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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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is called for right here a she met in august saki solutions in gaza and ukraine. desperate people with desperate ideas. the show was your hand. moscow makes a legal request to a number of western states, demanding the review a need data about foreign involvement in tara tax in russia. and you follow the debt lead massacred with moscow nearly 2 weeks ago. for wanting stuff. big images are a head the wealth, central kitchen, the cues as the i d, f of deliberately killing 7 of its staff members in gather the usual insist that the strike was not intentional. but the reg, crescent organization claims 8 workers have been systematically targeting or odd with targeted throughout the complex what happened to the team? it happened this fine, coordination is right. all 3 teams does not respect this quote,
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the nation. and they deliberately asked us to match the key, targeting a workers out of the human nature against the shaking. it's cool. one is one spot. it's the strongest s greg in 25 years. 9 people have reported data and more than 900 others. while dozens are still trapped on the rumble, the kind of the welcome to arch international. hi, a michael pushed out with the latest 9 the way called the heart of a concept whole atrocity. nearly 2 weeks ago, moscow is now demanding for western states. the united states, jeremy fronds and cypress come clean about what they know about before and involve wendy and terry attacks. and russia of the legal request has been sent by the
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russian persecutor general's office and with all the details on the case. furious archie is donal court, a full legal requests to investigate finance, years of terrorism on russian territory. and the north stream. pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office to a number of western nations. specifically the united states, germany, france, and cyprus. according to the prosecutor general's office, the idea is to hold these nations to their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's and in light of recent events may have been violated by western nations. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to
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assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. now this statement comes, i made a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years. the most recent one of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last month . it's was carried out by his law. miss terrorist who tried to flee the ukraine after killing $145.00 people, including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects, it's starting to look like. certain western nations may have been implicated, as well as the ukranian armed forces, a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly
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resorting to terrace maps is out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive prearranged coverage by the western media in the direction they needed. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croakers city hall were financed by ukraine. also, it is known that the chief of regime is not independent, but it is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis. while the croaker city whole massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation. and ukraine kia has wants to terrorist attacks on the crimea bridge. and according to a recent article from the guardian, ukrainian intelligence believes that
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a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. of course, there was no mention of the civilian casualties that resulted from those attacks in that article. but there's also the terrorist attacks on the north stream pipelines which are widely believed to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western led investigation came up with no significant results. so with russia now trying to hold western nations to their obligations under these anti terrorism conventions, from the 1990s, it looks like the west is going to have to start putting. it's the rule of law where it's mouth is but let's get the thoughts on all of these now and speak to finish chief editor of m v that t. yeah, those would come in. yeah, those is good to have you join me right now. now what are you made called best denied by the russian persecutor general? do you think the 4 countries will comply or oh, i think that they are not really to show their cards. um,
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to like thing that we have or even hearing direct a meeting from kim re g minds or intelligent services that they don't have any other choices then to to, to go and continue the terror attacks and hope that that would somehow change the course of the war and of course, we know as these 2014 and 13, that the creating an intelligence services are fully taken over by the m y 6 and c . i a. so the whole pack of cards, these calling to follow, full depart, if uh, if the west meets its role being the theme, the terrorist attacks in the actions what is happening, you know, crane in the grainy and deep state of powers around. but besides the idea of the refusal to admit, do you think these countries know a lot more about temporary tax in, in russia, then the, the let, the, and on and,
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and it's only all this i thing the do, brainy in the bus abilities to operate by themselves in this magnitude, if we take and we should look, do the cried me in breached on the new threats against that. even these frame, uh, there are more seems to be as a 2nd phone open it, it gives dry shift. it seems that the, the stakes are getting higher and higher, something. what was happening from time to time is now every week in the news. and the f, as b is seriously fighting against the 2nd from the receipt. actually gratian of different kind of, um, to are souls which are asked the for a fix for a minister of reasons that there is no all a guide. there is a more 6 and c i a so,
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and these tenors using as mercenaries against russia, this is a serious growing threat. all right, now moscow says that the countries have a duty to review all under international obligations. excuse me, we're talking about obligations now. we've got to do with rules regulations law. busy as an all of those instruments will the invocation of this obligations make any difference. so i think that there is a huge part of the muslim world, which is looking now through the western countries and demanding also to have answers. not only russia, which is seriously attacked by these terrorists, so sales together with the gradient. um lead diligence services. i think the whole big lie ceased 2001 when the, when the 911 strikes happened in the declaration of,
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of the war on there are the hey, bob, old, the whole big sure will stare. reason should of course, to finally do get to some kind of conclusion. but as we know, there are so many secrets, there are so many states general reason, a tax involved and millions of casualties from these wars that i thing that the west is play the only card, what do you test left ending? targeting, garage up with it. all right, why would ask, why these 4 countries in particular, does it suggest the moscow has suspicions they know more than they are letting on? i think the direction knows very well of is what they are fighting against i. i think that the, the intelligence community in the world, there are very many, let's say open secrets and rush. are you doing exactly right. they are pushing the
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opponents to the do the corner and demanding of transparency and demanding actions according to the international law, which forces them to say something to, at least on trying to do something. and, and i thing to do russia is defending itself in a very multi layer level where the intelligence services passed a very huge role. and using the, the russian intelligence bodies as a full for up front demanding answers. of course, the opponents, the western countries know that the russian knows the question is when the will will know. right. we have to leave you here now. yeah. and those books can finish chief editor of m v like he thank you so much for your insight on this. thank you.
