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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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i find themselves worlds of parts. we choose to look so common ground the 1st time says 2022, the russian defense of associates with his prize counts a bar, right for this on the plane prices. and the reason coast attack in the us or in this reconsider operating annual tony garza offered the needs ready at 5 on 8 left. however, the us remain steadfast that supports the israel. despite virus that be a month to the us tech side, amazon i'm finds it's futuristic still concept, but it really is the instead of using pay, i will suffice it and check out with $1.00 play a 1000 people in india and bunch long enough to answer that the send 20000 little things to go about this in protest against the tenants in the envelope
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of something from the, from the, the wall. this is odd c, and it's good to have you something today. my name is off, lots of so this out. russia want, the phones is intention to send troops to flight and ukraine will, but fire on virus. that was the message from the russian defense minister to his friends council pods and a phone call on wednesday. they also discussed the recent terrorist attack in moscow, and in particular, the tension, the premium bowl, but the incident, the key friction does nothing without the approval of the western curators. we hope that in this case, the french special services are not behind this. to me a lot less than a sort of these odd demonte that falls, the us germany and cyprus,
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complain about what they know about the for involvement in terror. attacks against the washer losses is key was not independent in focus, facing the recent atrocity were slow here as the ukrainian armed forces and nato can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace methods out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive pre arranged coverage by the western media in the direction they needed. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croaker city hall, were financed by ukraine. also, it is known that the g, every team is not independent, but is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and
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also had something to do with the formation of isis me. me show earlier, my colleague, martha of course, just spoke with all to come to me to read. she said the, your assignments listed on lines are unlikely to be held responsible for that potential support for crimes against too much. and there's so many international war crimes being committed right now, not only in ukraine, but also in gaza and with flouting international laws, flooding treaties. and there doesn't seem to be any investigation or consequences what it has to do with western nations being involved. and that's really leading to some reflection that has the u. s. has ukraine become a rogue states by rogue state? i mean, they flout was, they do whatever they can to, to enhance and keep their power. the fact that in the light of all of this that's happening, they're still going to give billions of dollars to crank in weapons. says at all
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they're still funding this regime. and it's not a democracy. let's talk about these. the issue of crucial information like best mm . hm oh, of what benefit is it to a country when they have information yet they sit on it and don't really use it exactly. and you, there used to be some sort of, if there was a terrorist, a threat, there would be some sort of communication even if there was rivalry going on. there would be a communication if it was rove. but in this case, you have to understand, you know, the us and britain are funding this proxy war against russia, the ukraine, their funding, if this is their weapons they're using and they're committing these act. so this leads to the rule. international rule of law is the us and britain should they be held accountable for work crimes if they're going after civilian infrastructure, like the cursed bridge in crimea, like um north string to which was a civilian infrastructure. they said that that ukraine was involved. they're admitting to being participating and funding
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a terrace act. so they're trying to deny it. they're trying to cover it up just like they covered up north spring to only this was much more egregious in the sense that, you know, hundreds of civilians were killed, many injured and you know that it was a horrific attack. and it was funded by crypto, apparently is what russian invest together said. and they know very well that the us has been planning some ways to weekend russia from within. now you have to understand what you're talking about. why doesn't the us tell the truth about this or that the us lied about? i racked, they lied about vietnam, they lied about many other non conflict libby and it's do right. you know, all of that mean we'd be all night if we change all the complex, right. it's very in line with, you know, that, unfortunately, and it's, it's the propaganda. and unfortunately you have some people in washington that both are believing their own propaganda. and that's been the,
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the real problem as well. by this, we are the latest from the middle east, a ship carrying commodities supplies the policy as has been sent to cyprus office. several aid was killed. him is ready as fine on that home boy in gauze. the under livid a was paused of a shipment of 340 tons being sent to god the bye. see the world, the central picture, and i'm a group working the throughout the was just now suspended. this operation was the following. i the for the time now the you and has said that the giving of humanitarian workers as in typically what he's struggling 8 efforts for civilian. and we can only underscore once more, the delays and the denial of humanitarian missions. not only prevent us from reaching those in need, but they also impact other operations and delivery by diverting scarce resources. the remains of 6 for an aid was being taken by evans,
