a secret organization of ukrainian nationalists, abbreviated as o u n, which dreamt of creating an independent states run by you craniums for ukraine's. we don't totally want to possess ukrainian cities, but also to tremble, enemy lambs capture the capitals and salute the ukranian empire on the ruins. we want to win a war a great and brutal war that will make us the masters of eastern europe, the v. o. u. n is cool, was made up a formless gowns from the applause view. the organization created withheld from
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austria city. okay. and so for zillow for last day in greek, i thought it was, it was that splits it is what with and that's, that's good. there's a new new system. unfortunately, millennials have been so that's as though as they full of the 1st of all, last was a gentleman reserve of anti russian forces. its members included step on monday or future lead uh the ukrainian nationalist bundle was a fan of another oscar and agents the right to meet street done. so the political and moral psychological spirit, ukrainian nationalist breed is undoubtedly fascist. ukraine will live as an independent state only when it comes out with its national political, ideal in both domestic and foreign policy. this achievement is only possible against russia and never with the smart and contrary ex, uh, use or the one i could try for a but then it's assembling to go to beats. me as i shut the stone photo with me because i sure could use the phrase line is i should just focus just as i showed
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that was store when you, when you think thank you for the deal. if you move fuel was more, the ukrainian general is to his line cuts of a who fled from keith to new york experience this policy the 1st time. so this also feel free to just focus on ladies from splunk aside. what, what does the vine wave spill announced like this most leaves me and you think what you're saying? you see when you're putting what you want, the phone calls to be going to school? so yeah, no physical guy, steve. the menu on the phone down to show up or do they why you're comfortable with the not yellow? grassy will to global is the phone was picked up. it was almost all the use of it. somebody tells you the most important, those of it from the to the museum is the most of talk is the last it was a kid with most of the but it's
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a little girl of me for someone is literally is for the 1st year. yeah. where you is, what are these go for? just a little more just before to you. it was clear that because they moved. so people in the office of moving the size, the bar here, do you see the menu or the mazda, as opposed to google, just got, see, might know me the symbol, because old for disney schuman, their little brother is the one cause of a dad to criticize the state policy of making bun dera and his follows national heroes of ukraine. he was repressed immediately the course. yeah. was like
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a little side the uh there was a bundle. yeah. of course the 2 of them that are the ones that are with it. how do i am the cable, you know, okay, you social which is kind of my okra. human said nima originally gave me it's going to assume the the right to the step on monday or museum news is some, jake, well you study documents the detail, bundle arrows, terrorist activities. the documents also reveal it from the mid 19 twenty's, the o u n. 's work was directly supervisors by the local federal risk. you know, as it relates to your coupons, repeated summit kindly,
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probably because those they put it was use the board seeking, willing to gain recognition funded era. and his associates carried out motors and terrorist acts against poland. representatives local communists and simply to this politicians. victims who was invited by bundle right himself from bundio speech, the o u. n. conference during k o. as in tom i a we can't afford to eliminate undesirable polish musket bite. and jewish figures, especially those who support bolshevik most go imperialism negligence. common 0.90 posts go case gift a 2nd to will have to create a new step on the cube as a is, i don't know. ok and say i people i say populace. 2 of them is that from the, the
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in 1936 of holidays called sentence bundio to life imprisonment for terrorism. but he didn't languish in prison for long and 1939 at the start of world war 2. german troops occupying poland, released the valuable agent immediately. seated easy. are your clients coming up to allow these with what's up the possible to deal with this by area of to stop them. it's up to one. if you miss out, just to be sure to this is up on the e file, she's going to get them on you gmc ration, you also have to go to the go. silver name is which is the one you're the one you live, gmc fortunately. yeah, i mean, you want to tomorrow or to with that because the it but to your model for you and listen, why to get that girl and you? sure. so in the late seventy's nazi germany was preparing to attack the soviet union. germany's come on place,
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great store on ukrainian nationalist combat detachment the from the testimony of p o w. gentleman on the sales vehicle. alfonze told us the 1st time i had to deal with a vendor risk unit was during my 1st months of where i can track of a certain sub it was sent to me to receive the monthly money for band data. i was told that fund dentist attachments, work on tasks set by up to providing them into the full activities on russian territory in west and ukraine. good. yeah, he's been still a no movie. sure. and the others doing it. even beautiful ice cream theater. your mouth corporation give zillow stuff. cool. what made you the bro wouldn't have controlled her prescription to actually you most could you and your model and the fridge is good for you to be a we want you to sell a level issue way most of the award to get the worst of the special you are your total for the police was mostly it was funny, i knew you of so many of which me but then they should be on the tasks included ongoing, sabotaged activities this time against the u. s. s. in
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1939 style and added most go controlled by in this year to serve in ukraine. the bolshevik leaders whose monuments are being demolished all over, morton ukraine makes really generous gives to this country. the individual has plans for the ukranian nationalist alone to war sabotage. in territories recently added to the soviet union, the on june, the 22nd 1941. nazi germany attacked the soviet union along side german troops, the attachments of ukrainian nationalist entered ukraine cities, special ss eunice, would soon be form from them. asking for much interest on your system cuz that's
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what i was about to, to work with you to cc me. so means or not personal factors, but are you on a picture? i think goes up on the says that not to go to the says that it was, it was on the rest, the means. any. ok, so all of so about this privilege. all price people digital must and take advantage to the city and also providing using their for ski by the media. so as you want us, just on the phone on see, gemini is a tank on the soviet union, millions of jews lived in the us. so saws west and tower tree is the jewish pogroms, organized by ukrainian nationalize, combat detachments again, walk the inward range and cool the final solution to the jewish question. though, to throw away your weapons, take them destroy the enemy must divide tung everyone's jews. these are your enemies, destroy them. these are yours. last it's close instructions. bundy arrows, closest associates and one of the organizes of the mass murder of jews involve on
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september the 30th. 1941. in just one day, the thousands of old folk women and children was beaten to death on the streets, ship it to do on and we own, but it was sort of a little bit with a serious consider the next thursday, which i presume that said, due to the whole it says that if it gets to the sitting in the new pros listing that they've set that where you and you sort of get over the know green screen, usually reason was to what it was during this time on the long run. so the streets, the ukranian nationalist, i owe you an organization but claimed the so called manifesto on the independence of ukraine, nausea, tul, hiding and whose interests it was written. the ukrainian states will work closely with the national socialist grace of germany under the leadership of adult federal law, which is forming a new order in europe in the world. and helping the ukrainian people free themselves from must goes occupation. even i need to put into i'm not sure if the
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phone yet, so you, me actually and then me is on that. come on the but the and they will on the next to go even and again use the wiley app. definitely why move before then google for? yeah. so, so yeah, yeah, your grades go in, it's in at least my not what's still, what they've done the sodium in the bus at email that i need severely and is up remote than me. but you see where they may sonya bear with with us today. and if he'll give you the mass executions of jews carried out on the ss controlled by the zone. the commando of ukrainian nationalist came to because the heart of cost of bullets during the $3.00 occupations, almost one and a half 1000000 people were killed. one of the most terrible executions took place in cape, the capital of soviet new crying in a ravine known as the 10s of thousands of people with shots in less than 48 hours. they do cost him to them like he was
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going to be hey, we the tech memories deal. some problems. partially the almost 200000 people were killed at the michelle as it cool is these trustees law surviving witness. he was just 6 when his mother, younger brother and sister, when the by ukrainian no c collaboration is assistant to who do you go to really the, the media edition, little intel or what can be here. i have of 3 appointments. i don't really talk to her about how i cause ition. but
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while i'm you know, i'm always doing a great deal materialises when you don't like so. so simple. hold on your bill. hold the me, kyle: recall the during the boy wasn't the gentleman so scared him the most the worst of trustees we're committed by ukrainians. so quote, old scenery them off unit or any type of good to sign we should be good afternoon. thank you. i want to say she's separately the person because of the city. so here is the city, the last girl,
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not just the today, ukraine is erecting monuments to murderers and those who call and for killing the innocent. yeah, it was with the look at that was now the are we in new doors, the green, unless unless you left by me and keep my torch and look at the so 1st out to you, you can 3rd or will be the dish or button you the been that of say yes of a 2 to 90 of us daily by me to more therefore here is true for us fixed in the valley human non somebody's nustar. so for us, get to get alpha by the, by the error that is to the system would beat this. the 3rd gave that chatter categories opponent, che, excuse me, july,
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the in 2017, a monument to you. in a tell ega ukranian poetess to work for the fascist ukraine, would use paper was unveiled at the the papers pages openly called for the extermination of jews. the jews who remain in case of moscow rate of different nationalities, greek media and ukrainian, or russian by hundreds of thousands of car both and that's for the relevant documents to conduct sabotage, walk in the gym and occupied territory. vendor is willingly did policing duties and ada denazi's, punitive actions that you're exactly leverage in the get which good. it's just me use name by me to be for the get the zillow associate or i am
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eager to go to the human 6th street. then give liquid as to what we lose sight to do that. of the meat rosenfeld is the son of a sole people and nazi desk in prison. the on auto with the forties 1943, those on death row rose up and rebelled. his father was among those who rushed the scots within the hands. you have to be a solution that you just deal with the deal. yeah. those you think, but there live a studies flipping through a book on the cell, a little uprising. mesa wonders how executioners and war criminals came to be called national heroes in ukraine. and why did the country so quickly adopt both the ideology and methods of providing a final solution to national issues?
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it the 1st place they see me, but either let me see. i mean, jeremy at least try that out of me either for a new cat or any show who does it, does the job was, will mostly be given. also try to be on the board. but on this point, you slow green the rows instead of the family knows webinar system leads to in 2014, they saw who sees power in teams and realized sooner or later, the nationalist would start destroying undesirables the director of the deals of the better of our my yes, the most of a good it could never use it says, here's you guys to put it. but if it is 3 units, but the them believe she cover yet to somebody else, bureau spear reading, you know, to get this in naturalist or can get the keys for what see it or with nature. but
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it's, i spelled out the, the, the, the because we surely send or go to the, the e g. me good as should, don't proceed. said go with him to the gable to sort of give it check. yes. but actual car could back sort of get a check of that because of a need control video shouldn't be listening for the book this keep them for you. look good. so check at who this is now. maybe originally, but through the scenes on top of that to flush it, it's going to go
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a poor there. the good them naturalist. 3 by 15 years. ok. give sir. but those that the very he was a keep the bill because this me as you model at the very natural slippers are the most of the you are 3 gets did it through with as your own problem. i love the loop, a connection to look at that really is there is yeah, but the most difficult to dial. so if we put into the process a user could i and so did divide. html files grows throwing exposure islands of the how did the form of the agents become valuable? american intelligence agents who help ukranian nationalism us execution is escape
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punishment. and how does the c i is protocol gover. races help formulate the idea of ukrainian the the 2 of the terrace of the truck was pretty whole concept mazda echo on our end of moscow port, where a judge has had the guilty plea, other suspected accomplices, or next in line to be ruled in for the hearing the hundreds of people who have been moved by the tragedy of the terror attack at moscow gather across the washer and see if it used to honor those we lost their lives.
