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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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so then died, 6 was incredible genocide. the way it was, the ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond. its borders. ross's top did the much chairs into ukraine edits, western sponsors claiming they have been all to ready to turn a blind eye to key of like the atrocities over the years. nato's chief infested pumping ukraine with more military aid as an investment to the blocks of security for the moscow's former envoy to the alliance as a key of simply being used as a tool. and the approximate war against russia will not be as strong ukraine is an instrument from
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a side to put it bluntly and straightforwardly. they took countries of waging a hybrid war against russia. running dry as in bob blo be t as a state of disaster admitted devastating droughts coupled with the ongoing impact of crippling sanctions imposed by the united states. the head of the welcome to arch international reaching. you live for my new center in moscow. i have michael fletcher with the updates rush, us foreign minister. it has to create a tray and an out right to tell her estate. take your live it off. woods came, i see was commenting on the recent attack on the moscow concert hall. he also last out of what he called the ignorance of western countries when he comes to atrocities committed by kit for someone else today in the stella, ukraine has become an outright terrorist state for 10 years. it has been
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terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders. we see how kids flagrant violations of human rights are being covered up by western n g. those and many international mechanisms. in february 2022, when the special military operation began, the key of regime declared itself free of virtually all human rights obligations. even then, i will remind you the entire world was covered with numerous images of ukrainian military atrocities, including on the battlefield. let us recall the video of ukrainian nazis were in uniforms of the ukrainian armed forces, shooting captive russian soldiers, whose hands and feet were bound and had bags over their heads, all of which was filmed and posted online with obvious pleasure. but no one is going to demand that ukraine, investigate this crime, and prove that they understand something and at least partially respect their
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obligations under international law. well mister lab, ralph placed great emphasis on how the actions of both keys and the west have led to a re emergence of neo nazi as a, one of the main events being the so called anti terrorist operation. the key i've had launched against the people have done boss back in 2015, not long after the euro. my don regime came to power in ukraine. this operation drew much of its strength from armed neo nazi organizations like the as off battalion, which the united states that supplied with weapons and money over many years. and according to russia's a foreign minister, he says that it's unlikely that the west is ever going to conduct an actual investigation into the crimes of organizations like the, as on fatality. and some we'd be able to find the very 1st moment we've been demanding an objective open investigation. no one is going to do that. at the same time, the european union have fully as if it had only been waiting for this occasion together with the americans and the british introduce new packages of sanctions against the
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restaurant. we all know the key of is not independence. it is only following the instructions of its bosses. it's masters who need to implement the n t rush or project a global midland. new, as the main thing for them is to defeat russia. and most of this is the goal that was set for the key of regime period keeps giving his remote access for administer . also spoke a bit about how moscow was able to broker a ceasefire. and the don boss conflict in 2015 through multi lateral negotiations that resulted in the minster agreements. but after some several years it became clear that t f and the west were not serious about upholding their obligations under these agreements. despite the fact that moscow had long warns the west and key of that, an escalation of this conflict would only lead to catastrophe, which is what it is. we honestly told the west you are pushing ukraine towards disaster. no one was listening. that's why i say again,
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we have nothing to hide. i do not know with what arguments the west uses, except that russia will conquer everyone now. and there was no logic there some time ago at the beginning of the special military operation, even before its western ideologists said, let's rather accept ukraine. it's nato. then russia will not dare to attack it, because russia cannot attack a nato country. now as you see, those arguments have changed, and they are now saying that ukraine is about to lose, and they cannot allow you for and to lose. because as soon as it loses to russia, russia would immediately attack nato. where is the logic there? at 1st, they assume that russia would never allow itself to attack nato, but now they are just convincing everyone that this is the plan of president putin and the russian leadership. our president has already commented on this calling it nonsense. of course this all ties into mr. lab,
