tv News RT March 31, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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the, the, the breaking news this, our russia holes ukraine, accountable for the crocus city, her atrocity. and they need premium security chief, be arrested, saying that $3.00 oh, $6.00 here most goes all to implicated ukraine and the cry, me and richard also i had the issue. it shouldn't be like the us republican lawmakers suggest or rather cold solution to ending the warning. java now is washington approves another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons to israel. the 2 people are reported,
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kills and dozens more injured in the latest is really striking. a central gas in the hospital where thousands of civilians have been sheltering since the start of all the conflict. with the big stories from the past 7 days on the right to up to the moment developments as well. this is the weekly on r t international. we begin with breaking news on the program, russia. how's that choose due crane of being completed in multiple terrorist attacks on its territory, including the appropriate city, whole tragedy of march, 22nd most closeted monday. that key of arrest and hand over the head of the ukrainian security services in connection with the deadly incident. the russian side demands that the key of regime immediately sees any support for terrorist
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activities, extradite the perpetrators and to compensate the damage caused to the victims. ukraine's violation of its obligations under the anti terrorism conventions will result in its international legal responsibility. among these demands is the rest of the head of the s, b u. the mail you who cynically admitted on march 25th, that ukraine organized the bombing of the crime in bridge in october 2022 and revealed the details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the russian federation. the foreign ministry also highlighted past the tax, including the killings of the journalist darya to get up and work corresponding loveland to tar ski, also making their debts to p. f. additionally, if mentions the october 2022 explosions on the crime in bridge, which resulted in the loss of 5 civilian lives for which you printing and officials took indirect responsibility. and you printing intelligence officials have
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previously posted a bunch permitting attacks on civilians inside brush or indeed on russians wherever they are around the world. not fact has made it harder for t of to deny involvement in the most school massacre. that's ortiz from on cost. risk takes us through well, the heinous terrorist attack on the crawl coast. concert whole is still under investigation. washington and its allies are already running around crying move for rather isis isis. but those who learned by experience to mistrust and this thing the west has to say, look around and see if possible, full flag operation executed by the ukraine's military intelligence agency called the good. why? because of their a long and bloody history of 3rd facts on russia, they resort to in the absence of natural feel success. now let's examine this record. now, in the final days of last year,
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they had of kias regime lighting is lensky issued an order to strike the russian city of bel drugs, getting $24.00 civilians including children. but eventually we'll get to what just happened in belgrade is definitely a terrorist act. under the cover of 2 rockets, they struck using a multiple launch rockets system. this kind of weapon hits indiscriminately and they used to strike the city center where our people were walking around just ahead of new year's eve. it was a targeted attack on civilians. of course, it's a terrorist act. you can call it anything else and your brain keeps on indiscriminately showing belgium. and as they have been shifting the nets for the last 9 years, actually almost 10 years in fact. but still there are also more targeted service act, orchestrated by the gore. prominent russian journalist, active as the leaders of local governments, have also be murdered. even the washington post has describe these atrocities,
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as liquidations by the core menu of ukraine's conduct. stein operations have had clear military objectives and contributed to the country's defense. the car bomb being killed there. you do get a however, underscored ukraine's embrace of what officials them can you refer to as liquidations as a weapon of or over the bus 20 months. the s b u and it's military counterpart. did you are, have carried out dozens of us as a nation's against russian officials and occupied territory as a legend ukrainian collaborators military officers behind the front lines and prominent war supporters deep inside russia, the gore alike say, well done. of doesn't even fly to didn't know i or denounced the fact. that's his story as our quote russians. anywhere. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. now let's say you were the head of the ukrainian military intelligence. what done of 5 things like
