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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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direction time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the headlines right now here one oxy. as israel acknowledges k waiting $78.00 workers including 6 foreign nationals. they were simply helping to deliver food in gas. iran is following retaliation against israel offered struct turnarounds, call sort of in syria, ultimately killing several high ranking offices. 7 the yeah, and good boarding over on the streets of have run over the consider to talk, crowd control and, and see western slogans on american flags go up in flight. someone wants to strive to maintain their head gemini, in today's rapidly changing world,
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including at our expense. this has never happened. no one has succeeded, it will not happen. and no one will be able to do a lot of effort and says all the time is by far in states to we couldn't. russia will fail dressing the interior administrator. but he also valid to track down those behind the recent terror attack. in most of the live and loud at 9 pm locally here at most ago. and it's so good of you to share your time with us here at the off the international mothers. so starting with a central ga, so now with 7, the aid workers, 6 of whom were foreign nationals hoping killed in his riley asked roy, i should warn you, disturbing images on coming your way for the victims represented to the us non profit organization, world central kitchen and all that to you is what polish british irish and
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australia nationals of the idea of has promised a full investigation. while the is really prime minister said this stripe was on in tension. and unfortunately, in the last day, there was a tragic case of our forces, unintentionally hitting innocent people in the gaza strip. it happens in war, we are checking it to the end. we are in contact with the governments and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again. it's really prime minister just at the method. it was ideas, unintentional strikes that killed the aid workers. and international body says the 2 vehicles that carried its employees that had the logo or of the organization on where hate, while they were leaving the data, but left the warehouse on the guys on coast where the team had just unloaded more than $100.00 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to the palestinian and clave through them every time ruth, that's according to seal. the incident happened in the area where the u. s. is
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planning to build the ports to bring the humanitarian aid to the street from the sea. and there was a common sense to r t earlier on tuesday, the charity said it was diva stated, dressing. that's human, the terry and workers should never be targeted. adding that the organization postponed all operations in the guys us 3 at this moment. here is what the organizations found or posted earlier in the world central kitchen. last several of our sisters and brothers in an id. a striking garza, i am hot, broken and grieving for their families and friends in a whole w. c. k. family. these are people, angels, i served alongside in ukraine, garza, turkey, and morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless, they are not nameless. these riley government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stopped using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost peace thoughts with all shed humanity. it
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needs to stop now. it has been international reaction to this deadly incident, as those killed were citizens of different states. here is what we hear from the u . k. and australia. reduced nationals are reported to have been killed. it is essential that humanitarian workers are protected and able to carry out their work . we have called on the east realtor immediately investigating provide the full transparent explanation of what happened, the seaside human tragedy that should never have a that is completely unacceptable. and australia will say full improper accountability as you would expect for have this food have a good we certainly have already contacted the as rally government directly. we are contacting the as riley and best of that uh to ask uh for accountability here. uh, the truth is that,
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that this is beyond beyond any reasonable circumstance that someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. we've spoken directly to the israeli government about this particular incident, reversed a swift, a thorough and impartial investigation is to understand exactly what happens powers after the incident and stays really army are responded apologizing for the tragic death, allowing to conduct the transparent probe into what's happened to quote, reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. so in this case, we have to wait and see of course. so we will gauging reaction without telling me that based, active as the dog on puck now, he says nothing justifies the crime. he also says israel must be held responsible inmate claim that it was a mistake, but i have been,
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i would like to reiterate again that the, that the, that the cars were marked and in full coordination with this view is really army. that cannot be justification for performing much needed 8, that event is responsible for providing itself. so it is abundantly clear that it's been cannot be trusted, not to provide aid and not to not to investigate itself, but it really is responsible for what happened and had already admitted responsibility. but where is that comfortability responsibility without the comfortability is meaningless. if it must be forced into ending its component of genocide in gaza. and 1st and foremost from providing
