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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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these disagreements with us has come up with the headlines on how to international iran vials, retaliation against the israel. after it struck the turnarounds constituted in syria and killing several ty, writing office, the scenes of anger boiling over on the streets of the tear on it's over. the comes to the fact is crowds chunk the anti western slogans. and basically, american slides to show up in israel acknowledges killing 7 aid workers including 6 foreign nationals who are simply delivering food in gaza . someone who wants to strive to maintain the gemini in today's rapidly
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changing world, including at our expense, this has never happened. no one has succeeded, it will not happen, and no one will be able to do a lot of improvement. says all the time is by far in states. so we kind of russia will fail. he was addressing the interior administrate, where we also filed to track down those behind the recent tower with type in the drive worldwide from las go with your top storage front and center. but we're also monitoring a un security council right now in new york. it's a meeting cold by russia, of israel's region to attack on the iranian consulate complex in syria. but for now, in the program, iran is reacting it with fear. rage of the latest is riley attack on his concept of complex and syria. so teen people killed, including high ranking officers,
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stripes against diplomatic purposes, by the way, violate the vienna conventions. now i witnessed, it describes the scale of the devastation. i was like, i didn't know what happened. one moment i was standing on the sidewalk and the next i found myself on the opposite one. i thought i was hallucinating. i didn't know what to do, but not every time i become a little optimistic and think things are ok. i find that things are growing significantly worse. we've never seen entire buildings collapse and homes exploding a building, collapsing on it. civilian inhabitants, it's a loss, runs president his valve to take action against the israel following the attack. he said such an escalation will not go unpunished. once again in a terrorist crime and in the gross violation of international regulations, the dirty hands of design, this regime have been stained with the blood of generals and officers of our country design. his resume has put blind assassinations on its agenda,
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but it should know that it will never achieve its sinister goals with such in humane measures. this cowardly crime will not go on, answered if one is infuriated by these were the air strike on monday that i killed 2 high ranking r t. c generals and 5 officers at its consulate and syria. among them was a burglar general. how much was all heavy, a senior commander in the least awards for so these womic revolution, gar score, which is of course, the, for an operation arm of the r g c. so he was one of the longest serving members of the r g c. he 1st joined the forces in 1980 during the iran iraq war when he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and rapidly as son did the ranks of just 20. he was leading a battalion of soldiers and b h, your iran, iraq war, and 2005. he got his 1st high ranking position and as the commander of the i r g, c's ground for she later became the head of the thoughts force and syria and
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lebanon. so have you reported we played a pivotal role in coordinating with his ball law and other pro, iranian miller shows in lebanon and syria, which led to these comp, which meant all, once we know today as the access of resistance that's engaged in fighting as well. and attacking us spaces were simply meant the gaza war. so it's safe to say that he was a heavy wage military figure, not only for a one, but for the whole resistance acts as many describe him as the highest ranking iranian general to be killed. since that he was assassinated, a general hospital imani backend 2020. now while it was mission to the united nations, has labeled the incident as a terror attack. a wave of condemnation has also a port in from across the world, calling these way the attack a breach of international law. to vote. china condemns the attack on the, in,
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on an embassy and see the, the security of people medic. institutions can all be violated and serious solvency, independence, and tutorial integrity should be respected. the current situation in the middle east as turbulence, and we oppose any options that lead to an escalation of tensions. the government of guitar completely rejects the targeting of diplomatic and consular emissions and states its firm position and rejecting violence and terrorism regardless of its motives and reasons. the attack is an unacceptable violation of the sovereignty of syria and undermines its stability and security. the irresponsible act of the is really forces is a major escalation in an already volatile region. the head of the russian for an intelligence surface has also called these radiate attack on the iranian consulate, an ugly and criminal step, the russian foreign ministry has also condemned this rank. and now moscow has called for a un security council meeting on the issue upon air was request,
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which is to take place later on tuesday. everyone has also place the blame, mainly on washington, saying that the was full and on wavering support for israel has led to quote, is wells insulins in overstepping all international conventions after the attack. the iranian foreign ministry summoned a swiss embassy official, who represents washington into juan during the meeting, it runs a foreign minister wholesale. i mean the onset that the us as a supporter of israel must be held accountable for this latest incident. however, washington has reportedly denied its involvement in the 2nd said that i didn't didn't have any information it was going to happen in general. so have you had been on till of eve's head list for a long time and the idea fused? any opportunity to take down the top i r g c commander of course. it's not the 1st time as well has targeted iranian military advisors and syria. back in january 5,
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all our team members lost their lives in and he's ready air raid on a residential building and syria's capital damascus. one been responded by targeting a most side center in your box, curtis down region now as tensions escalate. this 5 to, to one is us speaking about a harsh retaliation against this lee. this is really strike, which has raised fears out of the cycle of violence would intensify across the whole middle east. that's across live, back to new york in the un security council. now with the iran you and a representative speaking in the wake of v as railey stripe on the a ronnie and come to the complex any serious g for he is briefing what i'm president. yes sir. the v urgency notified the secret the accounts of members of yet another flagrant violation of international law committed by these really regime within syria territory. as reflected in our letter on 1st
