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tv   Documentary  RT  March 28, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

1:30 am
the size of box but initial researching and with the present on the type is something i must ask you question the yeah. what's disney is the most prestigious prince? just as do most the global struggles, the model you with them is why the me punch most of what's on there for me was she gave me another blow for sure. bold. the full share sort of, she you over to cover about the pulled up pretty good, the promise, particularly your registered shop where you look through each year for one bills. i need to just say, just for your spine it you can learn more about it, but i also deal with reduces music on the face of for
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most commercial. so let's see if we do both of us. here's the thing. you see the blue link to our processing. nice and the process of most of us,
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this is us. the total it is as long as you can with the, with the cause of $500.00 a month for press your neighbors when we go lower. yep. i me, shots from what i just want to move the piano is i could have somebody open your friends via general for you just for got some with us. come from as much time frame or be able to develop as more you've got into another little depth of homes that you shift. you might of this year should have credits. sloniker. i believe you're still stuff. i'm assuming you go and you have to buy more stuff when you want me to talk to folks from you that you don't a simpler state of the it's a little more cool, but i couldn't remember your actual. somebody's postpone so me. but i'm usually in
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here that's just kind of me the short 3, but the, the nimble genuine, the phone call. so you come to me, but that a new device and then use the old daughter, olivia boulevard, is the partial and the 3 more goods on the on. definitely going to cover it, the more your girl is, honestly, because you're on these most of these, the bottom solutions for a month. and there's plenty of them usually, and you've got some of those clips to be just best to work on the course to maria. so those are kind of a, shall, gartner should have that level he is on the difficulty is i can either does what it is, marcy code or she has a little glass up workers can pick the
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new born you would like me to look at them actual progress, i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with them complex more and less less than it can use mine, but i'm still looking at the time that it doesn't come to oh, okay. see here, which course does flushes more part of the furnace, cuz i didn't get it fixed. is that 5 or 4 chairs was going to perform a spanish spanish form because not even the grid. i need to put it across the board . i've tried to pull chance loose on the blue the solution with the on your reference to load as possible seals but it would show
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up just because of the use the money the app just because i because of them i thought of the mobile arlington virginia, which it nation preferred to the fish that i'm on the air sort of professional management the same you please should be careful. the reason for confusion the 2nd, but as long as morley couple which has come from avenue 2 years to clear books and this bowl was that it would ensure that from the neck, which of the decision on table that shows. so here's the thing to come on, let's come on a for. so that has to be social and it was always per month. plus the me and the new one, you saw a new brand new information come on the new quote from us because it was 10 years mission, national of supplements you come to the phone, we're going to just look at the show and we believe most of us have a refrigerator, musicianship moses mission, federal it will just spend money for them or have
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a more form of just going to groups on us with our lives or putting it the yards of what she'll do is to, on the other when you are. so the 1st one was if she got the decision here, look good right here. so we have to leave it on the phone to see. so you know, the youth is just the show. more support for me. uh, you know,
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the, the uh, the truck, the new plus i get one new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on was it? well, we'll watch, we'll move forward, you know, go to a new noise unit to put it all for us to, to know what to do. this is officer. so feel free to go to choose me. it might be a vehicle so that the
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true know right. gosh, that the thing about the answer, the most that you will see the room, she fresh or we just fine. it's just going to see or was tom. yeah. the i'm guessing the, because of got you nobody here about the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play these are the scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's a bad use more i yes, a does this modem or will it will compute something is the, this is keisha lee,
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but i've seen them around me. but thing with that single, if you have to move on that deal along with people stand the lady just go to chicago assuming which to shuffle. she was yes, no, i'm are. i'm both parties the much them on the village in west ocean city of novels orange stores. oh, yeah. go to kind of, i mean, if i'm just very smug around the place for them to continue compressors, beth issues. but the jenny boardroom, this the best megabyte that we're used to move was the webinar from you. let me just set the commodity goes back. if i have the image this have to come on. i'm still pushing fast, get the full chassis of the one who when, when you back you with the phone, not just me the one of me. so i should because you've been on the for the 3 i'm on when you were, when you pull chairs backwards presents the executive ship of the able to ship the junior
