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tv   News  RT  March 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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on the, the defense was prepared by radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by west and special services. special services, if you prayed, also have a direct link to the head of russia's federal security service. as a western powers played a role in the recent terrorist attack in moscow. the london high court rules, but we do, leaks found a junior and assigns, getting 5 again his potential expedition to the us, but only with a number of conditions. combo re stop deploy much says of western functions against the roster of detrimental to all of europe. he makes that statement that the major atomic added you follow me in solving russia,
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the head of the welcome to our, the international reaching you live for my new center at moscow, i am michael caught you up with the updates of a debt store from fridays to or i talked on a crowded concert hold in moscow has now klein to do a 159. and that includes 3 children, were continuing in depth coverage all the deadliest atrocity in russia. in decades . the in a rag televised appearance of the head of russia's federal security service. as of the western powers facilitator, the terrorist attack of the concepts for as you train was directly involved the
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lower ship. i am still this act was prepared both by radical islamic themselves. naturally facilitated by western special services, the special services of ukraine also have a direct link to it. great. and what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what the ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly on those. why didn't you specify the yes, the u. k. and ukraine on those 3 countries about behind the terrorist attacks. the 2nd solution, which is what i think. so we are currently talking about the findings that we have . and there are some general developments. yes. as the, the director of the f, as we also went on to mention that they are looking into information as to why these terrorists were fleeing to ukraine. they also added that they are doing what it takes to identify all the participants involved in these attacks. and the, the list of the accomplices is growing. now he did mention though, as we've heard,
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that this whole attack was something that wasn't active by the west and ukraine. now he says that this was a reason to stare some sort of chaos and panic in russia. ok, this goes down the actually a ukrainian side has been training and preparing militants in the middle east. we are aware of that. they travel to places where the terrorists were located, worked with them, and trained people from various countries who are now fighting on behalf of the key of regime. these are most and resume the ukrainian side highs for combat work against russia. so he did say that they are taken steps to find out who ordered this and that there will be a measured response as well. but when it comes to the u. s. warning, he says that the general warning that was given by the united states to russia was simply not enough, but that they did take the information in consideration and they did what they
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could. it's now he mentioned a few terrace attacks that were planned, but were successfully stopped by the if this be a one of which was supposed to happen during the elections during the concert after the elections at one was supposed to happen at a church in saint petersburg. so just taking all of this information into consideration, he says that the queen in special services, should be considered a terrorist group and recognized as such in russia. now another point was that the president bludgeon reported was speaking of the board meeting of the prosecutor general office. and he highlighted that the investigation is still ongoing to figure out the reason behind the crime. and so that the criminals will receive a fair punishment. but it's due to the criminals who committed this mass murder as you now have been arrested. investigators on meticulously establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime. satisfying it's details determining the role and degree of guilt of each suspect and studying the conclusions of criminologists
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and other aspects of the federal security service and other state agencies are examining the issues under the coordination of the anti terrorist committee. we assure that the prosecutors will do everything necessary within their authority to ensure that those criminals receive a fair punishment as required by russian law. and that should be now the russian prosecutor general eager cuss now did mention that the, the process hall attacks were and the showings that are done by ukrainians have one thing in common. and that thing is intimidation, trying to immune intimidate russia. another thing is on a different occasion, a rush of security council secretary nichol. i thought the show was asked whether it was the atlantic state or your brain that was behind the attack. what we do know is that you, 11 people were detained, and 8 of them appears before the court. but the latest, the latest person that was arrested is a man that goes by the name of audi ship cussing mom. he's
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a 32 year old man. he is married with 3 kids. he is a russian citizen that was born and couldn't get done, but he has no criminal house. now what said here is that he rented out the apartment to terrorist, but he did the 5 that he had no idea what they were going to do. and he simply put out the add on the website for the apartments to be rented a day before. 3 people are also a rest detained. and to these people, 3 of them are relatives. so it's 2 brothers and one father. it is said that they sold the car to the terrace that they use during the attacks. so overall the investigation is still ongoing. it's still continues. so there are a lot more questions that are going to have their answers. and full, the very latest updates on the moscow terror attack from the investigation. details of bravery. and here are ease in my mom's survivors. head over to our website,
