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tv   News  RT  March 26, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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the, the, nobody's going to be central speaking, but we are interested in this may be an event in a series of with them less than by those who have been fighting pressure since 2014, at the hands of the new russian president makes it clear that friday, tara attack is consistent with new print inside 6 inches of fully birds allied america fundament. but as washington is fine to whitewash cumulatively from the suspects of the service, all making and gosh, for the train bought up, wasn't emitted a play o teens. t them any guilt battleship that blame on to isis care. they say that it has been increasing,
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takes the crane aiming to repeat to native turbo tax in exchange. the get the company today for the latest global news on the island. and this is on the international according to the russian president, it's clear who is behind the tragic attack at the most go concert whole. he says it's consistent with the training temporal tactics. me is my, we know the crime was committed by the hands of radical islamic whose ideal genius these lubbock world itself. i'm giving you has been fighting for centuries the united states through various channel setup. but as, and i'm just trying to convince it, set the lights that the needs of and other companies can only, but according to their intelligence, it doesn't get done. and there is allegedly no c of 10. but in the most co
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terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was committed by following the slim of members of the place to show me what i see that his band in russia, as we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia, the and it's p r i c e. and that's what we're interested in, who or to describe that gosh, this may be an event in a series of attempt to satisfy those who have been fighting russia since 2014 at the hands of the neo nazis tier. originally, from the nazis, what it says is well known each to never disdain, to use the dirtiest thing to do so in the most in humane means to achieve their goal was to play, especially today when they're much fighting accounts that are offensive has failed . the solution will continue, which is already recognized by everyone. how did you come to these, let me use, hence the attempts to enter and gain a foothold in our border territories. otherwise, you have a shilling, mind you spell your solution, including using multiple rocket launchers against peaceful neighborhoods. yes.
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because the attempts to strike the try me in bridge and the financial need itself, among the system of the intimidation actions like the terrorist attack in moscow when it comes quite logically fit into the series of yeah, i mean, even though what else, their goal is to so panic conditions and show their own population, but not everything is low to you. you just need to follow the orders of your wisdom to write this initial net worth and execute. the commodity from washington says it doesn't hurt the president mentioned that the terrorist attack was conducted by assignments that he also emphasized that the investigation overall should be done without any bias is because russia is interested to. 1 who order the attack, and he also went on to mention that, well, it looks like it could be part of the list of attempts by ukrainian united states in order to intimidate russia. that's been happening since 2014. i mean, we have examples of that that are relevant now for example, the crime in bridge attacks, the showings that are ongoing,
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especially when you consider the failed ukrainian counter offensive. but so, especially if looks like you can't well do what it takes, whatever it takes to prove itself to it. citizens that, you know, there's still hope. so it's no surprise that the russian president would give out this idea. but overall, he did mention that it is necessary to understand why the terrorists were fleeing to ukraine. because even if they were assignments, even if they are part of isis, there's still was waiting to claim. they still had someone waiting for them at the border. the russian investigative committee continues its investigation and according to the committee chairman, he gave us quite a clear image of what happened that night. how it all started, how these on demand showed up with automatic rifles and just started shooting and everybody, regardless of age or gender,
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how they had gasoline in plastic bags in order to set the place up on fire, how after they finish these, he is asked, they drove off in the parking lot and they hit an 8 year old kid leaving him in serious condition. now this kid already has an operation and he's expecting to have a 2nd one. according to the chairman, he also said that the terrorist essentially pled guilty and they even gave out some information on who ordered the attack and who financed it. this the pull that everything speaks to the fact that the terrorist attack was meticulously planned. $139.00 people died as a result to 4 criminals have now been charged and they are being held in pre trial detention. they have all admitted to the guilt and have provided extensive testimony on who ordered the crime and those who aided and abetted the terrorist attack. the 3 arrested accomplices provided the militants with an apartment, a car,
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as well as transported money. as he mentioned, more people are detained, they were accomplices in the crime. but the investigation is still ongoing because despite washington claiming that ukraine has nothing to do with it. and whether these terrorists are part of isis or not, it still doesn't explain why they were fleeing to the cleaning and bordering who was waiting for them there. i mean, the more information we have on this, the more we can see that this was a carefully planned attack, may allow us to and officials of in times of the result of the ally you find of any link to the content and system that key has nothing to do with it, even without an investigation flattering who in his already trying to link this to your brain and say that your brain is responsible. does the us have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually and by all accounts
