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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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a heritage intangible list. that's the again, the, the headlines on off the international as the russian defense minister holds a phone call with his french counterpart. most goes a sort of a show who cautioning towers away from sending a french contingent to ukraine, the, the chaos and these really parliament, right, the relatives of a hostages, held by some us interrupting the session. the bonding little makers do more to get their loved ones back home checkouts amazon's a store of the future too closely. as a report exposes, a fleet of indians, secrets ain't working behind the scenes pretending to be off official intelligence . the
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invited is at microsoft in midnight, they were in moscow and the new team lining up your top stories will be coursing live to new york very soon. but for right now here on the front runner front is intention to send troops to fighting. ukraine will backfire on powers. that's the message from the russian defense minister to his french count, deposited a phone call earlier in the day. the payroll, so discussed the progress of the city whole terror attack in moscow. and so, so to get sure, i get it pulled up ukraine, links to the tragedy. the key friction does nothing without the approval of the western curators. we hope that in this case, the french special services are not behind us. but i must go without demanding for western states. so the us, germany, france on cyprus, come clean about what they know about for and involvement in power attacks and russia. and the legal request has been sent by the russian plus you get a general's office is a correspondent, a full legal request to investigate some finance years of terrorism on russian
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territory. and the north stream pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office. to a number of western nations, specifically the united states, germany, france, and cyprus, according to the prosecutor general's office. the idea is to hold these nations to their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's. and in light of recent events may have been violated by western nations. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention. for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings. and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political
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or other similar reasons. that this statement comes and made a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years. the most recent one, of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last month . it was carried out by islamic terrorists who tried to flee the ukraine after killing $145.00 people, including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects and starting to look like certain western nations may have been implicated, as well as the ukrainian armed forces, a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace methods out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive prearranged coverage by the western media in the direction they need it. it has already been established at the direct
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perpetrators of the mass murder at cocoa city hall were financed by ukraine. also, it is known that the chief of regime is not independent, but is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis. while the croaker city whole massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation. and ukraine kia has wants to terrorist attacks on the crimea bridge. and according to a recent article from the guardian, ukrainian intelligence believes that a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. of course, there was no mention of the civilian casualties that resulted from those attacks in that article. but there's also the terrorist attacks on the north stream pipelines
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which are widely believes to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western lead investigation came up with no significant results . so with russia now trying to. busy western nations to their obligations under these anti terrorism conventions. from the 1990s, it looks like the west is going to have to start putting. it's a rule of law where it's mouth is pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh has confirmed with his sources. but the information in washington provide on the terror attack in moscow like that specificity. and that's why the western media continues to claim that the information was, quote, highly specific. the american official took issue with the post account explaining that the target as depicted in the duty to one report was not known other than as a public gathering. and the c i a office as brief as spelled out in the message, did not specifically site the march 22nd concert. although it was a likely hit the worry he said,
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was that focusing on the concert as the target would certainly reduce precautions taken elsewhere. the official also caustically viewed the account presented to the post as being deliberately spun to make russian president vladimir putin is fairly a far worse. so i talked about more or less cost live out to all to use. okay. let me know if i'm standing by for us right now. okay. like what, what do we know about a, how much is new article, what, what are the some of the revelations if indeed there awesome as well. the latest article from investigative journalist seymour hersh confirms what russia has said all along that the reports given to rush it by the united states were too vague to prevent the terrorist attack. and this comes in light of a campaign in western media, trying to blame the attack on the russian president. now, more specifically, according to the reports, we understand according to see more versus article that there was a report given by the c, i a to russian intelligence under
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a procedure called duty to war. and these intelligence to intelligence warnings. they included a document that was marked urgent that was provided by the c i a to russia prior to the concert. now, the official who spoke with courage, the anonymous official says that the account of this in the washington post was well deliberately spot to make the russian president's failure far worse. and that the account had been presented by someone ignorant of the process. and now it's important to know that the director of the russian security services has gone into detail describing how the reports they received from the united states were simply vague in their language and did not provide the information that would be needed to prevent the attack. this is what the russian f s b director had to say. this is the practice when the american side, even if it provides a certain amount of information,
