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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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able genocide, the question demands give the rest of the training and security chief of allegedly, to the crocuses, the whole target saying he also upon the deadly crime in bridget's side. fucking 2022 is what a p n. benjamin netanyahu says there will be no snap elections. as thousands of protesters got outside his residence and surround parliaments in jerusalem, also had to solve the issue. the yes, so public and low make us suggest radical solutions ending the void. garza, as washington approves, another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons. israel and the technician presents a positive face as a shopping blow, as,
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as the countries may not position parts of the claims of major victories in high stakes. local elections, securing the key cities of this, done both in the system of $70.00 and pay, it must go. this is to international and pete to scope with the latest world news. thank you for joining we saw this all with breaking you. small sco has demanded the keith arrest and hand over the head of ukrainians, security service, and connection with the focus city, whole atrocity under the delay of types on russian. so the russian side demands that the key of raising immediately sees any support for terrorist activities. extradite the perpetrators and compensate the damage cause to the victims. ukraine's violation of its obligations under the anti terrorism conventions will result in its international legal responsibility. among these demands is the rest of the head of the s b u. v. mail you who cynically admitted on march 25th,
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that ukraine organized the bombing of the crimean bridge in october 2022, and revealed the details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the russian federation. the russian foreign ministry came out stating that all latest terrorist attacks, as well as the crocus city, a whole attack are all linked to ukraine. most coal also demands from key of to arrest the head of the ukrainian security services, as well as to extradite those involved that are still in ukraine. but just to take you a little bit back on what happened just few hours after the tragedy and folded us was put quick to put the blame on the stomach state and say that there's no ukrainian involvement whatsoever. just hours after that, russian authorities managed to catch the perpetrators just next to the quite new border. later on, russian president vladimir present came out with a statement essentially stating that with the information that they had at that point. this stomach state is involved. but that the question remains as to why
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those terrace with leading to ukraine, stick to say to sleep, all 4 of the data perpetrators of the terrorist attacks. all those who shot and few people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. now, after that more information came out as the week went on in investigation continue, then we heard the variety of statements from different russian officials, namely from the head of the russian federal security services who came out stating that what happened the wasn't asked by the west specifically, the us and the u. k. and ukraine to serve some sort of panic and chaos in russia. he also went on to stress that russia should recognize the ukrainian security services as a terrorist organization. on top of that, some of the recent terrorist attacks that happened in ross site, including the deadly attacks against the journalist, as well as the crime in bridge attacks. we're all linked to ukraine. now what's
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more interesting is he of spite chief who is not shying away from essentially threaten in to do something about the routes that russia is building to connect must go to is new territories or see. and this promotion has actually been building a railway for over a year now to connect to our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete and this could pose a serious problem for us. but i hope that we can somehow manage the overland section of the railway. we all have experience in this, and it is much easier than the issue of the crime in bridge. but somehow the spice of statements. and despite the information that came out from the investigation, you claims all i still seem to be in denial. but nonetheless, the russian foreign minister still insist that he of should stop supporting terrorist activities. that he should hand over the participants behind the attacks that are still in ukraine, and that he should compensate the families of the victims. now on top of that as
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part of the end to terrorism conventions, ukraine can not return a blind eye to this as it has some obligations to fulfill the my colleague unit. and they all spoke with french geopolitical analyst through the logic. he's convinced that the crocus that you hold, so it's like those the on the is the mist assailants. what we know so far is that the ukrainian services could not have done this alone. they, they have a, have to have at least the approval of the united states, and most probably the brightest secret service. also, i my 6th and see i for the united states. so they'd be the only thing that the screw up in their plan is that they're the, we're not expecting the russian services to get those guys alive and having them talking and they have been talking and we did the rest and services wearable to gather intelligence that pointed that the financial system came
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from the ground and put some money, a link to, to your claim. so i mean, it's folks use, it's absolutely of use that it's something that was a ver alder bar backed up by the united states executive by the funding services. there is absolutely no depth about this. the point where we are, we all know that your plane is not just a tourist organization, it's, it is just a 3rd state by itself. the one that i should give, which they have always been doing like this, and they are acting they b as they're responsible for the f as a nation of a lot of other, you know, that are responsible for the assassination of the let on that dusky they are in very serious situation on the front line, and they are found being all civilians in a in belgrade they are trying to bomb the energy resources in the mix deeper into russians, that origin stating during stories that i'm not even according to them,