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the more footage is reviewed of the deadly night. we hear the frightening recollections of those who survived the cottage. my friend pushed me to the floor and we crawled in the other direction. and that's when they started shooting inside the detour him somewhere very nearby. and we ran out through the 2nd exit into the corridor. apparently it was somehow missed those who were shooting because they were coming in. the aerial footage reveals that shift caleb devastation following the friday terror attack in moscow that left a 157 people dead. the
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midnight in moscow. welcome to arch international i a michael quail with the updates on the suspected terrorist. i'll be focus said he whole concept massa, which claims the lives of a 157 people are in a moscow court right now that were arrested saturday morning after fleeing the scene of the crime in an attempt to cross and to ukraine. the 1st man who faced the port with a bruise on there is i who is married with 4 children, has pleaded guilty of a 2nd man with a band aid on these ear has been living in russia with the expired documents and echoed the plea of guilt there will now remain in custody. those are charged with committing a terrorist act of crime that carries a maximum penalty in russia of lives behind boss. the crowds have gathered outside the charge of the stricken concept ready to pay
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their respects to the victims of the attack. the public html ration began the famous song by the soviets, thing of for whom the concert hall was established. mostly my go, my of the images of wine, but pacifically trains a symbol of purity, peace and tranquility, which showed flying upwards on the buildings wall and interior of the sky above. i wasn't the motion of movement for those at the memorial, while some shed tears and comforted one another. while the gathering was you do me naked by a red candle light that's spelled out the day of tragedy. ross, as president, has also paid his respects to the victims of the tragedy. at the solum ceremony
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inside a church, let them in putting light a candle, i'm afraid, for those who lost their lives. and cities across russia have joined moscow in morning as people who have been deeply moved by the tragedy gathered to commemorate memory of the victims, including those in rochester, new territories of the procession. cold cravings is taking place all of a russia. are these women cause i've visited one such event in the den? yes, but public and 5, this report. russian president vladimir publish and declared from march 24th as it's a health and national morning for the victims were terrorist attacks. in most schools, all across the country varies defense are being held. this particular one is a cold grains where a crate is a symbol of self support for all the victims that i didn't thirst attack don't ask is no exception, no self. so in my heart there was more tragedy and panic. i was watching the news
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on social media. my whole family was watching and sympathizing with those people who are there. people were shot at point blank range. i live in genetic republic, i face ukrainian terrorism. constantly shells are territory, but what was happening there? what people experienced it was just impossible for me. the pain resonates in our hearts and in our souls and all the guys who came today, they share this collective pain. and that's how they make a gesture of remembrance. this gesture of ours also happens in not very safe conditions. most of these young people are about 18 to 20 years old. that means that said 10 years ago have just started on the crate integration. i guess that people have done boss. they were barely hand elementary school and they know full well what terrorism feels like. you know more about the reasons than anyone else. you know the words or ross was feeling use the extra. is it always those responsible villains garnished over the last couple of days at least it's,
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a civilians were wounded by ukrainian artillery, showing here in the next group. public private infrastructure was this would as well to terrorism that began 7 years ago, continues to this day, despite old, as the people here morning for the victims and moscow. vermont calls for a party. the next group on no authority for every comment, a 157 bodies on the side to be attack 3 of those who lost the lives with children of his caleb, the destruction is clear to see here in this area of footage, the building that's holding to the crow cause city concert hall has been completely destroyed. you can see where the roof had collapsed, revealing the bird out remains inside. archie is married that costs are by 5. this report as she prepared to. ready the had to come to, to solve a, the see under any other circumstances. this would be a very exciting, an interesting opportunity. but of course, we are going on a helicopter ride out about a 100 meters heights to take
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a look at the sides of the massacre and see the level of destruction. okay,
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the hours the has. okay . now this for tech shows the aftermath, emergency service is dismantling the severely damaged structure and clearing the debris, they haven't missionary has been brought to the scene outside looking back to days . let's remind you and remember how the charge of the on folded and just a warning,
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the graphic images. just the head, the vertical, i'm sitting for the city list, some kind of shoes and going on here. people are running, everyone's screaming, the shooting from a gun. the shooting of the crowd, some people shooting the whole set on fire. we were set on fire. the mon momma, hurry up, the take you out. the,
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the, the rush as president put in has said that the terrorist, which line to flee to your train through a crossing that had been prepared from the other side of the border. he's down to punish the perpetrators as well as any of the complexes. ceiling. it's a little bit all 4 of the data perpetrators of the terrorist attacks. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move towards
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ukraine, where according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side to cross the state board, keeping a total of 11 people with the tank, the federal security service. so for us, the law enforcement agencies looking to identify and wouldn't cover the entire federal or support based or those who provided them with transport. i see the planet escaping notice from the crime scene. prevent gushes, caches of weapons and ammunition. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are face not just with a carefully cynically planned terrorist attack, but with a prepared, an organized mass, murder of peaceful defense list of people shifting huge the criminals with cold blooded and purposefully going to kill,
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shoot us citizens. and our children at point blank range, like the nazis who once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. they plan to arrange a demonstrative execution, a bloody act of intimidation. and all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this crime would be justly and evidently punished up to as a full terrorist now in moscow, custody in a way the judicial fate. archie is don't know, quarter has more details here. the process investigative committee is still working hard at the scene of the crocus city hall terrorist attack to get all the details of what exactly happened there. so far, investigators have recovered to assault rifles and over $500.00 bullet casings that were left behind at the crime scene. and they also say that there were no traces of mines left behind there. in spite of earlier reports that there were, they also found additional weapons and ammunition in russia's board,
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a region of brand square, all 4 suspects were arrested and their vehicle seized. those suspects are now in moscow awaiting trial, through russia's criminal system. now, and the identification of the victims actually continues as we speak. and as of now, 62 of the 137 bodies recovered from the crime scene have been identified with 3 children. among the total number of bodies that have been recovered, work is also under way to return the belongings to people that were at the concert on that tragic night that were lucky enough to make it out with their lives. as for those that were not as fortunate, we're looking at current casualties, statistics of over $130.00 people killed and over $180.00 wounded. but russian authorities have continued to say that these numbers are likely to rise. unfortunately, has the investigation continues, and bodies continued to be recovered. shortly after the where apprehended video was released, showing some of them being interrogated. one claimed that he simply had been paid
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to kill a sewing druggist. what did you do yesterday shooting? what are you doing? progress, shooting, watts shooting? yes. who? people? what for? pull him up. police for money, for money. yes. for how much money. how about a half a 1000000? how familiar? i want half a 1000000 roubles. who do you receive it from? i haven't received it yet. i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? do you get the money? put in the card? yes. where's the cards? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it. yes. what did you get the weapons? they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know. they rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how, when you found the look for them yourself or did they find, you know, they wrote to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know, i was listening there. how is it possible? did it go to you? propose for you to kill people just like that. they don't just suggest to kill
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people to anyone. know i studied the telegram less than one and telegram which is less than i did the lesson. i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher? yes. and he wrote to you. she is assistant wrote to me. she told us to go to the place they would provide everything. did they say specifically? who is a guild people? what kind of people doesn't matter? he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes. in the initial hours after the deadly sitting at the moscow music hole, the u. s. was quick to pin the blame, but these lumnick stayed tara group and infested the cream, had nothing to do with it. later and now the western partner jump, the echoed americas came from across the atlantic. now rushed as for administrator responded by questioning how bullying could have come to such conclusions so quickly. while i still failed to find 80 answers over the nordstrom pipeline, the sabotage, based on everything that we know so far,
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it can be assumed that as law mic state correspond is responsible for the deadly terrorist attack near moscow. such a deep analysis, the power of thought, the power of intelligence. i wonder when this one will say something about the terrorist attacks of north stream with the same confidence for a year and a half, no official version regarding the damage to their own property has been put forward in germany. not even this logic state complete. it has been suggested that we've heard from a political and the foreign policy expert who says that even if the is on the state is completed, there was a big a power behind the attendance after the meeting id, the whole building and you know, completing the car maintain the demonstration, they may have been running deluxe the risk and bothered brad trying to lead to once you train to matters it back to the point. see me a lot of people as to you know, who, who didn't bring them off to mind behind this. and. busy so it seems that to,
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that must have been some kind of the funding source from across the board. it cannot be wound out even though this is a very nice young grove. i don't want to go to any part of that allusion on base, but i do understand from the also patients which we have seen in the international media as well as the results which are coming from back to you in my understanding . i do understand that to you as of now try me on because a seems to be a terrible car mates up. kind of go packed up the ice box. you know, a lot of them top volume dollars that move while a new footage from the attacks has been posted online and people i seem fleeing turning over the tables and hiding behind the pillars of the buildings as the terrace close in the
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hey, loved guns by i can be heard in the footage, which is more than a minute long, and the pressing field think the video is attempting to lead to safety and managed to make his way to the 2nd floor and survived the attack. in the aftermath of the charge of the shocking recollections of survivors of a buzzed it got to read out, who's still in the hospital bed, spoke about what she enjoyed. that night. the most of the seats were in crocuses to call it a concert of the ben picnic wherever early checked their jackets and about drove and went up to the auditorium to take our seats. soon after we heard pops that sounded like gunfire. a very large number of spectators, including us, thought that perhaps these were some kind of special offence before the concert. although it was not clear why they started. after that,
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we heard more gunfire and smelled gunpowder. and it became obvious that this was a terrorist attack. people said that there is no need to panic, there is no need to rush somewhere. let's go out slowly, but in them they finally succumb to general panic and begin to run out of those tory, i'm the 1st x and there was a crowd there we couldn't get out. so were returned to approximately ro, my friend pushed me to the floor and we crawled in the other direction. and that's when they started shooting inside. they would detour him somewhere very nearby. and we ran out through the 2nd exit into the corridor. and apparently we somehow missed those who were shooting because they were coming in, they were shooting around the corner and we were and further, somehow we ran forward, then went back and accidentally saw a boss of them. then a certain number of people crammed into the room, all of us remembered the teachings about anti terrorism, etc. student in the corner along the wall, so that at least from the door, we could not be shot all at once. and as far as i know, people in the other bathroom were much less fortunate the either supplicate or were
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killed. we were a little bit luckier, my friend and i tried twice to leave and find the stairs, or escalator. unfortunately, we did not remember from memory where it was and our attempts did not produce any results. we took off some of our clothes with them and tried to read through them. after that, we walked along the wall to get back to our bathroom and we were lucky. we came across the disable stalls where there was a large number of people. there were several things to turn out from the counter tops. then my girlfriend said that it was the young man who took us out, we did it. he explained that there were still some air left in the sewer. and it could be very useful when we saw that she had a severe asthma back then. taylor did not help her, and he directly faced her there. well, as if he dipped her to was the spikes and said breeze. after that he said something like, let's go, i'll take you out of the bathroom with a lot of people with his girlfriend the night with my friends since there was no visibility. if you're showing a flashlight from your phone, you could eliminate maximum distance. the length of my out stretched arm
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practically these flashlights were meaningless. at some point, he walked straight and came across an escalator. we walked down the escalator in a single file. he stepped on broken glass on the escalator and there was a sound, a crunch of the glass. naturally everyone crouched down and then down but moved on because there was no point them staying. there were marks on the glass hand rails from where they had been shot. they were broken, we went down the escalator and the head. well downstairs on the 1st floor, we saw an open door. and so we just ran out of this open door. you can go with the african leaders, have express condolences to russia in the aftermath and condemns the attack, which targeted innocent civilians. my jerry and john, the list to most of you will be, as we have more on this, a deadly terror acts of the moscow concert. venue on friday press past wide spread contamination and reactions from africa, the content which knows all too well the horror of terrorism. hence the compassion,
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as many people visit a russian embassies in their respective countries to pay respect to the slain victims also gonna lead us for many years have been actively united the front against acts of terror and often retracted was against radical groups. this a how it has become the epi center of terrorism. globally, accounting for 43 percent of terrorism, death in 2022 vomited streams and spreading across the continent after the alarm and ranked including from daisies affiliates on saturday, new jersey national console for the safeguard of the home months or cnsp. easy to statement on x condemning the killings and flags to enhance cooperation with russia to 5 sour resume in the house. it's good all countries step centerville, for that is because, uh, i would say one quantity of kind of followed by themselves. so i believe is that
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what kind of idea is part of unfortunate that the resume has become the did as we can see, it's happening in almost every part of the world. you weren't enough or you got an idea. i was offering the same thing on this one, particularly in russia. it's a bit surprising because we know rush as one of the strong powers. okay, so despite all fortunate for such on these 2 days, so we're just called the come out of this strong golf. anything that already game should not be funded anywhere in the world. he's africa, asia, america. anyway. it is very unfortunate, especially let's talk is against civilian targets. let you know in the, let's yetta, we're not well dealt with business. now even when we know that collect, she's a g 's directed you and them, but it's really level you'd expect to see. i've talked to individual field but
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don't have tx 3 and enter into the mental. it just went to the unfortunate nations like maybe i am synagogue joyce, these condolences now maybe as president. and i'm going to describe the killing a senseless while. he's send me the least counterpart microsoft's voice slowly starting with the gospel names of people of russia website are to dot com has up to the. busy did updates on the camera attacked the detained suspects and the latest statements coming out of moscow and the messages pouring in from around 12, the at least 4 civilians had been wounded in new trains. latest the tax on russia, belgrade region authorities say the rockets made the check for public. we used
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adding that at least 22 project house where he descended. it happened as russia was absorbing a day of mourning for those killed. and the recent terrorist attacks in moscow argue correspondence, he goes down of has details. so once again, the town of belle grove has been sporadically shown here. you can see the debris, what's left of people's ca see the miss. so it hits the very top fluid of this residential apartment block building on the balcony. well robert, you can see what used to be a balcony. it completely crashed and collapsed on people's cause. you can see breaks and parts of this building right behind me on the really easy you can see the scene has being taped off on the will not being allowed anywhere close to. but even here, you can see the screw over the showing basically the damage that it's cool is then it's still not being clear the, well, it isn't the process of being cleared, but there's still a lot of work. a lot of work is to be done. there's
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a lot of jo list here because this building right here is the headquarters of the local t v station and the local governments building is a just a few dozen meters that way. so again, this is the very city center. normally this time a day, it's a very, very busy street and a very busy area altogether. again, this is not the 1st time that the town of belgrade is being shelled. this is not the only site that was hit during the latest showing the russian defense ministry has already said that the defense is the cities. a defensive did manage to shoot down more than 20 minutes. so i was, that was not enough. uh, another site that we show that is the doom of uh, the local university, the most so hit the rooftop. the just tool could be tremendous if it wasn't for the city i defenses the did shoot down the majority of themselves.