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through the roof of crossing into egypt, where they have been bid. there have been bid farewell. i'm handed over to that confused, representative, insightful, and the humanitarian called void through international condemnation and highlighted the dangers faced by 8 as in the regions and also out of hospital ingles expressed regret for the losses and dislike those who died as monsters that he monetary duty the home sits, the martyrs include 3 british civilians, as well as one american, one australian, and one pole. they are martyrs of their humana, terry, and duty. they were targeted by these rarely occupation yesterday, and today we bid them farewell and deliver them to their families through the roof of crossing via the united nations. as you can see, the coordination has been finalized to transfer them to their home countries. for now, the world central kitchen has suspended it to man at terry and work. the situation
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is tragic for the displaced as well as for the staff and patients and mohammad yusef, almo jar hospital, where the services by the world central kitchens have stopped. now as you can see, the palestinian people are bidding farewell to those martyrs provided humanitarian aid to our people. this lives, the international outcry over the coming of age will cause us is not ready to condemn miss ally as well or abandon is financially support. we need to see what they would they find as a result of their sense and that they have already admitted that they conducted a straight save already publicly said that their fault for the stray. and they're working their way through the specific findings and details. and i think we need to let them finish that work and speak to it themselves. so i'm not prepared at this point to, to uh, to speculate about anything we might or might not do. you know, we, we would have to wait,
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see what the investigation says earlier. we heard from and about 5 stuff i sense. but as for the passing of would precedence society, she said that as well as deliberately and systematically targeting a low cuz in the us, in the society as the last season is by mentioning of southern work or west of the world. and ascension is as to traffic to sea age workers be killed. targeted despite coordination, besides arranging your access to the workers when working to actually the 100 percent and something people think of what's happened to them as exactly once we have experienced b, b, or c, s has the experience. this is does not respect the emotions on the team as just amounts, the key targeting and age workers out of the human experience as what happened to
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15 p r c. s members who with just the way that they were on the jews. yeah. so the question, as how many were age workers should be killed before the international community. when i'd experienced the steps and measures to ensure the protection for the humanitarian on these workers. families of those 8 was who killed are in morning and one of the locals was 0 me. franklin who goes to the in india, told all do that she was on like in missouri mission to prevent starvation. the details are on our website on the cheap low cost it was hailed as the shopping experience of the future. that's how amazon, despite this quote, just woke out stools. so i was on, they do the search box in 2018, but technology allowed customers to enter
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a store by identifying themselves with the amazon accounts. from there, they could pick up the items and walk out with the final goods goal without having to interact with the cashier. i was on claim it was the future, appraising the technology as magical, saying that often the visual intelligence was tracking every purchase. but as i'm as own closes, those supposedly magical stores, a new report shows life and it was a really a i it was a fleet of indian workers as they was seen, courtney watching every move of the shoppers and manually recording, but they had selected. and this white me a, i apparently still being used, the workers had to do the computers and job all over again to check it reposing 2 hours for them to compile the data that was then used to generate the receipts. we
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spoke with a also ad color of s d k gary, who commented about how i was and promoted as tech was secretly using human labor. a lot of these is going to be good because the, you know, that goes there. and on the end is that uh set to do the want, get them to go to the why in the columbus kindly using the new human beings. so i'm in the, the old kinds of technology that he's exploding in the world and they have to sell it. so it could be one of the marketing step in the movie. that's one of that. so that's what i can do my view. um, you know, to say that did the dollar value of what it did, what as doing the backing it by man. we believe, although we are also leading to the kind of for new sure. and can you model for the software and computers, etc. but we believe that he didn't want,
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he can never replace human beings and you need to wouldn't be to use them. so too much reliance on technology also is there misplaced, uh, really a strategy by us and other of the leading countries on different already. so, um, yeah, i mean it is a time to think about the, the, the direction of the use of technology and it is into the yearly, in deep the government. did we opened it? so any, any, did you type into a song here of and i labeled rightfully that, incorporating so it is a, i'm is on said it's customers would turn on the company if the extend of his work of exploitation was exposed. well, it appears to be both a deception and also a case of exploiting work nursed and india do i think, you know, we need not, you know, always need to be careful not to disparage those workers or,
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or who are themselves being oppressed. but yeah, we're part of something really bizarre that violated people's privacy. and again, a really good, a representative misrepresentation upon consumers. several things happening here. one is, i think they feared if the consumers knew the truth. then in fact, there were, you know, a 1000 indian workers who were being exploited to pull this off, that they would be revile the reviled for that which they should be. but also, you know, reminds me of the scandal regarding that technology. you remember, and i'm forgetting her name, the woman who claimed to come up with the test to test all your blood with just one drop. and uh that was a fraud. this sounds very similar to that right today. they probably want to have a, i to be able to do that. they hadn't yet developed the technology. so they essentially perpetrated abroad upon people was law just for use of