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rob's earlier statement that the key ever seem has been a terrorist state for the past decade. he mentioned the attacks on the crime in bridge which took the lives of several civilians. the assassinations of journalists like daria, do gonna, and other terrorist attacks that taking place on russian territory that have essentially put t as in direct contradiction with its obligations under international anti terrorism conventions. well, let's get the thoughts on this meeting from international relations. political come and tell you to an offer one day and saw me one day is good to have you join me now . that how much of the audience was off so much of it know, listening to save the lives of today, where from the global south. now what can you read from that? well, so that's not surprising. the relationship that the global solid types of russia is very deep. and is the story corps as well. you remember that the relationship that
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rush it had with africa in particular during the during colonization, when they help the liberation movements across the applicant, continent to resist the wisdom powers who were colonizing, advocate the time. so the relationship between the russian federation and the global thousands is very deep, strong and historically booted as well. so it's not as a bizarre surprised that they would have a more very supportive disposition of population perturbation. and it's, and it's kind of, it's a of objectives rufus. all right, sir, lived all the stress that the west offering covers up. you create any human rights abuses. why have the western states so eagerly helping kids from your assessment as well? of course the, the, the goal here, the rest of the world is to have the may to minutes free. right? that the border of the russian, but ration. so this has been
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a 10 story started back back from the ninety's where they expanded made. so you still need to crow vote to approve of russian to approve of good response from russia. now ukraine is a very strategic, strategic and very important player in helping the us obtain the objectives. which of course is to provo, gretchen, to have made so right. that's the going to us. so the us and the west of the world do this expected that they will assist you, create and visit and invest tense. all right, boss, of last year, as foreign minister said that you crane has become a part of every state that from all of the reports on your assessment. what do you think of such an assessment? of course you can gauge and and guide. so tara sponsor or support at self service, especially when there is a change of cost of you do
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a search engaging in such activities been exhibits. he's been you that the natural response would be that do i terrorist states or us base sponsor terrorism? i do not the worst, i can believe that the part, but it's the pressure when i say such strong hudson says without that without that foundation. and we thought that just that changing consistency of the crate in re g my, the key of regina and so 40 a being and making resources available for ex alterra, especially against a sovereign nations, is not while speaking about the moscow concept, whole attack, live it all pointed out to you. busy and then linked to the atrocity and demanded the key if you feel its obligations under international conventions against terrorism and hand over those responsible for the attack. they are thing, but some likely happen. no, i don't think that's uh likely to happen,
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particularly because how do you do, how does ukraine do that with oh, it's a community that they are directly or indirectly involved in the very tragic attack that happened in russia. so i don't believe the going to cooperate with the right information on this it's, it's one of those unfortunate incidence is that, yeah, we find out 510 years later, and you confirmation on it. and then you'll find those countries called rating, but with the conditions now, you know how, how does the crate do that without the admitting deal? so i find it highly likely that you said what was call rate. so any of the wisdom countries with corporate and, and so i think that the narrative that they were directly or indirectly involved anybody, we try just try to go check all of the end comments to the as well as that, or get loud rove said that it's absurd for nature to accuse rochelle prepared to
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attack it. how wonder what to make of a statement? that's true. it is, it is, i'm sorry. uh, it's sort of sort assessment to say that russia is preparing to take me to a test for russia to attack nature. with that, that can ration or, well, it won't be was what we do have to remember why russia implemented it's operation and you create and that is to prevent that. that was a little boy confrontation of that scale to remember ukraine, or the expansion of nato into your brain. but as russia's red line, so indeed degrade. so it would have expanded to create that would put us closer into after world war. so the operation in ukraine is to prevent that role. so i disagree with the assessment that the russians preparing to to, to attack made. so russia wanted a convent direct confrontation with mates. so they would have had
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a direct confrontation with what we need. so a long time ago, so i think what we have seen and what i have seen as a rush as actually been trying to prevent a situation where we place the world into another catastrophe that hasn't been seen since the 2nd world war arrived. we have to leave you here now one day live in so many international relations and political commentator and the office. thank you for your insight. thank you very much. now relations between ross and nature are in a state of direct confrontation over the lions involved in the ukraine, and that's according to crammed in spokes bison. the chestnut inside these relations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation. indeed, the nature of never stays, the line itself is in fact already comes to be increasing its engagement, but is already involved in the conflict around ukraine. they to continues moving
