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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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starts we know said i'll forget, fall, it's appealed to the court that could take several months. the situation. does it cut the terrier even more in the time? most likely. how then will the motion help them even if successful? who and nothing can help and nothing at the moment is sadly ag ones gas. and we may be looking at a situation where it is too little too late. and all of this talking the i c, j is doing very little for those who are dying like not even those who have already died the most experiencing hunger and start of ation. this. ready is all true. yeah . it's something how something has to be changed. and so by i live in joining itself to this intervention and you know, it helps to change and for the long term. sadly, it wouldn't be of great immediate use, but you know, things must change and i for one and many people on the ground,
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an island are glad to see this sudden change from the top. and i am a just finally the the resignation of the t shock. and the timing of that, jason, because we knew the iris government statement shows that consultations about this situation started months ago. but leo rod curve resigned. i'm your week before arden's was set to begin this intervention. you know, is there something in the, in the import of this, would it not helping more politically viable for him to, to, to stay on in this case, considering the motion could become perhaps his legacy. this may actually be the case. you know the, the, that that is a fairly valid point to raise. however the, the resignation all the. ready car has been a political shock. no one is quite clear as to why you bought has happened. i'm.
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yes, i would see this as a potential legacy and 0 a great deed for a leader of a country on his way home office. i mean, nothing really substantial can be said on it until we know more or right why i must have thought i have cause has decided to step dine. yeah, for a point. yeah, jason, thanks for giving us your time on thoughts on that development today. jason, michael academic, an independent journalist live from dublin. it's like, well israel must be held accountable. that is the reaction of the palestinian red crescent society to the killing of 2, apparently on armed thousands bias. really, soldiers of warning, disturbing images are ahead. video footage released biologist era shows the moment the idea of soldiers opened fire on the beach. no, the palestinians were seen waving what appears to be white fabrics,
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the sign of surrender. after being killed, the men were allegedly buried by the ideas. with bulldozers, a red crescent spokesperson said it's time for the international community for just a 2nd. just to tell you what the scene these are due to, to the final scenes which is right. the occupation forces and attention they at targeting the of the 70 is a trying to find the evidence. so this is still so happened because of the silence of the international community. there is no accountability since the beginning of the war at all. got the is there a to move their theory in 2000 and civilian it's 70 percent of booth theory to thousands, gratitude and i suggest a woman. the question is like how many thousands others shouldn't be killed before the world can't take serious action to who is right accounts and then how and
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immediate access to these fire was obvious, where we leave and use rough for now, but i'll be back in under 30 with more of the stories affecting your world today. life for most scope. this is 247. all righty. and the time everybody we got a program node for you again barring holidays occasional, you know, family days. we know post to show every single day. got that not weekly, used to be weekly in our daily, and we hold no punches, so look for it. truth bomb number one, toyota. such is the victim of us state retaliation. that is what his lawyers have just said to a british high court, and they are apparently the court that is listening to his bond number 2
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ebc reporters screaming mad because their network dared to hire a trump advisor. by the way, this is pure hypocrisy and i'll show you how to supply them. number 3, r f k junior has already made the general who will likely take boats away from president button. actually has post or seem to be saying at this point, we're going to tell you why i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact the . so here's where we are us state department officials, as you probably have heard are saying. but joining us on endangered lives by publishing thousands of classified documents, but defenders of mr. hassan say worldwide, by the way that it was the military contractors with their actions in iraq and
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places like i've dentist and who were not just endangering the lives of innocent civilians. but also lying about it. and once again, i mean, let's look at this, right, let's, let's, let's have a case in point here. this attack where this us helicopter gunship set its soldiers are heard killing 2 writers, photographers. and then they're kinda, well, they're not kind of they're, they're laughing about it, watch a large one and a half, 5 or $647.00 by them all up to traffic to safety. you too. bye bye good. if i have to go on the shoot during the day when a claire claire.