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enter the ron now where some of the country's greatest minds do the work and research, the potty size and technology park. it's home to hundreds of high tech firms that have develop cutting edge domestic solutions. forced on to the picture of the decades of western functions. artic correspondence use of july leaves that to and spoke with the president of the tech center of what specific ronnie and achievement and science and technology. are you mostly proud of and what makes it significant? and in several fields, we were able to have good balance of the international level. for example, in the field of nano technology. we started in iran nearly 20 years ago. and now we are among the 1st few countries in the world in the production of technological knowledge, in the field of biotechnology. it runs, progress is very high in the field of medicine production. you know that we had several vaccine production companies in iran, in the field of corona, and after a short period, we did not need products to be imported into iran,
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impulsive hospital equipment during the corona virus was almost all necessary. we produced all the equipment such as ventilate, as in breathing devices in a wrong, we reached the stage of exposing both bucks and as a medical equipment in the field of corona. there is a generally accepted notion that all science and technology are supposedly located in the west. how can it runs experience break? this stereotype multiple will do the 30 years ago. we might have thought that people's lives would be in trouble if they would know west and products. i mean our 1st, during the, in post war with a ron and the rock pool. and then the sanctions let us to a self belief that we can uh, this was the slogan that the leader of a ron instilled in our society. and our lead society that we can meet this. we con, makes us seek to meet our own needs in the face of sanctions. so sanctions became an opportunity for iran mall. what kind of opportunity was the products that used
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to be imported from the westwood? no longer important. so a new space was created for our professionals to find the market and make those products domestically for satcher. supposing relations were also provided, of course, the government also set good standards that not every product is produced. and the only products that have a good quality, the level of purchase, and therefore the opportunity of sanctions cools the number of our knowledge base companies to increase from several 100 companies to several 1000. and sort of that we found that the most important possibility that sanctions provided is the 10s of thousands of university graduates were employed in these companies. this over time, the government agency and the organization hasn't. companies could not import from a broad estimate because they were economy was present at hyatt. so they became interested in buying these products and now was very good share of a wrong needs that is provided by the knowledge base companies. now calling you, it is not off to
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a losing profit sky. it is the western european companies on the who lost the iranian markets, have rushed on china, our airlines main partners when it comes to politics, economy and even science and technology. how does cooperation with russia and china work in patent these technology park and have there been any joint projects with these 2 countries chain that we'll see in china and russia are a ron strategic partners in terms of technology cooperation. but the biggest history of technological cooperation is between iran and russia, which goes back about 40 years ago that up by joint high tech companies, between iran and russia, were formed in the wrong. and then vice versa. this experience happened in russia. this was formed in the field of medicine and several joint companies are located in the parties technology park. this experience led to this technology partnership with some companies in other countries as well. we now have more than 10 companies in potties technology park that are ronnie and with foreign partners in the field
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of various high tech products. that's next. it's happened with china with the shared experience of nano technology between iranian and chinese organizations. at the campus technology park. we now have co operation agreements with several technology pops in russia. we exchange offices with each other. and the same thing will happen at the next level with china, so that we can continue to develop cooperation between our companies, pride, all to those comments where you can get all the latest right now. thanks for watching. i'll see you again. the
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resume on the exam, the bulgarian journalist as well as one film this invaluable after it's liberalization from the ukrainian on a sunday bill,
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assume at least the old phone calls all over the shelf and which device that would you know, sort of wanted to run across those calls this month for us to do most of them. now quote number into google main to find out to be come with a need to come and use easy dark dukes catch block. those departments are too much stuff organization and to break the car for most of the 2 of us all market . yeah. there's not enough stuff to settle for then you to see that i need you to see what you're going to email to . the teacher knows not sharing is what the bulgarian journalist mistook for a go sign is actually the rules don't go the word. so symbol of hitler's and it says that's the rice division. so ukrainian sold as well as s insignia and all with the full support of european and american human rights activists. who know very
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well what the symbols signified. the on september the 22nd 2023, the canadian parliament, special meeting time to coincide with the visits of ukrainian post them fled emails and instigate. the audience of forwarded 980 d r. a slap going call for several minutes. we have here in the chamber today, ukrainian canadian world veteran and fort ukrainian, independence against the russians, and continues to support the troops today. and that is age of 90. 8, canada is top officials and president zalinski gave a standing ovation to the freshest, a volunteer from the sky. you see a division known for exceptional of trustees against jews, pulse villarreal ceilings and slovaks during world war 2 ukrainian nationalists. punch of s s unit scales, hundreds of thousands of civilians. in 1943, the zone that come on those formed in west and ukraine was sent to poland. and so
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back here to find the partisans and the locals who supported them. the volume really existing is good. one moment here before for now is that georgia to oppose the federal use, the pose dump that hill, devising the masika, the video to being known is in we're also doing the punitive operations. the vendor risk counts seen of her relatives national gina, just so i will close this person who remodels over on the options and crowns that
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i'm not sure of. so the thing judy is not see, you guys cause a lean shuttles and, but that's not a coffee show ministry because of the show was doing the volume domestic, a ukrainian nationalist was 60000 polls and those who had mixed ukrainian and ponies blood to death. no attack j x are smooth clean, so usually they're gonna be shines that they provide you is don't know, he should be on saturday though. you're never going to be on the go going you is that joe is listed on the each of the pool position and then ok in see should equal outcomes with trinity? no. the people who judy the knowledge of us i go of is an issue. great example, vision is don't obviously, don't just are still know bundle said on. yeah,
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we do learn to raise a step this through freedom is yes for me and doesn't you know, so both are going to be as nice finished on their citizens. i took a photo of waste stores store to florida plus the new on the width of the bundle. so but i mean yeah, that lets us in your space. but i think you would just wanna check with a pretty resource book that it says that someone will issue portion not store 3, isn't that with a 0? and then of course is what would show the how the color when the a glass of the design. yeah, and also to design is a god design your shape to do it online. yeah. today these s as excuse him as a reported by those by whom thunderous brand of sages. and once again become part of loading ukrainian politics. the
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1st you store, you remote, your pick, of course we shall, willing able to, you control it for step as orderly. have a look at, but much can you see the right now? you just put them in the show right now. all go to men, co spend 6 years in the ukranian prison. she was arrested because she often travel to dance to visit us on the tortures both both of the 60 year old woman's arms, a ukrainian coach, lacking any evidence sentenced to 10 years in prison. having interpreted communication with relatives as treason, budgets, and that's a, that's a simple thing for describe this up. what do we have shooting to do my life? what would you see do, let them use knowledge that the physical which the process is the cause of civil war. and ukraine began immediately after world war 2. in may 1945 bun, dera,
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and soldiers of the ukrainian ss divisions, flint to the west, to the us and british occupied zones. the cold war began and in the confrontation with the soviets, it was a game decided to play the ukrainian cod for about 10 years after the end of the war. and united states rounded up a thousands of you for any dissidence good weather ukraine, and got them to come to canada, creating a, a, a major foreign policy force inside of canada on behalf of the frame. and a turned out later on that of these thousands that were sent to canada and also a lot of them had papers filled out uh from the same uh, postal address in germany. and when it was tracked down, well, uh it was the us military base injury that was finally these people into chat. former reagan administration official, michael streaming. so documents proving the ca, no 70 saved paperless format,
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associates from trial, but also use them to combat operations against the soviet union. the united states worked with reinhardt, galen, who had been out all day doors chief from eastern front intelligence. and he was named after the war as the 1st president of the german for an intelligence service with us last week. and he uses ties with the ukrainians and with the nazis to conceal and make use of the ukrainian extremis for the good of the american. and british programs to try to stabilize new crane. and so the operations objective was to destabilize serving ukraine's western regions through high profile, not as sabotage and terrorism. money weapons and communications was sent to the ukranian nationalist underground cells by a crowd from us military bases in europe. which is may be why the c,
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i a code named the operations project, aerodynamic. the end of the 2nd world war, the us army counter intelligence corps, began to have contacts with step fund button. they're off and make the bed and their organization, the nationalist army, working against what was in the soviet union from classified see, i don't, you months, spring, my learned about sadistic punitive operation is carried out by step on monday arrows associates. they use everything from a major pharmacy units, such as the 14th brenadere of golf and assess invasion which was made up of mostly of collisions which are people in the west of the ukraine and southern poland. they also recruited about 250000 training in the sense through dera. and the 2nd in command, the intelligence make
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a little that bad to engage in this and be like 250000 people was right out through gail battalion and other ukrainian, the nationalist sections, police force and things like this that will be engaged in controlling ukraine, once the invasion of the service, the, the unit cannot assure you could only if i were to assume was the, what's the deal with the operator and say so. i mean, you know, i'm so surely the, the old subscription more. they were just, you said that your glass cans noticed them. in the 1950s, the soviet sent a huge falls to west and ukraine to find the national. this was the heart of your broker for want you to little bit was concerned. of course, why you are covered as a most of your stories. the whole bunch of somebody with except the through the parties group is sylvester. and especially with the various things can pop up for
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these. you know, the was a nice k g b officer who forwarded against the bundle underground in the late fourties and arrested. one of the leaders seized history repeating itself in ukraine. once again, outright precious an execution is supported by us intelligence. and once more, that base dual cruelty is ignored, the just of approaching youth in the us to they're showing it to share. it's up to work to upset again the, the monday arizona, the ground had run out of steam by 1953. the death penalty and the soviet union had
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been abolished. and most of them having ukrainian nationalist ended up in soviet prisoners for waste. they were, they used almost to meet layoff to stollins death by special decree of his success a nikita khrushchev about $40.00 a year and 3 and your stories books appear in your industry. that is how you spend so little cute and user friendly to 14 makes us move was what the show. so here for some reason a given the slow chair of those that there's no below go in and see. and then they do most structured, beloved is to 32 in the 13 is it is uh the good uh your did you check and you associate them with the spread around the lease, but appear to validate that there is a pallet size. but lorenzo new elements given is really for us, the addition of stay, obviously show that the person with deals the card to come was a bit more than the 1st now. so because now near the bottom, you would pay premiums take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by tell us tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented? it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground can a what else seemed wrong just don't you have to shape house after kids and engagement equals betrayals. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground the,
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the pulse of the vendor is due and his defeat and project aerodynamics thing of the supporting ukranian nationalists and their ideas for creating an independent states became high prior to for us intelligence. they didn't normally stop the company tiny, and you're connected at least ported over that little boy, that somebody and most of the know graves keep the worst of color. so i guess i use this with spearheaded by another non c, a companies who fled to the us organize of the vault programs jo slab stetsco was me see bordering, well, you're close to school. got daughter human using him. all sort of means it's only due to mr. prove a pulse, lorraine? so the way i sits, glove boiler programs, the secure, totally new thoughts free. now i me to consechi d. pulled protocol wants to start the
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this interview is stetsco was recorded in 1984. he talks openly about who supported the main ideologists of ukrainian independence during world war to investigate. especially in those i, gustavo saying that be so. okay. and edge chairs, the window a new mexico use the forward, so coordinated to, oh and there fit for them to come when they come in. and it comes on the policy in a criteria. and there is some way that career should go into our advocacy with them . they just to allow you stop to go based on the extreme. they're a professor, buy a new key. take a bear with dolman, are still on the dash, though. i'll show you what it was here in the us. that's cool, and his associates receive support of the highest level in this photo. next to him
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is jean cook. patrick us, president riggins closest. i got a slip that is probably come to my whole way a bunch of communities come from co splendid me, start, see read enough for a slumbering, and when you're starting your site, it's close. i use a drink of pots requested shala's, informing. so one little 8, see how i get screw vinyl in beauty is la at the blue a for you, you trust. the stetsco died a few years before the collapse of the soviet union, the but you creating independence would be coding for demonstrations and evolving. k, even the late eighty's by his wife ers love. the,
