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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the williams, the ukraine has become an outright terrorist state for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians, both within its own country and beyond its borders. russia's top diploma has in ukraine on its westons phones is claiming that they've been all to ready to turn a blind donate to kids falsities. over the years. nature's chief insistence pumping you playing with more military aid is an investment in the block. so security that most goes for my own voice to be alliance says p of simply
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being used as a tool in a proxy war against russia. even though not the strong crane is an instrument for nato. to put it bluntly and straightforwardly state countries of waging a hyper go against russia. same bob way to class a space field is off and it's devastating dr. successive ages by the only going uh, sanctions from the us. the start april, the big, this is oxy international lawyer from las vegas here in las vegas. thanks very much for joining us here on the news. now we've got a full breakdown of all the major news stories that you need to know from across the globe. well, it's difficult to believe that russia could have been targeted by islamic fundamental, less stotts, according to vladimir periods. and he said that the tara attack in most go almost 2
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weeks ago, was an attempt to undermine the country's unity. i see numerous victims rush. i cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of into faith harmony and unity into religious and ethnic units 8 . and in the external arena, russia behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of a thing by is let, make fundamental is for the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially in more than conditions. so he's certainly visible in the meanwhile, the russian security service has revealed the 3 more suspects of being arrested. one was said to have been directly involved in recruiting the gunman yet, but she was said to have transferred money for the terrorists to buy weapons. and the vehicles, the arrests were made in most go on,
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and the catch room back the to the suspects was for nationals on the of the a russian citizen level. not the russians. foreign minister has declared ukraine in out, right. terrorist state. this is so gay, law pro please. woods came as he was commenting on the croak, a city who cons to the attack. he also lashed out multi cool, be ignorance of western countries when it comes to a trust cities committed by key f to someone else today in the stella, ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders. we see how keeps flagrant violations of human rights are being covered up by western n, g nose, and many international mechanisms. in february 2022, when the special military operation began, the key of regime declared itself free of virtually all human rights obligations. even then,
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i will remind you the entire world was covered with numerous images of ukrainian military atrocities, including on the battlefield. let us recall the video of ukrainian nazis were in uniforms of the ukrainian armed forces, shooting captive russian soldiers, whose hands and feet were bound and had bags over their heads, all of which was filmed and posted online with obvious pleasure. but no one is going to demand that ukraine, investigate this crime, and prove that they understand something and at least partially respect their obligations under international law. mister lever of placed great emphasis on how the actions of both keys and the west have led to a re emergence of neo nazi as a, one of the main events being the so called anti terrorist operation. the key i've had launched against the people have done boss back in 2015, not long after the euro. my daughter's name came to power in ukraine. this operation drew much of its strength from armed neo nazi organizations like the as
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off battalion, which the united states that supplied with weapons and money over many years. and according to russia's a foreign minister, he says that it's unlikely that the west is ever going to conduct an actual investigation into the crimes of organizations like the as all fatality, some we be able to, we find the very 1st moment we've been demanding an objective open investigation, no one is going to do that at the same time the european union and have believes as if it had only been waiting for this occasion together with the americans in the british introduce new packages of sanctions against the restaurant. we all know the key of is not independence, or it is only following the instructions of its bosses, its masters, who need to implementer, and to rush or project a global midland you. the main thing for them is to defeat rush off at the most the . this is the goal that was set for the key of regime fit. it keeps giving it
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a reference for administer. also spoke a bit about how moscow was able to broker a ceasefire. and the don boss conflict in 2015 through multi lateral negotiations that resulted in the midst agreements. but after some several years, it became clear that t f and the west were not serious about upholding their obligations under these agreements. despite the fact that moscow had long warns the west and key of that, an escalation of this conflict would only lead to catastrophe, which is what it is. we honestly told the west if you are pushing ukraine towards disaster, no one was listening. that's why i say again, we have nothing to hide. i do not know with what arguments the west uses, except that russia will conquer everyone now. and there was no logic there some time ago at the beginning of the special military operation, even before it western ideologists said, let's rather accept ukraine, it's nato. then russia will not dare to attack it, because russia cannot attack
