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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the breaking news from syria where at least 6 people, including a city a is nomic, revolutionary gall is cool office the are reportedly chosen and i know that is really slide on the top of the month rushes federal security services that these tyra suspects from sundays rate is southern russia was directly involved in it, protested enough because with wanted, missing that morris had to apply we were planning a terrorist attack here from the bank of cas peacekeeping. for in the victory part of gets in a crowd of people, i believe the weapons to the guys what that girl could see. the whole scuffle about in front of an indian quote house as a permanent position needed remains in house to the own corruption charges for
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another 2 weeks and days around withdrawals is 4 days from i'll see fellows, but the northern gauze, the officer killing more than $400.00 palestinians and destroying go for a 1000 times in the area. there are dead people everywhere, but god willing this occupation just dooms to and that and you all who is doing to end america is doomed to end all those who bond us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all shiva, this occupation is doomed to end the hello and welcome to fidelity international with the late as well news update. it's good to have you with us this hour. and we do start with breaking news from syria, where the 6 people have supposedly being killed in the country's capital. following an alleged is wally to strike, and his nomic revolutionary guns cause cnn general is reportedly among the casualties. the report suggests that as well target said to be rainy and can see that building in damascus. they ran in past the to syria as his family. all said to
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be safe, i'll say is footage from the scene shows a building in the area destroyed was nearby cause damage to uncovered was just, let's close live to syria and political unless done academic isabel, as i've done now. many thanks for joining us on the program at the moment. what do we know about this strike at this point? and actually this discharge can be cold, nothing less than a total rest attack. waged by if tunnel wrist. i mean, i don't know why the reporter news keep calling it the i. d s. d is ready. the defense army is to be, is ready to try to rest on me when you, when you talk a street that is the most one of it's one of the most crowded streets in damascus. i live in the, on that street. and by the time the attack happens, it is one of the rush hour is the high time hours where it's the street is crowded with cars. and yet the, the, the ends of our,
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any type of wrist army decided to hit the street, which is full of cv, is where cd and the rest of your cars where head no matter, no matter what's your stance towards iran is very ill. america. this is etc risk attack, it's nothing less than that. and, and i see in my opinion, um, this also like with, with, with a lot of fi and put all of the lies that the is really the has said to rest when you can hit a building and put it like break it down to the floor it was smashed to the floor and you have to, you are able to leave the via the surrounding building. they are intact, nothing happened to them. this also with the clarify the lives they have told about god zone. when they said that they cannot be specific about hitting this targets and they were hating embalming, entire neighborhood, entire building,
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entire blocks on purpose, just in a genocide, the ok to get rid of the civilian before getting rid of how much? well, the thing. oh, so with this particular story casing a diplomatic building a could spell it as serious escalation and how likely do you think bosses actually it's bizarre, you after losing have lost every single reason they have attacked guys or for none of the is right and not none of the military, none of the military targets have been achieved. the military targets of the talk can garza, i'm the lines, the labs operation, the precise lines operation as they call it. none of the targets have meant how that have been achieved since they lost the war on guns. huh. they have been bombing, lebanon, syria, iraq, yeah. mon, everywhere, whatever they can. they are acting just like a war monger who have lost everything and just went insane on the surrounding area
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. all lives now. oh, excuse the charge restaurant like the war rochelle has, has, has ex she and won the war and not toward the military operations that took place and ukraine. and what happened with a week ago as far as the total risk attack. i don't see the start of the talk is any better than that. they've done this one. both are the same, attacking civilian, instead of risen off to the strike in syria or lies and now on the road a festival to confirm whether one to fit senior generals has been killed in the strike. and also about what kind of response we might expect from around what, what do you think we can expect to actually be targets? not these really where i mean need to now, how is trying to escalate the, the, the situation,
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whether and 11 on celia everywhere just to drag the eyes outside of his stay here. government. so what our thing is, it is just an attempt to, to escalate the surrounding area around israel so that i need to know whole government would be able to cover up their failure. this is a 1st, 2nd of all, like many of talks. of course, this is a very significant, unusual heart oval. total risk talk by many effects have happened before on syria, on iranian diploma, iranian military personnel, iranian public sugars. and i've seen every, all not that happened. it was just for the purpose to stop syria and iran and all of the access of resistance countries from pursuing a their goals in the region which is a of defeating terrorism. first of all, like in syria,
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we have been heads many times a live port was hit like a couple of days ago. we have had some people and then just to, to twist on just to, with the, with of the syrian, our, of our, me from a pursuing their go with that talking, defeating federalism. oh, sorry, around being the, the, the, let's say the major power power in the region and the significant positive, significant role in the countries with the alliance of resistance. they will, they will try to twist the around, you can, will, from a supporting the what i calls and what's most of the public population. and the reason i'm coal is public resistance, most of that are seen so. so sorry to interrupt the repose, but guessing by the now i suggest that 6 people have been killed in this strike.