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the providing reasonable conditions of life for the people who best quote, a dangerous and ridiculous lie. but that's how the alger 0 news networks reacted to a statement by israel as prime minister benjamin doesn't know who said that he would band the channel for supposedly helping us. the challenges 0 harmed is real security actively participated in the october 7 massacre and incited against idea of soldiers. it is time to remove the trumpet of hum us from our country. l g 0 will no longer broadcast from israel. i intend to take immediate action in accordance with the new law to stop the operation of the channel. in an escalating move is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu launched a frantic campaign against al jazeera, accusing it of harming israel's security. actively participating in the october 7th attack and inciting against israeli soldiers out to 0 media network condemns these
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statements and sees that was nothing but dangerous ludicrous slice. netanyahu could not find any justifications to offer the world for his ongoing attacks on al jazeera and press freedom, except to present new lies and inflammatory slanders against the network. and the rights of the employees is ready. parliament has passed the law widely seen as directly targeting alex's era. it enables the prime minister to bind any foreign use outlook if it is considered hom, fulls and national security. any equipment of belonging to the organization can also be seized. washington has expressed concern at this move, and i'll say we're just with, with respect to l to 0. obviously we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us just disrupt blue that a media organizations becomes the target all of the of the regular become part of
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the start as in this war. so with respect to targeting, i mean targeting, in a sense not, not through a law passed by conducting, but i think with respect to potential military targeting, israel has said very clearly that that's not what they have done. obviously, that would be incredibly inappropriate. it is, it is true if it is true, a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical. it is critically important. and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. so say this conversation further here on how to international. uh now of course you got to remember the is there any problem at all for the custody if joining us here on, on the international and a very good evening to you today. so what do you, what do you think of this? i mean, you actually voted against the so called alger 0 low, although still got signed into law. what were your guess,
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major personal concerns about as well so so, so good evening and thank you for having the go say i am very concerned because we can see that since that must have tell folks to have a 7 spikes on us. a long side, the ongoing must occur that the government will visa the suicide in gaza. those are also a political vist accuse and an invitation. so i'm in need of delegating, voice within is way any bones that we shouldn't be raised. we want to weighs against that. a sort of god say against that they will drive is calling for cease fire and bullying. think they will going for these eh, and any kind of frontier looking voice immediately of talk and prosecuted. and death of course, includes the media. so a free is so is, this is a part of this fun, she's campaign by. these are the governments. it's only the only reason for best
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secuity in gay this case i was just event. who knows, it was the next is to silence. those always end up doing with the voice. those who wants to wants to expose lots of it, unfortunately is the enterprise doesn't once a to show these are the people does. yeah, i think you make a really good point that i think you make a great point at all for i appreciate you telling us that will obviously very, very strong words from you. but at the end of the day it does seem like nothing. yeah. who doesn't want what's really happening in gaza to be shown into a world wide audience? i mean, you do, i mean, i think you, you seem to suggest a moment ago with the elders. there are just could be the tip of the iceberg that could be any of the news that was could also face something like this because that's showing an alternative viewpoint. so do i mean, is it possible that al jazz is just the tip of the iceberg? here, oh absolutely i, i'm afraid that i said so yesterday that this is a, my just thought is a you, that these are just
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a box and not the layer of become ongoing campaign by these early a government against any hotel that the voice a, whether i accept the voice or not, that's not the point. but it's definitely the people that iceberg. because once it begins, who knows where, where it's ends and they should, after they silent seem gale about the end to silence, i'll just eat off a, the going to be someone that i've been in the next it within the past. by the way, i made say a, the communication meaning stay where it's a walk. so you open it them. yeah, we're, let's say emphasize that was responsible for the site and seeing of the closing up a for a, as you'll see that just a couple of months ago was explicitly talking about lead meetings. there is a newspaper outlets, which is the only the only news paper we are in almost the only a, a part of the media. these are the only place that the days isn't that they left