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towards the board is expanding its military infrastructure towards all borders. in fact, data continues to demonstrate its essence, that's because nato was conceived as a lines it was configured, created and managed by the us as an instrument of confrontation, primarily on the european continent. problem that i mean, while nato's chief has described military support for you create and as quote and investment in the blocks own security, he also or the lions members to make a to key of obligate tree rather than just below entry. as i said, there's many, many times that's a supportive crate and so child support, it's too great. it is an investment in our own security serial for to well welcome bolden contribution spots in the long run. we need to be less dependent on a voluntary contributions, short term, i'm more than dependent on a strong nature commitments. the nato chief also felt vowed that ukraine to the
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eventually to on the block. how about he didn't specify a timeline. these statements came as the lions box, it's 70 based on advisory, and kids for administer who was also invited to the best they gathering, seized the opportunity to request more western library, particularly us patriot myself. systems. european diplomats have been debating whether to create a 100000000000 euro fund for long term on supplies to key f. b. a while we've heard from moscow was former envoy to nato alexander griffith. he had some fast woods for the block, accusing it of using your trade in a proxy war against russian gray and with no, not the instrument. ukraine is an instrument for nato. to put it bluntly and straightforwardly. they took countries of waging a hybrid war against russia. a hybrid war consists of many elements. it includes, 1st and foremost, informational and audiological aspects by demonizing, russia and attributing old souls of malicious plans to us. okay, it's such
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a looking a bit broad now beyond ukraine's food is, i mean, we currently witnessing increased need to activity in the south coast. what's the main goal of the alliance in this region? and does rush so already have an understanding of what specific methods the alliance will try to use to achieve this goal for pretty money upfront. so literally, there is understanding, look at nato strategic documents, which the dates defined brush as a direct and immediate to the lines they've decided. russia is a direct and immediate right to the lines says i day was born in their minds. secondly, by the military construction and no native activities, wherever they have a aged containing rush out. and this time, central asia and the south courses, also regions where russia needs to be contained, especially it can be contained primarily through the destruction of historical ties between russia and dog places. bottom is what i see. the china has one's based
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philippines, against the proof of creating actual provide to get creative actions in south china sea of aging claims. manila might be acting under foreign influence and breaching its commitments. found here to be sure how can we show in the direct cause of the current escalation. the maritime disputes between china and the philippines lies in the fact that the philippine side were lined. some external forces, violating its commitments and repeatedly provoking disputes come to defend the queen. size should immediately stop its infringement of the little and provocative acts the by, by its own commitments and the relevant understandings and consensus reached by china and the philippines. puerto attachments had been high between manila and aging and resend months over their territorial dispute in south trying to see the most recent incident occurred when chinese gall chips attacked the philippines supply boat with a water cannon. not china clean. the supply emission was aimed at bringing construction materials to repair military vessel,
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had become grounded on the reef in an out of bounds area. something of the philippines denies all commitment to maintain v a pc or a match rate will always be that. so any attempt by china to interfere with resupply emissions will be meant by the philippines in a fashion that protects our troops. archie is, could you call job? elisa washington is pulling the strings and staring our passions to contain china, the president of bumble marco's campaign. he had comments to continue to dictate independent policy, yet i actually became the president i, i believe the united states have made him a offered, he couldn't refuse because bumble marcos is the son of the former filipino dick theater 1st. and then marco's who, who accrued is hundreds of billions of dollars of crap my crop of money that was reciting the offshore account. the us government has, throws us accounts. if walmart goes to, to see any of his dad's money,