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the classes, if you brought that in these, ready to parliament as relatives of the have mass have to do is a rock that interrupted the session, demanding the immediate release of their loved ones of the for to it shows people chanting now in hebrew and members of the opposition parties are seen joining the quote handler on wednesday night. is couples with lead broke out, which resulted in some of the protest this boom dragged away report suggested port was shown at the mounted police man. while another demonstrate of crawled under a water cannon to prevent it from moving and has been building in the country for months against the boot, the government over security failings had on the 7th atrocity that the blood bloody offensive in the gas. i had the failure to when the safe return on the hostages.
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meanwhile, and gather the founder of the will, the central kitchen has dismissed. the evils clay by the striker needs a cowboy that killed 7 staff members with an unfortunate mistake. instead, he branded a direct attack in the air strikes on our convoy. we're not just some unfortunate mistake in the fog of war. it was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the is really military. it was also the direct result of his netanyahu's government's policy to squeeze humanitarian aid to desperate levels. of this disturbing video footage shows 8 a 7 that members of the us non profit organization being targeted by east or any strikes of 8 was what killed as be a deposit a warehouse perhaps with food aid. now id f, as admitted making a, quote, great mistake by killing 7. 8 was 6 of whom were foreign nationals,
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claiming the incident was not intentional. this try cause not carried out with the intention of homie w. c k a well, cuz it was a mistake that followed me. so you didn't if occasion night during the war in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened the while. the report in these writing a newspaper, how reads casts doubt that these really strike was a mistake, as reveals the idea of a textbook, a convoy not once, but 3 times. how about once a month it was put to the us national security council of books by son. he does the answering the question you describe to describe the strikes has a possible mistake by israel, according to hard. so these are only these paper. it was one strikes 3, the 1st one in the interval during which
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a workers got out of their vehicles removed to try to to another vehicle which was struck. and then a 3rd strike. what as they tried to move and escape in a sort of vehicle at which point all of them were dead. how, with the 2nd and 3rd strikes of these marked vehicles be a mistake. and why would the us not more forcefully set conditions on the use of us me weaponry when it is being used to target a workers? if the 1st one was a mistake, the 2nd 2 were targeted with the intent of killing everyone in that kind of way. so how do you respond to, 1st of all, there's an investigation going on, so why don't we let it get done? and why don't we see what they find in terms of the decision making process that led to this terrible outcome. prime minister and the idea of had noted that it was their error. you don't like the word mistake, they're, they're investigating it,
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let them do that work and let them see what they come up with. and then we'll go from there. but us president joe biden has not stayed out of the situation. say he was out raged by the killing of a book as habits is far from the 1st criticism of these are the government by its key partner. but despite public discontent with telling me that the actions us continues to supply arms to ease roll spokes, boston for the polish by and red crescent society and the ball of process as, as the diesel has deliberately as systematically targeting aid work as in gaza. in the past on the sides of society as the boss states, as if i have been kidding of southern end worker with the world essential tension, it is assumed traffic to see age workers be killed. targeted despite coordination, despite arranging their uh, fees,
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access those data workers when working to address the, the 100 percent and suffering of people. think of what happened to, to them as exactly why do we have experience or needs a, b, b, or c. s has an experience, this is right. all 3 does not respect this coordination. and they deliberately asked us to mount the targeting a workers outage, a miniature young's as what happened to 15 b or c. s members who with just the way that they were on duty. and so the question as how many were age workers should be killed before the international community. when i take serious steps, measures to ensure the protection for the humanitarians and these workers. a huge squeak has left at least 9 people dead in taiwan and more than 900 injured
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with around 50, still missing as the strongest creek. the head of the porter of a century the, the magnitude 7.7 quick trigger massive lawn slides in broad down buildings. dozens of people fear to be trapped under the rubble. now it's strong after shops are expected to continue for days or the last by and taiwan was hit by similar stress quakes back in 1999, which killed $2400.00 people and each other round of 100000. and that prompted the major overhauls of the construction standards. now asia, joe political ex but rose and gold, witness today's quake and says that they severity of the impact was immediately clear. some earthquakes,