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the 1991, a referendum on independence was held in ukraine code and the us supported the results immediately the centuries ago. your 4 bears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps, blake, europe, and asia, ukrainians have become frontiersman of another story. today you explore the frontiers and contours of liberty, and for those who love freedom. every experiment in building an open society offers new lessons and insights. a fully independent ukraine emerged in 1991 within the border. soviet leaders have given that, bought the contradictions between the young states west and south east was so obvious that it's a decades and a special operation to gain full control over ukraine,
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the in 2004 big to you on a cool, rich and native of russian speaking done nets and advocates of friendly relations with most the became ukraine's president, the in response to pro western opposition rules. thousands of supporters on the case stories where in the colors of the political lead to relate to use and they demanded the election result. the over to the and so the could, it would be called the orange revolution. the
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journalist was the one could sub it was one of the protesters on keys independence square. yeah. which has to go seeking wait on. you can clean them on to, to prove on the if the coverage uh, you know, what am i done to that or what it is you can speak with them. yeah, cuz he was unable to show the other person that he gets the protesters demands supported by european and us. and both of those were heard in violation of the constitution. a 3rd round, a voting was arranged over to use in co, barely won was 52 percent of the votes. national implanted when you talk, if not the next day, you shouldn't go on the might on stage with his wife. catherine,
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too much income, a us citizen and prime example of how america had long been raising future leads from the former soviet republics. we finance leslie to a processor would ship it stop. let's fix that. are you sure? cox ordered carpet in too much and then we'll start with a police which escaped audio on la you. good idea to be sure. and then photo from 1984 standing behind nationalist at school and president riggins closest aid. kirkpatrick is the future. first lady of ukraine, catherine clair, too much income. well, of course you can say that the catherine clara had a very peculiar background and that she worked very closely with the united states government on behalf of his operations against the ukraine, the soviet union, and the success of the russian federation. calculating to too much income, grew up in a family of ukrainian collaborators who were forced to flee to the us after world
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war 2. what catherine made a brilliant political career a little bit less than 2 loops of some support. a just let me see for the 8 because i need it, which is almost eastern for the 1st time i will schedule it. will it be look, i mean it comes with very few to disposal. i think so if you have some other reason so you can say the way the marriage evict to yoshika and catherine too much jenco was out of love will convenience is no longer important. but when they came to power in 2004 active notification of ukraine began to clear up pretty much jumped up and chest. all of do things to move. just think i me a stick out of the new website, you know, great annual lunch and they give you most of you what i see, where it's informed that anybody which in deals like juvenile sales on those uh, how many customers we have sold. it was use and who advocated banking with russia. by his degree, the educational program in the nation schools changed. new history textbooks were published in which form a nazi execution is what the heroes of ukraine before it is when you
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leave the little distorting awards on the video to bundle or slow or i, you know, it should be you should 3 to marie. but on the ocean lay susie on the mission, thought the nano kindly look what i ask if not some, at least the degree, the one that does that process just a shot. or did you want me to cheat is distance elite you called me by name? was initial so it will still convert this switch to some good to just 10 years later. process is initiated during big to use in cuz presidency led to a new code. it's uh, on the civil war and on us the
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phone, the officially announced it in a cool, which is administration. trust is the issue, recalls how up to the 2014 co people, aside from government agencies, mostly law enforcement, on the basis of nationality and language spoken. and then the final stage of ukraine's preparation for a major war with russia was launched the bachelor fitness. i think that's the problem for me to move forward enough to sort of to take you home or something to charlotte, to, to, to push the pin, which is nearly screwed. you need thrive, leaving me some particular off in the system on a southern one, and someone will just ship us the image and that is sufficient over the speed. so it's a government funding. otherwise, you should have some stuff in wind to 2022, despite strong us diplomatic efforts, keys, reluctance to compromise with the residence of the rebellious regions. the, to the complex escalation,
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glasgow all being 3 vehicles which it was supposedly argument is roy. you see being able to proceed. america for is not the m c. c. you have one officially being bruce on cod sub a post, finally realized in whose interest from as early as the 16th century they created and supported the project to establish an anti russian state in today's ukraine. and how it might end for its residence. the train logic on enough to district the middle of the street is a lesson to be useful model or mobile wallet or the mobile cell,
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emilio would be more difficult to support the summer months. yeah. show me this long to comments ago, but i must say, oh, but all the people we just talked about. yes, i was typing sure you have to separate off and seen your but this channel a few months, a favor of or the like 400 years ago. there was a bank of a language in sites and ukraine, a war in which russians kill other russians. the western project ukraine is not russia, as entities, final stage, the curriculum where you left the unit to morning please. because if you, we were still boil policies, go for the to do you go even love this on the shots of east north america leave.
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but if i'm you to come, i a sweet that asset. so suddenly you will see using the tool. so is a human green, a label of an idea of also 1st before it goes on, probably the key code sure that you can filters us the green, then dissolve it. hopefully you need to use the the
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to say they're guilty. the 1st panel of terrorist until they kirkluski the whole concept master, got a big day in moscow court. what a job here is the a plea. a 3rd suspected we have complex has been denied that the custody of while we wait that you to shall fade all the full separate draco. hundreds of people who have been moved by the tragedy of the tower attractive moscow gather across the washer and cities to honor those aloft to their lives. the small footages revealed of the deadly night. we hear the frightening wood collections of those as divides based on age. my friend pushed me to the floor and
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we crawled in the other direction. and that's when they started shooting inside. they were detour him somewhere very nearby and we ran out through the 2nd exit into the corridor. apparently it was somehow missed those who were shooting because they were coming in the aerial for fake, reveals the shift came of devastation following the fight. 8 terror attack in moscow. ready that left the 157 people dead. the others is all changed enough. no reaching you live from moscow. welcome to the latest update this hour. i have michael question. now the suspect terrorist of the kirkwood city, whole concert massacre of which claimed the lives of
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a $137.00 people honoring the moscow port of. busy busy respite saturday morning after feeding the scene of the crime in an attempt to prostate to ukraine. the 1st man who faced the court with a bruise. either his eye is not regular for children, and has pleaded guilty of a 2nd man with about a bandaged ear. had been living in russia with expired documents and echoed the plea of guilt and they. ready now remain in custody. both were charged with committing a terror attack. okay, terrorist act a crime, the carrier is a maximum penalty in russia if of life behind bars crowds have gathered outside the taiser base trick and concepts very to pay their respects to the victims of the attack of the
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now the to member ration began with a famous song baba, so it'd be a thing for whom the concept whole it was established within my goal of my images of the 5, but specifically crane's symbol of purity. peace and tranquility was shown flying up wood on the buildings wall and into the sky above. i wasn't in motion a moment for those of the memorial, while some shed tears and confidence one another. while the others gathered was where it was, the place was eliminated by the red candle light spelled out the day of the tragedy . now ross, as president, has also paid his respects to the victims. i've been trying to sell them instead of money in 5 a judge by them and put in like a candle and prayed for those who lost their lives. and cities across russia have joined to moscow and morning has people who have been deeply moved by the tragedy gather for the to commemorate memory of victims, including those in rochester,
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new territories of the procession called trains is taking place all of a russia. and archie is remind costs are i've ever visited $1.00 such event in the den? yes, but public and filed this report, the russian president vladimir published and declares from march 24th. and as it's a whole national morning for the victims with terrorist attacks in most schools, all across the country, various events are being held. this particular one is a cold grains, where a crane is a symbol of self support for all the victims back to i didn't 30 for tags. the mask is no exception, no self. so in my heart there was more tragedy and panic. i was watching the news on social media. my whole family was watching and sympathizing with those people who were there. people were shot at point blank range. i live in genetic republic, i faced ukrainian terrorism. constantly shells are territory, but what was happening there?
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what people experienced it was just impossible for me. the pain resonates in our hearts and in our souls and all the guys who came today, they share this collective pain. and that's how they make a gesture of remembrance. this gesture of ours also happens in not very safe conditions. most of these young people are about 18 to 20 years old. that means that said 10 years ago have just started on the crate and aggression against that. people have done boss. they were barely hand elementary school and they know full well what and sarah isn't. feels like, you know more about scary isn't than anyone else. you know, the words are russ was eaten is the extra, is it all those responsible? the finest over the last couple of days, at least this is really as were wounded by ukrainian artillery, showing here in the next group, public private infrastructure was destroyed as well. the terrorism that began 10 years ago continues to this day despite old batch of the people here morning for
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the victims of moscow for i'm on call for a marty. the next group on the i thought were to use every cover, the 157 bodies from the side to be of time 3 of those who lost their lives with children of a scalable destruction is clear to see here in this burial footage of the building how much help me to the cross city concept hole has been completely destroyed. you can see where the roof had collapsed, revealing the but out remains inside. are these martin of course are by 5 based report as she prepared to board the had a cop to the survey received under any other circumstances. this would be a very exciting and interesting opportunity. but of course, we are good on a helicopter ride out about a 100 meters heights to take a look at the sides of the massacre and see the level of destruction over
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a bit slow to it shows the aftermath emergency service is dismantling this valley damage structure and carrying the depth very heavy missionary has been brought to the scene outside. looking back to days, let's remember how the tragedy unfolded as a warning, have graphic images adjuster, head to the
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board of constituting for a good city list, some kind of shoes and going on. people are running, everyone's screaming, the shooting from a gun. the shooting of the crowd, somebody be servicing the whole settle bias we will set on file the mon momma, hurry up the the,
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the, the
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now rush as president. fortune has said that the terrorist which trying to flee to ukraine through a crossing, had been prepared from the other side of the border. and he vowed to polish the perpetrators as well as any of their accomplices, should say, to see the new to all 4 of the data perpetrators of the terrorist attacks. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. a total of 11 people would obtain the federal security service. so for us, the law enforcement agencies are working to identify and wouldn't cover the entire
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that or support based those who provided them with transport, tennessee, planet, escape notice from the crime scene. prepare. gosh, as the dishes of weapons and ammunition i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are face not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attack to, but with a prepared and organized mass, murder of peaceful defenceless people. the criminals were cold blooded. and purposefully going to kill, shoot us citizens and our children at point blank range. like the nazis who once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. they plan to arrange a demonstrative execution, a bloody act of intimidation. all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this
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crime would be justly and inevitably punished as a full terrorist. now in moscow, cost to the in a way that you do shall fade our case. don't all court has more. the brushes investigative committee is still working hard at the scene of the crocus city hall terrorist attacks to get all the details of what exactly happened there. so far, investigators have recovered to assault rifles and over $500.00 bullet casings that were left behind at the crime scene. and they also say that there were no traces of minds left behind there. in spite of earlier reports that there were, they also found additional weapons and ammunition in russia's border region of brown square. all 4 suspects were arrested and their vehicle seized. those suspects are now in moscow awaiting trial, through russia's criminal system. now and the identification of the victims actually continues as we speak. and as of now 62 of the 137 bodies recovered from
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the crime scene have been identified with 3 children. among the total number of bodies that have been recovered, work is also under way to return the belongings to people that were at the concert on that tragic night that were lucky enough to make it out with their lives. as for those that were not as fortunate, we're looking at current casualties, statistics of over $130.00 people killed and over $180.00 wounded. but russian authorities have continued to say that these numbers are likely to rise. unfortunately, has the investigation continues, and bodies continued to be recovered. shortly after the where i handed video was relieved, showing some of them being interrogated. one claim that he has simply been page decalle, a sewing druggist. what did you do yesterday shooting? what were you doing? progress shooting, watts shooting? yes. who? people? what for? pull him up. police for money, for money. yes. for how much money?