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r t dot com, the hungary stop. diplomats, as of the western sanctions against russia, run counter to the interest of the entirety of europe. he made those comments on the sidelines that be awesome. expo farnham currently underway in southern boston. this has been a never ending story. the pressure has always been there in order to respond to sanctions towards the nuclear industry. but though we haven't made it very clear that seems to include harm very badly, our national interest, it would be a no go for us sold as during the prep or 30 phases of the new, clear of the sanction packages. we have made it very clear that in case nuclear is being included, we have to be told there are a more central european countries who have been using the russian u. b, r,
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fuel and have the same approach as we do. but they are satisfied with the saying the same, they don't join or police sanctions. a policy has been very harmful to europe and to the european economy as well. now the international energy of nuclear energy conference has brought together more than $4500.00 experts from $75.00 countries to discuss future prospecting areas of cooperation. are these more odd guys via of has more of this in the world, the desperate to stop the climate change? the awesome will i'm down to a be one of the keys. 4th generation nuclear reacts us. this is a big fame here. it's awesome. expo 2024. these we got to the a c for a move sustainable. reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation and above all, much more ecological because the waste can be reused as new fuel. these
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reactions, due to come on light in 2027, submitting rushes position as the undisputed leader in the export of nuclear technologies. russia is currently constructing more nuclear power plants of more than one of the countries put together at the choose. there are representatives from 70 countries here, thousands and thousands of people. the spice, difficult to a political situation in the world. the numbers back you down at the foot team after max boot forums deals with 6 p. $3000000000.00 us dollars for being signed. but the company is the rest of the minutes rules. it's evolving and diversify what the prospects for the industry are certainly bright. we all are and will be in the near future in a period of electricity shortage. all sources of generation that are capable of generating electricity and reasonable economic parameters will surely be in demand
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. the wind energy division of ross out them has develop domestic technologies since 2020 and since then has mastered this technology as we manage our own supply chain and manufacturer, our own equipment. last, last of them is also expanded into robotics when someone's eyes ation, transportation and move new medicine. is it not the revolution refilled with great advances in diagnosis and cancer treatment being made? i'm astonished to with the look i mentioned it was really and i would like to have all those as of so i sort of be up to help my patients out there we are in for right now in the project of i saw a building, a new issue just on colleges where the new car meant to have a lot of space, much, much more than it's ever you have right now. 25 i think is a tops. then you're working on the new 5, a 3 think the breast cancer with the ease of it was
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a science fiction 10 years ago. so russia for, um, my opinion is already in the 22nd century. you know, and we wants to be, at least near, even in these uncertain times, thousands of delegates and delegations with 75 countries of come for the see if i could match both as wheeling and dealing conferences, panels seminars, who would the lead to russian flavor or i'd guess the archie right, that's been on the angry reaction from these role after the us abstain from a vote at the un security castle which paved the way to the body of finally adopting a resolution, calling for an immediate cease fire and gazda in response. israel's prime minister at nathan yahoo, his castle, the key delegation visit to washington, and the middle eastern countries stopped so much says the us, it's closest ally made to morrow mistake. the main problem was not imposing the
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veto on the ceasefire proposal. is that how much immediately hardened its positions? this is a mistake both in the value sense and in the moral sense. it is clear that the us wants the release of the object these. but the message that the resolution has sent to her mouse in arabic, not in english, is that there is no need to rush, and it's a non binding resolution. so there's no impact at all on israel and israel's ability to continue to go after home us. it does not represent a change at all. it's very consistent with everything that we've been saying we want to get done here. for the 1st time, i have to say a year is a waste between israel and its key ally across the ocean becomes. so office on monday, the un security council passed at russia and china pushed resolution calling on a last thing ceasefire in the gaza strip and the unconditional release of his really hostages to us. but to use its veto power 4 times in 5 months of
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a brutal conflict lease time has obtained official tel aviv took it as a be trail 5 minutes to an intern, yahoo! div canceled the visa top is really high profile the vacation to washington during the main thing that the u. n. the palestinians representative stress, israel must be held accountable for what they did and gather these really, ambassador describes the resolution as unacceptable. there can be no justification for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. the accepting any justification for such crimes is renouncing out of humanity and destroying the root of international law beyond repair. your demands for a ceasefire without conditioning gate on the release of the hostages. not only is not helpful, but it undermines, undermines the efforts to secure their release. shortly before the vote on monday