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a canary. when describing his clandestine operations against not only ordinary russians, but against the russian infrastructure as well, to shatter their illusions of safety, there are people who plant explosives there are drones. there are indeed people who are very easy to work with on that territory. people who understand that russia should be different and we support such people at 1st for destruction of anything russian seems to be the goal to id or for you creating an intelligence at any given time. the fame is cry me a bridge, built after the free vacation home the peninsula, where they homelands as also being targeted several times for, but don f and the rest of the clinic and the key of regime, it's a legitimate story gets and it doesn't matter that millions of civilians have been using it every single year after all the breach, as the logistics are 8 for supplying the enemy with the weapons to the cells in
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front is a legitimate goal of ukraine. from the point of view of international law laws and customs of warfare. meanwhile, russia's domestic republic is still shelled daily with various intensity by the ukrainian artillery news of civilian casualties slow with horrifying regularity. keith's que in the key of for game continues to show its priest, you'll face by showing civilian infrastructure. they are showing people civilians of the strike on the marketplace. and the next is a heinous act of terrorism. they use indiscriminate weapons that have caused the losses of so many lives stored on rushes, special ministry, reparation, the countries intelligent service, the f as the has prevented the more than $140.00 terrorist attacks from ukraine, obviously considering the death. so there were many others and actually led to the killing of civilians. the majority were organized by the award which former us
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intelligence officers, as going is a washington's quote little baby. we calculated that girl was a smaller and more nimble organization where we could have more impact, or was our little baby. we gave them all new equipment and training for officers or young guys, not sylvia era. caves you be generals. all that s b, u was too big to reform russia. so more and the many victims of the crocker since the whole service attack words of supports and kinds of nation flow from all over the world. but none from ukraine, vermont costs or, and margie. then ask for a public, the ukraine largest book store chain has started to sell the memoirs of a croatian nazi who was responsible for the execution of over 30000 jews during the holocaust to publish which served as the head of the corporation. public
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governments which collaborated with nazi germany aside from jews. he's also believed to be responsible for the must coming of serbs, enrollment egypt, seats. the recently published book is focused on commercial push for independence. while his complicity in the genocide it is simply omitted, well this case is the latest and a line of attend spike. you have to white portion indeed glorified the beats all the pretty and nancy on their allies this month, the print in a for it to use for voided s. s calabria, toyota stuff ok for his actions during world war 2 was here. he was applauded in the canadian parliament during the visit of 11 years and lensky, causing domestic and international by the bush. the premium authorities have also been renaming streets with names tied to the ussr or russia. some of those rates are now named after victorious nazi collaborators to bring in here for more on
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this. let's prost live now to form of us military veterans scouts. ben, it's scott, good to see you today. why do you think beeson that morris have been released for sailing ukraine and why not as well? let me 1st say happy easter to all right. wonderful russian family from here in america. he has risen. he has risen indeed. and it is a great day to always be positive that our internal hope is with our internal father and having, despite the hardships and the leading us, that we see so much in a fallen world on the ground here. and what you're describing in this book, this memoirs of a nazi is uh, you know, to me, displays the uh, irrationality in the falling apart. and the stupidity that animates the, the political regime of zalinski and key of and their last throw is because it's clear they're getting their orders from the c. i a state department,
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because this entire narrative of ukraine's war against russia has been built on this classic brain washing m k ultra mind control. narrative of ukraine is somehow oppress people. they've never reach their potential and rushes to blame for everything. they have cultivated that narrative since the 1990 is using books using textbooks and school books in classroom settings, editing books, uh, just to complete camp propaganda campaign. i saw this when i was in solid door. i saw a lot of the books that had been laid all over the place and the libraries there. and there is quite a wealth of xtreme, is nazi propaganda. so this is how you turn the generation of young people into mindless. tom aton robot killers is by incorporating into the reminder, communicating that their suffering, their oppression, their genetic failures,
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their broken families, the. they didn't get cream with their cereal as children. all of that to blame is russia. all of their hardships are russia. so this book is this both a testament to that narrative of cycle to go brainwashing of the ukrainians, trying to make them sympathized with some sort of an oppress people. and at the same time, it showed you their, their frantic desperation because the west is now routinely glorifying nazis from canadian, a part of the prime minister to go, the son of fidel castro, of course, true go launching into celebrating and nazi in front of the parliament to a germany of course, dusting off its old address book full of nazis to now we see this murderer of poll serves correlations. jews suddenly being harold, it up for the bookstores again. so can i get? it doesn't surprise,
