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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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being part of the unesco world heritage. intangible list best again the taiwan is struck bytes strongest, s break in 25 years, poofing buildings to collab. 9 people have reported dad and more than 800 injured rod and syria accusing us of complacency, to ease, rarely real privacy. following a debt based blank on the iranian calculate in damascus. washington refuses to acknowledge any responsibility on the matter. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus basically. but thank you. if it was your embassy and home sewage in the regional tanks, would you react to the same way? casual rules are based on the, in the old ways to evidence human rights watch a q. this process of complexity that 99 to 61 to and genocide as even easiest
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archive on the grid. and it's good to you on advisory, the hello the welcome to arch international reaching. you live from a new center in moscow. i a my cop what you. now we start with taiwan. at least 9 people have been reported killed in more than 800 aged. has the strongest f quake in a quarter of a century, hit the island eastern coast of the magnitude 7.7 quick and related travels course the massive launch lines and buildings have collapsed. the aftershocks are expected to continue. and the coming days i made concerns about possible, so now i'm the activities that have been rolling blackouts and the affected region . and then off here is that people have been shopped in the rubble of the last as wake of a similar magnitude in taiwan was reported in september 1999. and it costs 2400
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debts injured, about 100000 people and destroyed thousands of houses. it prompted authorities to drastically improve construction standards. to now we spoke with asia, joe political experts rose, find gold who personally witnessed to the card s great. he said that the severity of the impact was immediately clear from earthquakes. uh, they started out small and they got stronger. over the succeeding seconds. they started quite just started out strong and got stronger. and anyone with experience with earthquakes or who lives in a 3rd grade. so we'd know immediately that the earthquake was, was a very big one. very, very serious. so we're seeing report building collapses briggs or tiles falling off at the sides of buildings, land slides, keeping in mind that the center center of taiwan pretty much from the top to the bottom of the island is, is a very mountainous area. so a lot of images of a very large land slides are coming across. i was actually in my flat at the sides
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and uh, the window frame started to shake the, the curtains or shades started to shake violently. even in my plot, i have several things, fell off shelves onto the floor and i, i immediately ran to the doorway because the experts say it safer to be in a doorway because things like light fixtures or things on higher shelves might fall down. and similar to worry, the local news is reporting images of, of the school children, for example, being quickly ushered outside of the building into the athletics. you know, to, again choose to try and mitigate the risk that things would fall down and heard that it's now about 3 hours since the earthquake here. but we've had a lot of after shops over the past 3 hours. and some of the after shops are very, very strong as well. a leading semi conductor manufacturing company, t s m c, whose primary facilities are based in taiwan. which compels to seize operations and
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relocate employees to safe. so the ass, griggs impact are still being analyzed. in addition to endangering the lives and half of individuals, it may have resulted in defects to a large batch of items currently being processed before the lee the may about to around $60000000.00. as raging sadie was ready to provide relief efforts and of of assistance to taiwan after the greek local authorities said that they did not need aid from the main line. however, despite its on easy relations with by one, china is popularity in the broad the south east asian region is on the rise. a notable shift in sentiments china has experienced a surge in popularity among respondents from southeast asia climbing from 38.9 percent last year to 50.5 percent of this year. edging ahead to become the preferred alignment choice in the region. it's the straight thing when you put in the walk, but don't get the results. so shed a tear for washington,
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which is about in the last 12 months building up, the china book, human needs find phasing zone scary and off to send its neighbors running because its neighbors are real. a smoke volume to logs like those who stokes the corridors of the capital. so they see the us ramping up on supplies to taiwan. they see delegation off the delegation flying in, and they had president bite and promising the tune of american peace. so unlike ukraine to be clear, sir, us forces us men and women would defend taiwan in the event of a chinese invasion. yes. they know the blog post that would inevitably follow. they also know that china is options largest trading partner, beijing's investments in the region a growing year on. yes. but every single one of them is a beneficiary of the vote and vote initiative. so china's economic health is that
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economic health. the us targeting this lifeline by sloppy on the terrorists restricting access to might put chips and judging allies to sign onto the china take down. no, quite the winning strategy. and it's really not reassuring when the ideologues to show what length they'll go to, to kill off the competition. this is one of the interesting ideas, it's unplugged, floated out there for deterrence is just being very clear to the chinese that if you invade taiwan, we're going to blow up t s m c. i just throw that out. not because that's necessarily the strategy for the exam and then, and then of course the highest that i want to use really don't like this idea, right? calling up system says, if you do that, you have a to trillion dollar economic impact on the global economy within the 1st year, and you'd put manufacturing around the world at a standstill. i mean, this would be, this is a terrible idea. i'm not promoting the idea. i'm not promoting the idea. michelle