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cobalt, the democratic republic of congo, suffering from a myriad of health issues connected with the mining of the metal. a recent study has revealed a high risk of reproductive disorders and other problems. and the
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despite the previous studies and publications, little action has been taken, leading to an increase in health issues. mining companies, lack updated environmental and social impact assessments. while they update mineral processing technologies, mitigation plans for pollution, incidents are often neglected in water. pollution has led to widespread illnesses within communities, especially affecting women, young girls and children. the environmental protection is not a priority for these companies. their focus lies on production and profit generation. major corporations like tesla, google, apple, and microsoft as and consumers purchasing minerals from the d r c. shared
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responsibility due to their financial capacity and supply chain control. they could ensure human rights compliance and sourcing minerals and verify that their purchases originate from rights respecting cycles long the to say on the continent of the subs the an applicant, national botswana has to attend to send 20000 elephants in germany. but it was to restrict the import of hunting trophies and boats. one is present, it says that could cut tourism to his country as a result to an over population of the great mama. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in botswana where paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt, i want mrs. lam kit whom i deeply respect to take the time to accept the facts and the science. if you liked them so much, please accept this gift from us. you should live with the animals the way you try
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to tell us 2 boats. one has offered to send 20000 elephants to germany, is not shocking. as berlin one of the books one is largest hunting trophies. importers continues to entertain the idea to bend those imports. both one as president emphasizes, once again that the band suggested would impose great threats on local communities . officials, ups trust any that would mean the already $130000.00 strong elephant population would only grow more, which in turn would have worse and poverty in the community. germany though, does not want to hear any of that. they are essentially responding with no, no, we know better. this bad is for your own good germany as a key country and the you must finally take responsibility and stop the unnecessary shooting of countless endangered animals at a time. but more animal speeches, audrey scoff, extinction than ever before. any additional threat to the continued existence of
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species must be excluded. the shooting of lions derives leopards and other animals spacious by trophy hunters whose populations have significantly decreased in recent years cannot be justified. often the case of setbacks, jerome one, you must find that would take a stand for the ethical and sustainable protection of specious it indeed is much more comfortable to sit in europe and impose dangers decisions on another sovereign state miles away. but hey, there just your opinions what a good heart and careful wild life except that the catch is they are not the ones to deal with. the consequences was even more interesting is the fact that germany's master plan is not quite original a bit earlier the u. k came up with a similar idea, but it's one that again, had to thoroughly explain why this ben presents risks for the country. we employ
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your government to carefully consider the implications of an acting, the hunting trophies in port prohibition bill. such a decision could have far reaching negative consequences on wild life populations exacerbate human wild live conflicts, undermine conservation efforts, and impact the livelihoods and wellbeing of communities residing in wild life areas . and over population is an easier way for wildlife to mix with humans. it also means that the times when a wild animal wouldn't dare to step into a humans home, are long gone. wild animals can no longer be intimidated or scared of humans. instead, they will be found next door ethan crops leaving people hungry, stealing water from pipes, leaving the community thursday. and that is something only locals understand very well. they are killing children who get in their path. they trample, indeed,
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farm is crops leaving africans hungry. they steal the water from pipes that is flowing to the people. they have lost the fear of humans. i want britons to have a taste of living alongside elephants, which are overwhelming my country. in some areas, there are more of these beasts than people. the floods want to is not alone in this it's neighbor and the media is suffering from apparel scenario. despite explaining the negatives common from the trophy, hunting him for span is formal colonial rule or germany choose us to turn a blind eye. never the less and it may be a studious ground, an openly called the band in neo colonial interference. we consider any input restrictions or bands of trough is listed in c, i t s conventional international trade in endangered species of wild phone and flora attendance is wanting to which go beyond the c i. t, as regulations as unilateral unlawful new colonial interference with our sovereign
