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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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does that stuff without collision is best of part of the breaking news from syria or rum confirms the depths of several revolutionary guard advisors. and nothing's really strikes on the are really in conflict in damascus. also ahead ukraine range. don rockets on the russian city of belgrade during 9 civilians and hitting residential buildings crushes federal security service a is the terrorist suspects lifted in sundays, raven southern russia were directly involved in the focus city, whole massacre. but one of the detained admitting that another attack was being prepared. we were planning a terrorist attack here from the bank of cas b cd or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people. i believe the weapons to the guys go attack robust city hall.
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and israel withdrawal is it's forces from our she fell hospital in northern. got set up for a report at least feeling more than $400.00. tell us the news and destroying over a 1000 thoughts or dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to ent netanyahu is doomed to end. america is doomed to end all those who bond us no matter how much they palm us and destroy all she thought this occupation is doomed to end the from must go to the world. this is our teacher now. so thanks for choosing us for your global use rinebold. this morning. we begin the program with breaking news from the syrian capital where a number of a rainy and revolutionary guard advisors helping kills. and then there's really strike on the concrete consulate that has not been confirmed by tara
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r. t frontage from the scene shows a building in the area and destroyed nearby car is nearby damaged, damascus based independent investigative journalist, vanessa bailey, was the she heard the explosions from the deadly strike as if there were next door for it came in at about 5 o'clock um, it was a massive strikes because i'm in or the western side of this of damascus. and it sounded literally next tool so, so the 1st 3 strikes work stream laid out. we could then hear the defense or engaging the entire building, which is c radian concert, which i believe was used as a residents by the investor was destroyed. so i followed there are, uh 6 small to civil defense teams looking through the russell, but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was counts as a huge escalation. and we did have another strike if you remember in central
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damascus in the same area or if i can january, but even this morning at around full size, i am, i could get the time wrong because they have talked to coming in pretty far as to the moment from israel, vanessa bailey will be a reunion in boston, dra has said israel will face consequences for its attack. a b, as long as the republic of iran has never left a crime of design this region without a response. certainly design is presume and its allies know that they should wait for your ron's proportional response to this villainy, which is based on it, runs wisdom and will be conducted at the proper time and proper location. we have never witnessed this type of crime committed. there are international laws and they have kept the boundaries even though many of our diplomatic boundaries were broken and then some of our diplomats were martyr. read, in my opinion, these really regime is at a dead end and is compensating for its failures and confronting the resistance front, especially the failures have suffered and gaza. tensions are once again on the rise between that ron and israel, after a period of
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a relative calm iranian media sources have now reported that is really missile strikes have targeted and completed entirely destroyed the 5 story building of airlines consulate in damascus. this right, it's also head of the basset or residence by the basset or um and his family were reportedly not present during the attack and our now safe, according to syria's official news agencies found the strikes were carried out by what they refer to as these really and any targeted beaten mis neighborhood in the mask strikes um, cause significant damage to the buildings around the iranian embassy as well. it was, and both a serial sat israel used of 35 jets firing 5 missiles at the consulate, syrian air defense systems. reportedly i intercepted some of the in down missiles
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now on confirmed reports, suggest that at least 7 individuals have lost their lives in the air strikes. and this stuart will be of course, confirmed after the debris removal process is complete. a meet identities of the victims. i'll remain on known at the moment for that one has confirmed a senior our yard g. c members were among the big casualties. there are actually a number of members of the r g c awards force in charge of providing advisory military assistance to the syrian, our mutual help it fight terrorism. they are based on the i r g c commons. the syrian foreign minister immediately condemned via solved as a terrorist attack. indeed, we strongly condemn this criminal act on the carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens to a passing by the street cut them. so again, we emphasize opposition beside our brothers in the arabian embassy and the islamic
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republic of around us. and we assure that syria and the islamic republic don't forget their enemies their wants. foreign minister also said that the attack on the one in consulate building in damascus is a violation of all international obligations and conventions. adding that this will not deter iran from supporting the palestinians. the escalation comes, uh, just a day after it was president um, uh, called on the international community to separate ties with israel as a means of pressuring the country to halt its military operations in gaza. which i've been ongoing for 6 months and a half killed more than 31000 power staying as the backend for exchanges between of on and as we all had subsided following the gaza complex. but now seem to have been really, if we ignited in what is seen as the 1st major escalation between the 2 sides after months that is anticipated,
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but that one will not remain silent in the face of such as solves when of course. now the r g c has yet to comment and warn israel of any consequences, but for now we hear comments from the iranian officials, especially from and also can on either one and spokesperson for the iranian foreign ministry, who has warned of serious repercussion. yeah, so that is well, would be liable and responsible for any more escalation, wider escalation on a regional scale because is we have has a salt and they're wanting consulate and that is based on the one and for an industry that is a clear violation of all international laws and conventions. meanwhile, a protest is under way into runs palestine square and condemnation of as really aggression against the are really in conflict building in damascus. we spoke with political on the list side mohammed motor on the interim phase of the west is responsible for israel going rogue. this was
