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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  April 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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actually enabled genocide to read support for the who to receive before during and after the killings between 19901994. it is to the one that was in the state of the economy, social and political turmoil. and that to the international community was reluctant to come to a whole inbox. the complicity of this does not to the gates, the great responsibility of france was close populous, allowed it to profit from alms deals and strategic positioning. what happened in one that was more than a crime? it was an event, so that seemed to mandatory i know of i to uganda now a top quartile. the east african nation has the power of an anti l g b t load that ignited out rage among western powers. now the lowest stipulates live in present, been full quote, aggravated homeless sexuality. and that is considered a crime against the child or rather vulnerable passings. more than for the african countries prohibit same sex relations. the guy, those presidents as
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a western powers, are trying to force the non traditional culture until the african continent. it kind of pasta and pro family leader martin said boss says of the court's decision reflects the interest of the countries people. i was very grateful because this comes up to 20 years of struggle. i believe we started this struggle back in 2009 with the time of arrival pharma. when he used the american government as a bully pulpit to expand and push l g b, t on other nations. that's when we came up. but it's been a struggle since 2009 now, it was cancelled in 2014. but again, it would come back in 2023. and today in 2024. the constitutional court has a problem with very elated, very excited. the fact that the constitutional court with a 4 panel of 5 judges has come out and i'm
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a pre buckley spoke, and i'd say this law is consistent with our constitution. it does not violate our international obligation, and you've gone, does highest load it being the constitution. it says this little is a reflection about aspirations as operate guns. so in many ways we have been vindicated. in many ways, we feel that uganda is on the front line of demo straight into the rest of the world. but you can stand up against the rest of this european american western nations in the protection of your children. and you'll find that and that's the update now most to reset the top of the thanks for watching the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered. non peter live out, the collective west thinking about ukraine is entered the realm of magical banking . somehow more a military and financial will reverse ukraine's trajectory. one us congressman has
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called for a hiroshima and nagasaki solution in gaza and ukraine. desperate people with desperate ideas, the crest sucking ukraine and joined by my guest in new york. we have garland nixon. he is a political analyst, and in athens we cross the dimitri las carlos. he is a lawyer and freelance journalist, gentleman cross sack rolls in effect, that means you can jump any time you want and i always appreciate garley. let me, let me go to you. there's a lot going on right now. i'd like to uh, you know, talk about tim walberg, congressman saying in desperation, i would imagine who uh, what other state of mind are you, when you calling for a new king countries. uh that, uh, your proxies are not doing well. i mean, this is, this is magical thinking. this is desperate thinking. and because people are thinking desperately,
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we can accept expect some desperate actions. i want to talk about the, the attack on the concert hall a little bit later. but, you know, i came over and he's not a really smart guy, but um, it's dangerous and you know, this is the reality is we don't know. he may be an extremely intelligent person, but we're not talking about intellect here. we're talking about a state of mind when a psychiatry is evaluating a person's mental capacity and mental state of mental health. one of the things they want to know is, what is your internal conversation? what is that voice inside your head saying? it can be extremely unhealthy. when i listen to the politicians in the united states, i think what i'm hearing is the internal voice of the us empire. people like tim walberg represent the dysfunctional thinking and the inability to comprehend reality regarding our so called adversary. so i think he represents a dysfunction in the,
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in the us empire that isn't about intellect or smarts whatsoever. well, i mean, uh, okay, irrespective of that dimitry, those are very dangerous words. i mean, that may be your internal conversation. many is an elected representative of the us government, so it is worth, that's why i think it's worth noting. go ahead, dmitri, as well as a witness in here. so frankly, i'm no medical expert, but it looks to me as a layperson like psychosis. this is tim walbert was a baptist pastor. he is attended apparently 3 event jellicoe schools. he folds himself out as a christian. one can hardly think of a base rent the threat of nuclear nuke in a civilian population that is more inimical to court christian values than this. and you have this man has no shame about calling himself the christian and bringing the entire religion frankly into disrepute. he ain't no christian. uh, and at the end of the day, the fact that you have people in positions of power in the united states who have such