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but it's very sad. just tell me the book itself state. the memoirs are interesting . scott: their question leaders direct and deadly links with nazi germany. it's widely known . why would it be concealed in this biography? and it would people just simply not know, just read it except everything in it. and not challenge it at all is of the situation we're in a yeah, i believe you're in a situation where the minds of the ukrainians are torn by stress and worry and they're looking for an anchor of identity. they're looking for something easy to digest. that makes them feel good. makes them feel like they've been oppressed, but sunshine is just around the corner. so they are, they are intentionally filtering these books through the c i a i would say, uh to, to cherry pick c, i is very good that they, they always routinely filter out anything that counter counteracts their strategic
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agenda. so they've sent these books through for a targeted filtering, and it's meant to design people into a framework of we just have to keep fighting. we just have to fight to the death of the last few crania and, and then suddenly we'll be free. and this book is a, uh, you know, a testament to that fiction, i would say, as the war closes down, what are the best options rushing could have, instead of an isolating and destroying all of this lensky regime. and all of these nazis is to simply load them up on boats and send them to the united states of america, send them to britain, send them to canada, where there's plenty of land and where their borders are being invaded by south america, central america, 80 all the republics, and they may find a new home and somewhere to fight instead of russia at can i just touched base on at our breaking news this our scotts and moscow has the mother key of arrest the head of the ukrainian security services for links at on
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a tax on the russian territory including that of the crocus at city hall. busy on march at 22nd am, we spoke about it on the day that it occurred as well. just the, the difference between this and other estimates, the tax and it's not makes the would, would normally come right immediately afterwards and take credit for it. if that's the right word saying that this was us, this was our follow words. in this case, that was, it was very of no, not direct like thought a not where, where he seeing more and more background about what you frame was doing in the past . and in terms of an alarming estimates, prominent is witness to be on their territory. another. the foreign ministry is saying they want the arrest all the s b you lead or did you think this was the
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development that was going to happen? scott? well it's, it's brilliant, it's intelligent, it's exactly what the foreign ministry should be doing. it's a form of diplomatic warfare. besides economic military information, you have diplomatic warfare, and this is part of that strategy. and they're very wise to elevate this to the highest level possible into globally. send us around, have lab roth and zabel rove, and the rest of them appearing with muslim leaders and let the muslim leaders say no one in our country will ever be part of a militant islamic attack upon russia, because you are desecrating, is long let the russian ambassador, take it to the united nations and elevated to the highest level. but this is a, this is our attack upon women and children and civilians that go to a theater where they are, you know, going for innocent pleasure. and here they're murdered by, i would say victoria newland puppet. c. i a puppet state department purpose and my 6 beside puppets that have been purposely recruited out of an embassy in dukes done
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trained in turkey and then deployed. i'd say turkey has some favors to get to rush out by saying we will never allow this again. i think to g cassandra and shut the ukrainian embassy you. in fact, all of the muslim countries should so solidarity and shut the ukrainian embassy and objected as well as israel's 1st genocide. but this is more diplomatic. first steps in and you elevate to the rest of the world. you either stand on the side of women and children and civilians going to theaters or you stand on the side of their murder worse, which is it. and russia has a gift for being direct and this is a time to use it. life from san francisco today, us another treat veterans. scott scott, thank you. well, let's say continue with that. that story. the statements, the big remarks from the russian foreign ministry of choosing ukraine of being complacent in multiple terrorist attacks on its territory, including the crocus city, whole tragedy back on march 22nd. as pro started correspondence in the email is
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shar at to explain more about what was said in the yeah, indeed, a big statement from the foreign ministry are now the for administer. as you've mentioned, they said that's all latest terrorist attacks, including the ones that we saw on fold just a little over a week ago. are linked to ukraine. now most go insist that kids should arrest the head of the ukrainian security services as well as extradite all those involved in the terrorist attack. but let's remember that when this 1st was in full, the us was quite quick to put the blame on this line, make state. but as the week went on, and we heard more in that information from the russian authorities, it turns out that for instance, the head of the federal security services of russia mentioned that the act in what happened was an x, y, z, the west, as well as ukraine, specifically the us n u k. 2 service and sort of panic in russia. and he also stressed that russia