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about a half a $1000000.00. how familiar, what familiar rules? who do you see with from i haven't received it yet? i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? did you get the money? put in a card? yes. where's the card? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. where did you get the weapons? they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know, they rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how, when you found, do you look for them yourself or did they find, you know, they will to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there. how is it possible? did it go to you propose for you to kill people just like that. they don't just suggest to kill people to anyone know i studied do telegram less than one and telegram which is less than i did the lesson i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher? yes. and he wrote to you, she's assistant wrote to me,
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she told us to go to the place they would provide everything. did they say specifically? who is a guild people? what's kind of people this doesn't matter. he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes. bill while he, us vice president camilla hire is denies any ukrainian involvement in the terror attack have been moscow concept hold. instead she attributes responsibility to the i. c s. k terrace, a flattering who in his already trying to link this to you frame and say that your brain is responsible? does the us have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis k is actually on, by all accounts responsible for what happens across the atlantic hidden jeremy at code. americas claims it to the us government only 12 hours to reach its conclusion that it was isis k. and in this big packet of fashion,
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it was able to do so without a be substantial evidence or cooperation with moscow. but back in 2001, it took washington nearly a month to figure out, but been loven had committed the attacks on $911.00 while it's been almost 2 years since didn't node stream pipeline bloss in the us has only one fear. rivera, russia most have sabotaged its own multi $1000000000.00 venture. i believe ukraine in needle because they never lie. i think they told the truth when they say puts and blew up to north stream pipeline. i also believe in the tooth fairy. the bright lights now across live to don't, less than the host of in the full was alex jones alexis good to have you join me right now. now 1st, 1st thing 1st, let's talk about your tweet. what prompted you to posted it and do you think people are finally awakening to the washington's same. busy old games.
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absolutely, of course that was the sarcastic, satirical host before put and the russian government came out 10 hours or so after the attack and said, when they say isis, we believe that's a cut out where you claim i was saying that because i have the jerusalem post right here and all the other mainstream media admitting that isis was created by obama and that isis was actually funded by the west in the attacks on syria. and we have clubs of obama saying he was funding isis. so i, so this is just a cut out term they use, then they go western intelligence one, i believe, hire these people to go in and do this, and then ices takes the blame. and then the west can then have plausible deniability. we saw similar cases a few years ago in the governor whitner kidnapping trial for 2 groups were set free by the judges saying they've been set up in
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a 3rd for all the summer found guilty. but the guy went out over several years and found low. i q people online and paid them huge amounts of money to just talk about kidnapping the governor. and then that was used as this big governor square. well, in this case, western intelligence, other groups, ukraine. i believe that's where they were trying to flip back to go out and advertise, come here will bring you to rush you. i will give you weapons onto the subject. you'll be able to escape will blame ices. and that's where all the evidence points to we've had zalinski, watch all these mass of round attacks inside russia. we've had cross border attacks that haven't gotten a lot of attention with parent military inside rush or killing people. leasing journalist darya duke. and, and others blown up and, and, and so victoria knew instead of month ago, were about to give russia nasty surprises. maybe i'll put in charge of both the military operations and intelligence sheets to an expert on terror. and so operating, lot of, you know, as
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a nato plan from the fifty's to the eighty's is obviously the classified that it rush ever starts winning any type of conflict in europe. whether it's often something it's rash or the other way around that stay behind networks under operation claudio. within stage terror attacks and actually blamed the russians of for it as a pretext of turn, public opinion against them. so before pollutant came out and said, he believe it was his frame and a job of high. and as i had already said that because i've been researching nato and it's policies and under nato's a military doctrine, when it loses a more which this is nate to arrests fighting with it lives as a where it then ships to a symmetrical warfare and terrorism. so i believe all the evidence points towards that with no evidence dw. com and then the germans and others are saying please stage this with no evidence, but clearly you do. you see them catching the chairs trying to get back to the board when you frame their, their target and live on the spot. and just say,
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i know nothing. i was given me to do this. that's exactly what western level as intelligence do is as have useful idiots. they've been paid money out of carry this out, believing they had a way to escape. but if i really speculated which i'm speculating now, i would imagine ukrainian intelligence probably burned them and told the russians or to grab them so they can set them up and say it was isis so, so these guys are following the classic pattern of how nato and how the up the out here in america set people up. and so this is something that secret police have done in major companies throughout the world history. and the motive would put one in a huge reelection and rush and winning the war and the crime being rejected. with this call for 20000 for trends and, and really the powers that be being a lot of trouble. the majority of americans, 80 plus per share, that gives us more, but they can't pass the spending funding to to get hundreds of millions or tens of
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billions more to your claim. and so people say, well, why would they do this? it is to try to manipulate russia into a stronger response to escalate. so nato has a pretext to expand or publicly against russia and ukraine. and so that's my analysis. i got about a 95 percent probability. we don't have all the answers yet, but that is what i believe all the evidence points towards. all right, let's take the ice is theory. how credible is the claim? couldn't a video of man wearing bottle, click an eyeball across the vice uh, you know, support groups, accusations, isn't that convenient for anyone to put that way? well, like i said slot against russia in syria, isis has attacked russia. and so when you hear the term ices, that means western intelligence funding, people from islamic countries,
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so they can frame as long and, and basically take liberties dimensionally at home. so when you hear the term, i says, isis doesn't really exist other than western funding. and so technically, there is, here's isis, people believing they were being hired by isis, not knowing who's paying them. and then isis takes the responsibility to check the heat off of nato and nato. since the message for russia, we can activate sleeper cells inside your country or inside your allies and attacks you at any time and not take the blame kind of like they blame. the nord stream pipeline on russia would rush or blow, but soon pipeline. when is one of the main funding mechanisms? and of course i hearst got the documents, talk to the witnesses, how the pentagon train for 6 months in panama, central america training, navy divers that'll blow up in order for the pipeline. and as it came out that that was the case of the nato and force has been blamed ukraine and said ukraine blew up
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the pipeline. so we've gone from pete and blow up the pipeline to ukraine, blow it up now, but we know the truth. so that's why trumpet, he was re elected that in this war over 9 because 90 percent of the funding for your credit come from the us problem simply in the funding orders war. we very, very easy to and, but we have trouble all these political prosecutions. the states trying to take them off the balance so we can run, we have massive election meddling in his pollutant said rightly united states has descended unfortunately into a very d stabilized barbara's of civilized situation. america is fighting for its life right now against these global ass offshore. all the guards that are in slaving us and. and we know that we'll be able to rep hunters get in trouble. they will generally try to start a larger. we're to unify domestic populations around them. and so that's why i am absolutely against this war because i don't want nuclear war. and i'm for solitary with russia and every other nation,
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the world. and i want to get control of america back and looking for all of the american people and the greatest danger the american people are the global of criminals that have hijacked our country are now using an exporting at the try to take over the world. all right, now let me ask where is that? who has something to gain from an attack on moscow as well as a jury? now i'm said 3 weeks ago, it will be nasty surprises in russia resort. sorry, a, a, a days ago. he's the mouse of the global us on cnn said sanctions don't work. we to make russians pay inside their country to 5 minute clip. he says if the and we to make russians pay and so they know the russian mentality is not gonna back down to what they really mean is we want to push the russians off show that they escalate the war. and so we have a pre tax to say, we've now got to officially send in nature out for him to 5 directions. and so this escalation, the doran corporation. now there's a warned on the threat latter to nuclear war, but it goes $1.00 to $43.00,
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where it's $37.00 right now. and it keeps going up. we're gonna end up in a nuclear war, so i'm desperately trying to expose there's, there are a lot of patriots in america. lot of good people, the government who don't want this to happen as i don't rush it, scene of rush, it was expansion. us of the rush was in our business, that of russian was putting crimson, our border and missiles are border. i would be or conflict with russia, but russia is not doing that. and so that's why i'm here exposing this and talking about this, but it isn't all our interest to de escalate the situation. we're in. and again, all the evidence points toward the escalated, domestic care attached inside russia, but nato knows that it looks bad. valencia said is generally 7 said we're going to start a symmetrical attacks, mass shootings, bombings. they've already done it in moscow and other other major cities. what do they want? wait a minute. that'll look bad when we target civilians because the russians have avoided targeting civilians. all these places have been killed is when their air
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defense issued a vessel down to the middle military target that falls on some civilians are having some civilians as collateral damage. and that's a sad thing. but the point is russian did not start this war. the west brags or charles brags on cnn, on the same shelf, reject, sorry, of that. they, over through the framers range and years ago. c, i a built thousands of basses inside ukraine before i'm most proud occasion, to get the russians to respond. but they believe that ukraine and nature would win the rush. it was a paper tiger. now that russia has one, they're now resorting to terrorism. that was their own statements. that's the road doctorate. so do i know the last did this know what they told us. it was their doctor, they blew up north street pipeline. you know, it was reckless and the, and they got caught, they don't care. they blew up the big bridge going from last year to crimea. and so, unfortunately, for all of us under the, under the sword of damocles, the nuclear weapons,
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i would expect now to see more of these attacks inside russia. and then we'll continue to hear that it was supposedly isis. so that a token watches war inside russia, that plausible deniability. that's where all the evidence points. all right, now let me ask you this. before i let you go presidency last key of you create a key, is ross, you, i'm just reaching the tara attack as a way to justify more attacks on ukraine. i wonder what do you make of that? a narrative or rhetoric, i mean, it's absolute crap and everything that comes out of someone's, he's bob as a likes he knew 2 years ago that ukraine could never win those even with died. so and so they continue to say they're insensible. they're going to, when there's going to fight to the last ukrainian and they just hope that some of the wild card like a per goshen or this attack will somehow make the rush is mad at food and then somebody will be removed. but that's not happening. so again, they don't give up, all they do is keep doubling down, which is why i am speaking out against this,
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even though it's very dangerous for me to do this. but i mean they, they've already come after me for being against nuclear war being same. and i'm not, i'm not whining or planning. i'm just saying the threat of nuclear war is a greater danger to my family than the threat of what may happen to me. and so i'm literally risking my life to come on air here and talk about this because the danger of the side capacitive hijacked, my government is, is so serious. this is a do or die situation, or all we have to living here. now john lives going to host of info was alex jones . thank you for your insights on this that you can find as an informed common real alex jones on x. we follows there. of course we will. thank you. the all website archie dot com has up until the mid updates on the terror attacks that are detained suspects in the latest statements coming out of moscow and the messages pouring in from around the world. the
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the, the line, scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and gather the facts to take back to the american people for the
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course or the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying, this is where the buildings are exploding. so i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the wounds in the street. the level of the building was being collapse. i wanted to see the soldiers that were fighting and hear from them why they were fighting, how this fighting started in their opinion. and ultimately, where we're heading,
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the bradley, the 1st american army officer who's been here since that called in the saw, i want to see with my own eyes what american tax fair dollars have done. i think this is a privilege and a duty to come. and the most important thing that we can do is show that america has americans that do not have conflict, resentment, possibility, or prejudice towards russia. so it's sad that america is turned into war, but i think that's why american military officers can come and be a be show that america is not about war. and this, this is, this is an opportunity to see firsthand what's happened and what the truth is.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the russian special forces training, these guys are ready for action, which are very, very impressive, highly proficient in their weapons and their magazine changes. course the kalashnikov has the best rifle on the planet. and that becomes very,
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very apparent that in the simplicity of their changes and their maneuverability in their use of this weapon system. so the classic off is not only the most rugged rifle, but it is the simply for high combat, high stress situations. what's impressive is the maneuverability of the soldiers. these guys are remarkably tight on market police professionals. okay . tell them it's been a long time since i had a collection ago. the good good weapon, the best weapons,
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the truck, the
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well, the thank you. well trained. well, train man to tell him he's well, a good trainer. his memo, live the. yeah, it takes me back to infantry training, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill. a sort of operations are things like ballet hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of drilling. so it comes muscle memory. when it comes matthew pretty quick, you're holding a weapon, the proper pos, your magazine, flipping it's so it's a great weapon though. the collection of cough is without a doubt, one of the most lethal weapon systems. simplicity, 762 round. that's something that you know, the,
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him for the am 16 of these weapon systems. however,
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the of the, the, like the, i enjoyed being with the tank crews in the russian military officials that were showing us the, the use of these vehicles that were nice to go out in the money, get dirty and enjoying the range.