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the voice. so surely each of the people say i spell gabriel know if we do not wake up and smell. yeah, i mean the you what you're, what you're saying, what you're saying. oh, for the whole much reminds me of that and ski it in key advocacy shut down all the opposition channels, you know, and because apparently there's only going to be one narrative. it's almost like governments that you know these days, there's only one hour and see if they can allow you to discuss. but don't ever talk about the other side. i mean that we do, we just showed some comments from the white house press people for spokespeople saying, all you know, america, but we're, we're a little bit concerned about this. so it goes out, is there a law, of course america always considering yourself the, the best you and the beacon of all free speech in the world. and yet this channel uh tnt. the national was behind in america and a number of other european countries as well. i mean, you know, after america and the, you, you know, looking at the international of the airwaves. i mean, how can they consider themselves to be the best you and,
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and defend or press freedoms around the world when they just kind of pick and choose who they want to shut down. and this is part of the time, any dive on. the 1st thing a day, the tide on does no money and i will move the ease of cost to create another to you do is suppose they what they, they tie it on the h instead for l sale ones. so way it's definitely the bottom task. i mean, i just want everybody to remember that before the master to a bicycle, possibly on the, on the 7th, a thousands and thousands. so phase 80 citizens went to the sweets in both test against the attempt. so they, that the ultimate then yeah, i was government, a 210 east of that into what the, i see as a full fledged fashions executive shape. and obviously, 3 a we can see that this cool a, that the government tried to carry out
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a by so called judicial to get full a before the boss. okay. he goes on the, on the smoke screen of the, of the world and also free to us from the very beginning. and it goes on to lead me . it's a the media and to create indeed those you just, me said lot of the g to may not up to you. that's the very same reason that the, you probably know in the, i suppose the back of the view is to that the, the can is that it say let's try to. ready reach me because i is in the 2 boys side against the wall. i emphasize just today, if you send up again in the atlanta, we got a day destruction in that store, etc. at the outset, on god's out egypt and energy to make that must be stopped. a, in the hostages, these audio, such as well dying in the ends, they'll come, us must be a beast. and the market is his name offensive. for most of these,
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let the government that doesn't do anything, neither to release the is a the suggestion, of course, no. to soberly budget, the blood shipping goes out. and the can i say it's a and then many members of the mo, most members of the class, that's what they're doing. did you meet for saying that? so you can see that the silent seeing the you'll call it that not in our up to you will say, oh or not deal with the voice a. yeah, i've danced constantly by the government to silence us, but the show we will that they won't succeed. well, you know, it's interesting, it's may what, why would you try and silence opposition voices and less. those who are trying to do the side and saying a very aware of their own guilt, therefore they don't want anyone else talking about all the bad things that are, you know, people like to talk about israel being the, i need to more because the, in the middle east look at where we are today with the member of the is really part
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of an overcast. see if it's been a real pleasure talking to you. thank you very much for joining. thank you very much. have a good evening, didn't you? well meanwhile, iran that has reacted with your age. the latest is railey attack on its contents so that this is syria resulting of the desk of the team. people including some high ranking offices, strikes against the diplomatic premises, violate the geneva conventions. and i wouldn't say to describe the scale of devastation, of what kind of i didn't know what happened. one moment i was standing on the sidewalk and the next i found myself on the opposite one. i thought i was hallucinating. i didn't know what to do, but not every time i become a little optimistic and think things are ok. i find that things are growing significantly worse. we've never seen entire buildings collapse and homes exploding a building, collapsing on it. civilian inhabitants, it's a lot. it runs that president has about to take action against israel following this attack. he has also said that this such an escalation like this will not go
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unpunished. once again in a terrorist crime and in gross violation of international regulations, the dirty hands of design, this regime have been stained with the blood of generals and officers of our country. design history team has put blind assassinations on its agenda, but it should know that it will never achieve its sinister goals with such in humane measures. this cowardly crime will not go on, answered the phone. his infuriated by these were the air strike on monday that i killed 2 high ranking r t. c generals and 5 officers at its consulate and syria. among them was a burglar general, how much was all heavy, a senior commander in the least awards for so these womic revolution, gar score, which is of course the for an operation arm of the r g c. so he was one of the longest serving members of the r g c. he 1st joined the forces in 1980 during the
