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tv   News  RT  March 26, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the the, this act was prepared both by radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by west and special services. special services, if you prayed, also have a direct link to it. the head of rushers, federal security services, has western powers, played a role in the recent terrorist attacks a written months ago, the outside london cycled. it's ruining that we keep leaks on a julian hassan con. fight against this potential expedition to america, but only with a number of issues. also a israel councils, a visit of a key delegation to washington us off to the us, abstain from the un security council vote, which finally adults ceasefire resolution account, the
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at 5 pm locally here at moscow, we are alive and loud or not to international giving you some stuff as right now. so the death toll from friday's a terror attack on a crowded concert hole in moscow is now risen to a $139.00, including 3 kids. but we're continuing our in depth coverage of the deadliest atrocity in russia in dec. the in a red televised affair, and so the head of russia's federal security service says western powers facilitated the terrorist attack of the concert whole. and ukraine was directly involved. a stone is a 0. and that was the way, what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. and that's what the ukraine security
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services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans, i've also spoken about this repeatedly on those. why didn't you specify the yes, the u. k. and ukraine and those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack several associated with this while i think so we are currently talking about the findings that we have. and there awesome general developments as a strong comments from the f s. b chief idea of crossing life. now to walk you through mind that you shot for more details on this. wow, strong comments, important kickoff. what else do you know? the f as to be the director of the f as b also went on to mention that they are looking into information as to why these terrorists were fleeing to ukraine. they also added that they are doing what it takes to identify all the participants involved in these attacks and the, the list of the accomplices is growing. now he didn't mention though, as we've heard, that this whole attack was something that was an act by the west and
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ukraine. now, he said that this was a reason to stare some sort of chaos and panic in russia. space as a b, as long as so being assisted by the west and the ukranian special services. and that these terrorists that were behind the attacks on fed, on friday, they were trained by ukrainians. let's take a listen. great, this goes down the actually a ukrainian side has been training and preparing militants in the middle east. we are aware of that. they travel to places where the terrorists were located, worked with them, and trained people from various countries who are now fighting on behalf of the key of regime. these are most and resume the ukranian side highs for combat work against russia. so he did say that they are taking steps to find out who ordered this and that there will be a measured response as well. but when it comes through the u. s. warming, he says that the general warning that was given by the united states to russia was
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simply not enough. but that they did take the information in consideration and they did what they could. now we know that ukraine is failing on the ground. it's failing is contra offensive, so there are other ways uh, the left for it to take back at most go in some of those ways as we've seen drone attacks, privacy and bridge attacks as selling and of course, just the terrorist attacks overall. so it's no surprise that this terrorist attack could be part of the list as well. now he mentioned a few terrace detects that were lined, but were successfully as stopped by the if this be a one of which was supposed to happen during the election during the concert after the elections at one was supposed to happen at a church in saint petersburg. so just taking all of this information into consideration, he says that the ukrainian special services should be considered a terrorist group and recognized as such in russia. now another point was that the
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president bludgeon reported was speaking at a board meeting of the prosecutor general office. and he highlighted that the investigation is still ongoing to figure out the reason behind the crime and so that the criminals will receive a fair punishment lipstick. listen. but it's took me to go to the criminals who committed this mass murder as you now have been arrested investigators, i'm particularly establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime satisfying it's details determining the role and degree of guilt of each suspect. we've been studying the conclusions of criminologists and other aspects of the federal security service and other state agencies are examining the issues under the coordination of the anti terrorist committee. we are showing that the prosecutors will do everything that says, certainly within their authority to ensure that those criminals receive a fair punishment to them as required by russian law. good us and now the russian prosecutor general eager class now did mention that the the process whole
