tv News RT March 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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but the headlines this hour, at least $38.00 people, including civilians and the military personnel are reportedly kills by is wally, as strikes on the syrians, 50 of the left russia reveals the moscow terror attack is received money from ukraine for the russian foreign minister question. so western attempts to whitewash tia is up with a few nation. one that is on the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of these by mistake, and that no one else should be a suspect. above all ukraine is becoming obsessive. your brains for a minute stuck into his long day off his visit to india in an attempt to woo new delhi. if an officer, a series of, of slots arrangements outright offensive statements from tip.
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the that's just going to be, i'm here in moscow and this is on the international with the latest. well, these updates are very welcome to you. all top story this hour is, well, has reportedly bolton's being open, siri and city of alaska. kelly and at least 38 people. many of the victims all said to be civilians as not getting moved from all correspondence. yes. and that can in is done both a yes and many thanks to join. it goes on the program especially in alarming development as well. as reports of the problem, yet another country, and the reason it's being several hours since the end of it was reported this friday morning. what are the dates? how's that? we know the moments or as it stands nikki syrian local media sources are suggesting that is we have carried out an air strike air strikes all the company by drones targeting the
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surrounding areas of a la pull up who is one of the largest cities in the country and this is a matter of concern for a number of different reasons. first and foremost of course of the areas are the structures that were targeted by that is really air force are specifically military infrastructure. but more so their reports coming out of syria suggests that civilians were also killed as a result of these attacks. this is a matter of concern because this really is also being accused of carrying out indiscriminate bombing against civilian areas in god's us. but more importantly, it seems that israel is determined to ensure that this conflict does, in fact spread across the region. it's been a matter of concern for moscow. it's been a matter of concern for an incorrect and it has been mentioned more than a few times in the united nations and the security council readings. specifically, citing the israel should prevent further attacks to potentially speaking the probability of risking further conflict in the region. but what we're looking at right now is discriminant attacks against targets of against the state of syria.
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but it's, this is not the 1st time that is real, has carried out attacks against syria over the past 2 years. israel has carried out hundreds of air strikes, targeting ports in love, talk a is one of the most important factors that they've been targeting damascus and the surrounding areas. but more importantly, israel says that it is targeting iran or iran affiliated groups within the country . now this is a matter of concern because the is really side has says, i sorry, i said that they've bowed to ensure that they will prevent iranian influence within the region as well as groups. but more importantly, the reasoning behind a tennessee approach in this respect is to prevent the transfer of weapons from syria to 11 on. but the issue here is that israel's currently engaged with his, the lot along the lebanese border and that these attacks have been continuing more . so they've been escalated to october 7th when israel launched war, waged war against the gaza and the palestinian people. as it stands, of course,
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this is really arguments the state of syria, the syrian president bush or alyssa. it says that this really is using this as a means to justify their unlawful attacks against the state of syria. the is really military says that they will not be reporting or commenting on for media reports, and it'll be interesting to see if they say anything. and if they do what they will essentially bring to the forefront with regard to these attacks nikki and data, right? yes, and many things, the full, the update that saw corresponding johnson at kimball. let's continue the conversation. now. let's close to damascus based investigative during this vanessa bailey. and as i get to see you today, thank you for joining us. i'd love to ask you, what was your immediate reaction to these reports this friday morning that as well had phones last well is really addressing that gun. syria has been escalated since october. the 7th. there have been multiple part filed and successful assess the nation attacks that i've increased since a christmas last year. and only
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a few days ago there was an x ray to attack against the northeast, which kills a gun, a large number of civilians, women, and children. national defense forces, syria, national defense forces it right in and resistance forces that are their boards to of course, attack be illegal. u. s. military bases, but also to protect the civilians in the area from isis, which is another us proxy. so on this attack also came on the heels of yesterday. yesterday afternoon's failed this explanation of hospital personnel in the southern or damascus suburbs which had gotten caused injury to to civilians. and as he saw that around 5 am this morning, israel carried out this time nope. to carry out this attack, of course, what did it do? it use jordanian space to enter. they asked price or eva,
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the us legal military base of open up on the border with jordan from their end to a low altitude. so it violated syrian as spice. it into the body area, the 3 in does an area in central syria to carry out a missile with talk. i'm drawing a tax again, eastern a lot by positions and what you see that or of course is, is a burning munition stuff. whole area which for and for about 2 or 3 hours and caused a huge amount of damage. i mean, timing wise, it seems like he's well already see me and he has enough to deal with them at the war in dogs. they're in mutual transported strides with has but i am in lebanon. so when we phone syria now, well, one other thing, which is very interesting, a process. but there's a thought came into in conjunction, coincidentally, words, an outside or