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as course china bowl because it's so there is nothing unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing to this expect from you frank, to slow down and we will, we know that we will try to do everything they can just try to. again we, we talk just again when the focus city called a terrorist attack happened. it was so fast when us officials came out to say that they had at no evidence whatsoever to suggest that ukraine or ukrainians were involved. they backed off that denial, they've double done, but yet again, no evidence has come from the white house to definitively say that ukraine was not involved. do you expect anything to come in that regard or will they just hope that it goes away? well uh the very 1st, the reason why they immediately said that it's not the premiums, but i this is just to cover the ukrainians point. if they have not said anything,
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then maybe we would have looked at somewhere else. and if you allow me that just 11 point, the fact that those guys that were heading back to you frame, uh they were probably not expected to be a welcome like zeros. but if my best bet is that they would have been simply executive shut that by the door service, there's just to leave. no trace of the is rarely prime minister has said that the holding elections now would distract the country for months and planes. the hundreds of how much money until i get the most of the calls for election. now at the height of the war, the moment before victory will divide these real for at least 6 to 8 months. they will bring the war to an end before it is completed, and the 1st to bless. this will be from us and that says the dog. as his protest as gather injury slim for a 4 day demonstration against the government's process broke out as police tried to
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keep the crowds in check and the organizes according to the resignation of benjamin netanyahu. on these cabinets, as well as for the leadership agreed to a hostage release deal with some us, as well as some of the demonstrators have to say, of the doing is job. anywhere in the last down every month. it's immediately cloudy. be sent to the people. it was sent enough, so we need to function in government. it's clear that personal interest, the leading the prime minister and effect his decisions. it's time he in the government work for the people to bring back the hostages to build a better future for us old. the current government is just bringing us down, posting and businessman to buy seem tory told us he believes,
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how much is not the reason why these really prime minister doesn't want to vote to beheld? to me, i hope basically saying that he doesn't want the elections because he's afraid the results of the elections. because all up in the impulse indicate that if elections on hand, he would lose have somebody and he would then be have to face it just though for i've used as a follow up for corruption charges. if the us really once they consult this, what immediately with a bustle for a one full coating or not even just the one of the message to them, you know, and this, what with and, and the case in point is the last 2500000000. this we committed to the 8 that the, the us gave to 0. so to know as an, if the us once is a, it's a desire to stop is it was stopped immediately. let's put it this way. in my, in my opinion, is that, and the u. s. play and good cop bad cop gig with us. the u. s. t has dismantled
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all aspects of the database and so that's the order. what's basically the being hippocratic code, and this is what the shocking is that the west, the saw hippocratic and about the, the flaw, human rights, etc, etc. and what we're seeing today is the us in the 100 percent with as a the efforts are now explosive comments on how to enter the guise of wall have come from a us republican lawmaker. he says that the hiroshima likes solution will produce a quick end to the conflict. i don't see any more, a rush to sell us. we should be the issue. it shouldn't be why
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a small bird spokesperson attempted some damage control by saying that congressman was using a mess of full and emphasizes with innocent gardens, but few of buying that's explanation. the comments came as the enclave faces a humanitarian catastrophe. is ready. bombardments have destroyed over 70 percent of infrastructure and force the displacements of almost $2000000.00 palestinians residents are still going to survive with limited access to food unvil. late this is very a, so i can some day hits attends, come in the courtyard of the likes of mazda as hospital trying to palestinians. thousands of civilians have been sheltering death for months. me do reports of estimates of the town of bridge 15 gardens killed every hour off of them children. i'll send you into a list mohammed abu dhabi, which was also severely injured in that these really strike in front of the likes. the hospital while he was filming,
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is how he described the incident. i was into cory door. hi heather, whistling, sound in my ears. then i couldn't hear anything, i just fell to the ground. i didn't know what happens. i looked at my life to find it had to be severely injured, least by the idea of operations leading to chaos and destruction on the ground. some us political figures say the is really assault isn't going hard enough of the do you see i think we can hear you support our listing. go on the board. i'm not some book you go, i'm just working yours, right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me, go my kids. you should not me go, i mean to go get why c o one. we killed $4000.00 to me and said, you know why,
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it wasn't enough. it wasn't on the go. with 6 month long going, garza has claimed over $32700.00 lives according to local officials. and the idea is only expanding its military offensive when he's very civilians. incidentally seemed to favor the stuff to do with some calling fold vertical solutions. and what was the date? i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza. but this is about our survival. so think politicians must agree to press the button where a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people. your expectation is that tomorrow morning would drop. what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb and all of gaza, flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them. they're not scared to death, or almost some us politicians support israel and is f as to this month. so does