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what are the local reports saying? are they saying anything different? can we identify anybody who's been killed actually, nothing has been clear or everything is just what the news has reported like the presses and tvs and uh, news agencies boxed in like nothing. we must, no one have stated anything, not, not, not be around in the side, not nor the syrian side is just a condemnation from the minister of foreign affairs in syria, of course. and what's the general mood being like? no, between you and your friends and your family, and people have spoken to since the stride and actually people, just like, for example, and mazda people are just enough states of shock, because it's like to assume him every day is wherever you talk happens are blissful days. and the time where people are coming back from work, it's like
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a rush hour for the private sector where people are coming back from work or a gift, trying, hitting the grocery markets. i'm getting stuff for the star of the me in the 1st meal and drama down in a typical month on day. so people are just in a state of shock, like most of the people, i'm sure there were civilians where uh huh. because of this a talk, i hope no one felt phone from martyred, but we have just to wait for the public statement for the official public statement . you have much people. yeah, thank you. thank you so much for speaking to as a really appreciate your time sirian political lessons academic isabel designed down. thank you. thank you. well, if it has to be an independent investigative journalist based in damascus, spoke with me earlier about the strike. so it came in at about 5 o'clock, it was a mess of strikes because i'm in or the western side of them. it's of damascus and
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it sounded literally next tool so. so the 1st 3 strikes work stream really loud. we could then hear the defense or engaging the entire building, which is c radian concert, which i believe was used as a residents by the investor was destroyed. so i followed there are 6 motto, civil defense teams looking through the russell, but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was counts as a huge escalation. i mean, we did have another strike if you remember in central damascus in the same area or if i can january, but even this morning at around full size, i am, i could get the time wrong because we have talked to coming in pretty far as to the moment from israel or russia is federal security service, as a terrorist suspects detained during sunday's raid in southern russia were directly
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involved in orchestrating the march 22nd croakers concert hall nasa the f s b. so he's the latest suspects of the funded and supplied the most of the attackers. the agency is also really supposed to exhibit special for these units of the apartment as well. so the suspects with season doug has done the full men were in possession of weapons and explosives. i will planning to commit the tops in the southern russian republic. the feels i'd say is that would be terrorist. we're hoping to flee the country legs wrong. ozzie correspondents egos, dawn of picks up the story. basically, it seems that the terrorist cell responsible for the absolutely horrendous terrorist attack against the cocoa city hall just outside most who they weren't going to stop just this another terrace. so in the southern republic of august on they were planning, apparently they were planning bombing attacks that gaze the embankment of the southern russian town of ca, space. also, they were apparently planning gets hacked, seduced one of the towns parks. uh, so they were all detained and the most important detailing the stories that they,
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in fact confessed to supplying amunition and even cash to the public faces of the attack against the venue outside most quickly. as we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas b, c. d, or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people to collections of raffles were 460 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment. during the rest, i deliver weapons to the guys who attacked croakers city hall. i brought the guns from my hutch call out to meet you. she. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sedan, in fact, this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out the heinous act of terra against the crocus city hall. because he's entering one of the garage co ops just outside most school. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted in douglas down, they handed them over the weapons,
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the munition and will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out the attack money. this is the very same call that they used for the failed gets away. this is the very same call that was cold on its way to the russia ukraine border. so there it is. uh, shortly after the russian security services stopped the terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with the mouse mother. so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the douglas tawny terrace. so entering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm, one of the cash machines they did not make any with the tools though, what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack against the croakers city hall for an intelligent service they will for they've also step forward. they have said that it is really suspicious how the u. s.