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a perverted understanding of who they are. and what they represent is really something dr. concern is all americans and on americans alike very deeply. yeah, well, i mean the same thing with huge imagery. i mean it's what we've heard a number of members of congress, se, uh, in reference to, uh, uh, guys that kill them, kill them all. we've heard that more than once and elected officials, carl and you want to jump and go ahead. yeah. and then the other part of it is the, the lack of acceptance of reality. because when he said new gaza, he also said in the ukraine. but, you know, in the ukraine conflict immediately by new king russian, that doesn't take into a, you know, that doesn't accept the reality that, that suicide, that what are you saying is, let's get the ukraine conflict over by exterminating all of mankind a. so that just shows you how unrealistic these people are, like, oh, we'll just new russia. no possible way that they would retaliate with a new. yeah, it's absurd. well, dimitry that preexisting. i don't care about walberg. okay,
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but it is indicative to me of some kind of change going on. now we can figure out if it's a chicken or egg when we come to the terrorist attack here in moscow on, on march 22nd tier. but the rush is military activity in ukraine has an increase, particularly in targeting the energy stress. sure. not the sub stations like it was a year ago, but the, the generating capacity of ukraine, which will not be fixed for a very long time. the conflict will have to come to an end before you can repair that. now obviously people that live in cities, large cities with no electricity, they're going to have to move and you know, you know, the timing of this, like i said, i don't know if it's a chicken or egg. there's a lot of people with strong opinions with the facts out there, but it does look like something has changed here. now again, i don't know if it's a reaction to the terrace intact, your thoughts, dimitri, as well, its own point. reality catches up with the illusion and we're seeing this quite
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vividly in a new crane. and the reactions on the west are, you know, anywhere from a silver assessment of the situation like or ben and hungry. and the recently elected slovakian leader to outright insanity like emmanuel mccall, who thinks that by sending 2000 some odd soldiers into ukraine and watching them be literate or within a matter of weeks if not days the somehow going to change the balance of power. so at least we have in the west some voices of reason. and by the way, they're the ones who in the mainstream are most marginalized and vilified over and over again. but at this stage it's anybody's guess as to where this is going to go . do you see people like, you know, tim walbert and by the way, i just want to say, you know, to go back to the point you were making earlier. the depravity in the united states is bi partisan, you know, steward selda with the memo, bama official, who said that we killed 4000 palestinian children in and us. and of course the president too is making all of this depravity possible. is a democrat, and he's supported enthusiastically,
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even more so by republicans invitees with his own party. so the entire political class in united states at this stage is a, there's an x, the central threat to command humanity from my perspective. but let's hope that the voices of reason of the west because there are few, all the precious to will prevail in the end. well, we certainly help sell and i think it's present company i, i usually don't do a collective pad on the back. but i think it's appropriate right now. you know, carl, and according to the russian military, ministry of defense camp is lost more than $80000.00 troops since january since january. and the crown was to send his own. i mean, what magical thinking world is key in garland. well, i, i think that again, what he represents is the absurd thinking and the an inability to, to really address reality by the western leaders. when he's basically saying is something that would work for domestic politics. it would work for the elite ruling class that he's in,
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but on the actual battlefield it would make no difference other think it is that then to get his troops annihilated. so what we're looking at is another example of western leaders who live in a narrative and politically based on a world what he's doing from the perspective of a narrative, from the perspective of a discussion it works. but in, as far as kinetic kinetic, we're warfare, it's absurd. but we see that he can't tell the difference while he's talking to other relates, that's what's going on here. let's move to the, the terrorist attack in moscow at the end of last month, dimitri. and it seems to me because we follow this very closely. obviously this was a terrorist attack, but it's off the 1st one that's been committed against russia. this come from ukraine. i mean, this seems to be an escalation of terror because we have more and more cases from ukraine where, where civilians are attacked in russia if they did. and it's in the target is
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obviously plainly civilian. i think that, you know, the terrorist attack on, on moscow is an extension of that. i think that makes logical sense. dimitri, yeah, let's, let's just focus here on what we know from the public record, and i'm going to rely on western sources. so nobody can question the whether the, the sources are biased or not. amnesty international has documented the fact that the printing and receiving used cluster munitions is you. and also into a yes of course. and we know from western human rights organizations that russian soldiers who have been captured early in the conflict were tortured shot in the news. and let's talk for a moment about north street. just initially, the reflexive reaction of western leads was a rush. it blew up its own pipeline, which was a preposterous theory on a space, especially because binding had only months earlier, vowed to bring it into north stream and brushing baby due crane. but then the narrative gradually shifted after seymour versus investigative piece came out and