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is not always specific. and that is why we have to refine its word country. now the russian prosecutor general's office has called for western countries to now come clean about what they knew about foreign involvement in terror, attacks on russian soil. they are expected to fulfill their obligations under the 1999 international conventions for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. now russian foreign ministry, spokes person marie, is a car of a uh, she spoke about how she said we're a customer to americans on the one hand dumping into the information space and then a banding their own statements. and we really want to receive detailed, factual material from the american side on this topic that is when and to whom they convey this information because you can say anything. but we have now heard these things regarding the crocket city hall from the usa and their satellite. so at this
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point, we have a very important american journalist coming forward in saying, what's being put forward in american media, making it sound like somehow the attack that was carried out. so it's a 140 get us in the lives of this attack was somehow the fault of the russian government. that just doesn't measure up to fax. the information that was presented to russia by the united states was very vague and could not, you know, enable the russian government to stop the attack. uh and this uh sits a pattern on the part of us leaders and the way that they handle this kind of intelligence in the lead up to potential attacks. all right, let's discuss this and more in just a moment here on ology and that feel there's a correspondent, kate, i'm often thank you very much for that. so french, geo political and let's see what he'll do. let's go now joining us here, and i'll let you international as early as a great to have you on the program here. going to talk about a couple of things. if you don't mind me. first and foremost, the russian defense, minnesota, sort of a story to do in the past 24 hours speaking with his french counterpart warning
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powers about sending its troops to you crane. what do you, what do you make of that topic of conversation? well, 1st is it's not the 1st news. we are already aware of that the background decided on it's on to send troops and you print the thing is that has been the warren by many foreign countries, european union, united states, and other people that the, it wouldn't be a good idea or the problem is that my from of the signs in the new programming low which was voted last year in. ready 2023. now that includes the requisition, the personal, and it does it go person any more, all empty? anybody got to be involved not only to the, from the french territory, which is absolutely normal, but also to sol seo at the french engagement,
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defend commitments in for income for a time that doesn't involve the pain. because this year in february, march from then 0 is the sign in agreement, which has the value that need as. but if we combine both scenes, then background, you can do it then comes do up to 5. you have to go 5 of the late to allianz says that it's one data country. ready the fact that only the countries are attacked right, is that little bit further in that article, you have a sub jack there that says that the other countries from the 2, i'm not obliged to fulfill these. can we meet the don't want to do it. so basically not from me to wants to be there has a power to do with that. even referring to the french congress to choose the senate . and the 50 states a. m e can do it. so will you do it for once you do it?
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that's the question so far. uh, so far i was better, i guess my best guess would be that it would be confusing to some troops french to start the brain because he knows exactly what's gonna happen. but if i find somebody come pick him up, my problem is being, he's been jumping up and down like an angry little little man. i mean, is that it goes back a number of weeks. what ever since, what was it a january 17th and how to call a number of french citizens were killed when russian forces destroyed a temporary deployment facility with a friend of administrative friends unofficially admits the country has not suffered similar loss as a broad since the algerian rule in the 2nd half of the 20th century. and as i understand, it was actually frowns that initiated this phone call with the russian defense when it's a sort of a show, a group. why do you think paris is reaching out now? well, because france is just starting to freak out. that's, that's the very,
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that's the 1st the reason. yeah, that's the 1st reason we all know that the french, the french losses that but we have a new breed. they are not specifically of shoot fluids, but the mass and our is, or in the legions troops. these guys, the medicine arrays and stuff like this. this is what i explained when you, when you have you um are maybe in the system that are directly up. ready ready in the battlefield don't expect bringing behind. so. ready with the systems that we're sending over there scouts and puts out in the from kind of ro, lupins that you can be sure that you have a friends being. yeah, yeah. okay. 5 points i point i appreciate that meantime. but moscow is a challenge for western states to come up with any details they may have regarding terror attacks against russia. the full western states of the united states, germany, france, and know nothing u k. but cyprus, why do you think the cypress is on that list?
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0 um cypress might be on that list for monday system. mm hm. so far. ready to be very honest with you if that's the for instance, that's what i am thinking about. ready and once again, it's to be very honest with you right now. the cypress is just my mother's system for ends. yes. or maybe. yeah. a place where those guys could have been running through that and most probably would be another country. yeah. but, but i, i think, you know, i think you're right, i think you will. yeah. when it comes to cyprus, is going to be something to do with the banking systems over there and, and the movement of money. but um, when it comes to when it comes to these 4 countries in particular, i'm surprised that most ago didn't reach out to the u. k. i mean, it's pretty well established, the new case being the biggest belligerent when it comes to the ukraine calculator with russia. but when it comes to the us, germany, and for all us, do you think you think the f s. b, you think russian intelligence knows something that they know it was