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administration, how washington is try is doing everything in its power to basically say, look, you create had nothing to do with the attack. the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the world's community and the suspicions about the involvement of savanski and his entourage in the crime. the white house appears that the discovery of keep trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the clinton regime and will finally the rail. washington's plans to increase support for ukraine. also the rushing for an intel to just be pointed out that the heads of uh, that the heads of ukraine's military intelligence and the ukraine security service . they have openly admitted their involvement in other attacks against russia,
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about the russia branded as terrorist to be openly admitted that they stood behind the attacks against the cry. me a bridge that the they were the ones who targeted or did they head against lovely in the thought of a bull correspondent who was, was murdered in cold blood the in, in st. petersburg last year. when she was handed a, i'm not a special ed written with explosives and a number of other attacks against uh, fully ukrainian officials and so what and so forth. so this is something that the rushing for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that, that it's everything that washington is doing right now. it raises suspicions. the so the off the march 22nd to 1250 and most go, washington was quick to blame isis. us officials alleged to have had intelligence that these law make terrace creve was preparing such an attack. as long as this cell based enough gun is done, laser claims were supposed to,
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but i see which most go dismissed as a full slide. multiple report suggests the 2 frames on for this have been replenished with is law. make militant fights has deliberately sent to the war zone . that's according to the editor of the cradle online news magazine. he was a res doubts about the extent of the role of ices k and it focused concept homeless hack. sees the start of the day of the war ukraine, we have had many reports about i see spiders and much as ice is also a loser upfront. also, we know okay to be moved from syria to ukraine for a allowed passage. yet. search through your print, and so you know, these prices of tysons, the russia ukraine war has been ongoing for the past 2 years. this is not, not something new bought the fact that it actually escaped is allegedly behind the most. got that great to so many questions or we can now discuss this claim would be quite on this desk, get it to us to bunk, throw himself many bags that you want to get on the program. so you recently stated
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that from the very beginning of the conflict and you created the what the report was of ice is, fights is being moved by the handle is to join the ukrainian ami a. could you expand on that, please? um, what do you think was the purpose as well? yes. you know, and then from the very beginning of the war from a wrong march 2022, there were multiple reports in our rec, arabic, media, particularly cover in syria, a about a battalions advice. these fighters of our arcade are fighters, are loser upfront fighters. be moved to, to where is your printer either, by the way, as i mean, it's all nice or just a lot of passes through the 13th and, you know, why would they, were they doing this? let's not forget what uh you're finding president beloved, there's a nice cassette of the time, right? when we call for the formation of an international call nation defied russia, right? for the, for the sake of western sleep in a session. so, you know, you had, you had a colonial, immediate tardies, a going to join the fighting in the, in,
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in ukraine. you'll have, uh, you know, he's right, the soldiers who caught people from all over, you know, from the french media and so on and so forth. that they would just go and join a, they fight over there, right? so i sees it shows another one of these may be says, is just another resource that the united states has to, uh, to bulk up its military powers in the regions are in the countries where they want to have a certain type of, uh, of control over it right, that's i think the easiest area that has been that is in the rack that has the navigation. i've done this time and is by finding also the case in your brain. i'm more questions, does the time about sizes k complicity and the quote is masika raise for you? does it sound credible? not at all. no. you know, because 1st of all, if these were actually sizes fighters, why did they escape? why do they escaped with their lives? eyes is known to be a, you know, they there, um there what they do is it in the, in the search of march or don't using the search of, of sacrificing themselves for the purpose that they believe, you know,
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they're the college age. so why all of us on i do have these a bunch of, uh, you know, i, these fighters escaping, escaping, and then i got, you know, that there's so many questions on the have you raise about the picture that uh, where they stand in front of the flag and restoring with their left hand window. of course, you know, they should be starting with their is already, you know, is sort of have such a deep belief in the, in the, in their relation to that, to search. i'm extreme. they would never use their left hand, they would use it right. so you know, these all a really falls into what uh, what uh moscow has been saying, no, that is just like this. traction is a distraction to just like, uh, you know, when the north stream bomb being was, uh, was blamed on a crew of ukrainian soldiers. it was that yes, you know, i, it shows me direction is just misinformation a, an attempt to muddy the waters. well, i'm just wondering what would motivate the ice as members to join you creating the size that gains rush? i mean, the rush was a country known for its respect for the muslim community. do you think the,