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a talk from the northwest in edward against western alaska. so there was a fact simply a deal attack one from israel in the 8th, and one from i'll call you the, in the west. and of course, we've seen this collaboration between the extremist on groups inside syria or including isis and israel against the syrian government, the serial number of all man, i'm always including russia. and that attack by i'll call you, there was repels. but again, they launched massive a numbers of suicide drawings against theory and civilians inside a lot of in conjunction with it as well. so what we're seeing here, i think, is israel's attempts to eliminate or to target has block operative to weaken syria, which of course it sees as it's nemesis in the region and the backbone of the resistance, access to a large degree and to expand the war because israel has lots of orange draws or
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against the a relatively low equipped resistance force. it's losing the war in the northern occupied territories. an estimated 100000 settlers have been brought to you, right? to businesses have been a part to a to, it's effectively last that tara try's to has the law in the northern occupied territories. it has been talking about some time escalating into lebanon itself. and now what we're seeing is the expansion of the war, deeper into very entire tre, aleppo is not a normal logistical target for israel, particularly in relation to the father and from against paula. fine, israel needs victory. it's isolated itself from the united states recently. and with nothing in your who is. so there's a hubris up to the un security council decision. it needs victory to survive in the region. let's suppose the expansion of the war all depends on how syria chooses to
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respond to these latest strikes. how do you expect it to respond? 3, i will respond in the way that it has been responding since what type of the 7, syria has its own more to contain within its own territory. it's occupied by hostile states in the northwest. the know the northeast, which of course is the united states and even in the files with the don't on occupied territories. and they is way to us back separatist movement in, in the south in sweeter and thought out. i'm sorry, it has its own internal conflict to deal with. however, what it has done is to open up it started trees to the resistance functions which include has flaw and include the islam is low, make resistance, a rock to carry out attacks against israel and its allies in the region. and i don't really see see syria changing that, that m r um, any time soon as i'm speaking to today,
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it's great to get your thoughts on the situation, damascus based investigative journalist, vanessa bailey, thank you. last night is digging deep into key as alleged involvement in last, friday's most go terror attack. the investigative committees that you see a silence received money from ukrainian nationalist investigators helping, gathering evidence of the apartments of one of the terrorists. the attack is also to have received launch payments in both cash and crypto currency from ukraine. the factors has not yet been named a little that you all need isn't that the slid the when you're the initial results of the investigation? fully can some of the plans made sure of the turnover sections, capital, preparation, and financial support from the organizers of the crime instead of the investigation has confirm dates on the income of significant amounts of money and cryptic conferences from ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which we used in the preparation of the crime. and now the suspect involved in the
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service, the financing scheme has been identified and detained. the investigation will request that the call take a preventive measure against him in the form of reminding custody of the 2 basic forces coming off. the fact we've had claims previously from the head of the russian f s b that ukraine has links to these attacks donors is 0, and that was the way, what did you cry? you supposedly need to do to prove its worth the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what the ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly, but on those, why didn't you specify the yes, the you tell you and ukraine, those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack? the 2nd question, while i think so, we are currently talking about the findings that we have and there awesome general developments. this is a jigsaw puzzle and adds to that puzzle. we already know that those attack is apprehended as they were fleeing moscow. so apprehensive down in the brown
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screeching which is close to you quite. and that is evidence coming out from the speech that they were looking to head into crane. but they have contacts the and they were hoping for window to be open so that they could cross the ball with that . but also say this is a take. so the latest piece of puzzle we've had today is from the russian investigative committee saying that there was substantial evidence that the currency was funded from ukraine to the attack is that they then use that for me. that's terror attack in most cases, to try to can i just touch and on washington in all this is keeps insisting key of authorities had no involvement, no awareness of this attack, what's being said, and how does this information relate to that? not? yeah, that's why it wasn't very long off though we were seeing what was happening occurred to city hall that we had a statement from whitehouse saying ukraine was not involved in this attack. there really quick off the law in denying that also say that not involved and we've heard
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that line over and over, not just from washington, but from other lessons office over the last 7 days. it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks, u. k was by these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. however, the new york times has revealed the us officials withheld crucial knowledge about the upcoming attack because they wanted to protect the sofa is from rival russian intelligence. the adversarial relationship between washington and moscow prevented us officials from sharing any information about the plot beyond what was necessary out of fear. russian authorities might learn their intelligence sources or methods. when we us intelligence officer and host of the whistle blowers, so don't carry on tuesdays. preventing the most go terrace,
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not should have taken priority, ever protecting us state sources in the way that the c i a does. this is a create something called a tear line where they'll take the raw intelligence. they'll boil it down to the very fair essential, both the central information so that it's impossible to point back to its original sourcing. and they'll literally tear it off along the line and give it to, in this case, the russian government. we now know that that simply was not enough information. it wasn't actionable. the russians couldn't do anything with the information. so what is more important, is it more important that the russians not know that this was, let's say, a telephone intercept, or that they have a source inside isis. k. i would say no, not when there are a 150 lives at stake. this was a terrible mistake. terrible of the russian foreign minister says motions in this call sense and assistance i. k of was most involved in the most guides. how i talk