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rights, the sustainable use of our resources. europe's heroes syndrome behavior towards africa has showed repeatedly that it is nothing but a facade to hide its neo colonial implicit rules. instead of professional dialogue to understand the demands and real needs of african states, europe superiority complex continues to make them stick out like a sore thumb. when he spoke with a sudden show, he called a palace in bucks. why he said europe as no light to till after what to do with the animals that they may come into contact with on the price to feed daily basis. europe again, finds itself with an agenda for africa that does not include africans. it's a new a colonialism agenda which funeral it continues to push. maybe they should adopt 20000 elephants and see if they can take care of them from bailey and then they
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would know exactly what it is to cleanser. okay. i know most people on the ground, you know, communities inside a particularly well joanna and i may be as involved with a who lives even in south africa who live close to a you know, as life but he does, i effect affected really very and they get to be a, by this blanket pretty much and, and the, we just as perhaps even the 0 pins at to send down the team to space 6 months. you know, with some of these communities to really have a deep understanding and not stay in large is a, you know, and so how do you like it was, but they among supplemented and see how a 5 of i killed by a, you know, by a model out doing elephants and see how crops a, you know,
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i being destroyed and see how lions i eating people's capital a which in most cases that only saw so live be. so you have people, a, you know, a more often 1000000000 or munich say, you know, wanting to leg to us here on the grounds of what we need to do while we have a thousands and thousands and thousands of animals and professionals. mind you waking for awhile last night, hotman's, monitoring these wildlife. a very sir is simply using ukraine as a tool, and it's fight against the rush of statement by russian deputy for massa. and it was on the good us go now. he spoke with all the exclusive interview about most of the is offered for the relationship with the west to move a lions on it's 75th. i'm a bessy will air in full throughout the day here on, on see, but is a quick preview grades and then obviously the crane is an instrument for nature,
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monthly and straightforwardly. they took countries of waging a hyper go against russia. a hybrid war consists of many elements. it includes, 1st and foremost, informational and ideological aspects. demonizing russia and attributing also a militias plans to get to some of these search see looking a bit broad uh now beyond ukraine's products. and you were currently witnessing increase need to activity in the south main goal of the alliance and this region. and does watch so already have an understanding of what specific methods the lights will try to use to achieve this goal for pneumonia. suddenly, absolutely, there is understanding, look at nature strategic documents, which the dates are defined brush as it directs an immediate threat to the lines they've decided. russia is a direct and immediate threat to the lights. this idea was born in their minds.
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secondly, by some military construction and no nato activities, wherever they occur, ada containing rush out, in this sense, central asia and the south coexistence. i'll also regions where russia needs to be contained pressure can be contained primarily through the destruction of historical ties between russia and all places. bottom is as well that around some of this news as always, is paid to have your company hang on. are you doing? christy i am next seas took them out. look off of everything. take a look at that with the back of the company. yeah, the,
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the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense key and the best most all sense of the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine,
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the state on the russians per day and split the r t supposed met, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say? even twist, which is the adoption is all around, even if we don't see it, it is estimated that between 2 to 4 percent of americans have adopted and more than a 3rd have considered it. adoption gets hopeful parents the opportunity to raise a child that they wouldn't have otherwise. for a couple struggling with infertility. adoption is a guaranteed way to add a child to their family without the emotional health and financial risk involved in
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the idea of treatments. i'm crisp and today we're going to be going through the complicated process of adoption from agency fees to legal expenses and the nuances of private and agency driven adoption. the adoption is a deeply personal and emotional journey, but the process can be interested to many families considering adoption have to 1st decide between working with a deduction agency or completing an independent adoption. now the primary difference between the 2 is with an agency, the adoption professional will work with you through every step from matching and screening to communicating with prospective birth parents, and legally finalizing the adoption. it is essentially an all inclusive one stop shop, while independence has options require the adoptive parents to outsource the services that they need for multiple adoption professionals. and then attempt to screen
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themselves. adoption agencies usually coordinate advertising for adoptive families using large networks and professional media services. they work with a large pool of pregnant women considering adoption and can match them to parents based on both parties. preferences such as the amount of contact that they like to share after the placement. working with an experienced agency can also help to lower the risk of adoption fraud as adoption agencies carefully screen expense, the mothers and gauge their commitment and sincerity before matching them. some will also provide financial protection in the case of adoption fraud. now the process of adoption typically involves a series of steps starting with a decision to adopt followed by home studies, paper work background checks, and finally waiting periods. this process is to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for the child, balancing the needs of both the adoptive family and the child.


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