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tv   Documentary  RT  March 31, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

6:30 pm
the multitude more, the less you have to pay for that it's fine to support via the project. was always the company with the big spaces, explanations why the slip just as i was trying to size as. busy americans pull putting lipstick on page you're trying to make something beautiful when that is not where is when we're looking at the russian that. ready sions, that's a problem for them because you have the cycle bad side or the one that's labeled bedside domains. most of the democratic states wouldn't do. it's been spiration, which is driving this. well, that's a wrap from me. the news team for no, but due to and peter scott in 30, he'll be here to guide us through more of the big stories from the past 7 days and the week the retail, goodbye. the,
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the the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the just the the,
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the, the cheap old name with the middle of the social agenda in club to business. you will lose that one. but because it doesn't pull to the general model. nobody has any move or truth doesn't show the
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moist with the the comes with when you cause a lot of them as you want to find someone, your interest options that are certainly right. never true. sure. whom can police don't? citizen, i'm waiting on you to have surgery today. we do one visit with me is uh on the chicago machine. so colored no additional to show song and for go, which is to know i should sort of come and do y'all do more talk so used to come get it and i'm pretty good at it. so when you move this, you just said from live the, i'm gonna get them do want to just have them get them via for the took what they get them good. when i enter my phone to then you by you and i could have them, would you tell me, do i spell it sends you this, that i see somebody that thing d d as in simmons of c, in the, in the 1st page of the author of the, the furniture quote, this for this room question is the of course let me. ready just
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a little know where do you normally read. okay, welcome to the full 2004 for all the moment you're just getting the did the monitor quite a bit with the code. yeah. so i'll send you a fuck little charge. which we sure sort of because we put in the coast along and so no, so no, no, no, he's the one with this guy here for the guys already. most of the top is the is if you will just go to the up the phone good for the, for the office, excuse me. yes. desist and we won't even though, since it's not because of the mall and just, you know, a blue moon come get it looked at the beautiful quote sort of them, but that's not what i mean. yeah. you know, truly attract some doors, especially something. and the 3rd was that was because you could boot the boot the,
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you must have just much on to for the initial she's thinking most of the many of the show she to show the smart to use manager needs means the spice. anything else you need to know the source of software? how much am i from with budget this year? started based on the boot in front of the funding case. the goal is to be losing you. we live so was wanted to see who grew up with you to talk about my chum. but almost basically, you'll know quit or was this a good time when you're here? because i know for the region very much look, philip of teach come is like you the with your phone, the group or leave a voice so much. not sure. mean we're soon. i mean, i mailed them, it was my thought was 5. who wants to transfer the task which i pulled up the summer for you? so i was thinking so much of it, there was more of this wasn't equal, right?
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but we'd be like, i'm some noise. but you said you who world for fun. you from fully know from the machine, finishes the floor and the colors from our best customer with us keywords. so the men will do so to the ring is pretty much their score approval from. the show may have bull, we might city portion forces still with them virtual machine wired, losing for support. the shoulders are still correct on the porch. so as most of of the issue of america. so that should stay for who they should judge and the shall need to find them on the surface or no. yeah, we're moving north fulton. yep. going on with the system. when you see what's coconuts you send them to see what the status is? sure. i'm actually looking for the and she did is she look at the was it said the photo, what was it we just showed you? did it says nope, show it to you, but you might bring up that or did you listen? you know the most so, but didn't get into the mood, news of us as a video,
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nauseous video or something which is a little short. if i did it, i'm fixing to do that. there's another opinion much more to move the way in what's to mueller for the on the phone, this is for the bottom seem to, i mean for, for, for a boy you seriously that's d. c i a 7 over and use more. if you show me uh what she called, cool greasy. you will definitely the same can let me have her 1st guy here. wants to trust me, a benefit of 6 even though remote cool. fuck i you got one. you have to deal with the hard coupon. okay. comes like a full fuck for the last 10. something suitable uh, just recently bizarre partners and apologize. you know what i'm gonna show somebody
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at this point is of course my goal for this patient is our prices since i was all she was here for you to do this with. so let's use those little songs for moses. i'm sorry, i don't use that to. so let's go to pingdom us bowman uses on monday. we read this off of us. these aren't shirts. anthony, proud to share. good. you have. that's yes, of course you may have ended up with the customer service on the bottom. it funding you those 3 of them, you got the why, you mentioned them dozens for you boss. since you know, any problems that russians little or no problem for, you just need your categories. i'm shooting somebody or the little boys are stands for. yes, i'm human all you for some of couple of you used the starters. when you thought who menus, i showed him them. uh, mostly in you will style. i mean yeah. when we ship us what it is,
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could keep it from one list or more. so just a the room for me physically. what was she up on the, on the farm used to live. oh yes. depends on some on the more 0, it's got quite a few in puerto got more and more to so so that part uh, mostly pool would be kind of a pretty bless your conditions with you with them. cuz i did ask them if i'm looking at why i'm still at the we as the, i suppose maybe when you must have fish of more than the best. so yeah that you start with the personal copeland problem. the problem with that, with a design you have to yeah, well i'm, yeah, well, with the web shift, you have to move to the design. you're learning the more shock with my problem because my go from but placing the valve cover. so some of them for the biggest bar . well, it varies from date at ocean city, not doing treasures uh, at the date of delivery for ink or daily. uh, noah quarter board member. this is bill. uh, did you get the excuse me, any of the,
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when go to come across to a lot of seniors or people just federally? you said that you didn't, couldn't use your the, you know, never mind the mind to the supervisor and that's my sole study. but there's other things coming up personally, but there's anybody in virginia positioning with someone in the special month, i think a little silly push this in the parents of this kind of abuse the solutions conclusive pauses which can you do for me. but as it goes to use the company, this is this website, which is pretty well listen to this simple phone. okay, so it's good for the moment please. as soon as i'm option is scott from, i'm going to do it for you while you're in trouble for which one you're offering
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your parking. when you have a mobile device, tim and shut the phone is live, you know, couple, it is a menu and it says printers and scanners, multimedia scanners fios and you. so you have results 3 from start to cry, but move, print some sort of stuff. moves that kind of mistake, just the same as blue up and you left this yard of a we've been pushing more. some blame you have the side, you'll be able to simply carson with the father useful for people so far as she's human. i'm more of a new teacher the if they have a concussion in terms of numerous things with the flavor of the
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news. yeah, there's a serious how are ya know, most of the worst fear of personnel shit. comfortable with me for 3 to confirm some more for me or or best dollars to go somebody me on from appraisals to visual compound or there's a photographer as well as the final yackel feel severe drug about the might a gave a bias or process numerous from what i was solution and see if it's on video to show part of the choices. so what do you have for which and so much over the phone here and sort of nip to the with some sort this out there, but it got it from almost one of the room the
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phone with as a little bit of popcorn martial stores. but obviously the different dish, your map of our support legal supports and one of them is one of our limits losing chanelle gums, particularly sort of standard storage that the little personally personally actually search for them to sort of ship a rebuttal. because my just by are serious close to almost the most efficient. that's a blue. the image of the toyota flourish the minds of a special divorce. numerous visual storm, you know, but the most determined mode you're going to travel to recharge the air from you.
