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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the breaking news around confirms that dance up to revolutionary guard general $105.00 officers in and this really strikes on the are really in consulate in the syrian capital. also a head, the crane range done rockets and the russian city of belgrade entering 9 civilians . and hitting residential buildings, brushes, federal security service, say is the terrorist suspects lifted in sundays, raven, southern russia were directly involved and the focus to the whole massacre with one of the detained, admitting of another attack, was being prepared this. we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas, b, c, d, or in the victory part of getting
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a crowd of people deliver weapons to the guys what that grew up, the city hall and israel withdrawals its forces for a while. she felt hospital in northern cancer, reportedly killing more than 400. tell us the indians, i'm destroying over a 1000 homes in the are there dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. nothing! yahoo is doomed to end. america is doomed to end all those who bond us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all she thought this occupation is doomed to end . the 247 use live from moscow. this is our t international. hello and welcome the russian foreign ministry. how strongly condemned on these really strike on the uranium consulate in serious capital, damascus to revolution, regard generals, and 5 officers were killed in the attack. we regard as categorically unacceptable.
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any attacks on diplomatic and consular facilities, the enviro ability of which is guaranteed by the relevant vienna conventions. we draw particular attention to the fact that the attack was carried out in a densely populated area of the capital, which created a high risk of mass casualties among the civilian population. we believe that such a gressick is really actions are absolutely unacceptable and must stop. among those kills in the strike where a senior commander in the lead crowds force of these nomic revolutionary guard corps and his deputy artes footage from the scene shows a building in the area destroyed a nearby cars damage. investigative journalist, vanessa billing lives in the serene capital, she told us she heard the explosions from the deadly attack as if it was next to it . so it came in at about 5 o'clock. it was a massive strikes because i'm in or the western side of damascus and it sounded
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literally next. cool. um, so the 1st 3 strikes were extremely loud. we could then hear the ad. defendants are engaging the entire building, which is c radian concert, which i believe was used as a residents by the investor was destroyed. so i followed, there are uh, 6 small to civil defense teams are looking for is a russell, but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was cold. so the huge escalation and we did have another strike if you remember in central damascus in the same area or if i couldn't january, but even this morning at around the full size. i and i couldn't get the time wrong because the attached to coming in pretty far as doesn't mind meant from israel, vanessa billy with the at, after my reaction, there will be a really in a box that are, has said, israel will face consequences for it's a tech of these logic republic, if a wrong has never left,
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a crime of design is regime without to respond. certainly design is regime and its allies know that they should wait for reruns, proportional response to disability, which is based on a ron's wisdom and will be conducted at the proper time and proper locations that we have never witnessed. this type of crime committed us. there are international laws and they have caps the boundaries of even though many of our diplomatic boundaries were broken and some of our diplomats were multi rates. i see that in my opinion, these really regime is at a dead end. i just compensating for its failures and confronting the resistance front, especially the failure is that somebody in gauze tensions are once again on the rise between that ron and israel, after a period of a relative calm iranian media sources have now reported that is really missile strikes have targeted and completed entirely destroyed the 5 story building of airlines consulate in damascus. the strikes also head of the masters residence by the master and his family were reportedly not present during the attack and are
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now safe. according to syria's official news agencies and the strikes were carried out by what they refer to as these really and any targeted b, mrs neighborhood in damascus. the strikes um caused significant damage to the buildings around the iranian embassy as well. it was and worth a serious study as well. used f, 35 jobs firing 5 missiles at the costs of syrian air defense systems. reportedly, i intercepted some of the in down missiles here. one has confirmed that seen your all your g c members were among the casualties. there are actually a number of members of the i r g c awards force in charge of providing advisory military assistance to the syrian are me to help and fight terrorism. they are based on the i r g, c comments. the syrian for minister immediately condemned to be as solved as to how
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that people are accustomed to responding to such cowardly aggression. and will demonstrate to all of humanity that such aggression should be met with even greater resilience and strong to support for the palestinian peoples and resistances, whether in iraq, to southern lebanon or anywhere else. we expressed condolences for the victims and the sorrow of of such attacks carried out without any justification against diplomatic institutions. we emphasize the need to continue siri and the rainy and relations as they are built on morals and values on like western countries. that heartlessly support israel in committing such crimes and wrongs. foreign minister also said that the attack on the one in consulate building in damascus is a violation of all international obligations and conventions. adding that this will not deter iran from supporting the palestinians. the escalation comes out just a day after it was president um, uh,