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attacks were and the showings that are done by ukrainians have one thing in common . and that thing is intimidation, trying to immune, intimidate a roster. another thing is on a different occasion, russian security council secretary nichol, i thought the show was asked whether it was the assignment state or ukraine that was behind the attack. and he mentioned a firm a affirmative believe that it was ukraine. so everything so far that we have points towards some sort of ukrainian involvement. yeah, as i say, ukrainian involvement though with the help of certain western accomplice is we put both tutoring on the f as be cheaper than the call. talk about tracking down, accomplices at this stage, and basically saying that all accomplices will face punishment. what do we know at this point? who am i about those suspects who have been arrested? so we do know that 11 of them are detained and we know that aids of them uh already
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appeared in front of the port. now the latest of those is a man named ali, sir, custom of these a 32 year old man. he is a russian citizen, but was born into his son. he is married that has 3 kids, but he has no criminal past. now he, it's been said that he was the one that rented the apartment to the terrorist. but he said that he had no idea of what they were going to do. that he simply listed the apartment on the website for rent, just a day before the port also arrested 3 people. and these 3 people are relatives, 2 brothers and one father out. they, they, it's been mentioned that one of them rented the car the terrorist use during the attacks. so, so far, the investigation still continues and there will be many more answers to come right out to you correspondent in mind that you, sharpe. thank you. well, there's many, is a 92 victims from the terrorist attack remained hospitalized 22 of them including 2
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kids there and critical, but stable condition and all the 8 adults and one child or an extremely critical condition that's according to rosters, ministry of health. but meanwhile, the 63 victims have been released from hospital care way it makes shift memorial remains outside the concert hall. as many people have maintained their respects and see the numerous flowers, the balloons and toys have been placed at the saint cloud. you members also held the religious side, excuse me, service right? that while the international police network into paul has offered assistance to the russian authorities for conducting the investigation. but moscow has declined the proposal for minutes or so get off or off expressing concerns the western powers could seek to manipulate the findings for their own benefit. like they apparently did with the north stream sabotage investigation. and most of them the way i am confident that we will manage to handle this investigation on our own. we do not
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need such assistance, which will clearly be a manifestation of double standards, and most likely will be directed at promoting a convenient series to the west that it was supposedly as law mc state. but did this not ukraine. i repeat, we will manage this investigation on our own. we have long become accustomed to the double standards of our western friends, and we will act exclusively on the basis of our full understanding of what the west is trying to achieve and by what methods they are seeking to achieve. it's well, the fact is, even before any investigation had begun, west and officials rush to insist that ukraine had nothing to do with a terrorist that's flattering who in his already trying to link this to your brain and say that the brain is responsible. does the us have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis k is actually on,
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by all accounts responsible for what happens. they're talking about ukrainian involvement. how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. assume that to him or consult when they were obviously concerned by the attempts of the russian regime and must go to try to find the connection between this attack and ukraine. we rejects this attempt. there's nothing to indicate to prove that ukraine is being connected with this attack on poor. and while the west actors are basically she'll, they ukrainian ally. but instead of putting the blame on islamic state, but it seems as precisely ukraine that has long been harboring some of the tire risk groups, extremist, is all these donald caught a really big steve? what might isis and ukraine have in common? more than you think. for one western war, propaganda is filled with ukrainian soldiers sporting isis patches
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it makes sense. those kids essentially been harboring isis leaders fleeing the so called caliphate back in 2022. there were reportedly at least 87 members of the terrorist group who were able to settle and ukraine with the help of contacts throughout the middle east. the source has confirmed veteran official of the all new shore front terrorist organization held a series of meetings with leaders of several armed organizations, during which he urge them to encourage jihad and ukraine against russian forces. and many of those as long as terrorists have gone onto waves jihad against russia, their arms with the field experience they got from the syrian civil war, fighting against special assad government, according to russia's, for an intelligent service. isis militants were even trained by the us military at the all time for military base in syria. the us and british intelligent services of
