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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the, the show was you ahead. moscow makes a legal request to a number of western states demanding the review any dates or about for involvement in terror attacks. and vasa, i followed the deadly massacre in moscow nearly 2 weeks ago. a warning, the very stepping image just ahead. the world, the central kitchen. the cues is the idea of deliberately killing 7. the fit staff members in gavin bo easily and says that the strike was not intentional or the red crescent organization claims 8 workers have been systematically targeted throughout the conflict. what's happened to the team it happened despite the nation is right also does not respect this quote, the nation, and they didn't have access to mount charging age workers
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and the rubies or roots to global dominance as the india is the kind of b palos, the head upon minutes, a cold for a 10 year plan to see the currency competing ahead on around the world with a dollar the . what is the of in moscow watkins on our team to national reaching you'd live from on you sent? i am michael point, you have a 1st let's break you the spring. you this breaking news? reaching las vegas, our head exposure now to pharmaceutical factory and solve a media has left at least 4 people that and 10 injured. it's reported that the blast occurred in the chemical reactor of a site and its fear. many people could be dropped in the wreckage. a rescue operation is on the way as we speak of we will keep across the story and bring to
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any optics. a lot in the wake of the harbor of a concept whole atrocity nearly 2 weeks ago, moscow is now demanding for western countries. the united states, jeremy fronds and cypress, come clean about what they know about the forward involvement in terror attacks in russia. the legal require request has been sent by the boston prosecutor general's office with all the details on the case. here's ortiz, donald cortez, a full legal requests to investigate, to finance, years of terrorism on russian territory. and the north stream. pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office to a number of western nations. specifically the united states, germany, france, and cyprus, according to the prosecutor general's office. the idea is to hold these nations to their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's and in light of
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recent events may have been violated by western nations. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. now this statement comes, i made a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years. the most recent one of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last month . 6 was carried out by his law. miss terrorist 2 tried to flee the ukraine after killing $145.00 people, including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and
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trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects and starting to look like certain western nations may have been implicated, as well as the ukranian armed forces, a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace methods out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive prearranged coverage by the western media in the direction they need it. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croakers city hall were financed by ukraine. also, it is known that the t, every gene is not independent, but it is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and
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also had something to do with the formation of isis. while the croaker city whole massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation. and ukraine kia has launched to terrorist attacks on the crimea bridge. and according to a recent article from the guardian, ukrainian intelligence believes that a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. of course, there was no mention of the civilian casualties that resulted from those attacks in that article. but there's also the terrorist attacks on the north stream pipelines which are widely believed to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western led investigation came up with no significant results. so with russia now trying to hold western nations to their obligations under these anti terrorism conventions, from the 1990s, it looks like the west is going to have to start putting it's a rule of law where it's mouth is right. let's bring in the author and walker
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responding head someone's real, but it's almost as good to have you join me now. so moscow is calling on these 4 countries to show their hands over time, right? tax in russia. what exactly do you think these countries know? so that's a good question. i think that now before the lot we add some are articles and last month chosen from the us. that's in dca. it was supporting the special um, units of the you ukraine, special for special services that are organizing these tetra tech against or produce opposition and you've created cell 4 and russia so uh, i think they know quite a lot about this which we see especially in the fact that the us already 2 hours after that terror acts and must go knew that each was a key, if at all. so if you want, if you want me to put it up to 2 hours, it was just about 55 minutes there about oh okay. okay. then you can factor the
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problem. yeah. so if you don't, if you don't buy anything, you can make section and all that. so you'll see that they have to know something, but exactly, of course i don't know but, but they know there was no a lot. now will the countries in question be bothered by this request from the russian and persecuted general? do you think that would even comply with these demands as well? of course not. this will not have any direction. the west. uh, i think some organizations like into a portal, whatever we looked at says directions. uh so this will not have a big effect. um, but uh, yeah, well, as i said, you have to look at them. do you have this direct before? uh you have to look up the history of prices, which was time up created by the ca during the operation 10 percent of what, which many people forget. uh so uh, because the context from the us to these uh, is that mistake uh, ready codes are quite, quite good. um they one for friday,
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isis and then sure. yep. they have a big, they themselves brought them the weapons operation was to pick up most of the right one month. i will ask why these 4 countries in pittsburgh canada and especially 5 bras, 5 for us, no offense to the island nation. but it, we, we all do is not quite on the seems to as a us, france and germany as we know them. well, cyprus might be a, well, i don't know. i tried to be inside of the, of the russian authorities about the cypress. that seems to be logical because our service was quite famous as some kind of a money laundering machine. so maybe cyprus played and whatever a role in financing in the, in the financial financial operations to support such kinds of, of care. right. so this list has my explanation. awesome. all right. now if countries have an obligation to share information about terry tax, what benefits would be be from setting on crucial information like this to um,
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well, i think we can forget about all the stuff that switch for mall that's good for us when we book and civilized times so let's be on the west is fighting a war against you create against the russia on the temperature of a career crane. so and, but this could, these conditions all the, uh, nice rules from the past don't play a much a very big role anymore. just my opinion, so um, yeah, we are a number of times, but i think this things i'm not really worth the paper right now regarding the latest terror attack on moscow console. raso says there are links to ukrainian involvement while the us definitely rejects that was the difference in positions regarding this but the terror act was a stone. tragic that the west can say, hey, this has been this where we and they also can say this was some kind of legitimate,
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a tech. what about russia? lucere construct structure. they all explained that takes them to the on the bridge of the premier, which is saying that this is some kind of military infrastructure, but they can save this in this case. so um the rest can say we're involved in this and our baby key of is not involved. and so, so this is what they have to say. although you just have to look at the map with the terrors that went from often to terra act. they were on the road right tool ukraine, and it will look at the methods of via so that there was some kind of a link to your brain. it's, well, i think that can be done all by russia has sent this request to these countries. and like you said, most likely they may not respond or reply or comply. but what scenarios do you foresee going forward? russia has sent a request. this country is not responding or replying. what happens then?
