tv Direct Impact RT March 27, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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faders who had begun their march from the bones made it to the british possess, really seemed jello about the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire. throughout the world, the victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonial list. it just failed the races. smith of the european invincibility, the hardest buddy, the most boring holidays occasional family days, were posting the show every day. i know, i keep seeing saying this, i don't want to be repetitive, but we used to be a weekly, so i don't want to confuse you. we're now a daily and we hold no punches, so look for it. truth, palm number one, isis k does not, does not have actual ties to russia. why now is it being made the
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same that they do truth bomb number 2? phone tracking devices show the suspected terrorists were heading toward the ukraine border. it's kind of official now. why? trip on number 31 of the biggest, the most impressive suspension bridges crashes into the water with people on it. and important questions need to be asked. you will see it for yourself because we have the video of rick sanchez. this is direct impact. the, the, you know, i've been noticing something and it has seemed to me that seem to me like in the last couple of days, reports from western media and their sources have tried to fit the. i says k narrative into like the carcasses and into the deepest add them into syria. edit
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any other way that they possibly can to somehow try and tired link it to, to, to russia. kind of like trying to make the whole thing make sense. but are they stretching things? well, let, let's look at it. let's look at it while i says k is being recognized by the us and others as the responsible party in the, at that, at the concert hall in moscow. there are real questions that need to be asked about why they would do so. why is this k y moscow? right? i want to, i want to see something here. there's a report we found, it's a, it's a report on isis k done by none other than one of the big tv networks in the united states. and it was back in the 2021, a license k, the k 4 corresponds to an area around the afghanistan pakistan border isis k claims to be a branch of the main isis terror group, which gained power in syria and iraq. 7 years ago. you noticed the story they were
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telling them is a little different than the one they're telling. now notice how back then they referred to isis k as being from afghanistan. and all the vast majority of its attacks, of all, mainly occurred in afghanistan with some actions in places like a rock in iran, syria, a little bit. i guess it's hard to nail down. i know geography could get a little confusing, but, but those are not countries that are in the cactuses. those countries are just named are not in the caucus, it's, it would seem that what simon the western media are doing is trying to squeeze a square peg into a round holes. some western reporters and even government officials seem to be trying to make it as if there was a clear and relevant connection between isis k and russia. but they're really doesn't seem to be one. i mean, it's just the way it is. i'll tell you this. yesterday, right here on this program, we interviewed analysts march the boat and i didn't know what he said. so i was
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taking it back by he showed an eye opening perspective on who isis k really is, who they really are tied to as the leader of quote, unquote, isis k was a contractor at bag grub, the us air force base and afghanistan when worked security for drug lord rochelle does do a top c r a proxy, and the vice president of afghanistan at one time, he later worked for a morales so late chief of the ask in intelligence unit, literally the c i a is right hand man and afghanistan and he points out that it's right there on the computer page. so, what are you suggesting clearly is that isis k is and has always been a c, i a cookie cutter, a c, i, a cookie cutter says, says the man seems to have enough information to make us all be somewhat startled.
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can you imagine? i mean, and can you imagine if that is true and how troubling and consequential it would be if it turns out that the leader of vices k, now deceased, by the way, was tied to us contractors who worked under the auspices of the c. i a so obviously what i did is i looked it up after i heard him say that i blew and went right to the google's and i went to work a pedia and i went to, uh, this guy, the, the original leader of ice k, his name was shaw hob, move out here. he has a work, a pdf page. you can do exactly as either you can look it up. there it is. i found it and thought quote, i'm gonna read you what it says. says that he worked as a worked as a sub contractor of a security company. this is right there and with the pdf folks ain't making this up and frequented by drum airfield off gun journal has been allow. so our reports that
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go far by the way, that was his real name. that is mal hardy's original name. so he has 2 names. they say that he was a special guard of vice president. i'm ru lot sally. so now you're thinking, okay, so who's on the list? all right, it's important to note that i'm ruler, sell a, had very close ties to washington. very, very close ties to washington. and this guy who's now the head of this organization, this terrorist organ, or was the head of this organization, is tied to him. i mean it's, it's something that not all that is not last on journalist and government officials in different parts of the world, including russia core. now examining the details of this investigation as like as the details continue to pour him. so at least one russian official seems to be saying he's heard enough at least one earlier. like within the last 24 hours, the director of russia's federal security service, the f s b,