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a direct attack on the run you've run in territory. this is unprecedented. and these are the regime. i made a clear decision to murder iranians in the embassy. so there will be major ramifications. the regime will definitely pay a very heavy price. and the ronnie is, will make sure that the regime understands that this will not be repeated again. so i think uh, the days and weeks ahead will be different from what we've seen until now is really busy. even has the full support of the west. they can execute doctors, they can execute children and they can bomb houses and hospitals. they can do whatever they want because they have the full support of the european
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countries and north american countries. and that's why we see them regularly found syria. that's why they regularly bomb 7. um that's why we see the genocide in gaza. and that's why they now are bothering embassies, the united states and europeans have created this situation with this regime. an apartheid regime just goes rolls and nothing happens. okay, let's move on to another story we are across today. ukrainian forces on least 2 separate strikes against the russian city of belgrade. across monday, a total of 9 people were reportedly left injured. our t correspondent, vermont cost ribs, in the border city incentives this report to see freight in order to show that fits your filter. i'd say yes again, that's 4 days for washing defense ministry. dangers step to the shelves from the
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launch of working system called the buyer. most places that were targeted for private residences, multi apartments buildings, private cars, and others. there was a lot of smoke ukrainian sheller saw from all the neighboring streets so damaged. we don't have any military facilities in the city or so they firing out here. the emergency alarm went off and we all ran to hide. you see the windows are blown out, the cars are damaged. my child was very scared, of course. especially since my warranty was trying to determine what type of show this was as you can see, a we are any purity, residential neighborhood. children's playground for the at the moment is there haven't been any casualties for 4 days, but it's still here because the era learners science continue to stand from time to time. here, for one call for large, the builder the rushes federal security service say is that terror
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suspects detain during some of these rate in southern russia were directly involved in orchestra during the march 22nd crocus culture, whole massacre f, as b says, the latest suspects had funded and supply the multiple attackers, the agency has also released frontage of its special forces units. the apartment blocks squared the suspects receipts and doug, as though, according to the security services, the 4 men were in possession of weapons and explosives and were planning to commit to a tax in the southern russian republic before then fling the country or t corresponding div or shut down a fix on this basically, it seems that the terrorists, so responsible for the absolutely horrendous terrorist attack against the croaker city hall just outside most who they weren't going to stop just that this another terrorist south in the southern republic of august on they were planning a project that were planning booming, a tax that gaze the investment of the southern russian town of cas space. also,
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they were apparently planning attacks against one of the towns box, so they were all detained. and the most important detail in the stories that they, in fact confessed to supplying amunition and even cash to the public phases of the attack against the venue outside. most of this, we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas b, c. d, or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people to collection of rifles were 460 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment. during the rest. i believe the weapons to the guys who attacked croakers. city hall. i brought the guns from a hutch call out to meet you. she. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sedan, in fact, this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out the heinous act of terror against the croakers city hall. because he's entering one
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of the garage co op, just outside more school. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted in douglas down, they handed them over the weapons, the, i'm your nation and will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out the attack money. this is the very same call that they used for the failed gets away. this is the very same call that was caught on its way to the russia ukraine border. so there it is. uh, shortly off to the russian security services stopped the terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with the most mother. so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the douglas stony terrace. so entering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm, one of the cash machines, the did not make any with pools, though what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack
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against the croakers city hall for an intelligent service they will for they will also step forward. they have said that it is really suspicious how the us administration and how washington is try is doing everything and its power to basically say, look, ukraine had nothing to do with the attack. the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the world's community and the suspicions about the involvement of polanski and his entourage in the crime. the white house appears that the discovery of keith trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the queen and redeem. and we'll finally the rail washington's plans to increase support for ukraine. also, the russian for an intelligence. they pointed out that the heads of uh,
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the heads of ukraine's military intelligence and the ukraine security service. they have openly admitted their involvement in other attacks against russia, about the rush, all branded as terrorist to be openly admitted, that they stood behind the attacks against the cry. me a bridge that they were the ones who targeted or did they hit against lovely and the thought of ski, a wave bull correspondent who was, was murdered in cold blood the in, in st. petersburg last year. when she was handed a, i'm not a statute, had written with explosives and a number of other attacks against uh, fully ukrainian officials and so on and so forth. so this is something that the rushing for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that. that is, everything that washington is doing right now. it raises suspicions, as well, shortly after last month's atrocity in moscow, washington was quick to blame. isis,