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a nato country. now as you see, those arguments have changed, and they are now saying that ukraine is about to lose, and they cannot allow you for and to lose. because as soon as it loses to russia, russia would immediately attack nato. where is the logic there? at 1st, they assume that russia would never allow itself to attack nato, but now they are just convincing everyone that this is the plan of prison, including and the russian leadership. oh president has already commented on this calling it nonsense. of course, this all ties into mister laptops earlier statements that the key ever seem has been a terrorist state for the past decade. he mentioned the attacks on the crime in bridge which took the lives of several civilians. the assassinations of journalists like daria, do gonna, and other terrorist attacks that have taken place on russian territory that have essentially put the key of in direct contradiction with its obligations under international anti terrorism conventions. regardless,
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as on less than full my at cost, it promotes however, you know what county says that the west tegan, they stick position towards russia is nothing new in russia has activated friendship with these countries of the south i need is growing. i'm growing very fast since they're coming into piles. so president black them to and if they have the same for i shot because this is when was actually is headed is the next frontier, the sauces technologies for manufacturing home i have a new venture and the politics waiting shortly, shift towards the salt and then not what to kinda say is almost as spend place. i'm down now and on the countries, so it's difficult to imagine otherwise happening also. um,
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most of this country is of the west, the physician, and i've been very antagonistic. and we've done the aspect of the lice from them. the admins is so much columbus enforcing the crane, which is not in conformity with as kind of practice of international law and diplomacy. so those things definitely 45 is states. positive categories, state metal, metal cotton, the them have use this country has a terry stage imposed to undermine russia. however, the prison related in their putting has become like a nightmare to the west. and they have seen that clearly the entire with for to give that cannot defeat one president of your country. uh is, is a very interesting scenario. all the sanctions imposed have come to nothing
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or relations between russia and nato. are in a state of direct confrontation over the alliance as involvement and you quite. and that is according to the kremlin spokes person. the chestnut inside these relations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation. indeed, the nature of never stays on. the line itself is in fact already comes to be increasing its engagement that is already involved in the conflict around ukraine forbade, so continues moving towards the board is expanding its military infrastructure towards the borders. in fact, nature continues to demonstrate its essence. that's because nato was conceived as a line, so it was configured, created and managed by the us as an instrument on the confrontation, primarily on the european commissioner pro nate's. and that's what it calls that continues may to support ukraine. seems to be dwindling. some of them the states are starting to advocate for that own interest,
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the hon. gary bergman's that has opened. he stated that he's country will not support and h as proposed to 5 years, 100000000000 euro aid package for ukraine, budapest reasoning for this. well, it says the tax pay should not fund military escalations for similar candice jacobs status from you. regarding the 100 building your support package for your crane. i would like to remind you that i made it to clear yesterday at the council meeting that hungary does not want to increase. need those coordinates enroll in this line of operations to participate. not only do we not participate physically, nor in the planning, nor in the implementation, but we're also now willing to offer financial assistance. because if needed were to accept the 100 buildings. you were a package for 5 years, it would mean another expenditure of tens of billions for the young during budget. and i say once again on, during tax payers, money cannot be used for decisions that carries the risk of the military escalation . so these, meanwhile,
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nature's chief has described military support for ukraine as quote and investment in the block soon security. now he's also urged alliance members to make a decap of the lake, a tree, not voluntary. as i said, there's many, many times that's a supportive training. so child support, it's to greatness and investment in our own security serial for to well welcome bolden. contribution spots in the long run. we need to be less dependent on a voluntary contribution short term. i'm more than dependent on the strong data commitments. the nature chief, also 5 that ukraine codes eventually join the blog. however, he hasn't specified the timeline. his statements came is the align smocks. it's 75th anniversary gifts for minnesota who is also invited to the birthday gathering, seize the opportunity to request more west in western rate, particularly those us patriot me. so systems european diplomats have been debating
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whether or not to create a 100000000000 hugo funds for long term supplies to yes. meanwhile we've been hearing from most goes for my own voice to nature. this is alexander pro scope. there, he's a keys, the block of using ukraine in a single, a games. russia stu, good, i am a no, not the spring. and the crane is an instrument for nissan, but it's monthly and straightforwardly. they took countries of waging a hybrid war against russia. a hybrid war consists of many elements. it includes, 1st and foremost, informational and ideological aspects by demonizing, russia and attributing old souls malicious plans to all existing small kids. so that's actually looking a bit broad. now beyond ukraine's food is, i mean, we cover the witnessing increase need to activity in the south. poke. so what's the main goal of the alliance in this region?