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oh yeah, like that. right? yeah. so basic, the watch and to hear it, the helicopter gunship, the guys inside that helicopter gunship even way that you saw it there towards the end that band, right? that was an ambulance. they waited for it to arrive to take the victims to the hospital. maybe they could save their lives, but instead they fired at them while they. busy are in the ambulance, eventually killing the man and several others who possibly could have survived us. officials denied that the incident happened until they were show the video. these are the types of stories reveal bi weekly leaks, founder julia massage, that his lawyer say look at embarrass us officials. she says they're just angry. she says it's because of that. they simply can't handle the truth. and it's the only reason that they want him turned over for what she says quote is state retaliation. the british judges seem to agree,
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at least in part with what that argument is enough to mandate us officials to do a couple of different things. one, they must assure that julian hassan gets his freedom of speech protections do. they must assure that he will not receive the death penalty if he is extradited at some point to united states. and then the new k high court is also saying that a son can now launch a new appeal and they are delaying the proceedings by at least another 3 weeks while they possibly prepare that. here's what's ironic. some of the sciences critics in the united states, or journalists, journalists, criticize, already better, said government lackey's, posing his journalists, look, say what you want about a search. you may not agree with what he did. find. you can't deny this. he is a bonafide reporter who has sacrificed him, sacrificed himself for the sake of the truth. it's no question. and interestingly
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enough, the us on story is occurring, as there is a booming scandal that is taking place in the media here in the united states. right now everybody's talking about it, who's in the media. it's over the hiring by nbc, the television network of a former donald trump advisor, who was also the chairperson of the republican party. her name is rona mcdaniel, you may not have heard of her, but she's somewhat well known here. she's no longer tied to the party, she's no longer tied to trump. so she was offered a contract by the network by nbc. even though by the way, she has no journalistic experience, no journalistic credibility. mind you? well, this hiring has set off on an intense reaction from nbc employees. they all went on the air. i mean, every day to criticize their company's german cesar conduct. here's an example. here's a chunk tot i think our bosses owe you an apology for putting you in a situation. because i don't know what to believe. she is now
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a paid contributor and got put into an impossible situation. booking this interview and then all of a sudden the rug to pull out from underneath in finance, shipping paid to show up x. it's unfortunate. yeah. check tubs mad that they hired this woman who worked for the government. and now she's being hired to work here. there's this is this news channel, no less. he wasn't the only one. there's like 10 or 20 who come out recently and set the same thing on there. but there's a glaring hypocrisy in their position. and it's this. why didn't they speak up? and why weren't they also appalled when their network hired simone simmons? she was the senior advisor for vice president. come lars. jen sanky who they also recently hired. she was a white house press secretary for president july. for one, i was press secretary to have in your own show on it. see nicole wallace. she was president george w bush's white house communications director. in fact,
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nicole wallace was in large measure responsible for selling the allies to us the american people that got us to buy into the disastrous thing that we called a warner rock, that she has their own show. she's a journalist. by the way, those same reporters often call for and media companies and for and journal this quote, speech tv. you've heard of the 1000000 times. they said about this place, steps they tv, fat, state media. those are all government propagandists. what, what could possibly be more. busy government propaganda and state media, then having a government official suddenly become a news presenter or so called journalist. the fact is our, our media is chuck. so a form of government officials. many of them went from being a spent person for the government or some government agency or intelligence or the military one day to having their very own new show on
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a cable news channel. the very next day. just a big enough for you to greer's, i think, a journalism today this is crazy. it really is. especially when you consider that the vast majority of them have never covered or written a new story, nor do they have degrees or any training as journalists, but by golly, they are. hello, this is the news i'm such and such. look at this, we, we compiled a little list for you to see. i mean, this is the top of the hat stuff. okay. here's jen zacky. i told you about her already, right? she works for by the ad obama. there's george stephanopoulos. he was president bill clinton spokesperson that it became a headache or a news presenter at abc simone sanders told you about her right. she works for the vice president. now she's got her own joe. she's a journalist, i guess. huh. nicole wallace. there she is. same thing,
