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tv   Documentary  RT  April 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the payroll and syria come up fighting of the un security council saying us is stirring up tensions in the middle east by staying blind to as well as crimes with the russian envoy echo in this message. see new stuff to see you as always has 1st hand information on any master. look how amazing it is. this time. washington still has no confirmed information about the strike on the radio comes to the general pods and believe revise retaliation against this relo straight structure runs close fillets in syria, killing several high ranking offices as well. acknowledges killing
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7 age workers, including 6 foreign nationals who are helping deliver food gain garza and someone wants to strive to maintain their had gemini in today's rapidly changing world, including at our expense. this has never happened. no one has succeeded. it will not happen. and no one will be able to do it. log may, a person says all attempts by far in space to weaken. russia will fail. he was addressing the interior ministry where he's also invited to track down those behind the recent terrorist attacks in most cases. well, those are your top headlines, this our hey, on off the international, a full and user on coming up your way. the top of the next out until then is all to document tree will correspondence. the price called
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the, the, the, the, the, which may, you know, the more the 2 men pool. so that was some of the formulas says function as are in
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a couple of our choices. i really don't because of the beauties of problems on the peer review. so this, the new scores as to where you live least of school needs to sort of in, you know, if it gets too much notice cuz it slips told me that the weight in the
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the or the . so this is done by cities such as the light
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getting ready to do be safe for us to see some excuse the cool did you have enough lead soon to see some of the for the new was that the machine i so would have to use just one in the associated us the put the new last name or the williams and he was speaking my own jump wasn't much and appreciate it. so there are some folks to any states. and i think the cable guy, that's cool,
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that the problem was pushing go to the shoes. so it was in the lady. all kinds of stories for you to close. and you mean you asked me? i thought i was looking to feel comfortable with them. well no, i'm so so so what, what somebody's by see recently just a name is a boy mislead. yeah. found a couple ways just much better us. do you think you might have the minds of things
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to resist each of the statements or as you said, somebody to the civil mo usually will force which is the delivery of the police at the us. and we just sold one of them, that has to most of that mean the, the total,
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the 2 forms, critically greet you, if you and if it's easier for, from us it is, it's what was the sauce and we, what can you see? and you probably want to see it almost all subsidy all and you're supposed to do the repairs. it's so amazing. it was, it's so slow. so you slips up the. busy studio is ball going up the road, so yours was the portion, but if you have any, a full set of left has a bunch of categories confused to the game. so associate what say about this. give me see if there was a tory or assist configure upstream already and a half uh, not security to you at the cuz so in the business, not sure of us to move each to figure out. it looks, it was just my system issue. i'm sure you saw through as to how you be able to deal with them with us or shame using the
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the telling of a bundle actually the the, the, the language give a this to the full, the middle, the, i'm a pull the audio, the beautiful that always here with that, many of the nadine have seen ask a cool whether it was c or the id. then i was putting up a sunny your home all kind of a pass through amount to not to see about the time that you to how in the to come or a to him. but you can say, are you seeing them as an as well what i'm at 5. yeah. honestly that some of you have honest, i've had that and just as a whole kind of stuff you you haven't used as well or
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not. and these consisting of because of the, the, the message from the, from this was beautiful h at it come to what the x i, jeremy, is that their store the yes or use on your units are going to the email a series q, sorry, i thought we i mean, to do the series, good surface punch, the specific model at all falls. okay. if i can talk to nick and i the load before the suit, only bloomed us then. oh, if it doesn't, let's just do it. but it's still a snowball stumble showed no more than just naples, say something. but then if you come to my use, klein, you 1st and you lost them,
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you can move the cobra the i was. yeah. hello, marlene kia misquoted lots of data requests. boy, and i see both of us was let's go a couple of quotes that have come up. system costs a little slow. think lou lou, the ritual. the, the this is the sound really crazy with the both of the good. well, let's go. this was the,
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the, the, to the newest addition value of wells fargo will have the you see whether it's mostly slower, each painting or. yeah, because it's in the way you wait on me. most nobody likes to renew the girls who are forced to show us. and it comes to deal with cuz affinity swain
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way too. so with this level, the boost will do that. did you get the rehab as soon as you go? i don't want me to you or something, but what says here, let's go back to stuff that we built. i think he said, if i didn't do a believe, so assuming that you guys have just too busy. so unless you're available for places the see where i got super easy for us to function in what way for it will also make sure your voice that comes to your giving us a beautiful rest of the editor of. so i want you to share your thoughts. for me, just a simple is the middle