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iran iraq war, when he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and rapidly assigned that the ranks of just 20. he was leading a battalion of soldiers and b h here iran, iraq war and 2005. he got his 1st high ranking position and as the commander of b i r g, c's, ground for she later became the head of the thoughts force and syria and lebanon. so have you reported we played a pivotal role in coordinating with his ball law and other pro. iranian miller shows, in lebanon and syria, which led to the stop, which meant all, once we know today as the access of resistance that's engaged in fighting israel and attacking us bases were simply meant the gaza war. so it's safe to say that he was a heavy weight, military figure, not only for one, but for the whole resistance acts as many describe him as the highest ranking iranian general to be killed since that he was assassinated. a general hospital
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imani, backend 2020. now, while it was mission to the united nations has labeled incident as a terror attack, a wave of condemnation has also poured in from across the world, calling these way the attack, a breach of international law to china condemns the attack on the, in, on an embassy and see the, the security of people medic, institutions can all be violated and serious solvency, independence, and tutorial integrity should be respected. the current situation in the middle east has turbulence, and we oppose any options that lead to an escalation of tensions. the government of guitar completely rejects the targeting of diplomatic and consular emissions and states its firm position and rejecting violence and terrorism regardless of its motives and reasons. the attack is an unacceptable violation of the sovereignty of syria and undermines its stability and security. the irresponsible act of the is really forces is
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a major escalation in an already volatile region. the head of the russian for an intelligence surface has also called these radiate attack on the iranian consulate, an ugly and criminal step, the russian foreign ministry has also condemned this. right. and now moscow has called for a un security council meeting on the issue upon or was request which is to take place. later on tuesday, everyone has also place the blame, mainly on washington, saying that the was full and on wavering support for israel has led to quote, is wells insulins in overstepping all international conventions after the attack, the iranian foreign ministry summoned a swiss embassy official who represents washington intertwined. during the meeting, it runs a foreign minister wholesale. i mean, the young said that the us as a supporter of israel must be held accountable for this latest incident. however,
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washington has reportedly denied its involvement. indeed that i can set that up. i didn't, didn't have any information it was going to happen in general. so have you had been on till of eve's head list for a long time and the idea fused? any opportunity to take down the top i r g c commander. of course, it's not the 1st time as well has targeted iranian military advisors and syria. back in january 5, all our team members lost the lives in any way the air raid on it residential building and serious capital, damascus. one been responded by targeting a most sides center in your box, curtis down region now as tensions escalate. this time 2 to one is us speaking about a harsh retaliation against this latest is really strike, which has raised fears out of the cycle of violence would intensify across the whole middle east. but not following the attack of hundreds of protests. it's got that outside, they are full. my. it's really embassy forma is riley embassy. by the way. that's
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in the iranian the, yeah, they're angry. demonstrate is seen burning is really an american flags. and basically all these people here at the bonding retaliation for this is riley strike . so a big, what about israel has always had a barbaric character. but its action tonight was more than that. it's action question, diplomacy itself. it was aggression on iranian territory. the building next to the embassy was part of the embassy. it was an in human and barbaric action. since israel has directly attacked this time, in other words, it has declared war. our response should be public and clear. this must be reviewed with strategic forbearance. if israel finds the courage to attack iran directly, it must be destroyed a lot. meanwhile, that following the syria strike,
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israel then came out and all of a sudden and threatened daily attacks on it's on the same every day. we gain further evidence that we find ourselves in a multi front war that is both offensively and defensively. we see evidence of this every day, including over the last few days. we operate everywhere every day in order to prevent our enemies from gaining strength. and in order to make it clear to anyone who acts against us all over the middle east, that the price for action against israel will be a heavy one. for my us marine corps intel office that's called rest a here. he believes us action is riley attack, can only mean to tell him he was actually looking for a serious escalation the 1st well, israel has been striking targets in syria for some time. now for the purpose of interdicting your ronnie and capabilities in syria. and so to have