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they were the permanent, regarding, the tourist was dropped from the resolution and rush i expressed as concerns over the move. let's take a listen principle at new horizons tools. it is fundamentally important that for the 1st time the un security council demands that the parties observe an immediate cease fire even if limited to the month of ramadan. unfortunately, what happens after it remains unclear since the wording lasting can be interpreted in different ways. and this is very significant calistin. the big question of course now is whether is real or how mass will abide security council resolutions are binding into international law. betsy, is that they are open to interpretation, hard to enforce, and often simply ignore the, including by israel. isn't clear. if the u. s. will go that far and allow this to happen. because despite the criticism always rolls deadly campaign in the guys, this trip, the cost place in the country's history. by the way, washington is military support for israel continues the rock crags and they have
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been between the 2 allies in place for weeks. the reason is rose controversial plans to invade roswell, that is now housing some 1500000 gallons view as demanded has solid plan on where and how israel is planning to relocate those guidelines and how we can make sure that the safety is guaranteed a major military operation in rough uh would be in the state something we don't support. we continue to feel quite strongly that to such an operation in ross of that doing something like that without a credible unclear plan, something that we had a plan that also doesn't address for the various humanitarians pieces would be a disaster. we do not believe that in operation a mil major military operation should proceed in rafa. unless there is a clear and executed will plan to protect those civilians. and we have not seen a plan like that. we have to wait and see how the situation will develop and if the
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west will take a harder stance on the issue. and maybe we'll implement a big or pressure on it's ally here in the middle is what we spoke with a foreign policy expert from the denice in international islamic university of phase. i'll carry him. he believes the washington's decision to show that he didn't pass out and both the domestic and international funds. it shows that the u. s. leadership is waning in a way that doesn't really ring a bell to throughout the world around the world wants to have a ceasefire. but do ask for the past 6 months, have been trying to do the fantasies, rail of actions. even guys, as i think there is a slightly change in the way how the us perceive themselves because they are losing ground, especially their leadership when it comes to the decision. so i think that's the 1st thing that i can think of that there is likely change, even though i don't think it's going to be a big change. but it shows that the u. s. really took a pressure from,
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from the world. and secondly, i think it's also be part of the, you know, domestic politics in the us where the pressure has been increasing the bands. so when it comes to uh, creating an immediate cease fire in guys us, i think it is good for, for, for, for the world in a way that the us seems to showcase their leadership. even though, you know, a, uh, the way how they position themselves different apps, they meaning that they're still a pride to defend these files. so you can, you guys will be growing leaf, but i don't think it's going to be as big as you know, that we, we expect. so in a way that the us will still give a lot of, um, uh, a in terms of the 3 a's and economy aid to israel because of the, the special relationship. but i thing of this moment showcase that the pressure is the stair and the us is willing to shift their their position. not because they believe in that kind of cause. but because of the pressure alonda is high
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court has granted the weekly leaks found a judy and assigned to the right to appeal his potential expedition to washington. but that's only if the us is unable to provide the court with sudden assurances jean unassigned as wives who. ready attended the hearing slammed the ruling. awesome. manifestation of the political vin data against the journalist. today's decision is astounding. julian is a political prisoner. he is a journalist, and he is being persecuted because he exposed the true costs of war in human lives. now the u. k. courts have invited the united states to issue assurances, the fight and the administrator and should not issue assurances. they should drop the same full case but should never have been brought to. we should never have been in prison for a single day. this is the same on every democracy according
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to the ruling, the us has to provide assurances on 3 conditions. one of those that the sancha can rely on the american constitutional amendment protecting freedom of speech, or the final date for the us to agree to those conditions of the 20th of may have a ruling says that if washington would fail to abide by the terms the u k will grab the sondra leave to appeal without a further hearing. assign has been held in britain's bel mazda, a maximum security prison since 2019 after been evicted from the for, during an embassy where he had been, hold up, savings, 2012. but we can install those wanted by washington on the 18 the espionage charges over the largest leak of classified information. and the country's history is found guilty. his face is 175 years in prison.
