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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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board and if it's the digital, excuse me, and you know when go to the crest somewhat of can you read for people just federally? you said the deadline of the well, and i mean if it isn't you waiting in my vehicle for my car for you. hey, this got you see what we can use cuz it shares bumper to you on to to confirm. send you out. the 4th a good show here. the move book . this solution should be on the newest or
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is that simply not a minor? that's good news is about our new dig through amazon as part of the shop. it's really good kids so essentially just finished. ok and then like i said, the everybody program notes bar and holidays occasionally family days,
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which we all need to have. we now post to show every day we used to be weekly malware daily. we pull no punches, so look for it. trust fund. number one, the us government and the western media is reaction to this attack we saw in moscow was in a word. weird. just was trip item number 2 of the moscow attack suspects terrace. what think about this? what are the mercenaries? this is an important distinction that could make a world of difference and we're going to ask trust bob, number 3. finally, the un security council has declared ceasefire now and that's a yahoo! prime minister netanyahu has canceled his trip to the united states connected. we're going to tell you, i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact the
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you know, i think sometimes the best way to answer. 1 as a story is to just make a good comparison. so let's do this. this is the famous headline in the french newspaper. lamond, after 911 attack on the twin towers in new york, you see right there, right there on the right where, where it says we are all americans. we are all americans on this day after that attack. i mean, that was a settlement of unity and condolences at the time all throughout the world rush out, by the way, it was no different at the time and it's reaction as a, as president put in and expressed his condolences personally to president george w bush and then visited the united states to meet with the government officials here that attack in moscow. this weekend. it was both calculated and bloody
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a lot like the $911.00 attacks and that sense at a targeted specifically civilians just regular people. that is why one would've expected to hear some kind of statement from, from, from washington right from this very place where i'm bringing you this newscast from a statement that expressed some kind of grief condolences with the people of russia . maybe even an offer of support to the people of russia, even if we have differences with russia. but instead, what the us immediately did is captured in, in this headline. and, and here it is. they basically came out and didn't say we are all russians today. they said ukraine didn't do it. ukraine didn't do it. great at no involvement in this thing whatsoever. and they came out with this right away. i mean, 1st of all, no one at the time had said that they did it. so it seemed peculiar why this mad
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rush to say they didn't do it, they didn't do it. i thought it was, i watched it and i think as a lot of my peers and colleagues who watched this geo political trifle, watch this, they thought that's kind of strange. i think weird might even be the right word. why such an early declaration? why was the u. s. directing the information to begin with? what, why was all the of the information flow from the story that occurred in russia coming out of washington? i thought, of course we also have to ask, where was the offer of condolences that you would expect in a situation like this? would that be the 1st thing that you would do? it wasn't. and then finally, after the attack, a us official didn't make a comment. but it seemed weird also to me anyway. and you tell me what you think. look how torture whitehouse national security spokesperson. john kirby appears. i remember i was watching him in the moment. friday is this was happening. and when
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he finally appears and he addresses the attack, what watch it watches demeanor noticed how careful he is. choosing his words, being lear and careful not to show any support, not to show any sympathy for the russian people or for russia or for the russian government. instead, he seems to suggest the only feels bad for the specific individual victims who are in the concert hall. listen in our thoughts obviously are going to be with the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack. and i think, you know, when you look at that video, you have and you got to recognize that there's a moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters that haven't gotten the news yet. and this is going to be a tough day. so our thoughts are with them did not seem odd to you that he's only talking about those specific victims. never said anything about maybe helping
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russia supporting the russian government, doing something for the people of russia feeling bad for the people of russia. oh, there are people there who could be uncles and aunts i mean by the way, part of the reason this is so interesting is what. busy didn't have to do with russia. in fact, as kirby continues talking, the even alludes to the fact that russia has lots of enemies. what does that mean? why did he say that? is he somehow suggesting that russia somehow brought the carnage on itself? us officials were also quick to announce that isis was solely responsible for the attack siding the isis and claimed responsibility. the claim of responsibility was a statement published by a isis affiliated news agency, a mark on telegram soon after the incident. now didn't provide any proof for any reason or any details,
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as they usually do after an attack like this. more often than not a lot of these terrace organizations stump their chess. we did it, here's how here's why. there was none of them. just curious that, yeah it's, it's a very definitive us response from a statement that did not seem all that definitive. and one would expect in a situation like that we is journal, is most journalist. most people who investigate these things would normally at least analyze it. question it wonder if it really does come from there, but it was not of it. of course, by now, the western media led by the new york times, has already cement cemented this thing as the definitive narrative. if they, i've been reading the times just today and they have all kinds of stories today, confirming that us intelligence officials, they saw this coming, they had warned russia that this was about to happen. what did they really? and if so, did they share details with russia about that?