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is saying more, that's what i'm saying is these are some of the things that are actually actively being debated amongst us. yeah. months us policy makers, american foreign policy, is also failing to win out in a region with a large muslim population, which is horrified by washington's by king of israel to the last palestinian plus is 0 stop mentality one that's on roster will china fails to hit the mark among nations who are traditionally neutral have ties, including military ones that extend way box decades and still believe in diplomacy . the passion member states including the ceasing and fall, want to maintain good relations with both the us and basing don't make us drugs. we
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will refuse pictures. i don't work for amazing. i don't work for washington dc. i work for the philippines. so i'm on the side of the philippines and the 3 the time slates into a very simple statement of foreign policy, which is, and i promote the national interest, but peace is not a classic investment for the us military base. thought yes. well, in fact, while china has built bridges and railways, washington spent 2023 splashing the cache on yet more basis throughout the day on reach. and it's funny, isn't it? how rocking off in a neighborhood far, far, far away, it's threatening to stop bulls to blow up the global economy. and why daniel? things are heading up one to 4 and 9, eventually lose as you some good. well, the russia he ride and syria have jointly condemned the dead leaves, run the air strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. and i presented that
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conclusion to the un security castle rogers, envoy, i accused western powers of trying to cover up, potentially is ready. war crimes, and the attack of the diplomatic compound provoke cheated tensions during the un session. as the representative of the united states and united kingdom. once again, it's right to deny its responsibility for the current situation in syria. broad, the region by fall, see blaming your on your, on the strong, the rejects these allegations you are on, he's never speaking to contribute to the spillover of the conflict in the region, nor does it to escalate or esper, the pension to the entire region. despite expressing concern over this feel over the updated pensions and the region of the united states, it's rise to misuse the situation to destabilize, syria and the region. look to them on the as rarely occupation authorities would not have committed this aggression against
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a protected diplomatic headquarters. protected under international law. had it not been for the blind support of the united states to you and my country, syria holds the war criminals of the as rarely, occupation government and their partners in the united states administration. fully responsible for these attacks and their repercussions on regional and international peace and security shop and the meeting took place in the un security council chamber of the 15 member body leads. the united nations convened to discuss the recent attack carried out by israel that resulted in the death of 7 iranian officials, including a top general. now b u. n. meeting indicated clear differences as the united states and its allies. we would not condemn israel to action. so now russia was pretty harsh and it's words showing that what israel did was a flagrant violation of international law. however, the united states said it couldn't confirm where the attack took place,
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and that prompted a rather interesting exchange between the united states and russia. here's some of what we heard on the floor of the un security council meetings and wants to be clear us. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus. any confirmed attack on property? there was, in fact, a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states. so as you do see, see news and we listened attentively to the speeches of all western countries. i'm a once again struck by this say, this is a mind double standards cues from the level of balancing act. so it was difficult to understand why we're here until the representative for from say anything except for what if condemnation, the brand, nobody is ready. violation of international law, kona east, if it was your embassy of consulate in the regional tanks, would you react to the same way as your rules are based on an old is the evidence. the us always has 1st hand information on any master. look how amazing it is this
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time. washington still has no confirmed information about the strike on the rating and comes to the general, hard to believe and the speeches of the u. k. and the us that we're not hints, but direct references to the fact that a rom m, siri themselves were to blame for israel's attack on the radian comes to that, it's difficult to imagine. the grades and blasts were made. there was no need to call on others to de escalate and labeled a victim's help is attacked as aggressive in this context. any possible escalation of the situation will be entirely on your conscience. that was russia, referring specifically to the fact that france said that the entire situation was the fault of the rod that the strike took place in the context of an escalation that france says, was iran salt making iran responsible for the incident? it's also important to note that china spoke about how important it is not to
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attack diplomatic missions and consulates and china references an attack on its own diplomatic facility that took place 25 years a go. this is the representative of china to go to in the moon docs request something. so the 25 years ago, the chinese embassy in yugoslavia was hit by a us led nato air raid causing casualties and damage to personnel. we are deeply moved by the grief of the rainy and government and the people, and deeply sympathized with them. according to the vienna convention on foreign relations and the recognized basic principles of international relations. the security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated if we let this kind of act go without a bottom line and without consequences, we will all be guilty. the red line between international law and international relations has been broken again and again on the end of the tools, you know, there's a chance meeting in the un security council chamber as iran,
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it says it plans to retaliate against israel strikes that violated not only serious territorial or integrity, but also he had an iranian diplomatic facility. now at this point, so many are looking on the meeting and seeing clear differences as the united states, france and other nato countries would not, can doubt this action by israel, which many are noting the hypocrisy of when we hear so much from these western leaders about a so called rules based global order of the french delegation at the meeting actually tried to blame a ride and syria for the escalation. we discussed that was of just asians. with john list, donald lottery, he said the israel was pushing the us to join the war by instigating a great, a conflict in the middle east. there's no evidence that syria or a or a ran had anything to do with the october 7th attack. absolutely no evidence