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we can keep going apparently let's, let's do it that sarah huckabee sanders. i bought her, she went from the government to then working for fox news and now she's back in the government. but you can just ping pump for my cock me is her dad. he went from being the governor to having his own show on fox news. the result, the head of the democratic party, she went from bad to being a news contributor at the a, b c news. and then sean spicer, just to spice things up a little bit. he went from lighthouse spokesperson right to being mount acrobat of the cable channel. look, i can go on and on and on and on, but i've got to stop here because we'll be here all day. so here's the question. why are these nbc journalist who have not once complain when other government officials were hired and we have not once complained about the treatment of a real journalist like julian, a sons'? why are they now complaining about? rona mcdaniel. could it be that what they really stand for is not so much
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journalism, but rather groups speak groups be could it be that what they really don't want to do is share their microphone or their studios with people who they don't agree with. oh and guess what? they want nbc chairman, caesar com, they apparently just announced he heard their screams. any fired mcdaniel before she even started on the job? here's what he said. he says, after listening to the legitimate concerns of many of you speaking to these reporters, well complained of nbc, i have decided that ronan mcdaniel will not be and then be seniors. contributor said, there you go. while joining us now, my colleague john kerry, i could, who represents just the opposite of all those people that we were just talking about only as john kerry are not a government. lucky he's
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a whistleblower who has long been critical of the government, which is what journalists are supposed to do by the way. he works for the c i a, so he saw it from the inside out. john has written several books. it appears here a weekly on his own show. it's called what's up lowers because he is always the lower. and i don't know, i don't know where to start. maybe we'll start from the backend. what, what do you make of these journal is at places like nbc, who are now angry because somebody from the government is going to go from to work for them. it looks to me more like they're angry about the fact that he is a trump government worker. right, they were okay when it was a uh, you know, democratic president, the government worker. oh sure. policy. oh, total hypocrisy. and the thing that they focused on was that run a mcdaniel was an election deny. or in fact, she really wasn't in the election deny or the so got a sort of a you're welcome. yeah, that's it. you're exactly right. and let me tell you another thing can be lenient at nbc and image. that'd be see he's the chief intelligence corresponded. yeah,
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for the network, he was caught thanks to a freedom of information act request, sending his articles to the c i a for clearance, for, for sending them to his own editor. no. and we're supposed to just accept. so do i didn't notice john one more time, a reporter who work for nbc still works. he's the chief intelligence correspond one of the worst full pauses you could make in journalism. yeah. and you know, i'm one of those few with you to actually went to journalism school and i spent my time eating a reporter in writing stories. so you don't, before you interview somebody, you don't send them their questions, right? you don't to share with your sources the information that you have because you're going to bias them. and you're just going to get from them what you wrote. and in this case that he would actually get the okay from a government agency. and they were supposed to be opposing the government agents, so you don't work for them. that's right. well, this, this points to the demise of investigative journalism in the united states. it from us, in most cases,
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it just doesn't exist anymore. and the other thing that we learned from this freedom of information act requests that was uh mm hm. that was filed by a reporter from bloomberg. jason leopold was that it, when journalists got too close to stories at the c, i a, the c i is office of public affairs. would write them emails and say you better stop. you better stop investigating the story or we're never going to cooperate with you again and your not invited to the christmas party. in other words, we will deny you access. if you write something, we don't like, that's right. how is that not state tv? how is that not prior. exactly, right, that it, that's exactly what it is. and even if these, these so called journalists protest that they are not propagandist me, they have to admit that they are corporate propagandist. at the very least, by the way i could see times when i would you should have government sources. absolutely. they should not be your pals. success. they're not supposed to be your