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assure the essentially recognize the ukrainian security services as a terrorist organization. we also heard from the russian president vladimir puts in who initially said that this wasn't as somebody is phonics said, but he also asked one question and that question was, why would the terrace be fleeing to crane? why did they have a window waiting for them in ukraine? so there were a lot of questions that we actually got some answers from this week. now on top of that, of course, we must remember though, that some of the we sent in previous terrorist attacks that happened in russia, including the deadly attacks against the drum list, as well as the quite me in bridge attacks. they were all linked to ukraine. so it's no surprise that the prompt to sit a whole tragedy also turns out to be part of this list. now, at the russian foreign ministry also insist that key if should stop supporting any terrorist activities. it also says that he should hand over the masterminds behind
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the attack to moscow, as well as pumps and se the families of the victims. the cheapest way to see the new utilities, all 4 of the data accepted rate, those of the dental office, the tax, all those who shot and killed people were found and detained capacity. they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. so especially because ukraine also is part of into part of the anti terrorism conventions. it isn't, it's duty to handout these terrace and do what it's supposed to be doing. or t correspondence is sharp with the explain or no explosive
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comments on how to end the delta war. i have come from the us republican lawmaker who stays and i guess that the on to russian i like solution. not more aid would be quicker. i don't think any of our a rush to sell us. we should be the issue. it shouldn't be like you know, tim walberg spokes person attempt to damage control by saying that congressman was just using a method for und emphasizes with innocent gases, but fewer buying not explanation. the comments come as the end say, face is ation,
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military and catastrophe is really bombardments, have destroyed over 70 percent of infrastructure unforced the displacement of almost $2000000.00 policy residents are struggling to survive with limited access to food and water. well the latest is really our strength on some day hit a tent pump in the courtyard on the alexa markers, hospital, police people, the city body since of civilians have been sheltering there from the people were seen running in public as to breed spread from the explosion. media reports have estimated that on average 15 gallon sins are killed every hour from the dire conditions of awesome children. but some of us politicians say it's not enough to be seen footage. i think we should have when you would your terrorist you support her losing. go on
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the board. i'm not single. you go, i'm just working yours, right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me go my to what about my still shows the let me go. i didn't kill to get why, so you don't want the retail for thousands. how the city and state, you know, why it wasn't enough? was go, go, go with a 6 month long war in gals. a has planes over 32700 lives, according to local officials. on the adf is only expanding its military offensive. many is really citizens appear to favor that strategy. while some are calling for radical solutions, it was a day, i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so i think politicians must agree to press the button or a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish
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people. your expectation is that tomorrow morning would drop what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb and all of guys a flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them? they're not scared to death, sl, while some us politicians support israel in its efforts to dismantle gals and many of their constituents contest the methods of doing so. thousands in new york city and in dallas and texas have taken to the streets, protesting the is really offensive. i'm demanding an immediate cease fire in my house and some protesters plus replaced and for these really flag as well. meanwhile, the us has quietly given a green light to 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons to israel. the new arms package includes $500.00 mark,
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$82.00 bottoms each wing over $500.00 points at $25.00 f $35.00 lightning to find her debts on almost 2000, mark, $84.00 bombs, wing a hefty 2000 pines each. now in middle east. thomas robert in la cash to dar t, he doesn't believe the us and israel are actually interested in peace in the public spending. and what is telling here is that the united states has full complexity. and this, at the end of the day, the united states could stop what the international court of genocide has accepted as a reasonable, plausible case presented to it. the genocide is being committed in gaza. it could stop it with one phone call, but it's made the active decision not to do that. and now we see these sort of statements which are openly calling for acts of genocide from the united states, from within the united states against the palestinian people. the united states does not want to push the israelis to stop. they're essentially playing this dirty