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he has to get the approval follow the united states. and we seen that the tension between china and look is really clear up in 2023, foster volleyball marco's visit to the united states. because us sees philippines assets cats fall to contain shide was. this has been a long us plan to run a proxy world, probably orientation increasing tension in the region. so $2.00 to $4.00 of offices, n t china alliance. you know, but it is the, the goal of that us is to have the phone line in the asia pacific, close to china's backyard. and so this is where a draft is client states japan, australia to phillip, he's an over to them. bob boy, now where a state of disaster has been declared, it comes amid the devastating dropping tripling west in functions and the solve and
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the african nation of the presidents as of the immediate priorities to secure an attribute, food supply for the entire population. why are we ever been able so far to send for this for the security population? no drought is now component. our current situation with food is a cuter deliveries raised beyond the projected 2700000 people. our pi oh, priority is securing food for them by millions. nose and bubbling must succumb to or die from honda zoomed up with agricultural fix, the faces, an unprecedented challenge of presidency. missing non gaap, glad to create a state of national disaster as a response to a severe drought that has drastically reduced from outputs in the country. this development comes off to reports of thousands of cattle dates and significant
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corrupt fame is across the country. highlighting the urgent need for intervention, the seen, the likes off neighboring countries like some be ad malawi as well, taking similar steps as a result of the and you know, with the phenomenon but president non golf. i mentioned that it was 2700000 people were expected to be formed is secure from last year, april, until the end of march this year for the stating that assessments car in to show that some but requires an access to $1000000000.00 towards various interventions but also in response to the price was initiated, such as the roles of food programs are slipping into provide food a to to those affected by the dross older although challenges remain in meeting the boss needs of the population because for the longest time with no that is involved with the economy, it has been questioned and sustained by the agricultural i'm sick to at some point
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to provide employment and income to more than 60 percent of the population and accounted for 40 percent off total export earnings. and it is so tended to that to the is a shortage of rate and in most parts of the country. but the cause of all of this is more than just dropped and justified sense of funds. and bob, which has turned an agricultural challenge into a disaster, we know that a number of agricultural programs and projects would terminated because of the sanctions. i'm the dad this international development agency. one of those was stopped after the can position of sanctions in public, not to mention the lack off investment in the lines of credit, which made it very difficult for the industry to restore and invest in bits applying to machinery. as we've seen, the number of serviceable tractors the total capacity of needed units as well. so going down to allow me numbers. but despite all the 6 of the legal sanctions of government under the leadership of president non golf,
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why has not been visiting effects? and bob is vice president in october lost the cold or the status is and, and all the trust or wrong. somebody's nick, as they continue to isolate, is involved with, from global sanctions, i mean from global access to capital and many other opportunities. and so for this to, to that, since 2001, we estimate that zimbabwe has lost or missed over 150000000000 through frozen assets, trade embargoes, export and investment restrictions from potential bilateral support developing loans. i m f and world bank balance of payments support and commercial loans. sanctions are really hurt and seeing bob wins by now, we could have gone far in terms of our economic growth using the government continues to send a video of a message that sanctions are to blame for the forwarding and the failing of the economy and across the african continent as all sanctions from the waste, our weapon of choice um to enforce that they own the foreign policy goals. and once
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the gains and bubble continues to be the brand offer to come full well jumped in and the only african practice you know, the martian lod who was trained at china's prestigious style in temple. dominique sonton on has been a cultural and bass of the of the sports around the world, and especially his homeland camera room. we sat down with the legendary fleets to discuss how sports is a force for good in the world. and how we should be kept out of politics. i. so how much of we can people know of motion not you know, and of course, that the football is more develop in the uh, you know, if we go on to have to, to be studied in shouting templates and also to be what i'm today, you know, i see how cool for kind of help bring to the people to be stronger and bring also
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the piece to those team. it was very important for me. so for me it was very good. and also it does seem to who nation between china and africa was so support for them. um uh, i cleared in 2017 and the 1st edition was on income living in 2018. so i was in 2008 in china when china or the olympic game on the dead woman. he was very sure, very big on how china promotes. she's on the culture of the does it? what can we do to help also i forgot to promote. she's own culture. even they cannot have possibility to own and begin, you know, so for me it was like a defensive think because if you would say to that, there's a different marshal out around the world. there's more than 2 or 2 martial arts as to what to look to see how it can create something. what kind of joint can bring or