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yeah, well uh, worship, as many things uh, this is uh for the full for the, let's say, a global public. of course the west doesn't respond. of course, what's the media? well, not really cover this story, but the global cell is looking at it. remember that it just said about trends, you want to rush up publishers. the ad security guarantees which they offer to nato and us. they've published the whole thing immediately, which is absolutely, i'm coming in international metrics to solve the whole world. what when they were offering, what is happening and what the west must refuse it. so, and that's why the global cell perfectly less dense, what's happening? you train, what's other reasons there? and this, i think you can, but i have to look at this of the same perspective. they are showing the global so that the west doesn't cooperate even in questions about establish the camera and the best policy. so i'm, this is, i think, the reason why that is, it's the pipe for geo political allies in, in africa,
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asia. and so to my life. okay, we have to leave it here, not some of the robust author and war correspondents. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. bye. right. the of the world bank revised up it's, i would look for india is economy projecting a growth now of around 7 percent. we come shortly after the prime minister under, under moody, the national bank to pass top of the for the global acceptance of it's covered and see the ruby we have to enhance about so you cannot make self reliance. we have to endeavor that our economy should be least affected by global adversities. today, power it is becoming the engine of global growth with 15 percent in global g. d. p growth in the circumstances, we should endeavor that our roop is more accessible and acceptable globally. it now says net on the movie slash to go off has been 2014. the size of india is economy his doubled. but he's now outlined as prodigy, the wood shape the next 10 years,
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or the indian leader has, is the banking system to focus the needs of all the kid. i'm expect us and be ready to meet credit requirement for my old vendors. are the initiative comments i made reported negotiations of a free trade agreement between india and the region economic union block? and that will reduce customs duties on a number of, of goods that within the european blog ross you have remains. india's top partner with biological trade was almost 50000000000 dollars last year. payment between them are also made in national currencies. for i'll be able to put a helium serious, there are no problems in determining the means of payment for the black gold exported by russia. they are priority is given to national currencies. this makes it possible not to depend on the so called rules of the game imposed by the west wing carrying out banking transactions are not less profit lied to all, to contribute to increase and crease is good to have you join me right now. now
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thanks mike. get right, great in the us economy savings like it's on steroids right now, powering ahead of maybe competitive. does that open the door to the real p becoming a viable global coverage? so within 10 years like permanent, then that movie has suggested i think that 5 minutes to be mike has as a points, i think we see a, as, as you, as all packaged just just just informed us that under his leadership the indian economy has more as doubled, if you look at all the figures, it's even more, it really says nice sinus loving down. it's a, it's a high growth economy with a high the rates. and you know, if they keep this policy of being a, you know, the indian uh foreign policy, which has been to embrace every country and trade with every one of them. why not? it looks like the united states has decided not to trade with anyone. they don't particularly like for whatever reason. where is the indian the saying? all currency is free for over everyone's life? yes, it's quite a possibility. now,
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what about the time scale then the 10 years may sound like a long time. what is it enough to see the style of bushes changed to global economics as us in this time to put it? yeah, well mike, i mean if we look at the way the world is now, if we look at, you know, if we look at the history of its relocating industrial revolution, that was the time with technology was very basic. you know, obviously at the time it was revolutionary technology, but with the, the, you know, the opposite of a i, what are these new technologies that, that a re shaping of all that is, etc. right? some things that the quickest price that we've ever seen in the history of humanity and mikey, so yes, i think is entirely probable. now because the technology is just at boxing, it's such a massive right? in india, being one of those countries, which is it, the full from the end of it to the new technologies, it could really happen. it might be now more than once the rule paid to be a challenge that to the dollar. but could you ever force for see
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a world in which exactly fits it? yeah, i think might we could see that well, but i think it's just more than the re fi. i think mode is going on the trend, the presidency in china, even president who's been here, even russia where we are now, you've got a number of countries in this, you multi poto, although that is saying no, we don't want to have one global resent currency with one country that uses that at that you know, that currency to the type, what we can do and use as a essentially of what kind of war they're talking about using that currencies, which should be excited really by the size of their economies. right? it makes probably no sense to anyone that everyone uses the us dollar, whereas the us economies stock nights and the best thing, why didn't we use all of our permanency is to try with each other, which there, there is that you have and that's the whole point of that, we're going to move all the way and there isn't this one dominant currency, but there will be a lot of household currencies out there. the chinese women, the, the india to repeat the rest of the people, even the sofa couldn't run. wow,