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us officials alleged to have had intelligent stuff, the discipline. this terra group was preparing such an attack, a so called isis case, cell based enough chemist on later claimed responsibility, which must be dismissed. news desk editor for the west asian focus, cradle assigned to esther bond career. say such as nomic. milton fighters have had links to ukraine for quite some time. if from the very beginning of the war from a wrong march 2022, there were multiple or forwards. in our back arabic media, particularly covering syria a about uh about the audience advice these fighters of our overall arcade on fighters a loser. upfront spiders be moved to uh, to where is your printer either by the way and its allies, or just a lot of passage through the 13th and uh, you know, why would they, where are they doing this? lets not forget what uh your front end president below them are some nice can set up a time right away to call for the formation of an international call. nation defied russia. right? and so i says, it shows another one of these may be shows us another resource to the united states
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has to, to bulk of its military powers in the regions or in the countries where they wanted to have a certain type of, uh, of control of the distraction to just like uh you know, when they, the north stream bomb being was, uh, was blamed on a crew of ukrainian soldiers that i've heard that yes, you know, i, it shows me the direction is just misinformation a and i think the money to water before actually buys these fighters, why did they say, why do this game with their nice eyes is known to be a, you know, they, they're, um, they're, what they do. is it in the, in the search of march or don't using the search of sacrificing themselves for the purpose that they believe, you know, they, they call it fade. so why all of us on i do have these a bunch of, uh, you know, i see spiders escaping the middle. israel has withdrawn its forces from a she felt hospital in northern cal. so after a 2 weeks siege images through the aftermath with buildings hollow dog from the
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bombing and streets filled with debris. according to gas and officials, the idea of killing more than $400.00 pallets. the indians destroyed rough dollars of the homes during the sold the guns, a civil defense force save it, found decompose bobby's inside the medical complex. one body was apparently discovered hung covered with a bullet wound in the head while in residential building surrounding the hospital, dozens of bodies where on coverage locals have condemned the is really attacks which have completely destroyed. you done this right? is there a dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. netanyahu is doomed to end. america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all scheaffer. this occupation is doomed to end. as the salesman says, it has been deformed in this so no, no motor plays for the people to have guys to have him get in
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a she felt like we were sleeping here with hell. she fell. i woke up in the night to the sound of gunfire. my children were taken out in front of me. they took my daughter's husband, they took my nephew, they took everyone from my family and i didn't ship all the time. or what was once a central hospital, which is rather difficult situation. yeah. people are screaming because they are looking for better things and that isn't finding it without the oppression. so just yes, the one, the people are angry. it with the position of, of the invasion and the soul. michel dallas with them. the of these are, so it'd be this larger scale of the just section. i have it here and i don't of the accounts from i with this is their shots and people who have met the during the vision. you told me very, very,
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very difficult. the assessments, the decisions i come let's cross the live, know to the is really city of high and speak to onto are active as i l rosenberg. good to see you. let me be in terms of the she monetary and situation 1st. what this is going to lead to el cheapo was the largest medical complex in the enclave. thousands of the display shelter there since the beginning of the war. really, we thought it functioning time, we expect other hospitals to come under even more pressure on what we're about to. unfortunately, if i, if were to judge from what israel has been doing this, been systematically destroying the possibility of, of living life in the gaza strip. and then the cases of medical facilities or other
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public facilities that are not have not been fully destroyed in the 1st round of funding and invasion. we see that if palestinians are trying to make use of them again, like trying to use the she for hospitals again for medical care. this leads to another round of siege a funding executions and driving the population away from there it's, it's difficult to say what is real and is planning eventually, but it's, it's a pattern we're seeing again and again, i'm the but with the bomb beings then with the the land based on the patients to run is calling for an international improve into the offense without chief israel save. hundreds of terrace were killed there, so they shouldn't fear approved. should the into water occurred there? do you think it will happen?
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i very much doubt it because if you'll remember the, the previous attack on me and i'll, she also took place under some kind of pretense by, by these really forces. there is some, a huge underground command complex of a moss, under the hospitals. and evidence of that never actually came to light and now it's another attack. and again, they make similar plans. of course, we will never see any evidence. and israel is, is presenting journalists from entering into the strip and actually killing those that, that do that are active in there. and even within israel itself, it is, uh, as i understand correctly, is not allowed. and the un investigator is to act freely, conduct an investigation of claims regarding a mouse, sexual violence during the october 7th attack. so take that together with the the
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prob occasions, i'm the former tom things and loving on syria. it's definitely not going get a direction of allowing the international bodies to, to reach some decisions and to investigate things and to act according to the conclusions of the bodies. of the contrary. um, we're going to, we're going to see additional atrocities i can say, just just look at the numbers of people dying. the number of attacks. there's another house you saw in terms of the number of depths happening every 2 or 3 or 4 days. if you count the, the bodies. so i'm looking into a single incident. tragic has it is a i it's, it's sad to say, but it, it becomes less significant when you consider the entire entirety of what's been happening to our active this aisle rosenberg in these really city of high fit.