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have many of the constituents consists of the methods that has been done. thousands in new york city and dallas have taken to the streets, protesting these really offensive and demanding an immediate cease fire and manhattan. some protest as crushed with police and the is by any flag. this is a us is quite the given a green light to 2 and a half $1000000000.00 of weapons to israel. the new owners package includes $500.00, mark, $82.00 bombs, each weighing over $500.00 pounds. $25.00 f $35.00 lightning to fight the jets, and almost to thousands of mach 80 full bombs the way. huge 2000 pounds, but at least on a list of all that's in the cash told to you that it doesn't believe the us israel or that's interested in peace. what is telling here is that the united states has full complexity and this, at the end of the day, the, the united states could stop what the international court of genocide has accepted as a reasonable, plausible case presented to it. the genocide is being committed and goes up. it
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could stop it with one phone call, but it's may be active decision not to do that. and now we see these sort of statements which are openly calling for acts of genocide from the united states, from within the united states against the palestinian people. the united states does not want to push the israelis to stop there, essentially playing this dirty game of pretending that they want a ceasefire, while the israelis mainly from benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister are not actually looking for a ceasefire. they're looking for a mass starvation campaign to buy as much time as possible because it's well understood that if the as riley's do reach a ceasefire, it's ultimately a declaration that they were defeated. they didn't bring back to the prisoners which were taken by the palestinian factions by force. they didn't collapse a mass or even uh, any of the other. some 12 smaller armed groups which are functioning in the gaza
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strip and slicing them every single day. moving on to other news now we've most of the votes accounts. so the main opposition part in took here is leading high stakes local elections. so getting the case, it's a, it's all visible. and entre i'm making huge gains elsewhere. president red chip type the one address the voters up to the post, close, emphasizing his policy dedication, to improving those who voted for the aid k party and the peoples alliance as well as everyone who strengthened the power of the ballot box by using their democratic rights have one, we have always been on the side of democracy, national will, and the ballot box. today, we act with the same sense of responsibility. we do not recognize any power above the magnificent will of the nation. we will evaluate the results of the march 31 elections open heartedly in our parties. organs. we will be courageous in our self criticism, although not finalized yet. the ballot box results show us that we are experiencing
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a loss of altitude in financial administrations throughout our country. and of course we will also discuss the reasons for this decline on a local basis wherever we lose or fall behind. we will identify the reasons and take the necessary interventions in places where we have received the favor of our nation. we will work harder than ever to ensure that this trust is not wasted only pots he had hoped to secure a confidence may oral victory. this time bolts like his largest city under economic hub. but that crime in my mo, lou from the rival republican people spots a, is leading by a 1010 points in the polls. the positions for the success in entre looks to have so that if i did select for dominance and he. busy wouldn't go to to and i was particularly high my colleague, you know, neal discuss the possible reasons behind the outcome of the turkish local election results before my advisor to the may have on correct or no. and if you look at the
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results, the by numbers of party, there is definitely a setback as received slightly less votes than it did in the last 2 local elections . it was not able to regain some of the cities that it had lost in the last name of lectures, especially the metropolitan administrator typically stumbled mayor ship um, so looking at park harvey, it is not, it is not a big loss but its to a loss for as an add on as a present for the 3rd time in a row, they still trust them. they still want them as did it's illegal to country, but largely due to economical reasons, due to economic difficulties of the people they have given a for them as safe morning to, to the present. because they would, they don't want the opposition to be anywhere near the country. but at the same time they want to add on to emphasize more on people's economic hardship. is the seems to be the general comments going all around into care right now. as to the
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reason the is really for administer has congratulated the opposition parties each be on its victory. as well as linking are the ones a p parties, losses with its political stance towards israel. what are your thoughts on that? now you, if united think about turkish paul takes this is across the board and. 1 on both sides of the aisle, you cannot give you enough support to guys that to, to the palestinians, to, to win people's hearts. that, that's for sure. and this is regarding russell, pretty much regardless of which part of your talking about one of the biggest criticisms i guess add on was that he was not doing enough to help out of cities as especially guys for sure. and he seems to have lost some votes in that regard. some estimates on the rights have taken quite a slice in certain areas. yes. and that, that's exactly another point. what would have traditionally known to be a more likely, more conservative as a rather small party, and it rather nubile home hardly has also gained the big ground. seems to be
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they're going to end up as the 3rd biggest party as of election as a local election results. who are far more uh, you know, uh, keep this tricks on. uh if i bought was sent out a sign and guys at least at least by their policies, at least by their statements. so um, yes, he may have actually lost some to them because he, by some us could size not to be too strongly against israel in regards to the palestinians and especially the gods and stripped. finally, zalinski is fast becoming a nobody bounce the dining assessments of a form of ukrainian p. m. now live in russia and condemn into the country is lead to for cancelling the presidential and much ukraine for a democratic country. there would be presidential elections today, but you crane has ceased to be such under zalesky. because did you some of ukraine does not provide any extension of the terms of office. it simply does not. and