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he pointed the finger squarely department ministration. and now major media organizations in the west are saying that it was ukrainian elements did it all being without the knowledge of sa lensky. so in effect, even western media organizations are accusing the ukranian regime or elements was ended up having committed this act of environmental terrorism against the north street. yep. yep. and i mean treatment, if we go back a few weeks ago and i want a garland to address this as well, we have that really huge story. come out of the new york times about how the c i a m, i 6, it just completely redone. are you creating intelligence? so this is the time when the art stream was blown up. so you can, you can have it both ways, you know, you're, you're not, you're involved, or you're not involved here and, and then you know, times they've had better days. they didn't see the policy and their argument, dimitri, it is what you are suggesting is that there is likely to have been complicity for combustor intelligence agencies. i agree completely. it's so difficult to believe
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that the united states would give all of this military support and economic aid to israel without its, i'm sorry to ukraine without exacting a price. the price is we will control the conduct of this war. they're not doing this out of the generosity of their hearts. so i think the operating assumption should be, that is the evidence points you create involvement and it does appear to be significant. evidence of 49 i bought this is that some western intelligence agency or agencies were behind it. and this is perfectly consistent with their past behavior. i mean, let's look again at what's happening in gaza despite any rational definition of terrorism is state sponsored terrorism. and as the united states is making it possible, there is no limit to what the western governments are prepared to do to advance their project of global hegemony. so they're perfectly capable of having help you create the resume or district this heinous attack and moscow. oh, garland, particularly since there's a long history of islam assigned to mental as sledge hot is involved
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with the cleaning governments since 2014 after the co. and there's a long history of the jihad as being involved with the us government for, you know, a decades literally now. so when you look at it, as, as, as dimitry said, the 2 most prominent terrorist attacks. and then since the sort of the special military operation are number one, north stream, and immediately after the united states had no idea what happened. but they knew that they did not want an investigation. that's the one thing they knew they couldn't possibly have an investigation on it. and now immediately after this with this happens, the us wasn't involved, but they know who did it. and they know who didn't do it. and they kind of predicted it just like the north street. well, we think this could happen. it happens exactly like they said it would happen, but they, they know who did it, they know who didn't do it. but other than that, they have no, you know, we have to look at the end of the day. it just pretty sloppy stuff. it's hard to believe gentlemen. i'm going to go to a hard break here. and after that hard break,
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we'll continue our discussion on you can stay with our team, the the, what is part of the visit that the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without collision. let's go out of of the welcome back across, ok, we're all things are considered. i'm peter to about your mind you were discussing.
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you create the . okay, let's go back to dimitry in athens that garlands already mentioned in the 1st part of the program, but i want to go little bit further here. so let me get this straight um, uh, a little after an hour after the attack on the concert hall, the us, it says that ukraine wasn't involved in it. um, north stream, the biggest ecological disaster ever. and nobody knows how it happened. it's really quite remarkable. but dimitri, if you are an 86 year old woman with purple hair, with a walker, and you were a 150 miles around the anywhere close to the west capitol, they know who you are. how do you explain to all these inconsistencies? dimitri bill make the intelligence or lack there of it, whatever narrative serves their demonic purposes. and you know, i want to say something about this isis
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a series in the last 6 months or so. this organization, it is claimed by the west, is committed to huge terrorist attacks. one of course was moscow and the other one was the rent, where there was a bombing that killed over a 100 people. now this organization is supposed to be an organization of muslim extremists. it seems to me that if you're a muslim extremist, there's nobody you should be angry or with right now. then the united states and israel, who are obliterating a largely muslim population, gaza, why his ice has decided this particular moment to turn its ras russians and the radians rather than a miracle or demeanor. demetrius said differently, why is isis or isis k or whatever? buried, why are they fighting on behalf of the united states to pursue american is really goals? is that what you're saying? precisely. i mean, that's a certainly the, the effect of what they're doing. and we can only infer that that's what they are trying to do. i just spend, by the way, 3 days and by god speaking to people here who fought against viruses. uh, you know, who actually put their lives on the line to fight against isis. and they're all
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convinced that i use this as a creation of united states because it's activities in iraq consistently served the united states agenda. so at a certain point in time, you say it is the most plausible inference, but somehow the united states or districts, the activities of this organization. well, a all garland going back to the terrorist attack here in moscow. i mean, so you, you got a 48 hour warning, a general warning, but that's as far as it went. i mean, if you were so quick to say who did do it, then you must have had the other information before. and probably after having that kind of intel, now it's going to be in now gets on through. he said, she said, okay, we gave the russians the information, the rest. instead we got a general warning of there wasn't anything to go on. that will be argued until the end of time. okay. but if you come out so quickly and say, you know who didn't do it, well, that's kind of suspect, isn't it?