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and does watch so already have an understanding of what specific methods the alliance will trying to use to achieve this goal? yeah, pretty much any upfront with me. absolutely. there is understanding, look at nato strategic documents, which the dates to find brush as a direct and immediate right to the line. so they've decided that russia is a direct and immediate and the right to the lines or yeah, so i did was born in the mines. secondly, by the military construction and the old native activities to wherever they had a aim to containing rush out. and this time, central asia and the south courses, also regions where russia needs to be contained. the pressure can be contained primarily through the destruction of historical ties between russia and dog places . bottom is what i see. the love it is in ball point. now we're space of dissolved as being declared. it comes, i made a devastating draft that's plaguing southern as the southern africa nation. a couple of course with crippling weston sanctions. the president says the immediate
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priority is to secure an adequate food supply for the entire population. why are we ever been able so far to send for this food? is it, can you put pollution mean or drought? here's now component our kind of situation with food insecurity loose res b. only the projected 2700000 people. our pi oh, priority is securing food for them by millions, nose and bubbling must succumb to or die from hunger. zip was agricultural fix the faces, an unprecedented challenge of presidency. missing non gaap, glad to create a state of national disaster as a response to a severe drought that has drastically reduced from outputs in the country. this development comes off the reports of thousands of cattle dates and significant corrupt fame is across the country. highlighting the urgent need for intervention,
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seen the likes off neighboring countries like some be ad malawi as well, taking similar steps as a result of the and you know, with the phenomenon but president non golf. i mentioned that at least $2700000.00 people were expected to be food is secure from last year, april, until the end of march this year, for the stating that a system is current to show that some about that requires an access to $1000000000.00 towards the various interventions, but also in response to the price was initiated, such as the roles of food programs are slipping into provide food a to to those affected by the dross older. although challenges remain in meeting the boss needs of the population because for the longest time with no that is involved with the economy has been questioned and sustained by the agricultural. i'm sick to, at some point to provide employment and income to more than 60 percent of the population and accounted for 40 percent off total export news. and it is so tended to that to that is
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a shortage of re and in most parts of the country. but the close of all of this is move and just dropped the i'm justified sanctions on some bob which has turned an agricultural challenge into a disaster. we know that a number of agricultural programs and projects would terminated because of the sanctions. i'm the dad, this international development agency, one of those was stopped after the can position of sanctions in public, not to mention the lack off investment in the lines of credit, which made it very difficult for the industry to restore and invest in bits of plants and machinery as we've seen, the number of serviceable tractors the total capacity of needed units as well. so going down to allow me numbers. but despite all the 6 of the legal sanctions, the government under the leadership of president and non golf west has not been resting in facts. and bob as vice president didn't approve of lost the cold or the status is and, and all that stuff around. and bob was nick,
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as they continued to isolate some bob with, from global sanctions, i mean from global access to capital and many other opportunities. and so for this a to that, since 2001, we estimate that zimbabwe has lost or missed over 150000000000 through frozen assets, trade embargoes, export and investment restrictions from potential bilateral support developing loans. i m f and world bank balance of payments support and commercial loans. sanctions are really hurt and seeing bob wins by now, we could have gone far in terms of our economic growth using the government continues to say it is a very clear message that sanctions are to blame for the forwarding and the failing of the economy and across the african continent as all sanctions from the waste, our width of choice between 4. so they own the foreign policy goals and once the gains and bubble continues to be the brand offer to as well as in baldwin.