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that narrative is also now very much in dispute. is true, there was a security alert. let's be, let's be clear about that. there was a security alert. i looked it up, i found it. there it is. i put it there for you, for our producers and tyler, the director, is putting it up so you can see it. there it is. it was sent out by the us embassy in moscow, which does more of a possible attack by extremist. it's as americans living and moscow should avoid gatherings included put in concerts, but this thing was put out march 7th. kirby and company made it sound like they put it out yesterday or last thursday, the day before the attack. this thing went out just before the russian elections, and it only lasted for 48 hours and they took it down. so do they really know something or where they just issue in a typical pre election advisory to us citizens that they put out in almost every big city in the world just prior to an election? it's just a good question. that's all. in fact,
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many of these questions that are being raised at this point has to do with just getting to the truth, getting to the truth by not jumping to conclusions. you know, you know, the old expression leave no stone unturned. well, that's kind of what you gotta do in a situation like this. and for that questions need to be asked for example about the accused or to the acute, many tears. then to take their own was after a tax like this, these guys did not back. did they on court see that those are the apparently they are from tajikistan as they claim. or maybe we should say, as they say, claim implies that maybe they're like, i don't know if they're line one of the amount allegedly says that he was hired and he was paid very well. so were they recruited? and if so, who recruiting them?
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and if that's the case, then they're really not terrace, right? that would make the mercenaries that would make the mercenaries shouldn't we know that was a, as a ledge, to heading to ukraine. and if you crane wasn't directly involved as the united states has made clear over and over and over again, where they possibly then in directly involved. so these are the questions, right? could you kind of been involved in directly? these answers will not be known overnight, but again, the suspects are all still and presumably talking. they are in a court of justice and will likely, at some point be telling their stories as the world wage to hear what they have to say. joining us now to talk about this is international human rights to turn it down, come all look and international relations and security, a list of mark slow boat. i try to make the case there that usually in
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a situation like this, there's a lot of carries. there's a lot of questions, there's a lot of doubt. there's a lot of people trying to confirm and mailed things down. why does it seem to me, maybe, dan, i'll start with you that somebody is not trying to ask these questions. and they're, i say jumping to definitive conclusions. yes. well reminds you of william shakespeare is lined out, the protest too much of act at the us was so quick on the draw to say you clean didn't do it makes you wonder whether in fact ukraine did do it. and yeah, i think this warning that the us gave a couple weeks ago seems suspicious. and again, it seems like they did not pass on any information to rush. i mean, that's what the russians are saying that they did not tell me. i think i tend to think what i read this. i went and looked at it right away. as soon as i heard about this, i went in the, in the old google's there and i look,
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went back and read this security alert, which is what it's called. and it was put out on the 7th, and they said it was only gonna last 48 hours. and it was the one about extreme is that could possibly do something prior to the elections. that's what it seemed like to me. i'm not sure that anything to do with this thing. i. it makes me think that maybe are we put that out? let's bring that out now and say that we knew about it. i don't know what. what do you think, mark a john kirby made clear that that warning was unrelated to this attack? he b would c. spell that out. exactly. there are a lot of holes in the us narrative uh that they have been peddling since submitted 0 on this. that is, this k is solely responsible, and our us back proxy regime in care of absolutely totally nothing to do with it. these fighters, they made no political or religious declarations either during or after, in detention. they claim that they were paid money for doing it. they,
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when they attempted to escape, they didn't had to central asian states or the carcasses instead, they drove right for the ukrainian border. is that down? is that nailed down? do we know that? is that that, is that been confirmed? yes. yeah, they were captured in brioche, 100 kilometers from the uh, russian from the russian ukrainian border as the warning went out. you know of the car to look for it because they went in the car that they had arrived and actually not a very good methodology. he threw away their weapons. they did not attempt to. 1 fight uh they did, they didn't die to the death. they didn't try to die as martyrs. they, they tried to run and climb a tree. one of them did, but they didn't attempt to fight. they made no declarations. they were attempting to go into a conflict zone, which is shouldn't be a heavily defended border on both sides. the russian president,
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in his speech announced that russian intelligence had information that there. busy was a window that was supposed to be opened by the ukrainian side of the border to let them in. this is why the russian government feels that this claim is of isis. k being involved is a single ease of plausible deniability. and that's the real perpetrators. are the key ever gm's intelligence operatives and therefore in backers. well, let's me fair. we don't have the smoking gun on this, but i'll tell you what, just listening to what you just said. i'm thinking, you know, the 3 of us have covered and watched and read about and analyzed terrorist attacks for the better part of the last couple of decades. and we know what fits the profile of the typical suicide bomber slash terrace. it does seem clear to me