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brownwood joined now by for my consul, i'll be quite a hand b u k of fidel. not a virus. if you don't have good to have you join me right now. now what do you make of the london court's ruling? the were you surprised? yes, yes, i was surprised. i was expecting the call to to decrease the same zip. what you need to just 4040 appeal on every route that they were to appeal is to be, be saw. that it today is the see should the code of 6 points on the 9 point start, the defense was asking the full appeal. because basically evaluates the political of our
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age and i'd space to take part in what is supposed to be just the case in, in the united kingdom. that sure this is the cause of the data going to be issued by the state department. um we know that they're gonna assume they're gonna sign any paper they've done it before. the other cases, just, just to get their call, us do have to do massage the united states, the new maximum security piece, 8 united states. and we know that those are, those are 4 inches. i don't really want to pay for that reason on the national as of effective as much as this us, not the bodies to pay for this. so i am, i am
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a big surprise, but today's really now talking about this assurances, your assessment from what you're saying is that you didn't have confidence in these assurances been demanded of washington as, as being done in good faith. absolutely, absolutely. is this very 2nd case in the area stages of districts. we already overly see united states for clarity. introduce our the seizure with the so called the promising assurance list. remember that josh originally denied the explanation of 2 different such thing. not states, based on his health foundation on the very high risk of
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committing suicide because we know that, you know, i'm just going to be put in that was possible. present conditions in human conditions, basically the united states. so the judge always not the, not the condition of the united states that the decision with the concerns is they said, well we're, we're not going to be assigned that was present, but g, we are going in fund for trinity to says the sentence of tried yeah, once we, she's sent the united states in the same assurances, the smaller planes. they said the others. so the changes, if anything, choose the united states. so they can find any old products. you go to to not
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to view those assurance. so we don't talk to the, the shipments just in case in any case we're talking about the sentence. oh, easy the as for the sense to a place that she's on the visa, that sentence. 6 of the one, the personal 475 years. that's 90 percent, which is basically preventing that sentence is low, most of so i think we've been waiting, we are having more oxygen for another wrong. but in the next runs, defense us less arguments to uh, to how do you quote, because in today's, really not as i said, basically let me start as i said, the,
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the girlfriend's supposedly vision problem. and then you pay to you to, to united states. they have open the door. oh, that's not a discussion by now. it's just only these so called trends is i'm, i'm choose united states to go to sign any all they now the court said that a sanchez failed to provide enough evidence that he's been persecuted for his political opinions. well, what do you may call of that conclusion? do you believe there wasn't enough evidence? how much of it is you need if somebody needs to find the leader embassy, because the fear of being good. you get much sleep mode, security bases 49. so watch a watch. full. well,
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she did formation. there's nothing more for me to go. the weekly's g d is show us foldable strides. that's the job of giving it to show you formation that they cover this one. she did and they did it. and she'll grimes and they show that they want to punish you for the front is, is, is the best. it sounds a little bit believe because she's already 5 years because i'm actually going security please. the next page of criminals. she's not serving a sentence. she has to be, she has to be defensive of charles. bye, bye, bye bye thoughts of anything. because these are
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the political persecution. when the charge is a bite, the police because power, the united states, to country that should exist. basically, the old easiest way to go now the russia, as far as ministry, has noted that the near tape court appears to be deferring to the us in this case by basically saying that the assigned could appeal only if the us enables at the old. what do you think about that? i can say much the we have with this already. oh, so do the show abuse in this case. i basically lost faith in the distribution system. i think that just trying to make it
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solved the, the final decision which will be allow the x for these. but let's not, don't forget, the 1st few has been lost. the very last cox which you said, you will be on the quote of human rights. so i am most hopeful that you will be on the quote of human rights. we'll either be unreal store that extra news. all right out, why did ecuador allow assigns to stay for so long that it's embassy in london? and then basically gave him up to the british authorities. what changed the quite those approach to the flight of the we can make found? because the bronsels, what did you got the fiction? if the but think she, what is the side east and the patient by the government and the government basically, church ecuador protected julia for those many years. precisely
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because we didn't want to see q e, this is based on the keys now, right now, these will all be useful only she for the risk of spending the rest of his life, even maximum security prison. that's why we protected she deciding, provided by it. when it was its own easy that stopped that explanation. suddenly, the government change on the government basically. then you go, let me change that. the international policy between williams beat say, judy, in a sense, i wanted to please, united states does what up and suddenly all right. now in february, this year, australia is prime minister, expressed hold,
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so that the case could be resolved to make it really assigned as an australian citizen. uh, why doesn't this homeland do more to help him? what's your assessment? but that's the reason why the protected union because she's the own godfrey was not doing so. i think that the visual much substantially changed anyhow. started regarding julia. but certainly that's too late. doing that. i know the, the, the, you know, 5. yeah. now the most of the political parties opposing distribution of the government is supposed to be supposed to be inc. uh, different might be false to store extradition either the due date liter to date.


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