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probably yes a source if you remember correctly on march, the 7th, the united states that issued a warning and they are and this is website. uh uh, the same warning um, uh, was issued by the french. uh, honestly, the next day. um, most probably the germans were aware of the is a, the, that the british also we all know that the you praying is not a solver encounter. ready brain is run by the united states, the c. ready and the am i 6, remember that the at the beginning of the template, it's ever as john son with team you brain on said to us the only the now don't worry. we have of like so many such as a rush i did on the last just a few months will be do everything you need that the ship every anything go to fight and that's it. that you're now 2 years after we know the results. yeah, yeah, exactly. well, i mean, you know, when it comes with the crocus tower, i talked
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a couple of weeks ago here in moscow. a number of a politicians have come out and they've said that they were western players link in some way, shape or form. i mean, to kind of douglas mcgregor very popular blogger out there for my us a service man. and he said when it comes to crow, cuz he said, it doesn't matter who carried out the attacks. it all filters back down to the m i 6 and see how yeah, you think there's any truth to what kind of mcgregor was saying or yes, absolutely. because um make the mistakes ukrainians. this is exactly what they're looking for. they are showing civil unions outside the dispute territory is because belgrade is and this to the territory belonging to impressions that version as on bass because the mass is also. ready it is the taste of the west and not, you know, you bring in the space of services as the you and may have said of these, but the real live that it's impossible for them to do this without
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the approval of the c i and the my seats, so it means that the, in the, if the c i n e am i 6 new? i've really got the french and the germans were the side of the project. in addition to one point. okay, fair point, f f on there, sort of, i appreciate that just just very quickly before i let you go when it comes to the, the conventional aspect of the conflict ongoing and the unfortunate staging ground of ukraine, the, the ongoing proxy well between nato america and the russian federation, we already know, i mean more than a year ago, europe and countries. i say we have no more weapons left to give you credit and we have scraped the bottom of the barrel. we don't have any more times ahmed vehicles . we simply don't have the weapons to give you credit any more. and yet meantime this now, all this comma and, and, and feed my, bring about the next tash injection, that has to go to keep it, you know, a few 100 minutes. if the money goes to k of what can that money possibly do to
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change the tide in the conflict? and the thing is that, you know, the money is not even reaching you free right. when the americans are giving credits to ukraine to get some weapons, the money is going from the government account to the military, industrial complex. now it doesn't reach uh, it doesn't reach the print. the print is just getting the width and some of the munitions and stuff like this. when france is saying that they're going to send about the 100 of the, the i b and the different kind of stuff. the, the, the, the, the of the, of the, sorry um is um the normal vehicle that is totally unusable with the frame. uh the armor system is not performance. it's just uh, is this something that we don't use anymore. we don't know what to do with it. it would cost us money to uh, to, to dismantle, it's easier to send these to the plane and have the russians this free it,
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which will happen in a way, so much money. no. once again, money is not routine to print and re frame is such a correct? that's something that is the money west virginia praying to buy. so what funds house of the money will disappear somewhere and right just in such a across the country. i'm sorry to say this, but your brain is also a terrorist country, not an organization is a terrorist country to me from the truth get each uh they have always been acting acting like this. so people intense whatever happens before. yeah. well, me time me, i've just been say, meantime some of the some of the highest level people of ukraine from the raw data can be seen walking around quite freely. a monte carlo with them my backs, their rolls, royces and the golden rain drive. was it just doesn't stop serial the alaska is a french geo political analyst,
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dropping some shoes. truth problems as well. appreciate your time. thanks so much for joining us. you're welcome pleasure. any. thank you. thank you. questions have interrupted in the it is rainy. parliament was relatives of all the hostages, still held by some us interrupted the session demanding their immediate release. are you looking inside of the upon them at the foot of showing people chanting now, and hebrew members of the opposition even joined the call earlier on wednesday night scuffles broke out with the police. some of the protests were dragged away, but it's fair to say that he has been building in the country for months against the government over the october. the 7th atrocity is the bloody offensive, and guys are in the failure to get the hostages back home. as i'm at least bureau chief maria and marcia, how's the wednesday the last day of these really solomon's plenum
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before it is supposed to go on a spring recess is the final day of the massive and to government pro. here in jerusalem demonstrations that israel hasn't seen since, how masses attack in october, that led to the states a war in guys that it is relatively called. now here in front of the message, but in 3 days we've seen thousands coming to voice the concerns and demands and the loudest belief in london, families of these really hostages, held in could cvt in the gaz today for 6 months. now some of them you can see them behind me there from time to time shouting actual meaning. now, in zebra, they didn't mind the release of the their beloved ones from could see between guys that now earlier today they went inside the parliament and threw yellow paint on the glass as to parade the gas gallery from the connected members. some of the protest or is also covered, the fans in yellow pain. yellow is the official color of the ring. them home
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contain that unites relatives of the hostages, and all those supporting them. the demonstrators shouted, they will be no recess until the last captive is returned. home, while they were being removed from the gallery by security guards, just to remind you 134 people, men, women, and children and elderly remain in gaza for almost 180 days despite many rounds of talks with different space mediating so far there was only one deal between israel and how much less the band were the lads to the release of more than 100 is really captives and exchange for a number of palestinian prisoners held in israel to jail. since then for sale mines, no breakthrough has been achieved. an anti government protest or is it you can hear and see a line make the yahoo is the progress on purpose because of the war would keep