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the vehicle is 52, a pick up some of that. do you have some quotes to leave a seat on those and then we would watch any mamma, papa, but i don't see any t. so you go to the extent vehicle. so what is the city mother's code? a seal document should be going on. that seems to be a monthly scale model. instead of the serbian gentleman i spoke with extensively in spanish, we have that in common. so we had a conversation in spanish. he had a patch pro putting on his, on a shirt. he was very positive towards president putin as all the soldiers were. but they were again, volunteers fighting for level of country fighting against fascism village shows a deal. so 30, it's your same lot of noise, but the most often when it's on the right that is that this is oh my god. all right, uh,
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1033 on the bose. the land as often as good us. yes. are you sure? sure. sure. sure. sure, it's awesome. we will need to share many to most of the sort of hello. oh yes. just like, oh so the more you need to put you, not it, which of course especially of, of what a bit the with the to the most of the most i fixed the phone and it was interviewed by 2 at the boys. don't know the answer wasn't, you know, so when data who quoted me for ben hixson lived there day of the majority of placing as low as one of the forest. let's give that to let's clear. so if you to ok, sounds like there's ones out of the way, but there was no way of switching the button. okay. was always the lender thing so so by the bank is very strong. she thought it was going to very well constructed base stamps and had
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a massive part of bosch soup that we shared. and i think that's extraordinary, really important to keep the motivation of the troops. i is to maintain a, a connection to civilized and fraternal living. and they were jocular, they were happy, they were motivated, there was a joyful enthusiasm in the hearts of the russian soldiers where i think the ukrainian soldiers are full of dread fear and the eventual ality of defeat. and perhaps absolute destruction can when it's so for what i mean, i'm not going to be on the point the same post in the the the model. well, when we're out in the field, i enjoyed the meeting,
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the young japanese gentleman who had joined the troops and was finding in the front lines. he was fighting as a independent volunteer because he was an anti globalist. he did not want to see the george soros and global his tyranny spread. and russia was the only country that uh, was uh, fighting back against that high stage. yeah. okay. rum download the one month. one month. yes. from japan. yes. okay. us and have you seen any actions? have you been fighting the enemy? uh no. oh i. yeah. i uh just uh the the rankings and, oh yes, i love watching is a here. uh i going to go fight yet. not yet. yes. not yet. we. you want to, oh yes, yes. okay. so are you officer or enlisted me as soon as the
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restaurant is sergeant sergeant. okay. i was a lieutenant in the us army. oh yeah, good. yeah it's, it's good to see so many people from around the world coming to fight for russia. yeah. against nazis against global as against george soros and all of this wickedness. yes. and, and we, i think russia will when very, very soon. oh yes, i believe a go shop. we do a b. this will. yeah, yes. the release of russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. most all sense and that's the same. and 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester routing and supports the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you see a request for check? the after the nazis bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victories. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa,
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despite the fact that formally libya had been coming to daily and colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to foreign power and put up fierce resistance. dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of the senate side order. omar l move star, who was nicknamed the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and boys in gas usage, mass deportations and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps. the invaders could not cope with the error of patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l move star was captured and sentenced to hanging at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon, pursuing
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a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population, more than 100000 de boats fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed. in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence the we see. and you can hear explosions in the background. high mars or, or some ukrainian web, u. s. weapons said the premiums of god. 155 artillery that the us loves
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defend look at all these bullet holes and shrapnel. well, they have reinforced the building was sandbags, which is to shield its from artillery rounds criminal explosions, bullets grenades. so it is turned to civilian city in a currency exchange into a war zone where they are afraid of bombings and artillery rounds. and judging by last night's music in the sky, it's still going on. so it just occurred to me what americans would do if their banks had sandbags surrounding them. what would americans do if their children were afraid to walk to school plus the high more missile fall in the middle of their play grounding, killed them. but a man, what would americans do if they had
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a similar situation going on in oklahoma? that's happening and didn't ask so the target, the military target that was so important for the ukrainians to strike was the city library. a city library containing books and knowledge was done. of course, those are toxic to the cranium. nazi sugs led by zelinski silver. that'd be a deal of this up like you don't know. we might be ask who is good up. steve tread. that's like, let's say, even the cdl with this metal to for do you do is. so it uses, the more young is miles. they have the, the,
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the more the chairs while i am very sorry. nobody's been since the review. i don't really know. how would the people here handle it for 10 years, 10 years, and some people are telling me that most of these holidays haven't been so intense . you know, it's like, i don't really know how to handle it. you know, the, what i'm seeing here is almost sometimes beyond belief. yeah. and for me and the, and how the people are still functioning is also, you know, it's beyond belief because we in australia and canada in the united states have never experienced with their experiencing here. absolutely. never before have we have, we had this in the west. we've lived a life of luxury in fact this for 50 years. yeah. yeah, exactly. where with she think this moment is the front line. yes. i mean that it's within our to be right. yeah. how does that mean? yes. is the front no. yes. it's the frontline city,
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the saddest thing is that it is american weapons being used that are causing americans to have to wear body armor when they visit cities like them. that's
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the most. but then would you mind that? so the way many things are quenched, guessing they're going to send me pictures on on store? is this your mother? i'm just getting it over. i know she'd be actually done where send me spring or seemed academic kind of sick and let me know which one sooner beat but the most in washington. ok. then of course, the more you know, you most of them know created to so we are in
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a time that couldn't be the last to days. and we must be salt and light voices of love for people to see and find christ. so it's hard, but doing spiritual man like you provide the light for people to follow the functioning and assume it's a frustrating them is that they're going to go up by medicine. what they're numerous throwing in with the me. i just belittle my below credit. i'm not sure if i'm here or is it is in you, is there any more curse? very general go. several class could look at the boulevard, you know, frustrating already in general. so students gives
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a grand school rich in giving it to an official thing here to do. what else i don't want any football on the other student is in there may have to know the fish or more. and then americans loved the russians and the premiums we know evil has been done in the american name. and we're praying against that. that's why i came in many, many other americans, the r defenders of russia and ukraine, the america, the see to see now let's go out of time on star a for your loans. i'm sorry that you're here. i've come
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to take the truth back to america and health and as for if i wanted to bring you some gift, these are for you know, fat healthy may i ask how you were wounded me cause it coming, causing drop me because of the those to yeah, with i didn't show you control on that. no, actually. okay. the full died of the ocean by sort of amount of some but as a new and then most of the case it may be busing. i need senior college to the my own us, please do buy gifts or gifts. mo, i'm not these collision, i presume. but if somebody anybody, so was it and i will will put them in. so let me tell you what i need to know before that because where the issue wouldn't be important, i need to come see you and we can schedule their place doesn't. that's the thing and i know,
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well don't let him stay one more than if i've got the book which subject, which means i wrote the which symbol which goes over to the risk of losing a okay. is that i'm at least it's like 15 minutes. besides up most, i wanted to meet the wounded russian soldiers to look into their eyes and see the patriotism and the heroism that they were embodied by. i wanted also talk with them about how they were hurt, what weapon said injured them? were they mines? were the missiles, with a high marsh, with a cluster bombs, then they come from the united states and they come from britain that they come from germany. france, how were they injured in what conditions in the yeah. so these are all the manufactured in the united states
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sent to ukraine. for me. i don't care composer mostly the mushroom for yeah, yeah, devastating. the we have the girls this a lot. this one you might have didn't use a man and us the cardboard. so blue line dot com. oh, do you got a phone number? i should give them a call more than opposite me and tell them, hey, i've got your property in the criminal enterprise because the politicians are taking tax fair dollars to buy these weapons or getting money in their own pockets from the defense contractor agencies. so all the companies that make these weapon systems getting money to the
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american politicians for passing a passing financial packages. so literally, graham and all of these republicans and democrats who vote to send weapons, dean cray, they're getting money off the top, they'll get a $1000000.00 in brown bag of cash. so right behind me of the building that was struck on november 6th by high mara farms time. our missiles fired by the ukranian military, that killed civilians. the so we're going into the building that has been shredded by time. our missile systems the see the impact on the wall. it's shredded. all the shrapnel went up. oh is that same lines? yeah,
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says mine off. so that sign says mine's is if mine is to blow us up. so will be a little cautious. in many ways, i feel like that classic theme from the world war to tape for the american army takes the german towns folk into the concentration camp to show them what the nazis were doing in their extermination camps. all of this propaganda that russia invaded with ambitions against germany and the you and the west saw both that russia came in to defend the people of dynette school were being genocide, such as a woman, young, pretty woman who was captured rate, tortured, branded for, got cut in a swastika shape,
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the water is part of the leg, isn't it? but it would pose good, isn't the deep su wasn't good in the world, but is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without please is less competitive or hello and welcome to cross the full force. here we discuss the wheel in the
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the, the, the top. so is this our, a most good court rule, the old full suspected terrorist and the purpose and the city hold side to the remaining cost of the for almost 2 months. and the investigation is underway. hundreds of people side end of july that have a tracking monthly gather. plus we watch a suit, one of those who have lost a life. so the guys move video the to the try to the surfaces. we have the harrowing tale of those and stuff with the my my friend pushed me to the floor and we crawled in the other
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direction. and that's when they started shooting inside. they were detour him from somewhere very nearby. and we ran out through the 2nd exit into the corridor. apparently we somehow missed those or shooting because they were coming in the times area for the, for the wheels. the shift scale of the devastation applied flooded, tire, of fact. and my philly stuff. a 137 people, the former says to the, well, this is all saying is good to have your company today. my name is will not allow me . oh for suspected terrorists of the fruits this city whole months ago, which claimed the lives of
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a 137 be the will remain in custody until the 22nd of may. they will rest of the size of a morning off the fleeing. the scene as they attempted to cross the plain, the criminals have been charged with committing acts of terror, a crime. the count has a maximum penalty of life behind bars in russia, 3 out of the 4 of the men of 15 guilty. meanwhile, clouds gathered outside the tragedy 6 and they need to pay their respects to the victims of this time. the license of the guy was a favorite song by the service. so yeah, for who, because of who was dedicated images of white kinds of symbol to receive a piece of density flying upwards on the buildings. i say that into the sky above.
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it was an emotional moment for those at the memorial, while some shed tears and comforted one another. the gathering was illuminated by would come to light smoking beside the occasion process. the president also paid his respects to the consumers of the tragedy and a southern set of money inside a charge by the efforts and that a tandem paid for those who lost their lives. cities of us are russ. i have joined the law school in law as people who have been deeply moved by the treasury gathered to commemorate memory of the victims, including those in the in rushes new territories. the procession fold frames is taking place level russia onto is rolling cost when i have visited $1.00 such event in the public and 5, this report russian president vladimir prevention declares from march 24th as it's a health national morning for the victims with terrorist attacks in most schools
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all across the country and various events are being held. this particular one is called cranes, where a crate is a symbol of selfless support for all the victims that i didn't. the 3rd subject then ask is no exception. no save. so in my heart, there was more tragedy and panic. i was watching the news on social media. my whole family was watching and sympathizing with those people who are there. people were shot at point blank range. i live in genetic republic, i faced ukrainian terrorism constantly. shells are territory, but what was happening there? what people experienced it was just impossible for me. the pain resonates in our hearts and in our souls and all the guys who came today, they share this collective pain. and that's how they make a gesture of remembrance. this gesture of ours also happens in not very safe conditions. most of these young people are about 18 to 20 years old. that means that said 10 years ago have this stored on the crate in aggression against it.
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people have done boss. they were barely hand elementary school and they know full well what sarah's and feels like. you know more about stories and then anyone else. you know the words or ross was feeling is the extra. is it always those responsibility on foreigners, over the last couple of days, at least this is severely as were wounded by ukrainian artillery, selling here with domestic public private infrastructure was this to it as well that terrorism that began 7 years ago continues. so they stay just fine old as the people here. morning for the victims of moscow, vermont girlfriend margie, the next group on that's are these have recovered a 137 bodies from the side of the attack. 3 of those who lost their lives with children to the scale, how the destruction is clear. it's a see here and this aerial footage, the building that home to the crew, to city concert, a whole has been completely destroyed. and you'll see where the roof at the
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collapse reading the but that remains inside auntie is marina, the cost of a fall. this report, she feel bad, so bold. have you called the survey the same under any other circumstances? this would be a very exciting and interesting opportunity, but of course we are good on a helicopter ride out about a 100 meters heights to take a look at the sides of the massacre and see the level of destruction.