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oh, absolutely. you have a little bit too much information on to not to be involved to know who did. there's only one way to know who didn't do it. and that is, you have to know who did do it, or you have to have some kind of a, uh, a, uh, some kind of an alibi. but ukraine has a broad array of terrorist options it. and we see that in that they use this um, neo nazi, so called quads a russian group to attack the border. so they've been using various options, internal security, people in russia, etc. so it only makes sense that they would use another option in the same way that the united states use is ukraine. to hide, shall we say their fingerprints of the crime scene. they further then use isis k are some russian neo nazi groups to kind of put a little distance between themselves and ukraine and, and whoever does the font perpetrates the final act. well, let me, let's change gears slightly. dimitri, i'm
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a speaker of the house. johnson said that he's going to present some kind of about spending bill. we're about to regarding ukraine. we don't know the amount we know if it's going to be land lend, lease is going to be loans. we don't know, but it seems that they, they will end up on the floor of the congress here. interesting to note here, will the democrats save him because there is a number of republicans. they will not go along with it. and he could lose his position to speaker. this is going to be a very interesting game, but having a republican speaker of the house, giving abiding the victory in an election year. interesting is very dangerous for the political future of the current speaker. we saw with the prior speaker this so that he suffered when he was seen to be too cooperative with the bus and ministrations agenda. but at the end of the day, whatever amount of money they cough up and throw at the these ones the regime. there's absolutely no reason to believe that this is going to alter them. it took military reality on the ground. but one of the reasons many reasons that's true is
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ukraine is running out of men to do the fighting. they suffered catastrophic loss is on the battlefield. and secondly, any weapons that are going to be delivered will have to be produced once the money is in fact, authorized by congress. and by that time, you know, it may well be over the thing, which is a definitive sign of where this is all heading is a lensky after taking for 2 years. a maximum list approach to negotiating with russia saying there must be a complete withdrawal from all 1991 territory of ukraine. vladimir, who he must be held accountable for the allegations against him from the decrepit icpc and so forth. all of a sudden he's making commitments to preserve the neutrality of you agree? well, i would like to be treatment it zelinski worked to say something like that big, soften his position. he doesn't have to worry about russians. he has to worry about people around him. you know what i mean? demetrius precise, precisely to the stream is,
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will probably not tolerate any kind of a concession to russia. so, you know, as lensky is in a world of paint. and i think uh, you know, 11 thing we can say with confidence is as days as leader of ukraine or numbered. okay, 8. okay, darling, according to press reports here about politically, from prison and putting himself in those who were involved in the a terrorist attack, no matter where they are, whatever position they hold, they will be held accountable. well, you know, you have the doesn't take a big leap of logic that um, if you creating and officials were involved in that, then they're on a list of sorts. garland, well i, i think i don't expect president food and to take any action that would endanger the russian people, you know, such as attacking the united states to the, you know, what i'm talking about. i'm talking about the ukraine, the gonna lead. i'm talking about the crate. exactly. yes. i suspect that what would happen at this point is they're going to say, look, at some point we're going to win this conflict. and when we do,
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there will be trials. people will be held accountable, and these will be charges that will be put forth. i would suspect that what the russians will do is submit a certain amount of evidence to the international community. maybe even go to the you in the, in the international criminal court or something and present at present their case . but i think what they'll be saying is, when this thing is over, there's going to be some trial and we're going to eventually, you're putting us in a position where we're going to have to take this country. and we're going to hold people accountable in some sort of uh, trials, the nuremberg style style trials for these people. i think that's the most likely thing that will be playing well. and i say, sir, uh, also guidelines. i really hope that all of the atrocities committed against the people of the don bass 8 years before this part of the complex are i hope they're held accountable to you, you know, it didn't. dimitri, it's very interesting waiting on the 3 of us and our viewers have been watching