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whatsoever. in fact, it ran has tried to reduce the level of hostility, according to, to american news outlets like the new york times. there's no interest on the part of syria or iran, i in whitening the war. uh so this is completely a red herring. the us has a that has 40 years of hostility towards the, towards the ran on its record. uh, the us launch the proxy war on syria that just devastated that country. uh, you know, sense in fact, you know, decades in terms of economic development, the us is extremely hostile that has bo loss. so therefore the is the us does not mind terribly. if israel terry's at a strike like us to western close countries are very closely are allied with the israel. they're not going to condemn is real there. that i think it's warns awesome . they are also hostile to a ran and so they are full and, and as well as syria,
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of course, is real, has every intention of whitening the war because the more the more assess so the more it draws the us into the cost. and that's what is really goal is the moscow has officially requested information from the us, germany, frauds in cyprus, a bother possible involvement. and the terrorist attacks against russia are doing no quarter his joining me now for details on this. don is good to have you join me now. what kind of request has the roster and the persecutors office made to those western countries? while legal requests to investigate finance, years of terrorism on russian soil had been sent out by the russian general prosecutor general's office to western nations. specifically the united nation, the united states, germany, france, and cyprus. according to the prosecutor general's office. the idea is to hold these
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countries to the anti terrorism international conventions that they have signed back in the 19 ninety's and in light of recent events may have been violated by western states. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings. and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. and the statement comes in it an increase in terrorist attacks on russian soil over the past several years. of course, the most recent tragedy being the crocus city hall massacre that took place late
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last month. it was carried out by as long as terrorist through tried to flee to ukraine after killing 145 people, including 6 children. now moscow is still investigating this, trying to get to the bottom of who is exactly behind this attack. and although key of has been pinned down as of now as a prime suspect, it's also starting to look like a number of western nations could be implicated a slow slow here as the ukrainian armed forces. a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace methods out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive pre arranged coverage by the western media in the direction they needed. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croakers city hall were financed by ukraine. also, it is known that the chief of regime is not independent,
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but it is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis. shows that while the crocus city hall massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since the beginning of russia's military operation. kia has launched to terrorist attacks on the crime in bridge and according to an article that was recently published by the guardian, citing ukrainian intelligence. these ukranian intelligence officials have said that at a 3rd attack is inevitable. of course, that article didn't mention that in the previous 2 ukrainian attacks on the bridge civilians were killed. as a result of that, then there is of course, the bombings of the north stream pipelines which are widely believed to have been the work of the united states. especially since the western lead investigation
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basically come out, came up with no results, but with russia now calling on western nations to abide by the international anti terrorism agreements that they've signed in the 19 ninety's. it looks like western nations they're gonna have to start putting their rule of law where their mouth is . all right, don't quote, a higher t for a split and thank you for bringing us up to speed there on this of the or let's press live now to remember all the european parliament for the alternative for germany party do not back. good, nice good to have you join me right now on the program. moscow has asked western countries to investigate terrorist attacks and russia. do you believe the west is likely to feel feel it's international obligations and actually conduct those investigations? well, what's the almost onset that is there? i mean, i should say, although i'm a lawyer, i have not had the time to review the legislation again in great detail to the
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extent to which it does impose a obligations to investigate a serious evidence. frankly speaking, i do think that's going to happen right now. moscow has officially requested information from the us, jeremy friends and cyprus, about their possible involvement in terrorist attacks against russia, including the sabotage of annoyed stream pipelines. why those countries specific? and if i may ask, do you think they'll respond? that's all as well. i think uh, let me just to recap. you mentioned the us, germany, where these are 2 obvious a country's germany because it's being affected in the us because it's might be a suspect to, to so may calibrate at cyprus. i don't have any information pointing towards the
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cypress, maybe as a center, a finance for this. and then i forgot the full country you mention draws from exactly. well, johnny and from soc tuesday cooperating. but again, the fridge connection isn't the, sofia's is very easily in europe. there's usually in europe that's happening in europe, which the french i'm also aware of the, have a big with determination service. but apart from that differentiable, that it's not as obvious, such as germany or the united states, but it's a different story with when it comes to a possible information. all right now, uh regarding the latest tara attack on the moscow concert hold, which killed 144 people at the u. s. has refused to allow any discussions about