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from what we know, that then these guys don't seem to fit that profile. they may be more likely mercenaries if i could finish, pardon me. they may be almost more like mercenaries than tears. you get my drift. well, you used a key word in there and it's suicide. i, you know, i was just listening to an interview with former c, i officer, larry johnson. and he said, you know, if they were truly isis, there's 2 things that we would expect. one that they would be, you know, we lived is that lots and that they would honor ramadan and therefore not carry out such an attack during law. but on number 2, they would not be captured, live, me, they would, they would just assume be killed resisting. how do i, how the house hallmark? i gotta come back to you cuz i'm thinking about this now. pardon me, dana didn't mean interrupt you on that statement. what you're about to make, and i'll come back to you in a minute, the, this,
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this statement that was pulled out by, in fact, the russian media, that one of the man has admitted that he was paid money and that he was recruited. what do you make of that to that it really doesn't surprise me in the slightest, because once again, they don't fit the, the pro 5. yeah. of as a suicide bomber or a standard. you know what habits zealots attempting to achieve martyrdom through killing some infidel, isn't there a lot of questions about isis k, you know, isis for us on as an organization to begin with. the american journalist suff harp, who writes for rolling stones and harper, he noted on twitter, the leader of quote, unquote, isis k was a contractor at bankrupt the us air force base and afghanistan when worked security
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for drug, lord rochelle does do a top c. i a proxy and the vice president of afghanistan at one time you later worked for a morales so late chief of the ask in intelligence unit, literally the c i a is right hand man and afghanistan and he points out that it's right there on the computer page, so what are you suggesting clearly is that isis k is and has always been a c i a cookie cutter, and then cut out. i can't help, but notice that ice was case activities have mostly been involved attacking natal up on pakistan and central asian states. in fact, the tele button put out a statement condemning this attack. they express their condolences to the russian people, how they pointed out, they've been battling isis k for that gate. i can't help but ask you guys about to jesus them. i'm trying to understand what the connection. i think a lot of people over the world might be scratching their heads,
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trying to figure out how this all comes together if it does. and that's what we're going to talk about when we come back, den, cobble and come all again, marx will boda. we'll continue this conversation after the break, the,
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the, the ok. welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. let's get right back into the show. in fact, with russia in the news, i wanted to mention something else. as the investigation on this attack in moscow continues that we're talking about, there's an update on the economic front as well. apparently, british prime minister risky slack has made a bold move he's announced. and then to you case reliance on russian gas. if you want to prove your tough on russia, it doesn't sound any better than to go out there and make this point, you know. but for another reason, from a standpoint of public relations, right? we don't need the russian gas anymore, but it's not quite as simple as it seems. here's the kicker. the you guys, new source of liquefied natural gas is really still coming from russia. what do you is announcing is that he's not buying directly from russia, but rather from
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a middle man who gets it from russia. that middle man is, is none other than the french. it's a, it's a french energy company. so, so what that means is that soon i get boldly distancing himself from russian gas due to geo political tensions, but it's actually indirectly still supporting russia and russian gas and russian and its energy sector. hope you can't make this stuff up back to the question at hand and i and i wanted to get back to you guys on this damn mark. i don't know which one of you wants to grab those, but talk to me a little bit about to jacob stem. i that there's been a lot of pull lab are going back and forth over the weekend even from president putting on did. you can stand the president to take a stance as there is no body from project can stand, these people are from other planets or something like that, which i quite didn't understand either. i don't know, dan, you want to get the 1st crack at this to make us under to help us understand what's going on here. i'm going to defer to mark on this. i think he's probably more of an expert on please mark, go ahead. a. yeah, there, there has been a radical as long as the hobbits movement in tajikistan,
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which is a poor majority. muslim majority, central asian state, but it's heyday was in the 19 ninety's. there was essentially a briefly of the civil war over it. there were also a number of tag fighters in both afghanistan and in syria fighting with the she, heidi formation. so it is not on believable. i believe that's probably why for tags were picked for this because there is a degree of plausible, you know, deniability that they could be involved in, in, in isis, k attack. however, these 4 individuals, there's no evidence of any type of religious radicalization which you wouldn't believe wouldn't be the primary motivation for conducting such attack. yeah,