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called on the international community to separate ties with israel as a means of pressuring the country to halt its military operations in gaza, which i've been ongoing for 6 months and a half deal more than 31000 power steering as the backend for exchanges between of on and as we all had subsided, following the gaza complex. for now, we hear comments from the iranian officials, especially from on, also can on either one and spokesperson for the iranian foreign ministry who has warned of serious repercussions. yeah, said that israel would be liable and responsible for any more escalation, wider escalation on a regional scale. because as we have has a salt and they're wanting cancel it and that is based on the one and for an industry, that is a clear violation of all international laws and conventions. i mean, well that protest is under way into rems palestine square. and condemnation of is really aggression against the reading consulate building and the most cuz people
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could be seen burning is really us flags. we spoke with political level aside mohammed around the, in the around capital, who saves the west, is responsible for israel going broke. this was a direct attack on the run and iranian territory, this is unprecedented. and these are the regime made a clear decision to murder iranians in the embassy. so there will be major ramifications. the regime will definitely pay a very heavy price. and the ronnie is, will make sure that the regime understands that this will not be repeated again. so i think uh, the days and weeks ahead will be different from what we've seen until now is rarely regime has the full support of the west. they can execute doctors,
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they can execute children and they can bomb houses and fast because they can do whatever they want because they have the full support of the european countries in north american countries. and that's why we see them regularly found syria. that's why they regularly bomb 7 on that's why we see the genocide in gaza. and that's why they now are bombing embassies. the united states and europeans have created this situation with this regime an apartheid regime. and it just goes road and nothing happens. ukrainian force is on the lease to separate attacks against the russian city of belgrade. on monday, at least 9 people were left injured in the strikes r t corresponding for a long cost reb is in the border region centers this report see freight in order to
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show that fuel filter, etc, yet again, that's 4 days for washing defense, ministry, intercepted shelves, from the launch of working system called the buyer, most places that were targeted for private residences, multi apartments buildings, private cars and others. there was a lot of smoke ukrainian shell, a saw from all the neighboring streets of damaged. we don't have any military facilities in the city. what are they firing out here? the emergency alarm went off and we all ran to hide. you see the windows are blown out, the cars are damaged. my child was very scared. of course. the specialist isn't working . try to determine what type of show this was as you can see, a we are any purity, residential neighborhood. children's playground, thankfully at the moment, is there haven't been any casualties for 4 days, but it's still here because the era learn sirens continued just and from
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time to time. here, for one call for a warranty. builder rushes federal security service says that tara suspects the tang during sundays, raven southern russia were directly involved in orchestra during the march 22nd crocus cultured whole massacre. the f as b says, the latest suspects had funded and supplied the moscow attackers. the agency is also released for the edge of its special forces units of the apartment blocks where the suspects were seized. and guess, showing the weapons and explosives 5. according to the security services, the 4 men were planning to commit attacks in the southern russian republic before then slinging the country r t, corresponding acres with all of its stuff from the basically it seems that the terrorists, so responsible for the absolutely horrendous terrorist attack against the crook, a city hole just outside most who they weren't going to stop just this. another
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terrace. so in the southern public of august on they were planning apparently they were planning bombing, a tax. i gaze the investment of the southern russian town of cas space. also, they were apparently planning attacks against one of the towns fox. uh, so they were all detained. and the most important detail in the stories. that being fact, since the 1st 2 supplying condition and even cash to the perpetrators of the attack against the venue outside most of this, we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas, b, c. d or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people to collections of rifles were 460 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment. during the rest, i believe the weapons to those who attacked croakers city hall. i brought the guns from a hutch, go out to meet you. she. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sedan, in fact, this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out
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the heinous act of to against the crocus city hall. because he's entering one of the garage co ops just outside more school. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted and doug is found, they handed them over the weapons, the munition and will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out the attack. my, this is the very same call that they used for the failed gets away. this is the very same call that was called on its way to the russia ukraine border. so there it is shortly after the russian security services stopped the terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with the mouse mother. so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the douglas tawny terrace. so entering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm,
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one of the cash machines they did not make any with was though what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack against the croakers city hall for an intelligence service they will for they will also step forward. they have said that it is really suspicious how the us administration and how washington is try is doing everything in its power to basically say, look, ukraine has nothing to do with the attack. the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the roles community and the suspicions about the involvement of savanski and his entourage in the crime. the white house appears that the discovery of keith trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the queen and redeem,