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and the the, the ever you have the animal that you have to fit the versa. yeah. the so just need to fill out those to me or is it just all buses? felicia, exclusively on it, the bus this, the sport to maternal and we can police because he of a go and you could actually just for the measure was pretty good actually working with richard capital, beer hatch, it was list of genuine products and funding. i terminated some of them because it becomes very, you know, to consider the concept of bull susan investment of the ship. what should we in the, as you do of ships completing you g was yeah, you purchased coupling energy and ask you about a little more about this invest on offer as well. do you have the me on the where you stand the photo shape looking for some of those 3 stores as far as the last couple of us, i have solutions off the number to do up at your phone with the smart way to store them in some reason did you not the do said i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts
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that i saw some of these i'm interested. i always recommend you might be a group of funds different for for the commission. i spoke with usually referrals total. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st cuz i don't just go by with the who shuffle. yes, you're going to what's gonna be in the show for charles total mission. i have some ideas here, but the thought it was a system, it was most pressure. i was the best thing to jumpstart for your cars. and storms, smarter to place with luke about them is i'll double sleep. want to keep that 50 miles the ballistic plus a flush. you kindly come temple, we'll go should think i'm still really powerful. government, god bless you. this is a good the secret, a hold of opening pollution you really found. suppose the story is dealing with the bill. bradley, you were still in the news i found because of,
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of my old while still was 3. what what about, what was the email with a google sketch sheet? you, what the issue is? do you have to pull, move along the lines. so this, oh gosh, you've got the shipment, the smart piece, you will start the 1st computers. are you how you doing? i'm sort of in store people some i'm so i'm pretty sure the bulk of the funding. so that should be less of a format. scratchy wood, butte lot of other industries mark their company. they're slipping, or the windshield is above the southern yards. but then you called me last night. the one, most of the demonstrative a scheduled call, usually bumper, which has given your smooth protective photo. most guys, the
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wound when i would show the wrong just to save house because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground, the a a wrench, if i do this, but it's a bit of a cover letter. gosh, a little but that to me and i know even though for me at the school goodness, that's if you find out where you liked it, that was the issue and then put it on leave her or to
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thursday. so we'll do this close to you. i'm going to be like for us to be on the right in the international stuff choice. the position i would suggest in belgrade was suggesting that we send americans in and uh, the bridges on the drain and put on your bill is us. one of the most move dining room probably now now the stone room when he is here, all the youngest will tell you that it will save you from esl classes in the middle of it is what i know well, a possibility of his most valid thoughts in this one is now as a guide on source or cit, emotional around you. it may be, you know,
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a lot less radioactive than that. something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it has the toxins that killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so easily again, let's see the echo seats, the boeing that i don't even have those huge mold. i was suggesting we firm a cell. great. the web bill cause what day was the it is so sad songs they don't cause dining, which will not give me a bit of rest, cut off like a people more sort of stomach knew him about him or
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he will so that he was the by you to me and use i mutual talk about us, many of the class, the pilots you and your was there was a critical to to do. i have good. it was personal. she's a go by someone, one of us and the shipper in our mind that often elizabeth is about. i know she will really just was, is she will be difficult at the job compared to that as a graduate of school. we live in the cool, actual sort of kids are musical to close deals that can you deal somebody to love just to have the better service or waiting for the 1st time to cosco good sort of thing to jump on or the so is up and we'll just muse or so i'm us may,
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is dealer from hospice day of approach like a couple of 0 most board. but when you're sort of pharma and the various but speech, believe the thumbs up just as the one that is, if i'm but i'm with a book, i just sent it out. let me just put them in book in the general problem is as of female, what is the problem? seeing what kimball is yours because it's booked by them for the talk. i asked them, what was the problem to what you like. visual. i will store the severe, i'll be able to play music or to them, bob, which could buy more. i'm actually glasses lately for some of our i canceled, i get the political agree with the additional q most of course you what was easy, the notion of the of the year is the only is yes. yeah. well, just because i hope i can find you more room, you guys to do. so if i were to not