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that's a really interesting guy. let's say i'm not talking about the us. you know, america has sat down for so long and happy in the knowledge that the dollar is the on charlie's power and the, well, it's not going to take any threat to that lying down. is that no, absolutely not mike, but sometimes you know, we to great implies, you know, they food at one point. and i think we've seen the way in which the u. k. b, us has managed to this fiscal policy. it has been completely reckless. they had a very big warning in 2008 with the financial crash and many warnings before that. but it seems they just ignored it. it continued to print a lot of money. they've continued to recognize financial sanctions against countries. that some countries that i've done absolutely nothing to offend them whatsoever. and i'm from doing that. you know, if we're going to have a car and see the we trade in that shouldn't be a, that shouldn't be with a requirement of using that currency or trading in that currency. shouldn't be whether you'll, my friend or not. a covered and see is a is
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a method of payment. so i think that shortens the maybe it's too late since it's and by me now while india is economy and the rupee is power rising, that the process of the, the lar, as ation is increasing to what action do you think by, by washington have led to the dollars role declining globally. well, i think it's just kind of what we just said then mike, it's, you know, financial sanctions being imposed on any country that the us doesn't particularly like for whatever reason. it's the most important thing of money, especially during the cubic period that let's, let's be honest. mike is the amount of debt that the us, the us, that the us government is in treaty and zip on trillions of dollars. if you wouldn't that much, that's it. you run the currency then, what's the value of it? i think the countries are looking at other options because the us sold a, it doesn't take a rocket science or even an economist to work out. it's a, it's a pretty dead stop now. and all we have to leave it here now, how chris evans are to contribute to thank you so much for your insight. thanks
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a lot like the classes of erupt in these really parliament as relatives of the mass, hostages interrupted the session, demanding the beaded release of their loved ones. either put it shows people chanting. now in hebrew and members of the opposition party is i see joining the cold and there on wednesday on wednesday nights couples with police broke out, which resulted in some of the protest. it's been dropped away. report suggests the torch was thrown out of the mounted police man while another demonstrate the crowd on the route once a cabin to prevent it from moving down as being a building in the country for months against the government over security feedings had all the october 7th atrocities the bloody offense in the offensive in gaza and
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the failure to win the safe return off the hosp to just move wiley and gather the founder of the well, the central kitchen has dismissed easels planes that a striker needs aide, come void, the killed 7 staff members with an unfortunate mistake, instead, he brought it did a direct attack. the air strikes on our convoy. we're not just some unfortunate mistake in the fog of war. it was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the is really military. it was also the direct result of his nothing yahoo is government's policy to squeeze humanitarian aid to desperate levels. are best disturbing video footage shows have been members of a us non profit organization being targeted by is riley strives of aid was what killed as a deposit the warehouse packed with food aid. the idea is admitted making a,
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quote great mistake by killing 78, work as 6 of whom were foreign nationals, claiming the incident was not intentional. i dislike was not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k. a work is. it was a mistake that followed me say, then if a cation night during the war, in a very complex conditions, it shouldn't have happened a been a while, a report in these really newspaper reads cast doubt that these riley strike was a mistake, as it reveals the idea of a tax, the aid conflict, not one's, but 3 times. how about when the matter was put to the us national security council spokesperson? he does the answering the question. you described, he described the district as a osborne mistake by his real, according to har. i'd see israel and use paper, it wasn't one strike, but 3,
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the 1st one then interval during which a workers got out of their vehicles, remove the oil, did try to move to another vehicle which was struck. and then a 3rd strike. what as they tried to move and escaped in a 3rd vehicle at which point all of them were dead. how would the 2nd and 3rd strikes of these marked vehicles be a mistake? and why would the us not more forcefully set conditions on the use of us made weaponry when it is being used to target aid workers? if the 1st one was a mistake, the 2nd 2 were targeted with the intent of killing everyone in that kind of way. so how do you respond to the 1st of all, there's an investigation going on, so why don't we let it get done? and why don't we see what they find in terms of the decision making process that led to this terrible outcome. prime minister and the idea of has noticed that it