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and we'll finally the rail washington's plans to increase support for ukraine. also, the russian for an intelligence. they pointed out that the heads of uh, the heads of ukraine's military intelligence and the ukraine security service. they have openly admitted their involvement in other attacks against russia, about the russia branded as terrorist to be openly admitted that they stood behind the attacks against the cry. me a bridge that the they were the ones who targeted or did they hit against lovely and the thought escape a bull correspondent who was, was murdered in cold blood the in uh in st. petersburg last year when she was handled a not a special ed reading with explosives and a number of other attacks against fully ukrainian officials and so what and so forth. so this is something that the rushing for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that. that is, everything that washington is doing right now. it raises suspicions as well,
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shortly after last month's atrocity in moscow. washington was quick to blame, isis. us officials a ledge to have had intelligence of the islamist terra group, was preparing such an attack, a so called isis case. so based enough gamma some later time responsibility, which must go dismissed. use desk editor for the west asian focus, cradle sites, s the bottom cover you say is that a small mic militants have links to your brain for quite some time from the very beginning of the war. from around march 2022. there were multiple reports in our records. our big media particularly is covering the syria a about uh, but the audience advice, the spiders of our overall. okay, to hide, there is a user upfront spiders be moved to to where is your printer either by the way is any solid ice or just a lot of passage through the 13th and uh, you know, why would they were they doing this? lets not forget what uh your front end president below understand this could set up
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a time ride when he called for the formation of an international call nation defied russia. right. and so i sees it shows another one of these. munitions is just another resource to the united states has to woke up its military powers in the regions or in the countries where they wanted to have a certain type of, uh, of control of the distraction to just like, uh, you know, when the north rebounding was uh, was blamed on a crew of ukrainian soldiers that were the yes, you know, i, it shows me direction is just misinformation a nothing to muddy the waters. these were actually fights these fighters. why the base gate? why do you this game with their nice eyes is known to be a, you know, they there, um, there what they do is it in the, in the search of arthur don't using the search of sacrificing themselves for the purpose that they need, you know, the college age, so why all of us on i do have these a bunch of, uh, you know, i see spiders escaping the russian. internal affairs ministry
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has prepared a draft school what tightening migration into the country if the bill passes the period of temporary stay or foreigners will be reduced to 90 days within a calendar year. currently, workers are allowed to stay for that same period every 6 months. russian political scientists are getting more calls, explain what else the law may entail, as well as it's run the vacations. as far as that uh is it. ready the uh, the call is it goes to the mileage besides possible. uh, change. we will see you do allow us to really uh to into yes. as uh, uh, a week ago uh start rules. so bottles are finding, uh, it was a new version to be 3 and tools. uh but uh, so no one of these uh, russian seed you into your apartment. uh uh, is closer interested in, uh, uh, to email. uh,
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cuz it is sold on the screen, share some tools for us, or if there's any of those that most of them from us in contracts and some of them for over the course that i was on the one on one moment sir. i didn't beat out actually business specifically and start the industry or not a deal is a really much interesting about the issue. you always integration or was it because i interesting, i took a, let me get us to that exact business. and the side of shared mindset doesn't really say a problem. so most of our, the age of percent falls, which is uh that, that'd be great. so is this where i come to, you know, i've, does a google stares of docs we're seeing. uh, is that a problem with that being and also is, this is position more energetically. i would
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say more emotional re uh because uh uh, people in the restaurant uh is that, you know, most of the time is there just some, essentially just uh, reduced uh, the dish bottles i stairs, i baptized and read shares. i do a major on so i took the box and, and doing more themselves. the defaults, of course such the collision center is became very much stronger. so is this the triangle? on the one hand of security? it was my to is it, the agency is another um uh, another uh use uh the business and i was i use the word to be resolved on those uh uh, political. busy discussion between them. um no, but yeah, i can uh, bridget. right, let's turn attention the program to don't boss where the russian defense ministry
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has confirmed its forces have destroyed another americans applied aprons, time in the desk, a region, an area that ukraine has been facing, heavy losses in our t senior, corresponding rock just the of is on the front lines. i'm brings this, this report from another then yes, city archer, last, also known as back. we are currently in the center of baltimore will. what is left of it? many of the buildings, as you can see behind the fund of hearts of what they will have the gun fly that you can. here's a regular feature here in blackboard. one of the city in that is troops far in the ukrainian drones, you credit drums, which are here and the multitude of tv drones. we called us in school. and this is something that we've seen. you can make it making the access to put a little bit of money in and that is drones because it is very clear. now i'm comparing the situation and bucket with,
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with one of those and all of them. and now you play this very clearly filled all tillery shelves on lodge caliber artillery shells, 155 minute millimeter. i just tried to meet the shelves tag shelves, and then increasingly using drones, which of course are much less destructive, but more accurate. nevertheless, i know the shortage that you create is very clearly again, experiencing is bathroom nod power in quality troops. because obviously brushing drones also acts if they see move, what they see reinforcements arriving to you cleaning positions. and increasingly, it is people in your elderly soul, just mobilize troops which we see being mobilized, whatever you've grade people in their fourties in the late forty's. let fifty's being sent to the front line chip which, which are very demanding, psychologically and, and physically and from what prisoners the saying you can improve more and more