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since the constitution does not provided the landscape will very soon to come and nobody, why did zelinski postpone the elections with the war? the war has not been declared. so why do you suppose suppose the election them due to one thing? the fear of losing these elections. ukraine was supposed to hold a presidential vote on sunday zalinski, whose terms expires, inmate has made it clear that this is no time for elections to show davinsky picks the best way for us that someone should be waking up today is the newly elected president of the ukraine, but that's an alternative universe perhaps because hit and now new elections have been held. and that means it's more the same. for however, long latham is lensky decides to cling to power. you. she makes me more. we all realize that now it is or time when there are many challenges, it is absolutely irresponsible, somehow so frivolous to throw the subject of elections into society. we must
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understand that this is a time of defense, a time of battle on which the fate of the state and the people depends and not a time for throw in this, which only russia expects from ukraine. i believe that now is not the time for elections. i don't know about you, but i've never considered holding an election and letting people decide as like, taught it a playful thing. and in regards of still being waves of political division. so lensky has already seen to that, because there is no political opposition in ukraine point. now, there are no papers that i am to government or will bind as a result of so lensky is, wouldn't let me plus push to control the whole narrative. not to be too much for some for democracies do not ban elections, but ukraine has put the democratic process itself on hold. since declaring martial law in 2022. this hiatus was supposed to be temporary,
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but it has been repeatedly extended. democracies do not censor media. in february 2022, the ukrainian government ordered the 9 largest television networks and ukraine to combine their news operations into a single state control news program called tele marathon. soleski had only last year, being throwing around the idea that new election would be held to test is metal at the ballot box. but he since done a uterine according to the committee of voters of ukraine, that's down to one reason alone. a massive drawer brings the land skis approval ratings. and one pole has shown that if the election had been held, zalinski may have got to boot, especially this going, ukraine's form ahead of the army had stood against him. the other reason being founded about is that ukraine call told the elections during martial rule. well, the only person who can lift that is lensky himself. may prove that what you
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will. so what has the west, which is so often demanded the elections in other countries said, not a lot of what elections is concerned in ukraine. this is a domestic measure of ukraine, so not for me to come and take them. and these are questions for the training people to decide. we want to see presidential actions and all actions in ukraine. but we recognize that it's a difficult thing to conduct in the middle of the world. and so it's a very difficult issue to work through. and ultimately, it's a decision for the training people to make it. interestingly, it had quite a lot to say about russia's recent presidential election. russia's recent presidential election occurred in an environment of intense repression of independent voices and the imprisonment, death, or ex iowa. virtually all genuine political opposition. the kremlin has denied it. citizens a transparent meaningful democratic process. against this backdrop, this election can only be described as un democratic. this has not been to the fair
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elections, no sea of service, and highly restricted to invite them in the position. it'd be for them. i think of a what i can say. but more than that, seizure action as being base and refreshing and intimidation. the value in the recent elections in russia were an election without a choice. the election process not only shows putin's nefarious actions against his own people, but also against the united nations charter. on the one hand pressure is bad because it has elections in the west, didn't like the outcome on the of the ukraine doesn't have to hold elections and it's still a bedrock of democracy. go figure. yeah. but it's not just russia that's attracting the west courses in many africa, nan, south american countries of being in the firing line. now those nations all standing up for themselves, i'm sorry for the west,
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but what the west thinks is not my problem. not everyone in the west is spinning the same line. is the lensky over the no one elections there? all those who are saying, hang on a minute, i want to see this country have free and fair elections, even while it is under a salt, the american people need to know that ukraine is different. this has been a very corrupt country in the past. incredible qu, by zalinski, which purely and simply cancels the ukrainian presidential election, which was to take place in march 2024 after having already cancel the legislative elections last month. ukraine is a full fledged member of the council of europe is of course a democracy. and although democracy is far more than only elections, i think we all agreed that without the elections, democracy cannot properly function in queens have no idea when they'll be able to vote in such elections because there is only one person who can make that cool. so
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lensky himself and right now he's clinging on to power. he has absolute authority. he is suspended elections. he has were press political opponents, he has proclaimed a state of emergency. those are all characteristics of a dictator. many things to be a company hit on say you can find up to the minutes of dates on websites all. com. and that's all for me to discover today, but rachel luba will be here is more news at the top of the hour. thanks. the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the on the
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at the end of the 18. so in britain began the illegal opium afraid in china, this hard drug causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine, or businessman from the foggy l. b. and however, the ruling chinese gene dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese. coastal boards, barley, armed in morley drain chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open it sports for trading the lethal good. in 1856 branch and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese


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