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such a senior, a rainy and revolutionary guard commander in syria up together with, you know, a country of other persons in one place was i think just too tempting of a target for israel. and the fact that they chose to strike a building that is protected under diplomatic convention shows that is real. i'm no longer cares about the rule of law about international law. and this brings us to the deal. i think there ultimate motive, benjamin danielle, who understands that he is only viable as a leader of israel, so long as he is in war. he's a wartime leader right now. the moment the current conflict stops, he loses his ability to stay in power. he will be removed from power. we're looking at a situation where israel is under tremendous pressure to try and wrap up the,
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the, the, the conflict and gaza, away from us. and israel is looking to expand at least benjamin netanyahu, whose government is looking to expand this conflict. and therefore, is taking the extraordinarily bold and your responsible actions in hopes that iran will try, you know, find its way to carry out actions. that could be your be, get a larger complex. so i think this is part and parcel. the broader is really strategy of expanding the scope and scale of the conflict in the region. lot in my food inside is a russia well tracked down the mazda mind behind the recent terrorist attack on impact concept hold here in moscow. the president's comments came during a speech to top officials from russia's interior administrative, a little thing, even usually today, internal and external threats are often intertwined and are directed against our citizens and society to undermine our sovereignty. the main goal of the terrorists
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and their employers was above all, to so discord and panic, strife, and hatred in our country to divide russia from within. we will not allow this to happen. it is important to identify not only the perpetrators, but also all the links in the criminal chain, the ultimate beneficiaries of this atrocity. we will certainly get to them any information is easily bought and sold. so we will get to those who ordered the terrorist attack. a saw the comprehensive, the trust by side of met boots and to representative of the ministry of internal affairs. now with this department, which is currently investigating the terror attack of the 22nd of march at crow coast city hole, which we know gone men of boston and ultimately took the lives of 144 innocent civilians. now the main point from the russian, nita will get those who physic can you commit to be a trustee,
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but also those who own to that where they all did hit oriented a boat. now to that, and he outlined a number of steps that need to be taken, not just 1st and foremost, to protect public spaces in transport, but also to secure the board as as a whole. now about dogs intrude, re evaluating the entire current migration system, and streamlining and electron not using it west suits point. talking specifically about him and puts that about the volume metric data to ensure that anyone who wishes russians home comp be allowed to slip through the net. now i'm one point that i'm a put in was very, very clear. those who commission to this attack, well, ultimately counting on it triggering a wave of on to migrant. on his number started back sentiment on cementing tales and division. he highlighted how crucial it was that that goal was not to cheat.
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you know, when we talk about russia an enormous territory encompassing 11 times, as i do think we can underestimate how important unity is when it comes to the survival of a nation on survival. not in my boots and said, is some things that russia has excelled up despite various attempts by numerous act as throughout history to bring about its collapse people. which is, why should someone, once revenge for the failures in the fight against russia, back in historical periods for the unsuccessful campaigns of hitler against russia, napoleon and the like. and someone wants to strive to maintain their gemini in today's rapidly changing world, including at our expense, naturally huge territories, human resources, natural resources, and so on. to do this, including at the expense of russia after it's possible fragmentation. but apparently, someone considered our country a weak link the wrong. and in my opinion,
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many have already realized that they are wrong. this has never happened. no one has succeeded. it will not happen. and no one will be able to do it. but undoubtedly the focus that was not just on tweaking on amending the current migration system to ensure. but what we saw on the 22nd of march, we will never see again spike in a hate crimes against hindus across america has prompted a group of indian american members of the us congress to demand action from the department of justice. but also they're asking the f b i or a tax on monday years from new york to california have contributed to increased collective anxiety among him. do americans, leaders from these impacted communities have expressed there are unfortunately no leads on suspects, leaving money to continue to live in fear and intimidation are commune.


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