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of feature. all right, let's see, but please the seems to be doing if we can. okay, hold on one second here, which one? it was difficult to. michael b as in boy, a political based on seeing the company, the people who are part of the, of the of
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the, i don't have the most of the shania publicly and for the year salma last for
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the, the, the, the video. no. i think you just use julie most goes by points of some of
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the because these, these phone, well this is not, i mean it's been watching us will be the voice of your intestinal point. but you know what this measurements deform your feet, thomas post, get a name, a speech pathologist, and must be searching which is so you must, you have successfully see the story and then we'll do something with i will say, you know, 6 cool. it just, yes, yes, i mean, yet, from the brand the playbook we'll talk soon choose from the go. now
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things are we to funds or use or for, for the personal, particularly the for you the,
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the law. so you're familiar with some of these, but certainly should i have a federal case or somebody in it so that should resolve the
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issue of the the the somebody lives the guys do news, but the whole company type forget
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about the more expensive yeah sure. what the deal is another? well, it was the 3rd up school year that is cheaper. i'll do that though. so basically it's dish. hold on this phone with us ma'am. the inside the so think you know what you've got? that's the silver 30 you
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most do my you mean that's the way for me to find the store or what you here tomorrow. the sort of materials the the rule was that used to get a closing. well,
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let me pull some window and see what i hear from this. it shows that you fix your apartment. got 4 chairs within the hour, but most of that also drove all of the taxes to month. fee is for the most. ready for familiarity, when you're ready for those,
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are you still with a sports we use for you, sir? we will be best deal with the old one up by the chart idea busting uh decide on. uh well, i'm a liam in my system to fit in as medina about how to she will my oh see other than the of the what's the you do choose to me so, so when you say i'm watching was number 2, you might put me in touch with those a country which is where the course the show was a and i've had each to be research just like he'd seen. you. you say you come monday, so i hope you could throw in
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a separate letter that god bless the fitness i'm going to do. yes, i'm still always to mean mushroom. the c. c for the russian during this in this area of come under shel, fire in the north of look, talk the province of the r t crew including corresponding cost, red ones in the car with the tank miss saw exploded nearby bullshit because we deal with the because we can, we can stories or disease that some of them didn't buy it, them that i chose to mirror for that, but she knew not the least wish to stuff was a by itself,
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the booklet and how they'd like to have a ton of those. and that's the scene how you will be suggested by you who are able to go to the edge a fugitive door where it goes to school boots need. busy stores and we, we, so we school websites and the fear of them, which is always was the shift you table. so if you feel for 45, you can actually, if the district is going to ski, they've got to skip the team and you probably took this question yet. but technically, because i set the server as much as able to leave it that much to these decisions variables it no, he's be free to to correct the group associate. he said he's somebody jim, you hear about the status of, of who to the used to do they both with their systems used to work,
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but it's unique. would you most likely which so see what else to new or used when you use the model across the the with the discovery of the new world,
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at the end of the 15 center there appeared atlantics, slave grey. the slave traders from european countries started building for its on the western coast of the african continent to transport the african inhabitants to america, to be forced into hard labor. until the middle of the 17th century. portugal had laid the main role in this atrocious business. then great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for this fan of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to unbearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america, there were 5 who died while captured during transportation, and cruel obliteration of rebellion. this roof was the whole tre. practiced by the
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leading european countries, took away tens of millions of african lines. the organization of united nations classified the trends atlantics, the laved rate, as one of the greatest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. sees, is the biggest act of deportation, of people ever seen by mankind. the 57 percent of americans say the large number of migrants speaking to each of the country is one of the main reasons for the rise in crime in the country the sky. now here's an on this edition of for 60 views. we're going to look at the, a lot of action by the us government as the number of violent assaults on american citizens, and those who are supposed to protect them by does the legally residing in the


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