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responsible for what happens. and so, because the american government only, i was to reach the conclusion that isis k, who is responsible for the 2nd grade, was made, even before the tara group announced it was behind it. a lot is going on 2 years since the middle of the same pipeline bloss and washington still says it has no idea what happened is of the us leadership of long issue sweats against russia. amid the planning and conflict and the address to keep the troops as a trained with american forces law, said the pen to close the top general. at that time, my committee had an ominous warning for every russian, as i had to sleep at night. or there should be no russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they're going to get the throat slate in the middle of the night. you gotta get back there and create a complain behind the lines. one of the suspension service said he was recruited by
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a religious teacher who contacted him via messaging app onto the officer as well. he just looks as if the, the terrorist who carried out this crocus city hall terrorist attack were not the only ones that were solicited over a telegram to commit these nefarious crimes. like these. i mean, according to russia's internet safety league, they say that criminals are specifically targeting teenagers whose information can be found in compromised internet databases. and they're also warning a parents to immediately report and block a strange numbers on their children's phones. the way the leak also said that a lot of these accounts that are carrying out these crimes are actually being made in ukraine. hi, i want to make you a very interesting offer. i'm from ukraine. i suggest we arrange a terrorist attack on march 26th, 2024 in the orange shopping center 475-0000 roubles. we have all the weapons
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and ammunition, we will distribute them. you will be with the 11 plus people high as i understand you live nearby, redeem shopping center is an offer. it's urgent. good. by 1000000. no. don't refuse . 400000 at once. no. if you don't agree, you'll really regret it. no telling me you will suffer, but also your relatives. during the recent russian presidential elections, we saw a number of people pouring green di into the pallet boxes because they were scammed into it. believe it either over the internet or over the phone. and they, some of them even gave confessions. let's take a listen at 10 am they called me introduce themselves as the bank security service and offered to write off all my loans in the amount of about half a 1000000 robles. i agreed to that in exchange had to do something. after it was, they said that you need to pour a bottle of green dye to go to polling station and pour it into the ballad box. they told me which bong station on which street i arrived. i walked with
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a bottle under my arm, i put it into ballad box and i was detained. i admit my guilt, it won't happen again. since that happened, rushes central election commission has promised a strong response from law enforcement. and it's also said that it's likely that the ukrainian security services are involved in this recent spike and create in cyber crime. specifically, especially with all of the comments we've seen from ukrainians across the internet . praising what actually happened at the crocus city hall concert area. so with these investigations into these crimes continuing, it's likely that the picture of the whole picture of what's actually going on here is going to become much clearer soon. right as the into this and costs live to please will. alas, i sondra buena joining us from toronto, you kind of some of the thanks so much for taking them. 5 disturbing lady when we see images and reports like this of, of children being messaged here in russia to carry out acts of
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a terror really. but what are your thoughts on who could be behind this as well clearly, um, in, in the case uh that we just did this, i have to say ukraine, there is no one else who could possibly do it. however, in the case of the larger attack, i wouldn't rule out the us or british. the secret service is either because um, something is starting to powder and is starting to emerge here with the, with the ford service. and so therefore we can call them terrace. now they, they have even admitted their deal to the car. um that it reminds me of the north screen ike line. in other words, we can clearly see the hand of a foreign power. but as far as power continues to hide a and deny the responsibility even a year and a half or 2, almost 2 years after and making up a, we have
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a very strange story that they made up with the the same as your the underwhelming to the rent it didn't pull on the and so on wouldn't instead of if it's quite clear as articles by the journalist seymour hersh showed the detail to which the, the us involvement was involved in the, the, the extent to which the u. s. was involved. so we, uh, at this point i think the what is very interesting about this case and i think which is why the west is so alarmed is that with all the isis or i'll kinda, you name the organization, the alphabet soup of terrorist that we had the in the past decade, this is the 1st time, but they actually captured the killers in, in the hours after the attack. and they can speak, we had, for example, problem being allowed in on the,
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the people who perpetrated all the big attacks of the 2, thousands and so on. never had to chance to speak. they all, we seriously size. and this is the big difference here. um, these guys clearly operated for money. uh and it looks like some of them had their families to it. but um, the dynamic is not that of the jihad is attacked even though they have they have the semblance over them. and so i thought, but that's why i wanted to sort of take you. uh, yeah, so next was, this doesn't really look like the style of, you know, outcry the or isis or they. so whenever you, when i pull them, but this is, this is clearly something that was carried out with much detail on expertise. and i come imagine that these guys are so you feel that they were survive this at this, this rate if you like. but my question really is all the important points that
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these, that they carried out the tides. however, more importantly who, who benefits here, who are older this, who ordered this attacks? well, now you asked me that a few days ago and i was more hesitant now. i'm and less how does the end? there's something that came to mind immediately after our past interview, which is that victoria newland in the days before she resigned or maybe caught fire and promised to rush out terrible things now. and this message coincided approximately with the timing of the us warning to americans to avoid concert halls. but because isis k, they were very specific, was planning an attack. now, how did they know? so my, my suspicion, or at least i would,