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which is like our epi, i in the united states, is saying that the united states, britain, and ukraine were behind the moscow attack. that is what alexander board nick off is now say, important to note to be fair. ukraine has also come out and said they are denying any responsibility for this. so that's kind of where this stands right now. then there's the, then there's the reporting of i'm going to claim journalist. her name is eva corinne bartlett. you can look her up, read her stuff, she writes, and this is what she just has put out. she writes that up the terrorist who carried out the mac, the massacre at crocus, were actually moving toward ukraine at the time that they were doing so along the 101 highway. she rides this is evidenced by o sent, which is basically open source intelligence. and so she's saying right there,
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that that's what was going on at the time. now we're also learning that russian agents were, in fact monitoring the cellphones, of these suspects to at the time were allegedly making phone calls into ukraine. this is just important new information. now who is this guy? right. who is this guy looking at you from behind the glass there? well, there has been another arrest. the man believed to have rented the apartment to the government. that's him. according to russian authorities bought the he rented the apartment to the gunman who were staying in the apartment to then went on to create or do the deadly attack. he becomes the 8th suspect placed under arrest. thus far, the same moscow court had approved the arrest of 4 men believe to have carried out the attack as well as 3 others were accused of being involved in organizing it. that's as investigators say that now a total of 11 people have been 11 people have been detained so
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far. wow, that's been let's bring a mark us load on once again. he was on here yesterday. i just gave him credit for making us look at something that i didn't know about. because after our conversation yesterday, i really got to thinking about what you said mark. and i figured that i probably would have more questions and people at home probably have more questions, so we wanted to bring you back. so you can answer some of those things that i know it's late there. thanks for joining us. no problem. thanks for having me. right, so i think i'm gonna start with this. is it true that the russians were tracking, have you heard source information that they were in fact tracking the suspects phones rather than capture them, they wanted to see what they were going to do and because they were tracking their phones, they were monitoring the see where they were calling and it's reported that they were calling ukraine. yeah, this is what the russian media is,
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is reporting right now. i mean there's, there's no question where they were going. they were traveling along a highway that leads directly from mosque out through the freon screech and to the you crazy and border what's your must be said there is a conflict. so yeah, i mean, i ins, heavy artillery, right? heavy security on both sides. it seems as if you're trying to, to flee, it seems a strange place to go unless you have reason to believe that you could somehow, uh find refuge. so some could find safety there if they, if they have, if they have that kind of information and they're able to, uh, you know, provided treatment. flashy is, uh, you know, attorneys would say they could actually show it. here's the, here's the telephone lock. here's the moment he made the call, etc, etc. i mean, this could be very damaging. and i suspect that whatever
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evidence the russian government shows will not be believed. well, certainly will not be entertained by the us and other western governments and will be spawn and distorted and thrown out the window by the western media. the, the countries are essentially defacto at war. i mean, yeah, they're hardly going to believe the russian evidence right down. yeah, i saw i've been, well, i've been mon, well here i live in washington dc. so i been today monitoring the reports and i'm hearing a lot in the western media about their already trying to set up the fact that these guys, the suspects were treated badly. i mean, how long have you been to the united states anyway? um, what are they abu ghraib? is it something something? uh yeah i, i, what i see them doing is they're already setting up the story so that if these guys
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do talk and say, look, we're going to just tell you what happened. somebody recruited us, they've paid us this much money. they are tied to a button and it's a duke and i'm not saying that's going to happen or has happened. but i'm already seeing how the media is creating a scenario. where if they do say that they'll say all they were talking and that's, that's already or what is happening. i mean there is no question that the, um, uh, those responsible directly responsible for you attacked the gunman. uh, to 3 out of 4 of them at least uh, have already confessed on camera. mm hm. that they did it for money. not, not for ideological reasons, not for jihad, not for political reasons, but they did it for money. then of course, the question is, well, who, who paid them to do it? and that's what the russian government is working on right now. that's what even part of the potent apparently came out the other day. i mean, you know,
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i was thinking you don't have to be a journalist to figure it out even put in, can figure it out. he came out on the tv and he actually said, i just want to know who put these guys up to that said, i thought, well, you know what, that's not a bad question. hey, let's you and i talked about this, isis casing and, and this guy i'm re lot solid. who was the president the, the b p. that, that. so the scenario that i heard you say, and the one that i read about in wikipedia of all places is that the guy who started ices k worked for united states officials and u. s. contractors been by graham. and he also apparently served under this the p dude. i'm ruler sala, who speaks perfect english has tied to how many cars i and was basically kind of a washington's duly um, or a tool that might be overreaching. and it may be unfair for me to say that, but i'll just put that out there and i'll let you cast it gave me for saying or no,