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buddies. in fact, if you're supposed to work against each other, that might have been disrespectful. why don't know what you're supposed to work against each other. that's why does it came to be honest, people honest that way? exactly. let's go to a search. i'm trying to understand what the judge is really saying, it looks like, did i get this right? if it's my read is, he's saying you guys, you're getting his lawyers, you guys have a plan. i think there's something a file here. i'm going to give you 3 weeks to re appeal. is that really what's going on? yeah, this is a paper work exercise. so one of the things that, that the british insist on is whenever they're requesting and whenever the americans are requesting an extradition, they have to say in writing that the prisoner will not be subject to the death penalty. so they said that worley in court, early on in this process, but they didn't put it in writing because they didn't think they had to. julian hasn't been charged with the death penalty crime, but it wasn't in writing. and so we're at the point now where julian's attorneys
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are just throwing the kitchen sink into each appeal. and one of the points that they made and the most recent appeal was, hey, they never said in writing that julian wouldn't be subject to the death penalty. and the brits said you're right, the training specifically says it has to be in writing. is there a possibility at this point john, based on all this, something. busy in a new shot, some of it important administrative filings where you're starting to see that there's a little bit of daylight for julian. massage. yes. yes. i don't think i'm violating a a confidence by telling you that several months ago the justice department offered julian a deal. mm hm. uh they wanted him to take a plea to an espionage count. he flatly said, never. he said, i will not be held responsible for any future prosecution of an american journalist for doing his job and said, no deal. well now the government, it's more clear that the american government just wants this thing to go away. and
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so they're offering him a plea deal to a reduced charge. that in most cases is a misdemeanor. it's not a felony. and the conventional wisdom is that deal would be for time served and he can just leave that deal has not been sealed. no, it has not been sealed, but it's not a formal deal yet. yeah, i was talking to one of the joints attorneys a couple of days ago, and they said that this is just something that's been broached by the prosecutor. so the question is, why would they do that? let's, let's do this, let, let's talk about that on the backside, because i want to ask you about that. i want to ask where this is going and then we're going to talk a little bit about r f k junior, who's they going to affect the most? now that he made a big announcement yesterday. president biden's voters or president former president trump's voters. we will let you know. don't go away. i'm with him. that's john kerry. how could the
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because they already see here because they cut the store i visited and then use their email futures. great if and then to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style. for years of caribbean ssl, all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons really well, you know, simple jewelry school level. she's the media venue, so i'm assuming you need even the chest. maybe to get ahold of that. could you look into? i'm assuming people's going to be in approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go a finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff dumbly vital to if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so young congress that i mean yeah. what the famine disease forced labor to which it by the warden. so
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for me was, what was the last it also need you to do? what's the tape it to you that that it's a deep level of human off. what does it what it is, 9, push that 6 up. the give you a few. i'm at 230 because he does. it goes to thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, wanted to do the speed's not even a good idea. yeah. what's a good i see, and i'm really supplement that decided to do it, but there is danielle that was put in the middle of the the hey, welcome back. i'm at sanchez and i'm here with my colleague, john kerry. cool. i'm thinking if there is a possibility, as you mentioned that there's a, there's some daylight that there might be a deal that they might do with the, with san is it because the u. s. is in
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a bit of a pickle right now, globally. i mean, ukraine is looking like a mess. yes. causes making this administration look really bad. this thing that just happened in russia, a lot of people are pointing the fingers in our direction. so it's a good time for some kind of win. and bringing a journalist back to the united states and then saying you want to kill him or put him in prison for life as would be a 4th. really bad luck. this might be the time we're all these things kind of help assigned. am i wrong? no. i think you're right, i think you're on to something the fact that it is an election year means that the administration needs a when young boats, young vote. yeah. and young people are disproportionately supportive of julian assigned. yeah. so it's in everybody's interest to make this thing go away. we know one of the things too, that the british courts don't understand really is, is the division of power in the united states. they keep getting these, these assurances from the prosecutors that he won't be subject to the death penalty