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182024 hour diplomatic premises in damascus came under theresa tax carried out by these are in the region 7. we saw that every store ex friend it occupied, going on heart is specifically and intentionally targeted the diplomatic premises of iran, including the consular section building on that. and by so there's this, it is tragically, these heinous attacks resulted in a marked him of 7 iranian personality. including senior military advisors and some others were injure, alongside the complete destruction of the counselor building the embassies administrative parcels. so suffered significant damage due to the exclusion. the final and accurate this tool remains on certain of the entire diplomatic permits has been destroyed within individual draft on the during the president. there's one group of never be wrong, strongly condemns decent, murphy, crimes and quarterly terms. the tax is really redeem committed the flagrant
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violation of the united nations charter international and the sovereignty independence and tutorial intake with the of the steven republic. the crime committed this 30 by these are in the regime goes beyond near creamy knowledge. he either represents it for phones of from to the shirt principal of the international community, namely the invite, your ability of representatives and diplomatic and consider premises. this principle is a cornerstone at palm beach. international relations are built, universally recognized, and also these crime brucely breeches, the fundamental principle of diplomatic and consular immunity. a flagrant violated the 1961 convention on diplomatic relations. the 1963 and a convention i'm confident relations and the convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally protective persons, including diplomatic agents of 1973. when i'm president, the security council has consistently united in on equity will come to
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a nation of the wireless assaults on indices and consider premises of numbers states. the security council. you have always reaffirmed that such a reprehensible acts, regardless of will to or perpetrator are on justifiable, or even the grave repercussions of this represent single act. these could escalate pensions in the region and potentially a spark fair to conflict involving other nations. you call them disagree with the counseling to be him only come come them this on just before criminal act enters attack by them. presidents, it's not increase the key or that is read on the going to stabilize an irresponsible actions. and it's what it is against the nations in region are a real threat to regional and international peace and security. these redeem has consistently demonstrated disregard for international law. the un charter and humanitarian and human rights principles is religion. the eyes of us to
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escalate perfect to 8, the conflict, one rating accountability. it did not the red line to kill civilians and even use the starvation as in this of the warfare. it is primary concern is on a low food, a use of force to advance east or part type policies, ethnic cleansing, genocidal acts and military objectives in gaz that at own costs. these far, the repeated calls from council members easily continues in a atrocious and genocidal acts against the december defenseless people of java. despite international pressure and un security council resolutions calling for assist for your israel has the forward. these are the lucian's, rather it's focus remains on commuting more atrocious, twines showing no regard for international legal obligations just to day these redeem up the raging cables. the board sense on age were closing. gazda,
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as the under stick with the general highlighted david, the heroes she avoid trying to see disturbing people. regrettably, the absence of accountability and the counselors in action has only encourage and even involved in this region to continue it's violation unchecked. it is a hard time for disagree with the council to shoulder is responsibility and address the re, a threat to international peace and security. the security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to these reasons. reckless defiance arrogance and enforceable measures must be taken to compel this region to uphold is obligations. but i'm president, is nomic republicans either on has exercise considerable restraint, but it is imperative to acknowledge that there are limits to search for veterans. the occupying routine must bear full responsibility for its consequences. your own reserves is lead you to me done in her as why. on the international law and the
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united nations charter to take a decisive response to such recipients of an x. what i'm president, the representative of the united states and united kingdom, once again, try to deny its responsibility for the current situation in syria, a broad, the region by slow sea blaming you are on your, on the storing the rejects these allegations you are on. he's never speaking to contribute to the spillover of the conflict in the region, nor does it to escalate or esper the pension to the entire region. despite expressing concern over this below, over the up, the pensions and the region, the united states, tries to misuse the situation through the civilized, syria and the region. the united states is responsible for all crimes committed by these are the origin, the savage engine aside asking yeah, that could not be happens without explicit consent and comprehensive political, financial, or military support. as the last part of the sheep from the united states, i ran
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a lead. the united states talks too much about protecting civilian guys. i'm also express is concerned about the violation of human utility and law. at the same time, it has blocked the secret, the counselor for over 6 months from taking urgent and appropriate action to stop the war in gaza. if the u. s. genuinely cares about civilian are going on or pulls him and if you have any international, it should refrain from blaming you wrong instead comfortably is when you're ready to implemented the un security council resolution calling for is this for you more than president above the united kingdom allegations instead of deflecting blame onto others, the u. k. should face up to its mistakes and rectify is detrimental policies that have adversely affected the people of the region to the longest timing suffering of the palestinian people are assisting for over 7 decades. can be traced back directly to the colonial policies of the united kingdom or thank you. i find the
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representative of the sonic republic of iran and plus if louis is representative soon, i republic should see the thank you, not the president at the outset. i would like to congratulate you on presiding over the security council during the month of april. i would also like to find your predecessor, the permanent representative of japan on their team for the successful come to, to the costs of business. over the past month, my delegation would also like to express signs to the delegations of the russian federation and china for the effort to convene this emergency meeting of a security council. madame presidents in yet another episode in a spring is, is really a tax against my country, syria at about 5 o'clock damascus time. yes.