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absolutely. um the, the, the ties between the leadership of isis k and the us proxy government that i've got us in the wall street journal has done reporting headline article talking about the number of former ask in government um, uh, troops as a security forces intelligence home after the us withdrawal join to isis k or after the us withdrawal. so these are people who are directly working with the c i a were directly working with the us government and isis k. i mean, their principal opponents, the ones they've been fighting for years is the title of bond. you know, they've expanded beyond that. now let's take a look at the countries that isis k has committed a tax on. mm hm. they've long been conducting a tax into a ron. mm hm. they've been now attacking uh, russia. mm hm. and there was
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a report out this morning that a group of chinese engineers in pakistan doing work there was attacked. so we have a, a group of as lama g, hot as a previously affiliated with us intelligence whom are attacking not the us that occupied their country for 2 decades or israel, which is committing a genocide against power against fellow muslims in palestine right now. but against the us is 3 principal adversaries, as they identified them. russia, china, any ron? no. or did they say for areas? well i think see, this is where i want to ask you. the next question is, i'm thinking through what is there an innocent explanation for how someone who ends
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up being the leader of a very dangerous terrorist organization can have those relationships where my tax payers were eating were paying for the states that he was eating every day. and that's gotta stand. and he was eating a lot of stakes. i've seen the menu um and yet somehow the fact that he went on to become this terrorist master mine had nothing to do with those connections. is there any kind of innocent explanation for that? i, i'm, i'm having a health insurance, how to go beyond this. it is still one. then there is gross criminal of incompetence in the us and associate and who they worked with in that country that has led to the blow back of the creation of another terrorist organization. these terrorist organizations just seem to flock up and follow the us around like, i don't know. it's like was like, uh, they breed the. yeah. it's almost like a view, and i sat here and made a list since the words mission accomplish came out of george
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w bush's mouth. the number of actual, uh, terrorists, and terrorist organizations that have been formed is too many to name. we would run out of time, stay right there. when we come back, i want to tell you about a couple of other things that are in the news that have happened. one of them having to do with a bridge to far that fell and people died. and what does that have to do with what we're talking about? we're going to put it together for you there right there the
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on the face. welcome back up at sanchez. i want to show you something real quick here. something that all of america woke up to, it's really easy what you're about to see that i'm gonna show you here, one of those famous bridges on the east coast of the united states. it just crashes right into the water right into the bay. not far from the ocean, and here it is much this you're going to see just on the left side there that there is a cargo ship, the coverage. it puts it in the phone and it goes the bridge. look at that that's, that's not a rack that if you can tie, let's look at that thing one more time. has crazy, isn't it? it's a cargo ship sailing to the baltimore area. apparently lost course crashed into the cities iconic, frances scott, key bridge, causing it to collapse or saying now is engine failed and he couldn't control the ship side. no francis got key is the guy who wrote the us national anthem. so when you hear the words, you know,
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say can you say that was written by francis scott key and they named his bridge after him. so that's kind of important. 8 people. busy are on the bridge when the disaster struck, including the driver of an 18 wheeler. and as we here several individuals were rescued. now there are reports that the company operating the ship had raised warnings about critical infrastructure problems at the port 3 years ago. in fact, let me just say it as it is, let me tell it to you straight. something we've known here in america for some time . infrastructure issues are a big deal here, a big problem nationally. a recent report shows, and this number could have already gone up. there are 44000 bridges right now in the united states. let me say it again. 44000 bridges right now in the united states that are in poor condition. it's 44000 bridges in poor condition. think about that. why are they being prioritized by the federal government? some skeptics would say it's because most of the money that we could use to fix
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those roads and bridges and schools are being set to places like you claim to fix their bridges. i guess how much more than a $120000000000.00. that's not just ukraine, by the way, we could go on and honors egypt, taiwan, there's a israel. but anyway, while on the subject of ukraine, listen to this political is reporting now that congress has just improved another $300000000.00 to support ukraine's war effort. marketing the 1st new funding in over a year. however, you're gonna love this. as it turns out that money is already been spent. kind of gone said yeah, we already spent that, sorry. joining us now, marshall about it. again, i'm just thinking that it would be almost ironic if the president boynton picks up the phone and calls the white house and offers his condolences for the horrible bridge mishap. something we didn't do recently. what do you think? i, i don't think that's really likely in the current relations between the us and russia,