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political analyst explained how the western sanctions have been hidden during the development of the country's agricultural sector for years now. even before the drought. almost 60 percent of the above. ready get paid on agriculture, slaves, business because of the outputs they are in dire need of 8. they need a they need someone to support the. busy this is going to cancel the government decided shouldn't see up into 5 to think i mean, so in terms of use ability to provide supports to this and by bins didn't meet the they also don't have any access to credit use, extend my credit. and so they don't have access to lots of other kids. so which of these huge population buddies? i see. it's a vouch. he's also going to be midwest by the state that everything goes is with their hands, with goods by which the, which is 3 spoke to me. i'll come by city owing to, besides shifts. they don't have enough. a big equipment in terms of making is they
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should, they don't have enough internal cultural lands. they don't have enough in terms of flows kindly and see that they need to import all be afraid to lies that but the need is the company that provides all that produce fits levels and isn't by with most of the my other sessions and the sessions for the past changes to the is so you just imagine they do that stuff, but uh in a rom this supreme lead to has about his country will make israel a tiring for it strike on the right new consulate in damascus on monday, which left 7 officials that with god's help, we will make design is for pin for the crime of aggression against the reigning consulate in damascus. a lot of old military advisors from the runs is why make revolution we called, cor, was killed in knox,
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is where it explained to generals were among the local media roles. the report is that 6 syrian civilian casualties were part of that. the consulate building itself was also leveled in the attack. now, while israel has not yet claimed responsibility for the incident of the countries in the region have strongly condemned it focused on branding the major strike. a major escalation was saudi arabia said the targeting open diplomatic facilities was a violation of international law in an exclusive interview with all the the spokes person for the presidential body of the rainy. and guardian council says is, well, has reached a deadlock a while a ron will not act recklessly to this crime and will not agree on what the use up is on this. the stablish mon, once they, once a rounds reaction to be ration for the 2nd. so we will respond to this crime. a cost strategy has always been balanced and why is in terms of reactions to similar
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attacks on the old stuff. and the onset, not as i spoke about the goals to be as honest regime in the context of this aggression and argue that this occupation regime has reached a deadlock and the confrontation against hamas, islamic jihad and other opposition groups in guns out there. also made faces difficulties in the fight against jimmy $911.00 on and but this full nation, which was, was proud of the victory of the armies of the countries. it was 6 days, is now exhausted off to 6 months of confrontation with the kind of standing groups equipped with simple military weapons only before it tries to save itself by taking similar steps such as attacking other countries in order to draw the world's attention to this as it gets out of a difficult situation in fact, and on the escape exports, it gets wall to other countries as we believe that the zine is regime would have no spaces enrolled in the region without the support of the us and the west. in other words, they support is the upper rates as of occupational respiration for prolonging the
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existence of the regime. oh don't we believe that the us is directly responsible for the actions of these on this regime a to the address all the wrong. only us message send through diplomatic channels, says that the american side will not be able to escape responsibility for the murder committed. the less go out of less gun visiting professor of the university of toronto adopted to head so he feels is well, is trying to pull more players into it specials. that would put the whole region risk. this is an extremely escalated situation and the of lots us madness of these really we seen is just putting the west asia on the verge of a full list bar. and for to ron, of course, and allow for scenario has been most unwelcome auction on the table, given the fact that such an option will run the risk of dragging the entire region
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and even beyond into a full fledged allowance confrontation, therefore, iran was trying to practice sort of the strategy patients so far serving in march a significant purpose of the void in conditional complications. however, this patients based on both be heard from the spokesman and others, officials in iran is not limited. these really is hard during to do active. busy or into a new they say extended battlefield coming from the fact that they have failed in the bathroom fit, that they are the they, they feel that they are in sort of disaster situation after these failures, after killing hundreds and thousands of super lawyers and doing all the are trying to bring as many as possible of players into this battle both and they can sort of provide justification for the investor and allies to get into this bottles. been