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today, the fast is april. the is ready to occupation forces in broad daylight have launched a barbaric rockets, aggression from the direction of the occupied syrian gold on a target to the building of the consulate of a ronnie in the mess the neighborhood of the syrian capital damascus. this barbaric aggression led to the destruction of the entire premises, the multitude an injury of all those inside, including syrians and iranians. in addition to a number of passes by in that area, the targeted ring and consulate building is located in a densely populated area. it's full of civilians. these just a few meters away from the headquarters of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations including the world food program. that in addition to
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a private hospital faculties affiliated with damascus university and the number of private dice and companies. this vital area is crossed by thousands of civilians on daily basis as it is an essential boot. eliciting some of those civilians have suffered severe injuries because of this terrorist aggression which constitutes a dangerous precedent. it is a grave violation of international conventions and knows that guarantee the protection and in unity of diplomatic promises and personnel, the position of any attacks against them, including viviana conventions on the, to not take counselor relations on the convention, on the prevention and punishment of internationally protected persons, including diplomatic personnel,
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mother and presidents, over the past few days, these are hysterical as radio attacks have also effected civilian buildings and installations and who are damascus. and if you area is it during the lat pole in difference or this resulted in the death and injury of a number of civilians, engine, military personnel. in addition to the material damage to public and private property . this comes in flagrant violation of international law, international humanitarian law, on the principles purposes of the united nations. these attacks coincided with attacks launched by terrorist groups and organizations activity move western syria. they used roles against civilians in the city of a level and really left home. the is rainy attacks.
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also coincided wave terrorist attacks carried out by the terrorist organization dash in the eastern areas of the country. this reaffirms the existing, an ongoing call the nation distribution and roles between the as right occupational parties, other terrorist proxies. madam president, and that's what of the is lady occupation authorities would love to have committed this aggression against a protected diplomatic headquarters. protected under international law for an aggression against any other civilian objects, such as airports, ford, so residential neighborhoods had it not been for the blind support of the united states. the latter has provided them for decades with an end brown law, sponsorship and community. this enabled them to complete the most use atrocities
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the most recent of which is the genocide and the brutal crimes committed against the palestinian people. for nearly 6 months, the more over the us administration rushed to the claims that the full resolution $2728.00 is not binding and does not impose any new commitments this to absolve as well. for me to implementation, i'm cementing the ceasefire and it was a blatant disregard for the block should have more than circular resources, houses, and civilian palestinians during the home. and you set it up for i repeat 33000 most of them women and children. and so this in addition to move in 173, sean watched him officially and, and so dozens of others from and so he, military and organizations we have listened today to the is really targeting that to most of the children you, 7 months people working in an
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n g o in garza and the need to know much. and this is a matter that our represented to our other representative u. s. failed to come down and looked at the as really, aggression also led to the beginning of a number of journalists in addition to the destruction of thousands of residential buildings, places of worship, house and educational facilities, including the u. n. promises some of my country, the syria that holds the war criminals of the as ready, occupational government, and the partners in the united states administration. fully responsible for these attacks on the repercussions on regional and international peace and security month, because they are also responsible for pushing the region to unprecedented levels of escalation, instability. but the strategy is here yet warns the from any continued to finally was policy of such attacks,
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syria calls on the united nations. so to shoulder its primary responsibility in condemning the repeated as raging attack. some of the u. n. muscle act immediately to pretend and such. attacks prevent the recurrence, hold their perpetrators, countable, careful, and ensure that the deluxe should go unpunished. and the serious trust is the video of the accuracy counsel to fulfill its responsibilities. due to the obstructive role of the united states undermines the system of collective security and which is our organization, the united nation. one of the town to this leads member stage of the leave that is used to is to rely on the power of international law or international, legit and susan to regain our rights. to conclude mister president, the syrian arabic public, a subs that these attacks will not be deterred from each national choices or 8
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positions in support of the right to the palestinian people to self determination. the establishment of their independence takes withdrew to them as its capital. we will also continue our endeavors to re cover the occupies here in golan in full up to the line of a 4th of june of 1967. we will let the right of o tara bar territory for from that illegal military presence and a proxies from terrorist organizations. 6, you are the, by the international law. thank you my, the president, i for the life comments where you write that from the un security council, of course, in new york, that was the syria, any representative speaking that missed the bus. i'll stop by a basically talking in the wake of this is ready strike against the iranian concert a complex in damascus. 2 mr. alice about describing it as yet. another is riley attack against mike country, syria in broad daylight. he says, israel targeted the iranian,