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okay, so this was, it shows the awesome awesome emergency services, all dispensing this severely damaged stop sign, the debbie heavy machinery has been brought to the scene outside looking back today . that's remember how the further the unfolded warning graphic images. coming up, the vertical, i'm sitting for the city list, some kind of shoes and going on here. people are running, everyone's screaming, the shooting from a gun, the shooting of the crowd. some people shooting the whole settle bias. we were set on file,
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the mon mama hurry up
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the, the, the russian president gotten up with an has said the terrorist with fleeing trying to flee into you, put into a crossing that have been provided,
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then box for them. you will have to punish the other day just as well as any possible accomplices. stick to say, to see the new to all 4 of the data, but bit rate those of the terrorist attacks. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. a total of 11 people were detained by the federal security service. so for us, the, an older law enforcement agencies looking to identify and wouldn't cover the entire that or support based, or those who provided them with transport. i see. planet escape route is from the crime scene prepared caches, caches of weapons and ammunition. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all
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the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attack, but with a prepared and organized mass, murder of peaceful defenceless people. checking the criminals with cold blooded and purposefully going to kill, shoot us citizens and our children at point blank range. like the nazis who once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. they plan to arrange a demonstrative execution, a bloody act of intimidation. all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this crime would be justly and evidently punished as the full terror suspects remain in custody and await the site autism, or they've been just more details. the brushes investigative committee is still working hard at the scene of the crocus city hall terrorist attacks to get all the details of what exactly happened there. so far,
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investigators have recovered to assault rifles and over $500.00 bullet casings that were left behind at the crime scene. and they also said that there were no traces of mines left behind there. in spite of earlier reports that there were, they also found additional weapons and ammunition in russia's board, a region of 40 on square, all 4 suspects were arrested and their vehicle seized. now the identification of the victims actually continues as we speak. and as of now 62 of the 137 bodies recovered from the crime scene have been identified with 3 children. among the total number of bodies that have been recovered. work is also under way to return the belongings to people that were at the concert on that tragic night that we're lucky enough to make it out with their lives. as for those that were not as fortunate, we're looking at current casualties, statistics of over $130.00 people killed and over $180.00 wounded. but russian authorities have continued to say that these numbers are likely to rise. unfortunately, has the investigation continues,
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and bodies continued to be recovered. in the early hours of the faithful shooting of the most good concert hold of us was to blame the islamic state group and so that new client had nothing to do with it. they so another west and i, in germany and code americans claim from across the atlantic. i should find this very question, but as hasty conclusions while it has seemed to me failed to find any answer to the notes in pipeline sabotaged. tea is officer. the fox is based on everything that we know so far. it can be assumed that as law mich state correspond is responsible for the deadly terrorist attack near moscow. such a deep analysis, the power of thought, the power of intelligence. i wonder when this one will say something about the terrorist attacks of north stream with the same confidence for a year and a half, no official version regarding the damage to their own property has been put forward in germany. not even this lennox state completed. it has been suggested that we
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have form a political, our foreign policy expert who says that, even if it is obviously, is responsible this most of the story. the fact that some of the me look at it's after reading i do the whole building and it's going to dump, lifting the car needs to do the demo. the minutes i've been running deluxe, the rest and bothered crap trying to lead to of supreme to matters it to get back to the point. see me a lot of people as to you know, who, who didn't bring them off the mind behind this. and also it seems that to that must have been some kind of data funding softball from across the board. it cannot be moved out even though this is a very nice young girl. i don't want to go to any part of delusion on base, but i do understand from the home association switch we have seen in the international media as well as the reports which are coming from back to you in my
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understanding. i do understand that to you as of now try me on because the seems to be on the chat about the car minutes up to go packed up. the ice is about, you know, a lot of the same top funding dollars. me, well, new foot food from the attacks have surfaced online. people could be seen running for the light was sunny over tables and hiding behind the to this is a terrace closed in or the and this video, hey, little gum fly can be heard which continues for more than a minute. the person film in the video was attempting to flee. i might have some makes his way to the 2nd floor and survive. they've got me off the mazda
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of the tragedy soaking. recollections of survivors i haven't moved, you know, from one of the survivors actually spoke to us from the hospital, but the most of the seats were in crocuses to call it a concert of the ben picnic. wherever early checked our jackets and about drove and went up to the auditorium to take our seats. soon after we heard pops that sounded like gunfire. a very large number of spectators, including us, thought that perhaps these were some kind of special effects before the concert. although it was not clear why they started. after that we heard more gunfire and smelled gunpowder, and it became obvious that this was a terrorist attack. people said that there is no need to panic, there is no need to rush somewhere. let's go out slowly. but in them they finally succumb to general panic and begin to run out of their own story. i'm the 1st eggs and there was a crowd there we couldn't get out. so we returned to approximately ro, my friend pushed me to the floor and we crawled in the other direction. and that's when they started shooting inside. they were detour him somewhere very nearby. and
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we ran out through the 2nd exit into the corner. and apparently we somehow missed those who were shooting because they were coming in, they were shooting around the corner and we ran further. somehow we ran forward then went back and accidentally saw a boss that on the, in a certain number of people crab it into the room. all of us remember, and the teachings about terrorism, etc. student in the corner along the wall. so that at least from the door, we could not be shot all at once. and as far as i know, people in the other bathroom were much less fortunate. the either subjugated or were killed. we were a little bit luckier, my friend and i tried twice to leave and find the stairs, or escalator. unfortunately, we did not remember from memory where it was in our attempts did not produce any results. we took off some of our clothes with them and tried to read through them. after that, we walked along the wall to give that to her a bathroom, and we were lucky. we came across a disable stalls where there was a large number of people. there were several things turned out from the counter
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tops. then my girlfriend said that it was the young man who took us out. we did it . he explained that there were still some air left in the sewer. and it could be very useful when we saw that she had a severe asthma that then taylor did not help her. and he directly faced her there . well as if he dipped her to elizabeth spikes and said brief. after that he said something like, let's go, i'll take you out of the bathroom with a lot of people with his girlfriend and i with my friends since there was no visibility. if you're showing a flashlight from your phone, you could eliminate maximum distance. the length of my out stretched arm practically these flashlights were meaningless. at some point, he walk straight and came across an escalator. we walked down the escalator in a single file. he stepped on broken glass on the escalator and there was a sound, a crunch of the glass. naturally, everyone crouched down and then down but moved on because there was no point in staying. there were marks on the glass hand rails from where they had been shot. they were broken, we went down the escalator and the head. well downstairs on the 1st floor,
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we saw an open door. and so we just ran out of this open door because i'm gonna need those have expressed that condolences to russia in the off them off and condemn the attack, which targeted innocent civilians not doing justice, timothy of the as soon as well, the deadly terror acts of the moscow concert venue on friday press popped wide spread contamination and reactions from africa. the content which knows all too well the heart of the tower resume, hence the compassion. as many people visit a russian embassies in their respective countries to pay respect to the slain victims. offical leaders for many years have been actively united the front against acts of terror and often retracted was against radical groups. that's a how it has become the epi center of power reason, globally accounted for. 43 percent of terrorism,
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death in 2022 vomited streams and spreading across the continent after the alarm and ranked including from daisies affiliates on saturday, new jersey national council for the safe guard of the whole months or cnsp issued a statement on ex, condemning the killings and flags to enhance cooperation with russia to 5 sour resume in the house. it's good all countries step centerville, for that is because, uh, houses one quantity is kind of followed by themselves. so i believe is that what kind of idea is quite unfortunate that the resume has become the did as we can see, it's happening in almost every part of the world. you weren't enough or you got an idea. i was offering the same thing on this one, particularly in russia. it's a bit surprising because we know rush as one of the strong powers. ok, so despite all fortunate for such on these 2 days,
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so we're just called the come out of this strong golf. anything that already game should not be funded anywhere in the world. he's africa, asia, america, anywhere. the phones on it is very unfortunate, especially let's talk is against civilian targets. give to let you know in the, let's yetta, we're not, we're dealt with business. not even when we know that collect she's a de strategy and them, but it's the level you'd expect to see. i've talked to individual field whether or not tx 3 and enter into the mentor. it just went to a very unfortunate based on the right. maybe i am synagogue joined these condolences. now maybe us presidents not going to describe but killing a senseless while. he's send me the least counterpart microsoft's voice slowly starting with the golf elements. and people of russia, bills from nigeria is 2020 is a former presidential aspirant as
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a garage guy. but the 2nd he says that the world should united games, terrorism. but unfortunately, the as double style of the exist as it's clear the day something was done on tim, a, james, russia blinking to because you spoke with the, with the new you premium channel is a total and it has to be in the we need to be know so sites what is on fortunately to them we have the libertarians types do so what kind of democracy and freedom awesome, how can you please it is some of this to reflect on this really doesn't method. is it what time or 2 months? you know, do you want us to find one of the principals is on this, do i talk to 99? right. and we saw the outcome. we've got 90 low when i talk to you as well and beat up this time you visit your course issues in order to polish to. so i
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think is new to room for any country to 10 a lot on joining to get out to publish. and it will just see this question is, what are they gonna be leaving it to no site. what is the treasure? well, by isn't a talk in front insight that fits into your input is, is not true, but do you do the thoughts on not outside the building? did you enter this is a to then it knew that there is some level of the woodson that need to get a new home. wanted to come to get up to what is do outside out. com has obviously been updates on the terror attacks. the same suspects. on the dates and statements coming out of moscow, and the message is for the news from around the world the as well. let's take a look at the ukraine conflict now where at least false videos have been wounded in
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keys latest attack on russia. isabel's or the regional authority said real case made in the czech republic we use and i did that at least 22 projectiles looked into sub to it comes as rush shows, observe in the morning for those killed in the recent toes of time. in most of them also you cause with an eagle is dental, has the d test. so once again, the town of belle grove has been sporadically shown here. you can see the debris, what's left of people's ca see the midst of it hit the very top floor of this residential apartment. the building on the balcony was rather you can see what used to be a balcony. it completely crashed and collapsed on people's cause. you can see brakes and parts of this building right behind me on the really do. you can see the scene has been taped off on the wheel, not being allowed anywhere close to. but even here,
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you can see the screw over the showing basically the damage that it's cool is then it's still not being clear the, well, it isn't the process of being cleared, but there's still a lot of work. a lot of work is to be done. there's a lot of jo list here because this building right here is the headquarters of the local t v station and the local governments building is just a few dozen meters that way. so again, this is the very city center. normally this time of day, it's a very, very busy street and a very busy area all together. again, this is not the 1st time that the town of belgrade is being showed. this is not the only site that was hit during the latest showing. uh, the russian defense ministry has already said that the defense has the cities that defensive did manage to shoot down more than 20 minutes. so that was not enough. uh, another site that we show, this is the do all the local university, the mess,
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so hit the rooftop. the just tool could be tremendous if it wasn't for the city i defenses. the did shoot down the majority of themselves. like this change getting out, ron west, some of the country has braces wise out. working on conducting research as the part is science and technology blog is home to hundreds of. i take the ones that have developed, cutting edge domestic solutions for some of the pressure decades of west and inception is all take all this on the use of e. and i mean, is that and spoke with the president, the center or what specifically, they're wanting an achievement in science and technology. are you mostly proud of and what makes it significant? and that in several fields, we were able to have good balance at the international level. for example, in the field of nano technology. we started in iran nearly 20 years ago. and now we are among the 1st few countries in the world in the production of technological
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knowledge in the field of biotechnology. ron's progress is very high in the field of medicine production. you know that we had several vaccine production companies in iran, in the field of corona, and after a short period, we did not need products to be imported into iran, impulsive hospital equipment during the corona virus was almost all necessary. we produced all the equipment, such as ventilated and breathing devices in a wrong, we reach the stage of exporting both bucks and as and medical equipment in the field of corona. there is a generally accepted notion that all science and technology are supposedly located in the west. how can it runs experience, break this stereotype to mount off or do the 30 years ago? we might have thought that people's lives would be in trouble if they would know weston products. first, during the, in post war with a ron and the rock pool. and then the sanctions let us to a self belief that we can get this was the slogan that the leader of
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a ron instilled in our society and our lead society that we can this we can make. so seek to meet our own needs in the face of sanctions. so sanctions became an opportunity for iran law. and what kind of opportunity was the products that used to be imported from the westwood no longer imported. so a new space was created for our professionals to find a market and make those products domestically for statute supporting relations. we're also provided, of course, the government also set good standards that not every product is produced. and the only products that have a good quality level of purchased. therefore, the opportunity of sanctions cools the number of our knowledge based companies to increase from several 100 companies to several 1000. we found that the most important possibility that sanctions provided is that tens of thousands of university graduates were employed in these companies. the government agencies of the organizations and companies could not import from abroad because their economy
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was crippled up. so they became interested in buying these products. and now a very good share of a wrong needs is provided by these knowledge based companies. now, it is not us who are losing profits. it is the west and in europe and companies who lost the iranian market. restaurant in china, our airlines main partners when it comes to politics, economy and even science and technology. how does cooperation with russia and china work in patent these technology par? can have there been any joint projects with these 2 countries? chain that we'll see in china and russia are a wrong strategic partners in terms of technology cooperation. the biggest history of technological cooperation is between iran and russia, which goes back about 40 years ago. joint high tech companies between iran and russia were formed in the wrong and then vice versa. this experience happened in russia. this was folded in the field of medicine and several joint companies are located in the parties technology park. this experience led to this technology
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partnership with some companies in other countries as well. we now have more than 10 companies in pod is technology park that are re ronnie, and with foreign partners in the field of various high tech products. next, this happened with china with the shared experience of nano technology between iranian and chinese organizations that are not the campus technology park. we now have co operation agreements with several technology parks in russia. we exchange offices with each other. and the same thing will happen that the next level with china, so that we can continue to develop cooperation between our companies and all that. so for this thing is our next pit at about and hays and gas discuss the hot topic over the weekend. we'll be back with up or down the the, well, interestingly enough,
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that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukranian prisoners because i wanted to get inside their minds. i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile? i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am an american i see, pardon me, officer. and i've come to ukraine to try and understand and take the understanding back to americans about what has been happening here. so i'm very glad that you will sit down and talk with me, and i'm very glad that you speak english because my russian is that good. i my searching for the regiment as old. i lay a combo a girl,
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and won't have girl on want somebody to read over it. you want us of my name is dana hodges. my sony is hard to go and my goal sign was go ahead and what i found with the 1st prisoner who was a very bright historian, economic minded individual, was essentially no one in ukraine really wanted to fight. they were pushed in to what they were and grabbed off the street. they were captured by zelinski. they were threatened and they were so he didn't want to die. so he followed orders, but he'll have to pay the price for, for crimes that may have been done in those order. so he was, he was also a little like me because he said he had been told that the zelinski government had said, you know, america supports us, america, alarms us america and i told them no, that's wrong. the people in the united states of america have over thrown their congress and gotten rid of the democrats and the rhino who were pushing for this
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war. the american people do not support zalinski. the american people do not want to continue financing and providing weapons to ukraine. that's what the other charge and what to say. i see the vicious capped out of the training mind. so what we've seen is a a pseudo pagan brainwashing of via craniums that often is reinforced with tattoos of teutonic viking swastika bend there. a hero ideologies. and then that is amplified by drug inducement.