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people are refusing, refusing what will just to go to the front lot. which of course labs, the prison sentences, but more and more thing that is preferable to winding up. yeah. outside of back, most the situation all on the ground is in great for you. paid motion power troop. was it now 600 meters away from cha sylvia. which is the next settlement with out of a box with the next big settlement, with a pre will pump population of 12 and the hall 1000 people, which a guy said we will now be the next. major bad regarding the situation is repeated across the front lines we've seen, you create declaring the landscape declaring that ukraine has now gone to the, to the fed switch. ege of defense across the front line that their experience, it will matter of, of shortages, begging for mobile mobile weapons proves miss old emulation. good. judging a,
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by the facts that you can called feel the troops, they use those weapons. the picture is looking bleary for cab, indeed broadcast the video footage of a russian precision once it's grown striking. the pride of the u. s. army has emerged on social media coming from the front. it shows the $10000000.00 arm and vehicle immediately catching fire. well, this is the 6th abrams tank to be destroyed since ukraine put them into frontline service last month after keeping them in reserve for over 5 months. washington based security policy eval, is michael maloof told us why, but tons of such a high up fission rates in the ukraine companies. the abrams by itself is operated properly is, is this for middle. however, this is not the correct environment for it, and it appears to me that the ukrainians basically began to bring out these abrams tanks because they're desperate. they don't have the ammunition,
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they don't have the artillery football. it's and of course the, the ukrainians do not have the logistical train for managing these tanks, which are sitting doug ducks anyway. and plus not to mention the fact that there that there are considerable tank traps and in mines and that, that uh easily could counter. besides that they only have $31.00 of these. and most, most of their uh, british tanks and, and, and, and leper tanks out in germany had been destroyed. so the use of tanks in this, at this time, given the drones, the ability to that, that they are, the fact that they are undetected makes this tank the use of the tank. a get more of a desperation, then an effective fighting tool at this point in this given more ok.
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returning to the middle east where thousands of protesters have once again gathered in jerusalem for a series of antique government rallies or middle east, corresponding re, if a notion of reports from the holy city. for the 2nd day and there was thousands of princess there is a gathering in front of these rarely holloman's thick mass and pulling says prime minister. and when yahoos, governments to step down, it is believed to be the biggest and to governments rally soon were when attacked. israel and the war in guys started sunday demonstration brought together more than a 100 of thousands of people organizes say, monday, rally is expected to be just as bigger around $110.00 public. and cvo may have been set up here, and professors said they are planning to stay until at least wednesday the last day before the message goes on the recess. they said to make sure those were running
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the country. now i know transferred in here after the vacation theory around the message where i am right now has been hundreds of his really forces have been deployed on sunday in protests when violent. they were glasses with police that eventually use will to cannons, to disperse the crowds. we also see securities fans, and kind of barbed wire along the perimeter of the zones designated for the protest . 2 limits. the movement is also demonstrators for government for testers, the last name, the progress, because the war is profitable for him. they say it's human. how realistic for the demonstrators is to achieve the main goal on top of the government. according to a recent call, 71 percent of the public supporting the idea all the election. so we have to say that really isn't yahoo is under tremendous domestic pressure, but will it change anything?
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we have to wait and see, of course israel has withdrawn its forces from out of chief a hospital in northern gas after a 2 week seed images show. the aftermath with buildings hollow died from the bombing and the streets filled with debris. according to gaza. officials the idea of killing more than $400.00 palestinians. i'm destroyed over a 1000 homes during this. the galvan civil defense for sage. it's time decomposed bodies inside the medical complex. start all in one body was a punchy, discovered hung cost with a bullet wound in the head while in residential building surrounding the hospital, dozens of bodies were uncovered. local to condemn the it's really a tax which of completely destroyed you denise. right. is there a dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. netanyahu is doomed to end. america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all
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scheaffer. this occupation is doomed to end. the salesman says it has been transformed into so no, no motor plays for the people to have guys to have him get in. and she felt worse because like we were sleeping here until she fell. i woke up in the night to the sound of gunfire. my children were taken out in front of me. they took my daughter's husband, they took my nephew, they took everyone from my family and i live in chicago to get them. or what was once a central hospital. it is rather difficult situation. young people, others can you me because they are looking for better things and that isn't finding it without the restaurants or this is the one the people are angry and with the position of, of the invasion uninstall. nichols that was within the of these the so it'd be
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this larger scale of the just section. i had the here's the for the accounts from i what this is their shots and people what it meant. the ability to envision jay told me very, very, very difficult, the assessments, the decisions i've done well, we spoke by phone to communications officer for the international red cross sham and kind of save. that is real as the occupying power and gals that must ensure that palestinians get access to medical treatment. horrendous and horrifying footage reviews after these reports and withdrew from the chief complex and the area surrounding get half shop the entire population in gaza. as you as another, as an occupying foreign gulf.


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