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defense, total and the territory of poland into a logistical hub, used for supplying weapons and ferrying militants, including those from the middle east to ukraine. thus, at the end of 2021, the americans released from prisons of the kurdish wing of the syrian democratic forces. several doesn't. these lubbock state terrorists among them citizens of russia and all the posts, soviet countries. these individuals was sent to the us control our time space, where they underwent special training and methods of sabotage and terrorist warfare with an eye on the don't bass region. but the roots of this nefarious union go farther back then just 2 years ago, back in 2015, the presence of as long as terrorist and ukraine was already raising eyebrows in europe. on 7 july, the new york times reported the presence of a chechen volunteer force made up of isis, sympathizers and territories disputed by russian separatists and ukrainian troops. it appears that they have openly sided with ukraine in
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a bid to weaken russia and compel it to concentrate its forces on that country. drawing resources away from other funds on which is pitted against the various is lumnick terrorist groups. ukraine. foreign ministry was quick to dismiss, what solving he said as nonsense, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary. 4 years later, the c i a and georgias interior ministry discovered that one of ice, this is most important commanders, was living it up in the quiet ukrainian town of bell lab setup on false documents for 3 whole years. then there's the anti russian, it's kerry and stretch it. 242 wars against moscow. i don't know. also fighting alongside ukrainian troops like ok mad to fort in both chechen wars throughout the 19 ninety's. i enjoyed t as right after rush as military operation began. the it's gary ends even forms their own schafer, man store battalion, mainly comprising of mercenaries and his law, missed fundamental lists. we have reliable information that islamic state militants
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and their ilk are fighting against us as part of each carrion and cry me into tar units. they are also part of the sabotage and recognizance groups that are sent into russian territory to carry out attacks and acts of terrorism. most important to remember is that support for the vast majority of these groups can all be traced back to one place. the us military is actively recruiting fighters from jihad his groups affiliated with the islamic states and now tied to, to carry out terrorist acts in russia. and the c, i. s particular attention is paid to attracting natives of the russian north. cool, cuz this central asia, we are witnessing the final loss of any moral principles in the united states. security forces obsessed with the insane idea of exciting when 18 russia, washington strategists, consider it acceptable to directly use terrorists for that route and see purposes subtractions put washington on a par with the largest international terrorist groups isis. it's terry and terry
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are all show many different puppets, but at the end of the day, only one master, the united states and the rest. most of the major nato countries have been facilitating terrorist attack for ukraine for more than 2 years. the assassination of alexandra tokens, daughter, as of example, the continued shelling of places like bells go wrong with missiles rockets artillery pieces provided by the way us. that's as much facilitating terrorism as it was. whoever bought these guys the rifles in stashed it for these guys to go shoot civilians. i think the united states is playing some very, very dangerous games here. quite a lot of updates are still coming in every single day here at off the international web hosting them up on our website to see all the
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major search and rescue operation is underway in the us, the city of baltimore, off the part of a huge road bridge collapsed was already is a recording at quite a mass casualty event of the following. a dramatic footage or showing combined with the massive steel structure falls into the top sco river. the incident is believed to have happened as a cargo ship struck one of the central pillows because vehicles on workers on the bridge to plunge into the water below emotions, your personnel have retrieve to 2 people, one requiring urgent medical care and all the 7 missing police say there was absolutely no indication that was anything to do with terrorism in london's high court has gone to the whigs found a julian hassan is the right to appeal his potential extradition to washington. that's only if the us is unable to provide the code with certain assurances. julian,
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his knowledge, his wife, who attended the hearing, slammed the ruining as a manifestation of the political vendetta against the journalist. today's decision is astounding. julian is a political prisoner. he is a journalist and he is being persecuted because he exposed the true cost of war in human lives. now the u. k. courts have invited the united states to issue assurances the board and the administrator and should not issue assurances. they should drop the same full case that should never have been brought to. we should never have been in prison for a single day. this is the same on every democracy. according to the ruling, the us has to provide assurances on 3 condition, one of those that, that a sondors can rely on the american constitutional amendment for texting. freedom of