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i might use direction is more toward langley and london. then even tips in terms of the planning here because of, or at least they were in conjunction with for sure, because victoria knew. and what was, of course famous for organizing the cool in kids. and it seems to me that she continues to her up session is that she wants to organize a mind on moscow. and she's not going to be satisfied until that happens. so i think we, we the, the, we are the direction of the investigation perhaps has become clearer for, for the, for the lessons. yeah. stuff is on a alonzo waterside new outside, but it was a pleasure speaking to you for the know thanks again now as well. so mullins, the victims of the terrorist attack,
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a high ranking in german parliament member who was incidentally in charge of foreign affairs, was going to launch his own garage advanced pasta, as he insisted that it is russia. that's a terrorist state. our condolences go to the many innocent victims in moscow. however, we must not forget that russia itself is a terrorist state which once again terrorized the ukrainian civilian population with rocket and drone attacks. last night. russian authorities have repeated the assessor that they never deliberately. so hank residential areas and you claim and they were only false and take many actions you to fuse fulls is attacking civilians in the task and the gas, the public's says 2014 full legitimate m p mountain builder says that the german parliamentarians was simply a simple way to keep the training russia as the west and then a new screen. now that was the role. so we have to season
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realistically, the frustration though john chancellor saw us was on the x. we come down to, to terrace, detain innocence concept because most of the families of the weekends and all those into a a, this is a reaction that every human being can search the pro self, some training. and john politicians like the commentary runs out to 2 days. no, they don't know, i guess russia, unfortunately, trust design tastelessness. obviously incrementing the narrative. the end of the peach against russia. chevy reanimated. fast motion to if you are you members, please stay on the back. real
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nice. after that time in all across the calls, the relationship to the page again, stress i civic this call is now being initiated by actors like mr. rhodes, and this is a b i city. they're responsible. as discussing, fluoride is uptake on other moscow terror attack which took the lives of a 139 people. the suspects and the investigation had a link to our website all seems or what you covered. the united nations security council has adult to the resolution demanding
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a cease fire in gaza during the hulu month of ramadan versus ambassador to the u. n said it remains unclear with latrice will hold off the literally just one. i think severe new ours is. it is fundamentally important for the 1st time, the un security council demands that the parties observe an immediate cease fire even if limited to the month of ramadan. unfortunately, what happens after it remains unclear since the wording lasting can be interpreted in different ways. and this is very significant to you today during the vote on our amendment. we once again saw the true face of our colleagues in the security council and became convinced of who really wants and, and not a suspension of begin to main is really operation. we would like to draw attention to the following. what happened today is response to those who criticize the veto power of the permanent members of the security council. after all, if russian china had not used it on march 22nd, instead of the short text capable of stopping violence in the gaza strip,
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we could have had a very harmful text of the american resolution, which not only did not demand to cease fire for the actually gave israel a license to continue its actions against the palestinians, including in rasa. this is certainly a pivotal moment to this is the 1st time the 15 member body that leads to the united nations has passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. today's resolution call for an immediate cease fire in honor of the islamic holy month of ramadan, as well as the immediate release of all hostages. now the reason that this resolution was able to be passed was because the united states, which has generally used as veto power, that is a permanent member of the security council to block any resolution that would restrain is really activity the united states of stamped. and so the resolution passed it did proceed. now here's what the palestinian representative had to say about the conditions and gaza and the need to hold israel accountable. there is no
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real money to you when our lives are treated as expensive in as there are no rules without enforcement. and it has been treated as a state above the low for the so long that it feels it no longer has to hide. when acting as an outflow state, there can be no justification for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, accepting any justification for such crimes is the renouncing our humanity and destroying the root of international law the under the page. now the united states made clear in its statement that it does not consider the resolution to be binding and that they still call for the release of all hostages before they expect israel
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to and to get attack on gaza. now in response to today's resolution, passing in the united states of staining and not blocking it. we've seen that israel uh, the president prime minister of israel netanyahu is cancel his upcoming trip to washington dc. now the representative of israel at the united nations took to the floor of the un meeting and gave some harsh words saying he considered today's resolution to be unacceptable. here's what he said. your demand for a ceasefire without conditioning gate on the release of the hostages. not only is not helpful, but it undermines, undermines the efforts to secure their release. it is harmful to these efforts because it gives her much says a terrorist. it gives us a much terry. it's the hope to get a cease fire without releasing the hostages. all members of the council,
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all members should have voted against this shameful resolution. now us secretary of state anthony blanket and said that today's resolution was allowed to be passed according to his statement. because a previous resolution put forward was blocked by china and that the united states does not considerate binding. they do not expect israel to abide by its uh, so white moments of the un security council, russia in china have been pushing for a resolution calling for as the spire for months. and now it appears that after months of negotiation and months of united states blocking any such resolutions, we have an extension from the united states. and the security council has passed a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire by new me. that'd be all his officers quit to slam washington for the city out. the thing is represent played departure is long standing position for the most diamond part of the statement that