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thank you very much. i the chart. no, the is really parliament has passed the so called ologist or a law giving the government temporary powers to prevent foreign use networks from operating in israel. prime minister netanyahu, it saves you will bomb the trouble because it's helping hum. alger 0 harmed is real security actively participated in the october 7 massacre and incited against idea of soldiers. it is time to remove the trumpet of hum us from our country. alj a 0 will no longer broadcast from israel. i intend to take immediate action in accordance with the new law to stop the operation of the channel, or tardy political i will as doctor alley high yield, believes benjamin netanyahu is specifically targeting l g 0 because it reports an idea of crimes in gather as this the phase of but he, i mean that the video is going to take the rain. he doesn't want the tools to be
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told he wants to kill as a matter of fact, by uh, producing such a stupid a rule. he is telling the truth because the, i mean it's a deal at the so far to deflect a lot of my disease. does he that has been, is the one of his most, the one who is to view this to pull it, to commit this since the assassination over sharing a wall outlet. dizzy that's correspondent, the internet to a by the, by this time it is very you to the country. that's the, i just need a not a, that freedom fighters over guys, that was the bank and the euro. is that i'm, they, there is that i, they are me who pillow children, a woman, uh,
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it'll be for what, and called the blood. they are the son of the world, not just the east. the newly elected president of cynical is planning to renegotiate the contracts of oil and gas projects developed by western energy joints, b, p cost. most energy on woodside energy presidential oil advisors saves the move, wouldn't boost government revenues to boost the states revenue from oil and gas. it's necessary to re negotiate the contracts to increase the state's shares and change the system of sharing of production. re negotiating contracts doesn't mean that the state will impose itself on the companies without taking the law into consideration, but that the 2 parties agree to discuss some clauses of the contract. meanwhile, after numerous delays, the west african country is set to open the tops this year on 2 large liquefied natural gas projects. in partnership with the western energy companies,
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let's say the new sites could help cynical become one of the worlds fastest growing economies. and the shake up comes ahead of tuesdays and organization of new presidents have passed through the life i say was an empty establishment. candidates unsecured, some 54 percent of the vote beating as close as rival by almost 20 percentage points. that struck live dollar to dean of the african leadership university school of business more dang, speaking to us from the london capital today. thank you for your time today. what do you think is meant by re negotiating the oil contracts and do for see that's in reality establishing i quote, fair or deal for sending go thank you very much. i think this election has been a very surprising elections in many respects and why it hasn't underscore the
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country is commitment to democracy in the region where the stability and military cause are in providence. it has also ushered in an era offer a so called but not for you to cut nationalist sentiments, right. a lot of the, uh, the, the young people will be elected. your point is to, to get to power or have voice to very openly there been ton to renegotiate contracts and also to review the relationship with a farmer colonial power such as france. and there is a lot of support and sentiment, especially among young people. a for this type of move right to try to even out the relationship with former colonial powers. and that's the context in which you have to put some of these a know announcements. now i do believe that once the president, this war, named on april 2nd, which is a very soon you will see a little bit of a uh,
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you know, a mitigation or a little bit of a, not a walk the box, some of these uh these, the declarations would i think that they would have the house to come to terms with the reality off international jump on it takes a lot of these contracts were negotiated into putting to print the previous regime with the previous government, but has been negotiated with all of the necessary international uh, guarantees and, and, and uh for review of international law. so i think it would be very difficult for the incoming government to all of a sudden go back on all of those commitments, particularly because somebody go has to be seen so far as a country that that really respects the roof and all the new leader as you say tomorrow getting an organ rated, what stands? could he take on an overall sense, in terms of cooperation with the west, former colonial powers? do you think he's going to at mixed up one of his,
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his primary actions. i think that that was a big part of the campaign promises of the sort of campaign rhetoric. but i do believe that going into the read upon it the into the day to day management, the priorities we have somewhat shift. i do believe that there will be a market transition to regaining control over some of the economic, glovers. but the priorities are really in use in primal, in fighting corruption. and in reducing the, the cost of, of, of living for most the setting of these people. and those are things that are not directly linked to contracts and the contracts with take a box seat at the store and industrial products, intros of the immediate priorities of the incoming region. very interesting. let's see how it all develops. then we've been speaking to the dean of the african leadership universities.


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