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speech, the final date for the, for the us to agree to those conditions is the 20th of may. the rulings says that if washington would fail to abide by the terms you, okay, would grant sondra leave to appeal without a further era? our sanctions being held up in britain's bel marsh, maximum security prison since 20. 19 after being evicted from the ecuadorian embassy, he had been hold up bad since 2012. the whigs found or is wanted by washington on the charges of 18 charges of espionage over the largest leak of classified information in the country's history. if found guilty, he is facing 175 years behind barnes. i was talking earlier with adult depot government than john driver and observe, or a julian a sondors expedition hearing she welcome to court decision, but express kind of so the, the us might not uphold the freedom of speech protections for a song because he's not an american citizen, it is
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a slight positive step the ged and has received what is called provision of leave to deal with this needs. it's the the, the other side has to put in the logic assurances. now these diplomatic assurances are not the paper they ever to non human rights watch. i'm the still others have said the, the reason countries put into provided assurances is because they want to because they'd either be very naive or because they are intentionally wanting to i think human rights, what use would provide a 50 for the winning must be complicit in georgia and we know that julian risk capture in the united states, and he's already experienced georgia at the hands of the united states and the gates in the k. the communications in the nation to sondra is the, the, the us of said to me $32.00 during the hearing that they're unable to confirm that would be dropped in 1st amendment rights. in fact,
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they might contest that because he's for the next night, he's not eligible for the 1st amendment rights. you're the espionage jack. there is no public interest defense for the kind of situation that you didn't meet. so in the absence of feeling speech protections and the absence of any rights you would get as a national julian would be treated in a very, very bizarre way in that he would not have basic protections in gold. yes. that's being an angry reaction from israel off of the us of stain from a vote to the un security council which basically paved the way for the body to finally adopt a resolution. quoting for an immediate cease fire and gaza in response, israel's prime minister. and then you know, this council, the key is really delegation visit to washington. and the middle eastern countries talk different about says the us it's closest ally, is made a moral mistake. the main problem was not imposing the veto on the ceasefire
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proposal. is that how most immediately hardened its positions? this is a mistake, both in the value sense and in the moral sense. it is clear that the us once the release of the object, these but the message that the resolution has sent to her mouse in arabic, not in english, is that there is no need to rush to non binding resolution. so there's no impact at all on israel and israel's ability to continue to go after home us. it does not represent a change at all in our policy. it's very consistent with everything that we've been saying. we want to get done here for the 1st time. i have to say a year is a week to between each row and its key ally across the ocean becomes. so all of this on monday, the on security council passed at russia and china pushed resolution calling on a last thing ceasefire in the gaza strip. and the unconditional release of his really hostages to us, but to use its veto power 4 times in 5 months of a brutal conflict,
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including 2 block either draft resolution is giving political cover for israel. this time has abstained. official tel aviv took it as a be trail unexcused, washington health summit, taj and talks one a potential exchange deal with him as prime minister intern yahoo, indeed, canceled the visa top is really high profile that occasion to washington during the main thing that the u. n. the palestinian representative stress, israel must be held accountable for what they didn't gather. these really ambassador describes the resolution as unacceptable. is it a has been treated as a state above or below for the so long that it feels it no longer has to hide? when acting as an outflow state, there can be no justification for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. the accepting any justification for such crimes is the renouncing out of humanity and destroying the root of international
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beyond repair. your demands for a cease fire without conditioning gate on the release of the hostages. not only is not helpful, but it undermines, undermines the efforts to secure their release. it is harmful to these efforts because it gives how much says terrorists it gives us how much terry? it's the hope to get a cease fire without releasing the hostages shortly before they vote on monday they were, the permanence regarding the tourist was dropped from the resolution and russia expressed as concerns over the move that's taken. listen principal at new horizons tools. it is fundamentally important that for the 1st time, the un security council demands that the parties observe an immediate cease fire even if limited to the month of ramadan. unfortunately,