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you rock and gets into it and do wrong is very cautious about this situation. because the chief purpose here is to the for the, the venezuelan president and nicholas me do to has a cues. the us of a building secret military base is in the disagree to disagree bro territory in guyana. madura claimed that the us southern command is an instrument of the c i a created to quote for past, for an escalation against venezuela, a good moment. it is the moment of defense if of them ex, mobile, the self and command, right? so it gets to present in our from, to not government guy, yada, yada, is governed by the southern command, the c i a and ex model. and i'm not exaggerating. and we have proven information. death in the territory of diana, temporarily administered by yana. they have installed secret meals for a face of the self in command, the military and nuclei of the southern command and nuclei of this. yeah, yeah. as a keybo is
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a jungle region that covers around 2 thirds of the guy in his territory. and it's historically being a subjective dispute for the 2 countries of venezuela has re offend its claim to the land following the discovery of oil in the waters office, the keeper's coast in 2015. and just moments ago, the venezuelan, i'm guy and he's presidents and that's a renewed commitment to maintaining peace in the region. but the path to resolution remains unclear with gayana banking on a verdict from the i c j. which ben this while it doesn't recognize when we spoke with professor daniel shaw, who's an expert in the fields of lots and american in caribbean studies, he says that the us is pitching the 2 countries against each of us to exact its imperialistic policies with the us media always does is acute is a, i'm a do it or done yellow at the guy and he cut out well,
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or the cuban leadership or any insight in curious leadership with being paranoid. but my daughter was not paranoid. the us is try is been trying to over through. busy boulevard in leadership, we saw the 2002 attempt to cool for 48 hours against hugo chavez. we've seen the assassination attempts against my daughter. and so, so what the state department's plan has been just so they, they have the webinar as the training and nationalism against russia. they are webinar using the guy and he's to go to war with their neighbor. that's the key deal can provide for all of the n e, as in all been as well as with the c. i a was to divide a wage in this boulevard, in vision of unity among south american neighbors. the us already mobilized the troops to their 9 military bases in columbia. there are 11 u. s. military bases in panama. they have
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a significant fleet surrounding venezuela in the caribbean sea in the atlantic. they have the largest bass in and doris and all of the south america. so this is definitely not the case of my to say this is not a statement of his imagination is based on a track record of $200.00 plus imperial invasions the us, even though it's 2024, the quite gets 18. 23 with the monroe doctrine. they think they because this is, this is their backyard and they can do whatever they want to control our year. we still have the most important commodity in the world, and that's the oil invent as well as a lot of it. and we're trying to, to practice, don canada is busy compiling and have a growing list of countries. it claims metals and it's past elections. now it's all coming to light during an ongoing for an interference commission inquiry. the prime minister justin trudeau is set to test this by himself. next week. he says this
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government is committed to protecting canadian democracy. that is, of course, if you take anything he says at face value, we know that certain countries and actors are engaged in trying to disrupt the attempts to disrupt our electoral process. that's why in 2015 we started to work on protecting our country more from for the difference. the ongoing for an interference commission is an important way of highlighting some of the challenges we face and some of the solutions that we put forward to keep our democracy safe. and i look forward to being part of it. well 1st of all, guess he's talking about for an interference here in canada right now. no one except to go and some establishment folks in ottawa, everyone else is talking about the fact that the carbon tax went up again on april 1st. and the installation is totally different for right now, but hey, look at all the people wind to interfere with the election. they're called canadian
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voters because a pack of let us here can cost up to $15.00 right now. but yeah, let's talk about how foreign governments are the problem and the likely future reason why canadian borders are limbering off to drop kick, to go to the curb in the october 2025 federal election. so there's our, an inquiry underway to figure out who exactly interfered in the previous canadian elections in 20192021. now at 1st this seemed to be all about china. now that list is rapidly expanding to include pakistan and to run a member of parliament from here in the greater vancouver area wants to drop in yeah, into the mix with accusations of general political intimidation and targeting. although not specifically tied to any election, a prior independent inquiry ordered by to go found last made that there wasn't any actual election. madeline just influence. no kidding. how many photos are out there


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