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game of pretending that they want a ceasefire, while the israelis mainly from benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister are not actually looking for a ceasefire. they're looking for the mass starvation campaign to buy as much time as possible because it's well understood that if the as riley's do reach a ceasefire, it's ultimately a declaration that they were defeated. they didn't bring back the prisoners which were taken by the palestinian factions by force. they didn't collapse a mass or even any of the other. some 12, the smaller armed groups which are functioning in the gaza strip and slicing them every single day. ok, returning to ukraine finally, where a lot of mirrors zelinski is on the verge of becoming an illegitimate leader. the country was supposed to hold a presidential vote this very sunday, but mister zelinski, whose term expires in may,
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has made it clear that this is no time for elections are to charlotte davinsky picks up the story. a special reason is that under the ukrainian cost situation, that in marshall low right now, and they have been since 2022 and you caught hold elections during motion low under it. so that's the official reason we've heard from as a landscape back in august of last year saying that he was open to holding in the election. but he quickly changed his mind and there was a lot of reasons behind that because a lot has changed since he made that statement that the committee of focus in ukraine said that this is about political calculation. this is a body that wants to defend the rights of people to be able to go to elections like they should have been held by now in ukraine. and it just said, well, this is about is the fact that since august to lensky is approval, ratings have tumble. they've gone from the dizzying heights of 90 percent, all the way down to around 60 percent, even more. so let's see that there are polls showing, but if the former commander,
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if they've quintinella me, this is the general solution a who sacked recently if you stood against. so that's key right now. he would beat him hands down. so a political decision, possibly relating to the fact that the approval rating for so let's get just isn't that right now? that is interesting, isn't it? i mean, the west is always cold to kind of beacon of freedom and democracy. do any of kids spokes as mine, the facts visit lensky has essentially cancel the elections and the turned into an unelected big taser. really? it seems noisy if you speak or listen to what really just have to say no zalinski had gone to them with an idea, and that was, we can hold elections, i feel prepared to pay for those selections. besides what i'm quoting here, i will take money from weapons on page 2 elections and not says a lot, but let's, hey, what some of the reaction has to be not just from savanski, but from the west itself. you, she makes me more. we all realize that now it is war time when there are many challenges, it is absolutely irresponsible,
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somehow so frivolous to throw the subject of elections into society. we must understand that this is a time of defense, a time of battle on which the site of the state and the people depends and not a time for throw in this, which only russia expects from ukraine. i believe that now is not the time for elections. what elections is concerned in ukraine? this is a domestic nature of ukraine. so not for me to come and take some of these or questions for the ukraine. people to decide we want to see presidential elections and all elections in ukraine, but we recognize that it's a difficult thing to conduct in the middle of the world. and so it's a very difficult issue to work through. and ultimately it's a decision for the training people to make well, not the time is what they say, but full ukrainians under that constitution. they would just be in the time for the election. i know everybody agrees with that sentiment. we knew that there was a growing movement, particularly amongst republican politicians in the us to say, if you called provide the election. if you can't say that you will, a democratically elected be to then perhaps we should not be giving you any money.
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i want to see this country have free and fair elections, even while it is under a salt. the american people need to know that ukraine is different. this has been a very corrupt country in the past. incredible qu, by zalinski, which purely and simply cancels the ukrainian presidential election, which was to take place in march 2024 after having already cancelled the legislative elections last month. ukraine is a full fledged member of the council of europe is of course a democracy. and although democracy is far more than only elections, i think we all agree that without the elections, democracy cannot properly function might be. so i'm asking questions that you know, well, k, every say ukraine cannot hold elections during the war. we have these and baffled russian regions. the recently joined the rest of the nation to vote for its president. so how exactly has that works? how? yeah, it's interesting isn't it, but the west has got a very different opinions when it comes to what's going on. as you mentioned the,
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