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and the big difference here is if the motivation were money that's not usually the case with real believers. i mean, i do believe that there is not that big a distance between a patriot and of terrors depends on whose view point it is. but there is a big just distance between a terrorist and a mercenary. and these guys took money. that makes is a whole different story. by the way, there's another story i got to bring to your attention and dan, i want you to help me with this one. there's this the word. finally, the world is finally witnessed a significant diplomatic development this week in the united nations security council has just passed a resolution calling for a cease fire and gaza. it had tried before, but this time it made it stick. and what makes us resolution, particularly noteworthy, we think, is the unprecedented decision by the united states to abstain from the most. a move that has such struck wasted diplomatic circles as well. why? because the u. s. has always voted, may they have always been opposed to any talk of any kind of ceasefire. they've
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always defended israel and its attacks without the release of hostages. first, this abstention has not been without consequences. is really a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu incense by the us has position, apparently has cancel this scheduled visit to the united states. he was even expected to meet with president by and not anymore. how much of this is a real dispute, and how much of this is, is it is politics, dan, what's going on here? well, i think there's a few things going on. i mean, 1st of all, i think joe biden is hearing footsteps. he knows that his presidential campaign is in trouble because of his support for israel and gaza. you know, he's now received the moniker genocide, joe, and that's coming large from his own base. that is not very helpful. so i think he's looking for a way out of this bind with that said, i don't truly believe the white house is pushing for a ceasefire, nor will it. i mean the fact they abstain, that's better than be towing it,
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but they did abstain. and meanwhile, are they gonna keep sending arms to israel? my guess is yes. and so what does that mean when he keeps sending arms to someone involved involved in a conflict? um, good goodness, goodness that if, if a, if you say that, and the reason i'm jumping on that ballpark process that you just shared with us, just because i'm thinking, couldn't they stop it altogether? if they stop sending alarms, where else is real, going to get those arms in? that's what everyone has been saying to us could in this today with a phone call and they haven't made that phone call, they don't need a un security council resolution to do that. or to end this, you know, there that we know that there's been what every 35 hours the us has been sending up arms and ammunition to israel during this complex. see it, which is real desperately need. so again, if they stop the arm shipments that all believe it, but until that happens,
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i'm sorry, well, i see something positive about the resolution. i'm not that optimistic and i'll just add one more thing. i saw that the russians wanted an amendment to say it was a permanent ceasefire that was rejected. so what does higher mean? i don't know. i don't know to be a like we would say in sports a break in the action of. thank you dan. uh, thank you, mark, really insightful stuff and i'm so glad that we had you guys on the share. this information with us mark will be looking for you again this week as the story continues to play out before we go. i want to remind you of our mission, which is simple, really the silo the world as best we can got to stop living in these little boxes where you only believe what you and your friends believe. troops don't live in boxes, truths everywhere. i'm rick sanchez. i'll be looking for you again right here, where i hope to provide a direct impact the
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the, what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present good, let's stop without cases. let's go products. the other way, not. right. it says the brother, the printer was up at the moment. this is just so
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please stay with me. your last name was name is read, it was can when we used to live in that you have we have some more for someone who is this? we went to the, the, the, the position i was suggesting. bob bel, great, i was suggesting that we send americans and the bridges on the drain and
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put on your bill is us an obama most moved on. you probably now know about soon, but as to when you see it, all the owners will tell you that it will save you from us to process, you know, the volume of the city. so what i need to file a past closeness, most of our thoughts in this one is now that the guidelines source will sit emotional around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive to the something it's active uranium, but still it's radioactive and has toxins. that the kid killed the laptop. you want me to kind of see. so ease of us here. again, let's see the echo seats. the boeing good. i don't, you know, those huge a mold. were suggesting we pharma fell great the bill cause of what they were just the
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this act was prepared both by radical islamic himself and naturally facilitated by western special services. the special services of ukraine also have a direct link to it. the head of a rush is federal security services, west of the powers played a role in the recent tow. since i lost the london's high court rules that we keep weeks found the size. this is potential expedition to the us, but the number of conditions on how to do is talk that says that the western science of the gains blush at the 2 mental to the or the make that statement of a major public interview for the southern portion.


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