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tv   Documentary  RT  March 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
says de leon, is this she said to you, the movie is the queen. yes, her name was that as you get a really beautiful gloss and just gets her face to invest flashed or torque and we did come down. were listed here, but your thing and the rest of it. yeah. because up for me all the time of the the coming down there, some risk of dollars additional wagner. you coming down the bills to stay with the video. but as a chick you only have to slide that somewhere else. coaster oral care, what does it get that the thumb vip, just less than one way or? yeah. does he have to the disco surgical deals?
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what, that's the foot, the initial one. you've seen that when you that's touched in napa, just let the client jam or that your team and then the kind of take your questions group. it wasn't yours boss. of course the, because that's what it was to opinion and you come down with the talk with ha ha, chris charlotte of the way to the slide. the. so what sort of fits your experience on the vehicle and see if i do? yes. just to go with the for which i assume you can go to as soon as it gets to the
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right edge or must it unless it is the quick thing or what it says, oh, it's not full of california to the minus throughout the moment. so those with the source formulas that there was no doubt in the symbol of the human levels. familiar with the word show but it was there. so we need to know really simple cut out to the bone. you know what the quote for the push know family the i'm wondering if we mentioned nash a mom. well, i mentioned that to calculate so a give the mean it was because of okay and when you're using your so. so we're going to start with the, with the snow sprayed really move, watching you or he has not come up with based on that sort of reason. i say
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this is the one of the so you should have it, you should go through them as soon as the closer schemes are one to assign what are you and you don't want it don't so assume and interview and you put out as an additional peters to britta overtures, the, the interest that i'm going to be additional specialists from the vi here. what i pull chance is just uh, come and get over to your partner with you. what was your position doorstep? the motion hattermio was known as the most efficient fuel have special with you on
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the horse on the west coast and ask them to bring them going. if additional, extra for sure. so let's get the yeah. and when you, when you with you on this new for you on a stretch north, she's moving my to, to destiny will be for a stop shooting. if the challenge 1st though is unless, unless somebody should perhaps get there is extension to you coming to orchestra, of course, or something sort of what you found or something else participating in domestic dental or yeah, well the average of junk also for the 1st source to to to push that the ratio, the yellow surgeries going 0. ok when you when you get there. sure you do for us know when you a 100 what the most and use. yeah. richard. richard or she's christian cool in chicago. so where does the thing is this the video wise for further facility is that also felt that covers good work on for sure. it will work for me to
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buy 250 best pretty fast for the 1st i think there's there's no chance to for those who look ways to clear the picture below when you when you go, i do not when. yeah. but when your husband, like you most are awesome. all right, you fortunate by our stay action or some families with the show, there was a more question what those original pitch today show which of the course videos now, you know numerous close by cool. a story on top of the ladies, and if i video are students teaching them to come to check on the board is showing that admission your team will allow us to bring ship them to the doctor. the
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for you the step one, your students pretty soon sounds right. yeah. move yes, just a little bit. you might just, you know, she found goods and you're still listened as when it's important page. the pretty much the goal is to see just my way to find the more studies here, the full, which is a 10 year simpler, which it took you up when you lost them by which a group of by sophie, was it just professors to go to a desktop do funny is, but if can customize the custom opened this to look for this thing. i saw some yes,
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next to the team, according to the article abuto international which is completing the order with the pictures for the speak. you thought us was also boy, the movie, a beautiful solution. the source of the age of the whole. suppose you for the call to come onto this one but the left to go through to for super familiar with the videos that were supposed
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to associate with the special for someone. and the reason besides that was the coming you issue. yes. very yeah. associated with him and he just has any mind. so what are you where he goes to a funny waiting list of the news news to fix, and i know it sounds, selena uh, conditional which one of them all of the eclipse without the vehicle is consuming. just curious, if we do have a jail especially here, which can you look to succeed at walter coordinator castillo as most of the business criteria locks and also for anything. so just a few to hold on sending and all that. so i'm trying to get a hold of it before then please. i guess i'll send that over to sure. who is this will just be a little follow geo. yeah, boom,
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boom. yours me see little story. more with him. song is really a long sorry man. the girl who worked on future will deal with them. i hate to, you know, uh huh. was this book when you were in for the post for you is uh no, says your name is on the list as a subject to facilitate the sounds of of course, did you say that was clear the door, the jack on the what? the one such as possible when you're putting it in the, the, the sort of spray of
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the just at the shows was a show of the scriptures off. this is this, the, this was nothing is just simply the, there's steps you have just left new skills on this cause or some physics. what's your zip code for the most trouble you know, sample to extricate me. but don't quite assume you just need
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some help. so the 1st issue is if you can purchase a some of them, we use a fuel for the as the, the, the us on that just to get to yes, they all sold for the. okay. and you mentioned that she is looking for was might as a consolidate a new offer to the shogun. some of what i originally did, even though that old book on the no, it's not cable. it's a separate issue, especially a symbol new and you're likely a new board was most us for the producers, spanish from your mouth or something that i
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smoke the thought aspect of the vehicle. so the, the,
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the right to do this, but it's a beautiful comfort leisure touch a little bit to me. and i know, even though we have the hope, all of the school goodness, that's if you find out where you liked it, there were so you see when the minute wait a minute, i'm leave her or to bridge the simple do the sky store. we are going to be with us via on the right in the best of choice, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the source of the godaddy degree. and then if the kids took, the media space has them is not needed to have somebody to be by which, cuz some of the news tribune movement does look the bianca visual beverage. and there's less to feeling us, which is continuous misspelling. that's a for children, cuz there's only 2 color of groups to cut off groups and everyone isaac this opinion, those extra fees. and of course just printed out as a slot to have just left circle. if you're more interested in that of the shuttle.
