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tv   Documentary  RT  March 31, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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then, but the very same politicians were very quick to criticize the russian presidential, very thing which i understand that you actually followed as an international observer. why is that such a big difference in the rest of right now? absolutely. um, i mean it's most the standards, it's a multitude more than that you have to pay for and they're just trying to support via the project. was always the company with the big spaces, explanations why the slip just as i was trying to say is what the americans pull putting lipstick autopay. you're trying to make something beautiful when that is not where is when we're looking at the russian that. ready that's a problem for them because you have the cycle bad side. so the one that's labeled bad side doing was the democratic states would have done. it's been spiration, which is driving this from on any of those stories as well as all the latest updates, thoughts. he dot com is your place to go. if you just got on the back at the top of
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the, our adult, today's top stories, i'm to get the of the
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level the which may or difficult to move the 2 men to. and it was some of the largest fortune us or in a couple of our choices. i really kind of do it because of the beauties of problems on peer review, for the study skills as to where you live based of school needs. so then you can use 2 more minutes because it's list of subordinate the same thing in the
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1st the, the, the
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so this is done by cities such as the why do you think you'd be safe for us to see some excuse the cool did you leave soon to see for the new ones that the machine is so difficult to use just in the associated us the the new last name or the williams. and he was speaking my new job wasn't
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working, appreciate it. so there's no source to any states with a 6. yeah, it was done school that the problem was pushing go to the shoes. so it was in the lady. what kinds of stories for you to present you mean you asked me? i thought i was really kind of feel comfortable with them or do i'm so. so so what, what somebody's by supervision, which is the name is avoid mislead. yeah. found
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a couple ways just by see. so you might as one of the sensors, the speech of the statements, as you said, somebody they said what was the, refer you to what was the 1st, which is know, 1st of all it is the delivery of the police at the. busy us,
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we just sold one of them that has to most of that mean. yeah. i mean i've got the whole thing at the end of the total was one of the 2 forms. critically if you and if it just gives you a quote from us, it is, it's, uh, what was possibly what can you but yeah, you probably want me to come see it myself. subsidy. oh and you said most of the. busy coming in the home because it's so amazing it was it's so slow. so you slips up the. busy studio as though you went up the road, so yours was the origin, but if you have any of fulfilling, it just has a bunch of categories confused to submit for the game. so associate what say about this give me see if there was a tory or i can figure out some of the not security to you at the case. so in the best of my semester of a stomach beach to figure out, let's say, let's just, let's just to make sure i'm sure you saw through as to how you validate the deal
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with them with us. we should have witnesses in the or the total of a bundle. actually i see the number on the, the plastic just giving a basic phone line for, for the, for the people that are always here with, uh let me uh, nadine have soonest a whether it was c or the id. then i was thinking of concerning your home, all kind of a possible not to not to. let's see, i'm a pull up and that's the time that you to how in a 2nd to come or a to him. but you can say, or we'll see of them as an as well what i'm at 5. yeah. honestly that some of you
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have honest, i haven't missed the call kind of looks like you, you haven't used as well, or some of them use consisting of because of the, at the, with the fish more with the list of, you know, h at it come to what the x i, jeremy. so for store the yes or use on your units are going to the email a series q, sorry. i thought we, i mean to do the series, good surface punch. the specific model at all falls. okay. if i can talk to nick and i the load before the suit, only bloomed us then. oh, if it doesn't, let's just do it. but it's still a snable. i'm a sure no more than just
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naples say something. but then if you come to my use klein, your 1st and your last and you can move it over the it's yeah, the modeling key means cortical lots of data to chris. boeing. i see both of us was let's go with the fluid have come up. system costs a little fuzzy to the new domain which you know, the is the family preview. and here's the law. how are they both? good. well, let's go. this was the, the,
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the 2 men, newest addition value and wells fargo. the you see what the most a slow age for this ancient united states. and that what you, what are the most,
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nobody likes to renew the girls who are forced to show us. and it comes to deal with cuz affinity swing states you is. this is the, does it say, did you get the rehab as soon as you want me to you? oh, absolutely. well it says here, let's go back to store. so he built, i think he said if i didn't do, absolutely. so assuming that you guys are too busy, so i'm not sure if they have multiple places the see where i got super easy for us to function in what way for as well. so make sure your voice, your regular computer or as of, of the editor of so when he was younger, but i'm on the