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do a filter to use it, so don't know what's the issue and you need to do the form. i would use the yesterday. i'm under a 100 of them. sure. there's enough to do a search here. so should george not order negative. so as a split 2nd for glover, i'm if i'm, if i'm not going to start the start of variables status are important. you've heard of a class from the one that's almost color cartridge or is this the last to be reserved for conflicts to compare motors means just to go washer and you know that this one year for me? yeah, i'm not sure what i'm going to do. who is here to pick it up our initial store, most swing voters, somebody has a question. yes. to go see you and let you know
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a new phone. the vinyl goes full or the gigabyte system. it shows you have. so you might be good on this to my for yeah, that's a big light on this to when it oh, but here's my asked on the do you mind with the wishes to you? me? i used to do this, but so much to get them was able to restart 3 of them, which did you know the $32.00 and yes, there's also already so programming skills is under them to put them brasmer voice where as long as they go, if there's a 5th lift force between genius and was in life. and one of the listing was a number of the stuff that was at the, in the mission. i'm pretty me and then you know, was easier just by city. i get it more to. i'm sick, you me go to finish to come. is that and you're not doing the one i'm use, it does least possible. name wayne, but someone own and you see him,
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but i was the cook was bringing mind to do. and then when you just for getting in but was no mean you more than a religious for opportunities as a, as a will use a woman every to for the whole i'm so the answer to visit our list was waiting for the interested in attending together for me so i'm just wondering who, who, who can listen to some of these interesting
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wants here. this is betty is continuous. who is the machine? was this i do have all the super useful. how do i just go to this within the 1st $500.00 to scroll, senior 0 and the the for the for the sure the where do i am said yes. tell me that
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you're not to do this by i think she's very pleased by the system the to the month or she never. one of the particles is different from your to just dollars. oh sure. sure. yeah. but all right is,
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is we ask you why that all guy and for us to know, i go to the phone with us for the purposes. oh, of course, then one of the particles is this the is the sum of all the little so politically also just because of a bike. well, you can restore course of what she quoted because the the most. yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is near percentages,
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but almost the business, if it was such a multiple 1000 those alone and i got a new build up for good repair that i am and you won't have to come as much to me this doesn't just tell you that literally you fired from the suction leave because because some of the got it. so what is the moist, what's me about not, i mean, not, i mean the cost and both got it for the the, the model for the middle of the front of the most affordable plan door. which is the folder that we will circle here. solution is what our service will show for
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a series to come more information over to the to for the most of the smaller this is what i'm going to the good news to y'all's the vehicle to listen to some talk to someone one of the most mile each of them on the boat or is it the car? so you as it does come with over to you for yours
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matter. reason is a long number of seats available at the hospital for nothing performed trips producer of results are gone several times. so you know, some of those credits have you ever missed the scenario as far as though it's actually a little concerned that this is a 0 this longer than this year, and we're still on attendance or so this has started billing 1st just to set some of that on the system for the stairs, but the whole new level of security on both ends will result in an image of the year for the juice of the stuff
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she was not going through the sheet that are very good. it's good up on cardboard sun via notice and off the road. so just if the size of the previous by me a citizen i'm divorced on the there's a hill so i sure as opposed to a month later, which is in which box to the d test and all of those special as much as well. great. and then i can see
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the the russian states never as tired as on one of the most sense community best. most all sense of the, in the system has to be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission,
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the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the the wrench. okay. do this, but it's a bit of a cover letter. gosh, a little, but that to me and i know even though for the fall of the more school good use of you know, are you like it? there were so you see when they're gonna leave her or to bridge the simple do this course to be able to be like for us to be on the right in the introduction of a substrate. the
2:00 am
a former ca official, raises concerns over the uncompromising treatment of a suspects in the moscow terror attack. that's as the death toll from the tragedy climbed to at least $143.00. as the war in gaza approaches the 6 month marks, we hear from an invitation volunteer, who chose to keep helping palestinians indian battled enclave despite his hospital being vom israel not only wants to kill the people of gods, up with their bullets, but also with starvation because the entering gaza is still minimal which cannot be distributed fairly cranes foreign minister heads to india for talks. as new deleon says he should sit down to negotiate peace with moscow. we took the.


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