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is some of the suspicion it is i thought the accumulation moment is on the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of these alignment states. and that's no one else should be a suspect. above all your crank up the speak directly and regularly about this country, and it's not involvement. it is becoming obsessive. we have repeatedly said that we're not making any final conclusions until the investigation is fully completed. we simply have no ride through a lot, obviously, especially since those people who carried out this terrorist attack tried to flee to crane before the words detained. the west, the suspicion we active in persuading us not only publicly, but also in context or diplomatic commissions that we should not suspect to crate to the american self trust in every possible way that they warned us and more to 7th of this year. following them on march 8th, the british embassy issued the same warrant on the on, so the interest is warnings to their citizens horton. moscow, advising them not to attend, must be advanced. as for contacts within the intelligence services, they're generally not publicized, but in
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a recent interview with the director of the federal security service impressions for more than a couple years set that there had been such contacts and there has been a warrant and but it was over a very general nature. i mean while in india you find this foreign minister sitting down for tools for these indian towns, boston, new delhi is the 2nd day of to meet. we can leap as visit to the country is key of 6 to whoo, india. a longstanding ally of russia. well, some locals in new delhi. what they think about to leap is visits on his previous criticism of the country stats. i think a natural to engage a very close and i officially so initially much more, more focused on this. yeah. then you can provide ways here today to meet those lawyer intellectual people today. no, i don't think so. why should the india pay attention to such people who have this kind of stand? i thing in the, as that of the things to take care of was he corresponded, went and saw moist,
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closely following the clarity and foreign ministers visits in new delhi. and this is the 1st several with victor india as a foreign minister, but also the 1st several was it will be talking new queen and official to india ever since the war new queen started 2 years ago. well, i don't see that he's here to put in action. was between more the insulin skin all week ago for i'm going to send the range from what he had a telephone conversation with the president of ukraine. this of the usual bilateral cooperation, fried. but also he stops and looks like polinos here for the exact that know before in del support for the upcoming fee store that will take these leaders in the yellow. sometimes the dates not decided as they have, but they will take place in switzerland. looks like you're creating has realized that if anyone can broke a piece between ukraine and russia, it is india because of the strong full size that she has with law school. it wants
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to into, in small school to negotiate piece. not interesting because on this line, ukraine has had such problems with india and the. ringback change of tone and stand in an interview that followed by gave to a local newspaper here in india. and he went on to say the new cleanness okey was in the online boston one really because that sounds like a complete new tongue. in fact, yesterday he went to the mahatma gandhi memorial before coming to india, and he spoke about how, how come on down the where the founding fathers, india, his non violence is somehow related to the resistance of new cream. well, that's his perspective boss, and that's is what he did yesterday today is going to be the day of talks when he's going to meeting his counter, found dr. x ray sound good. also the deputy and a c, but has in the off the walls are all the criticism ukraine have for india. all the
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slide. i doubt every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in it. if your benefits because of our suffering, it won't be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point fingers, the repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. what's wrong with india, china, and so forth? the problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their steps. these countries have weak intellectual potential, unfortunately from low intellect to a 5 a 4 is global clara, sooner than ukrainian for him. and his secondary ma reach new data. yesterday he went on to say that you can use india as a powerful global says, if it's possible for international. why isn't it looks like your queen wants to use india's powerpoint voice to negotiate between russia and ukraine to be a peace make up to, to copy a scale the, the rest and strategies haven't worked for ukraine. and india you silently and was
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always been saying that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is only possible to dialogue in diplomacy that perhaps is now making sense to ukraine. much more feel clean doesn't realize is the very fact that the boxes shipped ships. i'm built for nights they'll build on one decade with trust and that is what india shares latasha. that's what indian diplomat to i tell them now hold for a told us a new dell, a was us and the most impressed by the ukrainian statements that proceeded dimitry to naples visits in the past. uh, they'll create insight, dental recording into pro max uh they take a video offensive sterns, they look quite political up and down, going to the extent of bleeding and living in the event of booting to the was machine to the of a and i shot. but if you look at the state prince of the craving for them, but as that has been making now in your libby,
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it looks like they have come to understand that in there is going to do something to see that it's relationships. within that time tested trend, namely the shop and they also come to realize that didn't get to speak about principles done, which is the funding guy and as of national security. interesting, that's the security and stuff that i'm all i the fully for now is decided to buy oil from large side, hunted in from facebook guys, visit to the main system. we never know the discount or the i think the today has something to realize that it yeah. has stick them out. they. they put in spring funds that i spent as the conflict between the shuttle claim dispenser. and uh, what, what, i believe they, the claims, based on the ladies have already tried and made efforts to dissuade the bus really near to, you know, click the site because it took a lot of action preparation. i think the stand against that are shot. but that's