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middle of the bible for for him. what keep up to use the seems to be doing if we cannot get more and more from a very strongly agree to the device. but usually when you're going to compete on seeing the company, the people who are part of the, of the voice of the,
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i don't have the most of the shania publicly. and for the you salma last for the
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take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusion going underground can the same wrong just don't you have to shave house after care and engagement equals the trail when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the
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the the yeah. so, you know, i think you just
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use your new most goes by points of some of the because it was supposed to, this is not, i mean it's from woodson, us radio. and if this is, will be the voice of yours is just your point. but you do it, this measurements just on your feet, thomas, mom, when he comes up with what, when you say name of speech pathologists, it must be which is so you must be aware of this for the ac from the story and then we'll do something with i will say, you know, 6 cool. it just yes. yes, i mean, yeah. so many brand new labels. we'll talk soon,
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choose your phone or use our for, for the personal level of, for particularly the 40 the, the
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law for easily some of these settlements should i have to call somebody in this eventually look at the same do some of
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the, the, the meanings, the guys do news, but the whole company type forget
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about the more expensive yeah sure. what the deal is another? well, it was the 3rd up school year that is cheaper. i'll do that though. so basically it's sold on this phone with us ma'am. the inside the let's say think you know, what keeps good. that's 33 miles. yeah. i mean that's the way
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for me to find on the board or watch here tomorrow the sort of materials the a rule was that used to get a closing. well, let me pull some little minds here from this. it shows
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you what you think your problems got thoughts by an hour ago. but also told me that i have been select these 2 months. the most of it or the most. ready for familiarity, when you're ready for those are you still with us
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for the for the for we will be a bit more to deal with the about the shot, the bus enough for could decide ones in a while. many and then my system to fit is medina. and other she will, my will see other than the of the what's the use you choose theme so. so when you say i'm watching was not what you might put me in the country, which is where the blue cross blue shield was a. and i've had each to be research, just like he'd seen. you just say come monday and say you could
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put in a separate letter that god bless the fittest. i'm going to do. yes, i'm still always to mean mushrooms of c. c for the russian journalist in this area of come under shells, fire in the north of look, tucked the province of the r t crew, including corresponding cost through every once in a card with anti tank miss saw exploded nearby, which you could let me think because we deal with the because we do, we did stories or disease that someone didn't buy it, them that i chose to mirror for that that should be not the least stuff was the by itself, the
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will plan how they do to have a counter dose. that's the scene how you will be suggested by you who are able to go to the on the edge a fugitive door which is to school boots need. busy to us and we we, so we school sites and them, i fear them, which is who it was this year. he's a boy. so if you feel for 45, you can actually configure the skews then to ski. they've got this got the new team, anybody took this question yet because it to set the server as much level it's already been done. most of these decisions variables it no, he's retreat. you took it back to proceed. he said he's somebody jim,
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you hear about those of us who to the used to do they both with their systems used to work, but it's unique. would you most likely which so see what else to new or used new or used anymore? like i said, the 1941 with the nazis help creation ultra nationalist, the massages the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is use the can system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the san of us come
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with her renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they sent them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide, the high acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted or opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department to see i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way in thank
11:00 pm
the push the button secure the rest, the printing security chief of legit links to the crocus city hold. so it's ok. i think he also found the deadly climbing bridget type fucking 20. 22 is rather pm. benjamin netanyahu says there will be no snap elections as thousands of protesters got outside his residence and surround parliaments in jerusalem. also at the us republican lawmakers suggest about eco solutions ending the boy and gaza, as washington approves another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons to israel. on the took his presence a cape talk, the faces a shocking blow as the country's main opposition.


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