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they start out small and they got stronger over the succeeding seconds. this earthquake just started out strong and got stronger, and anyone with experience with earthquakes or who lives in a 1st grade. so we'd know immediately that the earthquake was, was a very big one. very, very serious. so we're seeing reports building collapses breaks or tiles falling off the sides of buildings, land slides, keeping in mind that the center center of taiwan pretty much from the top to the bottom of the island is, is a very mountainous area. so a lot of images of a very large where slides are coming across. i was actually in my fly at the tides and uh, the window frame started to shake the, the curtains or shades started to shake violently. he'd been in my flat iron. several things fell off shelves onto the floor and i, i immediately ran to the doorway because experts say it's a for to be in a doorway because things like light fixtures,
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are things on higher shelves might fall down. and, and similar, literally the local news is reporting images of, of the school children, for example, being quickly ushered outside of the building into the athletics. you know, to, again choose to try and mitigate the risk that things would fall down and heard that it's now about 3 hours since the earthquake here. but we've had a lot of after shops over the past 3 hours. and some of the aftershocks are very, very strong as well. the world leading semi conductor manufacturing company, t s m. c, whose primary facilities are based in taiwan, had to hold operations and evacuate staff to safety. of a craig may have caused the facts and the large batch of items, meaning potentially $60000000.00 worth of production, will have to be written off and then sent a piece of taiwan economy. the s m c makes more than 60 percent of the world's chips piloting everything from the smartphones through electric vehicles. the. let's not discuss the s quick live,
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adopt the series. batteries a profess of c s. knology is nice to have you join me right. not precise but not taiwan has experience and s quake of similar pallets 25 years ago. and by then it cost a lot more depth. destruction. how come on these kinds of f griggs, in this region to actually a timeline is dec. tony play is very active region. so tube the plates are uh, gathering together under the tag the timing on these items. so a $99.00, we had a teacher to break and that it's much more powerful and much more destructive than this event. and like you leave the sky with is in the eastern part of the eastern parts of the item, not the less than pine apart. seems that pollution is varies basically in this, in this region. so that is an advantage of that,
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that number of the population of the center area. if this has been less, then the casualties would be more or less compared with the similar power of art. great, you know, as you remember, 1999. also there was a similar size of greek in turkey in cordelia, and now i'm beloved cordially you knew or states. so in that event, we had last for a 10000 people because it was the very best that populated the region. so that's one of the advantage of that. the epicenter is the 5 from the i, you populate the cities and also that the tie even has it was great early warning system. and before the strong shaking and s waiving soto, its surface waves arrived, the large city and the population they were to take or the warning system in
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getting in the giving of them to the public and slip electricity. the stuff back and natural gas also stopping the trams and sideways and threatens to decrease that . let's click a hazard. so this is another advantage of this or good go to warning system. all right, not is it possible to prevent the collapse of buildings entirely with more than construction methods? yeah, sure. but not with the warning system, but if you know the earthquake and run areas and if you make this so and the inspection carefully and, and you know, the source of the assessment events, then you can a roller in the how, how big or big will affect your building, so you will have the building codes and according to the story inspection and that according to building those rules,
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the costs direction. of course you can increase the call less building numbers for less will they? of course, there will be some of the bootlegs to be called less, but no thousands, no 10, thousands building middle effect about that such events now to key and syria, west valley affected by an f greg last year who what, why was that more destruction that compared to taiwan, can you educate us on this? sure, of the 1st thing is that, you know, 7.7. i would click it in a chart. okay, that's the 6 february edit february. but the cool thing thing is just or just shipping germany and the magnet, it's a net tie as long as upgraded to 7.544. so it's quite different and compared with that is an energy and also the tight uh top shortcake. in
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effect thing, 11 city. so the play running on the 11 space affected by that may show and the population is it almost 14000000 people are living in? that's all. so compare with the epicenter. the jo thailand is very, is 1st the population. well, my 100000 people are living in the taiwan and also the, you know, the building codes and the regulation is quite different and dirty. and the taiwan when we compare and the most slid tools to do so it was a take, this is quite different in, in c, i talk to short grades and 11 is these interesting fabric type. all right, we have to leave you here now that the survey, batteries of profess, obviously, is modeled you. thank you for your insight. on the, on the web bangs revised up it's out of look for india is economy and projecting