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what happens after it remains unclear since the wording lasting can be interpreted in different ways. and this is very significant. and anyway, those bad chain, the resolution 14 nation, is voted in favor as well as legal asked for a seat as a brake fluid demands an immediate ends to fighting during these long whole the month of ramadan. the big question of course now is whether israel or amass will abide security council resolutions are binding into international law. betsy, is that they are open to interpretation, hard to enforce, and often simply ignored, including by israel. what isn't clear if you asked, we'll go that far and allow this to happen because despite the criticism of israel's deadly campaign in the guys, this trip, the costs place and the country's history, by the way, washington is military support for israel continues the rock crags and they have been between the 2 allies in place for weeks. the reason is rose controversial plans to invade rough law that has now housing some 1500000 gallons view as
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demanded has solid plan on where and how israel is planning to relocate those guidelines and how we can make sure that the safety is guaranteed a major military operation and rough uh would be a mistake, something we don't support. we continue to feel quite strongly that such an operation in rasa that doing something like that without a credible and clear plan. something that without a plan that also doesn't address for the various humanitarian pieces, would be a disaster. we do not believe that in operation a mil major military operation should proceed in rafa. unless there is a clear and executed will plan to protect those civilians. and we have not seen a plan like that. we have to wait and see how the situation will develop. and if the west will take a harder stance on the issue. and maybe we'll implement a big or pressure on it's ally here in the middle. hungry is at the top of
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different about says weston sanctions against the russian nuclear industry run counts. so to the interests of all of your, of you made those comments on the sidelines of a awesome expo for them. currently underway in southern russia of this has been a never ending story. the fresher has always been there in order to expand the sanctions towards the new clearing the street. but though we haven't made it very clear that seems to include harm very badly, our national interest, it would be a no go for us sold as during the prep for 30 phases of the nuclear of the sanction packages. we have made it very clear that in case nuclear is being included, we have to rebuild. there are a more sense or your pin countries who have been using russian nuclear fuel and have the same approach as we do. but they are satisfied with the saying the same, they don't join go police sanctions. a policy has been very harmful to europe and to the european economy as well with the international for him to explode. 2024 has
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brought together more than $4000.00 experts from $75.00 countries to discuss future prospects for nuclear energy and areas of cooperation. as our senior correspondent now it's by in the world, the desk, but the still climate change. the awesome will, i'm down to the be one of the keys, 4th generation nuclear reactors. this is a big fame here. it's awesome expo 2024. these react to the a c for a move sustainable. reduce the risk of nuclear, pregnant for the operation, and above a much more ecological because the waste can be reused as new fuel. these reactions, due to come on light in 2047, submitting rushes position as the undisputed leader in the export of nuclear technologies washer. it is currently constructing more nuclear power plants, a broad than one of the countries put together at the jews. there are
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representatives from 70 countries here, thousands and thousands of people. the spice is difficult to a political situation in the world. the numbers back up. the 3rd team as the mexico forums deals with $63000000000.00 us dollars being signed. but the company is interesting when it's new rules, it's evolving and diversify what the prospects for the industry are certainly bright. we all are and will be in the near future in a period of electricity shortage. all sources of generation that are capable of generating electricity and reasonable economic parameters will surely be in demand . the wind energy division of ross out them has develop domestic technologies since 2020 and since then has mastered this technology as we manage our own supply chain and manufacturer. our own equipment was awesome is also expanded into robotics when
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someone's eyes ation, transportation. and would you be a medicine? is it now the revolution refilled with great advances in diagnosis and cancer treatment being made. i'm astonished just with the mets in the rush, really, and i would like to have all those as of size, so it'd be up to her my patients out there. we are in for right now in the project so far install um building a new is just sort of apology where the new car meant to have a lot of space, much, much more than it's ever shift you have right now. 25, i think is a tops then you're working on the new 5, a 3 think the breast cancer with the ease of it was science fiction, 10 years ago. so russia, for my opinion is already in the 2nd century, you know, and we wants to be, at least near, even in these uncertain times. thousands of delegates and delegations with $75.00
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countries have come. so this is after mexico, as wheeling and dealing conferences, panels seminars, who were the little russian slaves were, i guess the archie or most of them is actually number one in the world. when it comes with pos on present a nuclear reactor project, it's a proxy building a reactance. i think a 33 reactors i'll just say in a number of countries of the world wide or detailed enough story online. so when the the in previous tours of duty, i often heard the phrase.


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