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all hard fucking all the international court of justice has old. it is well to allow more humanitarian aid. it's a garza to prevent a mass founding the quote of subs the palestinians in garza and no longer facing near risk of famine. but the fam and assessing in the state of israel shall ensure, with the immediate effect that its military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the palestinians in gaza for every 6 months and was displaced almost the entire population of gaul is the most of them without sheltering the southern most the city of lost on the border with egypt with which is refusing to taking refugees of the spot. the fox for the only thing yes is preparing so low as a full scale assault on rasa. his local journalist from our satari with more distribution on the ground under 5 small done just that, that's to fix it more than one point. 5000000 defendants are,
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should drop off. and would you walk down the street to see how all the crowd to see so all of us know what people that are overflowing, good things that have hundreds of thousands of families who are seeking safety enter. and they have been lacking any kind of humanitarian aid people who want to hear that it's entered as minimum is not me, think they are, they took the minds of that community and it's not me. think the basic defense of the community for food or water or supplies whatsoever, or even her has never been accountable for the crime that we are committed to the city since 1947, up to this particular dates on the fitness adoption. that is and would be comfortable and, and at the national community, afraid to hook there's a count of and so the ground that they, that were committed how, what the fitness understand and out of hopefully but something different and positive would be happening in defense that south africa island, some money,
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other countries including pressing, are willing to see is that him comfortable. so they, she and that i like in the time and they believed and hope that this would bring about some change a literally this week of opposing as well as alleged acts of genocide in guns. it was delivered to the un human rights council of by special russell to francesca alba. nice. she said she received death threats. well compiling the documents. the report itself, details how gauze is a suffering from b. it is really military, a. so describes the locating of age, the detaining of civilians and the excessive use of explosives to destroy residential buildings. here's what else francesca albany is, had to say about the situation. i find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that that threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide against palestinians as a grouping guys as being met specifically is right. let's go meet the 3 acts of genocide. we 30 presenting tent, causing seriously serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group,
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deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction the whole or impart and imposing measure as intended to prevent verse within the group. however, when grilled by palestinian, joining us aside arc has about the report. the us state department promptly dismissed the genocide allegations on founded. and let me ask you, i have you and did you see or read the report, the made by francesca at albany. ready in geneva, where she cited where she actually, what she showed was a funeral as far as she's concerned. refutable evidence that they really engage in genocide the did you see the reports? what does your comment? i did send a report, let me say a couple of things about it 1st. um, we have last for long standing uh for a last name period of time, oppose the mandate of this special wrapper tour, which we believe is not productive. anyway,
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it comes to the individual who holds that position. i can't help but note um history that i submitted comments that she has made and comments she made in december that appeared to adjust the 5 the attacks of october 7th. so i think it's important to take that into account. but with respect to the report itself, we have made clear that we believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded. but at the same time we have are deeply concerned by this number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that's why we have a press the, the government of israel on multiple occasions do everything it can to minimize those civilian casualties. process that i spoke with size, our attach himself and he said, washington is defending as well because of his own role in the warring done so a day night service of america would probably have to see evidence of maybe a not many announced in his diet as a result of his rate at that before he even come close to calling it a genocide. i mean, i may be exaggerating a little bit, but really that,
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that was the matter is that then i'd say it is the predictor of israel no matter what it does at the u. n. a, it says the what then to israel august weaponry, everybody that was fired. it would probably send him a pass to you was given by, by american weather, in every building destroyed, destroyed by americans and munitions. everything that is done onto the palestinian is basically a done on written off by and then not dates of america, not just for this war, but all along. i mean for the past 75 years. and i states has been the power of this way. and unfortunately, the world just looks on it either useless or helpless or unable to dis interested. i mean, you know, we see major part of the are unable to change the situation, especially now when the palestinians faced bab and stuff on it. interesting, that was huge by the us state department space pass. and he said that washington as
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opposed to monday, typically, russell. so because he believes it to be not productively, most, not productive about finding out what happens. so there's always a nice, a cover. i mean it, see it is silly, you know, and they say this is not productive. we'll call it the position. i mean, that's what they said. we oppose. and basically they'll towards the position of our rep and car when wonder why, because this is really an investigatory body that observes what it does. i mean, you have on the, on have a nightstand, financing and be possible in deal under the sun. so they can do and observe and all that stuff, but when it comes to a major body light, in addition that is really and conducting was very credible at people like functions. galban it or any of our predecessors don't to do all these violations that israel does. so they can and it says we, we have no use for it. so it is being basically the double speak. it's almost, it's valuable really and, and this approach i'm going to, thanks for watching and coming your way next week. sanchez with the latest episode,
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