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was their error. you don't like the word mistake, their error, they're investigating it, let them do that work and let them see what they come up with. and then we'll go from there. well, us president joe biden has not stayed out of a situation say that he was out raised by the killing of the aid workers this fall from the 1st criticism. all these really got been by it's key partner. but despite the public discontent was telling me the options of the us continues to supply on the easel spokesperson for the palestine red crescent. society says that he's always did it briefly and systematically targeting aid work as in gaza. a house on the sides of society as the by states as violent can think of something in the work, or when the world essentially changed. it is assumed traffic to see a workers be killed and targeted despite coordination of these fights,
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arranging. they are so you access those, the workers when working to i give you the 100 percent and suffering of people. think of what happened to, to down as exactly one we have the experience remains a, b, b, or c, s has experience. this is right. all 3 does not respect this coordination on the deliberately asked us to mount the key targeting and age workers out of human experience as what happened to 15 b or c s members who with just the way that they were on the jews. yeah. so the question, as how many more age workers should be killed before the international community will experience the steps and measures to ensure the protection for humanitarians unpaid workers. but it was hailed as the
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shopping experience of the future. you'll walk into the store, select 2 items, and simply walk out, and the technology would just send you the bill later on. amazon claim that was the future now, but it's since come to light a fleet of indian work as well, watching every move of the shop us and manually recording what they had selected. the revelations raised more than a few y browse online. the amazon build its just walk out stores as some try out the day i in reality, it was powered by thousands of low paid indian workers manually adding up items in your cart as you shopped. how insanely dystopian i might just be an underpaid, overlooked indian virtual worker, the amazon deputy that the stores back in 2018. but it's now been revealed more than a 1000 indian workers were used by the company to manually track customized purchases
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. and they took hours for them to compile the data, which was then used to generate the receipts right, let's discuss this live now with author and column is professor the category professor is good to have you join me right now. i'm as un haled best as the future of shopping. was it on a lie of the 1st instance? i did come, so now i'm missing because the human beings to put it all to the newest degree. i begun just revealed that the 1000 a would have been getting low because what really mining doing the stalls and they were doing the and job up the i. so i think it was like kind of a way to us or it was maybe a hybrid a to go do a yeah i we're going to replace human beings was taking it and probably when beings
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so. okay. good. it could be that. but now i'd be the, can i do the bug? not what. what if this is why concealed the truth about what was really going on behind the scenes? what are you, what's the best thing from these? a lot of these is going to be good because you know, that goes there and on the end is that uh set to do the want. get them to go to the why in the columbus kindly using um many human beings. so um, you know, what kinds of technology is exploding in the world and they have to sell it. so it could be one of their marketing step in the move. you're just wondering that so that's what i can imagine. um, you know, to say that did the dollar value of what it did, what i was doing the back and get my mind now, why is it so frequently indians hired for these kinds of jobs?
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is it, is it this sale or is it exploitation? i missed the boat. i mean we have a, we are a human know. so bless a going to need to one point, but for being people, the most populous country in the work with the huge um, percentage of, um, large for the uh, the young people really. so uh that is uh, plus workers here at the same time, uh, indians are becoming a good out a nickelodeon and um, you would gene or back in the dental g. so it's free to both really. i mean, you'll see it in the u. b. i a, the other uh, you know, a smart because you want to do across the country even in a really, as wherever you didn't have a telephone before. so it's wide spread the woods. so to answer you just leave the boat and be able to be labeled comes to, you know,
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competitive we did the china earlier, android, jane and the us, the attention they've done in glendale. so yeah, but in this case, how do you thing the indian government can protect india and computer engineers from being exploited by major global companies like this? because i'm as on top of that, she would have the money to pay for whoever, as it is. yes, they are claiming that they are assisting the digital and you do another one, which is more of the present and less duncan, you mean? and that excuses that it was taking time to get the results to the customers by doing mine was double vision, etc. so even government video that i'm sure now, right. it does come to light the good that you know you to do a good rest of the don't going to secure it before then you're going to try and find them. so um, um we didn't know i got you your set up said that was it,
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was it on buddy um indians, indian watkins. so um the indian government, i'm sure would you take it up? it's a strong government, and the yes to a re i sent you is that what are what india is in more? and it's questionable because now is the election time. so i'm shortly, we'll see some strong reactions. all right, we have to leave you here. now authoring to cut them. yes, professor, dk, gary, thank you so much for your insight. you might still be nice talking to mike. thank great, great, thank you. all right, check our kiddo's coming for more updates. i see you again in about 30 minutes. thanks for watching the .


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