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the motivations, the financial, ideological, some other reason well, they have to be financial 1st of all, you know, that's what one of the fighters said themselves. the 2nd of all the yes, you know, yeah, it's very important to highlight that, that out when all of these narrative was, was brought along, you know, you've had all of these western media on this last week. writing these pieces that were title, why the dies escape back russia and all of them fell back on these idea that the ice is dislikes, russia because of the work that they have been doing is syria helping the syrian government. so, you know, what does that say about the us occupation of syria? which side are they fighting on, you know, i, she's under you guys. all of us on and according to western media are in the same side. it is here. yeah. so you know, hey, even after that back happening when i, you know, a person and booting came out to speak a he and he highlighted that these was not, not back by using them. these was not on the back by most things he's presented back by a group of extreme is well more likely than not upsize to the freight environment
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to, to, to have the ices k as how it's being censored on other states. i'm sorry, i didn't catch the question, have the ices k, have they lost any attacks on the other states? is a little more recently run right they they, they found the tomb of, of, of the former are as you see, commander guest themselves, me on the death on to for the on the verse for you. if he's dead and they have bombed uh, you know, they attack uh, they be not back in convoys in, um, in the non, sorry, that's a regular i. so, you know, i just gaze up. it's a, it's a new thing. it's, it's a, it's a new brand a, but i see is a k has been affecting the taliban in afghanistan. they have launch a couple of attacks and packing stuff for more and more often. but not these, these militia, these uh, you know, the extreme is melisha via doc, anyone who's the enemy of the united states, and now they've been reached. they even reach most are right, but be spent on likely that these was actually, i see, you know,
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i saw at this point these joseph brand name is jose. a concept is not, it's just something that he's deployed as the movement, right? a, something that he's meant to we still tear and to and to and to have the united states does he, i be able to, you know, point the finger at someone that he sent them. thanks so much for speaking to us today. i appreciate your time and you're inside the credo, news desk. it is a esteban career. thank you. thank you. the story says it stays the protest at the courthouse and india, where a permanent of the opposition leader has been able to to remain in custody on corruption charges for another 2 weeks. which file has already sponsored diplomatic brow off the washington tried to interfere in india as internal traditional matches . also correspond to richard shawna reports on the waiting list as lodge. the head of the state of new delhi are engaged for you all was arrested on charges of allegedly across town by the enforcement directory to the e. d, which is basically a government agency that looks in by natural schools in the country. i've been
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teaching a lot of has been included in custody since and to day after a see already in the local court. he was sent to the, to the sure custody in the heart chain. and you, debbie, the biggest prison in india, the whole in the alliance wasn't the room. we would round yesterday for you. what do you have to say? what the prime minister is doing is not good for the country, are engaged, involves political body, the body, and other opposition policies via now basically calling up the more the government they are seeing that the timing of our, of increasing valves arrest the suspect, considering general elections of just you the we are when he's you all's political body, the on me body has a strong hold, has a strong group in new delhi, also been job, but he has national political ambitions. and therefore now we're using that also wanted to quit. but these are coming together, protesting against the more the government. they say that the more the government is using a document agencies, basically to fact office a city does. however,
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the government to seeing that the agencies are just doing that show and that this particular keys has been in the public eye for several months now. and that is correct. in fact, to our when teachers allies are over the g, we're not gain a big gang of corrupt people will stand in the ram, leila, my don, and watch the spectacle of our vend kendra walls arrest. they will cry and the scene will take place in the same rum leila, my don in delhi where our vend kendra wall stood and shouted and called everyone corrupt and now at the same place he himself has been arrested as a big corrupt the person involved in the liquor scam and was thrown in jail. i fully believe that the same rum leila, my don, where the odd to me tardy and our vin kendra wal, began their careers, will also be the place of their downfall. everyone knows that operation load is being carried out to destroy the arvin. kendra, well lead a p government,