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but i, i guess we could hold for a better world where things like, like that would happen. but i'm a little confused with the pentagons accounting. why? because we were told that, sir, this is the 3rd time the, the, the american people are being told me that because of bad accounting, they over estimated the price of, uh, you know, a billions of us taxpayer dollars worth of weapons that they sent to you. grant, and so they magically found because they, they overestimated the price that, that is there for had more money to send to ukraine than they did before. and this is the 3rd time they've done that. but that money has already been spent. but at
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the same time, we're being told that the pentagon has a $10000000000.00 budget black hole because the weapons that they provided to you grain out of their own stocks now to replace them would cost more money than they did when they originally bought them. so of that $60000000000.00 that is still supposed to go to ukraine. 10000000000 of it is already been spent by the pentagon and has to go to replenish their own stocks. to begin with. i would say probably crazy. yeah. that whoever does the accounting in the pentagon should probably be facing criminal charges at this point. by the way, we've, we've, we've heard of similar situations in both iraq and afghanistan. they've got,
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they've gone back now and looked at the books. and there are, i mean, there, there, there are billions and billions and billions of dollars just completely on accounted for. i mean, could you imagine running a bit really is and, and on your business you put in a ledger. don't know where these 10000000000 dollars want kemp kept kept, can't find where it was. i mean, look, as an american citizen, i got to tell you, i mean this, this, this, this, this really profits me and it should cross. most americans watching this bridge go down this morning it's and by the way to be fair, this was not one of those bridges. i think my, my original reporting on this is a, this was, this was not one of those bridges on the list. nonetheless, 44000 bridges in the united states and poor condition. we can't fix them, but we're spending our money to countries all over the world with how is wrong with this picture? and i'm, i'm sorry, i'm sorry rick, you can't have nice bridges and other infrastructure because it's far more important for the us government to,
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to maintain in illegal military occupation of east syria to conduct the proxy war against russia in ukraine. and to maintain $800.00 plus military bases around the world to advance u. s. global hegemony. that's. that's just the brakes. do you believe based on the conversations that i'm having? and then i'll, i'm hearing from both sides left, these and right ease here in the united states. that the, the, the parties just about over at least in terms of ukraine. no, um, not as long as the by the administration remains in power in the united states and i can not honestly say what a trump administration will do. um that you know the people really in charge of the by the administration, jake sullivan and anthony blank. and they will see this conflict through to the bid
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or, and then it will be better. and as they get increasingly desperate, they will do more desperate. and crazy thing, let me ask you one final, very important question and we're down to like 45 seconds. but what do you think the reaction from the kremlin from president potent from russia will be if they are able to nail down evidence that in fact ukraine was responsible for what we recently saw in moscow? well, 1st of all, they will hold the ukrainian political leadership responsible and they will now become legitimate targets. if they find that the us has complicity with it. they will assume that the us has removed all red lines and limits on russia, and they will remove all red line limits on the united states. a lot of marks about it. thank you. my friend, i appreciate your stay in up to be able to join us and share some of your wisdom with us. okay, thanks. before we go,
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i want to remind you of our mission here. simple. really. we want to try and decide load the world. we've got to stop living in these little boxes, you know, 1st on the boxes to sure, everywhere. i'm actually interest and i'll be looking for you again, right here, we try to provide a direction on this. in fact, the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community. most all sense i'm at the, in the system has to be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester routing and supports the r t spoke back, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say a request, a daily quarter board, and if it can table, did you get the, excuse me, any of the when go to come across? i'm one of can you read the book? people just started, you said that you might have to select the room and i mean it's, i can see the, the of the stairs when you, when you, when you stuff vehicles for my car for you. hey,
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this got you see what we can use because it shares bumper to your phone to, to, to confirm to delta show for the group show here the move book. this solutions should be on the list or exactly simply in our mind that was about, i know you're not gonna have that with us with this big 3, i'm sort of part of
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the kids and we just found it as though it's empty. just finished the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law show your mind and justification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs with artificial intelligence. reassigning the robot must protect this phone. existence was on
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the rush as as the u. s. pushed to absolve key of any responsibility for the most terror attack suggests washington itself may have posit times in the atrocity tasks without evidence put us continues to insist ukraine have nothing to do with it or is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this young men's who's the fighters announcing new attacks on american non versus trade and trust in retaliation that support all that as well. to install some of corresponding witnesses. how the read the strikes have that the stated businesses that relied on is ready for the course of
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