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the cost of that in the capital damascus. this spot barrick tied cuz he described it killed and injured a mix of people and the officials at the target, a building rest and a densely civilian pumps into the area as a vital area. chris crossed by thousands of civilians every day. he asks, how can a diplomat like premises be talking to any attack? it's a violation of rhianna conventions and also international and humanitarian laure. mr. also by saying these attacks actually coincide with terrorist attacks in northern syria. in fact, as resolves hvac says, it appears as well as timing is attacks in syria in coordination with various terrorist groups operating in the north. there's also a box as the un must condemn these as riley attacks, and dom on old guilty policies be held to account those comments. so i'll continue right now as we speak at a t dot com. now following the attack,
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hundreds of protesters are gathered outside the full by is riley embassy in tyrone and have a look. the guy who's been seen burning is really an american slide, as iranians on demanding retaliation with a strike. so either way about israel has always had a barbaric character, but its action tonight was more than that. it's action question, diplomacy itself. it was aggression on iranian territory. the building next to the embassy was part of the embassy. it was an inhuman and barbaric action. since israel has directly attacked this time, in other words, it has declared war. our response should be public and clear. this must be reviewed with strategic forbearance. if israel finds the courage to attack iran directly, it must be destroyed. meanwhile,
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follow in this area strike. israel threatened daily attack on its enemies, a buffalo named same every day. we gain further evidence that we find ourselves in a multi front war that is both offensively and defensively. we see evidence of this every day, including over the last few days. we operate everywhere every day in order to prevent our enemies from gaining strength. and in order to make it clear to anyone who acts against us all over the middle east, that the price for action against israel will be a heavy one. will come a tree from full us marine corps and tell officer scott the 1st well, israel has been striking targets in syria for some time. now for the purpose of interdicting your ronnie and capabilities in syria. and so to have such a senior, a rainy and revolutionary guard commander in syria up together with, you know,
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a country of other persons in one place was i think just too tempting of a target for israel. and the fact that they chose to strike a building that is protected under diplomatic convention shows that is real. i'm no longer cares about the rule of law about international law. and this brings us to the deal. i think they're ultimate motive, benjamin danielle, who understands that he is only viable as a leader of israel, so long as he is in war. he's a wartime leader right now. the moment the current conflict stops, he loses his ability to stay in power. he will be removed from bower. we're looking at a situation where israel is under tremendous pressure to try and wrap up the, the, the, the conflict and gaza, away from us. and israel is looking to expand to lease benjamin netanyahu. his government is looking to expand his conflict and therefore is taking the
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extraordinarily bold and irresponsible actions in hopes that iran will try, you know, find its way to carry out actions that could be your be get a larger complex. so i think this is part and parcel. the broader is really strategy of expanding the scope and scale of the conflict in the region. and it's really striking. central. gaza killed a number of foreign humanitarian workers, a warning, disturbing images coming your way. a for all of the victims were from a non profit organization, polish british irish fatalities. the idea says it was invested in old. unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the gaza strip. it happens in war, we are checking it to the end. we are in contact with the governments, and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again. it's really
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prime minister just at the method. it was ideas, unintentional strike, that's killed. the aid workers and international body says the 2 vehicles that carried its employees that had the logo or of the organization on were hate. while they were leaving the left warehouse on the gas on coast where the team had just unloaded more than $100.00 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to the palace student and clave through them every time ruth, that's according to seal. the incident happened in the area where the u. s. is planning to build the ports to bring the humanitarian aid to the street from the sea. and there wasn't a common sense to r t. earlier on tuesday, the charity said it was devastated dressing. that's humanitarian workers should never be targeted. adding that the organization postponed all operations in the guys as 3 at this moment here is what's the organization's found or posted earlier
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in the world. central kitchen. last several of our sisters and brothers in an id, a striking garza, i am hot, broken and grieving for their families and friends in a whole w. c. k. family. these are people angels. i served alongside in ukraine, garza, turkey, and morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless, they are not nameless. these riley government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers and stopped using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost peace thoughts with all shed humanity. it needs to stop now. it has been international reaction to this deadly incident as those killed were citizens of different states. here is what we hear from the u. k . and australia. british nationals are reported to have been killed. it is essential that humanitarian workers are protected and able to carry out their work . we have called on the east realtor immediately investigating provide a full transparent explanation of what happened the si size.


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