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followed. repeating the israel, p. m. o, but stress in the us the night before. so if america didn't use it's vito power, it was kind of southern and is a delegation that was set to visit washington. meanwhile, on some form confirmed before the say, the white house has responded saying it's an attempt by missing yahoo to provoke a crisis between the 2 countries. stuff this fall and close at live to foreign policy expert from the entities and international is not make university 5 the co fire as well. thanks so much for joining us out. it seems as, as prime minister has in fact mount cancelled that and is ready delegation visit to washington over the us, refusing to veto the ceasefire. but what was your initial reaction to this news? well, basically it shows that the u. s. leadership is waning in a way that doesn't really ring a bell to throughout the world around the world wants to have
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a ceasefire. but do ask for the past 6 months. have been trying to the fantasies, rail of actions. even guys, as i think there is a slightly change in the way how the us perceive themselves because they are losing ground, especially then leadership when it comes to the decision. so i think that's the 1st thing that i can think of that they're just likely take, even though i don't think it's going to be a big change. but it shows that the u. s. really took a pressure from, from the world. and secondly, i think it's also be part of the, you know, domestic politics in the u. s. where it's increasingly, uh, the pay sure has been increasing, be banned. so when it comes to uh, creating an immediate cease fire in guys us, i think it is good for, for, for, for the world in a way that the us seems to showcase their leadership. even though, you know, a, uh, the way how they position themselves, just an apps they meaning bedrock. they're still tried in the family style.
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precision in guys that far so far that could cause me a sign of say, a, a growing risk between israel and its biggest ally as well. it will be growing waste, but i don't think it's going to be as big as you know, that we, we expect. so in a way that the u. s. will still give a lot of a, a, a in terms of military a then economy aid to israel because of the, the special relationship. but i think vis mom on showcase that the pressure is the stair and the u. s. is willing to the ships. uh uh they have their position, not because they believe in that kind of costs, but because of the pressure both by, by the global community, which i think it's, it makes us more isolate. they empty. post a jo, paradise, it's literacy. and it could be, become more as i saw if you're nice, uh, if the, you know, the issue is to become growing when it comes to a, you know,
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a pen change in the region and i've been a big restaurant and also timeout which kind of in the hall academy of the u. s. seems to be cited with the global uh, sound or global community. so in that sense, i think this can be kind of a wake up call for us to always look at their national interest, or were, you know, the sort of interest in, in a sense that they need to keep a, you know, rationality and also if you many bodies then because this felicia is not about israel, this thing is all about making sure that there isn't any body of 8 going on for you guys. uh so, so, so i think that's what the world wants to see now. yeah, we've been wanting to see that for, for many months now. but if i, if i'm a, you know, they told about a seas far in the gaza with the respect during ramadan arab and i'm saw that already. we know that, but why are they making sort of this as an important factor about rama done?
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i mean, should really be told about cx, 5 permanently alter the what if it then not told him about a permanent cease by a yeah, i think, you know, at the end of the day it's all about me and i think the timing is right. the how the manual remedy that going to be a stepping stone for a more sustainable ceasefire or perhaps permanency supplier. but you know, the western countries in that sense still want to be a piece, you know, the idea of the right for the style to defend itself. so in that sense there must be kind of a, a step by step and i think calling for immediacy, speier, and also a free me as a money body and a and, you know, and also respect for it on my that can be kind of a, a good framing at the beginning, but i think along terms uh, it will be, uh, uh, maybe, uh, phone or a, you know, a permanency flight and lots of chairs and more importantly, uh, the fact that, uh,
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the, the main issue here is about, you know, the palestinian a question, so i think now the world meets the of feelings up, you know, the issue of those states, uh, solutions and i think it needs to be brought up as a way to, to make a sustain and long lasting, you know, a piece in the region so i think this going to be, if everything is right on the right, but i think it's going to be fine to do to think about that and, and, and discuss about that further on after the site faced by your, your 5. so this, uh, this uh, conflict, this war in the middle east is going on really much more, much longer than anyone really thought about. we looked at uh, the un security council. they seem to be meeting every other week when it comes to resolutions and, and to try and get somebody, you know, something happening in the region. we have the american draft resolution. it didn't really allow for a complete seats for,
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but i'm actually encouraged is ready of times. but how into current to rise america's position when it comes to the war in gaza. oh, yeah, that is a very delicate position for the us. because as a democrats, i mean, uh, biden's, you know, domestic politics. it is primarily a more inclined toward immediacy expire. but as we know that, you know, there's also, you know, what are you so i low be and also we know of things like that. the right that, that probably lead me that kind of a policy option by the us. but again, i think the, as we'll find, you know, a win win solution for this, spill, of losing on that particular piece by a, for the money body and paid. but at the same time that is the same size feel at here to to you know, what the sale the concerns on.


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