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ukrainian involvement. and that's despite the russian investigators providing evidence of a direct view, corrina linked to the bloodshed. why is washington stonewalling? any inquiries about that, from your opinion? the government's us to go when they mean qualities all the time. and that usually happens if uh, these inquiries may possibly result in evidence or conclusions they do like. so if that is the case in general, i would expect it to be the case. yeah. now what do you think of ukraine stipend to the dog? a newspaper that it would attack roches bridge to cry, mia and the 1st half of this year? well, it's either bravado too, because ukraine finds themselves in
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a very difficult military position. oh, it's a stretch of the escalation. um yeah, i'm actually very worried to buy it. um this page is essential to russia. ukrainian. 8 said tom, destroying it, they were not directed, lee escalate the conflicts. it would also raise the question of western age to your great candidate section. now a bit previously that was also in the conversation by high ranking military officers from germany talking about attacking the crime in bridge. do you see any connections in these cases? well, since at talking about the same target, there's an obvious connection with the recent statements by
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ukraine, a, a directly connected to the job and discussions is another point. but yeah, and so far as u. k may not be able to carry odd session to take the sale of these raises the question of who may be aging ukraine. and i think the discussions of bonds, the job and generals has given us a very, very unfortunate from drum these case. very embarrassing point. uh, uh, in the direction of job. all right, let's try me in bridge. why is key of so obsessed with striking this bridge? well, i think that's ready to be easy to understand. it's a great technological feet. uh, it's a bike or a piece of infrastructure. its destruction,
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or even damage to the bridge will cause considerable reputation on the damage. a rush, i so it's an important symbol. and the final piece of infrastructure and this new port uh, simple tool because of course it provides a direct, a direct connection between crimea and the east on um, uh next, the copies of golf stuff on dog. all right, gonna back member all the european parliament for the old, tentative for the jeremy parties. thank you so much for your insight on this. the patients combine, right? the human rights watch says the process support for the government of rwanda had met the 1994 genocide was broke temperament, to direct participation in the war,
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the activist group. i'll be posted that the conclusion actually released all kinds about efforts to a lot of the international community to the atrocities and enduring lesson from the genocide is the international community's failure to take heed of the clear signs that preparations for mass atrocities were underway, including warnings, from human rights defenders who put their lives on the line to sound the alarm. despite the passage of time, victims deserve to see those responsible for genocide and other crimes arrested and prosecuted in fair and credible trials for years consent. so this has been that to major international actors, policy makers in the u. s. and the u. n. o. understood the gravity of the one to genocide to within the 1st 24 hours, even if they could not have predicted the mass of tools at the slow task would eventually take. but aside from that, there's also phones and the he didn't rolly played in the genus, not a press advisory by the human rights watch. arms project reiterates the january
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1994 reports conclusions, including that francis support to the government of rwanda was tantamount to direct participation in the war and calls on french troops deployed to rolanda as part of an evacuation force to be replaced with neutral forces from other countries globally, historians have spent the last few years poring over government archives to come out to cables and military falls. the conclusion for on this was not directly complicit in the one does mass killings, but french so far as he supported the violent and extreme as government. they were blind to its preparations for the mess. okay. i reacted to slowly to stop genocide . some argue that this means power was therefore, based over wandering responsibilities for the tragedy. something slats out to retreats through london crisis ended in disaster for rwanda and, and to feed for france. but as france complicit in the genocide of the tutsis, if this means a willingness to be associated with the genocidal enterprise and nothing in the
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archives consulted, proves that efforts to improve relations with the one that president and manual mcclung commission den investigation and opened the archives to the public of smoking gun was found proving differential villages direct involvement, the killers who stopped the swamps, the hills, the churches did not have the face of france. france was not going to companies, but some of those to survive the harbors of the genocide unconvinced, and were lift, disappointed by the french findings, even the very man who lived to the rebellion, but in the small town as regularly accused friends of complicity in the crimes 20 years later, the only thing you can say against the french in their eyes is they didn't do enough to save lives during the genocide. that's a fact, but it hides the main point, the direct role of belgium and france and the political preparation of the genocide and the participation of the letter. and it's very execution people. so came from this was not only involved in the vin spin passivity but actually enabled genocide
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to read support for the who to receive before during and after the killings between 19901994. it is to the one that was in the state of the economy, social and political turmoil. and that to the international community was reluctant to come to aid how it boxed. the complicity of this does not to the gate. the great responsibility of france was close partnership allowed to profit from arms deals and strategic positioning. what happened in one that was more than a crime. it was an event. so that seemed to mandatory i know of i to uganda now a top quartile, the east african nation has the power of an anti l. g b t loyal that ignited out rage among western powers. now the lowest stipulates live and present, been full quote, aggravated homeless sexuality, and that is considered a crime against the child or other vulnerable passings more than for the african countries prohibits.


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