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this conflict very closely since 2014. let me repeat that, 2014. but the west is so afraid of peace. why? as well, let's distinguish between the peoples of the west and so those uh, i think that there is broad based support and always has been accepting perhaps moments of patriotic insanity like in the aftermath of 911 for peace. people generally do not want wars and all of the horrors that that brings upon them. but unfortunately, through our re, electro system, not just the united states. now it's in virtually every culture in the west. we suffer from rig collections and you end up with people in power. we're much more concerned about maintaining their own privilege and wells that india gemini, rather than serving the interest of their suppose the constituents. and this is know the situation that we in the west. sadly, must contend with, we want peace by and large at the level of ordinary citizens. our leaders want nothing but, you know,
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girl and i don't know if it's still on track of go cuz benjamin netanyahu had a minor surgery over the weekend. but i think he's still on, on the list to address congress here. i have this idea that once he's in the house of congress, then they should lock the doors interest. everybody in the room. what do you think for? well, water rises. yeah, absolutely. because what we're looking at is, you know, the systemic system of war crimes. you know, i think that the, uh, what's happening in ukraine and the conflict and guys are inexplicably linked in that the, you know, the united states has created these twin monsters and these frankenstein monsters as have been said. and now the united states is, is paying the price, but what's going on here? in reality, if we get down to it is desperation. the ruin usually in the united states, since 2008 have come to the reality that you know, have a, are coming to grips with the reality that their system is decadent. their system is flawed themselves entered and it doesn't work for the masses. and that things are
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falling apart, they're losing their power. and so now they're desperately trying to everything they can to suppress the other rising world powers. who are doing it right or industrialized or actually delivering for the people in their country as is represented by the election in russia. and the polls that show that over 90 percent of the chinese people support their government and they're in desperation just simply trying to, you know, do a tonya harding apply to the needs of their adversaries rather than try to improve their decadent uh, pricing system. so that they can survive. yeah, dimitri, the rules based order came to an end of shortly after it was introduced here, blinking the secretary's state. i call them the undertaker, and that's his favorite phrase. but it's true. i mean, look at him, he looks fairly dour. i mean, all the blood is out of as
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a vase. okay. he always looks down when he talks, which means he's lying. okay. and his rules base order is dyed with him. dimitry. yeah. and we still haven't figured out what it means. yeah. i yeah. i've never figured out what it meant. that's the, into the deal, like my best interpretation of it. and i'm just having to draw inferences here is that the rules apply to you, but they don't apply your what's a, that's basically the rule as well to make or you also it, it is an alternative to international lots a slight of hand. we rule space order versus international law. that's what they want, but they'll never say it that way. absolutely. and, and in the rules, this is their, their, their, their conception, the rules are based upon the false premise that western leads are superior to governments of the non western world. if ever we had the evidence that the converse is true, that the best governments to take or to be found in the non western world, rather than in the western world. we haven't, we haven't, by looking at how, you know,
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the russian economy is performing much better than the major economies of the west . and you have it in terms of the, in ne, incredible achievement of the chinese government of lifting hundreds of millions of chinese out of poverty. and the garland mentioned, the levels of support in china for the sake you're absolutely right. they're fighting for their privilege and their power, and we can see through with them gentlemen, that's all the time we have a one to take my guess in new york and in athens. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our d. c. next time. remember, prospect rules the the key in these mountains is certainly rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and man, and my hungry. luckily, i'm in north a city where food is almost a 4th of religion for recipes are handed down for generations without changes. and
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this qualifies most the 2nd christine for being part of the unit sco world heritage . intangible list. that's the again, the show was you ahead moscow challenges western space to review what they know about foreign involve linking terror attacks in russia. i followed the definitely in mastercard, with moscow nearly 2 weeks ago. of the taiwan is rocked by its strongest f, grating 25 years. 9 people are reported dead and more than 900. all those injured file documents are still shopped under the rubble of a warning that they are describing images just to have the, the well,


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