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marshall up to get, you know, and then i created for them. i bring a lot of african negotiate from scholarship. in china to bring a lot of like them to go to study in china, especially in shouting templates. so, and this is the head them to promote the bite. but this says they also, when they come back, dick on teach and they can, maybe they get their life for what they come to do in china. you see also to did the relation, we've, russia and africa is also more than most on, you know. so hopefully is could be like a ton of why not so the politic should not involve to support the same like as bush should not be involved to the body to what do we know it's accurate, right. is what the question is, what do we know? what to do on politic is another jump, so it shouldn't be separate to give more comfortable for it's
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a lead to feel good until if you flip them, you can be to know these. you can be, i don't know, a doctor who can be lawyer. you can be whatever you what can be that you can practice sport. so the, this part should be based on that is what you need to when the people are fighting or when the people did not happy, it just spoke and green them to be to get the but much one that has threatening to alicia stampede of elephants on germany and that's after burly and threatening to band the import of hunting trophies of the southern african nations set that could lead to an over population of the species and all the subsequent problems that would come along with it. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in botswana where paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt, i want mrs. lemke, of whom i deeply respect to take the time to accept the facts and the science. if
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you liked them so much, please accept this gift from us. you should live with the animals the way you try to tell us 2 boats. one has offered to send 20000 elephants to germany, is not shocking. as berlin one of books, one is largest hunting trophies in. porters continues to entertain the idea to band those in ports. well, it's one as president emphasizes, once again that the band suggested would impose grades, threats on local communities. officials eps trust. any band would mean the already $130000.00 strong elephant population would only grow more, which in turn would have worse and poverty in the community. germany though, does not want to hear any of that. they are essentially responding with. no, no, we know better. this bad is for your own good germany as a key country and the you must finally take responsibility and stop the unnecessary shooting of countless endangered animals at a time. but more animal speeches,
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audrey scoff, extinction than ever before. any additional threat to the continued existence of species must be excluded. the shooting of lines drops lab parts and other animals speeches by trophy hunters whose populations have significantly decreased in recent years cannot be justified, often decades of setbacks, jerome one, you must find that would take a stand for the ethical and sustainable protection of specious of it indeed is much more comfortable to sit in europe and impose dangers decisions on another sovereign state miles away. but hey, they're just your opinions what a good heart and careful wild life, except that the catch is they are not the ones to deal with. the consequences was even more interesting is the fact that germany's master plan is not quite original a bit earlier the u. k. came up with a similar idea,
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but it's why not again had to thoroughly explain why this band presents risks for the country. we employ your government to carefully consider the implications of an acting, the hunting trophies and port prohibition bill. such a decision could have far reaching negative consequences on wild life populations exacerbate human wild life conflicts, undermine conservation efforts, and impact the livelihoods, and well being of communities residing in wild life areas. an over population is an easier way for wild life to mix with humans. it also means that the times when a wild animal wouldn't dare to step into a humans home are long gone. wild animals can no longer be intimidated or scared of humans. instead, they will be found next door eaten crops leaving people hungry, stealing water from pipes, leaving the community thursday. and that is something only locals understand very
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well. they are killing children who get in their path. they trample, indeed, farm is crops leaving africans hungry. they steal the water from pipes that is flowing to the people. they have lost the fear of humans. i want britons to have a taste of living alongside elephants, which are overwhelming my country. in some areas, there are more of these beasts than people. the floods want to is not alone in this its neighbor and the media is suffering from apparel scenario. despite explaining the negatives common from the trophy, hunting in port span is formal colonial rule or germany chooses to turn a blind eye. never the less and it may be a studious ground, an openly called the band in neo colonial interference. we consider any input restrictions or bands of trough is listed in c i t s conventional into.


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