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human power frustration for us or say the government is acting in its own interests and not the peoples they ask for resignation and early elections, let's say can listen to some of them have to say this government has abandoned the hostages, the in gaza to actually get things moving isn't demanded this government be removed . we both been protesting against a stubborn it now for over a year. and it's changed forms over time, but it only becomes more and more acute how this interested. they are in the future here and the actual people who live here and, and building something that allows us to live and thrive and be safe here. plus nights of protests, one violence or is of israelis took to the guys a street in jerusalem. not far from here, where the prime minister as residence is located. several of them managed to go
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through barricades flashing with the security forces to protest or is organizes pay people to come down and avoid the tensions. for the seas of people are not ready to give up. these really literacy, it is on that to men. there's domestic pressure was below the condemnation. oh so now and they have been various reasons for the international community to be concerned recently. for example, huge number of innocent civilians pills and is really offensive in jobs that local house minutes serving for more than 33000 people died in 6 months of the war. also these rules plans to invade densely populated area and gas as well right now. up to 1500000 gallons sheltering the most recent incidents that alerted many in the world, these really army killings, 78 workers of various nationalities, gaza at the time they were delivering desperately needed english, starving in play,
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the vague. so with a lot of all the charity on it was, he's new to the laser and me to take the ideas. i'm in time to try president joe biden, who said he was out range for one thing as an israel wasn't doing enough to protect civilians. there, reaction signaling isn't deep rates between the 2 close allies. the u. k. prime minister, inside the guy told him no way, canada and australia holes are reacted furiously, expressed astray is anger and concern, humanity or in assistance, must rage, people in gaza, unimpeded and in large quantities. i think it proves a military machine which is out of control. but they fire on anything if that could be a slight suspicion which is in violation of all the rules of warfare that should be
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distinction between military and civilian targets. israel needs to respect international humanitarian law and we will make sure that that is the case. but the incidence res, security concerns and threatened all humanitarian missions currently works for you guys. so you know, either there the attack stopped all its operations in the street in an emergency move. well the girls humanitarian aid to gather from the states returned to cyprus . they came from full of food that was not even on the grounds at the time when the u. n. is alerting them and is spread it across the valley way. so clearly they might get things on the ground. even worse. i was discussing this a bit earlier in the program with a guild dickman. he's a, he's got one of his cousins that held hostages still buy from us. it was also one
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of those protesting in the connected, the week of december because it's uh because our relatives are held in gaza for a $180.00 days now. and excessive, unfortunate and fee. he's going on a pause. it started about vacation that was plan ahead and we're in the midst of war. we have a hostage situation. we thought we'd be just preposterous to go on a break right now and to just go on vacation. so he said, you should go out of and just said to stop, do your job for the hostages still held. and that was always good to protest. and to, to make sure that the people remember that hostages, and they have the promise of god that we do not achieve our goal. i hope that they're thinking about is saving the lives of hostages of the hostages and putting an end to this tragedy. because this is what we want,
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most people are shifting gears or on how to use it was hailed as the shopping experience of the future. you walk into your shop, you select your item. as you walk out, the technology will just send you the bill a bit later, the amazon prime that was the future. right now. it has since come to light. a fleet of indian workers was secretly watching every move of the shoppers and manually recording what they were selecting. you can imagine this has raised more than a few. i browse online amazon build its just walk out stores as i'm trying to they i in reality, it was powered by thousands of low paid indian workers manually adding up items in your cart as you shopped. how insanely dystopian i might just be an underpaid, overlooked indian virtual worker. that was ins. just walk out. technology was 1000 indian people watching you shop. glorious as long as they do the stores back in
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2018 and praising the technology as magical. but it's not being revealed. mold enough dials and in the workers were used by amazon to manually attract customers, purchases. it took hours for them to compile the day to which was that used to generate the receipts and author and called and asked professor d k here. the says big tech is secretly using schumann label while claiming its old office official intelligence. but these are gonna be the technology, you know, that goes there. and on the end is that, uh set to do the want, get them to go to the why in the columbus kindly using the new human beings. so, um, the, the old kinds of technology is exploding in the world and they have to sell it. so it could be one of their marketing strategy. movies never got. so that's what i can do my view. um, you know, to say that did the dollar value of what it did,
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what i was doing, the backing in my mind, we believe, although we are also leading to the kind of for new sure. and can you model for the software and computers, etc. but we believe that did what was it can never replace human beings need need to wouldn't be to use them. so too much reliance on technology also is there misplace to any of the strategy by us and other of the leading countries on different already. so, um, yeah, i mean it is a time to think about the, you know that some of the usual click on it and it is the yearly in deep the government did work on it. so any, any info is into a big song. well, according to our human and labor, rice lloyd, done cuz i like, he says that amazon never actually had this technology in the 1st place to put all of this kind of shopping.


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