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but this load us would never be able to bloom and daily. so under this umbrella, the alliance or i n d, i a opposition leaders come gather some regional bodies from national policies and they basically are not pulling dr. moody government for our vend dc, was a rest. having said that, this is purely in the internal matter. both the political side of it, i'm the visa side of it. but sometimes it is never really understand that the u. s . for example, on germany, they have made comments about different issues out the rest. they've gone on to see that them monitoring the situation in this is that your commons are warranted like anyone's ation accusations. mr. cash rebel is entitled to a fair and impartial trial. he can make use of all available legal haven't use without restriction. we continue to follow these actions closely, including the rest of delhi chief minister category. while we are also aware of the congress policies allegations,
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the tax authorities are frozen some of their bank accounts in a manner that will make it challenging to effectively campaign in the upcoming elections. and we encourage fair, transparent, and time the legal processes for each of these issues. so all the comments made both by jo, many and by the us. diplomats of both the countries where someone by the indian administrator of external affairs. and they were told without, mincing any words that this is india has internal moto and you do not get to comment on that. india has a perfectly well traditional system to take care of its masses, but it's pretty good to me to fund fees like the u. s and the joe, me to pull that he was into other countries and done a lot of they've done that in in yes, yes. as well. the size box development has told them very clearly. so we from are, you don't know the bottles let's cross live to around me and around john to sign
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politically on the list. all the and call them is now many thanks for joining us on the progress. good to see. so just a couple of days ago. a new delhi course of science remarks made fine washington on the rest of a t o physicians vega saying that us is out of line. it should concentrate on its own affairs. what do you make of this boss and i work with the us, be so interested in an indian domestic mazda anyway, is a good evening. thank you for having me on the show. of course, this has been on everybody's mind as to why would us be interested. this is on the mind of every indian. and i don't think in just taking this very kindly, we've already seen that. so, you know, any, had a, someone's, not just the us acting in on board, but also the julie norm boy, you know, and the meeting, apparently, the dealer, somebody lost it almost 30 to 45 minutes. you know, we have to understand that the recent remarks by the state department,
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i do appreciate the folks for us and also any of the suggest want to say i completely unwarranted. you know, this is extra and the imputation on our electronic process is and it's not justifiable. you know, in the process is i've driven by the law. you know, the judiciary is independent agencies that are independent and you know, this competing makeovers that, oh, for our democratic systems has been very offensive to accommodate you and as well. because we feel that anyone who has the similar utah specially set that no democracy should have no difficulty appreciating this fact. now having said that, this is not the 1st time that the u. s. or countries like germany or other countries in the you have, do you get it upon themselves to comment on, in years, in donor of fish resolved looking to situation as to who, you know,
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it's almost like there are certain invested interest in these you know, in these political, those students in these countries that have a need, a sense of dislike. 3. yes, we saw this during the approach. it's just you remember that there was a lot of international common sheet on what was typically a very humanitarian pause or giving the citizenship to the people who was seeking the sign them and were already new. yet to meet the process, easier for them anywhere out of word as well. cool, except where and it came to renew a lot of these colonial lenses were activated against the judge just as a be can not decisions on our own. and therefore, it has been a very welcome move up by the m e n r b for, but if we, oh yeah,
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it's always been swept. if we do a little compared comparison with other international cases such as pakistan's and president of a wrong pond, for example, it appears that washington is much less concerned about to ensure like a fair and transparent legal process. so it makes one wonder what's really going on here, what, why we see these double standards in terms of washington's attitude? you're absolutely right. you know, like i said, this is not the 1st time you know that it was still under blind eye to focus on what was done to blind item. a lot of countries that you know of, you know, the choose piece me and you know, if you look at the u. s. c, i r, routines. india has, um, uh, india is possibly always on the bottom. often this, this is the united stations, the united nation. so the representation for religious freedom with the judge international, religious speed of, you know, yeah, and china are always somewhere down and, you know, at the bottom.


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