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for any more plan your buffer, pretty hosting logical part of the national as old or for 20 years prince. and then your, your site is to come from to toner, sent you over a couple of sam resolved for you. what if i use the market your firm in the gym? if i'm able to see just yes, because i have users for yamaha for the, for the sub over there. so i'm gonna go to the problem which will take some time. i'm couple of my masters, but i need to catch up with the space. but then you can use it for you. sure. so a 3rd party. so is useful virginia. now there's just a budget with almost which is the cyber security. so the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the the home phone guy seems not,
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not clear to me. also see the the the the, the the the the
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the, the the on the deal though,
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can you move because the slightly slow in the future for me and usually the flounder, but almost have as it started, sco courtney was going to be just obviously because of all the money to me for invest kaiser di yeah. well those are the different choices come up to me anyway. yeah. me and you just slide engine with that. the so you guys might have missed me and you have a good to give it, give it to me. just given me the book as good as the wind caught at the movie, you need to push it out of the way, at least so shake you may come in 30 me have couple of she, you know, there's guys, there's a full assess you when you got to use the same equipment that was to do for those that you need them. you do agree with. i mean, what if any mean? yeah,
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we'll just do more about the show for the support for your from your but um i feel good which is somewhat patrick or so, but yeah, it says was because uh, but it's only when you subsidies just giving you slow orders. so could you use it to me and we'll do page and we're coming up to the most of the quadratic look through. i didn't really jim's that i didn't know i'm going to think least than you bullshit. sure. no device deal um additional today? yes you did, you book as a little early professional, but that was, you know, that was the limit that for just just as if i'm the guy just me a little tiny the warranty good for you to come. so the, the yeah,
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the to the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the producer for was the possible spirit with science commerce pool for this month, which is the good news. i do not schools and the to the pharaohs share this week or 2 of our new near formulas. examples on you go to the, to the movies that are in your bedrooms are for the performer still hold on. yeah, i've got you for to me pretty that one of your personal back that
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a zillow by the zip code. so i am confident flip out the budget. we have the best of all chance successful. the bullets are for sure. we have the quotes for the toyota bus stop service. wanted to to confirm to delta for nissan gloves. i need to talk to the really 3rd
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party from city that what was the grab important part of the . ready ready ready the of the opportunity to, to give you just put a user, anyone to put some or available at this point he was able to revert to jesse,
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i'm going to force you with almost what was the boulevard for much of the me, let me go make you the words yeah. the deal of a saw the no i today the the . so do you have a good you?
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was it was it to video that you director skills book educational this sunday sort of style most the 1st portion which is by usual visor model bradford you by just dropping out of drawing much jerome i gave musician solutions for mobile platforms using dish commercials. and i am almost to go to wi fi to a smart page or specialist, i need to call somebody the really this just happened to my or about small squares
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for her. so she left the variable initial impressions, signature, right? so from the plan, the the yeah, when she was hired,
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people are my wish list to got style marks for the values. what's cool, things like that. you just look at way around and was, you know, did just as a 5 goal for the so just asked me for my food category group or she's doing it for me for it. uh i could you, me just keep it as long as you wake up the process, introduce the solution for any of us to see what was the new wish of dealing with our biggest township or me. i don't guide so many of the blues are because you will continue just get, you know, the, any fisher was easy. the i do, i do the, the,
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the, the engine, the syllable. douglas, who does this or feature to cause i don't this morning but one of them over the stuff for sure. so problem with the motion you're moving, seeing with this is kind of the, another fairly large and i saw so that, you know, if my folks little smaller spot they, they go out to go to the cars to go volunteer. yeah, no i do, i well it still showed you the summer we might have to see it was a to know that you don't really know some of his and as i say is this,
7:00 pm
those guys are the most guys, this is i'm gonna let the the push independence key of arrest. the training and security chief of allegedly should have focused 54. so it's hard plus saying that the also part of the deadly crime in bridge attack fucking 2022 he's ready for you. and benjamin netanyahu says that will be notes that elections as thousands of protest. this goes outside these residents. and so around parliament been jerusalem. also the


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