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a growth now of around 7 percent. and it comes shortly after 5 minutes, and then under more the, the national bank to prepare a strategy for the global acceptance of its currently the, the currency, the ruby we have to enhance about it. so you cannot make self reliance. we have to endeavor that our economy should be least affected by global adversities. today, part of it is becoming the engine of global growth with 15 percent in global g. d. p growth. in the circumstances, we should endeavor that our rupee is more accessible and acceptable globally soon. it's not on demo. the 1st, it says that the to the office in 2014 of a size of india is economy has doubled. but hayes now outlined those prodigy that would shape the next 10 years of the indian leader has. there's the banking system to focus the needs of all the king i'm exec, cuz it'd be ready to meet credits. requirement from old vendors of the initiative
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comes i made a reported negotiations over to free trade agreement between india and the your asian. you cannot make a union block and that would reduce customs duties on a number of goods within the raisins of your region. the blog russia remains india's top partner with bilateral trade was almost 50000000000 dollars last year. payments between them are also made in national covered seas. for ibm, support helium, serious, there are no problems in determining the means of payment for the black gold exported by russia. the priority is given to national currencies. this makes it possible not to depend on the so called rules of the game imposed by the west when carrying out the banking transactions. and to delve deeper into the topic let's cross live to dump till while a wide south asia street strategist and that distinguished advisor of the pillow.
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toma foundation is nice to have you join me right now now. so the indian prime minister has, are, it's a national banking system to prepare a 10 year plan for the global acceptance of being in ruby. what do you make of this? i thank you for having the actors. actually, this is a very ambitious plan by the probably, but the steps has the financial sector, this meeting and the this conference started in the today in bombay. so therefore, the prime minister wanted to see that india and the girl is a, a global achievable. and also in the, i become the, an example for the leading the site itself so oppressed and therefore you wanted to see india moving ahead on that. i think it's position as a global now within the as the economy on site to a growth spot at the moment. is it possible to make the real p a global currency in such a short, short run? i don't think so. i think guys like start which are monitoring the indian economy
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itself. it's a long own and it's a long term process. does it? does this started with india, but if we have the political will, um the economy can fall. i think in the i can sustain, i'm going to have that to do to achieve that thought gets, is that what didn't get for them to understand is, you know, 1st of all, you need to subsidize the risk of the stability in india, which is needing the fiscal differences and also the growth today, including the engine do d b, but it also should increase and if you are able to sell money out of the nation as well, then you may be able to achieve some of the targets. however, india has been on this road for some time now. they've already started the cd with the bees in the neighboring countries like bundle of the some of my life ever in the palm city like got your on and even the but i should. and also you a, so if in the i started getting confidence, the people invested in the neighbors neighborhood, i think it may achieve it. but this is a long hold as us now or more space are resorting to national currencies in trade
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and moving away from the data. is it possible to imagine one day that the root be even replacing the dollar as a global currency, considering the large market at its disposal to? i think the india is a member, an active member of the groups, gun 3, which order the have moved away from the the, the station and the 3 d as a part of that, or do you think would look at it doesn't see. now we have seen that the rubin have already taken into the bucket. the other 5, most of the method is using the, the mean dominican a, the, the, the chinese gun and see which also have been having some effect on the 3 time it's already doing it. says a drop and the 3 the market. so it's in the act that they do this. i don't see also in this we own it is a, it's a webcam step such as the by the bridge, somebody which is trying to stay away from the dollars from the phone to, from the euro. and also because we have to take into consideration the flood,
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dried and the few tides. a global financial markets also is unstable and also with waters in the region. and threats need of sanctions which can be having an impact on country is due to a state dollars. i think people a lot of fun of finding it more difficult to see like in the directly with the rubies or the deals with others. i don't see what other nations on facebook, i don't see it as a. 7 site to look that yeah, maybe one date would be see, they didn't couldn't see method a basic the goal of the course, but that will be one of the lead. think i don't see like that. i should of the check. all right, now i'm advising detail. all right, is ation. how is washington likely to view this threatening all the indian economy? what do you think? well, i think the united states is watching go, but of course has to do with any country which is the trying to the, the right. it says, especially the bricks country. and in fact when we the big stuff.


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