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the for the, for the, for
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the russian weapons, i think are the best weapons on earth. i think they're wonderful weapons. my, my father always described the a k 47 is the best rifle ever made, and they preferred the was in vietnam by me partial to that to life. i've had an a k 47 personally and i think it's a wonderful weapon that indoors, everything very powerful and essentially cannot be exhausted and cannot be broken during the school.
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the for sure. cool. funny because i was a special operation soldier myself in the army and i see in their eyes the same discipline professionalism, stoicism, and i think they're also loved by the people in the civilian cities, of, of russia, the mothers and fathers, the neighbors, the, the general family of the russian people love their soldiers in uniform
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again to fit your last row. yeah. it's not quite as good without the boat. the very good for you on hold. what does that mean yet? so what's going on with us? all right, and do you see the thing is there for you for the okay. i gotcha. okay. yeah. like it's amazingly quiet. there's no sound whatsoever. it's just a wind whisper this. you can't hear anything. and with an expert
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pilot like these guys just being able to control and it's, it's amazing what they can do and it's so small it can't be shot out of the ground . no one, no one can shoot at it. so i don't know any countermeasures other than uh, maybe m p or electronic or something like that. but that's a great technology. well done. that the credit score appraisal. what's the issue? yeah. complex, we should be able to get the uh, it didn't still show movies and bucket and you bought it through a problem with a system. as soon as you started live, watch a lot. are link startling, although i saw somebody me. and if you want, i must come on this one and plus the owner of the deal, i will assume through the tomb. i know if i had my manual, i thought that you'll perhaps you did that stephen all steadily and have more talk for it and ship it one more thing is you have any but it's nothing that applies to
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my step. what some stuff that are you mean with national? i mean, yeah. i mean i don't what's know much you but the most on seeing us. oh my, my daughter was full. so i just woke up with the 1st. yeah. yeah. that i bought the car that i bought. yeah. yeah. well, which is loose and i knew more look world model was a good faith. know what you is ellen musk providing star link for these drones to be used against you can yes, good here. so i guess nobody does that sounds about the that was a is so eel on musk is providing star, link the technology to use these drones against the russian soldiers and kill russian soldiers. that's terrible. yeah. they're supposed to come to me here in a minute on bus of and these drones are bombing also civilians civilian targets schools benya for this. yeah, that's news to me because deal on mosque has been telling everybody in america,
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he's not providing starlight to ukrainian army. you on mosque is providing star link capabilities to these drones. i'm thinking, well, he's told us in america he, oh, i'm not providing star link. that's a lie. and i get animated off because they're, they're desa creating my name and my country's name in your line to the american people telling them star links not being used to provide drones. these drones are killing people and then i see the high mars kidding schools and, and kindergartens and you're telling us all, hi mars are going to be used only for military taught targets. that's
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a lie. the where are you from? and why did you come to russia? i'm from south korea. it's on 3 and so, and so, yes. okay, how have your russian patriots, compatriots out, you know, soldiers and arms? how have they treated you and trained you? actually the only, i guess the problem is only leg is yes, go to the good thing. the now i'm under training for jerome. our team speak english. uh huh. because the curriculum platform was also in english english. okay . yes. all right. no problem via yes. what other nationalities and people have you seen here? there is another base. he's from germany. germany. yes. also he thoroughly, i'm italian or the columbia in columbia, in spanish, spanish and south korea because the japanese, japanese yeah, yes, no, scotsman or irishman, i never see. oh man, that's
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a shame as well. that's good to see. so there's a lot of different people that are coming else to help russia and told her how, how long do you think it's going to take before rush? it completely defeats you. great. i believe we finish with the next year, all of these troops and i spend time or square common in there volunteering. and they're volunteering for the purposes of finding fascism because they'll realize this as the next. a central spiritual war between the side of light and the law in naturalness and god in the side of darkness demon, is them in every form of perversion and corruption? i think you'd see a lot of americans come to the side of russia as well. the and settling in for the night
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the spartan military must be in the old days in the american army. the right list would be the lord my strength, which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight. and i shall give the tongue line enemies cannot gain say, nor resist. the lord is my shepherd. i shall not want. he leaves me besides the
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still waters. he said of the table before me in the presence of my enemies. mike copper on his over shirley. goodness and mercy should fall on me all the days of my life. and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever. i'm sure done best for friendship between america and russia. god bless the russian people. the
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the crime for almost 3 centuries, it's been a stronghold of russian culture. 10 years ago of the events, the divided dependence was history and to before and after it became part of russia for good the progress of divorce. a do sort of this to me was to see the fitness, the superficial, if couple of different just here. it was more or less to about that bill jeffers to do some with you the, with the solution that if you choose to cause federal work, pretty good in the midst of which is the listing of what the quote was pretty crossed and the good person it says gets it was a, it's and this, it lit up. it is a floor that will it us doing that only just
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the internet to the what the spit i do and i suppose by us and probably the coolest side of things. but it was supposed to we need to chipped over to vehicle because didn't you could when you receive the grant there's yeah those and just like to say on the site is configured certain besides with you it's
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a visa of still not to say it doesn't. yeah. that's what it is. my 1st name you said i was in yesterday. okay. what was the name of the single the the, the, this is the the, the the, the
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the model, the phone. right? mm hm. so that's all okay. so the, the, the, with the movies to do the very good to have catch nice stuff with the thought that there was somebody with his or the oh okay, thank you. all right, now the very good part fat
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the in the nation. the see if it's, if it's true to america and see what a big run back to what they to potentially fit towards what else supports. so i'll go to them one. yeah. did you want that as if i don't
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the so it's called a high couldn't full battle gear. we're going to get rid of some interest so anyway, nice to speak english here. so my name is we don't believe the very nice tomato sauce me every one of us through. right. so the reason is you're good to know when you use all like well, solar door was right on the front lines and you had mine's going
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off. that had been laid. you had constant barrage is of artillery fire. you had the ruins of uh, town and burnt out vehicles. we also found a lady that was living and sold dara, one of the last inhabitants who was refusing to leave her home and the ukrainians and you know, tried to kill her and target or but the russians came to the rescue of salo door and she remained there so she was a very interesting person that we had a conversation with. and she was standing strong and i think is emblematic of what all russian women are. they are fearless, they are standing to preserve their home, and they are not bowing to the, the fanaticism of fascist the couple i
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if i make the lot of beautiful patawsee, i already to go mass uh, by the highest my some, i mean we should best thing for you and he's nice. this is most receives like you've been, we should be go to the next door classroom. i'm really chatting. i'm stomach. i can still bear with me. you know, i'd like to go for the bus stop. get around with you guys to push stapleton to come . you said it was your deductible give during the summer deal later as well. i think the woman a solemn daughter who lives alone with her, a cat, sent her dogs in her memories in her home, packed with cushions, with the little mice that come through the broken windows. is both a story of sadness and a story of hope to 75. that is the, the fancy what
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the world so it's going to be in full body armor gear hustle and run. it takes me back banning but the devastation is horrendous. i haven't seen anything like this. i am like, well, we've got sweats, not special forces covering our bags. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. the grievance stuff on the truck?
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sure. something's going on where we are with a wonderful staff and nurses and doctors of this medical facility taking care of the wounded soldiers and is an american veteran. i remember people we most love her in the doctors and nurses because they're so invaluable for the slip boys. fluid schneider again, has this devolve for the convoluted science of laws. got funding it for which was the one that was because you got this new video chevy. so blue book is no, just the newest theme is going to invite you to go through the same design. and just obviously in this kind of into his bush at the ones i most of this is the
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grandmother of law. yeah. that's the one place. and he lives out. no. yeah, no, no, what was but she's been lovely. no, yes it almost feel to be my phone is not just for was not good for that for me as the movie should lead me in the snow. is this what size of florida against this, which doesn't for susan horton, this house quote, which is the most ship settings that should come down to get settled by it was americans are not giving any more money or weapons to zalinski americans or against ukraine. we are
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on the side of russia. we are in our own revolution, but no more zalinski, no more ukraine, a level receipt. yeah. i can only apologize for the american weapon that wounded you. i'm sorry, but it's corrupt governments and weapons makers that make money on the war. that's what this has been
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the, what country am i on? what's happened, the western society and we were supposed to be the liberators of the oppressed or supposed to be the captain america right. going around with a shambles and helping people. and i discover when i've come here, we are a frankenstein monster. we've created a frankenstein monster and there's roaming the countryside destroying the lives of the russian people in the next,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hello and welcome to the cost of full born. here we discussed the real name, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the headlights of this out to of the full suspects in the quote. because i'm sitting here at sac plead guilty, and i'm of the board of them and will remain in comfortably while an investigation is underway. i'm the people side of why the terrors fact and most of the gather across and watch. that's one of those who have lost their lives. also had the


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