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. he won't be put into communications management unit. he won't be put in solitary confinement. it's not up to the prosecutors to make those decisions, right. it's up to the bureau of prisons, and now the british judges are realizing that they may have been lied to. and so make promises you can change, right? yeah, this thing go away. there's something else i want to get your take on. ready. this is a story that i want to tell you about today. that's really kind of important because it could have a real impact on who becomes the next president of the united states. it's about r f. k, junior. he has announced who will be his running mate for vice president, that i am so proud to introduce to you the next vice president of the united states, my fellow lawyer, really. and so i had to, as technology, his fears or your mom, nicole, she's the got me a fierce warrior mom because she had a had, by the way, she's a lawyer from california. she's apparently a philanthropist kennedy's hoping that she's going to bring in lots of young voters
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. but i'm not sure about that. and i'll tell you why. i don't think it's likely to happen based on the fact that kennedy is 100 percent against the palestinian cause . and 110 percent in favor of the israeli government. i don't know. uh that is possibly what's bringing out a lot of young people against even the president biden, even though they're democrats right now. so i'm not sure about that. shanahan is very connected by the way, she is tied to google co founder survey brand. and she was also responsible for the kind of the super bowl ad that tied him to his dad and his uncle, who were both as you know, assassinated. the $60000.00 question is, well, he take votes from biden or willie, take a votes of from a former president, donald trump, you care to venture here. yeah, i, i try to follow these polls very closely. first let me read their rates something that you said she, she's a billionaire. yeah. being x y makes 3 of us. yeah. right. in the x ray from sir
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gabriel's god bless. you know if you come out of that with 1000000000. well we married it seriously. i wish i had the number one, number 2, she's only 38 years old. she's young, she's very accomplish. she's an important lawyer of focusing on, on patents and trademarks. okay. and silicon valley. um, good looking 38 years old. and i don't know if i said that a moment ago or not. so the idea is that she should be appealing to young people, but you re something very important. the reason why bob kennedy is not appealing to the young people felt his position on his right. oh, it's hard because it's, it's worst it's, it's if he's more strident than bite of both of them. yeah. then then binding, or trump like can you, can you be more pro is real than fighting and trump. yeah. apparently you can because he is and that's what's really hurting him. so the key, i think for him it is not to win the presidency. he knows he's not going to win the press. yeah. the key is to be able to pull consistently at the 15 percent level. mm
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hm. so that he gets invited to the presidential debates. now he's been pulling between 10 and 15 percent. he's hoping that this gives him a boost. now you raced an important question to does the kennedy campaign draw more from biden or more from trump when he 1st announced? yeah, he was drawing significantly more from trump that has reversed. and now he's drawing more from vide, so it looks like he could be a problem for joe, but yeah, at least the way it looks right now. it's. and today for the very 1st time, the bite and super pack criticized kennedy by name the policy previously had been to just ignore him. yeah, now they're attacking him and they attack because they're worried. and because they've been looking at the polls. exactly. john kerry, who you are such a good friend and thank you so much for taking time talking to you as usual. pleasure. before we go, i want to remind you of what we do here. really. it's our mission. we try and keep it simple. we want to just decide all the world we've got to stop living in these
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little boxes where you only agree with your neighbor. if he agrees with, you know, troops don't live in boxes, troops everywhere. public sanchez, that's what we go by and we'll be looking for you again right here where i try to provide a direct impact the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented is 1st. can you see through their illusion
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going underground, can the russian states never. i've side as i'm sort of the most sense community best. not getting all sense. i'm up the, in the 6595 must be the one else calls question about this even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the
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headline stories that perfect traitors of last week? terrorist attack in moscow received significant amounts of money from the goats currency from the premium nationalist, which was used in preparing to commit to the atrocities of the according to russia's investigative committee. also heading the program, turning on the charm you frames foreign minister arrives in indiana helping previously loved bosses, the country, principalities, with russia, new daily, those agents for the whole east towards with boston. we took the position from the start but you're not going to get a solution for this conflict from the baptist and western representatives of once
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again, blood russians request.


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