10:45 pm
and then just use the plus my interest. you might just you there in the past most or pick about she read it more than glad to share more than i thought he had a you said was processed the actual then your password or his pastor you scroll down and go to launch it just but adams woke up as pass on adult dishes toys that previously in your before that so so can you steps into story and we'll see the store, the electronic signature, just plummet, national logistics should of course, can the condition because over the is just or should i the so i deal with the
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physical of testing sheila use where you can get to so they're going to get a little confused because robinson with the completion of the story. and what is the most sense to go to the game stuff because the, both of these is his book, the building that you really just such as to the already picking the scope out of this almost to the police putting in the what's the reason for the principles of the bushes, which is not so much can you just say the both of them some ways that came into view allow me to, to see the degree of so yes, my yes, i'm assuming go to see me over to the we're going to see if i chose to process the 1st of whom she must. ok. how do i access? yeah, those are so special moment lecturing. yeah, we've done such and yet i just showed that there was a sheet over the course of come down is really bad. the word on what side you put
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the safe for me needs. where's no changing the attention of the one? the voice mentioned also doesn't mean it's your, it's the sort of work on 6 more than that of the decision. the mazda, most people, the one that was, and he's got a good number of our one. if not, that could be a good for, and there is a little come come on board and get the product already. bye, bye. good deal. you know, you know the week from now the good i have never been picking the gust i gave you most of the day to submit again to the web. did you have just a digital image slash budget or the welcome go where the police are swinging down that you will for digital ish. the slow run meeting with dr. snicker to the to do to me. i'd be doing yes to the consumer card has to be there to the the media is the store to which the us to get
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those books for. yeah. and i'm supposed to be honest with i do what we need to as a tool, or if i want you to kind of short it suited with kind of for the less than that would it would say we're interested in the rest. is it just, you know, also stay on your thoughts and kind of so we're pretty much the same wish to symbol sylvia looks pretty nice and look at that. there was at the be i don't know it just just yeah, i just have to manually sheila in one of those 2 will glove with only in your mom while you boy yep. the spark or so the good thing there for numerous, so it will include your book, smarts to today, well, know a while now we really send that to them, you know,
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on the phone or see that's not the the but also why do we use? because the sign in the spinning across the center of the call to both of them would be good to participate and they want you to me but and also to put in but you don't want to pursue an announcement. introduce nimble, quote the for the solution because she used it to the homes for the thought that there was
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a kitchen for the store. one day she works here when you want me to start go up to the somebody be out there and we'll put here. what is my solution? very somebody called my dish. previous to bowsman your sound behind you? yeah i'm, i'm glad you agree with me. we just the way i wish to because we were just a few as well, or should i go to new york? some of the you know, can you if it is correct for us to a sole intrusive service?
10:51 pm
most of the things are missing. do i do want to do that because you missed the cut you of some of that was before you know what the do me a but i also the number echo long it took was more since just the you get to motion for the big change with this i'm going to throw it in. yeah. that's the the shape going is that go with us to waco, was it the square go with and the square foot length for this was just my for one. that's so each the fish focus can we assist? can you reach the
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can just just, you're sharing if there is a serious before in the don't to shake or cute the house also such as the for what's the story slash like our national show. let's throw those on just just the chair's steps to very strange. like a kid named does a separate in the industry up as well? yes, it does. look, the person did his finals flush this morning,
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the styles squared those luggage shamia ste. yeah . i think you might even go away. i promise you, i shall not ship to that question. you put the jet push, put the jets a national. i understood that campbell and you said air, somebody to produce the rates are doing the shirts, the shirts to create a livingstone condition. what thursday's date, mission i was trying to put the name of the nation with nationwide actually the different starting the shipper moving around the shelf and your strategy according to the the food chain that for calling him since you remember speckled on the me. when
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you pick, this is at lunch with the prisoner shane shim, s d, u d t o w x. do you do this because people come but they mean usually you do you do anything different than the user story dvd team? or does he get in chase state of the way to do so. let me know. did you call name is peggy h c b e t h e d d, keep this in the electrical. it would be a pretty good deal. you will do what he gives you to be each sepia
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the see would you which do strongly do you need to use the sensor but the most i'm we keep it at norfolk but i mean that's a really loud noise. the media. i feel the same for the detail of the speech. it's you lose reason with the money to the kitchen, the time it's the fluids, you know, employees of the land go in
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the process by using the depression wolf looked up. it's now the answer is nice. we here you mean? yeah yeah,
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sure. as the support it doesn't shed is good. the the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp,
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and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to a mass unrest. in 1964, the liberation front of mozambie for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but that guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders, the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however, 3 limos, 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist regime in portugal in 1974, the new authorities surrendered a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. lots of victory had been gained at a high price during the war,
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mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters the . i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have so many with the in the
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a robot. most protective phone existence was on. the us says it takes james to quotes various initiatives with ukraine's foreign minister to resolve the conflict with the restaurant. so definitely attend by kids . so we need the over to may have come up with shultz. skepticism is also head among the indian public 40. i don't know the, as, thanks to take care of the ways yet they are on claims as well. for an overnight stripe on northern syria, which report to the left, almost 40 people dead in the city of a level and the number of fates all as is from last fridays. so it's like in most go climes to a $140.00 for some west. the media, all that's attempt to pin the blame for the judge date on the criminal itself.


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